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This is me, Castro Valley, summer 2017. I'm clean shaven now, guess I should update pic at some point.


Finally, a Fusion Reaction Has Generated More Energy Than Absorbed by The Fuel
Druvius comments on Dec 4, 2021:
Nice ... but ... We don't need fusion: wind, solar, modern fission etc are perfectly adequate to replace fossil fuel power. Fusion power plants are going to be much more expensive and complicated to run than fission power plants, this is not going to be people's power. A fusion plant's radioactive waste is going to be comparable to that of a fission plant, you can't run an atomic reaction without irradiating everything nearby. Lastly, this research may lead to fusion weapons that don't require a fission trigger. This is not necessarily a good thing, in fact the hype about fusion power is eerily similar to the 50s hype about fission power.
Trump's White House doctor calls Omicron a midterm elections trick []
Druvius comments on Dec 4, 2021:
The MAGA crowd has sunk into this alternate paranoid narcissistic universe where everything is some plot to attack them. This isn't going to end well.
MAGA Cultist: Trump’s Base Won’t Support Him in 2024 Unless He Disavows Vaccines | Beth ...
Druvius comments on Dec 3, 2021:
Boy, on the one hand, would mean a lot of dead Trump voters. On the other hand, they would take a lot of innocent people with them. Never thought I'd see the day when half of America collectively lost their minds, but here we are.
A Plumber Found Envelopes Full of Cash in the Walls of Joel Osteen’s Megachurch | Hemant Mehta | ...
Druvius comments on Dec 3, 2021:
It's a miracle!
Florida's DeSantis wants to hand out taxpayer dollars to businesses that defy vaccine mandates - ...
Druvius comments on Dec 3, 2021:
Paying people to spread a deadly disease. Don't these people style themselves pro-life? Some dark irony there.
SC Mom Allegedly Kills Son, 6, with Hunting Rifle to “Send” Him to “Heaven” | Hemant Mehta |...
Druvius comments on Dec 3, 2021:
I'm guessing there is an as yet undiagnosed mental problem. What a nightmare.
Christian Hate Group Whines to Supreme Court About Its “Hate Group” Status | Hemant Mehta | ...
Druvius comments on Dec 3, 2021:
They are for freedom of speech except when someone exercises it to describe exactly what they are.
Pirate's price
Druvius comments on Dec 2, 2021:
It happens. ;)
Ex-White House official says Trump showed 'flagrant lack of regard for public health' in keeping ...
Druvius comments on Dec 2, 2021:
Trump's entire non-response to Covid was a fragrant disregard for public health. I still remember him saying "Oh, it will all be gone by Easter! It will be a miracle!" Magical thinking is no substitute for a rational response to a pandemic, but at least he's consistent, it's pretty much his response to everything.
Druvius comments on Dec 2, 2021:
You can always tell when he's lying, his lips move. It literally doesn't matter to his base though, he's their messiah.
Can you imagine … abortion becoming legal and overturned in the USA in the same lifetime?
Druvius comments on Dec 2, 2021:
The horrifying thing is that outlawing abortion won't prevent abortions. Just make them more expensive and dangerous for poor people. If the self styled "pro life" people actually wanted to prevent abortions, family planning and birth control would be widely and freely available, and school children would get comprehensive sex education starting in Middle School. That the pro life crowd for the most part is utterly apposed to this, means they aren't trying to prevent abortions, they are trying to force ALL women to live by their Evangelical interpretation of the bible. Sick and wrong, but that's evangelical Christianity in a nutshell.
Scientists in China May Have Found 125-Million-Year-Old Dinosaur DNA | Ancient Origins
Druvius comments on Dec 1, 2021:
Unlikely, but still, an interesting discovery.
Greece Makes Covid Vaccine For People Over 60 Mandatory,
Druvius comments on Nov 30, 2021:
Covid needs to be brought under control, and due to anti-vaxxer nonsense, mandates are the wave of the future.
Trump Was 'Fact Free' During Briefings, Says Former Intel. Director - Rolling Stone
Druvius comments on Nov 29, 2021:
"Fact free" sums up Trump pretty well.
