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Can't y'all, Americans, mind your own business and leave each other alone instead of getting in each...
Alienbeing comments on Jun 9, 2022:
If you believe black Americans are in mortal danger from "crazy white people" YOU need a mental exam. While I don't doubt that there are white Americans that are crazy enough to murder blacks and others, to assume the threat from such nut cases in any more significant than it ever was.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 9, 2022:
But admit that to the extent that the sentiment does exist (it does, and it's not insignificant) it is way too common. I mean, ANY racism is too much.
Kids, you'll be voting age soon.
Druvius comments on Jun 9, 2022:
The Dems have controlled Congress and the White House a number of times and didn't pass gun control legislation, just two parties playing "good cop, bad cop" while they both sell us out to the Pentagon and corporate America.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 9, 2022:
@TomMcGiverin Hey Obama would have signed a universal healthcare bill into law in a heartbeat. But if he had insisted on that and only that, he would have got nothing. Yes, the ACA was based on a Republican idea (virtually the same as what Mitt Romney had in MA) but still had to do it with Democrats alone. The fact that he got the ACA across the finish line at all was a major accomplishment. And look what Republicans have done ever since: tried to repeal it without any plan to replace it. But they can't really do that now, because too many people like it! 😂 Tom, you are too negative. Lighten up, man.
Let's be very clear about one thing: if you want to find American supporters of PUTIN's illegal ...
Trajan61 comments on Jun 7, 2022:
The invasion of the Ukraine didn’t happen under Trumps presidency. It happened under a weak Biden.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 9, 2022:
@Trajan61 I agree that we have not been acting fast enough. But Biden is not alone in this. NATO is rightly being cautious. We don't want to give Mad Vlad an excuse to go nuclear. So yes, they're erring on the side of caution.
Kids, you'll be voting age soon.
Druvius comments on Jun 9, 2022:
The Dems have controlled Congress and the White House a number of times and didn't pass gun control legislation, just two parties playing "good cop, bad cop" while they both sell us out to the Pentagon and corporate America.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 9, 2022:
@TomMcGiverin Obama had a very realistic understanding of how far his political capital would take him (not that far). So he wisely focussed on one thing, and got the only meaningful healthcare legislation passed since FDR. The Affordable Care Act was a huge step forward.
Will Science Someday Rule Out the Possibility of God? | Live Science
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jun 9, 2022:
Science has provided free thinkers reason to place the PROBABILITY of God's existence at vanishingly small. Will we ever be able to rule it out entirely? Probably not. In a big universe, you can't prove the non-existence of something. Especially if by definition that something defies observation.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 9, 2022:
@yvilletom To be fair, there have been waves of regulation. But the corporate interests have bought a lot of politicians, and successfully rolled back many regulations. Also, the economy has developed and changed rapidly, and regulations have not kept pace with the changes. We went from an agricultural economy to an industrial economy to a financial economy to an information economy...with overlaps of course...
Kids, you'll be voting age soon.
Druvius comments on Jun 9, 2022:
The Dems have controlled Congress and the White House a number of times and didn't pass gun control legislation, just two parties playing "good cop, bad cop" while they both sell us out to the Pentagon and corporate America.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 9, 2022:
@TomMcGiverin I don't think the two Parties are remotely the same. One is dedicated to democracy and the other to fascism. Huge difference. Give the Dems a filibuster-proof majority and you will see action. Joe Manchin and Kristen Sinema are not real Democrats. If they were then the filibuster rule would be history.
Kids, you'll be voting age soon.
Druvius comments on Jun 9, 2022:
The Dems have controlled Congress and the White House a number of times and didn't pass gun control legislation, just two parties playing "good cop, bad cop" while they both sell us out to the Pentagon and corporate America.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 9, 2022:
@Druvius When Bill Clinton was in the WH they passed a ban on assault rifles. W let it expire.
Many atheists don't like it at all, to say the least, when science is called the child of religion.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jun 9, 2022:
There is something to what you say. Gregor Mendel, discoverer of the basic rules of inheritance, was an Augustinian monk. He was, in his time, representative of a long tradition of clerical inquiry into the workings of God's handiwork. This should come as no surprise, since for much of civilized ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 9, 2022:
@creative51 I think he's just giving credit where credit is due. It was in Europe where science really came into its own. Following the Black Plague in Europe, at the end of the Middle Ages, the survivors suddenly found themselves to be wealthy inheritors of property. This allowed leisure time to indulge in inquiry. It also helped that the printing press was invented, and literacy was no longer limited to the clergy. This gave rise to the Enlightenment and the Age of Reason.
Kids, you'll be voting age soon.
Druvius comments on Jun 9, 2022:
The Dems have controlled Congress and the White House a number of times and didn't pass gun control legislation, just two parties playing "good cop, bad cop" while they both sell us out to the Pentagon and corporate America.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 9, 2022:
Hey, having a razor-thin majority in Congress can in NO WAY be accurately characterized as "controlling" Congress. Not when such s thing as a filibuster rule exists.
Kids, you'll be voting age soon.
Garban comments on Jun 9, 2022:
I’m actually optimistic for the next generation. Weird coming from an old fart?😉
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 9, 2022:
They (the kids) seem to have good priorities. They want action on climate change, action on gun control legislation. We should give it to them. They shouldn't have to wait. If we wait on climate action, it will be too late.
That is some weird shit. I can't believe they're sticking with the same old, tired politics.
HippieChick58 comments on Jun 9, 2022:
I know, they're so afraid of things that won't kill them, they can't see the evil that they're perpetrating.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 9, 2022:
It's like they are actively seeking to discredit the federal government...
Unfortunately, we currently have minority rule.
Petter comments on Jun 9, 2022:
Better yet, raise it to anyone old enough to have been part of an American Civil War "well organised militia. After all, who else apart from a militia, needs assault weapons as opposed to defensive or sporting weapons?
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 9, 2022:
Isn't it "well regulated" militia?
Let's be very clear about one thing: if you want to find American supporters of PUTIN's illegal ...
