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This is me, Castro Valley, summer 2017. I'm clean shaven now, guess I should update pic at some point.


4 Funny Feelings About 2020 - POLITICO
Druvius comments on Oct 15, 2020:
"The map is not the territory." I wasn't shocked by 2016, I saw Trump's appeal and the problems in Clinton's campaign. This time Biden has avoided many of Clinton's flaws, but the GOP's strategy of voter suppression is much broader than in 2016. I think a blue wave victory is the most likely election night result, but I won't be shocked if it gets nullified somehow. Crazy times.
Gee, what a surprise.
Druvius comments on Oct 15, 2020:
Old article, but since then it's gotten worse. Trump got bored with Covid-19 and has now basically surrendered.
You KNOW he did!
Druvius comments on Oct 13, 2020:
Cats, lol.
This kid's awesome... 11 year old charged with stealing school bus []
Druvius comments on Oct 13, 2020:
Not sure I'd use the word awesome, though no doubt he will be forever remembered as such by his classmates. lol.
Should FB ban Holocaust denial ? why/not ?
Druvius comments on Oct 12, 2020:
Yes, it's just repackaged anti-semitism and Nazi propaganda.
You see, we have civil unrest and strife just like our neighbours.
Druvius comments on Oct 12, 2020:
If one ever wants proof positive Americans are more prone to violence, there have been over 5,000 lynchings in America's history. Exactly one in Canadian history ... a mob of Americans crossed the border to lynch a guy.
What he said.
Druvius comments on Oct 12, 2020:
LOL, this is the one I posted today:
Apparently, three and a half out of every seven people tend to overcomplicate things.
Druvius comments on Oct 12, 2020:
37.5% of statistics are made up on the spot. ;)
I don’t know about you guys but I’m sick to death of people that see admitting they were wrong ...
Druvius comments on Oct 11, 2020:
Never known anyone with it as bad as Trump. I'm not even sure it's he sees it as a sign of weakness, I think he actually believes every word that comes out of his mouth. Sharpiegate was scary frankly.
Some of you may think I’m “nutty”, but I thought I’d share this here anyways for those that ...
Druvius comments on Oct 9, 2020:
I often remove dead animals from the road if safe. I even buried a squirrel once because it was such a sad thing.
Has anybody here heard of the Nazca Lines or Gobekli Tepe or the countless other ancient creations ...
Druvius comments on Oct 9, 2020:
I'd love for there to be evidence of extraterrestrial visitors or ancient advanced technology. I'd been interested in the topic since High School. Alas I soon learned that people like Von Daaniken simply, well, lied, to make their case. I've yet to see anything that requires extraterrestrial influence to explain, and there's not been a shred of evidence for ancient technology.
Does anybody else believe that Trump never had Covid 19?
Druvius comments on Oct 9, 2020:
"The only way three people can keep a secret is if two of them are dead." Pathological lying is Trump's is Trump's modus operandi. A complicated hoax involving dozens of people? He doesn't possess the management skills to organize something like that. And how would faking getting sick help him anyhow?
Kamala Harris is losing to Mike Pence.
Druvius comments on Oct 8, 2020:
I thought she could have done a better job, but it wasn't a debate. Pence masterfully spun the fantasy world Trump and his supporters live in, how do you debate with someone whose every word is a lie?
Pretty good advice as we near the U.S. elections.
Druvius comments on Oct 6, 2020:
Pretty much. On some level a lot of them know Trump is in deep shit, and the motivated reasoning to avoid acknowledging that will get nuts. Interesting times indeed.
Biden is my enemy for any number of reasons.
Druvius comments on Oct 3, 2020:
The latest nonsense from Q (also known as Qanon) is that Trump does not have COVID-19 and this is ...
Druvius comments on Oct 3, 2020:
No, at this point the idea that he's faking it doesn't hold water any more, too many people would have to be in on the deception. QAnon and Trump's core have been divorced from reality from the get go, eventually reality catches up.
