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This is me, Castro Valley, summer 2017. I'm clean shaven now, guess I should update pic at some point.


Yeah, yeah, yeah, Bigfoot.
Druvius comments on Dec 8, 2018:
As much as I would like to believe there is a relict population of hominids in the American west, I too think we can safely say it's a modern myth. Though the fossil argument doesn't fly, hominids tend not to fossilize, and there's things like the coelocanths that managed to go for tens of millions of years without leaving fossil evidence. The fact that none have been spotted on surveillance footage, trap cameras, or hit by a car seems pretty definitive to me. And the footprints, no one that found any ever said "Let's go get Joe's hounds and track this thing down!"
I think we may have done this before, but it's great fun. What are your Top 5 comedies of all time?
Druvius comments on Dec 8, 2018:
Game Night, Groundhog Day, Fandango, This is Spinal Tap, and Dark Star. Not much for most conventional comedies.
Aquatic Ape Hypothesis VS Savannah Theory
Druvius comments on Dec 8, 2018:
I suspect that hominids started exploiting wetlands/shores as they got smarter. I doubt it played a huge role in our evolution, tool use and exploiting fire likely drove our upright posture and loss of body hair. Still, all debatable still, though as I understand it the "Aquatic Ape hypothesis" isn't well supported, we were never a primarily aquatic or semi aquatic species. Interesting question.
Really? How odd.
Druvius comments on Dec 8, 2018:
I hear it's really good in coffee. I suspect it's only used in tiny amounts, would think that excess human breast milk would best be used for feeding babies. In any event perfectly good food, we are designed to exist on it. Now baking with Moon Blood, pass.
OLD BOOTS. 500 year old skeleton discovered in the Thames. []
Druvius comments on Dec 7, 2018:
Thanks for the positive feedback. Sharing my work is always appreciated. :)
1967 - Before Women Could Run in Boston Marathon - Not That Long Ago
Druvius comments on Dec 7, 2018:
Well, sign that there has been some progress since then. Most people today,especially younger people, would think the idea of excluding women from this was bizarre.
Forklift causes whole warehouse to collapse - YouTube
Druvius comments on Dec 6, 2018:
Cheese warehouse in UK. Took 8 hours to dig the forklift driver out, but he was uninjured. And I agree, shelving should have been designed to withstand forklift accidents.
Why is it some people who are demonised when alive become pretty okay guys when they die.
Druvius comments on Dec 6, 2018:
Part and parcel of America, the country that never makes a mistake and never apologizes. Sad cause means we never learn from our mistakes and just keep repeating them.
There was a time when we valued wisdom… but then all the stupid people complained.
Druvius comments on Dec 5, 2018:
It really is weird, how did we get here? Historians will argue about it for centuries, assuming we make it past this age of stupidity glorified.
Need to Be a Dog Person
Druvius comments on Dec 5, 2018:
it depends, lol.
It's about friggin time somebody did this.
Druvius comments on Dec 5, 2018:
That has to be one of the stupider memes I have seen, and we live in a golden age of stupid memes.
What I've long suspected...
Druvius comments on Dec 5, 2018:
Oh, it happens. An anthropologist interviewing a shaman somewhere eventually discovered he was consulting an old red cross manual squirreled away in his hut.
Islam = the Qur'an + Muhammad.
Druvius comments on Dec 5, 2018:
That's like saying there are no moderate Christians or all blacks are thieves.
Who had one of these?
Druvius comments on Dec 5, 2018:
LOL, yeah, dumb things just made the bike harder to pedal. Not surprised they didn't last.
Tough as old boots: a Thames skeleton's durable footwear He was found lying on his front, head ...
Druvius comments on Dec 4, 2018:
Moving to me. He must have just vanished, his friends and loved ones never knowing his fate.
'Awe-inspiring' cave discovered in Canada's wilderness []
Druvius comments on Dec 4, 2018:
Still amazing things to be discovered on our planet. :)
Has anyone else ever been tempted to buy an electric car, and then wire some strategically hidden ...