FrayedBear comments on Jun 7, 2022:
An interesting point that the "ketchup coated frisbee" raises. Can genocide be committed against fascists? I don't think so as they are not their own nationality or ethnicity as are Jews, Cambodians or Ruandans.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 9, 2022:
@FrayedBear Except that the USA hasn't annexed any territory in like a hundred years.
A very well-trained soldier in the Continental Army, armed with what was then a state-of-the-art, ...
dalefvictor comments on Jun 9, 2022:
Apparently my computer is messing up. I made a post showing what a high powered rifle does to a barrel of water. One can google it, I tried to post my result but it did not post.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 9, 2022:
I know it's quite an explosive impact. 💥
Let's be very clear about one thing: if you want to find American supporters of PUTIN's illegal ...
FrayedBear comments on Jun 7, 2022:
An interesting point that the "ketchup coated frisbee" raises. Can genocide be committed against fascists? I don't think so as they are not their own nationality or ethnicity as are Jews, Cambodians or Ruandans.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 9, 2022:
@FrayedBear Since 2014 the Ukrainian army has kept the separatists contained behind well-established lines that, until only in the last 100 days remained relatively stable. Now Putin is pushing those lines deeper into Ukraine, underlining the true motive behind his invasion: to gobble up the whole of Ukraine and thereby add a rich and tasty morsel to his ravenous and corrupt empire.
Well worth the 20 minutes.
KKGator comments on Jun 7, 2022:
I did listen, and he's right. On this issue, he is 100% correct when he said that we're not as divided as we're being told we are. This is the perfect time to get this done. I don't care which party benefits most. As long as it gets done. Fucking enough already.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 8, 2022:
@misstuffy I don't think our fate is sealed. I think things can get better. But the left will have to unite. We too often form circular firing squads.
Well worth the 20 minutes.
MyTVC15 comments on Jun 7, 2022:
I do not agree that the AR-15 problem would be resolved by raising the ownership age to 21. Those weapons need to be eliminated. There is no purpose for those guns but to blow people away.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 8, 2022:
@misstuffy Let's be clear, it's REPUBLICAN politicians who are obstructing progress.
Well worth the 20 minutes.
KKGator comments on Jun 7, 2022:
I did listen, and he's right. On this issue, he is 100% correct when he said that we're not as divided as we're being told we are. This is the perfect time to get this done. I don't care which party benefits most. As long as it gets done. Fucking enough already.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 8, 2022:
@misstuffy I agree. I think we are close to critical mass now. And that's probably why we see white nationalism raising its ugly head. It's not that there are more of them than before. It's that they perceive their growing marginalization, and are lashing out. Of course social media and dog-whistling Done Cheato brought disparate groups together.
Christian hate-preacher calls for the execution of 'every single homosexual'
OldGoat43 comments on Jun 8, 2022:
I thought it would be useful to see the ugly face of Dillon Awes.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 8, 2022:
Thanks, you made my day 😑
Well worth the 20 minutes.
KKGator comments on Jun 7, 2022:
I did listen, and he's right. On this issue, he is 100% correct when he said that we're not as divided as we're being told we are. This is the perfect time to get this done. I don't care which party benefits most. As long as it gets done. Fucking enough already.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 8, 2022:
@SeaGreenEyez The South never accepted their defeat in the Civil War. And the North acquiesced in Jim Crow. And here we are. We need a critical mass of culturally dextrous white people who accept diversity and want to see American multiculturalism work. How close are we to having that critical mass? That's the big question.
Well worth the 20 minutes.
racocn8 comments on Jun 7, 2022:
As long as the shootings benefit the fascist MAGA Evangelicals, the shootings will continue. But if you think AR-15s turn children into hamburger, wait till you get a load of the new rifle being made available that is fully twice as powerful. Instead of hamburger, it'll just be pink slime.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 8, 2022:
Do tell. What is this latest abomination?
Well worth the 20 minutes.
MyTVC15 comments on Jun 7, 2022:
I do not agree that the AR-15 problem would be resolved by raising the ownership age to 21. Those weapons need to be eliminated. There is no purpose for those guns but to blow people away.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 8, 2022:
A total ban is, unfortunately, off the table. It shouldn't be. It should BE the fucking table. But if we can't have that, maybe we can at least raise the age of legal purchase. It ain't enough by a long shot. But it's something.
Ukraine is getting with the program and banning art & books now based on.
Jolanta comments on Jun 8, 2022:
Yes it happened in 2015. Books that are spreading hateful propaganda.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 8, 2022:
@puff Yeah, now right-wing extremists want to ban all "woke" school textbooks that honestly treat the sordid side of American history. Every few years we hear about another attempt to supplant the science of biological evolution with some religious horse shit. These impulses to turn away from truth are not only pathetic and stupid, but also corrupt and dangerous. As for Ukrainians banning Russian propaganda, who can blame them? If War And Peace somehow ended up on the list, that's unfortunate, but not the end of the world. Tolstoy is kinda wordy anyway.
Let's be very clear about one thing: if you want to find American supporters of PUTIN's illegal ...
FrayedBear comments on Jun 7, 2022:
An interesting point that the "ketchup coated frisbee" raises. Can genocide be committed against fascists? I don't think so as they are not their own nationality or ethnicity as are Jews, Cambodians or Ruandans.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 8, 2022:
@FrayedBear Yeah, so?
Let's be very clear about one thing: if you want to find American supporters of PUTIN's illegal ...
Trajan61 comments on Jun 7, 2022:
The invasion of the Ukraine didn’t happen under Trumps presidency. It happened under a weak Biden.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 7, 2022:
@Trajan61 What do or don't believe is irrelevant. Putin is getting in deep shit and Biden is tamping it down on him. 😂
Let's be very clear about one thing: if you want to find American supporters of PUTIN's illegal ...
Druvius comments on Jun 6, 2022:
Russiagate is brilliant propaganda. The Dems can support continuing a horrible war Washington's expansionist policies in Europe made inevitable, while virtue signaling to the Moon. Like Vietnam and many other US proxy wars, it likely won't end well, but Lockheed etc will be rolling in the bucks so ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 7, 2022:
@TomMcGiverin I fear you are right about that. And so the die is cast. As we hurtle toward the cliff, instead of taking our foot off the accelerater, we press down harder. It will not be a soft landing.
