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Is there any truth in this TED talk?
Flowerwall comments on Jan 14, 2020:
Oh wow, thinking about this just made me realize why I recently thought of an individual as having strong leadership abilities. I don't want to say who it is because I don't know enough about him, but my thoughts upon first hearing him speak were "One day President?" I could be completely wrong ...
Flowerwall replies on Jan 15, 2020:
@Mcflewster I think reading his book is probably a good start. Also makes me wonder how do political candidates come to be candidates? How system differs in different countries.
Is there any truth in this TED talk?
t1nick comments on Jan 14, 2020:
To borrow an old trope, "those that can't do their job, go into leadership and Administration". I've had good bosses, both male and female. More females than males though. Males are taught to put up a front. If you are not sure beat your chest and distract from the fact that you don't know. ...
Flowerwall replies on Jan 15, 2020:
Is that a trope? I don't think I've heard it, but I do think I have heard it said about teaching( I don't like that idea myself, good teachers are very valuable) I think that saying is the very opposite of good leadership as a good leader should be a doer. Although in workplaces I think there can very often be a mismatch of leadership. People get promoted for certain reasons, not necessarily the best leader, but hey the world's not perfect either, it happens. You have to look at the big picture. The bigger the scope of responsibility and potential consequence for disaster the more important it is to REALLY TAKE A CLOSER LOOK. I feel at this day and age it is crucial to ask the questions and ask them over and over again until we get it right. In some ways women excel at leadership. You are right about better female bosses, my overall experience too. I think women can be better at listening. But, men definitely have strengths as well, of course. You mentioned statistics, I think statistically, there will probably always be more men in leadership roles, so yeah focusing on male leadership is a good thing and standards shouldn't be lowered in the most crucial roles only made higher because humans have a lot of work to do.
Christian “Prophetess”: Heaven Has a “Portal” So Your Dead Relatives Can See You | Hemant ...
Flowerwall comments on Jan 12, 2020:
Jello-O city?
Flowerwall replies on Jan 14, 2020:
@snytiger6 Well they might be on to something. Maybe Jello city is just much easier softer place. It is a comforting safe and unusual place. O know it's not real but there is an appeal.
What is the one Truth or Method of finding the truth that you hold sacred above all others?
Flowerwall comments on Jan 8, 2020:
I really wish I knew the answer to the question. THE final answer.
Flowerwall replies on Jan 14, 2020:
@Mcflewster Thank you very much and same to you, best of luck.
What is the one Truth or Method of finding the truth that you hold sacred above all others?
Flowerwall comments on Jan 8, 2020:
I really wish I knew the answer to the question. THE final answer.
Flowerwall replies on Jan 13, 2020:
@Mcflewster Also I really think this was a great question to ask, the original thread idea. The "how do you intend to maintain it" part had me wondering to. I should read this over again. I think a lot of people said scientific method. Thank you for posting this!
What is the one Truth or Method of finding the truth that you hold sacred above all others?
Flowerwall comments on Jan 8, 2020:
I really wish I knew the answer to the question. THE final answer.
Flowerwall replies on Jan 13, 2020:
@Mcflewster Wow, what does that mean? It's a compliment? But what makes you say that? Huh? I am CONFUSED. But thank you. Being told I will discover something great is like hearing a wonderful fortune by a fortune teller, it's a nice idea, feels great. I do understand 42 was a joke. I bet with all my questions, I have made it feel less funny. Well, yeah, I guess it happens sometimes.
I would like to share with you the following letter which wrote to my wife today.
Flowerwall comments on Jan 13, 2020:
I think it's an honest, open letter. Did she receive it well?
Flowerwall replies on Jan 13, 2020:
@wordywalt You've done well then.
What is the one Truth or Method of finding the truth that you hold sacred above all others?
Flowerwall comments on Jan 8, 2020:
I really wish I knew the answer to the question. THE final answer.
Flowerwall replies on Jan 12, 2020:
@Mcflewster Do you have an aversion to the number seven? You said 42 is good, two digits, because if people are asked to choose one digit people will usually choose seven. So that makes it sound like you are not liking that number, seven. Or is that where you meant about simplicity? Two digits less simple? I thought the simplicity idea was referring to why people like the number seven. I don't study numbers or anything or ascribe particular meaning to them, but it is something to think or wonder about. I am probably just splitting hairs with my question anyway.
What is the one Truth or Method of finding the truth that you hold sacred above all others?
Flowerwall comments on Jan 8, 2020:
I really wish I knew the answer to the question. THE final answer.
Flowerwall replies on Jan 12, 2020:
@Mcflewster I don't think of seven being a life force number as a "one truth" rather the original idea that human beings are to promote life in all of its various forms. Like in business it would mean sustainability, things that are to the betterment of the world as a whole and individually, in whatever form it may take. The polar opposite of an omnishamble, well atleast as I have read the word described "a situation that can have no good outcome". This is a very new word to me so I believe I am thinking of correctly in this way, but could be wrong as I think it's used more for politics. In family it means promoting life as well. Family members not behaving in ways that are harmful to one another to the best of their own personal ability. As far as seven goes, I just think there are many representations of the number in religious texts, it is also a well- liked number, popular, associated with luck in many people's mind. I view it as a life force number, and that gives a special significance to it, in my mind.
What is the one Truth or Method of finding the truth that you hold sacred above all others?
Flowerwall comments on Jan 8, 2020:
I really wish I knew the answer to the question. THE final answer.
Flowerwall replies on Jan 10, 2020:
@Mcflewster I deleted my other comment because I was probably saying it wrong, not expressing the idea correctly. Sorry. I think of seven as a life force number, that is kind of what I was trying to say in the other post. It doesn't sound very clear or well thought out but I do consider it a "one truth".
What is the one Truth or Method of finding the truth that you hold sacred above all others?
Flowerwall comments on Jan 8, 2020:
I really wish I knew the answer to the question. THE final answer.
Flowerwall replies on Jan 10, 2020:
@Mcflewster What is it about that answer that you like? Is it the fact that it all comes down to two numerical digits? That is quite a simple and peaceful solution to all of this. I think I read yesterday there was a whole book written on the topic and various ideas about it being put forth. Someone famous who said he knew the answer, or the meaning, but would take it to the grave. How do you see it?
What is the one Truth or Method of finding the truth that you hold sacred above all others?
Flowerwall comments on Jan 8, 2020:
I really wish I knew the answer to the question. THE final answer.
Flowerwall replies on Jan 9, 2020:
@Mcflewster I had to look this up. But yes 99.9% sure it is not the answer. And when I read he, the author, was a self-proclaimed radical atheist I think 100% is a more accurate number.
I note that some of my colleagues on this site seem to be concerned with the "godness" , ...
Word comments on Jan 2, 2020:
Bounded chaos. An oxymoron ? Let us consider the symptoms at what I would call the core. Bounded. adjective. having bounds or limits. ... (of a function) having a range with an upper bound and a lower bound. (of a sequence) having the absolute value of each term less than or equal to some ...
Flowerwall replies on Jan 3, 2020:
@Riley, @Word I enjoyed seeing the list of synonyms. I found "a three-ring circus" to be a particular favorite. I had never heard a mare's nest or omnishambles. Omnishambles was word of the year in 2012 or 13. So the full list of synonyms was a great idea. Thanks for sharing!