Druvius comments on Dec 4, 2018:
In Europe electric cars will be required to make noise soon, because that's a big part of how pedestrians and bicyclists track cars. So assume that some manufacturers will offer all sorts of options. :)
Do you agree with Kadhammer's comments?
Druvius comments on Dec 4, 2018:
Huh? They gave him clear warning that lethal force would be used if he persisted in his efforts. He literally gave them no choice. If they had murdered him when he first set foot on the island I would have some sympathy.
Your thoughts on Aliens:
Druvius comments on Dec 3, 2018:
Well, SETI has come up with buttkiss so far. If there is intelligent life such as ours, it's rare. My suspicion is that intelligence such as ours is an evolutionary dead end. We'll see, there's a number of promising SETI avenues yet to be explored.
NASA makes its entire video and image library freely accessible []
Druvius comments on Dec 2, 2018:
Always loved NASA images, a godsend to bloggers like me. Public domain as long as you don't claim NASA is endorsing you somehow.
History or mystery
Druvius comments on Dec 1, 2018:
Plato made up Atlantis out of whole cloth, likely inspired by the destruction of the Greek city of Helike.
I still love this.
Druvius comments on Nov 30, 2018:
No, this is a fake picture from an astronomy imaging program.
Cosmic Airburst May Have Wiped Out Part of the Middle East 3,700 Years Ago []
Druvius comments on Nov 29, 2018:
Events like this are likely going to turn out to be pretty common.
(CNN) - Engineers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) said they have successfully ...
Druvius comments on Nov 23, 2018:
Moving parts are the modern equivalent of foot treadles or steam engines. Eventually they will largely absent from engineered devices.
It sure seems like it sometimes.
Druvius comments on Nov 22, 2018:
Or this ...
Democratic Opponents of ‘Green New Deal’ Committee Received Big Fossil Fuel Donations ...
Druvius comments on Nov 21, 2018:
If the environmental andhealth costs of fossil fuels were added to their retail price, the free market would take care of the problem in no time.
Is cancer a deliberate business?
Druvius comments on Nov 21, 2018:
No, the cure for cancer, like the 300mpg car engine and other such, if they existed, they would be worth a fortune on theblack market. And thus widely available. Not tomention countries like North Korea and Iran would use them.
Cats weren't domesticated by mankind, they domesticated themselves in their own sweet time in ...
Druvius comments on Nov 19, 2018:
Cats are unique among domesticated animals. Only obligate carnivore ever domesticated. Only non herd animal domesticated. All other domestic animals humans immediately began selectively breeding them. Closer to mutualism than domrstication.
Have we been to the moon?...Cant even get 200,000 miles on the average car!!
Druvius comments on Nov 19, 2018:
Yes, it's one of the most well documented events in history. It couldn't be faked with today's technology, let alone that of the 1960s. If there had been a hoax, the Soviets would have exposed it at the time.
The UN is useless.
Druvius comments on Nov 19, 2018:
It simply gives the face of legitimacy of the neocolonial rule and exploitation of the world.
Noah's Ark
Druvius comments on Nov 16, 2018:
By 1830 or so the geologic evidence was clear, there was never a worldwide flood. Sea levels have gone up and down hundreds of feet, but it took centuries, nothing like the 40 days in tbe Bible. There have always been local and regional floods, and the Noah myth could easily be the result of one of them.
Ok maybe it was not an alien craft and the acceleration was outgassing.
Druvius comments on Nov 15, 2018:
It seems unlikely. Still, the shape of it is frankly hard to explain at this point. Far more so than the acceleration.
"The inner workings of the Mueller investigation are a total mess.
Druvius comments on Nov 15, 2018:
Well, the first round of indictments showed Russiagate was nothinggate. The second round showed it was just partisan political theatre. Don't hold your breath waiting for Mueller to come up with anything concrete. A shame really, Trump has done plenty that the Dems should be fighting against tooth and nail, instead they waste time and energy on something that is going nowhere.
Impact crater 19 miles wide found beneath Greenland glacier (and may be only 12,000 years old, ...