Breaking News!!! Despite having a highly equipped and sophisticated medical centre in the White ...
Druvius comments on Oct 2, 2020:
Seems like a reasonable precaution if he's symptomatic, Covid-19 can come on like a tsunami. We'll know in a week, but yes, a very real possibility he could die. What a time to witness. Others around him will likely test positive and sicken soon, this could get really ugly.
Why is the government and news media not doing a better job of managing this virus?
Druvius comments on Oct 1, 2020:
Because Trump doesn't live in the real world, and his followers have joined him. Every other country has a national response, national test and trace, etc. Trump has just left it to the states, quite likely the worst abrogation of Federal responsibility in US history, and we are paying a terrible cost because if it.
Druvius comments on Oct 1, 2020:
I've been an ignostic Episcopalian for a decade or so, works for me. If I ever hear a definition of "god" that makes sense, I'll revisit the issue.
Kitty see, kitty do: cat imitates human, in first scientific demonstration of behavior ...
Druvius comments on Sep 26, 2020:
Fascinating because cats don't pass the mirror test, they don't possess "theory of mind." So they aren't consciously imitating humans. If true means their mirror neurons come into play with humans, which was already pretty clear I guess. I've heard it stated that cats don't think they're people, they think we are big cats. A lot of fascinating work has been done on animal cognition in recent decades, animal consciousness is far more complex than was once thought. (Pic just for fun, because ... cats!)
I'm afraid for America with the buffoon at the helm.
Druvius comments on Sep 26, 2020:
Exactly what the other commenter says. Trump is going to claim he won the election no matter what, so the best result is such an overwhelming Biden victory that Trump's claim will obviously be crazy talk.
Wait, wut????
Druvius comments on Sep 25, 2020:
LOL thank you.
People who think masks DON’T WORK.
Druvius comments on Sep 24, 2020:
This is the poison the evangelicals and corporate interests have spread for decades in the US: Government and science are the enemy. We are reaping what they sowed. What a sh*tshow.
Druvius comments on Sep 14, 2020:
Nothing murky at all, just another lie/con on par with "It's all going to go away by Easter!" It's just vaccine theater to get his base to the polls.
Wow, this is interesting life on Venus?: []
Druvius comments on Sep 14, 2020:
Might have to change priorities:
Another one bites the dust. Charlottesville: Confederate soldier statue removed. []
Druvius comments on Sep 13, 2020:
A step in the right direction. Stick it in a Confederate war cemetery or such, they don't belong on prominent display in public spaces.
First photograph of a comet.
Druvius comments on Sep 11, 2020:
First photo taken from the surface of a comet. Comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko.
I can't stand when the right says "EVERYONE should be responsible for their own health care.
Druvius comments on Sep 10, 2020:
Yeah, it's a collective sickness in our culture. Every other developed nation, and plenty of undeveloped ones, realise that everyone wins with universal health care. Health care costs are collectivized whether we like it or not, so why not go with the win win practice of universal health care? Sadly we let big corporations turn health care into a product in America, and now we have the developed world's least effective and most expensive health care system. It's nightmarish in a way.
How do pandemics usually end? And how will this one finish? []
Druvius comments on Sep 9, 2020:
No one really knows, since this isn't a flu. It's like nothing we've ever dealt with before. If a workable vaccine is found, well run countries will achieve herd immunity, but even then they can't let their guard down. Trump has apparently decided to let it runs its course in the US, so it's not going to end anytime soon, and will cause staggering health and economic costs.
Astronomers find no signs of alien tech after scanning over 10 million stars An Australian ...
Druvius comments on Sep 9, 2020:
My suspicion is that life like ours is an evolutionary dead end. As technology continues to advance, sooner or later it will be possible for an individual to build a doomsday device. The end won't be much later.