Let's be very clear about one thing: if you want to find American supporters of PUTIN's illegal ...
BD66 comments on Jun 6, 2022:
Nothing like drawing conclusions based on a sample set of 1. Here is a thorough polling of the US public. 94% of Democrats have an unfavorable view of Russia. 92% of Republicans have an ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 7, 2022:
@BD66 Well that's the thing: they're just slogans. Trump is a pawn of the white Christian nationalists, who would make America a theocratic dictatorship. There is nothing great about that.
Let's be very clear about one thing: if you want to find American supporters of PUTIN's illegal ...
BD66 comments on Jun 6, 2022:
Nothing like drawing conclusions based on a sample set of 1. Here is a thorough polling of the US public. 94% of Democrats have an unfavorable view of Russia. 92% of Republicans have an ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 7, 2022:
@BD66 I remember gas prices as low as 30 cents a gallon in the early-mid 60s. But I also remember the price hitting 1 dollar per gallon in the mid 70s, and it never went back down significantly. Gas prices in Europe were aleady over 5 dollars a gallon in the 80s, and would have been here too if it were nit for the tens of billions in corporate welfare dollars the fossil fuel industry collects every year. Inflation is a reality in every modern economy. And the US economy is the biggest the world has ever seen. So 30 trillion is not really as big a number as it sounds. I would like to see the national debt smaller than it is. Unfortunately the Done Cheato had to go and give a huge tax break to the rich, and of course the national debt skyrocketed. Republicans, as is their wont, would fix the problem by cutting away the social safety net. I guess they like that "kersplat!" sound when non-rich people hit bottom. Dude, you watch too many movies. Done Cheato is Putin's bitch, and mad MAGA hatters are if nothing else loyal to their führer.
Let's be very clear about one thing: if you want to find American supporters of PUTIN's illegal ...
FrayedBear comments on Jun 7, 2022:
An interesting point that the "ketchup coated frisbee" raises. Can genocide be committed against fascists? I don't think so as they are not their own nationality or ethnicity as are Jews, Cambodians or Ruandans.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 7, 2022:
Ukrainians are a people with their own history, culture, and language. It is as plain as day. I don't understand why you want to try to deny that. Oh! Wait! That's right, it's your job.
Let's be very clear about one thing: if you want to find American supporters of PUTIN's illegal ...
Druvius comments on Jun 6, 2022:
Russiagate is brilliant propaganda. The Dems can support continuing a horrible war Washington's expansionist policies in Europe made inevitable, while virtue signaling to the Moon. Like Vietnam and many other US proxy wars, it likely won't end well, but Lockheed etc will be rolling in the bucks so ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 7, 2022:
@TomMcGiverin Give him the votes in Congress and he would sign it into law. No doubt about that.
Let's be very clear about one thing: if you want to find American supporters of PUTIN's illegal ...
Trajan61 comments on Jun 7, 2022:
The invasion of the Ukraine didn’t happen under Trumps presidency. It happened under a weak Biden.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 7, 2022:
Putin expected the Done Cheato to have a second term, and planned all along to invade while his bitch was still in office. When things didn't work out that way he decided to go ahead as planned. It was now or never, because he's standing next to the pit of his his own grave, with one foot on a banana peel.
Let's be very clear about one thing: if you want to find American supporters of PUTIN's illegal ...
BD66 comments on Jun 6, 2022:
Nothing like drawing conclusions based on a sample set of 1. Here is a thorough polling of the US public. 94% of Democrats have an unfavorable view of Russia. 92% of Republicans have an ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 7, 2022:
@BD66 Hmmm, well (a) you are using the word "Republicans" very loosely. And even if 100% of mad MAGA hatters call themselves Republicans, the minimum number of MAGA hatters who favor Russia is probably closer to 6 million. And it may be double that. Or triple. Who knows? More study is required. And [b] this supposed voter fraud you claim happened is just so much hogwash. Trump's lawyers brought over 60 lawsuits around the country, and lost all of them for lack of evidence. Trump's own Attorney General (never was there one more supportive of a president that Barr was of Done Cheato) called Trump's claims of fraud "bullshit." And Trump's own cyber security czar said the 2020 election was the cleanest in history. When the Trump-friendly cyber ninjas recounted the votes in Arizona they found that Biden won by an even greater margin than previously thought. Trump tried to cajole and coerce the (Republican) Georgia Secretary of State into "finding" some more Trump votes, but they were not to be found. Trump's personal lawyer had his law licence suspended for bringing spurious claims into court. Many of the judges who heard those claims were nominated by Republican presidents. Some by the Done Cheato himself. 😂😂😂
Let's be very clear about one thing: if you want to find American supporters of PUTIN's illegal ...
Silver1wun comments on Jun 7, 2022:
Nice cartoon. Cartoons aren't reality. If it was reality related, it would be funny. That's how cartoons work. In truth, Zelenskyy's regime and Bennett's regime in occupied Palestine are tweedle dum and tweedle dee of racial supremacist atrocities and war criminals. Nobody said diddley boo ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 7, 2022:
@Silver1wun Just you wait. When Putin finally turns tail and slithers back into mother Russia no one will follow. Not Ukraine. Not NATO. No one wants to see all complex life on Earth extinguished. Yes the USA has done lots of bad things. but invading Russia will never be one of them. How nice that we agree on something! Do we also agree that two wrongs do not make a right?
Let's be very clear about one thing: if you want to find American supporters of PUTIN's illegal ...
Silver1wun comments on Jun 7, 2022:
Nice cartoon. Cartoons aren't reality. If it was reality related, it would be funny. That's how cartoons work. In truth, Zelenskyy's regime and Bennett's regime in occupied Palestine are tweedle dum and tweedle dee of racial supremacist atrocities and war criminals. Nobody said diddley boo ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 7, 2022:
@Silver1wun The idea that NATO would invade Russia, a big country armed to the teeth with enough nuclear weapons (and the systems to deliver them) to blow the whole world to smithereens ten times over, is positively ludicrous. Putin's supposed fear of such an invasion is a pathetically weak casus belli, but hey, you go with the excuse you've got, right? The threat that Ukraine and/or NATO poses to Russia is exactly that posed to France by Spain: zero.
