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This is me, Castro Valley, summer 2017. I'm clean shaven now, guess I should update pic at some point.


Remember you heard it here first (from me) that covid escaped from the Chinese lab.
Druvius comments on Mar 24, 2023:
No, heard this racist twaddle almost from the very beginning, you are a million miles behind the curve if you think you're spreading something new.
Just to emphasise, contrary to media reports, that the 2022 invasion of Ukraine by Russia was not ...
Druvius comments on Mar 24, 2023:
One of the most provoked wars in history. For all practical purposes Russia intervened in a Ukrainian civil war that the US instigated in 2014.
The difference between truth and faith . . .
Druvius comments on Mar 23, 2023:
Nietzsche hurts the brain. I need to read "Thus Spake Zarathustra" again.
Book Ban Attempts Hit Record High in 2022 -- Associated Press
Druvius comments on Mar 23, 2023:
The real cancel culture.
That moment when you realize, there are illogical atheist that believe in greater supernatural than...
Druvius comments on Mar 23, 2023:
I've not noticed that athiests are any less prone to conspiracy ideation, logical fallacies, etc than anyone else.
Do you believe in life after death
Druvius comments on Mar 23, 2023:
Only in the hearts and memories of those who knew us.
More Americans think Trump should face charges in hush money scandal: poll | The Hill
Druvius comments on Mar 23, 2023:
LOL, what, exactly do they think he should be charged with? I loathe Trump but this case seems like a non starter. And I'm pretty sure this could be the best thing that happens to him getting elected wise, the right LOVES portraying themselves as victims.
Candace Owens Receives Backlash After Making Controversial Comments About A SKIMS Ad Featuring A ...
Druvius comments on Mar 23, 2023:
The mind, formerly boggled, reels uncontrollably.
Former Florida GOP Legislator, Wrote 'Don't Say Gay' Pleads Guilty to Covid Relief Fraud
Druvius comments on Mar 22, 2023:
The ability of people to rationalize "the rules don't apply to me" isn't limited to GOP politicians, but I think they are over represented.
Alex Jones Is Allegedly Giving Away Millions to Avoid $1.4B Sandy Hook Payout - Truthout
Druvius comments on Mar 22, 2023:
He's the Crassus of our day, hope he meets a similar fate.
Arkansas enacts law restricting school bathroom use by transgender people | Reuters
Druvius comments on Mar 22, 2023:
Religious persecution, some of the dressing is different, but otherwise painfully same old same old.
Idiots in Washington . . . want to invade Mexico . . . []
Druvius comments on Mar 22, 2023:
Jingoism in Washington is at an all time high. Scary times.
Christian group falsely claims The Satanic Temple offers adult content to kids
Druvius comments on Mar 22, 2023:
It's really depressing to me how many people easily believe basically straw man garbage about who their leaders view as enemies. We're not really an intelligent species. Reasonable debate isn't even possible when people do stuff like this.
How much truth is in this statement ? : Fascism is Communism with religion
Druvius comments on Mar 22, 2023:
None whatsoever, fascism and communism are almost complete opposites.
Capitalism rules, communism drools.
Druvius comments on Mar 22, 2023:
Name calling is the first and last option of those who can't construct a logical argument. Which you subsequently demonstrate in your bizarre mischaractization of both capitalism and communism.
With it obvious that the fascist government of Ukraine being unable to win the war in the East, ...
Druvius comments on Mar 22, 2023:
It shows how little the west actully cares about the people of Ukraine. "We will choke Russia's rivers with Ukrainian dead!"
The European Space Agency is going to start astronaut hibernation trials. []
Druvius comments on Mar 21, 2023:
Mitsutaka Uchikoshi. He fell down, injured, went into coma. Lay there 24 days, long after he should have died of thirst, hunger, and hypothermia. After rescued recovered fully. It's doable, we just have to figure out how. Very dangerous human trials seem unavoidable.
I liked it when we had a president that worked with Russia to make sure that no one really had to ...
Druvius comments on Mar 21, 2023:
Yeah, the SCO was scary even before Biden decided to drive Russia and China closer together. Not a good look for Biden to be promoting war while Xi and Putin talk peace. Interesting times.
Perfect! Longer lasting roads, recycle plastics, and less damage to vehicles. []
Druvius comments on Mar 20, 2023:
In the US this won't fly of course, but others will run with it, it is the future.
Only posted 13 hrs ago, over 5 million views []
Druvius comments on Mar 20, 2023:
I think a reliable AI pilot is the key, and we're not there yet, but getting there. Neat invention though.