Seems the fatality rate of covid19 has been severely overestimated []
Druvius comments on Sep 7, 2020:
Interesting but utterly irrelevant, though the Rush "It's only a cold" Limbaugh morons will no doubt run with it. Covid-19 is a terrible brand new highly contagious viral disease that we are only beginning to understand, but already we know it's not just another flu. It spreads throughout the body, causing all sorts of effects we are just learning about. Heart damage appears to be very common just for starters. Any sane person and nation will do everything they can to get on top of Covid-19. Which apparently much of America, including the White House, has yet to grasp.
Millions could die if Trump listens to the adviser he hired from Fox’s green room | Media Matters ...
Druvius comments on Sep 6, 2020:
"We will choke their rivers with our dead!" This is prima facie insane, but Trump wasn't exactly on an even keel before Covid-19.
Government Advice:
Druvius comments on Sep 4, 2020:
Over 200,000 American dead and counting, and people are still spreading nonsense like this.
Scientists Found Rust on the Moon.
Druvius comments on Sep 4, 2020:
My favorite Moon story is the soil and rocks brought back by the Apollo missions contained minuscule amounts of water. Since there couldn't be water on the Moon, it was written off as terrestrial contamination. Oops, decades later turns out there is minuscule amounts of water on the Moon's surface. Scientists can be as blinded by their prejudices as anyone else. :)
How Much It Sucked to Be a Medieval Serf - YouTube
Druvius comments on Sep 4, 2020:
As a student of history, this is kind of a caricature. Serfdom was terrible, but society depended on their labor so there were some constraints. Never heard they couldn't own personal property either, they just couldn't own land. I couldn't watch it all, did they mention that serfs were exempt from both taxation and the draft? Anyhow, not defending serfdom, but pretty sure most historians would cringe at this.
Pretty much sums up the current national sentiment. Maybe if we were nicer... 🤔
Druvius comments on Sep 3, 2020:
This person is uninformed, science can neither prove nor disprove the existence of an invisible supernatural being. Maybe if logic was a required subject in schools? But yes, certainly sums up the ignorant anti-science attitude that gets stronger in America daily sometimes it seems. Hudson had it right:
The CEO at Euro Exim Bank Ltd.
Druvius comments on Sep 3, 2020:
Thinking he's an idiot? What does the CEO think that cyclist is going to do with his money if he doesn't buy a car etc? Bury it in their yard? Of course not, it's going to get spent. Spending drives the economy. And the idea that sick people are good for the economy is so stupid it's not even worth refuting. I'm guessing this is some sort of joke post?
Obama—Once an Advocate of Change—is Now One of the Biggest Obstacles to Change - YouTube
Druvius comments on Sep 3, 2020:
Obama claimed to be an advocate for change, his actions showed he was 100% in the pockets of corporate America and the Pentagon. So whatever change he may have advocated, he was a champion for the rich.
A third of Republicans believe QAnon theory of deep state paedophile cannibals is 'mostly true', ...
Druvius comments on Sep 3, 2020:
Yeah, not surprising. A rational president giving consistent science based messaging in the face of Covid-19 would minimize these. We have a president actually promoting pseudoscience, quacks, and conspiracy theories. So lots of people are falling for it.
It seems like I saw this sign for 30 years when I was driving to work
Druvius comments on Sep 2, 2020:
What sign? lol.
A facebook friend posted this.
Druvius comments on Sep 2, 2020:
"It's idiotic" would be my reason for not sharing it.
Ammon Bundy comes out FOR defunding the police and in support of Black Lives Matter This may not ...
Druvius comments on Sep 1, 2020:
Yeah, this is interesting.
Christian Group Seeks Removal Of Dinosaur From Tucson McDonald's | Tucson, AZ Patch
Druvius comments on Sep 1, 2020:
I really wish they wouldn't make this claim. It's the freaking holy rollers who are upset about this, other Christians have no problem with science. Hell, I remember drawing dinosaurs as part of Sunday School, and that was in the 60s. And oh yeah, these folks are bonkers. Just don't go to the restaurant if they don't like it, glad the franchise shrugged it off.
NuScale’s small nuclear reactor is first to get US safety approval Small size can help with ...
