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I’ve just watched the latest BBC News programme and have heard and seen all the latest curfews and...
KKGator comments on Mar 15, 2020:
14 weeks, or 14 days? If it's really 14 weeks, that's pretty daunting. As far as the irony, I doubt many of them will see it. If they haven't caught on to their own cognitive dissonance already, they aren't likely to.
Fernapple replies on Mar 16, 2020:
@Marionville, @Triphid Oh even more than six months, it could hang arround for a couple of years in some corners of the world.
I’ve just watched the latest BBC News programme and have heard and seen all the latest curfews and...
KKGator comments on Mar 15, 2020:
14 weeks, or 14 days? If it's really 14 weeks, that's pretty daunting. As far as the irony, I doubt many of them will see it. If they haven't caught on to their own cognitive dissonance already, they aren't likely to.
Fernapple replies on Mar 16, 2020:
@Marionville Yes I agree.
I’ve just watched the latest BBC News programme and have heard and seen all the latest curfews and...
KKGator comments on Mar 15, 2020:
14 weeks, or 14 days? If it's really 14 weeks, that's pretty daunting. As far as the irony, I doubt many of them will see it. If they haven't caught on to their own cognitive dissonance already, they aren't likely to.
Fernapple replies on Mar 16, 2020:
@Triphid No, the 14 weeks is the time the outbreak is expected to last, not the self issolating period. It is just a coincidence that they both happen to be fourteen. However if the measures to combat the outbreak put in place by many governments work, then they will probably prolong the outbreak and it will last a lot longer than 14 weeks. And a low level of infection lasting longer, could in the end result in more people being infected, so that the measures being put in place by most governments, could make it worse in the long term. The only advantage being that the medical services will have less difficulty copping with the effects of a long slow outbreak.
I’ve just watched the latest BBC News programme and have heard and seen all the latest curfews and...
NoMagicCookie comments on Mar 15, 2020:
In the united states many colleges have officially closed for two weeks (LOL) - - I am rather sure it will be for the academic school year or longer. If this pandemic follows the 1918 pandemic trend, it may wane a bit during the summer months then crash harder in the fall. In a lab, airborn virus ...
Fernapple replies on Mar 16, 2020:
@itsmedammit The Uk government gave out the advice that, it has very short viablity in the open, less than 24 hours at most, but I do not know where that information originated from.
I’ve just watched the latest BBC News programme and have heard and seen all the latest curfews and...
GeorgeRocheleau comments on Mar 16, 2020:
Most irony is lost on the faithful.
Fernapple replies on Mar 16, 2020:
That is perhaps what makes them faithful in the first place.
People are panic buying all anti-bacterial gels rather than those with at least 60% alcohol in ...
Fernapple comments on Mar 15, 2020:
Very silly. Firstly the virus is nowhere near its peak yet, when you may need to stock up with things if you are to self isolate. And secondly, with regard to hand gels especially, common soap is actually more deadly to the virus anyway.
Fernapple replies on Mar 15, 2020:
@anglophone Yes me too. You don't need to switch it on when you need to refer to it, it can't crash, and it can't be damaged by hackers etc. A no brainer.
I've never understood why in the Genesis story God forbids Adam and Eve from eating of the tree of ...
abyers1970 comments on Mar 14, 2020:
Here’s the tricky part. Since God is all knowing he would know the future. He put the Tree there and told them not to eat. He knew they would eat and he would end up kicking them out of Eden. Why did he put the tree there in the first place knowing they would eat. Not only that why would he create...
Fernapple replies on Mar 14, 2020:
@Geoffrey51 Don't worry its not a personal attack on you. LOL
What's the difference between the Coronavirus and the Flu?
Marionville comments on Mar 12, 2020:
It is a different virus from the ‘flu virus although there are similarities in the symptoms. This is completely new and there are no vaccines as yet ready to use on the public as a prevention, unlike the ‘flu, although there are several countries which are developing a vaccine, it may be the ...
Fernapple replies on Mar 13, 2020:
@VeronikaAnnJ Not really possible to say, models are at this stage bound to be speculation, since as it is new, no one knows what it will do. It could just fade after a small early peak, and be nothing much, it could be a massive epidemic, or it could linger in the population after an early peak, occasionally breaking out here and there for a long time, like Aids or Ebola. The models used by the scientists are not much more than best guesses based on what epidemics are expected to do.
What's the difference between the Coronavirus and the Flu?
Marionville comments on Mar 12, 2020:
It is a different virus from the ‘flu virus although there are similarities in the symptoms. This is completely new and there are no vaccines as yet ready to use on the public as a prevention, unlike the ‘flu, although there are several countries which are developing a vaccine, it may be the ...
Fernapple replies on Mar 12, 2020:
Just what I was going to write.
Does anyone else use their own compost for their soil?
Allamanda comments on Mar 12, 2020:
does anyone who composts NOT use it for their soil? LOL. Ours is a horrible messy primitive pile.
Fernapple replies on Mar 12, 2020:
I think that it is a rhetorical question. LOL Though I am never sure on this site. LOL
Watching Orangeshitferbrains in the Oval Office eating his words about the virus being a ...