Something to debate - are these good and ecological choices?
Druvius comments on Dec 22, 2019:
This looks like a list made up by a privileged white person for other privileged white people. Pretty sure most working class Americans couldn't afford most of these these, and would far more appreciate cash in leiu of most of them. :/
Flowerwall replies on Dec 22, 2019:
Not necessarily. It's a starting point. Obviously if someone could use something else you start there for gift ideas, however some place somewhere you learn about the value of experience vs things. Even people who are less privileged deserve to have these types of experiences when possible. Some of these ideas could be made very affordable.
Medicare for all seems like the best plan. Why not? []
Flowerwall comments on Nov 20, 2019:
Putting the federal government in charge of what is currently one-fifth of our national domestic expenditures. The federal government CAN take a role that makes health insurance accessible to all and affordable, but do we want the federal government to have THAT MUCH control of the entire sector of ...
Flowerwall replies on Dec 10, 2019:
@RoboGraham I was thinking it over a little bit just today and this also reminds me of something I need to do too. A little bit more time.
Almost the entire drive of human history has been, to find better ways of fooling your fellow ...
Flowerwall comments on Dec 6, 2019:
Nothing. The fourth amendment of the constitution has been obliterated and noone is phased. Cut that piece of the paper out, tear it up and throw it in the garbage. The right to privacy is nonexistent.
Flowerwall replies on Dec 6, 2019:
@moosepucky This is how society is fooled. I believe at some point it's going to turn on us in a really big way, if it hasn't already. I mean I don't understand, the warning given by FBI two days ago. How did we get to this point? Can someone EXPLAIN?
From Friedrich Nietzsche's book, Thus Spoke Zarathustra: .
Flowerwall comments on Dec 3, 2019:
I feel like laughing today too, but it relates to a God positive idea which I know is not popular around here. Anyway hope everyone has a good day!
Flowerwall replies on Dec 5, 2019:
@Archeus_Lore Thanks.
From Friedrich Nietzsche's book, Thus Spoke Zarathustra: .
Flowerwall comments on Dec 3, 2019:
I feel like laughing today too, but it relates to a God positive idea which I know is not popular around here. Anyway hope everyone has a good day!
Flowerwall replies on Dec 5, 2019:
@Archeus_Lore Ever read biographies any about him?
Agnostic vs Atheist
KKGator comments on Dec 4, 2019:
You can be anything you want. You don't have to wear a label. Especially a label other people like to keep changing the definition of to suit their own agendas. I don't believe in ANY gods. I am an atheist. It's really simple for me. I have no questions. Unless and until credible, verifiable ...
Flowerwall replies on Dec 4, 2019:
@KKGator Because that would involve the government having an unreasonable amount of control.
Agnostic vs Atheist
KKGator comments on Dec 4, 2019:
You can be anything you want. You don't have to wear a label. Especially a label other people like to keep changing the definition of to suit their own agendas. I don't believe in ANY gods. I am an atheist. It's really simple for me. I have no questions. Unless and until credible, verifiable ...
Flowerwall replies on Dec 4, 2019:
@KKGator "religious indoctrination of children a felony" You would want the government to have control over beliefs?
Agnostic vs Atheist
blzjz comments on Dec 4, 2019:
Agnostic :- a person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God or of anything beyond material phenomena; a person who claims neither faith nor disbelief in God. Atheist :- a person who disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of God or gods.
Flowerwall replies on Dec 4, 2019:
I found it useful you posted this. Thanks.
Agnostic vs Atheist
Donne comments on Dec 4, 2019:
I thank you all for your responses. I’m new here and I’m sort of a novice at associating with others that feel or think the same way that I do when it comes to these topics. It was NOT my intention to regurgitate a topic, I’m simply asking questions to seek and understand and to me asking a ...
Flowerwall replies on Dec 4, 2019:
This topic frequently gets discussed and we can never know if there is a God for certain, so always wonder.
Agnostic vs Atheist
JohnnyQB comments on Dec 4, 2019:
Today in the news :::::: The Atheist stronghold in the north has been overtaken by Agnostic military forces from the West. Film at 11.............
Flowerwall replies on Dec 4, 2019:
Good news!
Agnostic vs Atheist
KKGator comments on Dec 4, 2019:
You can be anything you want. You don't have to wear a label. Especially a label other people like to keep changing the definition of to suit their own agendas. I don't believe in ANY gods. I am an atheist. It's really simple for me. I have no questions. Unless and until credible, verifiable ...
Flowerwall replies on Dec 4, 2019:
Wouldn't that be advocating totalitarianism?
Agnostic vs Atheist
Word comments on Dec 4, 2019:
Taco God exist, so, you are falling on lack of knowing.
Flowerwall replies on Dec 4, 2019:
Who is Taco God?
Agnostic vs Atheist
Marionville comments on Dec 4, 2019:
Not this argument again!! There is never a week goes past that we don’t have somebody posting about it. can be both, I am. It’s quite simple, an atheist disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of God or gods; an agnostic believes that nothing is known or can be known of the ...
Flowerwall replies on Dec 4, 2019:
@Marionville So at some points you think God is possibly there, but it's unproven?
Agnostic vs Atheist
Marionville comments on Dec 4, 2019:
Not this argument again!! There is never a week goes past that we don’t have somebody posting about it. can be both, I am. It’s quite simple, an atheist disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of God or gods; an agnostic believes that nothing is known or can be known of the ...
Flowerwall replies on Dec 4, 2019:
@Marionville Both refer to belief, you said one did. I think of them as being separate.
Agnostic vs Atheist
Geoffrey51 comments on Dec 4, 2019:
If you are worrying about that you lead a privileged life so the question is based in a neurotic sense of entitlement. Label yourself whatever you like, your the only one that cares. For clarity see Marionville’s response below.
Flowerwall replies on Dec 4, 2019:
Aren't we all trying to figure ourselves, and the world around us, out?
Agnostic vs Atheist
Marionville comments on Dec 4, 2019:
Not this argument again!! There is never a week goes past that we don’t have somebody posting about it. can be both, I am. It’s quite simple, an atheist disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of God or gods; an agnostic believes that nothing is known or can be known of the ...
Flowerwall replies on Dec 4, 2019:
Dictionary defines Agnostic as "A person who believes nothing is known or can be known about the existence or nature of God..."
From Friedrich Nietzsche's book, Thus Spoke Zarathustra: .
Flowerwall comments on Dec 3, 2019:
I feel like laughing today too, but it relates to a God positive idea which I know is not popular around here. Anyway hope everyone has a good day!
Flowerwall replies on Dec 4, 2019:
@Archeus_Lore On second thought don't know that I understood this passage. I was in a big rush yesterday and thought I did. I think Nietzsche is a big proponent of atheism, right? It is THE way? I did look up Antichrist didn't seem as bad as the title sounded. Some of the ideas seemed problematic, imo.
From Friedrich Nietzsche's book, Thus Spoke Zarathustra: .
Flowerwall comments on Dec 3, 2019:
I feel like laughing today too, but it relates to a God positive idea which I know is not popular around here. Anyway hope everyone has a good day!
Flowerwall replies on Dec 3, 2019:
@Archeus_Lore No. That doesn't sound good. Yikes. I think my point was, you can still feel happy even with belief or the possibility of it.
