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This is me, Castro Valley, summer 2017. I'm clean shaven now, guess I should update pic at some point.


If we want to stop publishing books because they are deemed hurtful for some as has happened with 6 ...
Druvius comments on Mar 6, 2021:
Huh? Happened? No, the foundation who publishes the books made a perfectly reasonable decision to stop publishing a few of his obscure books because they contained racially stereotyped images. That the "Cancel Culture" people went ballistic over this utter non event shows how ridiculous their claims are.
The Air Force Is Having To Reverse Engineer Parts Of Its Own Stealth Bomber Twenty-one years ...
Druvius comments on Mar 6, 2021:
It's called corruption, your tax dollars at waste. Business as usual for the US military.
Keep in mind this article says there's NO evidence of the Exodus (and I don't know when that ...
Druvius comments on Mar 4, 2021:
Both these temples were a thousand years after the date the Exodus supposedly happened. Not really ancient Egypt either except geographically, these were built when Egypt was part of the Persian Empire. Interesting though, agreed.
So damn pathetic.
Druvius comments on Mar 4, 2021:
What's pathetic is people get their knickers in a twist over this. How, EXACTLY, is this harming anyone? Times change, deal with it, sheesh.
i'm only posting this for the few ppl with open minds who have an interest.
Druvius comments on Mar 4, 2021:
I'm actually quite familiar with motivated reasoning and the various other logical fallacies your link illustrates in spades.
Looking for evidence of a Martian origin of life.
Druvius comments on Mar 3, 2021:
I sure hope they find life on Mars in my lifetime, it will answer so so many questions. Although no doubt will pose new ones as well.
The Indian Government 😃👍
Druvius comments on Mar 3, 2021:
Snake oil distributed by a government is still snake oil.
The circle in the sky highlights one of the furthest objects the human eye can see without optical ...
Druvius comments on Feb 24, 2021:
Neat, but only in the southern hemisphere? Of the 6,000 or so individual stars we can see in the sky with our naked eye, most are within a few hundred LYs, the furthest like 40K LY. We are actually in kind of a dusty area of the Milky Way.
Preventing Iran from trying building a nuclear weapon?
Druvius comments on Feb 21, 2021:
Since Iran is nowhere near building nuclear weapons, and has the most closely monitored nuclear program on Earth, there's little danger. Israel has been screaming "Iran is about to get nuclear weapons!" since the 80s, it's propaganda. Not sure what good it would do to launch a nuclear attack on Iran anyhow, especially since there are so many ways it could go south. Iran is an observer in the SCO, and Russia has stated that an attack on Iran would be considered an attack on Russia. Biden isn't helping either, sadly no surprise.
New Chroniosuchian materials from the Permian and Triassic of Xinjiang Province, China ...
Druvius comments on Feb 21, 2021:
A failed line of alligator like animals: By DiBgd - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,
[] Parts of Stonehenge taken from another circle
Druvius comments on Feb 14, 2021:
This is fascinating. Did they steal it in the night? War booty? Already long abandoned and they decided it was cool and hauled it home? Or a gift from one tribe to another? Maybe it was purchased or otherwise a negotiated transfer? A tribal leader lost a drunken bet? We'll more than likely never know, but still adds to our understanding.
The only thing that makes us different from other animals.
Druvius comments on Feb 14, 2021:
Well, language (IE grammar) also separates us from animals.
Toxins to the Brain
Druvius comments on Feb 13, 2021:
LOL. MSG is a natural flavoring, the typical diet gets about 3 tsp a day. MSG sensitivity doesn't exist, no one reacts to it in double blind studies. Since that part of the chart is pure bullshit, the rest is likely garbage too.
3 Pennsylvania Neighbors Dead After Fight Over Snow Shoveling, Authorities Say-abcnews
Druvius comments on Feb 4, 2021:
America in a nutshell.
This news in reassuring and unnerving at the same time.
Druvius comments on Jan 19, 2021:
Just glad that some people in authority are starting to take the threat of right wing terrorism seriously.
Covid: UK variant could drive 'rapid growth' in US cases, CDC warns []
Druvius comments on Jan 17, 2021:
Scorching, and perfect.