Michael Flynn: QAnon Is a 'Disinformation Campaign,' 'Total Nonsense' - Rolling Stone
Druvius comments on Nov 28, 2021:
I always figured the CIA etc must at least have tacitly approved, since I would assume they would be able to track down Q. Or it's some alien anthropologist's doctoral thesis on "Gullibility Among the Primates of Sol III." This is what decades of home schooling and declining education standards in general have led to.
Let’s go, Brandon!
Druvius comments on Nov 27, 2021:
Well, he's "reviewing" our drone strike policy. It's certainly an improvement over Obama who was blowing up women and children in his first month on the job. Good start, but we have a long way to go still.
As I have always said, people not just men in power are capable of being toxic Allegations of ...
Druvius comments on Nov 27, 2021:
Why is this a problem for the "MeToo" crowd?
Omicron South Africa Covid Variant: Should We Be Worried?
Druvius comments on Nov 26, 2021:
As long as a significant percentage of the US population is resisting efforts to fight Covid, we should be worried. This might make it more worrisome, we'll see.
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Introduces Bill To Grant Kyle Rittenhouse Congressional Gold Medal
Druvius comments on Nov 25, 2021:
She's an embarrassment to her office.
I get the feeling, increasingly, that Christianity, especially evangelical, is a death cult.
Druvius comments on Nov 24, 2021:
You're not wrong.
Thankfully Kyle Rittenhouse was cleared on all five charges! Hell the charges against were nothing ...
Druvius comments on Nov 20, 2021:
The MAGA crowd celebrating murder. Self owning at its finest.
Do Foia requests generally take decades?
Druvius comments on Nov 20, 2021:
Who cares? Vaccines are possibly one of humanities greatest inventions, having saved countless millions of lives over the past few centuries with minuscule problems compared to the good they have done. If you can't grok that, take a course in critical thinking.
Let us be perfectly clear about this: the anti-vaxxer assholes and fuckwits who threaten law abiding...
Druvius comments on Nov 19, 2021:
A friend's workplace handles it nicely. Not vaccinated? You get tested when you arrive in the AM and have to double mask while at work. And everyone at work wears a smart badge that records everyone who came within six foot of another so all contacts are known should someone test positive. And yes, anti-vaxxers are wilfully ignorant to an amazing degree, but America is undergoing a Golden Age of stupid.
[] This is very bad.
Druvius comments on Nov 17, 2021:
What else is new? Covid-19 had many terrifying characteristics from the get go. Humanity could easily have set up a global system to prevent something like Covid from getting out of control, experts were sounding the alarm about emergent diseases more than 4 decades ago. Instead most governments are about preserving the wealth of the rich, which they have done a great job of during the pandemic. We're basically not an intelligent species, just shaved greedy chimps.
Christian Liar to Church Crowd: Vaccines Are a Form of “Late-Term Abortion” | Hemant Mehta | ...
Druvius comments on Nov 17, 2021:
These people are having a mass psychotic break from reality.
The 5th Circuit Court's Opinion on Vaccine Mandates makes for interesting reading.
Druvius comments on Nov 17, 2021:
Woohoo! Freedom to spread a deadly disease! America is number one!
Druvius comments on Nov 16, 2021:
I'm hoping at least that this inexplicable phenomena really helps sociology and psychology get insight into how cult beliefs form. He's the Joseph Smith/Hitler/Mao of our time.
Hmmm. Finally! Only one religion to assault logic. []
Druvius comments on Nov 14, 2021:
A political Evangelical theocracy. Way too many people are pushing for this. If Trump get reelected this could happen, scary.
In the news last week a San Francisco cop quit rather than be vaccinated.
Druvius comments on Nov 14, 2021:
Cops quitting the force because they don't want to get vaccinated is great way to weed out cops who don't want to protect the public.
Vermont has the highest vaccination rate in the country. So why are cases surging?
Druvius comments on Nov 13, 2021:
Because a huge percentage of Americans have actively resisted efforts to fight Covid? was this a trick question?
The Prince has spoken.
