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I'm ready to start that diet.
Fernapple comments on Jan 24, 2022:
Aw, eat with your fingers.
To hell with scones.
Fernapple comments on Jan 24, 2022:
Pasta. I mean, what is the point of it, what purpose does it serve ?
The Sex-Shifting Fish. Blue Planet II | BBC Earth []
Fernapple comments on Jan 23, 2022:
Don't try this at home.
@bobwjr made Level 10! Just snuck right in there! Way to go!
Fernapple comments on Jan 23, 2022:
Great. So it is possible, even for mere males.
The Tyrant of the Deep. The Green Planet | BBC Earth []
Fernapple comments on Jan 23, 2022:
Wonderful time lapse photography, great.
Not necessarily in a good way.
Fernapple comments on Jan 23, 2022:
And thought is passive, action requires passion as well.
The dorks who accused their opponents of election fraud committed election fraud.
Fernapple comments on Jan 23, 2022:
The dishonest always assume that everyone else is dishonest like them, because they do not have the intelligence to understand the motivations for honesty.
Somehow my YouTube changed from Bill Maher to the idiot that wrote "Men are from Mars Women are from...
Fernapple comments on Jan 23, 2022:
It was John Gray. All pseudo experts deal in stereotypes, its easier to explain than real people, if you do real people it gets complicated, and then your books wont sell, because people who buy self help books are looking for easy lazy answers, so that they can avoid working at their own lives. ( That's a stereotype of people who buy self help books, by the way. LOL )
Why visit America & be shot when you can stay in England & put a plastic bag over your head?
Fernapple comments on Jan 23, 2022:
The vast majority of gun deaths are accidental.
Old school 😂
Fernapple comments on Jan 22, 2022:
Like I told them in the shop. "When I said I wanted a tablet with a stylus. I meant some wet clay and a sharpened reed. Not this thing."
Richard Dawkins - "What if you're wrong?" South Park - YouTube
Fernapple comments on Jan 22, 2022:
And how do you know that it was not gods wish that we should all be atheists ?
Corporate Fascism
Fernapple comments on Jan 22, 2022:
Strangely I haven’t seen this here before. This is so true!
Fernapple comments on Jan 22, 2022:
The more you know the less you believe. "Keep 'em sat in the pews, don't give 'em time to read, nothin'. "
Was traveling through the Badlands stopped off at Devil's Tower to camp, learned how it got its name...
Fernapple comments on Jan 21, 2022:
Oh got the photo now.
Was traveling through the Badlands stopped off at Devil's Tower to camp, learned how it got its name...
Fernapple comments on Jan 21, 2022:
Hello and welcome I hope you enjoy the site. ( Photo would be nice. ) PS Why are you named after a horse ?
Hilarious []
Fernapple comments on Jan 21, 2022:
Kitchen table.
Somewhere along the line, people in this country convinced themselves that hearses have luggage ...
Fernapple comments on Jan 21, 2022:
Yes but they have not started selling space on the coffin sides for adverts yet. They will, but not yet.
Poor Emily.
Fernapple comments on Jan 21, 2022:
Is she the only one, or do you still need to move house ?
Are Social Media Bans of Scientific Misinformation Helpful ? Why/not ?
Fernapple comments on Jan 21, 2022:
It is probably almost impossible to do anyway, even defining what is and what is not misinformation is probably not possible. And even if you could entrust the social media with enforcing guidelines laid down by national institutions, acting as independent arbiters, you could still not get any agreements. For example, did China have the same view of what constituted scientific misinformation as the western countries during the early Corona Virus outbreak. But it could be that in the long term, ( Twenty five, fifty years perhaps.) it will not matter. Because society itself will probably adjust, becoming more cynical, sceptical, less relativist, much less tolerant of fringe opinion, and reverting more to belief in centralized mainstream views as objective truth. In part because people do learn by experience, though very slowly, and do sometime realize they have been fooled, if rarely, but also as the greatest forces in human life, boredom and laziness begin to bite, and people find that they just do not have time or interest in fringe ideas anymore. That will bring with it its own dangers like dogma, and unquestioning respect for civil authorities, neither of which ever did any good, but it will certainly happen.
