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This is me, Castro Valley, summer 2017. I'm clean shaven now, guess I should update pic at some point.


India discovers new plant species in Antarctica []
Druvius comments on Jul 8, 2021:
I was like, wow, waycool! Only three plants have been found in Antarctica! Read the article ... it's a moss. LOL, yes, technically a plant. Still, I can't get too excited about a moss.
The Episcopal Church Is Dying. Should We Be Upset About This?
Druvius comments on Jul 8, 2021:
Depends on where they are going. Since it's easily one of the most progressive mainstream religions, this is only good news if they aren't leaving to join bigoted hateful denominations.
Wanda Sykes had something to add to frumps comment that Hitler did a lot of good things.
Druvius comments on Jul 8, 2021:
Even the pop historical view that "Hitler helped the economy," which is no doubt what Trump was regurgitating, is basically garbage. Sure, he brought unemployment from 33% to 0%. He did this by eliminating women and Jews from the workforce and forcing everyone else to either be conscripted or to take whatever job the government gave them.
Trump's bogus lawsuits don't stand a chance.
Druvius comments on Jul 7, 2021:
A case can be made that social media platforms should be regulated as public utilities, but until then they remain privately owned companies who can ban whoever they wish. His lawsuits have no merit. But like the blatantly unconstitutional laws that GOP state legislatures routinely pass, the lawsuit's purpose is to fire up their base, not actually accomplish anything.
When people claim science fiction is biased against modern social conservatism/the political ...
Druvius comments on Jul 7, 2021:
At this point the religious right views anything that doesn't adhere to their increasing narrow world view as being biased against them. Basically this is codswallop.
True definition of blind faith..
Druvius comments on Jul 7, 2021:
"Faith, the gift of believing without evidence."
Mark your calender and save the date. August 13. []
Druvius comments on Jul 6, 2021:
It's so weird that millions of Americans believe this nonsense, hard to get one's head around. Few national leaders suck their followers into a delusional reality, it's Trump's great gift though.
UFOs are in the news again.
Druvius comments on Jul 5, 2021:
Another line of evidence that they're a cultural myth, not an actual phenomena.
Hobby Lobby Faces Backlash For July 4th Ad Claiming Only Christians Belong in America
Druvius comments on Jul 5, 2021:
No surprise, one of our political parties is down with this.
UFOs are in the news again.
Druvius comments on Jul 5, 2021:
First of all, limitless energy would knock about 5% off the GNP, not sure it would be a good thing at all. Not to mention the exploitive pollution causing environment damaging industries that would get a boost. Secondly, when did the Pentagon turn into a reliable source about ANYTHING?
Champlain Tower Surfside, FL Is Taken Down.
Druvius comments on Jul 5, 2021:
There is still a remote chance of survivors, one person lasted 27 days in a collapsed building. Past 5-7 days, not likely, but they have to proceed as a rescue just in case.
THE GREAT RESET There is some kind of 'thing' a lot of people are upsest about.
Druvius comments on Jul 5, 2021:
And every single facet of it will be dedicated to furthering the upwards transfer of wealth, and wealth inequality already at historic highs will reach brave new levels. But us serfs will get fancier cell phones so it's all good! Woohoo!
Most Impactful National Leaders of the 20th Century - Good or Bad Do you agree with the list?
Druvius comments on Jul 4, 2021:
Not sure Hirohito belongs on the list. And Lincoln wasn't a 20th century leader. And where is Ho Chi Minh? Still, neat list, food for thought.
Judge blocks Florida law aimed at punishing social media A federal judge has blocked a new law in...
Druvius comments on Jul 3, 2021:
While I agree that a case can be made for regulating social media as public utilities, until that is the case, they are private companies who can exercise whatever control over their legal content. And hell, congress passed an effing law making social media companies liable for illegal content, so they have every reason and incentive to remove content inciting violence and insurrection.
What Does It Mean to Be Agnostic?
Druvius comments on Jul 3, 2021:
I stay out of the debate, I'm ignostic.
