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This is me, Castro Valley, summer 2017. I'm clean shaven now, guess I should update pic at some point.


As the World Runs on Lithium, Researchers Develop Clean Method to Get It From Water ...
Druvius comments on May 23, 2022:
Interesting, but like so many "breakthroughs," the next step is seeing if it can be scaled up for economic industrial application. Usually the answer is "no," but maybe this will be one of the exceptions.
It's dangerous to have a President who suffers from dementia: []
Druvius comments on May 23, 2022:
Biden is EXACTLY the president the pentagon and arms industry wanted, he promised to deliver for them and he has his entire political career. No dementia involved.
NATO Recruiter of the Year 2022!
Druvius comments on May 23, 2022:
And Americans are so thoroughly propagandized they think this rush to nuclear war is a good thing.
Nowadays it is fashionable to constantly pillory white people and to put Western culture in the ...
Druvius comments on May 22, 2022:
Ah, "The White Man's Burden." It was tripe in the 19th century, to see someone regurgitating it in the 21st is just sad. Your unoriginal screed starts with a straw man argument, then pretty much everything afterwards is falsehoods heaped one atop the other. The European conquest of the world was a terrible thing, not something to be proud of. Pointing that out isn't "attacking whites," it's history.
Mexico’s migrant checks on buses and highways ruled racist and illegal | Mexico | The Guardian
Druvius comments on May 22, 2022:
They've outclassed America since the beginning, having outlawed slavery in 1829.
Shot down over Ukraine, Russian SU-34 fighter jet found with GPS taped to its dashboard ...
Druvius comments on May 21, 2022:
And some will believe this. It might even be true, but I doubt it.
You think the West really cares about Ukrainian citizens?
Druvius comments on May 21, 2022:
"We will choke their rivers with our dead!" Or in this case Ukraine's dead. Yes, this is 100% a classic US proxy war. We are sacrificing Ukrainian women and children for America's empire.
Louisiana Senator Bill Cassidy: Our Maternal Death Rates Are Only Bad If You Count Black Women | ...
Druvius comments on May 21, 2022:
And another Olympic class self-own from the GOP.
GOP Lawmaker Likens Human Women to Sea Turtles to Explain Why They Don’t Deserve Rights | Vanity ...
Druvius comments on May 21, 2022:
Yerp, he wants to be able to rape and impregnate any woman ... and use the power of the state to force her to carry his baby.
House GOP swallows fake news on Costco hot dog price hike |
Druvius comments on May 21, 2022:
facts, smacts, the GOP doesn't care if they're owning the libs.
Trump-Endorsed Candidate Backs Banning Birth Control Amanda Terkel, HuffPost Fri, May 20, ...
Druvius comments on May 20, 2022:
What kind of sick person thinks there should be "consequences" for having sex? Oh, right, evangelical right wingers. Carry on.
I just love this guy!
Druvius comments on May 20, 2022:
So many people, white males in particular, simply don't grasp that the world that caters to them isn't the world non-white males live in. So, progress is being made.
Witness Tells Congress That Aborted Fetuses Are ‘Burned to Power the Lights’ of D.
Druvius comments on May 20, 2022:
Olympic class self own at least: " ... in places like Washington, D.C. – burned to power the lights of the city’s homes and streets. Let that image sink in with you for a moment." Yes, let it sink in, she actually thinks fetuses are burned to provide power.
Witness Tells Congress That Aborted Fetuses Are ‘Burned to Power the Lights’ of D.
Druvius comments on May 20, 2022:
Sadly the right lives in a fantasy world of their own creation, I mean people mostly do, but it's reached ridiculous extremes on the evangelical right.
Buffalo 911 Dispatcher Allegedly Hung Up On Caller During Deadly Supermarket Rampage
Druvius comments on May 20, 2022:
A huge percentage of calls to 911 are problematic at best. The call was recorded I assume, I'd want to hear it before making judgement. If true, yes, fire them.
WTAF is going on in this country?
Druvius comments on May 19, 2022:
More than half of white Americans think whites are a discriminated against minority now. IE racism is deeply entrenched in America, always has been.
"Flash droughts" are Midwest’s next big climate threat |
Druvius comments on May 18, 2022:
We're not really an intelligent species.
Who can name the movie without Google images? []
Druvius comments on May 18, 2022:
I can. Damn I'm old.
I am watching "Zombieland" just in case the religious right starts to take over, I think the rules ...
Druvius comments on May 18, 2022:
The sequel is fun too despite that the critics panned it, enjoy.
House Probes UFOs Congressional lawmakers are holding a public hearing on UFOs today for the first ...