Let's be very clear about one thing: if you want to find American supporters of PUTIN's illegal ...
HippieChick58 comments on Jun 6, 2022:
Putin and Donnie are BFFs, so of course the MAGA crowd loves Putin as well. They're totally into totalitarianism.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 7, 2022:
@Druvius @HippieChick58 That arms deal with Ukraine was already baked in when Done Cheato took office. And he did his best to nix it. Remember that little faux pas with a phone call, and abuse of office, trying to extort a personal favor from a foreign leader? Trump held up the arms shipments for months....until things got too hot for him. Putin was no doubt emboldened by the gesture, and deeply gratified by all Cheato's hard work denigrating NATO at every opportunity. And what are we to make of Cheato's public rejection of his own intelligence community's analysis in favor of Putin's "very strong" denials? Yeah, Trump is Putin's bitch.
Let's be very clear about one thing: if you want to find American supporters of PUTIN's illegal ...
Druvius comments on Jun 6, 2022:
Russiagate is brilliant propaganda. The Dems can support continuing a horrible war Washington's expansionist policies in Europe made inevitable, while virtue signaling to the Moon. Like Vietnam and many other US proxy wars, it likely won't end well, but Lockheed etc will be rolling in the bucks so ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 7, 2022:
@TomMcGiverin Heh heh! I would not go that far. Biden did not invade Ukraine, Putin did. I'm pretty sure Biden would much rather be implementing a climate action plan than sending arms to Ukraine.
Let's be very clear about one thing: if you want to find American supporters of PUTIN's illegal ...
Silver1wun comments on Jun 7, 2022:
Nice cartoon. Cartoons aren't reality. If it was reality related, it would be funny. That's how cartoons work. In truth, Zelenskyy's regime and Bennett's regime in occupied Palestine are tweedle dum and tweedle dee of racial supremacist atrocities and war criminals. Nobody said diddley boo ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 7, 2022:
A. You're conflating apples & oranges. Israel/Palestine is not Ukraine. B. Russia sent "little green men" (Russian soldiers sans insignia) into Crimea and the Donbas, exploiting existing tensions and instigating a civil war in Ukraine. C. An internal conflict within sovereign borders does not entitle a 3rd party to come in and annex territory. You don't see France invading Spain over its internal contratemps with Basque separatists, do you? No. D. I don't trust the American military industrial complex as far as I could throw it. But one thing is clear: Russia invaded Ukraine, not the other way around.
Let's be very clear about one thing: if you want to find American supporters of PUTIN's illegal ...
BD66 comments on Jun 6, 2022:
Nothing like drawing conclusions based on a sample set of 1. Here is a thorough polling of the US public. 94% of Democrats have an unfavorable view of Russia. 92% of Republicans have an ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 7, 2022:
You have an interesting interpretation of the polling data. I think you see what you want to see in it. Well, let's go with that and see how far it takes us. If we accept the assertion that 92% of republicans have an unfavorable view of Russia, and we take the number of Republicans to be the number that voted for Done Cheato in 2020 at 70 million, that leaves about 6 million Republicans who do NOT take a dim view of Russia. Now here is a question that was not addressed in the poll: how many MAGA hatters identify themselves as Republicans? Not 100%, I'll bet! How many of those MAGA jerks place themselves in the same Party with Adam Kinzinger, Mitt Romney, Lyn Cheyney, Brad Rafsthenberger, Jeff Flake, Brian Kemp...and others who have stood up to Done Cheato? Add a few more million in the Russia sympathizer column.
Let's be very clear about one thing: if you want to find American supporters of PUTIN's illegal ...
Druvius comments on Jun 6, 2022:
Russiagate is brilliant propaganda. The Dems can support continuing a horrible war Washington's expansionist policies in Europe made inevitable, while virtue signaling to the Moon. Like Vietnam and many other US proxy wars, it likely won't end well, but Lockheed etc will be rolling in the bucks so ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 6, 2022:
@Druvius I know that promises were made that NATO would not expand east of Germany. I also know that Putin was deeply affected by what happened to Libya's Gadhafi, and to Saddam in Iraq. What dictator wouldn't be? Maybe if he wasn't such a corrupt shit-heel he wouldn't have to worry so much. In any case, the fact remains that Ukraine was minding her own business when Putin suddenly invaded. There is no excuse for that. None. Nobody was ever going to invade Russia, a big country armed to the teeth with enough nukes to wipe out all life on Earth. Putin's ostensible worries over that are just so much wind...a very weak casus belli. The real reason that Putin invaded Ukraine was to distract his subjects from how severely fucked they are by Putin and his circle of corrupt oligarchs. It's all a PR stunt. Russians love a strongman, and are nostalgic for past "greatness."
Let's face it: the Republicans in Congress will continue to block any meaningful gun control ...
TomMcGiverin comments on Jun 6, 2022:
I agree and would love to see it, but President Manchin won't support it, so, good luck with that...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 6, 2022:
@TomMcGiverin This country has been through rough patches before and survived. Maybe we can do it again, this time without mass casualties. Trying to see the glass as half full.
Let's be very clear about one thing: if you want to find American supporters of PUTIN's illegal ...
TomMcGiverin comments on Jun 6, 2022:
The MAGA crowd, regardless of what happens in Ukraine or with Russia, do want to take control of the US government in DC and commit genocide, or at least condemn, everyone who is not a White Christian nationalist, to limited citizenship, internment, or exile. They will target anyone who is not part ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 6, 2022:
@TomMcGiverin Boy, that's bleak. I sure hope you're wrong.
Let's face it: the Republicans in Congress will continue to block any meaningful gun control ...
TomMcGiverin comments on Jun 6, 2022:
I agree and would love to see it, but President Manchin won't support it, so, good luck with that...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 6, 2022:
@TomMcGiverin I once thought the Green Party was the answer, but it remains relatively insignificant.
