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Estranged family?
fathercat comments on Mar 30, 2018:
Yes, 11 brothers and sisters. Zero connection.
Freedompath replies on Mar 30, 2018:
Wow! That is a lot! It surely must be odd, to have that many sisters and brothers and not have a connection! I wonder if this was true in the past or is this a 20th Century thing? Come to think of it, my children do not have much contact with each other!
Estranged family?
Clare comments on Mar 30, 2018:
Parents dead, sister's, don't talk to much at all. Brother not at all. I'm all alone.
Freedompath replies on Mar 30, 2018:
No you aren't...not since you showed up here!
Estranged family?
Akfishlady comments on Mar 30, 2018:
I have 10 living siblings and only briefly talk to one or 2 of them. I have about 40 neices and nephews as a result and very little contact with them. It is tough, just want to have family that I am connected to but it is impossible. So we choose family by way of those we keep in our lives.
Freedompath replies on Mar 30, 2018:
That is a lot of family! It must be more difficult for you, than most folks? I don't think that I have that many friends!
Estranged family?
OhioAdam comments on Mar 30, 2018:
My mom passed away when I was 18, and never had a relationship with any of my dads past then. I have two brothers, one died a couple of years ago and the other brother is on the same journey as myself, away from religion. So that's been nice.
Freedompath replies on Mar 30, 2018:
I believe that I could never go back to religion, it seems unnatural, somehow! Welcome to this forum, as I see that you are new!
Which is the more disturbing, Russian politics or Islamic fundamentalism
Freedompath comments on Mar 27, 2018:
I think I would have to go with Russians! They are smart and know how to use their intelligence for harm in the very cleverest and ugliest ways...with no regret! I do not trust Russians...Islam fundamentialism has a lot of ignorance in it, and some sects do blow themselves up for the cause! But,...
Freedompath replies on Mar 30, 2018:
@jorj I would say the oligarchs (who knows about what the people know... everything is carefully controlled) have no conscious...that particular nerve gas was not to ever be used, is what I read! Watching Putin over the years...I believe that he is very possibly, a 'for real' evil person. And, I hardly ever say that about a person! If you notice, his face only has one expression! Notice his eyes, they seem to have nothing behind them! He seems to be a tightly wound-up pkg! Lol. I have seen evil up close, and I don't trust Putin! I often wonder what he will look like as an old man?
“Who cares, I have nothing to hide” — Why the popular response to online privacy is so flawed
Freedompath comments on Mar 29, 2018:
Yes, when we dig deeper it is 'scary than hell' and I am one of those people who says 'they have nothing to hide!' I have been studing that 'Cambridge Analytica' and I am deleting as much as possible on the Internet...that I am in anyway connected to! After studing that business, and hearing the ...
Freedompath replies on Mar 30, 2018:
@jorj I agree, that would be a GREAT start!
“Who cares, I have nothing to hide” — Why the popular response to online privacy is so flawed
Freedompath comments on Mar 29, 2018:
Yes, when we dig deeper it is 'scary than hell' and I am one of those people who says 'they have nothing to hide!' I have been studing that 'Cambridge Analytica' and I am deleting as much as possible on the Internet...that I am in anyway connected to! After studing that business, and hearing the ...
Freedompath replies on Mar 30, 2018:
@jorj well, I applaud you...that is an honorable thing on your part! Please, understand that I most likely grew up poorer than you! And, most of my life I was ashamed of my upbringing. But, I had a little idea in the back of my mind, that I wanted to be somebody! It took me many years to overcome so many obstacles...and I must tell you that I paid, some high prices at times! If you recall, I got 25 yrs of mental help. But, I never lost sight of the fact...that i wanted to be somebody! But, what that turned out to be was, just finding and honoring my real nature! I never wanted what others wanted, like fancy cars, jewelry, clothes fine house! I am really a peasant, at heart! Or maybe a gypsy...but these things were frawned upon in society so I tried to be like what THEY wanted me to be! Money, is not the measure of a 'man'...status, is not the measure of a 'man' (as in mankind). To honor and nurture our own nature is the real measure of a 'man!' And, that is what I strive for everyday! And now I am respected and taken seriously! I am myself and I do much more than I ever did in the past! Make sure you are doing things for yourself, that supports your true pays off in ways that you cannot envision, until you are old and grey! Now, I look back and see that my upbringing helped me to understand so much more than I would have ever been able to, otherwise! Make your life, what you want it to be...that is worth something!
“Who cares, I have nothing to hide” — Why the popular response to online privacy is so flawed
Freedompath comments on Mar 29, 2018:
Yes, when we dig deeper it is 'scary than hell' and I am one of those people who says 'they have nothing to hide!' I have been studing that 'Cambridge Analytica' and I am deleting as much as possible on the Internet...that I am in anyway connected to! After studing that business, and hearing the ...
Freedompath replies on Mar 30, 2018:
@jorj well, don't waste your intelligence worrying about people you have no control over! It will suck the life right out of you! I do believe we need to keep abreast of what our government is up to, but change comes very slowly for anything...there are no instant fixes! OR...quick fixes! So relax, and make your life good for WILL need it, if you live until old age!
“Who cares, I have nothing to hide” — Why the popular response to online privacy is so flawed
Freedompath comments on Mar 29, 2018:
Yes, when we dig deeper it is 'scary than hell' and I am one of those people who says 'they have nothing to hide!' I have been studing that 'Cambridge Analytica' and I am deleting as much as possible on the Internet...that I am in anyway connected to! After studing that business, and hearing the ...
Freedompath replies on Mar 30, 2018:
@jorj I agree there is some truth in what you are saying. However, if you want to be a catalyst for change, you must know yourself first! It is not possible for any other person to change the thinking of other people...they will change when they are able to and no one knows when that will happen for someone else! Heck, a couple of my children are out there in 'left field,' and I am not referring to politics! There is much mental illness, on their father's side and my side! I have tried to educate them on mental illness, down through the years, but their problems may be above my 'pay grade!' If I want to be a fully functioning person, I will need to limit my time with them. Sometimes, we can't even save our loved ones! But, someone else, or something else may come along and help them, I can live with that. I must put myself in order, so that if I am needed I will have the where-with-all, to help! They are just angry, hatefilled people and that throws me completely off balance! I have stepped up to the plate and tried to find some resolution, but nothing has worked and now I am getting to the end of my life and I don't want my last few years filled up with anger! It sucks the life out of me! There is a deep problem when people have that much anger!