Druvius comments on Sep 1, 2020:
Nuclear has a bright future. Peoples fears of it are based on how it was in the 1950s. Chernobyl didn't even have a containment structure for God's sake. The next generation of nuclear reactors is going to be a huge improvement. Coal and oil power has to go.
It is frightening to me that nearly half of Americans think trump is handling the protests ...
Druvius comments on Sep 1, 2020:
More than half of white Americans think whites are a discriminated against minority. So not surprising.
Mmmmmm.... anybody see a resemblance to what Liberals are doing today?
Druvius comments on Aug 31, 2020:
Well, if they study history they know that the Nazis are far right, nothing even remotely liberal about them at all. And it's Trump urging his far right supporters to protest in Democratic cities. So the OP is claiming Trump is a Nazi I guess.
What determines whether a person is a Christian or not?
Druvius comments on Aug 31, 2020:
Their religion is at least loosely based on Jesus Christ. That's all. 40,000 plus denominations and countless millions of individual interpretations, so there's nothing in common besides that.
Regarding my last post, I’m taking both my parents’ lead & voting for Biden.
Druvius comments on Aug 29, 2020:
Yes, we're beyond lesser evil voting now. Trump is not just evil, he's literally delusional. However evil Biden may be, at least he lives in a world where Covid-19 is real and has to be dealt with accordingly.
Druvius comments on Aug 29, 2020:
Until Covid hit, I was like, well, Trump has shown us that a gerbil could occupy the White House without causing too much harm, granted even then he was a horrible president. Now that his horrible failure to recognize, let alone fight, Covid-19 is killing tens of thousands of Americans and crushing both our economy and our standing in the world ... yeah, I think I'll vote for the other gerbil. Trump had his chance. I mean, his platform comes down to "I know things are really bad now on my watch, but Biden will make it worse!" Right.
Passenger sues easyJet after crew told her to move seats to satisfy ultra-Orthodox Jews | easyJet | ...
Druvius comments on Aug 28, 2020:
These guys have caused problems on planes frequently. In Israel they have so much privilege it's sickening, so they don't understand the rest of the world isn't Israel. THEY should be offered the choice of other available seats or egress if none or available, since THEY couldn't be bothered to make flight seating arrangements where this didn't come up. Also, if they offered the woman a chunk o cash for the favor, hey up to her. The airline should have taken her side, they were in the wrong.
Terrifying. VoteBlueNoMatterWho []
Druvius comments on Aug 28, 2020:
A man who can't even grasp that Covid-19 is real and organize a coherent rational scientific effort to fight it, unlike pretty much every other leader on the planet, has been implementing some secret master plan to make himself into Hitler? Please, Trump couldn't plot his way out of a paper bag. Yes, he is a terrifyingly bad president and things are going to get worse before they get better, but it's because Trump (and his followers) live in a fantasy world where they are pretending Covid-19 will all just go away and the economy will magically rebound.
An article about a woman being asked to change seats on an airliner due to the religion of the men ...
Druvius comments on Aug 27, 2020:
If someone can't abide sitting next to a random stranger (for whatever reason,) it's their responsibility to reserve seats that are stand alone, or buy a ticket for whatever seats need to be kept vacant as per their preferences.
Aggressive BLM Protestors
Druvius comments on Aug 26, 2020:
Did they shoot her dead if she didn't comply?
After 48 Years, Democrats Endorse Nuclear Energy In Platform []
Druvius comments on Aug 26, 2020:
One of our last best hopes to stave off global warming, so it's a good thing. Coal burning power kills more people every day than every nuclear accident in history, produces staggering amounts of toxic waste, and is a major contributer to global warming.
It is often interesting how ancient terms, beliefs, and practices linger on into modern times but ...
Druvius comments on Aug 25, 2020:
Like "Indian Summer," except that one is still a mystery. It originated in North America in the late 18th century and had something to do with Indians, but the exact original meaning/origin is unknown. Language is fun. :)
New here..........