Let's face it: the Republicans in Congress will continue to block any meaningful gun control ...
TomMcGiverin comments on Jun 6, 2022:
I agree and would love to see it, but President Manchin won't support it, so, good luck with that...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 6, 2022:
@TomMcGiverin The problem here is that neither of our hypotheses is likely to be tested any time soon.
Let's face it: the Republicans in Congress will continue to block any meaningful gun control ...
TomMcGiverin comments on Jun 6, 2022:
I agree and would love to see it, but President Manchin won't support it, so, good luck with that...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 6, 2022:
Then replace him with a better Democrat or even better, replace some Republicans with Democrats.
Let's be very clear about one thing: if you want to find American supporters of PUTIN's illegal ...
TomMcGiverin comments on Jun 6, 2022:
The MAGA crowd, regardless of what happens in Ukraine or with Russia, do want to take control of the US government in DC and commit genocide, or at least condemn, everyone who is not a White Christian nationalist, to limited citizenship, internment, or exile. They will target anyone who is not part ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 6, 2022:
We must not allow them to succeed.
Let's be very clear about one thing: if you want to find American supporters of PUTIN's illegal ...
CourtJester comments on Jun 6, 2022:
Funny how Biden is giving Putin everything that Trump withheld from him and somehow Trump’s the bad guy?
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 6, 2022:
@CourtJester With respect to fossil fuels, Biden is in a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" situation. Personally, I would love to see them cut off both Nordstream pipelines, but its not that simple. Germany and the other countries that rely on that gas cannot simply go cold turkey overnight. It will take time. Be patient. It will happen. The delay of that part of the sanctions certainly does not represent giving Putin "everything he wants." Careful with your spinning CJ, you'll make yourself dizzy. Is sending the Ukrainian army HIMARS giving Putin "everything he wants"? I think not.
A very well-trained soldier in the Continental Army, armed with what was then a state-of-the-art, ...
SeaGreenEyez comments on Jun 6, 2022:
There are some things I purposefully do not think about. I was caught off guard yesterday when I learned what that AR15 did to those small bodies. DNA was used to identify as there wasn't enough "person" left in over 3/4 of those killed. It is NEVER discussed, the actual damage done, is NEVER ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 6, 2022:
@HippieChick58 Tru dat! It has NO place in civil society.
Let's be very clear about one thing: if you want to find American supporters of PUTIN's illegal ...
CourtJester comments on Jun 6, 2022:
Funny how Biden is giving Putin everything that Trump withheld from him and somehow Trump’s the bad guy?
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 6, 2022:
WTF? What have you been smoking CJ?
Let's be very clear about one thing: if you want to find American supporters of PUTIN's illegal ...
Druvius comments on Jun 6, 2022:
Russiagate is brilliant propaganda. The Dems can support continuing a horrible war Washington's expansionist policies in Europe made inevitable, while virtue signaling to the Moon. Like Vietnam and many other US proxy wars, it likely won't end well, but Lockheed etc will be rolling in the bucks so ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 6, 2022:
Washington did not tell Putin to invade Ukraine. It will be over as soon as Putin leaves Ukraine.
Let's face it: the Republicans in Congress will continue to block any meaningful gun control ...
HippieChick58 comments on Jun 6, 2022:
Any one of us could come up in the cross hairs of some mentally ill gun owner and we'd be just a memory.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 6, 2022:
Yup. Any of us.
We don't live in the 18th century.
HippieChick58 comments on Jun 6, 2022:
Fat old white men owning slaves and living without electricity or cars wrote the Constitution. Things have changed a tad since then. The constitution has to adapt to the times.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 6, 2022:
One would think.
Let's be very clear about one thing: if you want to find American supporters of PUTIN's illegal ...
HippieChick58 comments on Jun 6, 2022:
Putin and Donnie are BFFs, so of course the MAGA crowd loves Putin as well. They're totally into totalitarianism.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 6, 2022:
I guess they never heard that old saying, "Be careful what you wish for."
It would be funny if it weren't so goddamn serious. And cynical. And mendacious. And pathetic.
KKGator comments on Jun 6, 2022:
I cannot find anything they do remotely amusing. I fucking hate those assholes.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 6, 2022:
Me too sister.
It would be funny if it weren't so goddamn serious. And cynical. And mendacious. And pathetic.
TomMcGiverin comments on Jun 6, 2022:
That's really not exaggerated much from the Repub distractions from their cowardice on gun control. The line between satire and reality is often very thin...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 6, 2022:
@TomMcGiverin Jimmy Kimmel literally broke down on air. It was not an act.
It would be funny if it weren't so goddamn serious. And cynical. And mendacious. And pathetic.
TomMcGiverin comments on Jun 6, 2022:
That's really not exaggerated much from the Repub distractions from their cowardice on gun control. The line between satire and reality is often very thin...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 6, 2022:
You know it's serious when the comedians on late night TV are crying (and not because they're laughing so hard).
A very well-trained soldier in the Continental Army, armed with what was then a state-of-the-art, ...
SeaGreenEyez comments on Jun 6, 2022:
There are some things I purposefully do not think about. I was caught off guard yesterday when I learned what that AR15 did to those small bodies. DNA was used to identify as there wasn't enough "person" left in over 3/4 of those killed. It is NEVER discussed, the actual damage done, is NEVER ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 6, 2022:
It's literally heartbreaking 💔
It would be funny if it weren't so goddamn serious. And cynical. And mendacious. And pathetic.
SeaGreenEyez comments on Jun 6, 2022:
You're so right. I honestly didn't believe I could personally be shocked by anything law enforcement centered, at this late date, in America. Every. Single. Day. I find myself stunned by this story, as it unfolds, and as the unfathomable turns into fact. 😤😖😣
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 6, 2022:
Love the puppy!
It would be funny if it weren't so goddamn serious. And cynical. And mendacious. And pathetic.