Druvius comments on May 18, 2022:
The contemporary version of scholars debating how many angels can dance on the head of a pin.
One of the few xtians that walk the walk
Druvius comments on May 17, 2022:
That the GOP demonized him pretty much says it all. He may not have been a good president, but he was and is a good Christian.
Trump Allies Warn of 'Demonic Territory,' 'Satanic Portal' Over Biden WH
Druvius comments on May 15, 2022:
Yes, widespread belief in such twaddle is scary.
Maybe China too.
Druvius comments on Feb 11, 2022:
She could have been a great leader, she chose to be a venal politician. Not surprising she twice had victory snatched from her jaws.
Druvius comments on Feb 9, 2022:
Imagine being so insecure in your faith that you feel the need to proselytize captive children.
Former GOP head: Republican officials are buying into Trump's unquenchable thirst for revenge ...
Druvius comments on Feb 9, 2022:
On the one hand, nice to see the GOP forming up the circular firing squad for a change. On the other hand, if Trump gets back into the White House, he will devote his second term to vengeance and dismantling our democracy. It won't be pretty.
[] If you own some models of Hyundai or Kia, park outside due to fire risk, companies say.
Druvius comments on Feb 8, 2022:
A big corporation doing the responsible thing, nice to see for a change.
Baptisms invalid - priest used wrong words.
Druvius comments on Feb 8, 2022:
Isn't "valid baptism" an oxymoron?
Druvius comments on Feb 7, 2022:
I mean I'm a huge advocate as SETI, the discovery of aliens would arguably be the greatest discovery in history. (Which is why the idea that governments could keep it a secret is ludicrous.) So far SETI has found nada:
Druvius comments on Feb 7, 2022:
So far there is zero evidence for the existence of aliens on Earth. The same as the evidence for Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and God. They are just the modern take on imaginary mythological creatures, and can be safely categorized as such. When actual evidence emerges I will happily reexamine my opinion.
Oklahoma lawmaker wants to fire teachers who offend students' religious beliefs
Druvius comments on Feb 7, 2022:
Once again a GOPer shows who the real snowflakes are, and who is driving the real cancel culture.
Could non-Australians please comment as I would like an outsiders perspective.
Druvius comments on Feb 7, 2022:
Anyone who would make the judgement "Australia looks like utter dickheads to the international community" over a single non-event is an idiot whose opinion isn't worth listening to.
Who knew?????? 🤔🤔🤔 Hitler's Nephew Who Fought In The USA Navy Against Him []
Druvius comments on Feb 7, 2022:
And boy, did he have feet of clay. No wonder he's a footnote in history. News to me. :)
People are weird!
Druvius comments on Feb 6, 2022:
I have no problem with tats, hell, they're often waycool. And whatever floats his boat. Still, I feel when people take body mod to the point where it's going to cause them significant social interaction deficits, I don't think it's a sign of psychological health.
The last 2 paragraphs are important to understand.
Druvius comments on Feb 6, 2022:
I predicted that Covid was going to be uniquely devastating in America when it started, sadly I was proven correct.
Just heard the protest in Canada be described as a "nationwide insurrection".
Druvius comments on Feb 5, 2022:
Yeah, white privilege illustrated. People with the wealth, freedom and time to engage in nonsense like this pretending they are oppressed. Pathetic.
Just heard the protest in Canada be described as a "nationwide insurrection".
Druvius comments on Feb 5, 2022:
It's only a revolution if you are trying to overturn the government. This is an insurrection.
He's aware that they have batons, right?
Druvius comments on Feb 5, 2022:
Entitled white assh*t.
Wow former Vice President Pence telling everyone that Former president Trump is wrong! []
Druvius comments on Feb 4, 2022:
Deeply ironic that Pence is the one standing up for the truth. Must infuriate Trump.
I know I was, better now. But still growing everyday.
Druvius comments on Feb 4, 2022:
What did Mark Train say? "When I was 15 I thought my father was the dumbest man on the planet. by the time I was 22 I was amazed at how much he had learned in seven years." Yes, personal growth is the only area in life where we have free will, if you're not regularly looking back saying "What was I thinking?," you've stopped growing.
GOP Men Hardly Punished For Illegal Votes; Black Woman Given Six Years For Sign-Up Error - YouTube
Druvius comments on Feb 4, 2022:
But institutional racism doesn't exist in the US. @@
North Carolina veteran in need of kidney transplant vows he'll die for his freedom | Fox News
Druvius comments on Feb 3, 2022:
He's not dying for his freedom (whatever that even means?), he's dying because he's fallen for possibly the most dangerous conspiracy theory ever.