Watch All In With Chris Hayes Highlights: Jan. 19 - MSNBC []
Fernapple comments on Jan 21, 2022:
Funny thing is almost all those things listed in your new legislation, are already in place in the UK, and I suspect much of the rest of the developed world.
Noah's Ark has not nor ever will be found, because it never physically existed.
Fernapple comments on Jan 20, 2022:
As someone once said. "If in ten thousand years archaeologists dig up New York, will that prove that Spiderman existed ?"
I think we could use it on here too.
Fernapple comments on Jan 19, 2022:
And on here too please.
[] Australia has ambarrass themselves. not Djokovic
Fernapple comments on Jan 19, 2022:
Do you mean "amber wrass" , a kind of peach coloured fish, and what does a fish need a ball game for ?
Do you think this is a Corninthian column head?
Fernapple comments on Jan 19, 2022:
It is styled in a very similar manner, yes, but it seem to use Maize rather than Acanthus as it main botanical feature.
Why hasn't Trump been criminally charged with something — anything — yet?
Fernapple comments on Jan 19, 2022:
As with all crime, there will need to be a lot of time spent on each and every stage, even the foreplay, to make sure that the maximum number of lawyers get the maximum amount of income out of it. And this could be a very big pie, take a lot of work to divide it up.
"There are religious institutions in the Middle East, which are very important to locals.
Fernapple comments on Jan 19, 2022:
There was a strong reaction to secular thinking in much of the Middle East, in part because it was perceived as Westernization, and western imperialism. But all reactions bring with them in the end a counter reaction, after which realism sets in, and the gradual long term trends of the world as a whole start to take effect.
Have you met a person with no sense of humor?
Fernapple comments on Jan 19, 2022:
I used to have a sense of humour, but then I found this site, and started talking to a lot of Americans. Now I find that I have a much reduced sense of humor, and don't care about 'U' anymore.
Do you think the human race is generally good or bad?
Fernapple comments on Jan 19, 2022:
Humans may well be neutral, since the ideas good and bad are a spectrum either side of a mean, and since it is a human set average which that spectrum is centered on, it is likely that equal numbers fall on both sides. Though no doubt we would all prefer it, from a selfish point of view, if more, OTHER, people were higher up the spectrum towards the good end, but that is itself a selfish thing. It is also arguable that evolution made us averaged along a whole vast set of spectrums, which served the survival and reproduction of an ape living with limited technology on the plains of Africa. A situation very different from that which we now find ourselves in. It would however be a mistake to see our animal nature as somehow bad, because it does not fit our current mode of living, or to think that civilization must lead to improvement. A primitive ape may strike you dead with its weapon, because it thinks you look strange and frighteningly different. But only a civilized human under the control of its culture, would amass food and supplies, so that it could march hundreds of miles, to commit genocide on people it had never seen, because its culture told it, they were frightening and different, whether they were or not. Natural vanilla pods in my ice cream please, coffee is not bad either.
There is a phenomena I've observed (not here, but recent discussions here have triggered the ...
Fernapple comments on Jan 19, 2022:
I actually think that it makes a lot more sense than some word salads I have heard. It is basically saying that faith is what people use when they don't have evidence. Which actually works better in some ways as an anti-religious statement than as a pro-religious one. Though you are of course using the King James, which can be so badly garbled and far from the original that it becomes meaningless as a representation of the original biblical authors meanings.
More Than Two-Thirds of Adverse COVID-19 Vaccine Events Are Due to Placebo Effect ...
Fernapple comments on Jan 19, 2022:
Why am I not surprised.
Ending religion lessons in schools leads to overall decline in belief but not morals | Religion | ...
Fernapple comments on Jan 18, 2022:
I am surprised at the first bit, I always equated teaching religion in schools as one of the things which causes its decline.
Happiness is a turtle eating a slice of orange. 😃
Fernapple comments on Jan 18, 2022:
Well whatever gets you out of your shell.
Was gone for awhile.
Fernapple comments on Jan 17, 2022:
OK so far, welcome back.
“Brevity is the soul of lingerie.
Fernapple comments on Jan 17, 2022:
Love D. Parker but..... Nah. Loads of fabric to be crushed and crumpled and fumbled through. Big Victorian bloomers, with drawstrings at the waist and above the knee. Complimented by a lace up chamice top, nice and fine letting a little bit of a hint of nipple shape show through, and a v line revealing a few inches of clavicle, with a shadow as it approaches the cleavage, and just two inches of bare waist to be seen between the two. Long white socks ..... sorry..... just. Sorry got to stop now, must go take a cold shower.