Garban comments on Jun 6, 2022:
The 6 Ds of GOP politics; Delay, deny, distract, dirty, dangerous, doofus.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 6, 2022:
...defiling, degenerate, disingenuous, disconcerting...😐
Here's a sick and perverse way to start your Sunday: Twas’ 24 days into the month of May, ...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jun 5, 2022:
The idea that the slain are "in a better place now" is supposed to assuage the pain of loss, to take the edge off, as it were. I am all for minimizing suffering. But I think in this case it is better to feel that pain keenly, and let it spur us all to rectify the great wrong that is the root cause ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 6, 2022:
@misstuffy It just goes to show, a good guy with a gun doesn't necessarily stop a bad guy with a gun. How about NOT letting the bad guy have a gun?
American Theocracy
yvilletom comments on Jun 6, 2022:
Decades ago, I read that in the Founders’ times, the late 1700s, the word “respecting” meant “about”. If that’s correct, today’s originalists can read the first clause as “Congress shall make no law about an establishment of religion, ….” If any state wants to establish a ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 6, 2022:
There is a large body of SCOTUS case law reaffirming the federal proscription against state laws that in some way establish or inhibit any religion. For instance, in Engle v. Vitale, the Court ruled that the State of New York could not institutionalize prayer in public schools. In Cantwell v. Connecticut, the Court ruled that the State could not require a permit for religious solicitations. In Torasco v. Watkins, the Court ruled that the State of Maryland could not require a candidate for public office to declare a belief in God. And in Lemon v. Kurtzman, the Court ruled that the State could not use state funds to reimburse a religious school for its textbook expenditures. In that case, the court created what is known as the Lemon Test, which says that a law is constitutional if (1) it is primarily secular in purpose, (2) its procipal effect neither aids nor inhibits religion, and (3) the law does not excessively entangle government and religion. How is the federal government able to exert this influence over the states? Because the states all receive MONEY from the federal government!
If only these despicable pols would pass through the door marked "exit."
HippieChick58 comments on Jun 6, 2022:
The current crop doesn't care for anything except the cash they can tuck away.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 6, 2022:
These Republicans are like pigs shouldering one another aside so they can get their two front feet in the trough.
Open for bu$ine$$
CourtJester comments on Jun 6, 2022:
I’m more concerned with a government that keeps guns for itself but doesn’t want anyone else to have them.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 6, 2022:
That is a classic right-wing misrepresentation of the facts. No one is saying that only the government should have guns. On the contrary, there is broad support on both sides of the isle for common citizen gun ownership. However, a majority of Americans also support common sense gun laws, including background checks, waiting periods, red flags, safe storage, raising the minimum age for legal purchases, closing the gun show loophole, severe penalties for straw buyers or possession of ghost guns, caps on magazine capacities, and a ban on military assault rifles. With all that in place there would still be a LOT of room for legal gun ownership by the common citizen.
On the PBS Newshour tonight, New York Times columnist David Brooks opined that for Republicans, ...
FrayedBear comments on Jun 4, 2022:
Now apply your "protect school children from losers wielding military weapons" to USA fomenting trouble & arming insurgents around the world not just with rifles but land & sea mines, rockets, tanks & cruise missiles and you will understand why Russia took action to prevent Russian speaking ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 5, 2022:
@FrayedBear 😂
Fear-fueled white Christian nationalism runs amok.
HippieChick58 comments on Jun 5, 2022:
With the attrition rate our public schools are dealing with right now, this may be the only option left. My local school district has about 40% of their staff resigning at the end of the school year.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 5, 2022:
I have been hearing reports of this Great Resignation. I was actually an early retiree myself. I had to get out or lose my mind. A small but very vocal minority of students were dedicated to disruption, their parents didn't give a shit, and the Administrators were, by and large, as useless as the tits on a boar --- real gutless wonders. After I was out I felt like I had PTSD.
Here's a sick and perverse way to start your Sunday: Twas’ 24 days into the month of May, ...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jun 5, 2022:
The idea that the slain are "in a better place now" is supposed to assuage the pain of loss, to take the edge off, as it were. I am all for minimizing suffering. But I think in this case it is better to feel that pain keenly, and let it spur us all to rectify the great wrong that is the root cause ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 5, 2022:
@Beachslim7 Becsuse if he had let the parent in, then he (the policeman) would have had to go in too. And he didn't want to do that. 🐔
White Christian Nationalism Is a ‘Threat to Democracy’
StoicsFuckBest comments on Jun 5, 2022:
I'm not sure if you're right, because Marjorie Taylor Greene says that all the ills of the country will go away if we would just embrace Christian nationalism.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 5, 2022:
@Alienbeing My armchair estimate: 50 million +/-
White Christian Nationalism Is a ‘Threat to Democracy’
StoicsFuckBest comments on Jun 5, 2022:
I'm not sure if you're right, because Marjorie Taylor Greene says that all the ills of the country will go away if we would just embrace Christian nationalism.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 5, 2022:
@Alienbeing But she is also a very dangerous idiot. Let's not underestimate the damage she can do, is doing. She, and the white Christian nationalist project she represents, will turn this country into a fascist dictatorship....if we let them.
White Christian Nationalism Is a ‘Threat to Democracy’
StoicsFuckBest comments on Jun 5, 2022:
I'm not sure if you're right, because Marjorie Taylor Greene says that all the ills of the country will go away if we would just embrace Christian nationalism.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 5, 2022:
MTG...what a moron. Screw her and the sway-backed nag she rode in on.
From our Borderline Ambiguity Department:
CourtJester comments on Jun 4, 2022:
The south isn’t completely government run
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 5, 2022:
@CourtJester Of course.
From our Borderline Ambiguity Department:
HippieChick58 comments on Jun 4, 2022:
Canada has much more going for it than the US does, however it is a good object lesson for them.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 5, 2022:
@HippieChick58 Here's to your granddaughter, and all her playmates of every color and creed! May they grow up in a peaceful, tyrant-free democracy! May they enjoy a natural environment untainted by greedy corporate polluters! Looks like we have work to do.
Letters From An American 06/04/2022
Charlene comments on Jun 5, 2022:
The only reason the U.S was a powerhouse after W.W.II was the fact we had the Only intact economy..