Druvius comments on Jan 10, 2021:
Davy CrockoShit is my fave.
Cat raises couple's lockdown spirits by delivering letters from mystery neighbour
Druvius comments on Jan 9, 2021:
One of my cats vanished once (eventually found, happy ending,) but searching for him found several neighbors who were like "Oh, we thought he was a stray, he drops by for food regularly." Lying little ingrate, lol.
Cold enough to store coronavirus vaccine.
Druvius comments on Jan 9, 2021:
At some point I think things like Twitter and news outlets need to be run as public utilities (maybe non profit?) with standards to insure fairness. I mean yeah, not sure of the best way to do that, but having separate platforms each preaching to the converted so to speak has led to factions living in alternate realities. It's been a disaster, and the free market isn't going to fix it.
45 is scumbag lying con man. Anyone who believes his bullshit is a moron.
Druvius comments on Jan 7, 2021:
No, I know some Trumpers who are quite smart. Trump has a whole raft of media outlets supporting his con, the problem is a lot more complicated than "his followers are stupid." Still, recent events have pushed me over the edge: You can support Trump, or you can support America. You can't do both.
I just learned that the woman shot and killed yesterday was a black woman trying to get out of the ...
Druvius comments on Jan 7, 2021:
She was white as white, and leading a charge trying to break through a door.
EPA finalizes rule limiting research used for public health, environmental policy []
Druvius comments on Jan 5, 2021:
All to facilitate corporations passing health and environmental costs onto the public so a handful of executives can make more money than they can spend in 1000 lives instead of 900 lives.
Portuguese woman dies two days after getting Pfizer covid vaccine | Daily Mail Online
Druvius comments on Jan 4, 2021:
No, it's coincidence.
Being Vegan Means..
Druvius comments on Jan 4, 2021:
I've never understood the hostility some people have for vegans/vegetarians. They're trying to make the world a better place for people and animals, that's a problem?
Audio: Trump berates Ga. secretary of state, urges him to ‘find’ votes - The Washington Post
Druvius comments on Jan 3, 2021:
Seems to be a pretty clear case of criminal election tampering from what I've read, on tape even.
So @jeshuey has me blocked now for pointing out that being a Libertarian is the same as being a ...
Druvius comments on Jan 2, 2021:
"Libertarianism, a political movement for people who don't think Americans are greedy enough."
Operation Warp Speed at a crawl: Adequately vaccinating Americans will take 10 years at current pace
Druvius comments on Jan 2, 2021:
What did anyone expect from the president who couldn't manage his way out of a paper bag?
Senior Nation of Islam Official Warns against COVID-19 Vaccines | MEMRI
Druvius comments on Dec 25, 2020:
MEMRI is an Israeli propaganda organ that scours the world to find stories that portray Islam in the worst possible light, often mistranslating and misrepresenting them to further their agenda of demonizing Islam.
A friend of mine said this of the photo: THEY HAVEN'T EVEN LOST THE CIVIL WAR, THEY ARE JUST ...
Druvius comments on Dec 16, 2020:
Yeah, this could get a lot worse before it gets better.
A local description of a huntsman 🙂
Druvius comments on Dec 16, 2020:
I read somewhere once if spiders all vanished tomorrow, humanity would soon follow. They are an incredibly beneficial arthropod like bees, but with bad PR. :)
Watching federal hearings today on election integrity, and Krebs come across as completely in the ...
Druvius comments on Dec 16, 2020:
People believing there was massive fraud this past election are no different than Germans who believed in the stab-in-the-back myth after WW1. that didn't end well and I fear this one won't either. How do you debate people who believe in something for which there is zero evidence? (You can't, the 9/11 Truthers made that one clear.) Link:
I am perplexed by this.
Druvius comments on Dec 15, 2020:
Gee, maybe a draft dodging coward who denigrates those who serve had limited appeal to those who chose to serve? Just one veterans opinion.
Trust science, not Trump! Australia did the former.
Druvius comments on Dec 14, 2020:
New Zealand too:
Don't forget the Geminid Meteor shower tonight is at it's maximum.