This Christian claims her three amputated toes were regrown during a prayer service
Druvius comments on Mar 20, 2023:
Lying for Christ isn't a good look.
Needs to be shared far and wide.
Druvius comments on Mar 20, 2023:
Gonna be interesting.
Druvius comments on Mar 20, 2023:
A terrible crime that America and the people of Iraq are still paying for. And not only did we learn nothing, the people that brought us that horror are still in power and more emboldened than ever.
If you had to choose a god?
Druvius comments on Mar 20, 2023:
Freya, no question. Her heaven is Fólkvangr. A heaven full of Viking shield maidens, I'm down!
This has got to be a joke... So if you organize your pantry, you're a racist?
Druvius comments on Mar 19, 2023:
The joke is that you are too ignorant to grasp social commentary. God, modern conservatives are embarrassing "If I don't understand it, it must be wrong!" Thanks again for another delicious self-own Captain, apparently it's all conservatives do these days.
Florida English professor fired after parent complaint over racial justice lessons | The Hill
Druvius comments on Mar 19, 2023:
Wait, they're making some speech forbidden because some white people might feel bad if the topic comes up? More proof that conservatives are the real snowflakes I guess.
FDR planted the seeds of communism that blew up threatening the financial security of the usa ...
Druvius comments on Mar 19, 2023:
LOL, "the seeds of communism," WTF does that even mean?
Can you image what we could learn from this? []
Druvius comments on Mar 19, 2023:
And there have to be other buried libraries there yet undiscovered.
Sabine Hossenfelder - Nuclear Fusion Start-ups: Who Will Win the Race? []
Druvius comments on Mar 18, 2023:
Not really sure why we need to develop the technology to make nuclear weapons without radioactive materials?
Facts or false?
Druvius comments on Mar 18, 2023:
False. That was easy.
Hunter Biden files countersuit against laptop repair shop owner
Druvius comments on Mar 18, 2023:
Certainly an invasion of privacy in any ethical sense. Legally, that's for lawyers, judges, and juries to decide. I would hope the law would protect someone's privacy in a case like this. IE even if the laptop was indeed abandoned, the new owner could wipe its hard drive and sell it, but not share the contents publicly. Not familiar with the applicable law in this case, so we'll see.
I never really wondered about these guys at all, simply stupid.
Druvius comments on Mar 18, 2023:
And this message was brought to you by ... take your time.
This was posted in the "Trump Pinata" group.
Druvius comments on Mar 17, 2023:
America's infrastructure has been decaying for decades with the enthusiastic compliance of both parties. I agree, politicizing this event is stupid, both parties are equally guilty. That's how American politics works these days, something goes wrong, it's the other party's fault! Yawn.
[] Wow! Add this to his list of accomplishments! :-)
Druvius comments on Mar 15, 2023:
If every rich successful person had his compassion the world would be a much better place.
RealLifeLore - Why Russia's Biggest Threat is Actually China []
Druvius comments on Mar 13, 2023:
China has been around for thousands of years, and never shown any particular desire to conquer its neighbors. And the benefits of being on peaceful terms with Russia are enormous. The SCO is real, the Chinese if nothing are pragmatic in their diplomacy. If they allied with Russia they mean it.
RealLifeLore - Why Ukraine Re-Taking Crimea Will Destroy Russia []
Druvius comments on Mar 13, 2023:
The chances of Ukraine retaking Crimea are essentially zero, especially considering Russia will use nuclear weapons to defend it if they have to.
Why Visiting This Lost Island Will Kill You - YouTube
Druvius comments on Mar 13, 2023:
Ah, the Sentinalese, they rock.
Daylight Saving Time! New Bill Could Stop The Clocks From Changing
Druvius comments on Mar 13, 2023:
It's changing it twice a year that is bad for our health. Just pick one and adjust accordingly, like people did for millions of years.
The longest living animals on Earth: []
Druvius comments on Mar 11, 2023:
Makes you wonder what other ones around us live this long.
Mice born from two fathers could take human reproduction into new territory []
Druvius comments on Mar 11, 2023:
No doubt this research will be outlawed in multiple US states soon.
House Republicans refuse to join Democrats in denouncing white supremacy | The Hill
Druvius comments on Mar 11, 2023:
Of course not, they would have to disavow much of their own party's rhetoric.
As Bakhmut Falls, US May Turn From Ukraine, Starting With Pipeline Story
Druvius comments on Mar 9, 2023:
The public will never know who blew the pipeline, at least not for years or decades. No matter who did it, it's not a good look for Washington's narrative. That US energy and weapons companies are making obscene profits off of the backs of European workers because of the war is not lost on Europe. A terrible Ukrainian loss at Bakhmut might lead to a negotiated end to the war.