Disturbing Plea Agreement For Former Cop That Murdered Innocent Individual
Druvius comments on Jul 2, 2021:
This sort of thing is where conservatives have betrayed their roots. YOU DON'T KILL PEOPLE WHO ARE RUNNING AWAY. It's never defensible if you want to claim you're the good guys.
I know it's basically a meme, but I am truly curious, did Biden really say this in regard to the ...
Druvius comments on Jul 2, 2021:
There's no such thing as an unfettered right. Even if he didn't say it, it's true nonetheless. The right to bear arms doesn't mean you can own any weapon you want, freedom of speech doesn't mean you can say anything you want without consequence, etc.
Just another example of radical left wingnuts showing how pathetic they are.
Druvius comments on Jul 2, 2021:
The number of radical leftists in the US could be counted on one hand, and exactly zero of them are in elected office anywhere. That you're charactering people who make Eisenhower look liberal in comparison as radical leftists, not to mention the name calling, would argue that you certainly aren't capable of rational debate.
Bill Cosby is a free man after Pennsylvania Supreme Court overturns sex assault conviction - CNN
Druvius comments on Jul 1, 2021:
Nearly 200 unmarked graves found near Canada residential school [bbc.]
Druvius comments on Jul 1, 2021:
And it's a mass grave, not "unmarked graves." Even the reporting on these atrocities plays down their horror with weasel wording.
Nearly 200 unmarked graves found near Canada residential school [bbc.]
Druvius comments on Jul 1, 2021:
Little did I know that when I was a kid in school, an hour's drive from me other kids were kidnapped from their families and forced into a "school" that was barbaric in its intent and execution. For shame Canada.
Klein Vision AirCar completes 35-minute test flight in Slovakia CNN
Druvius comments on Jun 30, 2021:
High tech expensive solution to a problem that doesn't exist. Neat technological achievement, but doubt it's the wave of the future.
My National Guard friends say this is illegal.
Druvius comments on Jun 30, 2021:
It's troubling on multiple levels, since when is the US army acting as "Guns for hire?" It may technically be legal, but it shouldn't be.
Miami building collapse: Letter in April warned of worsening damage []
Druvius comments on Jun 29, 2021:
And the night before some people couldn't sleep because the building was creaking loudly. This is going to be a classic disaster, multiple missed warnings.
ain't this the truth!!!
Druvius comments on Jun 29, 2021:
The USA is also the most privatized for-profit economy in the developed world, by a huge margin. It's both a symptom and a cause of the rot.
30 Interesting Facts You Probably Never Learned In School Shared In This Online Group (New Pics) | ...
Druvius comments on Jun 29, 2021:
Very, heard some of them before. The Paris one is a little off, it was more nuanced. I'm sure some of the others might also be more nuanced than presented. But hey, interesting, and always good to stimulate curiosity.
Federal appeals court blocks San Diego judge's ruling overturning CA assault weapon ban |
Druvius comments on Jun 29, 2021:
The quoted gun nuts arguments (when you're making shitty illogical irrelevant arguments, yeah, you're a nut) shows that the Federal Judges made the right call. There are no hunting or sporting uses for assault rifles, just little boys with Rambo fantasies.
Christian Business Owner Tells Lesbians She Won’t Let Them Rent Wedding Tuxes | Hemant Mehta | ...
Druvius comments on Jun 29, 2021:
Hatred and bigotry in the name of Our Savior. That's gonna go over well when she gets to the Pearly Gates: "You did WHAT in my name?" LOL ;)
[] wow this is cool
Druvius comments on Jun 29, 2021:
Yeah, one skull with no context or DNA is a curiosity, it's premature to claim it's a new lineage of humans.
9 Dead 152 Missing. Death Toll Will Get Higher as Bodies are Found
Druvius comments on Jun 28, 2021:
There's a minute chance of a survivor or two holding out in a cavity, it has happened. But yeah, likely just people compressed down to an inch or two thick, not pretty.
A Teen Was Having Car Trouble. A Sheriff’s Deputy Shot and Killed Him. - VICE
Druvius comments on Jun 28, 2021:
Qualified immunity needs to end, giving cops a "license to kill" has been a fail on every level.
The best synopsis of the politics behind immigration I have ever read: Why didn’t Trump do ...