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 5, 2022:
And we only had an economy capable of prosecuting the war because of the leadership of FDR, a Democrat whose liberal policies pulled the country up out of a deep, deep depression.
On the PBS Newshour tonight, New York Times columnist David Brooks opined that for Republicans, ...
FrayedBear comments on Jun 4, 2022:
Now apply your "protect school children from losers wielding military weapons" to USA fomenting trouble & arming insurgents around the world not just with rifles but land & sea mines, rockets, tanks & cruise missiles and you will understand why Russia took action to prevent Russian speaking ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 5, 2022:
@FrayedBear Better try to sell your psychobabble somewhere else. No one here is buying it.
Here's a sick and perverse way to start your Sunday: Twas’ 24 days into the month of May, ...
SnowyOwl comments on Jun 5, 2022:
Those are the palest and blondest Latino children that I ever saw and I have spent many years living in Latin America.This was White Hate Crime at its Worst - Wake The Fuck Up! White Wash Xstian Bull Shit.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 5, 2022:
Good on you for noticing the bias reflected in the graphic (it had not occurred to me), but wasn't the Uvalde shooter a Hispanic kid?
From our Borderline Ambiguity Department:
Matias comments on Jun 5, 2022:
The USA are not *yet* a failed state. It's certainly on a slippery slope, but so far most of the institutions are still working fairly well. Things would be different if the attempted coup on Jan 6, 2021 had been successful, but it wasn't
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 5, 2022:
The coup failed not so much because of institutional strength but because good people stood up for right, and remained true to their oaths of office and duty to country. What is really worrying thing now is that the insurrectionists are trying to replace the good people with lackeys who will put party over country and subvert the next election, or the next.
Being an Atheist isn't always an easy path to walk, so many people will criticize and attack you for...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jun 4, 2022:
What a coincidence! I just heard some interesting commentary on the role of tribalism in the current gun violence crisis. I posted it only a moment ago. 😂
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 5, 2022:
@FrayedBear First, it's not a valid analogy. Second, we already know the real reason why Putin invaded Ukraine. He wants that land, because it is some of the most productive farm land in the world. So he invents a fake casus belli, and a fake history of Ukraine, and then he starts bombing Russian-speaking and Ukrainian-speaking civilians alike. Putin is not going to get away with it. By now he knows that he's lost. It's only a matter of time before his war machine breaks down. If he has a shred of honor left he should take his little ivory-handled pistol, put it in his mouth, and blow his brains out. He's a dead man walking anyway. Why does he have to drag the whole country down with him? Do the honorable thing Vlad. Eat your gun.
On the PBS Newshour tonight, New York Times columnist David Brooks opined that for Republicans, ...
FrayedBear comments on Jun 4, 2022:
Now apply your "protect school children from losers wielding military weapons" to USA fomenting trouble & arming insurgents around the world not just with rifles but land & sea mines, rockets, tanks & cruise missiles and you will understand why Russia took action to prevent Russian speaking ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 5, 2022:
@FrayedBear You are trying to defend the indefensible. Even if what you claim were true (there is no evidence that it is) Russia had no right to meddle in the internal affairs of a sovereign nation.
Every day 321 people in the USA are shot.
Fernapple comments on Jun 5, 2022:
Here in the UK it takes about three years to reach your daily number. Just saying.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 5, 2022:
So the US shooting rate is about 1000 times higher than in the UK. Even with our bigger population, it is still an ignominious distinction.
From our Borderline Ambiguity Department:
HippieChick58 comments on Jun 4, 2022:
Canada has much more going for it than the US does, however it is a good object lesson for them.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 4, 2022:
@rainmanjr At least Navarro was arrested. That was a piece of good news. 😂
From our Borderline Ambiguity Department:
HippieChick58 comments on Jun 4, 2022:
Canada has much more going for it than the US does, however it is a good object lesson for them.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 4, 2022:
@rainmanjr What I find remarkable is not what he (Trudeau) did, but what he was ABLE to do. It's so very different from the way it is here, where minority rule is the order of the day, and nothing gets done.
From our Borderline Ambiguity Department:
HippieChick58 comments on Jun 4, 2022:
Canada has much more going for it than the US does, however it is a good object lesson for them.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 4, 2022:
@HippieChick58 Done Cheato has the vocabulary of a middle schooler.
From our Borderline Ambiguity Department:
CourtJester comments on Jun 4, 2022:
The south isn’t completely government run
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 4, 2022:
Obviously. No place in the US is.
From our Borderline Ambiguity Department:
HippieChick58 comments on Jun 4, 2022:
Canada has much more going for it than the US does, however it is a good object lesson for them.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 4, 2022:
How about that Trudeau, banning all sales, imports, transfers,....!
If the MAGA crowd have their way, this is how it will be in America:
HippieChick58 comments on Jun 4, 2022:
Yes, this could be the future of America. If it comes to this I will like like a rug and fight like hell for the underground. I'm can be a convincing old lady and a conniving b-tch.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 4, 2022:
Right there with you HC!
Pachyderm pivot, mammoth mendacity, elephantine evasion 🦣
HippieChick58 comments on Jun 4, 2022:
There was a comment from Uvalde shooting that it was too soon to talk about the shooting, they would wait for the grief to subside. Essentially they said they will never talk about it because that grief will NEVER subside. Those parents will never truly recover, they just learn to live with it. The ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 4, 2022:
@CourtJester All good questions, CJ. I'm sure we will know more in time. For now, here are some possible answers:
Pachyderm pivot, mammoth mendacity, elephantine evasion 🦣
CourtJester comments on Jun 4, 2022:
Better than a jack ass
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 4, 2022:
Don't be so hard on yourself. 😂
On the PBS Newshour tonight, New York Times columnist David Brooks opined that for Republicans, ...