To my UK friends, if Otley is near you, I promise you will enjoy the show
Fernapple comments on Jan 17, 2022:
Here you go.
Silly and random not fun. WTF, is Tulsi trying to be a rapper or a hallmark card?
Fernapple comments on Jan 17, 2022:
And until about four mins ago, I WAS, having a good day !#!#!~
Tesla Owner Blows Up Car When Faced with $22,000 Repair Bill
Fernapple comments on Jan 17, 2022:
You may not have the right to repair, yet, but.......
Thought for the day.
Fernapple comments on Jan 17, 2022:
God just likes to mess with them, to see what he can get them to do next.
“Our knowledge can only be finite, while our ignorance must necessarily be ...
Fernapple comments on Jan 17, 2022:
And there lies the rub between religion which believes it has all knowledge, and true secular philosophy and science, which admit ignorance.
Spirituality: What It Is And Why It Matters Roger S. Gottlieb [] .
Fernapple comments on Jan 17, 2022:
Quite good. Though it does kind of confirm the idea that philosophy is just dressing up the banal in big words, since little is new, and to be honest, any twelve year old with the encouragement of a good teacher should know all of this. But therein lies the real problem. Most worthwhile philosophy is not really hard, ( Like quantum physics for example. ) the problem for the world, is that there is no will, structure or desire to teach it in a widespread way. Because, understanding sets you free and makes you strong, but states and corporations are not interested in free strong people, because they have no needs and if you have no needs, then you do not want to buy anything. No profit there. While conventional religions do not want strong free people with understanding, because they do not want to believe anything, or pay for ritual, no profit there. The only country that I know of, ( There are probably others.) which teaches philosophy at an elementary level in schools, is France. But France is an old culture which has got though its imperial stage, and had an advanced, post religion, education system, for centuries now, which may be why it is a reasonably content and happy country. Not perfect, but where is ? Until a culture gets well past the religious stage, then philosophy will get nowhere, since for that reason religion is wholly in opposition to it, philosophy being about strength and religion about dependency.
How do you know when you run out of invisible ink?
Fernapple comments on Jan 17, 2022:
Your invisible friend stops answering your letters.
To my UK friends, if Otley is near you, I promise you will enjoy the show
Fernapple comments on Jan 17, 2022:
Thank you. Otley is not far, sixty mile perhaps, lovely little town. Its where I usually stop for morning coffee, on the way to a day out in the hills.
Far right extremism linked to misogyny. []
Fernapple comments on Jan 16, 2022:
I presume that they have difficulty understanding what it is about, living in your mum's basement, posting endlessly on line about how failing to establish relationships is all womens fault, that is unattractive to women.
“The plant has evolved a way to protect its most important genes from mutation,” Monroe says.
Fernapple comments on Jan 16, 2022:
It has long been known that the larger chromosomes, often carry many fewer useful genes, than small ones, perhaps that protects them against harmful macro mutations which are more likely on the larger chromosomes.
Always walk through life as if you have something new to learn and you will. - Vernon Howard
Fernapple comments on Jan 16, 2022:
That's a good one, original.
“We realise the importance of our voices only when we are silenced” ……………Malala ...
Fernapple comments on Jan 16, 2022:
Our wealth when we are poor, our friends when we are lonely, warmth when we are cold, water when we are thirsty. The fact is, that we are not very good at appreciating anything until its too late.
Endemic Covid: Is the pandemic entering its endgame? []
Fernapple comments on Jan 16, 2022:
Pandemics often end very suddenly, the disease gets into a declining spiral of infection, and that negative trend increases on a geometric curve. So that one week it is everywhere and the next gone. That may not happen this time but I would not be amazed if it did.
Sixth Mass Extinction of Global Biodiversity Is Already in Progress []
Fernapple comments on Jan 16, 2022:
The only species likely to survive will be successfully parasites of humans and our symbiants. We will be left living alone with our parasites. And no buffers.
I think you will like this. []
Fernapple comments on Jan 16, 2022:
Don't mock the afflicted please. Have some empathy for the poor children made to listen to those. LOL
How do you deal with fear?