Druvius comments on Jun 28, 2021:
Pretty much. Illegal immigration, like the weather, is a constant to be effectively managed, not a crisis that can be solved. Then there's the fact that undocumented people are less likely to commit crime than legal residents, pay a higher share of taxes, and make essentially no use of public services. And by all sober economic analysis are a net gain to the economy. Facts long ago ceased to matter to the evangelical right, or more accurately, they make up the "facts" to fit their fearmongering narrative.
On 80th Anniversary Of Nazi Invasion Of Soviet Union, Putin Claims He Wants 'Partnership' With ...
Druvius comments on Jun 27, 2021:
Hitler's invasion of Russia was one of the greatest crimes in history in its execution, if not the greatest. It was the largest invasion in history, premised entirely on racism and genocide. And Russia was the one who paid an unimaginable to westerners blood toll to defeat this evil. Understanding that is crucial to understanding modern Russia, they haven't forgotten.
I hope someone is able to get the Biden administration, and Congressional Democratic Leaders, ...
Druvius comments on Jun 27, 2021:
McConnel isn't going to pass ANY Biden legislation, period. Why is that so difficult for people to see?
US report on Pentagon-documented UFOs leaves sightings unexplained
Druvius comments on Jun 27, 2021:
Yerp, just more fear mongering to justify throwing more money at the Pentagon.
Dragon Man: early human skull found in Harbin China may be new hominim species - CNN
Druvius comments on Jun 26, 2021:
As most in the field are saying, it's a little early to make such a claim from one skull. Interesting find, but no context nor DNA yet, so let's not go nuts.
The Texas electric situation just keeps on giving.
Druvius comments on Jun 25, 2021:
You're not wrong.
What if "terrorist groups" outside of the US are actually groups working to increase the ...
Druvius comments on Jun 25, 2021:
Most of the world's insurgents are fighting to defend their homes from foreign invaders. Which is why the "War on Terror" has been such a spectacular failure, inspiring huge numbers of people to take up arms against the west.
Silicon Valley is trying to 'cure' old age. Is that a good idea? []
Druvius comments on Jun 25, 2021:
Yes, the social implications are staggering, especially if it turns out to be something only the rich can afford. FYI, insurance actuarial tables say if accidents were the only cause of death, 10,000 would be the typical lifespan with lucky folks making it to 20,000 or more. Sooner or later though you get hit by a bus. :)
Is the Surfside building collapse an example of pay to play local politics that ignored regulations,...
Druvius comments on Jun 25, 2021:
I think it's a little to early to cite corruption, but certainly not out of the question, local politics are pretty much owned by developers and business interests in the US and strict regulation would cut into their profits. I suspect it was a combination of things, we'll see.
How many people believe this 9 year old girl wrote her own speech? []
Druvius comments on Jun 25, 2021:
Nope, she's just regurgitating right wing racist nonsense. She didn't come to these views herself.
DeSantis signs law requiring college faculty, students to take surveys on beliefs - Axios
Druvius comments on Jun 24, 2021:
"Owning the libtards" is pretty much all the GOP does these days, having given up on actual governing and addressing the nation's problems.
Biden mocks pro-gun supporters who still think they can overrun the U.
Druvius comments on Jun 24, 2021:
Like shooting fish in a barrel. ;)
QUOCKWODGER New one for me!
Druvius comments on Jun 24, 2021:
In America they're called Democrats and Republicans.
Why is the UK government denying this event?
Druvius comments on Jun 24, 2021:
It's obviously a deliberate attempt to provoke Russia. It's also insane brinksmanship considering Russia is a nuclear power.
This pretty well sums it up .....
Druvius comments on Jun 23, 2021:
Since no one is blaming her for slavery, this meme makes zero sense.
A chemist's version of what's going on in the world...
Druvius comments on Jun 23, 2021:
Fixed it.
This is sad and indicates the real cost of war.
Druvius comments on Jun 22, 2021:
Only counting battle deaths is one of the most time honored ways of minimizing (and making justification easier) the terrible cost of war. If veterans have shortened lifespans attributable to their experiences in war, be it from PSTD, drug abuse, suicide, and complications from their physical wounds ... shouldn't those count as casualties of war? Of course they do, it's to our shame we pretend otherwise.