It has recently come to my attention that the flavor of atheism--for both the individual and for ...
Jolanta comments on Nov 27, 2019:
The only thing I have notice is that being an atheist in some countries can be fatal.
Flowerwall replies on Dec 3, 2019:
@Jolanta What do you not think it is real? Search the 2019 US Commission on Intnl Religious Freedom. It divides countries up into Tier1 and Tier 2, but I didn't see a spot where it had exact figures. This is really difficult information to hear and I am very sorry this world can be such a terrible place.
It has recently come to my attention that the flavor of atheism--for both the individual and for ...
Jolanta comments on Nov 27, 2019:
The only thing I have notice is that being an atheist in some countries can be fatal.
Flowerwall replies on Dec 2, 2019:
@Jolanta Just look at terrorist attacks, recent wars, communist countries where we don't get a clear picture of what is going on, and I know that is leaving out a lot. Also Open Doors Christian watchdog group says 11 Christians are killed throughout the world each day because of their faith. Muslims - And the more you read about it, it just goes on and on. The previous post is right about toxic strains. It is that propensity to destroy, the toxic never ending hatred of one another, some say evil. Sometimes I do think of it as evil myself. It's not an independent force outside, but a path humans choose.
It has recently come to my attention that the flavor of atheism--for both the individual and for ...
Seeker3CO comments on Nov 27, 2019:
Militant v passive atheists as flavors? Outspoken and politically active and visible v those who live without that voice? Are these the flavors that you find? I would like more context because the STYLE of atheists seems to be a personal style of communication and engagement with the rest of the ...
Flowerwall replies on Dec 2, 2019:
@Seeker3CO I don't know. I don't follow this stuff too closely, but I have seen things done by Atheists that I disagree with. Even when I was an Atheist, I just disagreed. I am not part of any groups though. Just my impression. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
It has recently come to my attention that the flavor of atheism--for both the individual and for ...
Jolanta comments on Nov 27, 2019:
The only thing I have notice is that being an atheist in some countries can be fatal.
Flowerwall replies on Dec 2, 2019:
You're right and in other countries having a faith, or the wrong one, can also be fatal.
It has recently come to my attention that the flavor of atheism--for both the individual and for ...
Matias comments on Nov 27, 2019:
In my opinion, there are three types of atheists: a.) plain vanilla atheists: people who just happen not to believe in God or some 'higher being' or an 'unseen order' b.) atheists who are agitators, who believe that religion is a mental plague to be eradicated. They consider themselves to be ...
Flowerwall replies on Dec 2, 2019:
Every time I post I come around to thinking it is being misunderstood because I have seen things I have written be responded to in that way, in other places. The remark was not meant as a negative at all to atheaists or anyone else. It's just a funny idea, but also a very good one. This thought can be used outside of this topic as well. I just don't know how you go about "cultivating strains". Are atheists, non-believers a cohesive group? Dont know, maybe in general some are. I guess it's like religious folk, you could use the same way of viewing. Also point two very correct in stating accepting, tolerataing religious people is part of the variety of life. What would this world be if it was all Atheists?
It has recently come to my attention that the flavor of atheism--for both the individual and for ...
Matias comments on Nov 27, 2019:
In my opinion, there are three types of atheists: a.) plain vanilla atheists: people who just happen not to believe in God or some 'higher being' or an 'unseen order' b.) atheists who are agitators, who believe that religion is a mental plague to be eradicated. They consider themselves to be ...
Flowerwall replies on Dec 2, 2019:
LOL The comparison to bacteria is quite funny.
Thank god that the holiday is over!
Flowerwall comments on Dec 2, 2019:
I agree with that sentiment, even though I don't usually feel that way about Thanksgiving.
Flowerwall replies on Dec 2, 2019:
@Gwendolyn2018 Yes I completely understand.
"Alain de Botton on Existential Maturity and What Emotional Intelligence Really Means" by Maria ...
Fred_Snerd comments on Dec 2, 2019:
It would be nice to have a warning. "Hi. I'm a sociopath. I might do cruel things to you out of boredom."
Flowerwall replies on Dec 2, 2019:
This comment reminds me of an insane article I read the other day that said it is better to vote for a sociopath than a socialist, but that was not the actual choice we were being presented with(in the upcoming election). That idea is so far out there, imo. But a lot of these Democratic candidates aren't helping the cause either. You get the feeling everyone has completely lost it.
A red flowering gum on this mornings walk.
Flowerwall comments on Dec 1, 2019:
Aww, nice to see a picture of not winter.
Flowerwall replies on Dec 2, 2019:
@Grahame That would be very nice.
So if you won the lottery, lets say 150M after taxes. What would you do?
St-Sinner comments on Nov 30, 2019:
Give half to FFRF (Freedom from Religion Foundation) and use the the other half to live decently (not lavishly) and help small causes closer to my heart. I would like to lift at least one life where someone could get the opportunities I got and would never receive it without my help. Just lift one ...
Flowerwall replies on Dec 1, 2019:
@St-Sinner I think the article referred to the organization objecting to Christians visiting prisoners. I would think ANY improvement in this population's sense of right and wrong would be more important than trying to push the atheist agenda. I don't know the specifics. That was and is my thought process on it.
So if you won the lottery, lets say 150M after taxes. What would you do?
St-Sinner comments on Nov 30, 2019:
Give half to FFRF (Freedom from Religion Foundation) and use the the other half to live decently (not lavishly) and help small causes closer to my heart. I would like to lift at least one life where someone could get the opportunities I got and would never receive it without my help. Just lift one ...
Flowerwall replies on Dec 1, 2019:
I came across the mention of this organization in some reading over the last several days. I remember the particular issue and stance the organization was taking was something I had a hard time understanding. When you look at all that is out there the question in my head was "why this? " It's not meant as a personal criticism of your choice. I guess I don't understand certain things, why they are the way they are. It's nothing new. I guess this is where I diverge from the commom thought.
Supreme Court allows Sandy Hook families to sue over the advertising of firearms.
FearlessFly comments on Nov 13, 2019:
SCOTUS declined to let Remington have the case dismissed. The case can proceed under Connecticut state law, and it doesn’t mean that the plaintiffs will prevail.
Flowerwall replies on Dec 1, 2019:
I just realized the case isn't being heard by federal court, but rather Connecticut's. Yes, you did mention it in your comment previously, I think I misunderstood even so. So if the plaintiffs do win the case in the state, what implications does that have nationally? Would it mainly effect just the state?
LenHazell53 comments on Nov 28, 2019:
Sorry I can't hear that prayer any longer without hearing it in the voice of the arch bitch Margaret Thatcher arriving at 10 Downing Street for the first time as Prime Minister, May 4, 1979 and then spending the 11 years doing exactly the opposite, utterly destroying British society and sowing the ...
Flowerwall replies on Nov 30, 2019:
Can I ask you to elaborate further on this? What policies and decisions did you see specifically as the problem? Trying to learn more in abbreviated form. If you don't have time to reply, I understand. And it is starting to go off topic.
Happy Holidays - not Trash-the-Planet month! []
Flowerwall comments on Nov 27, 2019:
Hope you have a great holiday as well and everyone here. I know some don't view Thanksgiving in a positive light and I completely understand and respect that viewpoint too.