Druvius comments on Nov 13, 2021:
Certainly curious, from what I know he's one bloodthirsty SOB. Still, many Americans consider America a light of modern enlightenment even while it wages "holy" war on the poor of the world. It will be interesting to see if this leads anywhere.
Steve Bannon charged with contempt of Congress []
Druvius comments on Nov 13, 2021:
It's a start.
'Needs to Be Investigated as a Crime': Florida School Board Member Files Criminal Complaint Over ...
Druvius comments on Nov 13, 2021:
By her actions she's the opposite of a Christian. "Satan does his finest work in the name of Our Lord."
The problem is white christians are terrified of becoming the minority here....😉 []
Druvius comments on Nov 13, 2021:
Over half of white Americans think whites are already a discriminated against minority in the US, which is a almost mind numbing. Basically they have no clue what it's like to be a discriminated against minority in the US.
A new level of insanity.
Druvius comments on Nov 12, 2021:
This, this is why the aliens fly right by locking their doors as they do so.
This is getting out of hand
Druvius comments on Nov 12, 2021:
Evangelicals are the ultimate snowflakes.
China's leader for life? []
Druvius comments on Nov 12, 2021:
He has approval ratings most world leaders could only dream of, I notice the article neglects to mention that. You have a stunningly effective and popular leader, why not?
Record number of new gravitational waves offers game-changing window into universe Scientists say...
Druvius comments on Nov 11, 2021:
I see the Electric Universe cultist is still among us, the astrophysics equivalent of a flat Earther. :)
Vermont Becomes First State to Require Access to Condoms in Public Schools |
Druvius comments on Nov 11, 2021:
I can practically hear Evangelical heads exploding as I type, hate preachers be hating.
Evangelist: My Critics, With Their “Big Educations,” Are in Big Trouble with God | Beth ...
Druvius comments on Nov 11, 2021:
The hatred and intolerance preached by those who claim to follow the Prince of Peace will always sadden me. If there turns out to be an afterlife with a God, pretty sure the people who preached hatred in his or her name are going to be the ones in trouble. ;)
How do you answer "Have a blessed day"?
Druvius comments on Nov 11, 2021:
If you're an atheist or an ignostic, they're just meaningless social ritual words. If meant politely, answer in any polite fashion you please. "You too!" works well.
America seems to have a thing for putting prejudicial idiots in Congress.
Druvius comments on Nov 10, 2021:
A new low for the GOP, though lately that almost seems a point of pride for them.
So excited, just saw the ad that "Bitcoin ATM's" are coming soon! We can conveniently put in our...
Druvius comments on Nov 10, 2021:
They've been around for at least a year, my laundromat has one.
Don't PANIC, Don't Panic.
Druvius comments on Nov 10, 2021:
No link?
Josh Hawley Knows Nothing About What Makes a Real Man, or a Good One
Druvius comments on Nov 9, 2021:
Distressed privilege is such a pathetic infantile thing to see.
Good union jobs were a real thing when I first started working, not so much anymore.
Druvius comments on Nov 9, 2021:
Reagan was the one that launched the assault on Unions, and it's been ongoing since then.
The Science of Six Degrees of Separation - YouTube
Druvius comments on Nov 9, 2021:
The science on the six degrees theory is very weak, it might well apply to Facebook users, but your chances of being connected to someone in North Korea is effectively zero. It's more a pop theory than a real theory.
California town declares itself a ‘constitutional republic’ to buck Covid rules ...
Druvius comments on Nov 8, 2021:
Spitting on the constitution while pretending to honor it, typical right wing BS these days.
I wonder why there is so much hostility between the Xstians and Islam?
Druvius comments on Nov 8, 2021:
Christianity is a Jewish heresy, Islam a Christian heresy. All just branches of the Ahabramaaic faith, same God. Though tell that to some of them (not all) and their outrage will be audible from the ISS.
[] NOT good news.
Druvius comments on Nov 8, 2021:
The US learn something from what's happening abroad? LOLROFL, we can't even learn from what's happening in the US. Fortunately those of us who never stopped taking Covid seriously are at much lower risk now. I just got my six month booster and never stopped masking and social distancing.