More shady business exposed in the Wuhan case.. []
Druvius comments on Jun 22, 2021:
Wow, codswallop density approaching critical mass here, lol.
22nd June1941…Operation Barbarossa - Germany Invades the Soviet Union: Nazi Germany and it’s ...
Druvius comments on Jun 22, 2021:
And on June 22 1944 the Soviets began Operation Bagration, resulting in the destruction of German Army Group Center. The greatest defeat every suffered by Germany, and the fifth deadliest campaign in European history. What a difference three years made.
Should student athletes be able to get paid ? Why/not ?
Druvius comments on Jun 21, 2021:
The whole college athletics thing is absurd to begin with, just another sign we're a nation of children.
Druvius comments on Jun 21, 2021:
Preantepenultimate is one of my favorite words. :)
Just my ironic outlook coming to the fore again.
Druvius comments on Jun 19, 2021:
"Pointing out" something that simply isn't true makes you a fool or a liar.
Missouri Has Declared Federal Gun Laws Invalid. Can It Do That? : NPR
Druvius comments on Jun 19, 2021:
Passing blatantly unconstitutional laws has been a GOP tactic for decades. These are the people who are truly spitting on the flag and all it represents.
‘Potentially the worst drought in 1,200 years’: scientists on the scorching US heatwave | ...
Druvius comments on Jun 18, 2021:
Scientist were raising alarm bells about global drought being an imminent issue at least a decade ago. We're not really an intelligent species.
D.L. Hughley Says Passing Juneteenth Holiday Doesn't Level Playing Field | TMZ - YouTube
Druvius comments on Jun 18, 2021:
The screams off outrage from the Religious Right pretty much make that a given.
Can't say I blame them.
Druvius comments on Jun 18, 2021:
Nice when cops do the right thing and demonstrate they aren't fit to be cops.
Deep-rooted racism, discrimination permeate US military
Druvius comments on Jun 18, 2021:
When I served in the seventies racism, misogyny, and Islamophobia were rampant. Sounds like nothing has changed.
This Teacher Had the Perfect Response After Visiting a Canadian Creation Museum | Hemant Mehta | ...
Druvius comments on Jun 17, 2021:
People who twist the facts to conform to their narrative are always full of sheet.
Tony Perkins: Liberals Want to Toss Anti-LGBTQ Christians Into a “Fiery Furnace” | Hemant Mehta ...
Druvius comments on Jun 16, 2021:
The Religious right's capacity for projection is breathtaking.
This Homeschooled Christian Was Told to Make Up Her Own Grades and Transcript | Hemant Mehta | ...
Druvius comments on Jun 15, 2021:
Yeah, home schooled kids should be tested at least yearly for grade proficiency in general education.
Just 12 People Are Behind Most Vaccine Hoaxes On Social Media, Research Shows : NPR
Druvius comments on Jun 15, 2021:
And numbers 1 to 6 are Trump? ;)
Kevin McCarthy vows to strip committees from Ilhan Omar despite allowing Matt Gaetz to oversee FBI...
Druvius comments on Jun 15, 2021:
Yerp, removing MTG from her committees pretty much meant the GOP would follow suit. What a partisan sheetshow circus Washington has become.
Netanyahu out, Bennett in as Israel marks end of an era []
Druvius comments on Jun 13, 2021:
No, Israel has been run by its military since 1948, and that isn't going to change one bit. The era change is superficial at best.
I just saw on social media that BLM is now a hate group.
Druvius comments on Jun 13, 2021:
Conflating the BLM with the KKK is, well, racist AF.
White House returns $2 billion from Trump's border wall funds to the military.
Druvius comments on Jun 12, 2021:
From one way to throw money away back to another! Woohoo! So much winning!
Well duh.
Druvius comments on Jun 12, 2021:
All the lamestream media caters to their base. It wasn't a good look in any event. Though the Faux News right is certainly far more unhinged from reality at this point.