Druvius comments on Aug 25, 2020:
Welcome. :)
Meet Frenchman Jules Brunet, the real-life last samurai.
Druvius comments on Aug 24, 2020:
They hastily built two wooden cannons for the last battle. Worked about as well as one would expect. :(
The fatal consequences of believing misinformation on the Internet: [] Covid19
Druvius comments on Aug 24, 2020:
God rest her soul. (That's a figure of speech by the way.) If there's any justice in this world people like Rush "It's just a cold folks!" Limbaugh and all the others who spread deadly misinformation about Covid-19 would suffer the consequences for their crimes.
Hong Kong researchers report first documented coronavirus re-infection [reuters.
Druvius comments on Aug 24, 2020:
We can only hope this is a fluke or a mistake. Though it wouldn't be too surprising, other cornonaviruses confer immunity for only a few months to a few years. Also means a vaccine may be of limited utility. Covid-19, the gift that keeps on giving.
Tuned for life?
Druvius comments on Aug 24, 2020:
Fine tuning argument, been around for decades. A variation on the Watchmaker argument. Basically it's circular reasoning based on a false premise, IE there's something special about life. If the Universe was different, or conditions on Earth were different, we wouldn't be here. So? The fact that we are here means that conditions were amenable to our evolution and existence, that in no way implies that somehow these conditions were created. At this point there is every indication that we evolved naturally, no invisible superfriend required.
Well you wouldn't believe or read about But it has happened.
Druvius comments on Aug 24, 2020:
Some birds can be notoriously difficult to sex, with some surgery being the only way to tell for sure. If it hatches though, I got nothing. ;)
Sociopathic traits linked to non-compliance with mask guidelines and other COVID-19 containment ...
Druvius comments on Aug 22, 2020:
I was going to say, they tend to be very poor at assessing risks. One of the reasons attempts to use them as commandos or in bomb squads fail. No surprise.
Anthony Fauci: "Helpless Means You Can't Do Anything. There's a Lot We Can Do." - DER SPIEGEL
Druvius comments on Aug 22, 2020:
There is a lot we could do, Trump just refuses to acknowledge that, let alone do anything.
The historical rose garden Melania removed.
Druvius comments on Aug 22, 2020:
Huh? Everything I can find says the Rose Garden got a badly overdue renovation, and the design work was done in concert with the White House Historical Preservation committee. Doesn't look terribly tacky to me:
Redirect military budgets to tackle climate change and pandemics Governments should stop spending ...
Druvius comments on Aug 22, 2020:
Unfortunately weapons are the world's second largest industry. Mass insanity really.
The antagonism to science, as it's ever increasing in our country, is taking us on a path to ...
Druvius comments on Aug 20, 2020:
A huge part of the problem is that the modern sciences of advertising and propaganda have made huge strides in manipulating people. And there are religions, politicians, and industries who don't give a crap about anything but their own profits. Lead paint/gas and cigarettes were where these techniques came into full flower and successfully sowed doubt about well established science for decades so they could continue to market their toxic products. Now we are seeing the same techniques used to sow doubt about global warming with great effect. And sadly in politics and religion as well. Not sure what the solution is, but reinstating the Fairness Doctrine would be a good start.
Interesting! From the article: IN FEBRUARY 2012, the Nobel Prize-winning physicist Frank Wilczek ...
Druvius comments on Aug 19, 2020:
Fascinating, a little dated though. They have subsequently been created, wikipedia has a nice article.
Trump Pardon Susan B Anthony Posthumously. What a Letdown
Druvius comments on Aug 18, 2020:
Smoke and mirrors is all he has, all he ever had. Getting more pathetic all the time.
Green Party and other third-party candidates may be electable to some state and local offices.
Druvius comments on Aug 18, 2020:
Spewing vote-shaming sh_t like this is why Clinton lost. Ain't gonna help Biden win, but if he loses boy, you've set yourself up to feel all proud and righteous. There's no good way to manipulate people into voting the way you think they should vote, give it up.