Druvius comments on Dec 13, 2020:
They'd find me frozen by the lake with an awed expression on my face. Pass, I'll wait for the dvd. ;) Joking aside, I did venture out one winter and catch one, def a cool experience.
When I was a young kid in elementary school there were many dangerous contagious diseases common in ...
Druvius comments on Dec 12, 2020:
None of those diseases are in any way comparable to Covid. And governments and people did everything they could to fight their spread. No one is suggesting panic, they are suggesting public health measures to fight the worst public health crisis in a century.
Druvius comments on Dec 10, 2020:
Let's just hope the SCOTUS shuts this down.
Cats are weird. I love them so much.
Druvius comments on Dec 5, 2020:
Frozen Bird Found in Siberia is 46,000 Years Old
Druvius comments on Dec 5, 2020:
I was just going to post this, what a find! Eventually we're going to have vast databases of DNA going back 50,000 years or more, going to give incredible insight into all sorts of natural sciences. :)
Actually, many people are much safer, now that they commute from their bedroom to their kitchen.
Druvius comments on Dec 4, 2020:
I stand corrected. There IS a dumber comparison than "It's just a flu folks!"
Trump backers, including Flynn, edge toward a call to 'suspend' Constitution to head off Biden ...
Druvius comments on Dec 3, 2020:
Multiple layers of nonsense, I can only hope nothing comes of it.
Does this seem off to anyone?
Druvius comments on Nov 28, 2020:
His original suggestion, a little off, but there are contexts it could be a harmless suggestion. IE he meant well but didn't really think it through, he's socially awkward, whatevs. His response when you questioned ... run. If his original suggestion was harmless, then when confronted he would have gotten embarrassed, apologized, joked, something like that ... not freaked out. Sounds like he has boundary and self esteem issues. Proceed with great cautious if you do proceed, but my inclination would be "he's not a keeper."
You can marry a dead person in France.
Druvius comments on Nov 26, 2020:
It's called a Ghost Marriage, been practiced world wide in various cultures for thousands of years. Still practiced today, in China especially. Interesting, nu?
Trump refuses to accept Biden win. [beta.cp24.]
Druvius comments on Nov 26, 2020:
404 - Requested Page Not Found
With nearly all votes counted, the 2020 presidential election wasn't that close
Druvius comments on Nov 24, 2020:
Yeah, that's been getting clearer by the day. Trump lost, and lost soundly, his fantasies to the contrary nontwithstanding. It feels good, don't it?
Sick joke I know but here goes anyway. Why did the tomato blush?
Druvius comments on Nov 22, 2020:
Q: What's yellow and very dangerous? A: Shark infested mustard.
This is a good article of what is proving to be some long term effects of COVID-19.
Druvius comments on Nov 14, 2020:
Error 404.
How sweet.
Druvius comments on Nov 13, 2020:
Him and 50 plus million others. Two alternate realities. Fun times.
Does anyone have any insights into what the Biden Cabinet will end up looking like?
Druvius comments on Nov 11, 2020:
It's safe to bet that as under Obama, the cabinet picks will be appointed pretty much in their entirety by Wall Street approved people.
Good Morning 🌞 happy Wednesday! And happy Tuesday night over there! Any thought at this ...
Druvius comments on Nov 10, 2020:
It's not going to end unless there is a concerted coordinated global effort to end it, as Smallpox was eradicated. Covid-19 is both more dangerous than Smallpox and harder to control. By many metrics it's one of the most frightening diseases humans have ever seen, there's been nothing like it before. Some countries will keep it under control, but as long as it rages elsewhere, none can let their guard down. The very best case scenario, it's still going to be with us for years.
Is 45 planning to attempt to suspend the Constitution and declare himself a dictator?
Druvius comments on Nov 10, 2020:
In Trump's mind he won the election, and in the minds of millions of his followers. There's nothing to accept, and he's going to do what needs to be done to set it right. If the GOP controlled Senate and the SCOTUS stay behind him, this could get very ugly indeed.
I guess I'm not allowed any "me time."