Ilhan Omar was attacked for saying war crimes allegations should be investigated
Druvius comments on Jun 11, 2021:
The US are the good guys, good guys never commit war crimes. People actually believe this sheet.
Man Struck By Lightning On South Jersey Golf Course Died
Druvius comments on Jun 9, 2021:
Man Struck By Lightning On South Jersey Golf Course Died
Druvius comments on Jun 9, 2021:
If you can hear thunder, you can be hit by lightning. Sad, but continuing to golf during a thunderstorm is, well, suicidal?
Elderly nun faces 40 years for stealing to support gambling []
Druvius comments on Jun 9, 2021:
I have heard enough embezzling stories to know that you need to properly audit ANYONE who has access to cash on a regular basis. That she got away with such huge amounts over such a long time shows it was a terrifically badly managed school, hopefully people were fired.
Anti-Nazi Germans – the Hidden Story of German Working class Resistance | Tony Greenstein
Druvius comments on Jun 8, 2021:
Yes, there were hundreds of underground antiwar and resistance groups in Nazi Germany, The White Rose is just the one that gets all the publicity.
We should all be very alarmed.
Druvius comments on Jun 7, 2021:
He's not wrong.
Judge Dismisses Creationist’s $536,041,100 Lawsuit, Calling It “Delusional” | Hemant Mehta | ...
Druvius comments on Jun 6, 2021:
Apparently his invisible superfriend gives very poor legal advice.
Not a bad idea, is it?
Druvius comments on Jun 6, 2021:
Turns out it's a farce, no surprise:
Whether or not you like TYT, this story is absolutely appalling and most mainstream media outlets ...
Druvius comments on Jun 5, 2021:
But there's no systematic or institutional racism in the USA.
As if thugs like the militia groups and Proud Boys aren't bad enough, now look who's been in ...
Druvius comments on Jun 5, 2021:
But, but .... they already rule the world. ;)
Donald Trump is (Finally!) Losing Support Among White Evangelicals and Catholics | Hemant Mehta | ...
Druvius comments on Jun 5, 2021:
Article is a year old, wonder where he stands now.
Texas GOP Leader: George Floyd’s Murder Was “Staged” to Create “Racial Tensions” | Hemant...
Druvius comments on Jun 5, 2021:
The GOP is through the looking glass now, they alter the facts to fit their narrative. It's a very satisfying world view, historically it's always led to catastrophe though since reality bats last. What a time to be alive in America.
Not a bad idea, is it?
Druvius comments on Jun 5, 2021:
It will be interesting to see how this plays out. In theory, absolutely. Since these multinationals hold undue influence (that's being diplomatic) in the G-7 nations, and greed is geometrically proportional to how much money someone has, I'm not optimistic this will actually come to pass.
Setting up a group for skeptical discussion topics that lend themselves to investigation through the...
Druvius comments on Jun 5, 2021:
There is no such thing as alternative medicine. There's medicine and there's quackery. Sadly Mao's invention of "traditional Chinese medicine" has driven a lot of this nonsense, since for political reasons things like the WHO have given it respect it doesn't deserve. And the current UFO flap is another wonder in credulous behavior, UFO research has been a nonthingburger since it was invented, but a few UFO cranks manage to get it back into the mainstream and get taken seriously. The 60 minutes report was classic, filled with lies and nonsense of the Weekly World News variety, presented as if was the sober true. Sigh.
Ohio State study: Conservatives more susceptible to misinformation
Druvius comments on Jun 5, 2021:
Yeah, it's depressing. It's gotten a lot worse the past few decades, and reached ridiculous levels now with things like "stop the steal." Saw an article the other day claiming that increasing wealth inequality in the US was a liberal hoax designed to justify welfare. As an economist friend said, "Increasing wealth inequality in the US is fact alongside with the Earth is round and water is wet." I don't know how it's going to end, but it's making large segments of the country ungovernable. I can't see it ending well.
What if someone told you that the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act or the CARES ...
Druvius comments on Jun 5, 2021:
I'd say they were lying or mistaken?
Science is not exact.