Flowerwall replies on Nov 30, 2019:
@Triphid Also I think now maybe my original response came across as directing negativity at you? I don't know. It wasn't intended that way. Whenever I think about that situation that occurred with the President I get REALLY IRRITATED. Like I said indicative of the President's attitude, very bothersome.
Happy Holidays - not Trash-the-Planet month! []
Flowerwall comments on Nov 27, 2019:
Hope you have a great holiday as well and everyone here. I know some don't view Thanksgiving in a positive light and I completely understand and respect that viewpoint too.
Flowerwall replies on Nov 30, 2019:
@Triphid Well right. We don't go up to people who are of Native American descent and say "Thank you!". I guess some do attend church on the day. The general attitude is one of gratitude on Thanksgiving. Hopefully the schools teach the historical aspect so the generations continue to be aware of exactly how our country came to be without a misrepresentation of it. War, genocide and slavery are things to never forget. On the other hand what our country is meant to represent, at it's best, is not something that can be diminished. We also need to be aware of the current climate we are living in, which is one where people are becoming less tolerant and civil to one another.
Happy Holidays - not Trash-the-Planet month! []
Flowerwall comments on Nov 27, 2019:
Hope you have a great holiday as well and everyone here. I know some don't view Thanksgiving in a positive light and I completely understand and respect that viewpoint too.
Flowerwall replies on Nov 30, 2019:
@Triphid I am not sure what you expect to hear from me outside of what I already said. I don't use the term Faithfools and I also don't think the question can be easily answered even if you substitute a different word for Faithfools.
Medicare for all seems like the best plan. Why not? []
Flowerwall comments on Nov 20, 2019:
Putting the federal government in charge of what is currently one-fifth of our national domestic expenditures. The federal government CAN take a role that makes health insurance accessible to all and affordable, but do we want the federal government to have THAT MUCH control of the entire sector of ...
Flowerwall replies on Nov 30, 2019:
@RoboGraham I do want to return to the subject, but have been unable so far. Hope to continue this discussion and I wish others were giving input, as well. I don't have all the answers. But I think M4A would not be more beneficial to US population than other options could be.
Teen's TikTok video about China's Muslim camps goes viral China has incarcerated as many as one ...
Heathenman comments on Nov 27, 2019:
Okay. Here goes. I await the rotten verbal tomatoes to be thrown my way for saying this. But,... Good for China. What? Not PC? I don't like the Chinese Government. I don't like the Muslim or other monotheic religions either. O do love people though. It isn't that I agree with how ...
Flowerwall replies on Nov 30, 2019:
@rogueflyer Prior to this discussion I didn't think I had realized the full amount of everything that has occurred there and most likely there is more that I, or we, don't know of. It's highly unsettling to think about. I just came across an article today regarding Australia and the threat the nation is feeling from China. As much as we are lulled into a general sense of safety and peace, the fact is wrongdoing abounds in this world and is a constant ever-growing threat.
Teen's TikTok video about China's Muslim camps goes viral China has incarcerated as many as one ...
Heathenman comments on Nov 27, 2019:
Okay. Here goes. I await the rotten verbal tomatoes to be thrown my way for saying this. But,... Good for China. What? Not PC? I don't like the Chinese Government. I don't like the Muslim or other monotheic religions either. O do love people though. It isn't that I agree with how ...
Flowerwall replies on Nov 29, 2019:
@rogueflyer And let's not forget about places outside of religion too. It may be that without religion some of the people might be a lot worse. But definitely an organized belief system whether it's religion or culture that gives approval to beating, mutulation or murder needs to have a goal of stops put in place. I don't think the best way to achieve that is this way. Surely the government could enact and enforce laws against the practices without concentration camps, remarriage, and highly intrusive use of technology.
My little girl made it three years without religious ideas being taught to her.
Flowerwall comments on Nov 26, 2019:
I think it's best for kids to be raised in faith. Then as an adult a person has the full capacity to decide what their own beliefs are. Not that you yourself have to be a churchgoer, but that you don't crush your child's belief.
Flowerwall replies on Nov 29, 2019:
@Lauren Well Lauren, you are certainly entitled to parent your children in the way you feel best. And hopefully those choices are made in the best interests of your children at most all times. The fact that you have given thought to it and had these conversations shows that you are already ahead of a large part of people who give it little thought at all. I know I personally struggle with an extreme sense of not being able to reconcile an existant God and all the bad in the world both past and present. I still leave the possibility open, but only to a God that embodies goodness.
Medicare for all seems like the best plan. Why not? []
Flowerwall comments on Nov 20, 2019:
Putting the federal government in charge of what is currently one-fifth of our national domestic expenditures. The federal government CAN take a role that makes health insurance accessible to all and affordable, but do we want the federal government to have THAT MUCH control of the entire sector of ...
Flowerwall replies on Nov 28, 2019:
@RoboGraham So you think having a large population of poor people who can't access medical care is a good idea?
Teen's TikTok video about China's Muslim camps goes viral China has incarcerated as many as one ...
Flowerwall comments on Nov 27, 2019:
Also read they attempt to marry the wives of the incarcerated to nonUigher soldiers. Once they are married I am sure that is it, no more religion. It's horrible because you see in the situation in Hong Kong what it is that people really want- they want freedom, democracy. I don't think it's ever ...
Flowerwall replies on Nov 27, 2019:
@Gwendolyn2018 I fully believe that. I don't think anyone ever lives in a free, democratic society and thinks it's a bad form of government. I don't think anyone ever says I would prefer to be less free.
Medicare for all seems like the best plan. Why not? []
RoboGraham comments on Nov 19, 2019:
They scare people with the word socialism and make them think that their freedoms will be taken away. The only thing that will be taken away will be the enormous profits of the insurance pirates.
Flowerwall replies on Nov 27, 2019:
@ToolGuy This 42% is a total of all taxes paid includes sales tax, property tax, whatever other taxes there are. That is A LOT. I don't know what percent of insurance plans cover meds here in the US, but people going without meds because they can't afford is HORRIBLE. Because there are in some places free clinics, hospitals I am sure some also dispense meds if you could travel around like in your brother's case he would not go without meds, I would imagine. I would like to see more information, get it broken down in comparison exactly what is happening in all of our states with regard to medicaid and insurance premiums. A solution to high premiums in the US is subsidizing high risk people. It is the sick that jack up the prices for everyone, and it's a huge number, so if government could help pay that expense down premiums would go way down for all. That would require funding, of course, I say take it off the top. I think giving serious thought to the garbage plans is also important. Looking at the causes of bankruptcy with regard to the medical expenses in this country is important too. Because there is so much variety in plans, 50 different states nothing follows strict rules, you don't know what's exactly out there and the best fix. Some people don't manage money well and choose not to have health insurance. I am convinced M4A is not the answer though. Glad your sons meds do get covered. I knew of someone who had a severely hearing impaired infant and insurance was fighting paying the $7,000 hearing aids. I couldn't believe it! I think it got resolved in patients favor, but even having to fight for that is unacceptable. We need to have standards for certain things. I haven't looked too deep into it, but I do wonder what more of the research says regarding the current status of all these plans. It's like we went from having not much in place for citizens, then we passed ACA and now we are thinking about going completely the other way? I don't know, too drastic.