Druvius comments on Nov 15, 2018:
As some scientists have pointed out, an impact that big should have been a global disaster, which would seem to rule out the 12,000 year old impact. It's all very preliminary at this point though. Fascinating though.
Impact crater 19 miles wide found beneath Greenland glacier (and may be only 12,000 years old, ...
Druvius comments on Nov 14, 2018:
As some scientists have pointed out, an impact that big should have been a global disaster, which would seem to rule out the 12,000 year old impact. It's all very preliminary at this point though. Fascinating though.
This is a great action packed World War II movie
Druvius comments on Nov 10, 2018:
Well, the blurb is simply wrong, Stalingrad changed the tide of the war, not D-Day. Hope it's a good movie though.
[] Why Are So any Serial Killers Born in November?
Druvius comments on Nov 7, 2018:
And Manson was a spree killer, not a serial killer.
[] Why Are So any Serial Killers Born in November?
Druvius comments on Nov 7, 2018:
The one study they cite is garbage. So probably not a real phenomena. They used serial killers and mass murderers in the "study" for example. They aren't the same thing at all.
Did you know that the US government planned to stage an attack on the US soil and civilians to ...
Druvius comments on Nov 7, 2018:
Yes, and it was never implemented because it was beyond ridiculous. And it didn't involve the cold blooded murder of thousands of Americans. It's generally brought up by 9/11 Truthers to give a faux sense of versimulatude to their preposterous (and evidence free) theories about 9\11.
Thought I’d make a special post of my Lucy.
Druvius comments on Nov 6, 2018:
Calicos. They show their love by not murdering you in your sleep. True love.
UGH! Florida! wtf! DeSantis? really?
Druvius comments on Nov 6, 2018:
Global warming will be removing Florida from the equation soon enough.
What would happen if, when mankind final acquires the technology to build functional habitats on the...
Druvius comments on Nov 6, 2018:
Well, it would mean someone cleaned it up. The world's intelligience agencies for the most part would quickly determine no human agency could have done so. So it would mean aliens or possibly a human AI was fucking with us. Cue scifi book or movie plot.
Im s c r e a m i n g about the new venom movie omfg
Druvius comments on Nov 6, 2018:
Hmm, cause you liked it, or because you are offended by its departure from canon?
Jesus fucking Christ, insulting Islam is now a punishable offense in the EU court of human right We...
Druvius comments on Nov 6, 2018:
No, not what the ruling said. It said that calling the prophet a pedophile in a public forum was not protected free speech. Their reasoning seemed sound to me.
Now That Dawn Is History, Should NASA Send Another Mission to Ceres? []
Druvius comments on Nov 5, 2018:
Sooner or later. Landers, rovers, and sample return missions are the wave of the future. Orbiters are great for recon, but we are moving past that now.
How annoying is this?
Druvius comments on Nov 5, 2018:
That's a new one. Rectal cranial inversion?
My Cat Loves Me Unconditionally
Druvius comments on Nov 5, 2018:
World’s longest sea bridge opens between Hong Kong and mainland China 23 October 2018 ...
Druvius comments on Nov 5, 2018:
Meanwhile, the US is building military golf courses in space:
Report: Feds Have Logged Over 160 Attempts to Hack the Midterms Since August
Druvius comments on Nov 5, 2018:
In other words, a number so low as to be effectively zero.
Humans living on the Moon or Mars would be subject to a rate of bone loss similar to having ...
Druvius comments on Nov 4, 2018:
Having people sleep/exercise in 1g centrifuges might do the trick. The Moon, yeah, you can rotate people out, but frankly if you send someone to Mars long term (or even forever) makes sense. Ultimately it may turn out that Venus is our best bet for colonizing as it is essentially 1g.
Real conversation that just happened.
Druvius comments on Nov 3, 2018:
Is there something big out there? This video has a lot in a small space. []
Druvius comments on Nov 3, 2018:
We live in the Golden Age of space exploration.