Oroville City Council Votes to Make It a 'Constitutional Republic City'
Druvius comments on Nov 8, 2021:
I'm so tired of this infantile shit. Waa waa waa we want to make up our own rules. This of course has absolutely ZERO legal or constitutional standing, so they are literally claiming to be defending the constitution by pissing on it. Performance patriotism illustrated.
It was in the news recently that Putin was visiting a school in Moscow to promote the nations power ...
Druvius comments on Nov 7, 2021:
The people and government of Crimea (which never wanted to be part of Ukraine in the first place) voted overwhelmingly to join Russia after a western back anti-Russian Nazi coup shot their way into power in Ukraine, making it their first order of business to pass numerous laws making the ethnic Russian citizens of Ukraine (IE 95% plus the population of Crimea) second class citizens. So not only not funny, brain fuck ignorant. Lovely how the west is only about self determination and democracy when it suits their own colonial interests, nu? BTW, the people of Crimea are THRILLED to be part of Russia, it's what they CHOSE for very good reasons.
Net Zero by 2050: An Honest Government Ad []
Druvius comments on Nov 7, 2021:
Yeah, we're hosed. No wonder the aliens fly right by shaking their heads in wonder.
As if we didn’t have enough to deal with because of the pandemic.
Druvius comments on Nov 7, 2021:
The fact that we can't eradicate venereal diseases shows we aren't really an intelligent species. Safe sex isn't rocket science.
Get ready tis the season after all...
Druvius comments on Nov 7, 2021:
Even better, Starbucks will likely troll them, they usually do. No less than they deserve.
For atheists, the idea of aliens seems real.
Druvius comments on Nov 7, 2021:
What the Evangelicals fear:
For atheists, the idea of aliens seems real.
Druvius comments on Nov 7, 2021:
Since we are here aliens are possible. So far zero evidence for them. Anything after that is belief unsupported by evidence or logic no matter who is espousing it.
Star System With Right-Angled Planets Surprises Astronomers []
Druvius comments on Nov 7, 2021:
"Now my own suspicion is that the Universe is not only queerer than we suppose, but queerer than we can suppose.” --- J.B.S. Haldane
Will 5G networks result in major aircraft problems ?
Druvius comments on Nov 7, 2021:
Technical issue, it will be resolved like Y2K was.
Man imprisoned 45 years for wife's killing is acquitted (America's 2nd longest serving innocent ...
Druvius comments on Nov 6, 2021:
And oh look, he's black. Who would have guessed?
Man imprisoned 45 years for wife's killing is acquitted (America's 2nd longest serving innocent ...
Druvius comments on Nov 6, 2021:
A case like this is why the UK abolished the death penalty. A fellow was hung for murdering his wife, turned out she'd been killed by a serial killer living in the flat below. And police had missed things like a fencepost propped up with a human femur in his garden.
Miss. Gov.: South's response to COVID impacted by belief in 'eternal life
Druvius comments on Nov 6, 2021:
In other words, she doesn't look both ways when crossing a busy street because she believes in eternal life? You can't fix stupid, but I'm thinking we should just let them secede this time around.
Is militant ignorance the scourge of this time?
Druvius comments on Nov 6, 2021:
Depends on what you mean by "militant ignorance." If you mean weaponized motivated reasoning and false arguments, yes.
MyPillow CEO Could Lose His Business In Defamation Lawsuit - YouTube
Druvius comments on Nov 5, 2021:
Hoist by his own petard. He either has an incompetent lawyer, or doesn't listen to him, because he's set himself up for significant civil liabilities.
Dwayne Johnson vows to stop using real guns on his production company sets. []
Druvius comments on Nov 5, 2021:
Think how many lives would be saved if we did this on the streets of America. ;)
The guy in the back of the Pick-up must be either from Texarse, Alabama, Ken'sturkey's (Kentucky), ...
Druvius comments on Nov 4, 2021:
IDK, he's getting away with a lot less effort and risk. ;)
Law enforcement trainers are found to be members of an anti-government militia group.
Druvius comments on Nov 4, 2021:
Depends what you mean, but police reform is sorely needed.