Pentagon Announces Task Force to Study UFOs The mission of the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task...
Druvius comments on Aug 17, 2020:
Your tax dollars at waste.
High-resolution view of Pluto Sputnik Planitia, captured by NASA's New Horizons spacecraft.
Druvius comments on Aug 17, 2020:
And Pluto is still a mystery, astronomers expected to find a heavily cratered geologically dead orb. Instead it clearly has active geology, still unexplained from what I can find.
An unusual meteorite, more valuable than gold, may hold the building blocks of life ...
Druvius comments on Aug 17, 2020:
All meteorites are considerably more valuable than gold. Gold is at $60 per gram, meteorites start at $300 per gram and go way higher for unusual ones.
Its amazing how people will subconsciously buy into Trump's bullshit.
Druvius comments on Aug 15, 2020:
Sadly blame shifting has been so normalized by both parties now that its spread much further than Covid-19. The insidious thing about the "It's China's Fault!" propaganda is that EVEN IF IT WAS TRUE, so what? Whether natural or unnatural in origin, Trump's response to Covid-19 is a textbook case of incompetence. Where Covid-19 came from is irrelevant. "China did it!" is a double false argument, one inside the other. Great political propaganda, terrible way to cope with a real world crisis.
I found it interesting that, of all people, Sarah Palin extended a very cordial and mature ...
Druvius comments on Aug 15, 2020:
I recall her saying a lot of silly things, but don't recall her sinking to Trumpian level mean spirited name calling. Good for her, extreme mindless partisanship is destroying the country, any steps backward on that are a good thing.
Have you heard of THIS problem if you get Coronavirus?
Druvius comments on Aug 11, 2020:
A couple I know in Holland caught it in March. They still have not fully recovered. Not a damn cold or flu.
Unlike most of Cassini’s images, this one is completely different, for in this image, Saturn is ...
Druvius comments on Aug 11, 2020:
And the one star to the upper left is Earth, every human being ever is in this photo. Some of them were waving. :)
I get the idea that people usually call themselves Agnostic out of fear that using the name Atheist ...
Druvius comments on Aug 9, 2020:
I'm an Ignostic Episcopalian. Works for me.
This is horrible. Is this article accurate? []
Druvius comments on Aug 9, 2020:
Human sacrifice was fairly common in the ancient world. At least dozens of cultures/civilizations practiced it. Wikipedia seems to have a nice article on it. Grim business indeed, why it evolved in some places and times, I doubt it's super well understood. Jared Diamond had some unpleasant thoughts along those lines.
30 Cats Who Decided To Pretend To Be Penguins | Bored Panda
Druvius comments on Aug 7, 2020:
It's called spyhopping, where an animal does this to get a better look. Generally considered a sign of intelligence. Also used to describe when fish etc stick their heads out of the water to look at stuff, same caveat applies. Great White Sharks spyhop, they aren't the mindless predators many think.
CA Christian School Plans In-Person Classes Since God “Spoke To Us Very Clearly” | Hemant Mehta ...
Druvius comments on Aug 6, 2020:
If the God they hear is telling them to sacrifice their children, pretty sure that's not the God Jesus was talking about.
This could be one of the most important inventions ever - [nature.
Druvius comments on Aug 6, 2020:
Maybe, but a big problem with desalinization is that every gallon of clean water produces a gallon and a half of polluted water. I couldn't find any mention if this method addresses that ugly problem.
When a keyboard warrior calls me stupid, yet expects me to listen to what they have to say while ...
Druvius comments on Aug 6, 2020:
"Name calling is the first and last refuge of those who can't construct a logical argument." Yeah, waste of time to argue with such.
Do Animals Really Anticipate Earthquakes ?
Druvius comments on Aug 3, 2020:
Hint is the word, far more work needs to be done to come to any conclusions. It's also a little problematic because no mechanism by which an earthquake could be predicted has ever been established. The big famous one that was predicted in China in retrospect was an earthquake "that wanted to be predicted." IE yes, it gave all sorts of clear signs in the days before that something was brewing. No other quake has ever signaled such since. And then there's the fact that earthquakes themselves are still very poorly understood. Interesting preliminary study, but that's all it is.