BitFlipper comments on Mar 12, 2020:
He's doing something he's never done before - reading verbatim a speech with some truth in it. Somebody must have convinced him that he needed to stop bullshitting for 19 minutes.
Fernapple replies on Mar 12, 2020:
@AnneWimsey And he is very unfit. You never know your luck.
Okay, I was talking with a friend yesterday.
Word comments on Mar 11, 2020:
Jesus style god is/was made in because of what was spoken. Spoken words with kinetic energy force of intellectual capabilities. Important to point out translation of origional greek Pnuema into spirit. The Hebrew word ruach is the word of old testiment. English word spirit often has a ...
Fernapple replies on Mar 12, 2020:
@Word OK thanks.
Science is based on experiment, on a willingness to challenge old dogma, on an openness to see the ...
TCorCM comments on Mar 11, 2020:
Science can fool people as much as religion.
Fernapple replies on Mar 12, 2020:
Anything can fool people, the big difference is that science is 'trying' not to.
Okay, I was talking with a friend yesterday.
Storm1752 comments on Mar 11, 2020:
Ancient Aliens on the History Channel is good. It sometimes gets wildly speculative, but for the most part it is factual and very convincing. Some people ignorantly mislabel the entire subject as "fake," but they obviously have never delved into it personally, and have no idea what they're talking ...
Fernapple replies on Mar 11, 2020:
Love the title 'reactionary none believer', thank you I think I will call myself that in future. Given that the greatest failing of human nature is an vivid imagination able to invent almost anything, combined with an almost total lack of critical thinking, then the ability to replace one form of BS with another is the main thing needed to be reacted against.
Okay, I was talking with a friend yesterday.
Word comments on Mar 11, 2020:
Jesus style god is/was made in because of what was spoken. Spoken words with kinetic energy force of intellectual capabilities. Important to point out translation of origional greek Pnuema into spirit. The Hebrew word ruach is the word of old testiment. English word spirit often has a ...
Fernapple replies on Mar 11, 2020:
Morning Fred, nice to hear from you again.
@Admin The menu showing likes to posts is still not there and photos are not uploading.
Petter comments on Mar 11, 2020:
Photos are uploading, but for over a month I have not had an option to see likes to posts, only those likes that apply to comments made on the posts.
Fernapple replies on Mar 11, 2020:
Seeing them fine on windows ten in the UK.
A childhood memory, from when I was 8:- [m.
Marionville comments on Mar 10, 2020:
It won’t be the first or the last....!
Fernapple replies on Mar 10, 2020:
@Petter Is not the best known one , Stranger In Paradise.
I have just come back from a spring hiking tour in Portugal, where spring seems already fully ...
FrayedBear comments on Mar 10, 2020:
Where and how far did you walk?
Fernapple replies on Mar 10, 2020:
@FrayedBear I mean the clouds make it dark in the day.
I have just come back from a spring hiking tour in Portugal, where spring seems already fully ...
FrayedBear comments on Mar 10, 2020:
Where and how far did you walk?
Fernapple replies on Mar 10, 2020:
@FrayedBear No not especially cold, but very wet and dark.
I have just come back from a spring hiking tour in Portugal, where spring seems already fully ...
FrayedBear comments on Mar 10, 2020:
Where and how far did you walk?
Fernapple replies on Mar 10, 2020:
All over the place, it was day walks with a car ride back to the digs, But highlights were, Monchique and the highest Algarve peak at Foia, Alcoutim and Guerrerios do Rio on the river Guadiana, and Querenca and the Fonte Benemola, plus a half day in Silves no walking.
Have you ever encountered someone like this?[]
p-nullifidian comments on Feb 26, 2020:
I believe it's possible to separate mental health issues from religion--the two need not be inextricably linked. The woman's clearly been in the mental health 'system' before, as her terminology and threats would indicate. But did religion do this to her? Not likely. Unless there's a motherfucking ...
Fernapple replies on Feb 26, 2020:
True to a degree perhaps, and she is certainly more ill than indoctriated. But the human mind is a complex and intigrated system, and you can have underying mental problems, as most of us do, without them ever suffacing unless they are gven a trigger such as religion, while you do have to wonder if her church, whichever it is, is really offering here the help she needs, or if they are just happy to feed off her illness.
Oh no... Peanut butter disproves evolution... Checkmate. Lmao []
PondartIncbendog comments on Feb 26, 2020:
Incredible........The guy thinks we are peanut butter. IF he left the jar open, It would create life from bacteria. So, If I put him in a jar and closed it, all we have is a jar of crap.
Fernapple replies on Feb 26, 2020:
I am not sure if he does think that, it is all too carefully contrived for them not to have researched evolution well, at least to the point of seeing the obvious falacies of the argument. I strongly suspect that he knows it is untrue, but thinks he can fool enough idiots with it, to keep them putting money in his tin.
So what does success mean to you.
FearlessFly comments on Feb 25, 2020:
Fernapple replies on Feb 26, 2020:
That will more than do.
It is both amusing and jarring to see adults in online discussions threatening each other with ...
Fernapple comments on Feb 25, 2020:
Those who know they can't win the argument, reach for their weapons. Always was thus.