Its 2022 and 14 States Limit Teaching Of Black History And Racism Says it all really
Druvius comments on Feb 3, 2022:
Shows who the real snowflakes are, and who the real cancel culture is. I love how the folks that are claiming there is no institutional racism in the US are the ones passing laws that are the epitome of institutional racism.
Brisbane's Citipointe Christian College withdraws sexuality contract after backlash [abc.
Druvius comments on Feb 2, 2022:
Wrong link.
Extreme heat in oceans ‘passed point of no return’ in 2014 | Oceans | The Guardian
Druvius comments on Feb 2, 2022:
We're not really an intelligent species.
Four year old shoots self in head in back of car.
Druvius comments on Feb 2, 2022:
The father is immediate the guilty party. The NRA and Congress have blood on their hands for allowing America to be flooded with easily obtainable firearms by people not qualified to own firearms. Like this father.
North Korea Hacked Him. So He Took Down Its Internet | WIRED
Druvius comments on Feb 2, 2022:
I can see several problems with this. One, he's showing the North Koreans their vulnerabilities so they can improve their cyber defenses. Two, this is likely illegal. Three, I think North Korea is about the last country on the planet one would want to mess with. I also wonder if his story is even true. Interesting.
Any non god fearing entomologists out there who can identify this critter who's living under our ...
Druvius comments on Feb 2, 2022:
Google 'grasshopper taco' if you dare.
MI GOP gubernatorial candidate urges rape victims to be "heroic" and give birth
Druvius comments on Feb 2, 2022:
A man who wants to rape and impregnate women, and use the power of the state to force them to have his children. Real nice guy.
Joe Rogan Tweets False Story About Virus 24 Hrs After Apologizing - Comic Sands
Druvius comments on Feb 1, 2022:
Trump’s fake electors: Here’s the full list - Ohio Capital Journal
Druvius comments on Feb 1, 2022:
These people should all be in jail, that they aren't isn't a good sign.
Was just reading the news and thinking what a gas it would be if Pence ends up being the one to ...
Druvius comments on Feb 1, 2022:
"Et tu Brute?" Yes, if Pence had joined the conspiracy, Trump might still be in the White House.
Ottawa is under seize since Jan 29 by Anti Vaxx Truckers who are out to bring Potatoes Revolution.
Druvius comments on Feb 1, 2022:
#FluTruxKlan #KarenConvoy
More evidence of evolution at work here, yep yep…. []
Druvius comments on Feb 1, 2022:
There's no words for people who think they should be able to impregnate women by raping them, and have the power of the state force the woman to have their baby. That people like this call themselves "pro life" is obscene, "pro-rape" is more like it.
[] This is what I'm afraid of re: Justice Dept.
Druvius comments on Jan 31, 2022:
Yeah. I fear January 6th was his Beer Hall Putsch, and he will be elected chancellor in 2024, and he will dismantle the republic to be president for life.
Trump Calls On Massive Protests If Prosecutors Go After Him And Offers Pardons To Jan.
Druvius comments on Jan 30, 2022:
If Pence had joined the conspiracy, Trump might well still be in the White House. Some dark irony there, et tu, Brute?
The Pressure Campaign on Spotify to Remove Joe Rogan Reveals the Religion of Liberals: Censorship
Druvius comments on Jan 30, 2022:
No, this isn't censorship, it's the free market at work shutting down someone who is spreading dangerous misinformation. I love how the Right trumpets the free market, except when they don't like the results. What can you expect from an ideology that now won't even respect the results of elections they lost?
Druvius comments on Jan 30, 2022:
The Fairness Doctrine can't be reinstated soon enough.
Illogical for truck convoy to claim freedoms threatened by vaccine mandate, say experts []
Druvius comments on Jan 30, 2022:
It doesn't take an expert to point out that people who think public health efforts to fight the worst pandemic in centuries are a threat to their freedoms are illogical. #KarenConvoy #FluTruxKlan
Gridlocking a city to bully them into doing what you want, huh?
Druvius comments on Jan 29, 2022:
A bit of history.
Druvius comments on Jan 28, 2022:
So you think Canada should surrender to Covid? How is that going to help? And after the Allies presented Germany with the terms of the surrender the government asked the military if there was any way they could continue the war. The answer was no, and had nothing to do with the pseudohistory you saw on a meme somewhere. let's hope Trudeau calls out the tanks like his father did and puts these idiots in their place.
Canada Call them antivax if it makes you feel superior.
Druvius comments on Jan 28, 2022:
In truth it's narcissistic idiocy. My Canadian friends think Trudeau should call out the tanks like his father did.