Druvius comments on Jun 4, 2021:
Yes, we learnt a lot from the previous two pandemics, and the Bush and Obama had some excellent preparations made and a good plan for what to do when the next one arrived. Trump gutted the prep work, and when the pandemic arrived threw out the plan. And as a result America was hit far worse than it needed to be, hundreds of thousands of lives needlessly lost.
US military UFO report 'does not confirm or rule out alien activity' []
Druvius comments on Jun 4, 2021:
Actually, until there is EVIDENCE for aliens, it most definitely rules it out. Aliens right now are MYTHICAL. Ancient credulous people believed the Gods were real, aliens are just the modern version of same.
Biden clings to the possibility of a bipartisan infrastructure breakthrough - POLITICO
Druvius comments on Jun 4, 2021:
Bingo in the elf lounge.
Right-Wing Pastor Tony Spell Says Judges Who Ruled Against Him Are ‘Against God’ ...
Druvius comments on Jun 2, 2021:
Most people outgrow their imaginary childhood friends. That some don't is a pathology. Hopefully someday our culture will grow enough to understand that.
Bit of Australian history for ya! When the English colonised Australia they declared it "Terra ...
Druvius comments on Jun 2, 2021:
Bad link.
Biden to suspend Trump Arctic drilling leases
Druvius comments on Jun 1, 2021:
Suspend. In other words, they can always drill later. Pretty much Biden in a nutshell, in the few cases he's walked back on Trump's sheet, it's in ways that can easily be reneged upon later. I'm starting to hate Biden even more than I hated Obama, faux progressivism in spades.
Pope revises laws on priest sexual abuse. Too little too late or he waited until the time was right?
Druvius comments on Jun 1, 2021:
A meaningless gesture. The church's long standing and highly successful global campaign to deny women their rights will not only continue, he doubled down on it. Just the ultimate patriarch once against proclaiming with feeling that they are the arbiter of human sexuality.
Hat brands continue to cut ties with shop over ‘NOT VACCINATED’ Star of David badges
Druvius comments on Jun 1, 2021:
In the grown up world, actions have consequences. In the infantile privileged GOP world, no just she is whining about being victimized by cancel culture.
Looks like Netanyahu is on his way out. Will anyone miss him?
Druvius comments on May 31, 2021:
The guy replacing him is even more extremist in his anti Arab views, so won't be an improvement.
Is this an example of white privilege?
Druvius comments on May 30, 2021:
Yes, someone who equates public health measures with oppression clearly has never suffered oppression. It may not be privilege, but whoever thinks this way has definitely lived a privileged life. Symptom of privilege.
Colossal Failure: Trump’s New Blog Has Less Traffic Than Petfinder | MSNBC - YouTube
Druvius comments on May 30, 2021:
Must be fake news! lol
Hat makers distance from Nashville store amid uproar over 'not vaccinated' badges | TheHill
Druvius comments on May 30, 2021:
Look, she's white. Who would have guessed?
Canada Mourns As Remains Of 125 Children Found At Indigenous School
Druvius comments on May 29, 2021:
One still meets people who think Canada is this magic land of little racism. Yeah, no. God rest their souls.
Since the nose doesn't know, K9 cops are retired
Druvius comments on May 29, 2021:
Highlights the transcendent absurdity of the "War on Drugs." Like the "War on Terror" it just wasted resources while making the problem worse.
A Worker-Owned Cooperative Tries to Compete With Uber and Lyft [nytimes.
Druvius comments on May 29, 2021:
Sadly the nation's government, laws, and regulatory system privilege the exploiters, not worker owned ventures. I wish them the best though.
Liberalism has been hijacked by regressive leftism.
Druvius comments on May 29, 2021:
Another example of what a farce contemporary conservatism has become. They have nothing to offer but fear-mongering about straw men. Times changing isn't some leftist plot, times change. Not surprising that a movement based on demonizing anyone who disagrees with them is shrinking.
BOSS LEVEL (On Hulu) This was fun. GoT meets Groundhog Day?
Druvius comments on May 29, 2021:
I didn't even realize he was in the movie until I posted the poster. :/


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This is actually from a movie I need to see someday. Here's the trailer:
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Except it would be beer, lol.
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2018, Gettysburg.
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