“Who cares, I have nothing to hide” — Why the popular response to online privacy is so flawed
Freedompath comments on Mar 29, 2018:
Yes, when we dig deeper it is 'scary than hell' and I am one of those people who says 'they have nothing to hide!' I have been studing that 'Cambridge Analytica' and I am deleting as much as possible on the Internet...that I am in anyway connected to! After studing that business, and hearing the ...
Freedompath replies on Mar 30, 2018:
@jorj I was here writing these post to you and I have a call come in from Russia! Did not answer and deleted it and then it came in again! So now everybody must be on some Russian list!
“Who cares, I have nothing to hide” — Why the popular response to online privacy is so flawed
Freedompath comments on Mar 29, 2018:
Yes, when we dig deeper it is 'scary than hell' and I am one of those people who says 'they have nothing to hide!' I have been studing that 'Cambridge Analytica' and I am deleting as much as possible on the Internet...that I am in anyway connected to! After studing that business, and hearing the ...
Freedompath replies on Mar 30, 2018:
@jorj if you don't mind my advising you...I want to say that you are casting your 'net' to far! Focus on one issue at a time, then when you have gained enough information...only then can you began to see a bigger picture! Plus, you may be trying to understand everything all at once...and that is not possible for anybody! In fact, you could go into overload, and understand very little! This is simply the nature of the brain! Maybe you could do a little research on the 'brain,' to see how you could regulate yourself better. Now, I am speaking of research here. Your library should have CD's called, 'The Great Courses'...they have all kinds of research and lectures, by scientists, professors and other experts...on the brain! It helps to start at the main source of something! It helps to know how our brain works! These are college courses and you can find all kinds of ideas that you are interested in. I spent thousands of dollars buying these courses, until I couldn't afford them! We all need to limit our focus, because it helps in understanding things better. Nobody can take on our whole social order, within a short time span! I hope this is helpful to you, as that is my wish.
“Who cares, I have nothing to hide” — Why the popular response to online privacy is so flawed
Freedompath comments on Mar 29, 2018:
Yes, when we dig deeper it is 'scary than hell' and I am one of those people who says 'they have nothing to hide!' I have been studing that 'Cambridge Analytica' and I am deleting as much as possible on the Internet...that I am in anyway connected to! After studing that business, and hearing the ...
Freedompath replies on Mar 30, 2018:
@jorj you should honor your specific nature! However, study of all kinds pays dividends! You don't necessarily need to go to college...unless you have a burning desire to do something that requires that much study! I once felt less than other people because I did not have the education that I thought other people had! But i studied on my own, and now in my old age, I am out doing my peers...the ones that are still living! If you want to be happy and successful, follow your heart...develop your own interest, that is where your strength lies. And without our inner strength to support our own nature, life is harder and not much fun! You can check this out by observing the people around you!
“Who cares, I have nothing to hide” — Why the popular response to online privacy is so flawed
Freedompath comments on Mar 29, 2018:
Yes, when we dig deeper it is 'scary than hell' and I am one of those people who says 'they have nothing to hide!' I have been studing that 'Cambridge Analytica' and I am deleting as much as possible on the Internet...that I am in anyway connected to! After studing that business, and hearing the ...
Freedompath replies on Mar 30, 2018:
@jorj you have not proved me wrong yet? If you came back to me and showed by your own description of that Cambridge Analytica, theory, then I would have to admit, I missed the mark! In the first place I was not putting you down...I was attempting to stress to you, that what that CA company is doing, is way above simple explanation! When I worked for the IRS, at a low level 5, I did not have the skills to perform at a grade 12, like my friend did! That is not an insult, that is a fact! This is where you are using issues to prove yourself by! How you treat others with dignity and regard, is what we judge ourselves with. Disagreeing with someone is not assulting their charater, unless you have degraded that person? Can you say that I have degraded you?
"Be fruitful and multiply": Why the Abrahamic religions are winning the evolutionary race.
Freedompath comments on Mar 30, 2018:
What does it mean, 'only the strong survive?' Genes, can be altered in the here and now! may not be all in the genes!
Freedompath replies on Mar 30, 2018:
@Reignmond makes sense...
"Be fruitful and multiply": Why the Abrahamic religions are winning the evolutionary race.
sassygirl3869 comments on Mar 30, 2018:
Jewish families are usually smaller these days. Its the fundamentalist Christians and Muslims whose numbers keep going up.
Freedompath replies on Mar 30, 2018:
What about reality show...'19 kids and counting?' I always wondered what they were really trying to prove? Why would people have so many kids and then put it on the older children to help take care of them? They took, "working on production,' to a whole new level!
Breaking News: An Italian journalist and athiest, who struck up a friendship with the Pope, has ...
Freedompath comments on Mar 30, 2018:
I loved that Pope, from the start! He has heart and common sense! Nice to hear some secrets, too! My guess is, if that Pope, really cut loose, all 'hell,' would break loose here!
Freedompath replies on Mar 30, 2018:
@NicoleCadmium yes, that is a biggie! But, I just bet...can't be certain, but this Pope would be perfectly fine with LGBT and any kind of persons! But, he would need to denounce his religion! Lol. Social changes take time, he is making a few and knowing how frozen in time, religious beliefs are...that is most likely a real challenge, where the Pope, sits! I sure appreciate is not easy going against the 'grain!'
“Who cares, I have nothing to hide” — Why the popular response to online privacy is so flawed
Freedompath comments on Mar 29, 2018:
Yes, when we dig deeper it is 'scary than hell' and I am one of those people who says 'they have nothing to hide!' I have been studing that 'Cambridge Analytica' and I am deleting as much as possible on the Internet...that I am in anyway connected to! After studing that business, and hearing the ...