Fernapple replies on Feb 26, 2020:
@PondartIncbendog I know you have well hidden store of weapons, you just wrote that to throw the police of the scent.
A post by @Lorajay on her new promotion to the next level set me thinking.
Lorajay comments on Feb 24, 2020:
When I realized the point system even existed, I decided I did not want to be a point trawler. Later on I realized that my likes no longer got me points but I kept doing them anyway because they helped other people get points. That's why I ended up with so many extra points when the counter rolled ...
Fernapple replies on Feb 25, 2020:
@Petter That is in fact really interesting. Nice to know I am in the sane range. Though it has to be said that my score will be going down soon, since I work seasonally, and as the summer comes near I will have less time to spend on line until the next winter.
A post by @Lorajay on her new promotion to the next level set me thinking.
Lorajay comments on Feb 24, 2020:
When I realized the point system even existed, I decided I did not want to be a point trawler. Later on I realized that my likes no longer got me points but I kept doing them anyway because they helped other people get points. That's why I ended up with so many extra points when the counter rolled ...
Fernapple replies on Feb 25, 2020:
@Petter Yes I know that the same old serious stuff can get boring, hopefully I shall get a life one day soon, and wont need the web any more. But mine is 189 aprox. so yes it looks like I am a fairly sad case in need of treatment. LOL
A post by @Lorajay on her new promotion to the next level set me thinking.
Lorajay comments on Feb 24, 2020:
When I realized the point system even existed, I decided I did not want to be a point trawler. Later on I realized that my likes no longer got me points but I kept doing them anyway because they helped other people get points. That's why I ended up with so many extra points when the counter rolled ...
Fernapple replies on Feb 24, 2020:
You said it for me, shan't bother commenting.
Oh how I wish we had a tune like this for a national anthem here in the UK.
Marionville comments on Feb 24, 2020:
It’s not the official National Anthem..which is Our Land (or Maamme in Finnish), although many want it to be changed to this Sibelius Hymn. The official one was written by a German and is sung to the same tune as the Estonian national anthem, so you can understand why a large number prefer this,...
Fernapple replies on Feb 24, 2020:
@Marionville Yes but mighty does not have to mean Empire, it could mean might in arts, or science, for example.
Oh how I wish we had a tune like this for a national anthem here in the UK.
Marionville comments on Feb 24, 2020:
It’s not the official National Anthem..which is Our Land (or Maamme in Finnish), although many want it to be changed to this Sibelius Hymn. The official one was written by a German and is sung to the same tune as the Estonian national anthem, so you can understand why a large number prefer this,...
Fernapple replies on Feb 24, 2020:
@Marionville That's true, but it has to be Land Of Hope And Glory for England, can't have a song all about christian mythology.
Oh how I wish we had a tune like this for a national anthem here in the UK.
Marionville comments on Feb 24, 2020:
It’s not the official National Anthem..which is Our Land (or Maamme in Finnish), although many want it to be changed to this Sibelius Hymn. The official one was written by a German and is sung to the same tune as the Estonian national anthem, so you can understand why a large number prefer this,...
Fernapple replies on Feb 24, 2020:
Yes its a bit like our 'Land Of Hope And Glory', in that respect. Wonder if we would ever get it put to a vote. I love Grieg too, And I find it hard to believe that some people think that Sibelius is difficult.
What dissappoints me most when reading posts by many atheists/agnostics is the tendency to blame the...
Fernapple comments on Feb 24, 2020:
You have to remember that if you read posts and comments here on this site, then it is atheists and agnostics talking to one another, most of the posts and comments here are not intended for the religious. Having said that what you say is perfectly true, and well understood by the churches. That...
Fernapple replies on Feb 24, 2020:
@anglophone Never seem to have the time though.
What dissappoints me most when reading posts by many atheists/agnostics is the tendency to blame the...
Fernapple comments on Feb 24, 2020:
You have to remember that if you read posts and comments here on this site, then it is atheists and agnostics talking to one another, most of the posts and comments here are not intended for the religious. Having said that what you say is perfectly true, and well understood by the churches. That...
Fernapple replies on Feb 24, 2020:
@anglophone I have thought of using a charm offensive, really give them time and attention until you get a possitive response like. "People don't usually listen to us like you do." And then counter with. "No I am sorry that you don't get listened to, but I am bound to give you attention, because I am the village atheist."
What dissappoints me most when reading posts by many atheists/agnostics is the tendency to blame the...
Fernapple comments on Feb 24, 2020:
You have to remember that if you read posts and comments here on this site, then it is atheists and agnostics talking to one another, most of the posts and comments here are not intended for the religious. Having said that what you say is perfectly true, and well understood by the churches. That...
Fernapple replies on Feb 24, 2020:
@anglophone Yes it is hard to be nice to them, but sadly every time someone gives them the cold shoulder, rebuffs them or refuses to answer the door, they do a little bit of the churches work for it.
Flat earther dies in rocket crash. []
Geoffrey51 comments on Feb 23, 2020:
At least he died doing what he loved at the top of his game.
Fernapple replies on Feb 23, 2020:
@Geoffrey51 I know, In am being mischeivous.
