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Do you practice Yoga?
EricJones comments on Apr 2, 2018:
Yes. I use mostly power yoga. I find as I get older it helps me with flexability, balance, posture, strength and keeps me feeling younger.
Do you want a funeral, or a celebration of your life?
EricJones comments on Mar 31, 2018:
Life is full of sadness, you should remember the good times, so party on. Think New Orleans jazz funeral, some of the good ones can carry on all night. The Irish are also known to have some real wild funerals. Just remember, have yours before you go so you don't miss all the fun.There's nothing worse than a party in your honor and you're in a vase in the middle of the table.
Any really good April Fools jokes in your history?
EricJones comments on Mar 30, 2018:
Many years ago I was a hospital wide courier and one unit clerk (we were old friends) used to pick on me telling me I never brought her any flowers, just paper work. So one april first I found some dead daffodills, stems only-the flowers had fallen off, and put them into a styrofoam cup. I walked up to her desk in the nurses station-it was full of nurses, doctors, and PAs- and plunked the cup in front of her and said "Here's your flowers". It brought the house down. We laughed about it for years.
To healthcare workers: I have degenerative disc disease plus arthritis already in my neck.
EricJones comments on Mar 27, 2018:
Something I use is Rodney Yee Yoga for back care. I found it on amazon years ago and it helps me. I have 2 discs out in the base of my spine (L4-L5-S1). Don't worry you don't get into all kinds of crazy positions, just basic stretching and strengthening for the spine.
Do you offset a sedentary lifestyle filled with PCs, TVs, and other technological indulgences?
EricJones comments on Mar 26, 2018:
I have 7 shih tzus and everybody walks everyday.On a good day I go about 5 miles, on a bad day I go about 10 miles. Plus my job has me standing for 8+ hours a day. Plus all the chores around the house (I'm single). I'd kill to sit down for more than 5 minutes.
Could be this new generation is going to destroy the NRA! I think we have a wonderful group of youth...
EricJones comments on Mar 26, 2018:
These kids grew up after the first mass school shooting. They have always had that fear as a part of their lives. They finally accepted the fact that the adults aren't going to do anything. A sleeping giant has been awakened and it is pissed.These kids aren't going to stop until they change the world.
Anybody here also childfree?
EricJones comments on Mar 26, 2018:
Yes, my kids have fur and feathers-much easier to work with. Although children don't usually chew your things :)
Anyone enjoy doing their own automotive\household\misc. repairs?
EricJones comments on Mar 26, 2018:
I enjoy the satisfaction and sense of pride in my accomplishment. I love to solve problems. But I also know when I'm going to be in over my head and turn to the pros.
When dating, how long do you wait to tell someone you have a disability?
EricJones comments on Mar 26, 2018:
I would be right up front about it, it could save the possibility of pain later. Honesty builds trust.
Should public nudity be legal?
EricJones comments on Mar 25, 2018:
I work with a guy who is my height-5'7" and is way over 300 lbs and it's not muscle-so I really think that clothing optional is not an option here. Although I think that the right clothing can make the after dinner date dessert way more interesting and fun.
Colonialism, slavery, genocide, Jim Crow, discrimination, two nukes on civilians, interfering with ...
EricJones comments on Mar 25, 2018:
According to the old testament God approves of slavery (the slave laws are written out in detail) and he committed genocide, was misogynistic (discrimination) interferred with other religions (the jews are his chosen people), mass murder (more than once) etc. If a penis touches an anus it's Gods judgement on little boys-after all it's Gods hand picked messengers (priests) doing it.
Does anyone have any ideas on what I could grow in pots for extended periods of time?
EricJones comments on Mar 25, 2018:
Depending on the size of your pots, Peas can be planted tightly and with a small pole for support for the middle plants the rest will grow into and support each other. A cherry tomato will give you a large yield for a small area. leaf lettuce, carrots, radishes. Green beans can be planted about 4-5 inches apart and grow nicely. Any vine plant can be grown on a trellis or a pole with a rough surface for the vine to attach to. I've done a potato plant in a large pot and got a great yield. Just remember depth for good roots and good drainage. Good luck
Attended March for our Lives Washington DC, Emma Gonzalez was a moving moment.
EricJones comments on Mar 25, 2018:
Don't tell Trump, he thinks there were far more than that when he took the oath. Maybe he should compare the real photos of both events and see the truth. These kids are going to change this country. A sleeping giant has been awakened and will prove to be an unstopable force for change. And I say to them "Go for it and don't ever stop. When this cause has been won, find another and move this country into the future. Be a beacon for the youth of the world to follow."
God hates porn?
EricJones comments on Mar 24, 2018:
He jumped a virgin when she was sleeping (isn't that rape?) and his son hung out with hookers, so I don't think he's too worried about it. If he created everything, then he must have created porn.
When did you first doubt religion?
EricJones comments on Mar 24, 2018:
When I was old enough to start asking questions that nobody could give a straight answer to. It's the will of god didn't cut it for me.
Just got bombarded by three born again Christians.
EricJones comments on Mar 24, 2018:
They never read the old testament. The god of the old testament is full of hate, blood lust, misogyny, genocide, mass murder and is anything but peaceful and loving. These people seem to forget that. I usually ask them to use sources other than the bible to prove that jesus ever existed. For all he was supposed to have done, why didn't anybody document anything he did until long after he was dead. This usually sends them away.
A serious event occurs that wipes out the power grid.
EricJones comments on Mar 24, 2018:
Happened to me during march 2nd blizzard. There was enough light during the day through the windows and at night used candles and flashlights with rechargable batteries that I keep fully charged I was lucky I was only down 14 hours. I work in a hospital and we are expecting a baby boom in early november.


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celtic classic 2019
Agnostic, Atheist, Humanist, Secularist, Skeptic, Freethinker
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