Freedompath replies on Mar 30, 2018:
@jorj my feeling is that you are doing just fine...get use to being challenged, it is how we learn! When we don"t understand something we push back at the other person! And, if you make that something against you personally, then you will slow down your understanding of a matter! I once did exactly what you are doing, took opinions too personal (and in certain situations, I will find myself still doing that now)! Back in the day, I thought my opinions were who I was! I have all kinds of opinions...some people agree and other people push back and challenge me on them! Plus I learned my opinions changed in many cases...after I was able to comprehend more information...after I new information or I simply couldn't/didn't understand before! So, in reality...I am not my opinions...people are more than just their opinions! You can verify this for yourself, by observing people around you! A human being is someone, who HAS opinions! I am not on this site to tout my knowledge, but I have gained a lot that I think would be helpful to others and I get another point of view here and I see how other people assimilate information and even their life...different from my own! So I am learning to accept THEM...even when I often times disagree on matters! No need to limit yourself here...real life isn't all that neatly wrapped up, at times! The same will be true here! But, it appears to me, that the majority of people on this site are here, because they want to face issues...and find 'real' understanding...not mud sling! I accept your apologie, but I think no apologie is necessary! I try to explain myself the best I know how and I think that other people are doing the same! The words are not always meant to insult, but to make a point! And, they can catch us off base, which brings out some anxiety! That is normal! If someone here just doesn't want you in their 'sights' will be deleated! For me as well! We will never please all the people all the time...and that is just fine! I find some people unpleasing, too, lol, and i may want to move off their radar! You, too!
“Who cares, I have nothing to hide” — Why the popular response to online privacy is so flawed
Freedompath comments on Mar 29, 2018:
Yes, when we dig deeper it is 'scary than hell' and I am one of those people who says 'they have nothing to hide!' I have been studing that 'Cambridge Analytica' and I am deleting as much as possible on the Internet...that I am in anyway connected to! After studing that business, and hearing the ...
Freedompath replies on Mar 30, 2018:
@jorj and on top of that I am not the same from one day to the next...except I believe in the the inherent worth of all people, every day!
“Who cares, I have nothing to hide” — Why the popular response to online privacy is so flawed
Freedompath comments on Mar 29, 2018:
Yes, when we dig deeper it is 'scary than hell' and I am one of those people who says 'they have nothing to hide!' I have been studing that 'Cambridge Analytica' and I am deleting as much as possible on the Internet...that I am in anyway connected to! After studing that business, and hearing the ...
Freedompath replies on Mar 30, 2018:
@jorj if you studied what Cambridge Analytica, did with people's Facebook information...that helped get trump would understand why I brought trump into my post! The CEO, explained it himself...what he used in the trump campaign! I can hardly grasp the concept myself...that is why I keep saying go and get the info 'from the horse's mouth!' He has developed a system, to hook people... who use the web, that will undermined us (rob our freewill)! It will make us do things...that someone else wants us to do...without OUR ever knowing that it is happening! (This is based on all that personal data that has been gathered on us, over time.) It is psychologyical war fare! He was proving it's validity, by how it got trump elected! Andrew Nix, (CEO) was happy about his creation, before that large crowd, in his lecture...(it was in the UK, I think, his business is in the UK)! My comment about your 'grade level,' is most likely true for this situation! Because, if you understood what this (CA) information means to everyone of us, you would be very concerned about your own welfare...and, not about me! Just about everyone uses days! And, everyword we put 'out there' is being analysed and collected! Everywhere we go with our phone on, is being collected! Now, if you are confident about your intelligence, use it to get educated about this matter, because 'the wild horse is out of the barn!' And...start 'seeing'...people with different points of view instead of LEFT or RIGHT people...I hate labels!
“Who cares, I have nothing to hide” — Why the popular response to online privacy is so flawed
Freedompath comments on Mar 29, 2018:
Yes, when we dig deeper it is 'scary than hell' and I am one of those people who says 'they have nothing to hide!' I have been studing that 'Cambridge Analytica' and I am deleting as much as possible on the Internet...that I am in anyway connected to! After studing that business, and hearing the ...
Freedompath replies on Mar 29, 2018:
@jorj maybe if you focused on one issue at a time, you could understand more! This thread was about Internet privacy...not Obama, not Hillary...but our personal privacy! If you are going to dispute Cambridge Analytica, at least go to their Web site and get information from their CEO! That is where I found my information! It may not mean anything at all to you...but I am neither LEFT nor RIGHT, and it makes me feel angry, that you are attempting to challenge me on ideas...that don't even apply! Have I once labeled you? I could care less which side you are on, as long as you respect the inherent dignity of all people! I am not your enemy, stop trying to make me does not become you! Ps...the CEO, himself said it wasn't the same, as to what they did with the trump campaign! Surely, you would believe the person who set the whole thing in motion! He is telling this in a large crowd of people!
“Who cares, I have nothing to hide” — Why the popular response to online privacy is so flawed
Kreig comments on Mar 29, 2018:
I still don't care. :P
Freedompath replies on Mar 29, 2018:
Kreig...I bet if you pull up the lecture by the CEO Andrew Nix, of Cambridge would never say that again! And, the worst part...he was very proud of what he developed! This is a 'slight of hand,' want even know that you are being munipulated, using your own personality against you!!!
What are your reasons why life is not just about winning and losing?
Freedompath comments on Mar 29, 2018:
Life is not about winning or loosing to me, because it 'pits me against others!' It is not my style! When we help each other to be our best...everyone wins!
Freedompath replies on Mar 29, 2018:
@SamL good thought! I think that I am referring more to competition, in winning or losing! I am simply not competitive! Life, itself seems to be filled with enough hardships, to be overcome...that does build character.
“Who cares, I have nothing to hide” — Why the popular response to online privacy is so flawed
Freedompath comments on Mar 29, 2018:
Yes, when we dig deeper it is 'scary than hell' and I am one of those people who says 'they have nothing to hide!' I have been studing that 'Cambridge Analytica' and I am deleting as much as possible on the Internet...that I am in anyway connected to! After studing that business, and hearing the ...
Freedompath replies on Mar 29, 2018:
@jorj you need to do more research...this is way above your grade is almost above my own! But, I have put the time in to study this thing!