FrayedBear comments on Jun 4, 2022:
Now apply your "protect school children from losers wielding military weapons" to USA fomenting trouble & arming insurgents around the world not just with rifles but land & sea mines, rockets, tanks & cruise missiles and you will understand why Russia took action to prevent Russian speaking ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 4, 2022:
@FrayedBear It's really too late to play that card, because Putin already revealed his reason for invading Ukraine, i.e. to reestablish the Russian empire. And Putin justified his actions by denying the existence of a Ukrainian identity, state, or culture. And Russia's overt actions to erase the Ukrainian state and Ukrainian culture constitute genocide. So no surprise that Europe and the USA are helping a European country fend off an illegal invasion by a rogue state. If Putin's Russia doesn't like what's happening in Ukraine, they should get the f**k out. 🙂
Pachyderm pivot, mammoth mendacity, elephantine evasion 🦣
racocn8 comments on Jun 4, 2022:
Being dishonest is THE integral feature for owning the libs. It is an exploitation of the double standard that distinguishes the two parties, and what disproves the false equivalence (again, dishonestly) claimed against both parties (typically by the extreme progressives who 'unintentionally' help ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 4, 2022:
Tribalism trumps logic, reason, honesty, fairness....
Pachyderm pivot, mammoth mendacity, elephantine evasion 🦣
HippieChick58 comments on Jun 4, 2022:
There was a comment from Uvalde shooting that it was too soon to talk about the shooting, they would wait for the grief to subside. Essentially they said they will never talk about it because that grief will NEVER subside. Those parents will never truly recover, they just learn to live with it. The ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 4, 2022:
@CourtJester Financing?
Being an Atheist isn't always an easy path to walk, so many people will criticize and attack you for...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jun 4, 2022:
What a coincidence! I just heard some interesting commentary on the role of tribalism in the current gun violence crisis. I posted it only a moment ago. 😂
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 4, 2022:
@FrayedBear Hey, if Putin doesn't like having to face well-armed Ukrainians defending their country, then there is a very simple solution. He can leave Ukraine.
On the PBS Newshour tonight, New York Times columnist David Brooks opined that for Republicans, ...
FrayedBear comments on Jun 4, 2022:
Now apply your "protect school children from losers wielding military weapons" to USA fomenting trouble & arming insurgents around the world not just with rifles but land & sea mines, rockets, tanks & cruise missiles and you will understand why Russia took action to prevent Russian speaking ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 4, 2022:
Tut tut! You're conflating, Russian bear.
Senior Trump Administration advisor Peter Navarro first defied a congressional subpoena to testify ...
HippieChick58 comments on Jun 4, 2022:
We live in interesting times, and it's exhausting. I hope they hang Navarro by the short hairs.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 4, 2022:
I hear you about the exhaustion. But that's exactly what Trump and his minions are counting on. We have to stay focussed and engaged so these bastards can he brought to justice.
Senior Trump Administration advisor Peter Navarro first defied a congressional subpoena to testify ...
racocn8 comments on Jun 4, 2022:
Utter BULLSHIT that DOJ won't indict Meadows and Scavino. If we don't have a functioning justice system, we don't have a government. Basically, the DOJ is giving up on its mandate. Good bye USA. You've probably been an illusion for decades. Now the shit really flies as the vultures line up to pick ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 4, 2022:
Meadows already provided a large mass of materials in including documents and text messages. His testimony is probably not needed (though it would be nice).
Senior Trump Administration advisor Peter Navarro first defied a congressional subpoena to testify ...
Garban comments on Jun 4, 2022:
He went on Ari Melber show 3 times and confessed. What an idiot.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 4, 2022:
I hope he is as forthcoming under oath.
Every day 321 people in the USA are shot.
HippieChick58 comments on Jun 4, 2022:
America is a gun
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 4, 2022:
Bonus points for bringing poetry to the party!
On the PBS Newshour tonight, New York Times columnist David Brooks opined that for Republicans, ...
yvilletom comments on Jun 4, 2022:
You see a dark place. I see opportunity.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 4, 2022:
Opportunity to change many minds from fascistic to democratic?
On the PBS Newshour tonight, New York Times columnist David Brooks opined that for Republicans, ...
Druvius comments on Jun 4, 2022:
"The Big Lie" is very similar to Hitler's "Stab in the back" myth. A terribly destructive political belief, that may well tear America apart.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 4, 2022:
@yvilletom We hope.
Being an Atheist isn't always an easy path to walk, so many people will criticize and attack you for...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jun 4, 2022:
What a coincidence! I just heard some interesting commentary on the role of tribalism in the current gun violence crisis. I posted it only a moment ago. 😂
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 4, 2022:
@silverotter11 Done Cheato's entire life has been about normalizing bad behavior.
You think you're supporting nice people in Ukraine?
Garban comments on Jun 4, 2022:
“RT has regularly been described as a major propaganda outlet for the Russian government and its foreign policy. Academics, fact-checkers, and news reporters (including some current and former RT reporters) have identified RT as a purveyor of disinformation and conspiracy theories.” ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 4, 2022:
@Garban 😂😂😂 I kinda feel sorry for him. He's doing his best to carry out his orders, but he's been given an impossible task.
You think you're supporting nice people in Ukraine?
snytiger6 comments on Jun 4, 2022:
RT is a Russian media propaganda outlet. So the source isn't really at all trustworthy.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 4, 2022:
@FrayedBear That's not how it works! 😂😂😂
You think you're supporting nice people in Ukraine?
snytiger6 comments on Jun 4, 2022:
RT is a Russian media propaganda outlet. So the source isn't really at all trustworthy.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 4, 2022:
@FrayedBear Blah, blah, blah.


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Moonrise at sundown
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On the fly
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Mt. Laguna
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Unbeknownst to me, this 40-litre Florence flask had sat unused in storage for years. It had been donated to the school by County Sheriff, who had confiscated it from an illegal drug lab. The Science Dept. Chair was going to throw it in the trash. I rescued it, made a base for it, and used it as a classroom fish tank. 🙂
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Three Sisters Falls, San Diego Co., CA
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Hauled out for bottom paint.
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Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System is a concentrated solar thermal plant in the Mojave Desert. It is located at the base of Clark Mountain in California, across the state line from Primm, Nevada.
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San Diego, January, 2023.
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People collect the damnedest things.
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1960 Gibson LG-0; solid mahogany top, back, sides, and neck.
Agnostic, Atheist, Humanist, Secularist, Skeptic, Freethinker
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