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The evolution of religion: Why belief systems are literally false and metaphorically true .
Fernapple comments on Apr 19, 2020:
Equally often metaphorically false as well.
“Confidence is ignorance.
Fernapple comments on Apr 19, 2020:
Often but not always.
Fernapple comments on Apr 19, 2020:
The average teenage boy, given the chance, could and would, happily father about fourteen children a week. Fortunately most teenage and older females have the measure of them, but occasionally some get through the net. Sadly in Darwinian terms, being stupid enough not to understand how contraception works, is the best strategy available to humans now, so that the next giant evolutionary leap forward for the human race, will be, to become really stupid. ( This is not altogether a joke, there is some evidence that human brains have been shrinking since the agricultural revolution. )
Broadband, WiFi, smartphone, iPhone, laptop, tablet, email, SMS, text messaging, Skype, Zoom, ...
Fernapple comments on Apr 19, 2020:
True, though it is also true, that some of the people running the internet, are mainly just trying to think of better ways to fleece us.
Everybody wants to go to heaven. Nobody wants to die
Fernapple comments on Apr 19, 2020:
No and no. Be glad when the time comes, that life is finite is a blessing. It puts an end to suffering for those who suffer, and gives purpose, drive and relief from satiation for the lucky few who find a life of joy and fulfillment, immortality would be a curse.
What are atheists for?
Fernapple comments on Apr 19, 2020:
I could happily indulge in a bullshit comment like most of the honorable members here. But being the pain in the behind that I am, and just for the sake of pedantry, I will bother to add that. Genetic determinism is a real thing, but one which should not be taken too far. Genetics only specifies vague preferences, such as laziness or hyperactivity, from which our other cultural preferences grow as emergent technological devices. We did not evolve a preference for playing golf, there is no gene for golfing, and certainly, some people did not evolve a preference for golf, so that there would be an undiluted pool of more active persons available to play soccer, and thus raise the quality of football as a game.
I am of the species Homo Sapiens, of the genus Homo, of the tribe Homini, of the subfamily of ...
Fernapple comments on Apr 19, 2020:
Hello and welcome to the site, enjoy. Thank you for telling us about yourself, I now have a good idea exactly what you look like. Sadly I am not sure that we are going to evolve any more in a positive way, most of the signs are that humans are declining.
Corona virus has shown us once again how useless religion is.
Fernapple comments on Apr 19, 2020:
Hello and welcome to the site. Yep, the combination of virus and stupid is a perfect storm.
Does anyone have any luck or can share a method to grow onions and garlic?
Fernapple comments on Apr 19, 2020:
The biggest common mistake a lot of people make, is to plant the sets too deep. They really want to be perched on the surface of the soil, push in just enough to keep them in place, no more. Free draining soil in good light and air.
Digging up some random photo's taken in thought, a lot of people would call this a fake-ograph, but ...
Fernapple comments on Apr 18, 2020:
Yes, even worse one of my photos posted on this site got. " Clearly a professional photo." Meaning, not his.
There was a time Pastafarianism was my chosen religion, well, that and Jediism, they just made way ...
Fernapple comments on Apr 18, 2020:
Hello and welcome, enjoy the site. And do check out the groups, i think that you will find things that a Pastafarian will enjoy.
Thanks everyone for all of those book recommendations.
Fernapple comments on Apr 18, 2020:
The four horsemen talking together, some one posted a copy on this very site yesterday, or today, depends on time zone.
This pandemic set me pondering.
Fernapple comments on Apr 18, 2020:
Possible, but you have to remember that in those days when populations were very low and dispersed, disease was probably not so common or such a great driver of history as it became after the agricultural revolution. Also, that modern humans and Neanderthals lived side by side for quite a long time. Modern humans and Neanderthals also interbred, so that we still carry Neanderthal genes, so in a sense you could say that they are not extinct at all, it is just that their share of the gene count has declined. That could have happened for many reasons, such as sexual selection, women, (it would mainly be women ) thought that men with more modern genes and less Neanderthal were more hansom and desirable, so that the Neanderthal share of the gene pool lessened over time.
The China Virus?
Fernapple comments on Apr 18, 2020:
Spanish Flu is so called because it was first identified in Spain, not because it came from there. It started during/just after, depends on what you call start, WW1, and since Spain was neutral its medical services were among the few not preoccupied with the war, therefore they were the first to spot the disease.