Fernapple comments on Jan 16, 2022:
The best way to deal with mud and soft ground, is to lie down and swim your way across. You get very dirty, but there is much less danger of getting stuck.
I never make the same mistake twice.
Fernapple comments on Jan 15, 2022:
Me too. There is just no cure for stupid, but then why would I want to be cured anyway.
Be careful where you step.
Fernapple comments on Jan 15, 2022:
Very like the old saying. "Be kind to the people you pass on your way up, you may meet them again on your way back down."
Anyone use the nextdoor app or website?
Fernapple comments on Jan 15, 2022:
I use it in the UK and don't seem to get any of that, just lost cats, hello i'm new posts and standard mailings from the police saying, don't give money to people who knock on your door etc..
This is my first attempt at a meme. I think it's pretty funny.
Fernapple comments on Jan 14, 2022:
Yes that is funny.
I like this photo.
Fernapple comments on Jan 14, 2022:
Looks like the Shambles York. Google that for a bit of fun.
Perishables or nonperishables?
Fernapple comments on Jan 14, 2022:
Whatever fills the void.
Small parrot. Canberra, Australia.
Fernapple comments on Jan 14, 2022:
Got the feeling there should be a photo or a link, which seems to be missing.
Assuming it's your decision, how do you want your body handled upon death?
Fernapple comments on Jan 14, 2022:
I would like to die in the woods far from anywhere, so that the animals can have a feast. If not that, then a natural woodland burial in a biodegradable coffin.
According to lunatic Mike Lindell, 300 million Americans are going to jail for voter fraud.
Fernapple comments on Jan 13, 2022:
Maybe he is counting the people in the grave yards ? Lol
animism - It's really where it's at.
Fernapple comments on Jan 13, 2022:
If you want the universe to sniff your bum.
Is it true there is life after dead?
Fernapple comments on Jan 13, 2022:
No, I think it is best to get most of your living done before you die.
What is the tree with those lovely blossoms?
Fernapple comments on Jan 13, 2022:
There are so many cherries that you would probably have to go to an acknowledged expert to get an answer. And they so easily cross breed that if it is a seedling it probably wont have a cultivar name.
Deer trying to wade thorough record-breaking snow in Leavenworth, WA
Fernapple comments on Jan 13, 2022:
We had three feet of hard snow in 2011, and the local rabbits must have been running about on top. Because when the thaw came, all the shrubs and smaller trees had been stripped of their bark in a ring between three and four feet from the ground.
The first use of binary code Gottfried Leibniz is credited with the invention of the binary ...
Fernapple comments on Jan 12, 2022:
There is some evidence that Leibniz was familiar with the I Ching. Though it is probable that something as basic as binary, has multiple origins. I have always heard Leibniz quoted as the first major promoter of it, rather than the inventor.
Prisoners who find God just as likely to reoffend as those without religion
Fernapple comments on Jan 12, 2022:
I am surprised, I would have though they were more likely.
A wonderful example of how science is never settled, and new work can and does overturn old science.
Fernapple comments on Jan 12, 2022:
Yep make sense, thought they do not mention the possible use of poison. Nearly all modern mesolithic cultures contacted in historic times used poison.
I'm showing my ignorance - is it really safe?
Fernapple comments on Jan 11, 2022:
To put the heat problem into a little perspective. Lightning which is a common and widespread natural occurrence as you know, is five times hotter than the sun. OK, I would not stand inside a fusion reactor, any more than I would want to stand in front of a bolt of lightning, but I think that the first may be easier to avoid.
This makes me wonder how many health care workers have died of COVID.
Fernapple comments on Jan 11, 2022:
One would be one too many.
How much was Hitler and the Nazis influenced by the occult?