Love this kind of thing, so cool (or not in this case) []
Druvius comments on Nov 1, 2018:
We live in a Golden Age of space exploration. This has already improved our lives in countless ways, with no end in sight. I wish more people understood this, doing my best to spread the word. Thanks for posting.
When a close friend or family member is "asking for prayers" and you want to wish them well what ...
Druvius comments on Oct 31, 2018:
"You will be in my prayers." Was this a trick question? ;)
Happy Halloween!!!
Druvius comments on Oct 31, 2018:
If there's an afterlife I want to go to Fólkvangr. :)
The Soviet Buran program. [popsci.]
Druvius comments on Oct 30, 2018:
Didn't occur to them that the American Space Shuttle was a stupid and unworkable idea, no, they assumed the Americans had some secret plan for undertaking the Shuttle Program. Lol.
I just wanted to say that this has really been a great Group.
Druvius comments on Oct 30, 2018:
A Quiet Place, Game Night, Deadpool 2 we're all good movies. Black Panther too. I'd be hard put to say any of them were the best though. Haven't been any really outstanding movies this year, not that I can recall at least.
This is What it Looks Like When a Real President Does Something to Make America Great Again.
Druvius comments on Oct 29, 2018:
He was the last president who actually cared about the people of America.
Donald Trump suggests Jews might secretly be committing anti-Semitic hate crimes on themselves so he...
Druvius comments on Oct 28, 2018:
If he said it recently it would be really tasteless even for Trump, but this is from March 2017. Just part of his long rich history of promoting hate towards anyone who isn't a white, male, Christian.
What a pleasant gift!
Druvius comments on Oct 27, 2018:
And then this:
Breaking: Khashoggi’s body parts found in garden of Saudi consul general’s home ...
Druvius comments on Oct 27, 2018:
This has been floating around fringe media for days, I wouldn't give it much credence.
The Bomber's Van Here's a photo of the van of the person they arrested in Florida for sending the...
Druvius comments on Oct 26, 2018:
Hope this is all true and turns out he really was a Trump fanatic. Though many on the right will twist this to blame the Dems somehow, this is the best outcome for the country and maybe encourage more civility in this horribly partisan canyon the country has drifted into.
Q I am moving and will not be able to bring my cat that has been with me for 2 yrs?
Druvius comments on Oct 26, 2018:
You're gonna get some flack on this. In fact one has to even wonder if it's a troll post. You might want to explain how it is you are moving where you can't bring your cat, because to many people your post is the equivalent of "Well, can't bring my kids to my new home, so putting them up for adoption." And no, please don't abandon your cat, at least find a good home for it. I'm sure lots of people here can give good advice on how to do that. Good luck to you and your kitty. :)
The Fermi Paradox Where is everybody?
Druvius comments on Oct 26, 2018:
Yeah, is beginning to look bleak. I suspect intelligience such as ours is an evolutionary dead end. And since we don't even know how likely it was for something like us to evolve, we might be the only one. SETI still has numerous promising avenues to explore though, so no need to give up hope yet.
If you could, at the wave of your hand, abolish any one religion, which would it be?
Druvius comments on Oct 26, 2018:
Christianity, Judaism, and Islam are all branches of the same religion.
What Exactly is Oumuamua? - John Michael Godier []
Druvius comments on Oct 26, 2018:
Just another example of how limited our understanding of the Universe still is. Almost every probe and instrument we've launched during our exploration of space has made discoveries that no one predicted. What an age to live in.
'It's Going to Be Historic': New Horizons Team Prepares for Epic Flyby of Ultima Thule []
Druvius comments on Oct 26, 2018:
My guess ... it will discover stuff no one expected. Amazing how much science we can get out of probes, this is an awesome bonus.
My Props to the Parents of the Brave teenager.
Druvius comments on Oct 25, 2018:
And 3 years later he was convicted of armed robbery and will spend at least three years in jail. Lost his way I guess. :(
Daniel Day-Lewis is my all-time favorite actor, these are my two favorites of his.
Druvius comments on Oct 25, 2018:
'The Last of the Mohicans' is a favorite of mine. Yes, he's a fine actor.