“Who cares, I have nothing to hide” — Why the popular response to online privacy is so flawed
Freedompath comments on Mar 29, 2018:
Yes, when we dig deeper it is 'scary than hell' and I am one of those people who says 'they have nothing to hide!' I have been studing that 'Cambridge Analytica' and I am deleting as much as possible on the Internet...that I am in anyway connected to! After studing that business, and hearing the ...
Freedompath replies on Mar 29, 2018:
@Lauren CA, took the information gotten from Facebook, and developed a program, that put in motion a munipulation (beyond our awareness) of EACH person's personality...for THEIR (CA) own gain, then they sold that program, to trump organization!
“Who cares, I have nothing to hide” — Why the popular response to online privacy is so flawed
Freedompath comments on Mar 29, 2018:
Yes, when we dig deeper it is 'scary than hell' and I am one of those people who says 'they have nothing to hide!' I have been studing that 'Cambridge Analytica' and I am deleting as much as possible on the Internet...that I am in anyway connected to! After studing that business, and hearing the ...
Freedompath replies on Mar 29, 2018:
@jorj you need to study further, pull up the CEO of (CA) Andrew Nix's own lecture, that is where I got my inf...Obama (no Hillary), did nothing like what they did with trump!
What are your reasons why life is not just about winning and losing?
janis74 comments on Mar 29, 2018:
Let's see. I lost my adopted parents July 3rd 2017. I got custody of my siblings. Just to find out I have metastatic breast cancer. Who wins. Who loses.
Freedompath replies on Mar 29, 2018:
You my 'child!' You stepped up to 'life!'
What are your pet peeves about photos on dating sites?
Freedompath comments on Mar 21, 2018:
Go with your gut...if it doesn't feel 'right'...pass on by! Nature is speaking to you!
Freedompath replies on Mar 28, 2018:
@Tominator It is a FEELING...doe-doe-bird! Your brain is connected to your tummy!
Every time I say good bye to my now 95 year old dad it wrenches my heart.
walklightly comments on Mar 28, 2018:
treasure the loving relationship you have with your father; mine rejected my existence from when i was 18 'til he died - 19 years later.
Freedompath replies on Mar 28, 2018:
@walklightly you are so right on. Here in old (er), age, I find that my (great), adversities have made me tougher and I never thought that in my earlier days as I struggled to rework all the shame and sorrow of my childhood conditioning! I found a few caring friends that I substituted for my mother (subconsciously), so that helped! And, even found father figures. These things are not seen so clearly, until later in life! I am glad to see that you can name clearly what happened to is always 'up' from there!
Can a guy have a female best friend and sex never enter the frame?
Browneyedlady comments on Mar 28, 2018:
Yes, my best friend in high school was male. He and I never had sex, and I honestly never thought of him in that way. He and I married different people within two months of one another, and drifted apart, because his wife did not like the fact that I am female. We see each other occasionally, and it...
Freedompath replies on Mar 28, 2018:
That is a is such a shame that some people think relationships are based on sexual attraction!
Every time I say good bye to my now 95 year old dad it wrenches my heart.
walklightly comments on Mar 28, 2018:
treasure the loving relationship you have with your father; mine rejected my existence from when i was 18 'til he died - 19 years later.
Freedompath replies on Mar 28, 2018:
How sad...I am sorry that happened to you.
"Healing may not be so much about getting better as about letting go of everything that is not ...
nightowl comments on Mar 28, 2018:
hmmmm, getting out of the i swear , it's been non-stop 'this' since 2009. the thing i didn't expect was to make it through without tearing other one's around me ripple effect can be a postitive one. and the more fucked up a situation? ...
Freedompath replies on Mar 28, 2018:
I couldn't agree more!!!
How do you sleep?
Rossy92 comments on Mar 27, 2018:
So much for intelligent design. I don't think I'm quite as bad off as you, but I can relate. I sleep on my back because side sleeping bothers my shoulders, and recently my neck as well. After a max of about 6 consecutive hrs on my back, it starts to cramp and wakes me up. And I've learned not to ...
Freedompath replies on Mar 27, 2018:
Wonder if you could use a contoured memory foam pillow...Belk's and that type of store has them on sale often.
Can you have too many books?
Jnei comments on Mar 27, 2018:
I would argue that the number of books seen in the photograph is "not even *nearly* enough books". Sadly, most of mine are gone forever - my ex didn't share my love of books, and so the vast majority of my collection went to a landfill site within days of our marriage ending. Many of them were ...
Freedompath replies on Mar 27, 2018:
Can you have too many books?
twshield comments on Mar 27, 2018:
Studies have shown that reading improves intelligence so i voted No. may be a bitch when you move to a new place though!
Freedompath replies on Mar 27, 2018:
They weight a ton, even in small boxes!!
Medical Marijuana and Gun Laws Collide | Fortune
Freedompath comments on Mar 27, 2018:
I think that I am on the fence with this law. There are certain perscribed psychoic medication that I believe would fall under this law. My position is, if you need drugs for medical reasons, your brain could be altered so as to effect your perspective and nervous reactions. Having a gun, under ...
Freedompath replies on Mar 27, 2018:
@EdEarl precisely...putting people in prison for drug use, has not helped our society! We now have more people than ever in prison for drug reasons and we seem to have an increase in drug use! So wouldn't that prove something on 'prison" for preventing drug use? We have become a punishing society...punish people for the most mundane of reasons! This is not an evolving social consciousness!
How long will you repeat behaivor before you change it?
Freedompath comments on Mar 27, 2018:
Behavior is usually repeated until you find the underlying reason for it...the pay off of some kind! Then you need to replace it with something you 'know' to be more useful! It may have been useful to you, once-upon-a-time!
Freedompath replies on Mar 27, 2018:
@nightowl not learning a little late in life...that I need all my energy, even that which I once used to control others or anything that my mind got hooked on...I now need all that energy to keep my own life going! Lol
Freedompath comments on Mar 26, 2018:
I support this idea completely! It would make our government process so much more equitable!
Freedompath replies on Mar 27, 2018:
@EdEarl yes...
Recent site updates! Wow, it's been a while since we summarized new features so here goes! ...
Freedompath comments on Mar 26, 2018:
Admin, i seem to be stuck in Shawappa44820.