Happy Holidays - not Trash-the-Planet month! []
Flowerwall comments on Nov 27, 2019:
Hope you have a great holiday as well and everyone here. I know some don't view Thanksgiving in a positive light and I completely understand and respect that viewpoint too.
Flowerwall replies on Nov 27, 2019:
@Triphid Nothing wrong an attitude of thankfulness. But definitely need to think about our history and our indigenous people at this time. Still at this moment the government is not doing all it can to treat the people fairly and a President uses an indigenous person's name as an attempt to slur another. It is indicative of the lack of regard for everything this country should stand for. Number one mutual RESPECT of people's culture and history.
My little girl made it three years without religious ideas being taught to her.
Flowerwall comments on Nov 26, 2019:
I think it's best for kids to be raised in faith. Then as an adult a person has the full capacity to decide what their own beliefs are. Not that you yourself have to be a churchgoer, but that you don't crush your child's belief.
Flowerwall replies on Nov 27, 2019:
@powder, @Lauren You can present the viewpoint very neutrally saying "some people believe " without betraying yourself, your own ideas. Definitely logic. I don't necessarily mean believe what any one religion teaches, but leave the possibility open to idea of God. I know a lot of people fall into believing what others believe and that is a danger to just follow along blindly, but I think the risk of that drops if it's managed right. Surely talk about the negative in religion too, war, abuse, etc.
Teen's TikTok video about China's Muslim camps goes viral China has incarcerated as many as one ...
Flowerwall comments on Nov 27, 2019:
Also read they attempt to marry the wives of the incarcerated to nonUigher soldiers. Once they are married I am sure that is it, no more religion. It's horrible because you see in the situation in Hong Kong what it is that people really want- they want freedom, democracy. I don't think it's ever ...
Flowerwall replies on Nov 27, 2019:
@rogueflyer Well sure of course the citizens say that. Can you express other ideas in that circumstance? You are expected to say "It's all great here." I know not every person feels that way. Take a look at the history.
Voter records for sale?
FearlessFly comments on Nov 26, 2019:
IIRC, the idea is -- if the government has info, the people are allowed that info (aside from nat'l security)
Flowerwall replies on Nov 27, 2019:
@FearlessFly Also that eye color data. It will probably be available for sale in another year or two online if it isn't already. You have to question this. All of it.
Voter records for sale?
FearlessFly comments on Nov 26, 2019:
IIRC, the idea is -- if the government has info, the people are allowed that info (aside from nat'l security)
Flowerwall replies on Nov 27, 2019:
@FearlessFly The hacked data, I thought said foia in the description.
Medicare for all seems like the best plan. Why not? []
RoboGraham comments on Nov 19, 2019:
They scare people with the word socialism and make them think that their freedoms will be taken away. The only thing that will be taken away will be the enormous profits of the insurance pirates.
Flowerwall replies on Nov 27, 2019:
@ToolGuy From what I know of the system in Canada average family pays 42% of wages in taxes and still does not have prescription drug coverage. So with only 58% left you have to pay all living expenses and still pay for possibly expensive meds?
Voter records for sale?
FearlessFly comments on Nov 26, 2019:
IIRC, the idea is -- if the government has info, the people are allowed that info (aside from nat'l security)
Flowerwall replies on Nov 26, 2019:
@FearlessFly The census bureau is collecting data on eye color? That makes no sense. What is it verifying that data against? The federal government has a record of people's eye color? Well that sounds like something right out of a nazi playbook. Yeah it definitely sounds like clear, planned gerrymandering about to occur. I don't see anywhere in these links where pii data is just freely available on the dmv websites. The website that claims to sell drivers license numbers, is it even real? How would that fall under foia?
My little girl made it three years without religious ideas being taught to her.
Flowerwall comments on Nov 26, 2019:
I think it's best for kids to be raised in faith. Then as an adult a person has the full capacity to decide what their own beliefs are. Not that you yourself have to be a churchgoer, but that you don't crush your child's belief.
Flowerwall replies on Nov 26, 2019:
@twill Yes, I have read some as I come across the stories. Haven't done a methodical study. No two people are ever on the exact same path and the exact same time.
Voter records for sale?
St-Sinner comments on Nov 26, 2019:
We were told 15 years ago the "DATA' would be the new currency but it still has not sunk into us. Now we have started griping abut small and big problems of data hacking, data sale, data misuse. Enjoy the ride. Only the technology savvy will survive. Others will be confused at best if not not ...
Flowerwall replies on Nov 26, 2019:
@St-Sinner Not just this site, EVERY site. I am mentioning here because I am here posting. I would like to opt out of it all, but of course that's not possible. Yes this is all part of the advancement of society, but I think we are in need of a step back or ten, or twenty. We give away all sorts of information and noone thinks twice. I am not familiar with so much of what's out there. And there is so much out there. It is just not right. I think reading up on the voterinfo being for sale is just proof positive of how far gone all of this is, in my mind.
My little girl made it three years without religious ideas being taught to her.
Flowerwall comments on Nov 26, 2019:
I think it's best for kids to be raised in faith. Then as an adult a person has the full capacity to decide what their own beliefs are. Not that you yourself have to be a churchgoer, but that you don't crush your child's belief.
Flowerwall replies on Nov 26, 2019:
@Marcel3405 Why let children believe in Santa Claus? Noone can prove or disprove the existence of God. I think it's more useful to children to believe. If they have a strong desire to have a relationship to God he may just show himself to the individual. You do hear people say they have experienced such things and who is anyone else to claim the experience is bogus?
Voter records for sale?
FearlessFly comments on Nov 26, 2019:
IIRC, the idea is -- if the government has info, the people are allowed that info (aside from nat'l security)
Flowerwall replies on Nov 26, 2019:
@FearlessFly I am pretty sure it is not that simple. I think you can only get info like that when it relates to an accident. I think I just saw on one of these talk shows the IT person very easily pulling up someone's data, including SS number. I was only half paying attention though. So the whole concept of individual privacy has just been completely circumvented.
Voter records for sale?
Geoffrey51 comments on Nov 26, 2019:
I would also suggest because it is in the governments interest, and yes, it is the USA, so you shouldn’t really be surprised.
Flowerwall replies on Nov 26, 2019:
@Geoffrey51 I won't be the one who fixes it. But not acknowledging the seriousness and full extent of the problem is the problem currently.
Voter records for sale?
St-Sinner comments on Nov 26, 2019:
We were told 15 years ago the "DATA' would be the new currency but it still has not sunk into us. Now we have started griping abut small and big problems of data hacking, data sale, data misuse. Enjoy the ride. Only the technology savvy will survive. Others will be confused at best if not not ...
Flowerwall replies on Nov 26, 2019:
@St-Sinner Yeah until this website gets hacked, then it's all out there. And I apologize to the people who created this site if they are indeed good people with good intentions, but it's just something you have to question. You realize in order to be online safely you need to have a PhD in cybersecurity and even then your data will still get leaked by government, financial institutions, healthcare and everybody else I just left out.
Voter records for sale?
Geoffrey51 comments on Nov 26, 2019:
Everything’s for sale!
Flowerwall replies on Nov 26, 2019:
@Geoffrey51 So it shouldn't be changed? Systems should not be put in place to correct the problem?
Voter records for sale?