Fernapple comments on Apr 18, 2020:
Hit the bell button at the top of the page, then 'view all' and go down the list.
Saw this on Facebook.
Fernapple comments on Apr 17, 2020:
There may be truths in religion, of course there are, truth gets into all sorts of places by accident. There are however two things that are true about religion. Firstly that truth is irrelevant to religion, it is only interested in what works to get it support. And second that people who think that, usually take a narrow cherry picked view of what is religion, they ignore for example the many religions which practiced human sacrifice, those that promoted death cults and genocide, etc. etc.
Why did 'god' create Atheists (or Agnostics, or Secular Humanists)
Fernapple comments on Apr 17, 2020:
There is no creator god almost certainly. But if there was, then it probably created atheists because they are the people it likes best. They are the only people who truly respect its clear wish to remain hidden and give no communication. Unlike religious people who set up fake gods in its name, based on dubious usually faked evidential claims , in order to give false authority to their prejudices, and allow them to indulge in their hate crimes and selfish delusions. It is certain therefore that if an atheist ever meets a god they have nothing to apologize for, while religious people are in deep shit.
Does anyone have any recommendations on good books on non belief I'm new to this community and I ...
Fernapple comments on Apr 17, 2020:
In the spirit of what Genessa just said. I would also add, The Golden Bough: A Study in Comparative Religion (retitled The Golden Bough: A Study in Magic and Religion in its second edition) by Sir James George Frazer., A bit old now, and long, but you can skip to the conclusion when you are ready. And my favourite of all time, The Outline Of History, by H.G. Wells, a wild and wonderful ride, completely out of date in many ways, but very readable.
This is my opinion.
Fernapple comments on Apr 17, 2020:
No Agnostics are not unsure, most agnostics are just sure that there is no value in belief or faith either way, that is all. And in any case, perhaps most people on this site, are happy to call themselves atheists, either instead of or as well as. But I would strongly recommend against starting a debate about definitions of the words atheist and agnostic, since it is an area of debate which comes up nearly every week, and most members are bored with it, even sick of it. If you want to read about that use a search and look at old posts.
i have two lenses for my camera an 18-55mm 1:35 lens and a 55-200mm 1:4.
Fernapple comments on Apr 17, 2020:
Most cameras today have such large and fine grained image quality, that certainly for display on a site like this, you can take a close up not only with a long lens, but also from quite a distance, and then crop it on the computer, in an image editor.
Does anyone have any recommendations on good books on non belief I'm new to this community and I ...
Fernapple comments on Apr 17, 2020:
Hello and welcome. The Book Of Atheist Spirituality, by Andre Comte-Sponville, despite the title it really has nothing to do with spirituality. And several people have said Richard Dawkins and The God Delusion, but I would go out on a limb and add, Unweaving The Rainbow, by him more fun and more general about wider things.
Perth, Western Australia. Swan River
Fernapple comments on Apr 17, 2020:
Beautiful. Especially the tree. You are very lucky if you live there, what is the temp now ?
And even sometimes when it does.
Fernapple comments on Apr 17, 2020:
Yes but you don't have to eat all of it. You can share it with a friend, or give some to the birds. LOL Sorry that's no excuse.
When I am explaining about Atheists, Many People are not ready to listen but due to Covid-19 ,All ...
Fernapple comments on Apr 17, 2020:
Hello and welcome to the site. Do check out the groups if you have time. I am not sure that I agree with you about the long term effects of Corona, people tend to have short memories and soon revert to old habits.
G'day everyone, I'm new to this site.
Fernapple comments on Apr 17, 2020:
Wow. that is low rainfall, do you every get water use restrictions that stop you topping up the pond and watering the pots, or are your water companies well organized ?
I sometimes do things or donate money without anyone knowing where it comes from, and sometimes I do...
Fernapple comments on Apr 16, 2020:
Both work quite well, I think that it is a case of trying to be sensitive, and using the best ploy in each individual situation. Comically in the UK we have an annual poppy day for the benefit of former service personel, and I often refuse the little paper poppy you are offered to show that you donated, in part to save them money and also because I feel it is immodest to show off your charity. But of course that means I have to donate again to the next seller and the next.....
Some photos from my garden
Fernapple comments on Apr 16, 2020:
Apple blossom beautiful. Though I think that I would have tried ambient light, and switched the flash off, adjusting the exposure by a stop to lift the blossom.