Druvius comments on Nov 10, 2020:
Just name the cat "Mee," and you're good. ;)
NASA administrator says he plans to leave position under Biden administration Jim Bridenstine ...
Druvius comments on Nov 9, 2020:
Good, don't slam the door on the way out. A party apparatchik has no business running NASA.
I, Robot....
Druvius comments on Nov 9, 2020:
LOL, been there. :)
Fucking children.
Druvius comments on Nov 9, 2020:
Long as they're peaceful, they can protest all they want.
I think the next two weeks will bring the answer to the question; what will the MAGA Nazis do in ...
Druvius comments on Nov 8, 2020:
Not sure there's much they can do. Some sporadic violence is possible, even likely, but it's not like that's going to derail the election. I fear more that Trump and the GOP will subvert the process to get him elected:
We R - Creature Creators - in - Time & Space - Eternal Beings - Divinely being - a Person - thru ...
Druvius comments on Nov 7, 2020:
So Donald Trump is not conceding and will pursue recounts, litigation maybe even attempts to change ...
Druvius comments on Nov 7, 2020:
We might even end up with a weird parallel government situation, especially if the GOP still controls the Senate and can cripple Biden from the get go.
To all you Bernie Bros who said Democrat party picked the wrong candidate.
Druvius comments on Nov 7, 2020:
LOL, Biden won dude, can we dismantle the Democratic circular firing squad now?
CNN and now Fox News have called the race for Biden. (I just had to say that 🙂 )
Druvius comments on Nov 7, 2020:
WaPo and NYT as well. :)
Letters From An American 11/06/2020
Druvius comments on Nov 7, 2020:
Seems like a cogent analysis. At this point it's getting ridiculous that it hasn't been called for Biden.
I heard Angela Merkel had 13 tweets of hers flagged/hidden for misleading content related to their ...
Druvius comments on Nov 6, 2020:
Headline this morning: "At the White House, Mr. Trump made a brief statement filled with falsehoods about the election process. Here’s the latest." Yes, insanity.
Taking our minds off politics for a moment .
Druvius comments on Nov 6, 2020:
No, while the in person voting will certain cause a small surge, the lag time is a week or more. Trump has decided to just let Covid-19 spread, and as the weather cools and people gather indoors more, it's spreading faster.
Trump still doesn't get it.
Druvius comments on Nov 4, 2020:
Or four years, if the SCOTUS stops the count and installs Trump.
Winston Churchill on Islam
Druvius comments on Nov 3, 2020:
I was a stupid bigot when I was a young man too.
Police in Pakistan recover teen girl after alleged forced conversion and marriage []
Druvius comments on Nov 3, 2020:
Oh, well that's good news.
Trump told associates he intends to declare premature victory on Election Night in order to cast ...
Druvius comments on Nov 3, 2020:
What Trump said or didn't say isn't terribly relevant. And he's certainly said tons of things to cast doubt on the electoral process, and never really committed himself to an orderly transfer of power. I certainly think it's entirely possible he will declare victory tonight, and with the Senate and the SCOTUS in his pocket, he might get away with it. Hell of an election.
As reported so far by various media outlets, here is what is going on with the Trump campaign and ...
Druvius comments on Nov 2, 2020:
Yerp, most expensive election in history, gonna top 14 billion all told. Crazy.
What is with him and crowd size?
Druvius comments on Oct 31, 2020:
He actually believes he's Superman so to speak. He actually believes he won the popular vote in 2016. Narcissism on steroids.
"Terrified" Jon Stewart Sums Up How Americans Feel Right Now.
Druvius comments on Oct 31, 2020:
I am quite anxious, and plan on remaining well medicated.
Is this the last weekend of America? []
Druvius comments on Oct 31, 2020:
I posted almost the same thing myself last night, America is going to be a different place after Tuesday. What a time to be alive.
US and UK citizens are world’s biggest sources of plastic waste – study US population may ...
Druvius comments on Oct 31, 2020:
That's a big difference from what was thought. Interesting. I already knew much of the recycling in America was just green theatre, guess it's worse than that.
Does anyone else become more afraid of the outcome as election day approaches?