Fernapple comments on Jan 11, 2022:
The main point of Nazi ideology was to build on already existing features of the mainstream culture. That's how you push people into doing extreme things, by making them seem to be just banal extensions of what their existing culture was leading to anyway. The main religious influences were therefore Christianity, plus Norse and West European mythology, which they could interpret metaphorically just as much as was needed and no more to justify their ideas. To that they, especially Hitler himself who was a master of it, added the old political trick of, if you stand for nothing you can appear to stand for everything, as long as you use the right tone of voice. So that if he was talking to the trade unions, he would talk about defending workers rights against grasping bosses, and if he was talking to capital, he would talk about defending capital against demands for tax funded projects. It was a trick which in resent years was employed wonderfully, by our prime minister T. Blair. ( Perhaps the most truly evil creep to run a European country since the Nazis. But that is getting of subject.) The point of both tricks, was to make the victims of the brain washing think that it was there own ideas that were being presented to them, and reinforced. The old con-mans trick, of make the mark think that the plan is their idea. That is exactly why it was important not to go too far out into new ideologies, or fanciful cults.
I've heard from numerous people that they find atheists to be assholes.
Fernapple comments on Jan 11, 2022:
Every body needs an asshole. Its the web, what else do you expect, the web is where assholes go to dump their contents.
Don't eat yellow snow.
Fernapple comments on Jan 11, 2022:
Never laugh at your wifes choices, remember, you are one of them.
If evolution were really all it's cracked up to be our butts would be shaped like recliners.
Fernapple comments on Jan 10, 2022:
Your butt is shaped like a saddle. On yer bike lazy bones !
Provided as a public service:
Fernapple comments on Jan 10, 2022:
Everyone who did nothing for the pope today.
Hearing loss is not to be ignored.
Fernapple comments on Jan 10, 2022:
Said hearing aid salesmen everywhere.
As a non religious person how do you view lust as defined as an intense sexual desire or appetite?
Fernapple comments on Jan 10, 2022:
I would view lust as sexual desire for someone or something, with which I am not involved in a relationship of any other sort. Pretty much the same way I would see it if I was religious. Now if lust is a good thing, neutral or a bad, or if that varies according to circumstance, and the wants or not of the subject of the lust. Now that is a complex question.
What I like about winter.
Fernapple comments on Jan 10, 2022:
I was glad when we all had to start wearing masks, because I have a large nose, which sticks out and gets cold. I have a lovely bright yellow one with a emoji type smile on it, makes me look really silly when I go out.
work is going on
Fernapple comments on Jan 10, 2022:
No end to that stuff. Take it from someone who is very old, find some time to play and burn down the odd haystack before you are much older.
I admit I'm not very respectful to Xians nor any other religious practitioners of any faith but is ...
Fernapple comments on Jan 10, 2022:
The old chestnut about. "Hate the belief not the believer." Still perhaps hold good, but as with all things it will always benefit from being nuanced a bit. And it is certain that, there are in any religion, including Christianity, several sorts of believers, from the pure victims who are being exploited, all the way to the purely evil exploiters who are only believers because it is a way to exploit others without getting arrested by the police, and who would happily override any good that the religion may do, if it suit their selfish objectives. It is unreasonable and not even a good thing, to extend total forgiveness to the later, even if you do believe in the value of turn the other cheek. Which is another idea I would like to qualify.
“Better to reign in hell than serve in heaven”……………John Milton.
Fernapple comments on Jan 10, 2022:
Pass on both. Thank you.
It's widely accepted that grief has 5 stages.
Fernapple comments on Jan 10, 2022:
I have no idea, I think that it would be much better to ask the Christians that , rather than the people on this site. But since I know a few Christians, I do not think that you will get less than twenty different answers from twenty Christians.
As a contributing member of an international group known as “The Brights.
Fernapple comments on Jan 10, 2022:
For all that we know, evolution is a mindless mechanical process, it has no purpose, nor is it the purpose of anything else. Anymore than a rock rolling down a hill, has the purpose of getting to the bottom. The only person who could say if evolution has a purpose, is someone who received a message from a god, or a much higher being, telling them that it was so, and I see no evidence for that. It is possible that the universe was created for evolution and/or that evolution has a purpose. But that presupposes an intelligence with intent, behind or within the universe or evolution. ( A God even if not a personality . ) And it also presupposes that there was not some other purpose, and that humans are capable of making intelligent decisions about purpose. Which means at least three unsupported presuppositions, there are probably more, making the idea no more justifiable than any other religion.
What is Skepticism? | Wondrium Perspectives - YouTube
Fernapple comments on Jan 10, 2022:
Good video, a little bit preaching to the converted here. But worth a watch.
What is Skepticism? | Wondrium Perspectives - YouTube
Fernapple comments on Jan 10, 2022:
I am sceptical that there could ever be an answer to that question.