St-Sinner comments on Nov 26, 2019:
We were told 15 years ago the "DATA' would be the new currency but it still has not sunk into us. Now we have started griping abut small and big problems of data hacking, data sale, data misuse. Enjoy the ride. Only the technology savvy will survive. Others will be confused at best if not not ...
Flowerwall replies on Nov 26, 2019:
@St-Sinner And what about THIS website? You can can sign in here with Facebook or Google. What amount of data sharing goes on here whether it is done with innocent or malicious intent? How much does it cavort with the Hydra?
Voter records for sale?
St-Sinner comments on Nov 26, 2019:
We were told 15 years ago the "DATA' would be the new currency but it still has not sunk into us. Now we have started griping abut small and big problems of data hacking, data sale, data misuse. Enjoy the ride. Only the technology savvy will survive. Others will be confused at best if not not ...
Flowerwall replies on Nov 26, 2019:
Yeah, pretty sure people who live off the grid are the smartest. Technology is too easily manipulated for nefarious purposes, it's just not good. And because it occurs in silence and is unseen we just go along like the sheep that we all are.
Voter records for sale?
FearlessFly comments on Nov 26, 2019:
IIRC, the idea is -- if the government has info, the people are allowed that info (aside from nat'l security)
Flowerwall replies on Nov 26, 2019:
Not THAT info! The government also has my social security number, doesn't mean it's subject to freedom of information.
Voter records for sale?
Geoffrey51 comments on Nov 26, 2019:
I would also suggest because it is in the governments interest, and yes, it is the USA, so you shouldn’t really be surprised.
Flowerwall replies on Nov 26, 2019:
Well, it needs TO STOP.
Voter records for sale?
Geoffrey51 comments on Nov 26, 2019:
Everything’s for sale!
Flowerwall replies on Nov 26, 2019:
@Geoffrey51 I don't understand the point you are trying to make. My point is this should never be. Knowing this occurs makes a strong case to not register to vote. What are you meaning when you say "people trafficking" and how does that justify violating constitutionality guaranteed rights?
Voter records for sale?
Geoffrey51 comments on Nov 26, 2019:
Everything’s for sale!
Flowerwall replies on Nov 26, 2019:
How could this NOT be viewed as a clear violation of the right to privacy? Is it because it's just being disguised as harmless in step one? Is this how to effectively give the populace the run around ?
As a military veteran, I am deeply angered and offended by Trump's mindless interference in ...
charliemmann comments on Nov 25, 2019:
Ssssoooo, this navy seal was acquitted of murder and all other charges, but was convicted of posing with a corpse. Whose life did his act of posing with a corpse ruin? Whose life, of a living person who is not a terrorist, did this man ruin by posing with this corpse? This man worked HARD, for a ...
Flowerwall replies on Nov 26, 2019:
@Redheadedgammy I understand you feel strongly about this issue, but saying "The fact that you are trying to defend that piece of shit speaks loudly for how no one should listen to anything you have to say." sounds to me like a really harsh judgment. I am not familiar with all the details of this case, but hearing it discussed and hearing the question asked is a great way to learn more about it. I don't think we should be on the attack that strongly. I got the most understanding of the situation from one of the replies to this very question.
Is there a place here where you can go when you are having a really bad attitude?
RavenCT comments on Nov 21, 2019:
Also if it's some sort of thing you want to share - that's been done - just cross off the name of the person so not everyone goes running back to FB (or wherever) to holler at them. Screenshots are great for that. (You can use Paint if you have a Windows computer). I'm this group's host I say ...
Flowerwall replies on Nov 23, 2019:
@RavenCT I think these things, as annoying as they are to come across, are reminders that people do have this type of belief system and atleast it's written down right there to see. Sad part is this attitude does exist at all levels in people you come across, it is there, it may not be widespread, but IT IS there. And yes I think people are attempting to imitate this brazen attitude that we see in 45. I was listening to a talk recently about how we choose leaders that reflect ourselves, so I guess it's like, this is who we are right now? Hopefully it will be a short time frame and not devolve much further.
Is there a place here where you can go when you are having a really bad attitude?
RavenCT comments on Nov 21, 2019:
Also if it's some sort of thing you want to share - that's been done - just cross off the name of the person so not everyone goes running back to FB (or wherever) to holler at them. Screenshots are great for that. (You can use Paint if you have a Windows computer). I'm this group's host I say ...
Flowerwall replies on Nov 22, 2019:
@RavenCT Yes, I really like the description you gave in paragraphs one and two, LOL, thank you! It has definitely been more bothersome with 45 in office because you see this highly off the wall set of circumstances occurring and you wonder how did THAT many people think this could possibly have a good outcome? Or did they know deep down inside it would turn out like this and that is what they wanted? I don't understand. Yeah it does make me wonder if there is some government engineered program of mass stupidity. Maybe it's all the processed foods we eat. And I would think it just occurs mainly online, but no, there are many instances of it in RL too. But my attitude is just skewed right now. You are right, there are many good people. Most people are good, well hopefully, but possibly not. It's just the attitude you come across in these articles. The general trend is to blame the next preson or group of people when things are not going your way instead of maning up (or womaning up) to the challenges that are ahead and that each individual has a personal responsibility to fix. You can talk about issues that effect a particular gender, you can prpose solutions, but you don't get to blame others for the failure because that is not taking personal responsibility - the very thing the author is accusing everyone else of doing! Maddening!
Is there a place here where you can go when you are having a really bad attitude?
Geoffrey51 comments on Nov 22, 2019:
Yey go for it. If no one else wants to play I’m up for it. Better out than in as they say!
Flowerwall replies on Nov 22, 2019:
See the response I wrote below. But it's not viewed as play, just a negative reaction to disturbing ideas.
Is there a place here where you can go when you are having a really bad attitude?
RavenCT comments on Nov 21, 2019:
Also if it's some sort of thing you want to share - that's been done - just cross off the name of the person so not everyone goes running back to FB (or wherever) to holler at them. Screenshots are great for that. (You can use Paint if you have a Windows computer). I'm this group's host I say ...
Flowerwall replies on Nov 22, 2019:
I don't want to go all into it. It started off with one thing and then I clicked on a couple other things and next thing I am reading a piece entitled University of Narcissism which the author must surely be an honorary graduate of, and it's highly irritating because there is another aspect to it. However I don't feel at liberty to discuss. Individuals have a real responsibility to think about the consequences of their words. And then the comments! That was from the other article, ugh, I didn't realize people of this mindset were out there. Just not good. Like you can tell there are serious underlying issues there. Some of this stuff I don't know how much it will get talked about. Maybe there is always some amount of this dark element, but you can see the sickness in it. That it would be allowable is the disturbing part! People just go along. Look who is President! We are falling into a lack sense and morality. These are very disturbing times we live in!
Medicare for all seems like the best plan. Why not? []
RoboGraham comments on Nov 19, 2019:
They scare people with the word socialism and make them think that their freedoms will be taken away. The only thing that will be taken away will be the enormous profits of the insurance pirates.
Flowerwall replies on Nov 21, 2019:
@ToolGuy I just edited and added to previous response. Please read second paragraph above of my previous reply.