Freedompath replies on Mar 27, 2018:
@Shawappa44820 it looks like it has been corrected now! New stuff, sometimes needs some adjustments! Lol
How long will you repeat behaivor before you change it?
Freedompath comments on Mar 27, 2018:
Behavior is usually repeated until you find the underlying reason for it...the pay off of some kind! Then you need to replace it with something you 'know' to be more useful! It may have been useful to you, once-upon-a-time!
Freedompath replies on Mar 27, 2018:
@nightowl yes...another truth, maybe they are operating beyond our comprehesion? Lol
An unarmed man was shot by San Antonio police as he stood with hands up, no shirt, not moving.
EdEarl comments on Mar 27, 2018:
And, people want police officers stationed inside schools, for protection :(
Freedompath replies on Mar 27, 2018:
Another one of those insane notions, to promote guns, as the only rational protection against their fellow man! It is deffiently, limited thinking in a modern society!
Recent site updates! Wow, it's been a while since we summarized new features so here goes! ...
Freedompath comments on Mar 26, 2018:
Admin, i seem to be stuck in Shawappa44820.
Freedompath replies on Mar 27, 2018:
@Shawappa44820 well...I was! I must have gotten all tangled up at your place! I found it on another person's bio site, too!
I recently watched a documentary regarding (in this instance) American men choosing to marry ...
Humanlove comments on Mar 26, 2018:
Well, if you live in a society that's becoming anti- men, 24/7, what would you do?
Freedompath replies on Mar 27, 2018:
@0752532706 me too?
I recently watched a documentary regarding (in this instance) American men choosing to marry ...
Humanlove comments on Mar 26, 2018:
Well, if you live in a society that's becoming anti- men, 24/7, what would you do?
Freedompath replies on Mar 27, 2018:
Do you think that is really true or, are females, just fending for themselves, because they can't depend on a man to support them? That could be an asset for both parties, when coupled! And, there may be even deeper reasons for the extreem distancing of the sexes? Could it be there are a lot of unstable people at the present time? A good relationship want work well with unstable partners!
I recently watched a documentary regarding (in this instance) American men choosing to marry ...
twshield comments on Mar 26, 2018:
good person to ask is trump
Freedompath replies on Mar 27, 2018:
Now, there is a shallow man, who would not want to be observed to 'deeply!'
I recently watched a documentary regarding (in this instance) American men choosing to marry ...
birdingnut comments on Mar 26, 2018:
Old, fat, ugly Caucasian foreign men come to Thailand all the time to get pretty young women for wives or girlfriends, and to live with them on their family land for free. They don't realize that even flirting a lot with a Thai girl is like proposing to her, indicating that they are taking ...
Freedompath replies on Mar 27, 2018:
Thanks for insight on culture...there should be recourse! I once knew two gals, who were physical therapist and I did a essay on them many years ago! They said girls in Thailand did not marry until they had masters degrees. But, as I learned more on my own, I realized they must be sheltered, because there are poor girls in Thailand and I am sure they did not have masters degrees!
What's the best pet in your opinion?
Iffy comments on Mar 25, 2018:
Tapeworm. Goes where you go. Eats what you eat.
Freedompath replies on Mar 25, 2018:
Oh! I hope could disappear with that 'buddy!'
I was 12 the day I stopped believing.
VictoriaNotes comments on Mar 23, 2018:
Well, since you live in Bible Thumping Texas, there's no telling.
Freedompath replies on Mar 23, 2018:
@EdEarl O'Rouke, seemed to speak from good sense.
How to fall in love
ReBrew2115 comments on Mar 22, 2018:
I've been trying to love myself for years. It takes time though to re-wire all those things that got drilled into my head as a kid. "You're stupid!" and "You're ugly!" Things like that get repeated by so many people when you're a kid and, in my case due to my OCD, they are very hard to let go of it....
Freedompath replies on Mar 22, 2018:
I had to overcome a lot from my childhood, too and I can assure you, it is a fact that we can find our true self and have a real and meaningful life! I sulute you my friend and best of luck in all that you dream and desire!
How to fall in love
jioo087 comments on Mar 22, 2018:
You fall in love by presenting your true self,listening,look her in the eye,smile,ask about her,buy her gifts occassionally,compliment her,be gentle and strong for her,give space when required and let her teach you about yourself. good luck.
Freedompath replies on Mar 22, 2018:
Are you available? I think I found ONE!!!
Alternative Lifestyles
Freedompath comments on Mar 22, 2018:
I have never been interested in alternative life styles and the people who 'went down the rabbit holes' in my (tomorrow bd 78 yrs) years, have not turned out well! Life is not a one night stand and from my perch...a life is built of respect and high standards of conduct. Even what we do behind ...
Freedompath replies on Mar 22, 2018:
@LimeySteve well...HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO US!
My spouse is a gambeling addict.
wordywalt comments on Mar 22, 2018:
You give him a choice. Make him choose between gambling and the marriage. If he needs additonal therapy, get it for him. My wife gave me a similar choice as a smoking addict. I chose the marriage and quit smoking for the first time in my adult life. I have not smoked in well over 20 years.
Freedompath replies on Mar 22, 2018:
I am glad to see that you got daughter had a 'hell-of-time,' stopping smoking!
My spouse is a gambeling addict.
Nurse-Quantros comments on Mar 22, 2018:
My friends, and family cut me loose. When I was ready to talk, they were willing to listen. But, I had to come to them. Looking back, I am in awe of their strength, I cannot imagine how hard it was for them.
Freedompath replies on Mar 22, 2018:
What a 'gift!'
Maybe I should start a group called "women who love men who love themselves".
Philt1960 comments on Mar 22, 2018:
I haven't always loved myself but I definitely do now
Freedompath replies on Mar 22, 2018:
That's good and necessary...but don't shoot yourself out of the ballpark, with it!
Photofunia: Want to get creative and have some fun?
Freedompath comments on Mar 22, 2018:
I loved your photos, and when I figure out 'again' how to down load, I will contribute something! I like this anyway!
Freedompath replies on Mar 22, 2018:
@VictoriaNotes I can transfer if I am using my photos...but out of any other place it want transfer! Thanks I will keep trying!