YLE House Select Subcommittee, GBD, and revisionism 03/08/2023
Druvius comments on Mar 8, 2023:
The right deciding to politicize public health and science pretty much puts America back into the Middle Ages. I used to wonder how civilizations could go backwards, now I see even developed ones can. Will the US balkanize, or turn into one giant failed state? Stay tuned ...
What a load of bollocks []
Druvius comments on Mar 8, 2023:
Well, I suppose they have a motive. Quite a feat to pull off though. And yes, likely propaganda.
MoA - Nord Stream Attack - White House Counters Hersh's Reputation With Weak 'Intelligence'
Druvius comments on Mar 7, 2023:
There aren't any other suspects. The US only follows the "international rules" when it wants to.
Texas lawmaker files ‘TEXIT’ bill to spur vote on exploring secession from US | The Hill
Druvius comments on Mar 7, 2023:
Texas vs White, SCOTUS, 1869. States do not have the ride to secede from the Union. It wasn't unanimous though, so who knows what the Trump SCOTUS would think. I don't think anything good is going to come of it.
Trust us ;) [msn.
Druvius comments on Mar 7, 2023:
Yes mainstream media since 1990 or so is infotainment designed for a target audience, any resemblance to actual journalism is coincidence.
Another Norfolk Southern train derails in Ohio : NPR
Druvius comments on Mar 6, 2023:
3-4 derailments a day is the national average for the US. Engineers have been warning us for decades our infrastructure is falling apart from lack of maintenance. I doubt anything will change, corporate profits and global empire are sacred to America, not good roads and rails.
The conservative media just gets sillier and sillier.
Druvius comments on Mar 5, 2023:
Once again the right shows us who the real snowflakes are.
The Christian religion was created by the Roman Flavian emperors, according to Joseph Atwill and a ...
Druvius comments on Mar 5, 2023:
The people who are actually experts on the topic, unlike Atwill, place him in the same category as Velikovsky, Menzes, or Danniken.
A rocker - Tom Petty - passed away a few years ago.
Druvius comments on Mar 4, 2023:
He's not wrong.
Body cameras.
Druvius comments on Mar 4, 2023:
Within a few decades, if not years, in public we will be surrounded by an array of picture taking devices, and carrying them as well. Good and bad possibilities.
I have never really believed in pure total absolute altruism, neither that it exists, or that it ...
Druvius comments on Mar 4, 2023:
So what do you consider the behavior of those who chose to shelter their Jewish neighbors against the Nazi Holocaust? Is that not altruism?
Encase their was still any confusion.
Druvius comments on Mar 4, 2023:
The boundary on the map you posted were drawn up by the US after the Soviet Union's collapse and were designed with one purpose only, to cripple Russia. They did not reflect the reality on the ground. It's caused numerous wars since, this just being the largest so far. There are other causes to the war as well, but giving large parts of Russia to Ukraine is a major one. The simplistic good vs evil twaddle coming out of Washington is just that, twaddle. The same sort of propaganda Washington uses to justify all of its wars. Hopefully cooler heads will prevail and the destruction of Ukraine can end. And America can stop pissing away staggering sums of money whose only purpose is the profit the arms industry.
An unburdened Rep. Gaetz calls for abolishing the FBI, CDC, ATF -- NBC News
Druvius comments on Mar 4, 2023:
He's right for the wrong reasons.
Easter Island Statue Submerged For 200 Years Has Just Been Discovered: []
Druvius comments on Mar 3, 2023:
Five foot tall? That's a mini-moai.
Florida bill would require bloggers who write about governor to register with the state | WFLA
Druvius comments on Mar 3, 2023:
This is straight up fascism out of Hitler's playbook.
How the War in Ukraine Ends | The New Yorker
Druvius comments on Mar 1, 2023:
It's basically just a string of false arguments. A wonderful example of MSM propaganda. Lists the guys creds at the top, bad sign. Then the whole first paragraph is an argument from authority, the reader is supposed to be impressed by his credentials. The second paragraph goes off the rails immediately. Yes, the war has been a catastrophe, wars usually are. The implication is a catastrophe for Russia, but no evidence is given. Then a giant straw man argument ... Putin tried to take over Ukraine and failed. Um, if Putin was trying to conquer Ukraine he would have invaded with vastly more troops. Not to mention it's a crazy idea and Putin has never been a fool. It's far more likely (and consistent with the facts and sound military strategy) that the Russian incursions near Kyiv were to draw Ukrainian forces away from the southern and eastern areas of Ukraine, the areas Russia did want to occupy. I couldn't read past that, but no doubt a string of false arguments to the end. Highly persuasive to those who already agree and don't know how to watch out for false arguments. Sigh. Like the typical FOX, MSNBC, etc, viewer.