Flat earther dies in rocket crash. []
Geoffrey51 comments on Feb 23, 2020:
At least he died doing what he loved at the top of his game.
Fernapple replies on Feb 23, 2020:
ER no, NASA are at the top of the rocket game.
Who has been the most influential Atheist/Agnostic famous person for you?
Fernapple comments on Feb 23, 2020:
You got a good list there, should keep you in reading for a while. But since all the best ones have been mentioned a couple of times at least, I will add just a couple of outfielders. Andre Comte-Sponville, THE BOOK OF ATHEIST SPIRITUALITY, and H. G. Wells, THE OUTLINE OF HISTORY, for a secular ...
Fernapple replies on Feb 23, 2020:
@Allamanda Can try.
Who has been the most influential Atheist/Agnostic famous person for you?
Fernapple comments on Feb 23, 2020:
You got a good list there, should keep you in reading for a while. But since all the best ones have been mentioned a couple of times at least, I will add just a couple of outfielders. Andre Comte-Sponville, THE BOOK OF ATHEIST SPIRITUALITY, and H. G. Wells, THE OUTLINE OF HISTORY, for a secular ...
Fernapple replies on Feb 23, 2020:
@Allamanda Mine was about £8-50p, paperback.
Who has been the most influential Atheist/Agnostic famous person for you?
Fernapple comments on Feb 23, 2020:
You got a good list there, should keep you in reading for a while. But since all the best ones have been mentioned a couple of times at least, I will add just a couple of outfielders. Andre Comte-Sponville, THE BOOK OF ATHEIST SPIRITUALITY, and H. G. Wells, THE OUTLINE OF HISTORY, for a secular ...
Fernapple replies on Feb 23, 2020:
@Rossy92 A lot of the science and history in it is now very out of date, but it is a wonderful overview still and a great read.
Brain v prawn How artificial shrimps could change the world A Singaporean technology could curb ...
LucyLoohoo comments on Feb 22, 2020:
It only let me read a few paragraphs and then wanted money. HOWEVER....if the proposal is shrimp farming...I"m in favor! I've seen tilapia farms in Kenya which provide safe protein and save the environment.
Fernapple replies on Feb 23, 2020:
I had the same problem. But I do not think that it was in favour of shrimp farming, just the opposite.
Create a Grooup
JohnnyQB comments on Feb 22, 2020:
Seems to me that creating a group here would be like putting a chair in the middle of an empty room and just sitting yourself ha.
Fernapple replies on Feb 23, 2020:
Yes, if the site grows then it may be worth starting one now to bev on the ground and running as the site becomes more active, but the truth is that the site seems to be shrinking in terms of actual active members now.
Why are all these believers in god allowed to harass us on this site?
Fernapple comments on Feb 22, 2020:
I rarely see any. You could try changing your settings, I believe that they tend to target those who list dating, if you switch to, 'for the community' it may help.
Fernapple replies on Feb 22, 2020:
@of-the-mountain Yes they are mostly males. But the site does not divide people into male /female but only int daters and community, the trolls I am told mostly tend to join in on the dating side.
Very good advice about how to keep happy and well, with out spending too much time money or effort.
Jetty comments on Feb 22, 2020:
Hi. I like walking in the woods. I often look up and admire the splendor of old trees. Ents from the Lord of the Rings. Lol. It's a wonderful feeling - kinda spiritual.
Fernapple replies on Feb 22, 2020:
Yes I am the same, especially in the winter when the trees help to keep the winds off, and there are no flies, summer is for the hills.
I am sorry to say that the 'Like' menu seems to have stopped working.
Bierbasstard comments on Feb 21, 2020:
Only thing I notices is the drop down doesn't work on the comment at the bottom of the page. Most of it gets cut off on short comments.
Fernapple replies on Feb 22, 2020:
Yes that happens to me too. I wonder if it is common to several type of device, I am using a Windows 10 computer now and it does not seem to have happen for a while, but it happened a lot when I was on XP. What are you using ?
OK, so this is a video about a man who works for the church, but give him a chance and you may ...
Cast1es comments on Feb 21, 2020:
Enjoyed not only the specified video but several of the ones at the end as well . I wonder what ever happened to the Florida couple who used to post one here routinely .
Fernapple replies on Feb 22, 2020:
Yes I miss them too, though I think they may still post on Facebook.
OK, so this is a video about a man who works for the church, but give him a chance and you may ...
Robecology comments on Feb 21, 2020:
There's a lot to be said about the kind, the quiet, the humble yet hard working #religulous. I'm a regular donor and lifelong friend to a family in Riverhead NY who runs a religious school for "wayward children" (kids rejected by their parents, caught up in the legal system) by and ...
Fernapple replies on Feb 21, 2020:
Yes I know some lovely christians too, they seem to come from the two extremes, really gentle naive people and the some of the most complete ~~~~~~~~ you could ever hope not to meet. Though actually that intro was tongue in cheek.
Glitches be glitchin'!!
1of5 comments on Feb 21, 2020:
Fvbderfojg Shit, spell checkers even messed up.
Fernapple replies on Feb 21, 2020:
I know you meant to write 'shot' right. LOL
Is it wrong to take advantage of deeply religious people for economic gain?