Druvius comments on Oct 30, 2020:
Yeah, I'm scared: 10/30/2020 In four nights from now the America we all knew dies. Hope I'm wrong. “IN CALIFORNIA, YOU HAVE A SPECIAL MASK. YOU CANNOT, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, TAKE IT OFF. YOU HAVE TO EAT THROUGH THE MASK.”:
UK fusion experiment used in hunt for clean energy []
Druvius comments on Oct 30, 2020:
Modern fission is perfectly safe and a VAST improvement over coal/oil. And fusion isn't quite the magic bullet it's proponents claim. It might someday be a big part of our power infrastructure, but at this point it's still nowhere near being a practical power source.
Does anyone else become more afraid of the outcome as election day approaches?
Druvius comments on Oct 30, 2020:
I'm just hoping it's not as ugly as it could be.
20 Election 2020 in America, hope it fizzles instead of exploding.
Druvius comments on Oct 29, 2020:
Backup link:
What will you do if tRump steals the election and wins again.
Druvius comments on Oct 29, 2020:
I'll play it by ear, but I fully expect Trump will declare victory election night, and McConnell and the SCOTUS will fall all over themselves supporting his claim. Who knows what will happen after that. Scary times.
"Dogs are the oldest companions of humans".
Druvius comments on Oct 29, 2020:
We already knew they were the first domesticated animal, neat they're working out how it happened. The movie "Alpha" is a fun movie about how this took place.
Macron vows to deploy soldiers across France after attacks in Nice and Avignon
Druvius comments on Oct 29, 2020:
Well, under the circumstances he has to do something, and this seems like a good call to my limited understanding. This is a small number of disaffected extremists, that ISIS and other actors have figured out how to activate so to speak. (Egged on by Nazi extremists as well.) A job for crack police and intelligence assets to root out. Unfortunately, the root cause of this horror, the endless European wars and propping up of criminal regimes in the Middle East/North Africa, probably won't get addressed. We're not really an intelligent species.
Great Barrier Reef: Scientists find reef taller than Empire State Building []
Druvius comments on Oct 29, 2020:
Comes to within 130 ft of the surface. So no danger to shipping under normal circumstances. I guess submarines have some way of detecting such things, never heard of a sub hitting something like this at least.
As an atheist I do not believe that the individual life of a person has an absolute and intrinsic ...
Druvius comments on Oct 29, 2020:
Triage is how medical care is allotted when the need overwhelms capacity. No need to start killing people.
What's the difference between republicans and democrats? Lip Service
Druvius comments on Oct 29, 2020:
Except that Trump thinks he can fight Covid-19 with wishful thinking. Biden knows that science and reason are what is required. So this election the difference is that the lives of hundreds of thousands of Americans are at stake. That's why I am holding my nose and voting for Biden.
We all like the couch by the fireplace.
Druvius comments on Oct 27, 2020:
Used to take my cat to a cabin in the mountains heated with a cast iron stove. We could tell when the stove needed wood by the cat's proximity to it. :)
Pair of studies confirm there is water on the moon - The Washington Post
Druvius comments on Oct 26, 2020:
When miniscule amounts of water was detected in samples brought back by the Apollo missions ... it was dismissed as contamination, since there "couldn't" be water on the Moon's surface. Even scientists can be blinded by preconceptions. :)
Hitchhiker cat that went missing more than two years ago is finally reunited with its owner | Daily ...
Druvius comments on Oct 26, 2020:
I had a friend whose cat couldn't be found after a furniture delivery. Fortunately the delivery company was very helpful, tracked down the truck about 300 miles away, cat was still inside. :)
The buffoon in the White House just brokered two Middle East Peace Accords, something that 71 ...
Druvius comments on Oct 25, 2020:
The OP is a classic gish gallop argument. You can't win on your accomplishments, false arguments and logical fallacies is all that's left:
"In the aftermath of the 2016 election, when the centrist Democrat Hillary Clinton had failed to ...
Druvius comments on Oct 25, 2020:
Exactly, if Clinton had reached out to Berners instead imperiously assuming they were obligated to vote for her, she'd be sitting in the White House today. Blaming the Russians was cowardly and stupid ... and has now given Trump an excuse to use to claim the election was corrupted if he loses.