This year is the 50th anniversary of one of the best low-buget horror films ever made, IMO.
Druvius comments on Oct 25, 2018:
A classic, and yes, a game changer for the genre.
God’s Intelligent Design?
Druvius comments on Oct 25, 2018:
Well, all understandable if God used evolution to design us. But yes, the idea that God simply designed humans from scratch is contradicted by the evidence. We have a number of useless vestigial organs and muscles, might add that to your list.
Will Trump win re-election in 2020?
Druvius comments on Oct 24, 2018:
At this point, sure looks like the Dems will run a candidate whose platform is "I'm not Trump!" Can't imagine that will work any better for them in 2020 than it did in 2016. Still, a lot can happen the next two years.
Went and saw Venom last night.
Druvius comments on Oct 24, 2018:
Interesting the comments about people being unhappy that the movie isn't true to canon. And thanks for commenting on same, I had no clue. Guess for me the equivalent would be the third Hobbit movie, which was so far removed from the book that it was painful and depressing to watch. And I would recommend that true LOTR fans skip it, it would just enrage them.
So suspicious packages sent to Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, George Soros, and Barack Obama have ...
Druvius comments on Oct 24, 2018:
We don't know who sent them at this point. Doesn't really matter, another symptom of the times. Best not to make too much of it, just encourages the partisan fringes.
Did mosasaurs hunt like killer whales?
Druvius comments on Oct 24, 2018:
Oh, great, another layer of horror for my nightmares. ;)
Pol Pot: The Man Behind the Khmer Rouge - Biographics []
Druvius comments on Oct 23, 2018:
Not going to watch, I know what a monster he is. Do they mention that Nixon's meddling that installed the Lon Nol dictatorship is what made Pol Pot's ascension to power possible?
Did Dems/Soros Fund Caravan?
Druvius comments on Oct 23, 2018:
Of course not, but people that have been drinking the Rush Limbaugh/Alex Jones Kool Aid for decades will believe pretty much anything.
Shipwreck found in Black Sea is 'world's oldest intact A Greek merchant ship dating back more ...
Druvius comments on Oct 23, 2018:
They've long suspected the existence of wrecks like this in the deep anaerobic parts of the Black Sea. Now they have to get to them before the looters.
Hey, Hobby Lobby, those scroll fragments aren't the only thing that's fake: CNN: Bible Museum ...
Druvius comments on Oct 22, 2018:
Fakery abounds in the art and collectibles world. Great money for the fakers, and most private collectors don't want to look too closely. Read years ago, there's a famous 19th century artist, known to have painted about 200 works in his career. 2000 of them are in private collections in the US alone. @@
How do you take people that claim to have witnessed or encountered weird shit I.
Druvius comments on Oct 21, 2018:
Mental issue? Since when is being a normal human being a mental issue? Unless it is clearly affecting their life in a negative way, why would I care? Not my place to define other people's reality.
Is It Time For A Serious Discussion About Execution for Treason if Mueller Proves Trump Committed ...
Druvius comments on Oct 21, 2018:
Sure, the same way Obama should have been removed from office because he wasn't born in the USA. @@
Any people interested in anthropology of war?
Druvius comments on Oct 18, 2018:
I have been fascinated by war all my life, the most popular organized sport in history.
NASA Wants to Send Humans to Venus, to Live in Airships Floating on Clouds []
Druvius comments on Oct 17, 2018:
They don't mention it, but ultimately Venus may be the best prospect for human colonization in the Solar System. For one simple reason, it has normal Earth gravity. Humans evolved to live in a 1g environment, and it's still unclear if it's even possible to live for years in low gravity conditions without serious health consequences.
The Japanese Man Who Saved 6000 Jews With His Handwriting. []
Druvius comments on Oct 16, 2018:
Yes, people like him give me hope for the human race. There are people who will do the right thing no matter what. Oddly enough, Japan was a safe haven for Jews during WW2. The Nazis told their Ally that they should round up the Jews in Japan because, you know, the Protocols of the Elders of Zion and other such that the Jews would conspire against them. The Japanese government asked their intelligience agencies to look into it. The agencies reported it was all stupid BS, there was no global Jewish conspiracy. So the handful of Jews living in Japan, and any that made it to Japan during the war, were safe from Nazi persecution.