As an agnostic, I have come to the point where I have contemplated the fact that if there was a god ...
Freedompath comments on Mar 21, 2018:
It could just be the other way around...that 'god' is perfect...but all his creations aren't? Just like some of our creations, 'suck!' But, we have what it takes, to become perfectly ok!
Freedompath replies on Mar 22, 2018:
@Nothing well...if there is nothing perfect in the Universe...I guess we need not worry one way or the other? Which brings into question, if nothing is perfect...and if there was a 'god'...he would surely be imperfect too? So why are people going to 'hell' in a handbasket (by some religious teachings)? So that belies another question...why do we have so much punishment going on in the world, for all our imperfections? It is punishment here and in the afterlife!!
POLL: Millennial Women Killing Republican Party - YouTube
Freedompath comments on Mar 22, 2018:
If the younger generation gets envolved, that can only help balance out some political issues, in my opinion! I can accept a generation gap, as life goes forward and a new way of looking at things is always an asset!
Freedompath replies on Mar 22, 2018:
@EdEarl I know, that is why I keep having to remind myself, that there really are more level headed people...than the people operating from fear and distrust of our whole social order!
A girl on another board asked why atheists are so negative and abrasive.
Doug_in_Colorado comments on Mar 21, 2018:
You should tell her to check out this site and just observer for a while. Granted I just joined and have only been on here a few hours, but so far this has been the friendliest and most supportive forums I have ever read. Really digging it!
Freedompath replies on Mar 21, 2018:
Don't forget there is a 'dark side' to every person, if it comes out in is a lot easier to understand why/where it comes from!
Will future historians will record the current US government as filled with thieves who ran the most...
Charlene comments on Mar 21, 2018:'ll be a mere footnote..
Freedompath replies on Mar 21, 2018:
@Charlene I am hoping for the time that, 'HE is thrown to the wolves!'
Will future historians will record the current US government as filled with thieves who ran the most...
Charlene comments on Mar 21, 2018:'ll be a mere footnote..
Freedompath replies on Mar 21, 2018:
You need to have lived it, to fully appreciate the distortion!
As an agnostic, I have come to the point where I have contemplated the fact that if there was a god ...
Varn comments on Mar 21, 2018:
It is ironic how the pushers of religion proclaim their ‘god’ as perfect, yet it created such an imperfect, even ‘sinful’ entity in ‘it’s own image’ ;-)
Freedompath replies on Mar 21, 2018:
Who can say if 'god' came into being perfect or got that way over time?
I’ve been shot in combat.
Freedompath comments on Feb 23, 2018:
I completely agree...the POWERS THAT BE, are grasping at straws! The country has gone mad! Can't you just see cross fire in a school full of scattering schoolchildren? If the gun is locked up by the time it could be retrieved, many people could die! What teacher can be focusing on her class room...
Freedompath replies on Mar 21, 2018:
@DUCHESSA you named the problems, but the 'root' of the problem wasn't there! It is not so simple, is it?
I’ve been shot in combat.
Freedompath comments on Feb 23, 2018:
I completely agree...the POWERS THAT BE, are grasping at straws! The country has gone mad! Can't you just see cross fire in a school full of scattering schoolchildren? If the gun is locked up by the time it could be retrieved, many people could die! What teacher can be focusing on her class room...
Freedompath replies on Mar 21, 2018:
@DUCHESSA. What is your idea of the 'root of the problem?' I have 3 sons, who went through teen age years...and they came out ok in the end! But, their teen years was a nightmare! As well as many of their friends and this was not the glorified 'gun' years! I never blamed 'anyone' for what is taking place around the glorification of guns! And, decent people have killed right here in this very country, as well as the next ones around here! I keep a distance from anyone that promotes his gun ownership as a badge of honor! But, I am aware of the violent 'video games' and the constant 'call' on 'our second amendment rights' justifing gun ownership...'in order to protect one's self' from their enemy who most likely is their neighbor! Because these people haven't been exposed to people much further than a 50-100 mile distance! In this area, people have no knowledge about people 2 counties over! If you believe that 'decent' people don't kill other people with their gun, you are the one who is living in la la, land and could use some knowledge on the nature of human beings! And, this did not cover the accidental gun deaths!
Today I was encouraged to donate a sum of money to one of the local foodbank/shelter.
Holysocks comments on Mar 20, 2018:
I became homeless last year due to wrecking my car. I lost my home, my car, and possessions all at once. The only way I could get one night in a homeless shelter was by listening to a 2 hour sermon. I had just lost everything. The last thing I wanted to hear about was how horrible and worthless a ...
Freedompath replies on Mar 21, 2018:
You are so right...please tell us how things are going for you now? We care!
Today I was encouraged to donate a sum of money to one of the local foodbank/shelter.
HippieChick58 comments on Mar 20, 2018:
There are secular organizations that are charitable and some religious charities that don't try to force their beliefs down your throat.FWIW, Salvation Army is not a good one, they openly discriminate against LGBQT individuals. My general rule is not to give to religious groups.
Freedompath replies on Mar 21, 2018:
@Rudy1962 me too!
Today I was encouraged to donate a sum of money to one of the local foodbank/shelter.
Beach_slim comments on Mar 21, 2018:
How about we go door to door like the Jehovah's witnesses and spread the truth of atheism?
Freedompath replies on Mar 21, 2018:
AND...get shot??? Don't get too comfortable with what happens here, cause it ain't like this out in the real world! Unfortunately!!!
I remeber being little going to Church with my papaw, I was like why do they all way pass the bow ...
atheist comments on Mar 20, 2018:
Out of the mouths of babes! :)
Freedompath replies on Mar 21, 2018:
I never read below the entry post line, before I put down my thoughts, because I want to be untainted by others funny to see my thoughts, by someone else! Lol
I’ve been shot in combat.
Freedompath comments on Feb 23, 2018:
I completely agree...the POWERS THAT BE, are grasping at straws! The country has gone mad! Can't you just see cross fire in a school full of scattering schoolchildren? If the gun is locked up by the time it could be retrieved, many people could die! What teacher can be focusing on her class room...