Are homosexual natures created by nurture, nature, or God?
Druvius comments on Jan 28, 2022:
Homosexuality is present in countless species. It provides parents for orphaned and abandoned young. so makes perfect sense it is found in numerous species.
Russia suspected of cutting undersea sensor cables
Druvius comments on Jan 27, 2022:
Motivated reasoning is an awe inspiring thing. And what would the US be doing if a Russia backed coup seized power in Mexico, and was threatening to ally with Russia and deploy Russian troops on the American border?
Joe Rogan: Scientists slam climate denialism from Jordan Peterson as 'absurd' - CNN
Druvius comments on Jan 27, 2022:
Science denying idiot interviews science denying idiot. Well, now we know who Rogan's targeted demographic is. ;)
Wouldn’t the fact that Biden said he was going to appoint a black woman to replace Breyer on the ...
Druvius comments on Jan 27, 2022:
California firearms: City rules gun owners must have liability cover []
Druvius comments on Jan 26, 2022:
It will no doubt face massive well-funded legal challenges.
And maybe octopuses are aliens .
Druvius comments on Jan 26, 2022:
At best the conjecture is highly speculative and not supported by any evidence. 'No, Octopuses Don't Come From Outer Space:'
The Williams Lake First Nation in northern British Columbia has announced its preliminary results ...
Druvius comments on Jan 25, 2022:
A genocidal death camp. I am ashamed of the nation of my birth.
Heather Cox Richardson Today, the Pentagon ordered up to 8500 troops to go on standby in case ...
Druvius comments on Jan 25, 2022:
Codswaddle. Neglects to mention that Crimea NEVER wanted to be part of Ukraine, and struggled from the collapse of the Soviet Union to be either independent or part of Russia. In fact arguably its inclusion in Ukraine was illegal from the beginning. To claim that Russia "invaded and annexed" Crimea when the people and government of Crimea voted overwhelmingly to join Russia is disingenuous at best.
Should the US add sanctions if Russia invades Ukraine ? Why/not ?
Druvius comments on Jan 24, 2022:
Sanctions only work if the country is well integrated into the world economy, that's why Israel is so terrified of them. against Russia they would just make Putin more popular and drive Russia and China closer together. Since Russia isn't about to invade Ukraine unless Ukraine does something Saakashvili stupid, likely a moot point.
A progressive move on the part of the French Government wouldn't you say? []
Druvius comments on Jan 24, 2022:
How to tell everyone you hate Muslims without coming out and saying it?
It's almost like Tucker wants to have sex with chocolate.
Druvius comments on Jan 24, 2022:
that man is a caricature of a human being.
Angry Racist Man Throws Smoothie at Female Teen Worker - Merrill Lynch James Iannazzo Full Story - ...
Druvius comments on Jan 23, 2022:
Yeah, he's a piece of work. And correct me I'm wrong, but if your child has a severe peanut allergy, I would think a fast food place might not be a wise choice, They are notorious for getting orders wrong.
The concept of HELL serves no purpose other than to instill fear and control others.
Druvius comments on Jan 23, 2022:
"My invisible superfriend is going to torture you forever after you die if you don't obey me now" is the sort of threat a disturbed 3 year old would make. That ostensible adults make it is scary, and a hell of a self-own.
Florida Lawmakers Pass Bill Designed to Ban Gender Discussion in Schools
Druvius comments on Jan 23, 2022:
The GOP is the real cancel culture.
OAN Owner Begs Viewers to Call Other Cable Providers After DirecTV Drops Channel
Druvius comments on Jan 23, 2022:
So sad.
The Latest Education Trend Republicans Are Mad About
Druvius comments on Jan 22, 2022:
Can't have students interacting with the real world, nope, they might learn something. Can't have that.
UK Accuses Kremlin Of Plot To Install Pro-Russian Leader In Ukraine
Druvius comments on Jan 22, 2022:
In fact sounds like a big nothingburger:
UK Accuses Kremlin Of Plot To Install Pro-Russian Leader In Ukraine
Druvius comments on Jan 22, 2022:
Sounds like propaganda from the USA's most reliable lapdog to me.
The Day After Russia Attacks
Druvius comments on Jan 21, 2022:
Another press release from the White House/Pentagon. No, Russia is not going to invade a nation of 45 million with a 100,000 troops, that doesn't pass the laugh test. Biden is playing with fire, maybe trying to encourage Ukraine to do something stupid that would trigger a Russian response. A different take:
Here is the order prepared for Donald Trump's signature in December 2020 that would have directed ...