I have just noticed an item in the Level's listing - Points for Comment Reviews 1/rev 200000...
Fernapple comments on Apr 16, 2020:
I don't know. This site is like the universe, most of it is unseen and a complete mystery, but the little bit you can see seems quite nice. So I work on the principle, that it is perhaps better not to ask what is behind the curtain, it could be something scary.
Ever wonder what possesses a religious person to come onto an Agnostic/Atheist site and pretend that...
Fernapple comments on Apr 16, 2020:
Don't see many, it must be the way each persons preference settings are set.
Before passionately desiring what another possesses, we should carefully examine the happiness of ...
Fernapple comments on Apr 16, 2020:
There is the slight added complication, that something which makes one person unhappy may be a source of joy to another. Would it not then be a good thing, to want to relieve them of it ? Indeed is that not the basis of trade, which in moderation is one of the great inventions ?
Karen believes she gave me COVID-19 after returning from Japan.
Fernapple comments on Apr 16, 2020:
That hits the whole testing problem on the head. Lots of people could easily have a bad cold or flu, think they have had the virus and then stop taking precautions. Then they could far more easily catch and spread the virus, especially if they are among the lucky ones who only have mild symptoms.
"When you stare into the abyss the abyss stares back at you." - Friedrich Nietzsche
Fernapple comments on Apr 16, 2020:
A bit too woo for me.
Does this site take itself too seriously?
Fernapple comments on Apr 15, 2020:
Don't know, does a site have self awareness ? There are certainly lots of jokes and humour, but of course there is nothing more serious than humour, so perhaps yes.
Is there a meaning to life and if there is, does it even matter?
Fernapple comments on Apr 15, 2020:
It misses out Aristotle. Everything is to be studied and enjoyed. Big gap that.
Is there a meaning to life and if there is, does it even matter?
Fernapple comments on Apr 15, 2020:
The classic answer to that is. You have to create your own meaning. Which does not help much. But if you take. 'Promoting the greatest good and happiness for yourself and the greatest number you can.' Then you have to say that that is the highest good perhaps, but is it meaning? No perhaps not, but the alternative is, **don't** promote the the greatest good and happiness for your self and the greatest number you can. And why would you choose that over the first ? Therefore since that gives purpose, purpose gives meaning.
If Coronavirus is the Chinese disease, then Donald Trump is the American disease.
Fernapple comments on Apr 15, 2020:
It is often the secondary infections which kill you. ( But which is the primary ?)
Are aware of the space between who you and who you think you are? Thoughts?
Fernapple comments on Apr 15, 2020:
Always. All of social life and learning is about trying to understand that gap. "Know thy self." Plato.
"Anyone with any degree of mental toughness ought to be able to exist without the things they like ...
Fernapple comments on Apr 14, 2020:
Three minutes without air, three hours without warmth, three days without water, three weeks without food, three decades plus without a video boxed set.
People are =/= to their religion I am most definitely an infidel in that I have no belief in any ...
Fernapple comments on Apr 14, 2020:
Hate the lie not the lied to.
Progress is the attraction that moves humanity. - Marcus Garvey
Fernapple comments on Apr 14, 2020:
And often leads in the wrong direction.
Plant gardens not yards...
Fernapple comments on Apr 14, 2020:
Not much good for wildlife either. Messy gardens are better gardens.
There's always room for one more sunset photo, this was Friday night's.
Fernapple comments on Apr 14, 2020:
And that's a exceptionally good one.
I wanted a different take of Florence: A "framed" Firenze... (2017)
Fernapple comments on Apr 14, 2020:
Well done, I have seen lots of shots of that skyline, some taken by pro-photographers, but that is the first one I have seen framed like that.
My new crop of 'Wood Violets'.
Fernapple comments on Apr 14, 2020:
They are too small to harm other plants, so I generally let them have their way in the garden too.
Let's play a little travel game.
Fernapple comments on Apr 14, 2020:
I'm sitting in a cafeteria next to a woman who was engrossed in her newspaper.
Fernapple comments on Apr 13, 2020:
I don't know but it hurts when they pull the wax off.
Does anyone else have a memory of when they fully became what a Christian would call a "hard hearted...