Freedompath replies on Mar 20, 2018:
@DUCHESSA it just seems sad to me that the romanticism with a driving force in the media. It is no wonder that young men (mostly), behave as if it is a cool thing to 'show off,' with! Then, kids with developmental problems, pick them up and kill people when they are just struggling with growing up! Early education about guns and how they kill, might be in order!
Irrational nonsense, organized. Link to hi-res image [] Thanks to Nena.
Freedompath comments on Mar 20, 2018:
In other words, you can be sucked into anything...if you don't stay close to the 'middle' of everything?
Freedompath replies on Mar 20, 2018:
@SACatWalker thank you for, going down the rabbit hole with me!! I mean we should stay in the middle (at least by an wareness) of everything and not get stuck on any one thing!
Being dyslexic can be funny but also difficult for some folks to take seriously.
Freedompath comments on Mar 19, 2018:
I am not dyslexic, but one of my sons is. And before I knew about it about the second grade, I would try to help him with reading and he could hardly read at all. I would become exasperated and tell him, that he just wasn't trying and give up trying to help. The next year, it was diagnosed and he ...
Freedompath replies on Mar 19, 2018:
@VictoriaNotes I hope that no one is hurt, because of your diagnosis. It is those things that take place out of ignorance, that is so regretful.
Is there such thing as ugly or beauty is only in society’s perspective?
Roadster comments on Mar 17, 2018:
ApparentlyApparentApparently, symmetry matters due to evolutionary traits, other than that even societal standards of beauty change on a fairly regular basibasiss.
Freedompath replies on Mar 17, 2018:
After I read your comment, my mind was it, that all the seemingle ugly people found mates and even remained together?
Guardian Angels?
Donotbelieve comments on Mar 17, 2018:
I cannot offer advice because I'm an ass. I can offer empathy, though!
Freedompath replies on Mar 17, 2018:
When, without notice, did you start labeling yourself an 'ass?' Did something happen in the last 24hrs? If so, maybe we need to know?
Not only is trump, selling out the American people.
GreenAtheist comments on Mar 15, 2018:
for TrumpOLINI to be replaced by voters in 2020, there needs to be a leader NOW IDENTIFYING A BETTER PLAN WITH THE NAMES OF WHO SHALL replace TrumpOLINI apparatchiks .... criminal Billary is not a leader traveling the world spreading her lies why she lost 31 states calling American voters ...
Freedompath replies on Mar 16, 2018:
@GreenAtheist I kept up with Hillary and all the investigations into her affairs...most were proven false. Some of her suspicious bad dealings were exaggerated. She wasn't perfect, but she would not have brought shame to our country! At least I believe she would have stood accountable for her actions, unlike this criminal mind trump. The GOP, promoted fallacious about Hillary for years, that is what brought her down! I watched it and thought how hard it would be for anyone to overcome what she was faced with. The GOP, 'poisoned the well,' the GOP, plays to win at whatever cost! These GOPs, in this very area, have done the same thing for years! They pander to these evangelicals, and they know exactly what to say...and then brag about what was accomplished, always at a distance! It is usually never local, so these people don't question! And, even then it is passing some meaningless law! Evangelicals never, question authority...part of that conditioning from the pulpit!
"It's a horrible idea that God, this paragon of wisdom and knowledge, power, couldn't think of a ...
Freedompath comments on Mar 15, 2018:
What a guy! has always been that Great Father in the sky!
Freedompath replies on Mar 16, 2018:
@GreenAtheist they think what they are told to think or not think, original thinking is against their conditioning!!! I suspect an original thought would scare the 'hell,' out of them!
"It's a horrible idea that God, this paragon of wisdom and knowledge, power, couldn't think of a ...
Freedompath comments on Mar 15, 2018:
What a guy! has always been that Great Father in the sky!
Freedompath replies on Mar 16, 2018:
@GreenAtheist at least to some of us...but a bigger portion of the population still believes in Father God...even if he is a fairy tale!
Not only is trump, selling out the American people.
Charlene comments on Mar 15, 2018:
If he makes it 2.5 years...
Freedompath replies on Mar 15, 2018:
Maybe, time will speed up, or something! The last year and 2 months, feel like forever...
Not only is trump, selling out the American people.
Kelly_E comments on Mar 15, 2018:
He's a con man and an ignorant pig. Although I might not agree with Mueller's politics, he is a serious man on a serious mission. Today he subpoenaed docs from the Trump Org pertaining to Russia. It has long been thought - and there are strong indications that have been made public - that Trump has...
Freedompath replies on Mar 15, 2018:
Yes, something is surely bad wrong and trump has only dollar signs in his eyes and 'every place else!' I wish they had the 'goods' on him before more harm is done! Trump will bankrupt the country, like he did with his businesses...because a loss on the backs of other people, 'is just trump, being trump!' He will be laughing all the way into his last breath!
I think I'm dyslexic and I didn't noticed that until now.
Freedompath comments on Mar 15, 2018:
Sarahroo29...that sounds very possible. One of my sons is dyslexic. It has nothing to do with intellengence, but a brain to eye problem. I don't know where to find it now, but somewhere on the Web, they show exactly what a dyslexic person sees as they read (or write). The letters jump around and...
Freedompath replies on Mar 15, 2018:
@LauraUU that is usually the case, they work harder...because they have to and that is a good thing.
Not only is trump, selling out the American people.
GreenAtheist comments on Mar 15, 2018:
for TrumpOLINI to be replaced by voters in 2020, there needs to be a leader NOW IDENTIFYING A BETTER PLAN WITH THE NAMES OF WHO SHALL replace TrumpOLINI apparatchiks .... criminal Billary is not a leader traveling the world spreading her lies why she lost 31 states calling American voters ...
Freedompath replies on Mar 15, 2018:
Could be a woman, but I am not sure this country is ready for a woman yet! Maybe VP?
Not only is trump, selling out the American people.
gearl comments on Mar 15, 2018:
Perhaps that will be his downfall although nothing else seems to topple him. Maybe Stormy!
Freedompath replies on Mar 15, 2018:
How many times and how long, must we hope...this will be the straw that broke trump?
Not only is trump, selling out the American people.