Univ. of Florida faces investigation after barring professors from voting case : NPR
Druvius comments on Nov 4, 2021:
The right has given up all pretense of justice, legality, ethics, etc. It's all about winning by any means fair or foul. This is what happens when people decide their cause is anointed by God, you no longer have to play by the rules.
Pretty much. Mah.Thur.Fah.Curse.
Druvius comments on Nov 4, 2021:
Yeah, I think we will get Trump back in 2024, and the US will effectively become a one party state. Hell of a thing, like watching a slow motion train wreck.
QAnon supporters gather in downtown Dallas expecting JFK Jr. to reappear
Druvius comments on Nov 4, 2021:
Full blown cult at this point. Scary really.
Report: Republicans think things were better for Americans in the 1950s than now - Axios
Druvius comments on Nov 3, 2021:
In a few select ways they were, the minimum wage was a living wage, health care was affordable, our infrastructure was the envy of the world, media was independent, wealth inequality was far more equitable. In so many social ways though, especially for women, LGTBs, and minorities, it was much MUCH worse than now. Sadly I think it's mostly the latter Republicans want to bring back.
Real reason why Terry McAwful lost Deep Purple Virgina...
Druvius comments on Nov 3, 2021:
At least Obama sounded sincere when he made empty progressive promises he had no intention of delivering on. Biden can't even manage that.
Child labor laws in some states may be weakened as US industries look to hire teens | Child labour |...
Druvius comments on Nov 3, 2021:
Not only are American labor practices easily the most exploitive in the developed world, millions of Americans will support efforts (such as this) to make them even more exploitive!
This is brilliant and depressing []
Druvius comments on Nov 3, 2021:
The US had three chances this past century to lead the world into a new order of peace and prosperity. 1945, 1991, and 2001. Each time we chose global war and neocolonialism. History will not be kind to us.
Anybody here love cats this much? []
Druvius comments on Nov 2, 2021:
Whatever floats his boat,
COP26: Thunberg tells Glasgow protest politicians are pretending []
Druvius comments on Nov 2, 2021:
She has a keen grasp of the obvious.
Dunning from the famed Dunning–Kruger effect.
Druvius comments on Nov 1, 2021:
I am always amazed by people who think Fox News viewers are being deluded by lies, but think everything they hear on CNN or MSNBC is the gospel truth.
Texas lawmaker says 850 books ranging from race to sexuality could cause 'discomfort'
Druvius comments on Oct 31, 2021:
So he thinks Texas kids are all snowflakes?
Facebook Joins List of Infamous Companies Hiding Behind a Name Change []
Druvius comments on Oct 31, 2021:
Not sure how much good it's going to do them, it's not like people are going to stop noticing them in their daily lives.
Capitol Police Officer Resigns After Being Charged With Trying To Help Jan. 6 Rioter
Druvius comments on Oct 30, 2021:
Damned shame, he should be charged with treason.
PETA Wants The MLB To Rename 'Bullpen' to 'Arm Barn' : NPR
Druvius comments on Oct 30, 2021:
Yerp, virtually no one knows what a bullpen is outside of its baseball meaning. So this is misguided at best. PETA is their own worst enemy more often than not.
Transgender and transrace - what´s the difference?
Druvius comments on Oct 30, 2021:
Some people get their knickers in a twist about it, some don't. You appear to be one of the former.
Angry Christian Mom Boycotts Phexxi Birth Control Ad Due To “Sexual Perversion” | Hemant Mehta |...
Druvius comments on Oct 30, 2021:
It is a pretty strange commercial, but yeah, this lady is basically upset about an ad for birth control that implies that sex is fun for women. She needs to get over herself.
The following codicil has been appearing at the end of articles on Yahoo News! Especially on ...
Druvius comments on Oct 30, 2021:
It's just you.
COVID-19 live updates: Being vaccinated offers better protection than being infected: Study The ...
Druvius comments on Oct 29, 2021:
Duh. Vaccines are easily one of science and medicine's greatest inventions, saving literally countless millions of lives over their centuries of use. Adverse reactions are beyond trivial in comparison. Anti-vaxxers are, well, brain dead fools. No different than people who refuse to wear seat belts.