Fernapple comments on Apr 13, 2020:
I was not raised in any religion as such, and grew up in a mainly secular home. My family were not anti-theist in any way, they just did not bother with it. So that as a child I grew up with the naive idea that since religious people professed a good ideology, they must be good people. I therefore experienced a great shock when I went to second school, (many schools in the UK are religiously founded ) and discovered that some of them were truly horrible people believing crazy stuff, the shock of that has never left me.
Sleep deprivation was a key factor in the loss of my faith.
Fernapple comments on Apr 13, 2020:
I was a very hyperactive child. And I am told that when I was a year old, my mother tried to throw me out of the second floor window. I was saved by grandmother they say.
No improvement in the weather today.
Fernapple comments on Apr 13, 2020:
We need rain, will swap you. Bet it is still warm enough to take your coffee outside though.
If some people who have recovered from Covid-19 have been re-infected, what hope is there that a ...
Fernapple comments on Apr 13, 2020:
Vaccine is still blue sky thinking as yet anyway, lots of bodies got to float under the bridge before then.
Ok, 17 points from level 8 ! Who's gonna be my angel to take me one toke over the line. :) ? Lol
Fernapple comments on Apr 13, 2020:
Enjoy, it gets cold up here.
“A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.
Fernapple comments on Apr 13, 2020:
Yes but every lie is a new invention, the truth will always get up and keep on coming back, time after time.
Danse Macabre.
Fernapple comments on Apr 13, 2020:
Great. Much more lyrical than a lot of renderings.
If you were stranded on an island for eternity, name one book or cd you would need to have in your ...
Fernapple comments on Apr 13, 2020:
A huge blank one, so that I could put in the drawing practice I have been meaning to for forty years.
For those claiming deaths from COVID-19 are inflated. What do you think?
Fernapple comments on Apr 13, 2020:
I think that in most countries they are under counted. Certainly it is said that some theocracies like Iran are deliberately under declaring, while in many like the UK only deaths in hospital are being counted. And many third world countries if not actually downing the figures, just may not have the means to count properly.
My idea of a perfect day
Fernapple comments on Apr 13, 2020:
Pretty picture.
My idea of a perfect day
Fernapple comments on Apr 13, 2020:
Yep. A really long camping trip these days, equals the bottom of the garden. Still as good as anywhere and not too far to go if the drinks run out.
Searching for a soulmate is futile. Your thoughts?
Fernapple comments on Apr 13, 2020:
Real love grows with time, not instantly. And it is hard, because it depends upon finding someone who needs something you have to give, because it is about giving not taking, yet it also needs to be someone you can respect and who has something you value. Finding someone therefore who values what you can give, yet is not needy is difficult. I was lucky with my wife since we were both looking for companionship, while my current friend and I were both looking for a traveling companion and someone to share life wonders with.
"But Marge, what if we chose the wrong religion?
Fernapple comments on Apr 13, 2020:
The best argument to point out the illogic of religion.
“Ah, spring--and Easter! Although spring began on the Vernal Equinox, some people see Easter as...
Fernapple comments on Apr 13, 2020:
Thank you that is a really good overview. One thing worth noting, which may not have occurred to everyone. Is that of course the 'Easter eggs' were more than just symbolic spring fertility, the hunting of them was once a real part of the annual cycle. In the days when people hunted for wild birds eggs as an extra food source, the appearance of the first eggs in the hedges and woods in spring, at the end of the winter when stored food was getting low, which corresponds to the traditional Christian fast period of lent, was a real needful addition to the diet. Especially, as in those days primitive chicken breeds, who did not have the benefit of electric lighting to give artificial day length, probably went off lay in winter too, so that real hunger was a result.
So I've tried again to make a video.
Fernapple comments on Apr 13, 2020:
Lovely garden and a great video, thank you.
If you could be a bird, what kind of bird would you choose?
Fernapple comments on Apr 12, 2020:
A stork, they migrate so far and I aways liked to travel. Spend summer in Europe and winter in Africa, perfect.
My brother died from this pandemic on march 27 at 4:59 PM in Everet Washington.
Fernapple comments on Apr 12, 2020:
Don't be in a hurry, sometimes grief takes a long time, and sometimes it does not come right away. Sometimes doing something you used to enjoy doing together, just now and again, helps, its painful at first but if you stick with it, it helps the happy memories to grow over the bad, and make you feel you are keeping faith with their memory.