The buffoon in the White House just brokered two Middle East Peace Accords, something that 71 ...
Druvius comments on Oct 24, 2020:
Just the first paragragh is classic Trump misrepresentation of the facts. He didn't broker any peace, he bribed two countries that weren't at war with Israel nor any threat to Israel by selling them massive amounts of arms, which of course means Israel gets more arms. These deals if anything make the Middle East more volatile not less, they were taxpayer givaways to the arms industry and horrible undemocratic regimes so Trump could claim them as diplomatic accomplishments. And the "World Leaders" who nominated him were minor players in fringe right wing parties. It goes downhill from there. I don't hate Trump, never did, he's just an incredibly incompetent president with no accomplishments to speak of except making the richer richer.
For anyone(that less-than 5%) who somehow still isn't sure who to vote for president this election, ...
Druvius comments on Oct 24, 2020:
He is certainly worse than I feared, he's running the presidency like a crime family, not a government.
The buffoon in the White House just brokered two Middle East Peace Accords, something that 71 ...
Druvius comments on Oct 24, 2020:
Your list is full of lies, half truths, and malarkey. Kinda like listening to Trump brag about himself. In any event, who cares? The buffoon in the White House's utter failure to launch a national defense against Covid-19 based on science and reason, like pretty much the rest of the planet, has resulted in hundreds of thousands of dead Americans with the pandemic still raging out of control. 4th worst mass death event in US history. That ALONE makes him utterly unfit for office. No hatred at all, just the facts maam.
Charlie Hebdo Muhammad cartoons projected onto government buildings in defiance of Islamist ...
Druvius comments on Oct 23, 2020:
And yet it's illegal in France to display Nazi flags or memorabilia. Dunno, hope this helps I guess.
Biden pledges free Covid vaccines for all Americans if elected president [france24.
Druvius comments on Oct 23, 2020:
Compare to Trump's Covid-19 plan:
Researchers at the Universitat von Ostereich (University of Austria) have identified a previously ...
Druvius comments on Oct 22, 2020:
And here I thought he simply suffered from a rectal cranial inversion.
Glenn Beck: “I’m Always Wrong with Timing,” but the End Times Are Near | Hemant Mehta | ...
Druvius comments on Oct 21, 2020:
Predicting the end of the world has a long history:
Yeah go ahead and laugh... nobody will be laughing when I drawer this sword...
Druvius comments on Oct 20, 2020:
Ha ha. Armoire aside, this was the peak of steel armor technology. Full range of movement, very lightweight, and made one essentially impervious to slashing and piercing weapons. He would have carried a hammer into battle, not a sword.
The weird thing to me now is the insane amount of suffering and conflict that we could have saved ...
Druvius comments on Oct 19, 2020:
And if Hillary was POTUS now, the GOP would be holding enraged Senate hearings about how she let 20,000 Americans die of Covid-19. @@
I would consider backing the nominee the Democratic Party rigged their primaries to install if and ...
Druvius comments on Oct 18, 2020:
Just don't vote for Trump, is that too much to ask?
Can the USA survive this level of stupid, sustained for this long?
Druvius comments on Oct 17, 2020:
Who knows, the crystal balls exploded last December.
‘Jesus Christ’: Trump says the son of God is the only person more popular than him in US
Druvius comments on Oct 17, 2020:
The thing that scares me is I think he believes this shit. He believes Hillary's winning the popular vote was due to voter fraud, he believes he had the biggest inaugural crowd ever, etc. This is beyond egotistical, this is simply delusional.
Japan reportedly decides to release treated Fukushima water into the sea []
Druvius comments on Oct 17, 2020:
Always nice when science wins out over fear-mongering and misinformation. This is the best way to deal with the problem, the risk to the environment and health is effectively zero.
Boeing Max Judged Safe to Fly by Europe’s Aviation Regulator U.
Druvius comments on Oct 16, 2020:
A zombie industry lurches forward, lol.


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This is actually from a movie I need to see someday. Here's the trailer:
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Except it would be beer, lol.
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2018, Gettysburg.
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