Senator Elizabeth Warren has been proven to be a liar! She claimed to be Native American to take ...
Druvius comments on Oct 16, 2018:
She said she had some native American ancestry. Now proven true. Even Fox News admits she never took advantage of it. So your second and third sentences are lies. Your fourth is irrelevant since she never made that claim. Your claims she should be held accountable for something she didn't do is, well ludicrous. And honestly, anyone who still supports Trump obviously has no problem with lying politicians.
Idaho Game Commissioner Resigns After Killing 'Family Of Baboons' In Africa "I recently made some...
Druvius comments on Oct 16, 2018:
Yeah, baboons? BABOONS? I don't have a problem with legal and sensibly regulated trophy hunting where the meat is harvested. Though granted, really, how sporting is it to shoot something? I'd prefer the only weapon be allowed is a spear and a knife. You take out a lion with a spear, yeah, that's impressive. A gun, not so much. But baboons are way too closely related to us, long past time where hunting them for sport should be allowed. Shocking lack of maturity and judgement on multiple levels. What an infantile POS this guy is.
The “Grievance Studies” hoax exposes postmodernist charlatans - World Socialist Web Site
Druvius comments on Oct 15, 2018:
If this "study" had targeted a wide range of journals in multiple disciplines, it might tell us something. That they DELIBERATELY didn't even try to provide any sort of control group shows this isn't a study, and was just an attempt to discredit research they disapproved of.
University of Michigan recover wooly mammoth skull.
Druvius comments on Oct 15, 2018:
I've got a piece of mammoth/mastadon tusk I found in a farmer's field. A prized possession for sure.
I think about this all the time.
Druvius comments on Oct 14, 2018:
A second simple invention that would change their world is the horse collar.
I think about this all the time.
Druvius comments on Oct 14, 2018:
The stirrup would come in handy too, easy concept to build and grasp. And Arabic numbers, they would love those, their engineers would go nuts. A simple telescope would be easy and obviously incredibly useful.
I think about this all the time.
Druvius comments on Oct 14, 2018:
Basic germ theory would be incredibly valuable. I could build a crude steam engine and pump to pull water out of mines, that's what basically jump started the industrial revolution. Or if I was feeling particularly generous I'm sure the Romans could find a use for gun powder and bronze cannons. ;)
How awesome is this?!? Just saw this pic on FB.
Druvius comments on Oct 13, 2018:
We had a neighbor seriously complain to us about our cat watching her through her skylight!?
Interesting idea.
Druvius comments on Oct 13, 2018:
He did a poor job of handling abuse but he is a role model for Catholic Clergy? []
Druvius comments on Oct 12, 2018:
The Catholic Church is an organized pedophile ring. Nothing more.
Also, he has a side quest for you....
Druvius comments on Oct 11, 2018:
I've always loved this meme. Here's a favorite quest meme. :)
Etymology- British English to American English I don't know if this is accurate, but it makes ...
Druvius comments on Oct 11, 2018:
This sounds suspiciously like folk etymology. I found this:
See, men are smarter than women !
Druvius comments on Oct 10, 2018:
Little unclear on how treating your wife like garbage counts as "smart."
US changes course to allow Russian surveillance flyover - CNNPolitics
Druvius comments on Oct 10, 2018:
Yes, because a treaty that makes nuclear war with Russia less likely should be observed.
Five myths about the 2016 election - The Washington Post
Druvius comments on Oct 10, 2018:
Yerp, the Wapo serves their oligarch masters well.
Non-rhetorical question: How can politicians represent us when they are being paid millions to ...
Druvius comments on Oct 8, 2018:
They stopped representing us decades ago.


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This is actually from a movie I need to see someday. Here's the trailer:
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Except it would be beer, lol.
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2018, Gettysburg.
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