Here are a couple old jokes.
Druvius comments on Aug 1, 2020:
Q: How many men does it take to put a new roll of toilet paper on the dispenser? A: No one knows.
Yeah.... .
Druvius comments on Jul 30, 2020:
been there, lol.
I so much hate to say "I told you so," but it seems I may have been right on the money when I ...
Druvius comments on Jul 30, 2020:
Republican leaders have already broken ranks and made it clear this isn't going to happen. Trump is desperate at this point and just spewing crap, it will get a lot worse as the election gets closer. No one knows what's going to happen but it's certainly possible he's going to be abandoned by his party because he's dragging them down with him. Hell of an election.
For anyone interested in British Archeology and the BBC - Time Team TV series just go to YouTube and...
Druvius comments on Jul 30, 2020:
Great show, always really enjoyed it. It's free on Tubi, but only season one last I checked.
Donald Trump’s Campaign Is Pretending There’s No Pandemic | HuffPost
Druvius comments on Jul 30, 2020:
It's getting weirder every day.
Druvius comments on Jul 30, 2020:
Idiotic self serving nonsense from Trump isn't a plan, he couldn't plan his way out of a paper bag. He's just grasping at straws trying to bend reality to his will. Granted scariest election of my life, God only knows what he will try in order to salvage his deluded fantasy that he is a combination of Jesus, Caesar, and Einstein.
Druvius comments on Jul 29, 2020:
Only if he means a victim of his own incompetence, hubris, and magical thinking.
'Group of Doctors say Covid has a definite cure'
Druvius comments on Jul 29, 2020:
It's being pulled because it's dangerous nonsense.
US coronavirus: Nation could see deaths in the 'multiple hundreds of thousands,' group says - CNN
Druvius comments on Jul 29, 2020:
Pretty much. it's highly unlikely any serious national effort to control it will happen before February at the earliest. So five more months at 25,000 a month minimum.
Trump's new favorite doctor believes in Alien DNA, Demon sperm and hydroxy chloroquine.
Druvius comments on Jul 29, 2020:
It's getting weirder every day.
U.S. to withdraw almost 12,000 troops from Germany in sweeping reorganization
Druvius comments on Jul 29, 2020:
LOL, what does this have to do with Putin? (Hint: Nothing.) Those troops should have been pulled out decades ago, this, if true, is a gift to the American taxpayer. Assuming they come back to the US and aren't stationed somewhere else equally expensive on the globe.
A lot of people have been speculating where President trump was drawing his unmarked, masked Federal...
Druvius comments on Jul 27, 2020:
I almost hope he tries to stay in office after losing the election using "his people" to defend him. The 101st Airborne, Marines, etc will roll over them in minutes.
How the rest of he workd sees the U.S. right now: A cartoon from a British newspaper
Druvius comments on Jul 27, 2020:
This too:
Russian teen soccer player struck by lightning during training
Druvius comments on Jul 26, 2020:
Neat footage, glad he's ok.
A chimpanzee's finger and a human finger.
Druvius comments on Jul 26, 2020:
Not arguing the point, go back a few million years and somewhere we all came from the same mom. A chimp is 5-7 times as strong as an adult male human though, don't get into a fight with one. If chased, try to get into a body of water, they can't swim. :)
Donald Trump's America is Unrecognizable
Druvius comments on Jul 26, 2020:
More surreal every day, I often pinch myself, but haven't woken up yet. Latest plan is to say "Arch" at random times and places.
Hallucigenia: The Worm With the Missing Head []
Druvius comments on Jul 26, 2020:
Always been one of my favourites. They thought it was an extinct genus for a long time, current thinking, last I heard, velvet worms are its descendants:


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This is actually from a movie I need to see someday. Here's the trailer:
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Except it would be beer, lol.
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2018, Gettysburg.
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