Marionville comments on Feb 20, 2020:
No you wouldn’t be taking advantage by selling religious artefacts, it would be a straightforward business transaction. You offer goods for sale and the purchaser can decide to buy or not...his decision. That is how commerce works, and you have no requirement to like or endorse the goods you ...
Fernapple replies on Feb 21, 2020:
@Marionville Yes but that is about someone being forced to sell something, the exact opposite of someone actively choosing to sell something. It is like the cultural appologists who say that. "I only support religious culture, and enjoy the arts, I do not believe." Without owning the fact that a religions artistic legasy, can be and often is the bait on the hook which lures people into the religion in the first place, and sometimes keeps them in it. Ultimately, anyone who promotes a religion in any way, even at its most peripheral has some responsibility for every action of that religion, even the most extreme fundamentist excesses. And yes I do sometimes enjoy religious art myself, but I do admit, that that makes me a tiny bit guilty.
Is it wrong to take advantage of deeply religious people for economic gain?
Marionville comments on Feb 20, 2020:
No you wouldn’t be taking advantage by selling religious artefacts, it would be a straightforward business transaction. You offer goods for sale and the purchaser can decide to buy or not...his decision. That is how commerce works, and you have no requirement to like or endorse the goods you ...
Fernapple replies on Feb 21, 2020:
No sorry. I would say that stocking them in a shop which you owned/managed, would count as an endorsement and a promotion.
Has a fellow member on this site been an encouragement to you lately?
Fernapple comments on Feb 19, 2020:
Always liked your posts and comments, any support that can be given would be a small price to pay.
Fernapple replies on Feb 20, 2020:
@Donotbelieve Strength.
Has a fellow member on this site been an encouragement to you lately?
Fernapple comments on Feb 19, 2020:
Always liked your posts and comments, any support that can be given would be a small price to pay.
Fernapple replies on Feb 20, 2020:
@Donotbelieve Well ok then. Don't have expectations that your place on the bell curve will be towards the higher end.
Has a fellow member on this site been an encouragement to you lately?
Fernapple comments on Feb 19, 2020:
Always liked your posts and comments, any support that can be given would be a small price to pay.
Fernapple replies on Feb 19, 2020:
@Donotbelieve Don't push your luck. LOL
A Neanderthal skeleton unearthed in an Iraqi cave, already famous for fossils of these cousins of ...
Charlene comments on Feb 19, 2020:
Is this really surprising? For me ,no..yet the 19th century attitudes that they were knuckle dragging cretins still lingers,even within the field of paleo anthropology. THAt is,for me, is the real surprise.
Fernapple replies on Feb 19, 2020:
Nineteenth Century.
“No one is born hating another person because of the colour of his skin, or his background, or his...
Fernapple comments on Feb 19, 2020:
I do hope he was right.
Fernapple replies on Feb 19, 2020:
@TCorCM He certainly is about the hate, but I am not so sure about the love.
Have you ever thought of religion and communism as not being that different?
Pedrohbds comments on Feb 19, 2020:
Nope, because communism is an ideal system, the same as free market capitalism. They are like "final targets" but anyone that really studies it know that this final target is probably impossible but in thesis we can get always closer to it. The problem is when people start to harm each other ...
Fernapple replies on Feb 19, 2020:
@Pedrohbds Yes, in some ways I have always thought that it was easier to respect the fundamentalists than the mainstream religious, even less the fringe appologists, since at least the fundamentalists are honest about their beliefs, however mad those beliefs, both to themselves and others. The joke is when you are told by appologists, that 'they' are not true christian/jews/muslims, based on the argument that most c/J/ m, are not like that. As though numbers was a measure of truth. Yes the fundies are indeed the true C/j/m who are at least following the laws they were given as far as they can. I even find it hard to like the cultural c/j/m who admit to not believing a word of it, but say they are just following the tradition, for the arts and cultural values. Yet even they, have their heads in the sand to a degree, because they ignore the fact that, the arts and culture of a religion, are for many the bait on the hook which lures people in to belief systems and help to make those systems seem respectable. So that even the most fringe appologists, (and there are a few on this site, ) are willfully ignoring the fact that they are to a degree condonning and aiding the lunatic fundamentalists, like the Westboro. And refusing to accept their responsibility for that, is basically the same argument used by the dealer in drugs, who says. "I only sell the suff people want, if they go and overdose on it, thats their problem, nothing to do with me."
Pralina1 comments on Feb 18, 2020:
He ain’t deserve a dog .
Fernapple replies on Feb 19, 2020:
Hard to hate a dog that much.
Have you ever thought of religion and communism as not being that different?
Pedrohbds comments on Feb 19, 2020:
Nope, because communism is an ideal system, the same as free market capitalism. They are like "final targets" but anyone that really studies it know that this final target is probably impossible but in thesis we can get always closer to it. The problem is when people start to harm each other ...
Fernapple replies on Feb 19, 2020:
Well argued.
So my question is should you always follow the Law?
resserts comments on Feb 19, 2020:
Did Socrates espouse allegiance to the law? It's been a while since I've read much about his teachings, but I don't specifically remember that. In fact, his death seemed in some respect to be a defiance of the law, a political statement of sorts. From what I recall, the death sentence was supposed ...