Exercise is so good for a lot of things.
Fernapple comments on Jan 10, 2022:
Must try that exercise stuff one day, its just that I always seem to be so busy, bicycling, hiking, gardening, playing bowls, felling trees and doing heavy jobs for neighbors they can't manage.
Job market
Fernapple comments on Jan 9, 2022:
Hello and welcome. But sorry I do not understand the question.
Narcissism and Astrology: []
Fernapple comments on Jan 9, 2022:
If it is associated with, " higher narcissism and lower intelligence". Why don't I believe in it ? Got you there !
My sentiments regarding winter.
Fernapple comments on Jan 9, 2022:
Coming to a part of the northern hemisphere near you soon, if not there already.
Pope suggests pet owners without children are selfish | TheHill
Fernapple comments on Jan 9, 2022:
If you can't get converts, because your ideals are broken and bankrupt, you just have to breed victims.
Any country where the people can read but choose not to should not be running the world.
Fernapple comments on Jan 8, 2022:
Don't worry, they are not running the world.
Hi dear agnostic friends.
Fernapple comments on Jan 8, 2022:
Hello and welcome, enjoy the site. Quite a few of us are a bit out of touch with the modern world though, however you will find lots of friendly people here.
Fernapple comments on Jan 8, 2022:
Maybe it would be a good idea to establish a FB page/group for former members ahead of time, FB is not so nice, and it may never be needed, but could be done.
I'm looking for the joy but haven't found it yet.
Fernapple comments on Jan 7, 2022:
Now that is very wise.
Google “askew”. You can thank me later.
Fernapple comments on Jan 7, 2022:
OK, the google has a sense of fun.
Please consider this post a online petition to change the image on the entry page to this web site.
Fernapple comments on Jan 7, 2022:
Been here so long, with my default entry via the comments page, I had forgotten we had an image. Must take a look at it.
Is it just me, or is there an awful lot of folks out there named Karen these days.....🧐
Fernapple comments on Jan 7, 2022:
Be proud of your stupidity. You have to work very hard to stay stupid in a world of near universal education public libraries and a free press.
Do you often find people reading their own assumptions into your posts?
Fernapple comments on Jan 7, 2022:
You have to be very careful about what you type. Making sure that every sentence and paragraph is plain and clear with no possibilities for misunderstandings, even if that means writing in a very long winded style, of the sort you would use when writing to dyslexic ten year olds. ( There are quite a few dyslexic ten year olds on this site, not just me. ) You will still get misunderstood, but that reduces the numbers.
If you are a Veteran please pass this around.
Fernapple comments on Jan 7, 2022:
The sad thing is that this is all happening in the US which should pride itself on its democratic institutions. Yet here in the UK ( and most of Western Europe, ) the government takes a pride in providing a good voting system which is fair and easy for everyone to use. Every village and suburb is provided with one or more polling stations, well staffed and organized by mainly citizen volunteers. If people could not get postal votes, or lines formed outside the polling stations, even short ones long enough to stop some people getting in, it would be regarded as a great national shame. Public questions would be raised in the press and parliament, if just one short line formed in, say Little Puddling village. And Little Puddling, which no one had ever heard of before, would be on the front page of every newspaper. While if lines formed so long that people needed water handed out, or there was even a question of people having to spend their own money on helping others get to the polling stations, the whole election would be declared invalid, and would have to be run again. Sure the UK is not perfect and we still have many undemocratic institutions, though they are mainly disenpowered. But heck even some near dictatorships with only sham democracies, can make a better fist of running fair elections than that. I know that for many years the US was the worlds leading democracy, but complacency is a dangerous friend in a changing world. The rest of the free world has been moving forward for a long time, it is badly out of step trying to run a democracy in the twenty first century, by failing even to properly meet standards laid down in seventeen eighty seven.
Now, we are up to our ass with water.
Fernapple comments on Jan 7, 2022:
Save some, you will be glad of it when the drought hits next month.
How many wpm can you type ?
Fernapple comments on Jan 6, 2022:
If I typed faster, I would have to find another way to waste time after I was done on here. What's the good of that ?
Hi, I am Covid but with a K.
Fernapple comments on Jan 6, 2022:
There is also a beer called Corona.


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