They are aware that marijuana-infused candy is a helluva lot more expensive then actual candy, ...
Druvius comments on Oct 28, 2021:
Urban legend, Not sure if there's ever been a case of someone deliberately handing poisoned/tainted candy to kids on Halloween. There have been a few cases where a disturbed child did it to their own candy for attention etc.
Taiwan: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)
Druvius comments on Oct 26, 2021:
It's not worth a war with China. Damned shame the US created this mess in the first place. China is not going to rest until China is reunited, best we can do is work towards this with no bloodshed.
N the United States and its constitution, militias were seen as armed groups initiated by an entire ...
Druvius comments on Oct 26, 2021:
There's no such thing as an unfettered right, lots could be done to reduce our insane levels of gun violence without taking away responsible citizens' gun rights. Won't happen though, at least a third of Americans seem determine to make America a failed state instead of a modern nation. Damned shame.
Sweden Suspends Moderna Shot Indefinitely After Vaxxed Patients Develop Crippling Heart Condition - ...
Druvius comments on Oct 26, 2021:
Yes, he does. You're the ignorant monster for spreading lies about a vaccine nearly 200 million Americans have received safely.
Who Cares If Anti-Vaxxers Quit Their Jobs? - National Memo
Druvius comments on Oct 26, 2021:
Exactly, they are duped fools deserving of no sympathy.
Japan's hydrogen power play []
Druvius comments on Oct 26, 2021:
It has many advantages as a fuel, but storage and use has a lot of engineering challenges. Still, it likely will be a big segment of the future. Japan invests in the future, the US subsidizes the fossil fuels of the past. America is becoming more dispensable all the time.
Australian Company Works to Make Energy From Nuclear Fusion – But Without the Fiery Ball of Plasma...
Druvius comments on Oct 25, 2021:
And will allow hydrogen weapons without a plutonium trigger. Woohoo! We already have the technology we need to transition away from fossil fuels, there's no need for fusion. The fact that fusion proponents are making the same pie-in-the-sky claims that fission proponents made should give people pause. Our power problems aren't technological, they are political.
Should scientists revive extinct animals? []
Druvius comments on Oct 25, 2021:
Depends on the animal. Recently extinct animals where there is still habitat for them, sure. Especially if there would be ecological benefits to said habitat. The Tasmanian Tiger or Carolina Parakeet for example. Long extinct animals like the Woolly Mammoth, doesn't make sense to me to revive them when they'd essentially be confined to zoos.
Interesting! castroann35 is a Christian and gay and wants to meet someone less than 100 kms from ...
Druvius comments on Oct 24, 2021:
Yeah, scammer. Person in US army uniform living in Kabul? And a person in the US army who clearly had a limited grasp of English? More creative than the typical scammer though, I'll give them that.
America's infrastructure is crumbling, its people are struggling financially while the billionaires ...
Druvius comments on Oct 24, 2021:
We're resting on our laurels for sure. In 1960 by many measures America was the envy of the world, now we are rapidly approaching failed state status. Historians will debate America's fall far into the future.
Druvius comments on Oct 24, 2021:
Trump is a terrible businessman, multiple bankruptcies, failed businesses, and just plain scams like "Trump University" are going to keep any responsible investors light years away from him. So this is no surprise. Maybe he can get the MyPillow guy to invest?
Unvaccinated lives matters.
Druvius comments on Oct 24, 2021:
I look forward to the day when spreading dangerous babykilling misinformation like this is illegal.
Defense Department Pulls a Bait and Switch on Vaccines - []
Druvius comments on Oct 22, 2021:
Stopped reading after this pile of steaming dogcrap: "while scientifically unsound and strategically foolish,"
Suffer the little children and don't persecute them by throwing beans upon them if they have Christ ...
Druvius comments on Oct 22, 2021:
I can only hope it's satire.
Wisconsin audit finds elections are "safe and secure."
Druvius comments on Oct 22, 2021:
"Stop the Steal" is beyond ridiculous at this point. It still may tear the country apart though.


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This is actually from a movie I need to see someday. Here's the trailer:
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Except it would be beer, lol.
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2018, Gettysburg.
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