Fernapple replies on Feb 19, 2020:
NO, that is pretty much how it went.
Hey, everybody. Angry face is back. Cheers.
freeofgod comments on Feb 18, 2020:
Now the sad face is gone. Who needs a 'meh' emoji? That's like no opinion. Why would anyone chime in that they have no opinion??
Fernapple replies on Feb 19, 2020:
@altschmerz No, I think that they have tried to make the site bland, and cut out any negativety. Which is just silly, if you don't let people express themselves on a social media site, then why would they come here at all.
Just want to let you know that we're tweaking the design of several pages but may be returning ...
Fernapple comments on Feb 18, 2020:
Agree with everything everyone says about the negative emolis. But also the colour difference between the read and unread items on the alerts list is just too slight now, I always like to go to the bottom of the unread alerts and work upwards, but it is now really hard to see where they start.
Fernapple replies on Feb 19, 2020:
@bingst Agreed And the personal icons on the fist page are now too tiny to be of any use.
I see this here all the time.
Gwendolyn2018 comments on Feb 18, 2020:
I agree. I have had a couple of men tell me that because I know the Bible so well and refuse to blanketly condemn all Christians, I am a conservative Christian troll here to infiltrate and try to convert. Right.
Fernapple replies on Feb 18, 2020:
Really! What planet did they come from ?
Hey, everybody. Angry face is back. Cheers.
freeofgod comments on Feb 18, 2020:
Now the sad face is gone. Who needs a 'meh' emoji? That's like no opinion. Why would anyone chime in that they have no opinion??
Fernapple replies on Feb 18, 2020:
Its not gone it has just changed to a milder form,. Its the third one down.
Hey, everybody. Angry face is back. Cheers.
RavenCT comments on Feb 18, 2020:
Yay! 😠👽👻💩
Fernapple replies on Feb 18, 2020:
And of course here is one, with only the best of wishes of course.
Hey, everybody. Angry face is back. Cheers.
bobwjr comments on Feb 18, 2020:
Welcome back, give them hell
Fernapple replies on Feb 18, 2020:
And of course here is one, with only the best of wishes of course.
Hey, everybody. Angry face is back. Cheers.
AnonySchmoose comments on Feb 18, 2020:
Oh, good !
Fernapple replies on Feb 18, 2020:
And of course here is one, with only the best of wishes of course.
"If something is true, no amount of wishful thinking will change it." - Richard Dawkins
Marionville comments on Feb 17, 2020:
Pretty much self evident.
Fernapple replies on Feb 18, 2020:
Yet it is the very basis of religion.
Homepage just changed; must learn it again.
Fernapple comments on Feb 17, 2020:
There seem to be less icons on the like menu, again.
Fernapple replies on Feb 18, 2020:
@Storm1752 Good question. You just hope that with the angry button, it is not a case of PC gone mad, because some poor souls may find it offensive.
Loving the new look. 😃💕🇨🇦
Fernapple comments on Feb 17, 2020:
The colour is better, but we have lost some icons off the like menu, and the notification bell does not give numbers anymore.
Fernapple replies on Feb 18, 2020:
@Barnie2years Yes mine does now. They must have fixed it.
ADMIN! I am liking a lot of the changes made, but we need and angry emoji & an eye-rolling one too!...
bingst comments on Feb 17, 2020:
Sad face is also missing.
Fernapple replies on Feb 17, 2020:
No its still there but the button looks different, a sort of neutral face.
Generally I like the new changes to the look of the site.
Pedrohbds comments on Feb 17, 2020:
in the tab where the site is open the number of notifications is shown
Fernapple replies on Feb 17, 2020:
I can't see it.
I think you guys have the wrong idea about what you call "Hinduism"
Fernapple comments on Feb 17, 2020:
That is certainly true, but the fact that a thing is much more beside, does not prevent it also being a religion. Else when I asked my friend if he had a religion, why did he reply Hindu ?
Fernapple replies on Feb 17, 2020:
@WilliamFleming Yes that is my view too.
Homepage just changed; must learn it again.
Fernapple comments on Feb 17, 2020:
There seem to be less icons on the like menu, again.
Fernapple replies on Feb 17, 2020:
@AstralSmoke No.
Generally I like the new changes to the look of the site.
Cutiebeauty comments on Feb 17, 2020:
The site seems to be loading faster for me...
Fernapple replies on Feb 17, 2020:
That's true, and it seems to mark the read allerts as read by changing the colour quite well now, its just that the colour change is so slight.
I think you guys have the wrong idea about what you call "Hinduism"
Fernapple comments on Feb 17, 2020:
That is certainly true, but the fact that a thing is much more beside, does not prevent it also being a religion. Else when I asked my friend if he had a religion, why did he reply Hindu ?
Fernapple replies on Feb 17, 2020:
@WilliamFleming True but if they don't use Hindu to refer to the collective belief, then what do they use ? The belief system maybe defined by outsiders, but that does not mean that it is not a legitimate definition. Protestant was a term originally coined by Catholic, and it covers Church of England, Baptist, Methodist etc. many different beliefs, but it is still a legitimate term.