How the War in Ukraine Ends | The New Yorker
Druvius comments on Mar 1, 2023:
Pure unadulterated propaganda, no surprise you like it.
COVID-19 Origin Debate by Dr. Katelyn Jetelina
Druvius comments on Mar 1, 2023:
The problem is ... it doesn't really matter since it most certainly was an accident at worst. So something like Covid WILL happen again, experts have been warning about it for decades. The important thing is to be ready for the next one, and that doesn't seem to be happening in America.
Druvius comments on Feb 28, 2023:
LOL Racists never actually understand what racism is. But thanks for showing your true racist colors!
We don't need another pandemic! []
Druvius comments on Feb 27, 2023:
It's inevitable. Will we be ready for it? I doubt it.
Breathtaking Image of Jesus Appears in Clouds During Sunset, Visual Captured on Camera - Detroit ...
Druvius comments on Feb 26, 2023:
I snapped an almost identical image once. Watch enough sunsets and anyone can.
Cat got it?
Druvius comments on Feb 26, 2023:
Ah yes, the buttered cat array:
Banning "After School Satan" clubs after anonymous threats makes things worse
Druvius comments on Feb 26, 2023:
Threatening schools seems to be all the rage these days. Every school in my county was swatted a few days ago.
Got home from work today to find my kids have been on ebay all day.
Druvius comments on Feb 26, 2023:
Media Drop Dilbert After Creator Scott Adams Black ‘Hate Group’ Remark
Druvius comments on Feb 25, 2023:
He's racist to the core.
Marjorie Traitor Greene's recent brainfart that the Red and Blue states get a "national divorce" ...
Druvius comments on Feb 25, 2023:
Yes, it's fully as stupid as the first time it was tried. That one killed a million Americans, six million if it happened today. Balkanization is certainly possible in the US, if it could be done without vast bloodshed I won't complain. Times like these that make me wonder why the Mayans said "Fuck this" and trashed all their cities and went back to living in villages.
190,000+ men of military age have already fled Putin's Russia.
Druvius comments on Feb 25, 2023:
And vastly more have fled Ukraine. Your point?
It's obvious many Russians want to get out of Russia and some of them have the resources to get all ...
Druvius comments on Feb 24, 2023:
Why would it be obvious many Russians want to flea Russia? Putin has popularity and approval ratings western leaders can only dream of.
We've all heard that Hitler wanted to be an artist.
Druvius comments on Feb 24, 2023:
He had very good technical skills, but his art had no life or soul. How would it have changed history had he become an artist and didn't get into politics? Who knows.
Outrageous! U.
Druvius comments on Feb 22, 2023:
Wow. Students of history know this is classic Hitler's Nazi thinking. War as a sporting event, the side that gets their guys more psyched wins! The disconnect between reality and the swamp gets larger every day.
Opinion: What it means to stand behind Vladimir Putin | CNN
Druvius comments on Feb 22, 2023:
If one likes reading propaganda I suppose.
28 Kids Rescued, 59 People Arrested in Massive Texas Child Porn Sting – NBC 5 Dallas-Fort Worth
Druvius comments on Feb 22, 2023:
Those drag queens are clever, once again they completely escaped detection.
Garbage in,... 🚮
Druvius comments on Feb 22, 2023:
By 1990 or so all American mainstream media was infotainment, a product designed for a market segment. If you think this only applies to Fox News, you are showing just how well it works.
Biden Just Destroyed Putin’s Last Hope
Druvius comments on Feb 21, 2023:
Wow, some of the finer propaganda I've seen in awhile. Wars aren't won by weapons or PR stunts, and when people start talking about superior willpower or leadership being the key, you know you're listening to pablum for the masses. Granted couldn't get much past Biden as "leader of the free world." In his dreams. Thanks for the chuckle.
Russia is very good at propaganda. []
Druvius comments on Feb 21, 2023:
Not in Washington's league. Putin & Zelensky: Sinners and saints who fit our historic narrative:
Biden declares ‘Kyiv stands’ in surprise visit to Ukraine
Druvius comments on Feb 20, 2023:
A HUGE propaganda victory for Russia. Very possibly a desperation move on Biden's part.
"All I want to do is this: I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have, because...
Druvius comments on Feb 20, 2023:
If only we had a political system where politicians were held accountable for their crimes and failings.
Will Putin ever accept defeat?