Part of my indoctrination as a believer was that humans have souls and other creatures do not.
Fernapple comments on Apr 12, 2020:
When as a youth and I first encountered the illogic of the, "humans have souls animals don't", from christian teachers. Along with all the other similar BS, they usually pedal about the 'big' difference between humans and animals to justify that, ( funny how its always a 'big' difference, ) such as, animals can not think, feel emotions, or be moral. It was one of the first things that helped me to see through religion and a lot of so called education. I remember one especially odious christian teacher, who one day told me that it was impossible for animals to think, and that their behaviour was only due to Pavlovian conditioned reflexes. (He did not understand Pavlov properly.) Nor could they understand human language, be self aware or understand things which required language skills and self awareness, such as pointing with the hand. "If you point an animal looks at your hand, not the thing you are pointing at." So I went home, called my dog and pointed at her chair. She jumped in and sat down. Blew my faith in the school and the religion. Wise dog that.
This Virus is it Mother nature culling the human race ? Or is it man made ?
Fernapple comments on Apr 12, 2020:
There is a common fallacy which the human mind is very prone to, of seeing an intelligent agent and intention behind every action. Because we are social animals and tend to think in social terms, and we attempt to interpret our fellow humans by trying to understand their motivations. Unfortunately, since that habit generally works well with humans and other animals in our social sphere, we naturally try to extend the practice to include as many other things as we can, including unfortunately many things which are not in fact animated by intent, both single objects, and abstractions like nature. And this creates the 'thinking agent' fallacy, which is at base of most religions especially Animism, where physical objects are anthropomorphized. It is something which is even today an easy mistake to fall into, and it is needful to make great efforts to avoid it.
I’ve just got to share this.
Fernapple comments on Apr 12, 2020:
Wonderful how those infected with the Christian novel virus, just automatically assume that every one else has it too, and that exhibiting extreme symptoms is quite normal.
Overheard on Facebook in WV by a poster asking for restaurants to be opened-up now (misspellings and...
Fernapple comments on Apr 12, 2020:
He may be ready to go to a better place, but I bet he has no idea how unpleasant the journey will be. ( PS. You should bad spilleng und grimar keep. )
Yeah with the stupidity being Trump
Fernapple comments on Apr 12, 2020:
Would work better if it just said, stupid. Then the last line would rhyme.
Is God okay with babies being smashed against rocks?
Fernapple comments on Apr 12, 2020:
Nasty yes, but no not weird, for the deity who though it was a good idea to slaughter even the animals of your enemies, in case they were contaminated by the worship of false gods, but said it was alright to keep the virgin girls.
I have this plant taking over an area that I'm glad it's taking over.
Fernapple comments on Apr 12, 2020:
I don't know what it is , but it is certainly not Ajuga or Bugle, I grow that and it is quite different.
“ I would warn you that I do not attribute to nature either beauty or deformity, order or ...
Fernapple comments on Apr 12, 2020:
No I do not agree with that. Beauty, deformity, order and confusion are programs within the human brain, which is itself a product of nature.
Dicitencello vuie - Mario Lanza - []
Fernapple comments on Apr 11, 2020:
It says, video not available.
Fernapple comments on Apr 11, 2020:
I don't have a problem with stupid.
I see videos of people praying to god to end the coronavirus.
Fernapple comments on Apr 11, 2020:
Its simple they used to resolve the matter by throwing stones at each other, then they started to throw bombs, and now they throw insults on line. You see they just get worse all the time. LOL
Copied this meme from a friend's post on FB.
Fernapple comments on Apr 11, 2020:
Only 30 days, you wish.
Everyone is perfectly willing to learn from unpleasant experience – if only the damage of the ...
Fernapple comments on Apr 11, 2020:
"What does not kill you makes you strong." Not sure that always true, but well it kind of works.
L'estasi Dell'Oro composed & directed by Ennio Morricone []
Fernapple comments on Apr 11, 2020:
I alway think that it is one of the great pieces of good fortune, that film and TV companies are stepping into the gap left by the churches as the worlds main source of music sponsorship. It still keeps it live and moving forward.
We are not overestimating, we are underestimating
Fernapple comments on Apr 11, 2020:
Even in the UK the figures are probably on the low side, because the government is only counting those who die in hospital, those who die at home or in care homes for the elderly, are not being added to the list. While what is happening in many under developed countries, even some like India who admit that they don't even know how many people they have living in the country, is anybodies guess.
Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from a religious conviction.
Fernapple comments on Apr 11, 2020:
When you think about the age in which he lived, that was a very brave and insightful statement to make.
“The wise man regulates his conduct by the theories both of religion and science.
Fernapple comments on Apr 10, 2020:
Every thing humans do is an art form , in the sense of made by art rather than given by nature. But there is good art and bad art. Like flags for example, there's the Red Cross/Crescent, and there's the Swastika.
What will the history books by saying in 100 years time ?
Fernapple comments on Apr 10, 2020:
There may not be any history books a hundred years from now. There may not be any civilization.
The Most Meaningful Conversation 💜💜💜 []
Fernapple comments on Apr 10, 2020:
You talk about being a mirror image of his dad!
Am I the only one who wants the covid 19 to take it's natural coarse?
Fernapple comments on Apr 10, 2020:
The problem is that hospitals and care services may be overwhelmed if the spread is too fast, then, with not enough beds, you could see people lying in the corridors without care to die, or in the worst case, the sick and dead left in the street.
Pictures from my window in quarantine.
Fernapple comments on Apr 10, 2020:
Nothing wrong with the photos anyway. Good Shots.
I just read this statement and it made me think, Agnostic.
Fernapple comments on Apr 9, 2020:
Are you have made it past eight, so you will be getting the invoice soon. You have to pay, or they sell your details to Christian evangelicals. LOL
"To acquire immunity to eloquence is of the utmost importance to the citizens of a democracy.
Fernapple comments on Apr 9, 2020:
Remember this was probably written in or shortly after the era of high fascism, when the fashion was for ranting leaders on podiums. It is very similar if you think about it to. "Charisma, the art of influencing people without resort to logic." Though I can not remember who said that. Anybody ?
"For the great aim of education is not knowledge but action."- Herbert Spencer
Fernapple comments on Apr 9, 2020:
Vote for one of these? I've been bored. Six pieces in a week.
Fernapple comments on Apr 9, 2020:
Top comes of to make a small pot.
What in your opinion is the worst set of words in our common(US/UK english) language.
Fernapple comments on Apr 9, 2020:
What in your opinion is the worst set of words in our common(US/UK english) language.
Fernapple comments on Apr 9, 2020:
That's not the way its done. ( With or without , 'here' on the end. )
"Nothing is more surprising than the easiness with which the many are governed by the few.
Fernapple comments on Apr 9, 2020:
Its our greatest feature. Laziness.
Coronavirus claims an unexpected victim: Florida vegetables
Fernapple comments on Apr 9, 2020:
Farmers are dumping milk intended for the catering trade in the UK too, and yet there has been a shortage in the shops, because people are buying their milk there now. It is said that it is just too hard to change the supply chains quickly.
U.S. coronavirus restrictions create split among religious liberty advocates
Fernapple comments on Apr 8, 2020:
It depends a little on your number of outliers , and how connected to mainstream society they are, being religious outliers does not certainly mean they are social outliers.
The natural world is all we need to evolve wonder and awe.
Fernapple comments on Apr 8, 2020:
Evolved by it and triggered by it, it gave us the buttons and then it pushes them.
What do you call a person smoking meth and posting bible quotes?
Fernapple comments on Apr 8, 2020:
Word ?
My husband and I went on a little adventure today.
Fernapple comments on Apr 8, 2020:
Great sculpture, somebody put a lot of care and thought into that. I love quarries, every quarry is a great civic building in negative.
I'm hiding here from a plethora of church crap on TV.
Fernapple comments on Apr 8, 2020:
Hint, get a soft chair by the computer, it does not have to be a work station.
I am sitting here this evening, after finishing a project that took me most of the day.
Fernapple comments on Apr 8, 2020:
To my mind at least. You are one of the members on this site who makes a very worthwhile contribution, keep in mind always that you do make a positive difference in the world, even if you can't see it in person. And that the difference we make is the only really important thing in life.
Well sure.
Fernapple comments on Apr 8, 2020:
Interesting, but early days.
"This question is one that only a very old man asks... Does this path have a heart?
Fernapple comments on Apr 8, 2020:
It is not the destination, but the journey. Another old man.


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Agnostic, Atheist, Humanist, Secularist, Skeptic, Freethinker
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