I got invited to a "Sacred Womb Healing Event" It is apparently an all day thing.
bookofmorons comments on Feb 17, 2020:
and what does it entail?
Fernapple replies on Feb 17, 2020:
@BufftonBeotch Oh, shit. I think that, even if I had a womb, I don't think that I would let it go to that. The word kind of gives it away, whats wrong with uterus.
I still love people’s reactions when they find out I’m an atheist.
Fernapple comments on Feb 17, 2020:
I went bald many years ago, so the two little horns are quite visible, which means that I don't have that problem.
Fernapple replies on Feb 17, 2020:
@GalaxyJumper They grow fast if you have too much sex.
Homepage just changed; must learn it again.
Fernapple comments on Feb 17, 2020:
There seem to be less icons on the like menu, again.
Fernapple replies on Feb 17, 2020:
@developer Yes but where has the angry face itself gone.
Homepage just changed; must learn it again.
Fernapple comments on Feb 17, 2020:
There seem to be less icons on the like menu, again.
Fernapple replies on Feb 17, 2020:
@AstralSmoke The larger buttons are certainly OK, and the new colour is good, but I can not see a box around notifications ? And does the icon I am sending you count as 'Sad' ? I clicked on it and an angry face came up.
Homepage just changed; must learn it again.
Sgt_Spanky comments on Feb 17, 2020:
These changes were not expected and have left me frightened, and confused, and sexually dysfunctional.
Fernapple replies on Feb 17, 2020:
@Sgt_Spanky That is nice to know. But it is alright to be frightened, and quite natural, just don't let it turn you towards religion.
Homepage just changed; must learn it again.
AstralSmoke comments on Feb 17, 2020:
It hasn't changed that much and I'm not sure that it is any better. The question is why?
Fernapple replies on Feb 17, 2020:
I suppose it is like government, trying to find something to do so that you can look too busy to address really difficult problems.
Homepage just changed; must learn it again.
Sgt_Spanky comments on Feb 17, 2020:
These changes were not expected and have left me frightened, and confused, and sexually dysfunctional.
Fernapple replies on Feb 17, 2020:
Just like you were before then. LOL
I think you guys have the wrong idea about what you call "Hinduism"
Petter comments on Feb 17, 2020:
Also, kernels of social discrimination, such as the caste system, which modern India is struggling to abolish.
Fernapple replies on Feb 17, 2020:
In some places the caste system is getting stronger, in part in reaction to modernizing attempts.
I watched click recently and sat watching the UK head of You tube defending the poor reproducibility...
Fernapple comments on Feb 16, 2020:
Yes I saw that too. You Tube is like everything else you have to use your judgment.
Fernapple replies on Feb 17, 2020:
@Mcflewster I think that You Tube, like many internet services, has grown beyond the point where it can be controled anyway, either by its managers or state governments, most of which it is now more powerful than anyway.
“I’ve never met an animal I didn’t like, but I can’t say the same thing about ...
Fernapple comments on Feb 17, 2020:
I don't think she met a lot of animals, or was she making the common confusion of animal with mammal.
Fernapple replies on Feb 17, 2020:
@Marionville Oh. I am being very pedantic, on a, be mischeivous for fun, morning.
“I’ve never met an animal I didn’t like, but I can’t say the same thing about ...
Fernapple comments on Feb 17, 2020:
I don't think she met a lot of animals, or was she making the common confusion of animal with mammal.
Fernapple replies on Feb 17, 2020:
@Marionville So she knew some blow flies and bobbit worms then ?
Is there a place where nobody believes in any gods
Fernapple comments on Feb 16, 2020:
Yes lots, a least if you don't bother with tiny marginalized minorities. Most Buddhist and former Buddhist countries, many pre-industrial Animist cultures, China, Japan, the Czech Republic, and large parts of northern Europe where nones are fast becoming majorities.
Fernapple replies on Feb 17, 2020:
@JeffMesser No, it is both a religion and a philosophy the two are not mutually exclusive.
Is there a place where nobody believes in any gods
Fernapple comments on Feb 16, 2020:
Yes lots, a least if you don't bother with tiny marginalized minorities. Most Buddhist and former Buddhist countries, many pre-industrial Animist cultures, China, Japan, the Czech Republic, and large parts of northern Europe where nones are fast becoming majorities.
Fernapple replies on Feb 16, 2020:
@JeffMesser Some do but it is not universal, or inherent in the religion.
American Exceptionalism A Double Edged Sword By Seymour Martin Lipset
Fernapple comments on Feb 16, 2020:
Like your post, but the link does not work.
Fernapple replies on Feb 16, 2020:
@Jetty Yep got it now.
I find the Antikythera Mechanism fascinating, and here is a new talk on the subject. []
Fernapple comments on Feb 16, 2020:
Wonderful talk, thank you for posting it. Its a cold wet day here and that was a good hour to start the day.
Fernapple replies on Feb 16, 2020:
@Omnedon Yes, Im in love.
1of5 comments on Feb 15, 2020:
Me being nice to someone.
Fernapple replies on Feb 16, 2020:
Come on ! Nobody would swallow that one.