Medicare for all seems like the best plan. Why not? []
RoboGraham comments on Nov 19, 2019:
They scare people with the word socialism and make them think that their freedoms will be taken away. The only thing that will be taken away will be the enormous profits of the insurance pirates.
Flowerwall replies on Nov 21, 2019:
@ToolGuy I do agree with you that our current system is not perfect and definitely needs improvement. We need to think of the people that are uninsured, underinsured and healthcare for illegal immigrants, as well. I think if we view m4a as the solution to all that is wrong with healthcare currently we can be easily misled in false promises. I want some form of healthcare available to everyone regardless of ability to pay and citizenship status and I also don't want forced single payer healthcare. Maybe we need to be talking about icreased expansion of Medicaid, increased access to federally funded free clinics. Maybe certain policies are just pure garbage and should have to be sold with a warning label that says "high risk of bankruptcy in instances of serious illness". But just saying m4a is the solution to it all just seems wrong, imo. The reality will be much higher taxes and probably lower healthcare quality overall. Recently came across reading about Cook County hospital in Chicago, a free hospital, now I wasn't reading about medical care, rather a book that is related to decision making and Cook county hospital Dr. experience there was used as example in improving decision making and medical process based on dealing with high numbers of patients and need to quickly, accurately triage. He created a standard that was brilliant and would improve assessment standards everywhere. This advance was born out of necessity, caring, intelligent understanding - opportunitiess that are lost with a one-size fits all approach to healthcare. Also copying something written about CCH "Cook County Hospital's history is interesting and important, not just to residents of Cook County but as a microcosm of much that was and is wrong with healthcare in America, " This person only focused on what is wrong in comment, what about all that is right? Even as a free hospital CCH was a damn good one. It was much better than some of the for- profit hospitals in the state.
Medicare for all seems like the best plan. Why not? []
RoboGraham comments on Nov 19, 2019:
They scare people with the word socialism and make them think that their freedoms will be taken away. The only thing that will be taken away will be the enormous profits of the insurance pirates.
Flowerwall replies on Nov 20, 2019:
@ToolGuy We are not every other country. I will bet though that when you look at the big picture, it is actually the US that is the best in terms of the overall opportunity present. Additionally the more you look at m4a it just doesn't seem the simple, easy solution some on the left are making it out to be. Admistrative costs are only about 6% lower for medicare that private insurance. Medicare implementation is facilitated by other federal agencies as well, so some of the expense is hidden, for instance the role irs plays in collecting taxes that are paid for Medicare. That is just one example. Private insurance offers things medicare does not, making potentially more value per dollar spent. And I guess medicare does not limit out of pocket expense, so that is a huge problem, almost all private insurance does.
Medicare for all seems like the best plan. Why not? []
Flowerwall comments on Nov 20, 2019:
Putting the federal government in charge of what is currently one-fifth of our national domestic expenditures. The federal government CAN take a role that makes health insurance accessible to all and affordable, but do we want the federal government to have THAT MUCH control of the entire sector of ...
Flowerwall replies on Nov 20, 2019:
@ToolGuy There is no tax burden? Then how will we pay the $34 Trillion over the next decade? Optional donations?
Medicare for all seems like the best plan. Why not? []
RoboGraham comments on Nov 19, 2019:
They scare people with the word socialism and make them think that their freedoms will be taken away. The only thing that will be taken away will be the enormous profits of the insurance pirates.
Flowerwall replies on Nov 20, 2019:
Profits by insurers are already capped by MLR's under provisions set forth in Obamacare. This is something I only recently learned myself and it is quite a smart provision. This type of thinking is how we should be trying to counteract the expense of healthcare not just painting the whole current system as "bad" and then trying to put it all in the hands of the federal government to somehow fix it all for us. They WILL NOT FIX IT. We will all just pay higher taxes and it will increase unemployment, cause possible economic recession either large or small, and increase overall poverty rates, imo.
Supreme Court allows Sandy Hook families to sue over the advertising of firearms.
FearlessFly comments on Nov 13, 2019:
SCOTUS declined to let Remington have the case dismissed. The case can proceed under Connecticut state law, and it doesn’t mean that the plaintiffs will prevail.
Flowerwall replies on Nov 14, 2019:
No it doesn't mean they will prevail. They SHOULD though and set precedent with advertising limitations with firearms. Even NRA needs to tone down the advertising. The photo of Pelosi and Giffords in crosshairs of weapon was inappropriate and could be seen as an incitement to violence, imo. I don't think that advertising military style weapons, or the types of extreme advertising you see in NRA is neccessary or appropriate. Hopefully SCOTUS will begin to rectify this situation with the right verdict.
Alex Trebek visibly moved by contestant's Final Jeopardy answer: 'We love you, Alex' - AOL ...
Flowerwall comments on Nov 12, 2019:
I saw this this morning and I had the same reaction. It felt very moving. Alex looked deeply touched and I was glad to see the contestant put it out there openly like he did. Alex deserved to get a message like that.
Flowerwall replies on Nov 13, 2019:
@IAJO163 That's a very long time!
OK so we all get bored to death with the meaning of 'spiritual' question.
Flowerwall comments on Nov 11, 2019:
I really like that question.
Flowerwall replies on Nov 11, 2019:
@Fernapple Do you know the answer now, the precise answer to the question?
SNL did a great job of handling the Medicare-for-All topic and humorously tackling possible funding ...
Bierbasstard comments on Nov 6, 2019:
Some doctors, hospitals, etc already refuse patients on medicare/medicaid. What's Warren's/Sander's plan? Are they going to force them into service?
Flowerwall replies on Nov 9, 2019:
@Bierbasstard That could be a good thing. Also the idea of the high risk pools, the former programs that were run in states, couldn't the government pay the insurers directly to help defray thesr costs? Most likely though, that would be very complicated process. Does that aready happen now in form of subsidies for high risk individuals? It would have to ve legislated though somehow, if it isn't currently, that insurance carriers that received these subsidies would have to limit the risk/profit so that the additional money wasn't just gobbled up in some CEO salary, or other useless way that the financially savvy individuals always find a way to do.
Scientific Proof some men scientists are REAL ASSHOLES! []
FearlessFly comments on Nov 7, 2019:
Despite what (any) media might say, science doesn't **prove** anything (Sir Isaac Newton, gravity). It does a pretty good job of convincing, though.
Flowerwall replies on Nov 8, 2019:
Yeah, maybe next we can divide people up by eye color, religious belief, or disability status. That should give us some highly useful data. (Sarcasm) I mean Stephen Hawking couldn't even move his hand, how highly UNPRODUCTIVE! (Sarcasm again).
SNL did a great job of handling the Medicare-for-All topic and humorously tackling possible funding ...
Bierbasstard comments on Nov 6, 2019:
Some doctors, hospitals, etc already refuse patients on medicare/medicaid. What's Warren's/Sander's plan? Are they going to force them into service?
Flowerwall replies on Nov 8, 2019:
@Allamanda Sure. So what's to be done? Wouldn't it be be prudent at this point in time to proceed with extreme caution regarding all areas where technology can be used to hijack the entire democratic process? We can't use the techniques we used before there were computers? The hacks that they have caught are certainly concerning, but what about the hacking they haven't caught? That's what worries me more. Is every hack traceable? Have they looked at every database and piece of voting equipment for the telltale signs of hacking? I don't trust it.