Druvius comments on Feb 20, 2023:
Putin already won the war, it's Zellensky and Biden that want to keep Ukrainians dying for no reason. As dumb and propagandized a war as Vietnam was. Except Russia has nuclear weapons. Madness.
A Christian school canceled a concert after learning one of the singers is gay
Druvius comments on Feb 14, 2023:
The evangelical obsession with what consenting adults do with their genitals is perverted.
Druvius comments on Feb 13, 2023:
Contemporary version of debating how many angels can dance on the head of a pin.
Ballooning Concerns “Rebekah Jones tweet giving NORAD explanation for all these UFO detections ...
Druvius comments on Feb 13, 2023:
Yes, at any one time there must be numerous, balloons, trash bags, whatever sailing over America. As panics go, this one is pretty silly.
She must REALLY like chicken!! A Cook County School Cafeteria Worker Stole $1.
Druvius comments on Feb 13, 2023:
This sort of theft is endemic in institutional kitchens.
1st infant in Kentucky surrendered anonymously at ‘baby box’ BOWLING GREEN, Ky.
Druvius comments on Feb 11, 2023:
Fantastic law, will save lives. There just needs to be an extensive public awareness campaign so the women in circumstances who need this (think teenagers in horrible homes for starters) are aware of it.
Biden means business when he says the US is going to start manufacturing. []
Druvius comments on Feb 9, 2023:
Interesting, kinda sounds like protectionism, which usually backfires. And unless other countries join in, it's just going to hurt the USA. And the day when the US says jump and everyone jumps are LONG over. Even our allies are evading sanctions on Russia, can't imagine why anyone would go along with this. We'll see I guess.
Good afternoon all non-conservatives.
Druvius comments on Feb 8, 2023:
Balkanization might well be in America's future, hasn't been this polarized since the Civil War. Coins, yeah!
International investigation shows Russian missile shot down flight MH17 in 2014 over Ukraine.
Druvius comments on Feb 8, 2023:
For rabid American Cold War propaganda, just tread the comments. For those who want informed commentary and history on America's latest and possibly most foolish proxy war:
I quote:- On Truth Social, Mr Trump dismissed the reports as "fake disinformation".
Druvius comments on Feb 7, 2023:
It could also be read as a double negative. But yes, erudite he is not.
Columbia Journalism Review Russiagate Post-Mortem Is a Good Start | Opinion |
Druvius comments on Feb 7, 2023:
Russiagate, like 9/11 Truthers, was a theory sans evidence or logic from the get go. But Americans, the most propagandized people on Earth, treat their favorite "news" headlines as gospel.
Large mammals shaped the evolution of humans: here’s why it happened in Africa ...
Druvius comments on Feb 6, 2023:
This is informed speculation. We do know that humans originated in Africa, exactly what evolutionary. pressures led to us is going to be debated for a long time.
The theory does have certain merits.
Druvius comments on Feb 4, 2023:
I think it's an alien reality show sitcom, but same difference.
PRC Spy Balloon Shot Down
Druvius comments on Feb 4, 2023:
Much ado about nothing.
WH won’t admit Palestine occupied, Israel has nukes – Mondoweiss
Druvius comments on Feb 2, 2023:
And once again Israel and the US demonstrate they pick and choose what international laws they will honor ... thus making a mockery of international law and their pronouncements supporting it.
All Gibberish.
Druvius comments on Feb 2, 2023:
And all soaked in blood.
This is cool.
Druvius comments on Feb 1, 2023:
Whatever floats his boat. People spend 500k for cars that can't be parked in public places, this was peanuts.
Druvius comments on Jan 30, 2023:
I live near Grant's Pass. All hill country with tiny little enclaves of rural people in every hollow in the hills. Many of them with extreme anti-government views. Great area for someone to hide out in. Even if he's caught no guarantee he will be convicted. :(
ANECDOTAL I, and everyone that i know who have had their vaccines are fine, even when we had Covid.
Druvius comments on Jan 29, 2023:
Yerp, anecdotal evidence isn't evidence at all.
Lawmaker sees anti-drag bill, raises with 'religious indoctrination' ban
Druvius comments on Jan 29, 2023:
The GOP gets more ridiculous every day.
Iran suffers drone strike days after US and Israel launched joint military drill in the region | Fox...
Druvius comments on Jan 29, 2023:
Israel routinely wages war on its neighbors, not to mention its own occupied territories. I would think thats a poor long term strategy for a nation.


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This is actually from a movie I need to see someday. Here's the trailer:
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Except it would be beer, lol.
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2018, Gettysburg.
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