Evolution is just a Theory? CORRECT.
Fernapple comments on Feb 15, 2020:
I think that you may be preaching to the converted a bit here.
Fernapple replies on Feb 16, 2020:
@Robecology If you are in FB jail, that means you must be doing a good job. Well done.
Annoying religious sayings .
FearlessFly comments on Feb 14, 2020:
"god" works in mysterious ways :P
Fernapple replies on Feb 15, 2020:
Oh that has to be the worst, not only does it credit god for everything, but it gives him a get-out for everything as well.
Today my heart goes out to all the missing and murdered women, especially the Indigenous Woman.
WilliamFleming comments on Feb 14, 2020:
Worldwide, 79% of murder victims are men. Globally, less than 1% of deaths are due to homicide. We can not live in constant sorrow in the human condition and still function. I view the river of organic bodies as a continuum—a ...
Fernapple replies on Feb 14, 2020:
No I can not agree with that. Few, if any, murder victims are kindly given a lethal whiff of gas while they sleep or something similar. Most murders are carried out in ways that cause great fear and pain, sometimes unimaginably, and deliberately so. Not only that, but murder often causes a great deal more pain and grief to friends and family than other forms of death. The murder stats of less than 1% year after year, still represent a huge ongoing vollume of pain and misery for the human race. It is almost certainly true that most murder victims are male, but it is good to be wary about the percentages. Since in many countries of the world, especially those where the births of girl children are not counted or valued, niether are the deaths of women, many communities not even bothering to report such births or murders, or the murders are left uninvestigated by the authorities. A friend of mine from a third world country, informs me that in the rural villages, the deaths of unwanted wives are simply described, to the police as. "Fell down the well." And no investigation is ever carried out.
"Put away the crack, before the crack puts you away, you have be there when your baby is old enough...
Allamanda comments on Feb 14, 2020:
so who said this? It's not a quote without attribution.
Fernapple replies on Feb 14, 2020:
Yes I think that in a quotes group it is an obligation to at least put "Anon" or "Me".
Clean Up On Aisle 6!
WilliamFleming comments on Feb 14, 2020:
My first paid job was picking cotton. Our parents sent us out to pick cotton because they thought that would be good for our characters. We were not permitted to spend the money but had to put it in the bank. Picking cotton is hot, grueling work for a youngster, and I developed patience, ...
Fernapple replies on Feb 14, 2020:
Yes I feel what you mean about town kids being different, but you can learn social skills later in life though, but I do not know if you can learn aloneness skills later. So maybe we are the lucky ones.
[] Huge rise in UK unemployment figures
Fernapple comments on Feb 14, 2020:
Its moved on. Is now a link to a royal gossip post.
Fernapple replies on Feb 14, 2020:
@Petter That it seems is the joke intended. I am sorry to say that I just saw H. and M. (sounds like a sexual practice, ) and turned back, did not even get as far as sack. I think Moravian's humour is too clever for the likes of me.
I met a guy for lunch today and it was an identical experience to almost every other guy I've met ...
LiterateHiker comments on Feb 13, 2020:
With a master degree, I love intelligent conversation and witty banter. My friends tell me to lower my standards. So few years ago, I met three local guys with only a high school diploma. All three men were extremely boring. One man talked on-and-on about fishing and hunting trips in ...
Fernapple replies on Feb 14, 2020:
It has to said though about the 'hunting, shooting and fishing bores'. That they were the species R. Kippling was thinking of, when he coined the immortal phrase. "The female of the species is more deadly than the male." LOL
Being intelligent , unfortunately , does not mean a person is moral .
Fernapple comments on Feb 13, 2020:
No being intelligent does not make you moral. But it does make it easier to be moral, because it makes it easier to understand what is moral and what is not. It also makes you more self reliant, which makes it harder for those who promote the opposite, immorality, to sell you their product.
Fernapple replies on Feb 13, 2020:
@Geoffrey51 Ah, yes I remember now, the one I am thinking of, is called the, universalization principle. It is very good too.
The worst scam profile I've seen in a while. Check it out, and have some giggles! @Gina666
Fernapple comments on Feb 13, 2020:
Says not available. Yep 'it ' messaged me, but that has gone now too.
Fernapple replies on Feb 13, 2020:
@1of5 Sorry I did not get to read the profile if it was funny. First real scamer I have had direct contact with, pity it ended that quick I always relish a new experience.
Religion has always been used as a tool to control the population.
Fernapple comments on Feb 13, 2020:
Because it saves the effort of having to think things though for yourself. Laziness is the second greatest force in human life and history after boredom.
Fernapple replies on Feb 13, 2020:
@Freedompath True, there are many reasons really.
Being intelligent , unfortunately , does not mean a person is moral .
Fernapple comments on Feb 13, 2020:
No being intelligent does not make you moral. But it does make it easier to be moral, because it makes it easier to understand what is moral and what is not. It also makes you more self reliant, which makes it harder for those who promote the opposite, immorality, to sell you their product.
Fernapple replies on Feb 13, 2020:
@Geoffrey51 If I remember right, is that not the one, which is basically based on the same logic as grand mother's ? "How would it be if everyone did that."


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