SNL did a great job of handling the Medicare-for-All topic and humorously tackling possible funding ...
Bierbasstard comments on Nov 6, 2019:
Some doctors, hospitals, etc already refuse patients on medicare/medicaid. What's Warren's/Sander's plan? Are they going to force them into service?
Flowerwall replies on Nov 8, 2019:
@Allamanda I don't know why, but we should continually ask questions and figure out the real reasons why. I think a much greater concern to our democracy and voting are digital hacks. Whether its Facebook or other social media, data security in general and digital hacking at polling places. I don't think our government has responded appropriately to these issues and are leaving us wide open to disaster. Some states have had their voter roles hacked. I think this is a huge breach of trust. Huge. Who is hacking this info? What has been done about it? You hear NOTHING. Instead the news continually focus on the minutiae of Trump.
SNL did a great job of handling the Medicare-for-All topic and humorously tackling possible funding ...
Bierbasstard comments on Nov 6, 2019:
Some doctors, hospitals, etc already refuse patients on medicare/medicaid. What's Warren's/Sander's plan? Are they going to force them into service?
Flowerwall replies on Nov 8, 2019:
@Allamanda With regard to the article from the Guardian - "imposing strict voter ID laws, cutting voting times, restricting registration, and purging voter rolls." Each one of these issues needs to be broken down and addressed. Voting times should not be variable in any locations. Exact number of hours, and times across the board, everywhere without exception. I don't think there is such a thing as "strict" voter ID laws. All adults are required to carry valid identification. If some groups of people are having a hard time attaining that due to living in poverty, then address THAT Issue. Fee waivers for low income people, assistance with access to offices or maybe mobile units that do outreach. Most DMVs also do voter registration, don't they? I don't think voter registration should be automatic, nobody should be registered unless they want to be. (Isn't there a religious sect that opposes voting? Or maybe that's paying taxes.) Purging voter rolls does need to happen periodically or you can have the same person with multiple registrations, why would that be a good idea? The person who was not registered in the beginning of the article, it never went on to say why, did it? This is a crucial part of the story that has been left out. Did she move and just forget to register? Or was there something else? Did her name just disappear? If it's seconf scenario we have a very serious problem on our hands. If it's scenario one then that's different, could be nothing more than simple human error.
SNL did a great job of handling the Medicare-for-All topic and humorously tackling possible funding ...
Bierbasstard comments on Nov 6, 2019:
Some doctors, hospitals, etc already refuse patients on medicare/medicaid. What's Warren's/Sander's plan? Are they going to force them into service?
Flowerwall replies on Nov 7, 2019:
@Allamanda Honestly I go back and forth on the issue. I DO see the very good resons behind a M4A scenario. But we are capitalists here in this country and that's not exceptionalism, it's an essential part of our nature, who we are, for better or for worse. I don't know that trying to just rip our entire healthcare industry up and put it under government controlled funding will have good consequences. And it would certainly create higher unemployment levels, absolutely. Instead it seems more rational to look at the uninsured and underinsured and figure out how those issues can be addressed, as well financial hardship from medical expenses other groups experience. This needs to be our starting point for solutions.
SNL did a great job of handling the Medicare-for-All topic and humorously tackling possible funding ...
Bierbasstard comments on Nov 6, 2019:
Some doctors, hospitals, etc already refuse patients on medicare/medicaid. What's Warren's/Sander's plan? Are they going to force them into service?
Flowerwall replies on Nov 7, 2019:
@Allamanda I do understand this issue is important to you and the area you live in. I don't know exactly how that gets fixed but I do think not being able to vote would be very frustrating. I think that the M4A plan could be very distuptive to our overall economy, lead to higher unemployment levels, higher tax rates for all, and some decrease in quality of care. I don't think it's something to enter into without a lot of consideration given to these factors. I think it's something that would have to be tested out in small scale first, but because of how we do things I don't know that that type of long-term vision is there. I think that is the best approach though.
SNL did a great job of handling the Medicare-for-All topic and humorously tackling possible funding ...
Bierbasstard comments on Nov 6, 2019:
Some doctors, hospitals, etc already refuse patients on medicare/medicaid. What's Warren's/Sander's plan? Are they going to force them into service?
Flowerwall replies on Nov 6, 2019:
@Allamanda I am not familiar with the health insurance status in the Virgin Islands or anywhere outside of the US, so I can't contribute anything substantive. It would seem if there is no system in place at the current time it would be the perfect place to implement new ideas and certainly bring this part of the discussion to the table. Is the Virgin Islands paying into/under the broader SS program?If so, it would be a great test spot for Medicare-for All there as a starting point since there are no competing health insurance companies.
SNL did a great job of handling the Medicare-for-All topic and humorously tackling possible funding ...
Bierbasstard comments on Nov 6, 2019:
Some doctors, hospitals, etc already refuse patients on medicare/medicaid. What's Warren's/Sander's plan? Are they going to force them into service?
Flowerwall replies on Nov 6, 2019:
@Allamanda Before we say eliminate for-profit medicine, I would like to know what other options exist. Who are the 10% who do not have insurance? What about the other 10% that are underinsured? How can those issues be remedied before we start talking about completely dismantling and rearranging entire industries and a huge economic sector? And before we start handing over huge sums to the federal government for the purpose of healthcare, I would like to ask, is that really going to turn out well? Why not start something like this out small scale here in the US and see how it goes first. It just seems too drastic of an idea.
SNL did a great job of handling the Medicare-for-All topic and humorously tackling possible funding ...
FearlessFly comments on Nov 6, 2019:
Why would you think SNL is the place to start a discussion ?
Flowerwall replies on Nov 6, 2019:
@FearlessFly I didn't take anything said in the skit as being factual, only as a humorous starting point for serious discussion. I may not have made that clear in my post, but am making it clear now. It's not intended to make light of the real issues that are, of course, enormously important.
SNL did a great job of handling the Medicare-for-All topic and humorously tackling possible funding ...
FearlessFly comments on Nov 6, 2019:
. . .where to begin . . . Why would you try to claim that Trump has a plan ?
Flowerwall replies on Nov 6, 2019:
Okay substitute in place of word "plan" with what I quoted from article "piecemeal attacks on the ACA" as this is the more accurate desrciptor.
SNL did a great job of handling the Medicare-for-All topic and humorously tackling possible funding ...
FearlessFly comments on Nov 6, 2019:
Why would you think SNL is the place to start a discussion ?
Flowerwall replies on Nov 6, 2019:
Because, humor. Fury is currently on hiatus.
SNL did a great job of handling the Medicare-for-All topic and humorously tackling possible funding ...
Bierbasstard comments on Nov 6, 2019:
Some doctors, hospitals, etc already refuse patients on medicare/medicaid. What's Warren's/Sander's plan? Are they going to force them into service?
Flowerwall replies on Nov 6, 2019:
This is where I see an idea based in good intention, Medicare-for-All, upon further scrutiny, starts looking like a scenario that could be highly problematic. What about the funding concerns that have existed up until this point? The possibility of the entire system running out of funds that has been a big background discussion for quite a long time. The real problem in all of it is the funding. More Docs would accept if reimbursement rate was high enough. It all goes back to funding. I wish there more ideas out there for real solutions. If there has been a struggle with 18% of the population being covered, then what happens at 100%?