Druvius comments on Jan 21, 2022:
If he gets back into the White House, this time he'll act on sheet like this. Scary times.
Florida bill to shield people from feeling 'discomfort' over historic actions by their race, ...
Druvius comments on Jan 20, 2022:
Talk about snowflakes.
Are African Americans….. Americans?
Druvius comments on Jan 20, 2022:
He's also lying about the percentages.
When my kids were small--before there was a chickenpox vaccine--parents would deliberately expose ...
Druvius comments on Jan 20, 2022:
Today's Darwin Award winner.
Millions are dying from drug-resistant infections, global report says []
Druvius comments on Jan 20, 2022:
We live in a world where countless millions die because business interests trump the common good. Why I say we're not really an intelligent species. Overuse of antibiotics and its consequences were known decades ago. We did nothing.
Does ice climbing sound like fun?
Druvius comments on Jan 19, 2022:
I'll wait at the bottom, far enough back nothing can fall on me. I'll keep the beer cold and shout encouragement occasionally!
No bias in the headline lol [msn.]
Druvius comments on Jan 19, 2022:
Yeah, the FCM might as well be regurgitating press statements from the White House.
Mike Lindell Calls Fans Impatient for Trump Reinstatement ‘Bots and Trolls’
Druvius comments on Jan 19, 2022:
" ... we are doing everything we can!” Which by definition is nothing since there are zero constitutional avenues to 'reinstate' a former president. So for once he's telling the truth!
The Young Turks - Right-Winger On Ventilator Blames Dems, BLM, China For COVID []
Druvius comments on Jan 19, 2022:
Decades of Alex Jones, Rush Limbaugh, Fox News, and a mainstream media giving whack jobs equal time has turned people's brains into porridge.
Bill Maher on dem media misinformation
Druvius comments on Jan 19, 2022:
So people overestimating the dangers of Covid is the same as people in denial about global warming? The former is why Dems are much better at avoiding Covid, the latter is destroying the planet for corporate profit. Thanks for pointing out that Bill Maher is an idiot.
An interesting idea in the NY Times.
Druvius comments on Jan 18, 2022:
Biden BARELY beat Trump even after Trump's catastrophic fail in fighting Covid. Unless he manages to pull off some inspiring accomplishments in the next few years, I think his chances of winning in 2024 are zero. Still, losing POTUS elections they could have won has been a common Democratic accomplishment the past few decades.
Conservative pundit Ann Coulter says Trump 'is done'
Druvius comments on Jan 18, 2022:
I hope she's right, I think she's utterly wrong. Trump is the savior to tens of millions of Americans, this transcends politics.
Major U.S. airlines warn 5G could ground some planes, wreak havoc | Reuters
Druvius comments on Jan 18, 2022:
I'm guessing this is just a liability CYA thing? Sort of like "caution, remove pizza from box before eating." Couldn't this have been tested fairly easily? I mean if it does shut down air travel, wouldn't that make the phone companies liable for billions in damages? We'll see.
Saw this on MeWe,, at first I thought it was going to be a BabylonBee story.
Druvius comments on Jan 18, 2022:
Evangelicals outraged over a nothingburger once again: Wildly misrepresenting what they are objecting to, and wasting everyone's time and money in the process. Typical.
I can't say I'm surprised really.
Druvius comments on Jan 17, 2022:
I love it when right wingers self own, and you're the master.
Trump surfaces with a new racist hoax and a new attack on our elections.
Druvius comments on Jan 17, 2022:
More than half of white Americans thinks that white people are a discriminated against minority in the US. These people are Trump's base, and lies like this are red meat to them. These people are immune to facts, this isn't going to end well.
Druvius comments on Jan 17, 2022:
My take:
Druvius comments on Jan 17, 2022:
Rush Limbaugh is the only person whose grave I would dance on. That being said, anti-vaxxers are the functional equivalent of Americans who decided to fight for Germany and Japan in 1941. Of course many will celebrate their enemy's deaths, welcome to Earth.
"I endorse it.
Druvius comments on Jan 17, 2022:
And to this day the Evangelical Right wails that this kicked God and prayer out of schools. It did neither, God isn't subject to human law, and the ruling SPECIFICALLY said children can still pray, just that schools can't lead such prayer. It kicked organized religion out of schools, good.
Trump Claims White People 'at the Back of the Line' for COVID Vaccines, Treatments
Druvius comments on Jan 17, 2022:
He doesn't just lie, he tells lies that tear the country apart.


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This is actually from a movie I need to see someday. Here's the trailer:
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Except it would be beer, lol.
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2018, Gettysburg.
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