GreenAtheist comments on Mar 15, 2018:
for TrumpOLINI to be replaced by voters in 2020, there needs to be a leader NOW IDENTIFYING A BETTER PLAN WITH THE NAMES OF WHO SHALL replace TrumpOLINI apparatchiks .... criminal Billary is not a leader traveling the world spreading her lies why she lost 31 states calling American voters ...
Freedompath replies on Mar 15, 2018:
That is a dismal thought! There are a few people who can lead, and new people would take time to accumulate, even if they were humane! I do believe Bernie is a straight arrow person, but his age is a factor! I have followed him for years and he DOES concern himself with the people. Adam Schiff (spell), of Calif, seems to be a level headed person and a good politician. But, he is calm, deliberate and thoughtful...not what all the low intelligent people think, will make a good leader! They need a person with more drama in his personality! That is what these people are accustomed the pulpit! They need to be turned on! That would be at best 40% of the population! This is a major delimma, but no perfect person is going to show up, to run for our president! But if it gets worse than trump, there will be no hope! ...because, we may not have much of what we have come to know of America...left after these next two and half years! No, I refuse to believe trump will have an extra 4 years! His, is a totally, criminal mind and a lot of those people who thought he was the great savior will see through their own folly! There, is a shift here in this Evangelican Republican stronghold and we still have over 2 more years of trump! Trump is not capable of pulling himself will get worse, unless some unknown forces, take over out of public eyesight and I don't see that happening, because trump can hurt people, BADLY! Only a totally isolated person does not know that now! It is going to be disastrous, for the next two and half years, with trump! I may need to bury my head in the sand!
How soon til all these rallies go to the source of the problem on everyone's day off?
Freedompath comments on Mar 15, 2018:
Are you referring to the 'school walkout?' If so, I think the kids have found a purpose and they will not let up! And, I will give my support to them!
Freedompath replies on Mar 15, 2018:
@MikeFlora ...then go tell them what works! Don't tell me, I don't have time to do it!
How do you Develop a Personal Drive?
Beach_slim comments on Mar 14, 2018:
For guys, sex is the primary motivation. Didn't Donald Trump have a kid in his 60's?
Freedompath replies on Mar 15, 2018:
@MrLizard then, you would be warn out! Lol
How soon til all these rallies go to the source of the problem on everyone's day off?
Freedompath comments on Mar 15, 2018:
Are you referring to the 'school walkout?' If so, I think the kids have found a purpose and they will not let up! And, I will give my support to them!
Freedompath replies on Mar 15, 2018:
@MikeFlora it mades a difference to the person, marching...and a society changes, one individual at a time! Marching (action, moving energy)...helps support a person to further actions. And must believe that even small actions go somewhere and do something! There is no magic wand, to sweep over a society! I am surprised that you can say for certain, that protest 'don't work?' When nothing remains the same, even when we can't see it changing! 'Is anybody better off, now'... you say! Well, I feel better knowing that people are not complacent and are taking a stand about the imbalance in our social order!
How soon til all these rallies go to the source of the problem on everyone's day off?
Freedompath comments on Mar 15, 2018:
Are you referring to the 'school walkout?' If so, I think the kids have found a purpose and they will not let up! And, I will give my support to them!
Freedompath replies on Mar 15, 2018:
@LoveTravel-H2O I think the marches are important, because they allow people to make a public statement about their concerns. Do you recall the quote, 'life is a journey not a destination?' The 'work' is never done, it must always be reinforced by taking a stand, sometimes that means in public! There will always be issues that get highjacked by irrational thinkers and that requires the (hopefully) level headed people, to speak up for balance and justice.
How do you Develop a Personal Drive?
Beach_slim comments on Mar 14, 2018:
For guys, sex is the primary motivation. Didn't Donald Trump have a kid in his 60's?
Freedompath replies on Mar 14, 2018:
When I read your post, I thought to myself, this has to be young guy (then looked at your profile), surprise, surprise! I want speak for men, but I do know lots of males that are not having sex, and they are motivated! I think that the creative part of a man's nature is not promoted, enough! That is a major motivation, for men and women! And, adventure does a lot to motivate both sexes!
Do you read the bible to get knowledge about it, and to be able to understand why it is fiction?
fathercat comments on Mar 12, 2018:
Spoiler alert: crazy stuff ahead: Lot offers his virgin daughters for sex. Same daughters get Lot passed out drunk two nights in a row just to get pregnant. Later... God kills off a live birth infant to punish King David.
Freedompath replies on Mar 13, 2018:
@fathercat the story has not improved to my way of thinking! Thanks though...
Do you read the bible to get knowledge about it, and to be able to understand why it is fiction?
bbyrd009 comments on Mar 12, 2018:
The Bible roundly and repeatedly condemns religion, and is really man's best attempt to encode timeless truths about how the universe works in symbolic forms that are way older than the Bible itself. Who disagrees with 'love your neighbor?'
Freedompath replies on Mar 12, 2018:
It's all that other upside/down stuff in between...that I tried to make sense of and now just feel tricked with!
Do you read the bible to get knowledge about it, and to be able to understand why it is fiction?
fathercat comments on Mar 12, 2018:
Spoiler alert: crazy stuff ahead: Lot offers his virgin daughters for sex. Same daughters get Lot passed out drunk two nights in a row just to get pregnant. Later... God kills off a live birth infant to punish King David.
Freedompath replies on Mar 12, 2018:
Now explain that story to me, with logic! As a young child i thought it was giving permission, to men, for whatever? I think here in my old age, I may have gone off the deep end...I can't even stand the word, Bible, anymore!
Who has struggled with attempting to have a relationship?
hankster comments on Mar 12, 2018:
I would have to imagine that the folks who are really good at relationships struggle with it themselves.
Freedompath replies on Mar 12, 2018:
I agree!
Why marrying too young can be bad for your emotional health - Calgary - CBC News
birdingnut comments on Mar 12, 2018:
Interesting, but what most people thought anyway. I married just before I turned 20, but we both finished college, and after our divorce, 22 years later, I got another degree and a Masters.
Freedompath replies on Mar 12, 2018:
You are an emotionally healthy person (at least from your post).
I have been sort of estranged from my family for a while.
Freedompath comments on Mar 12, 2018:
Unless you are in charge of this celebration, I would just come as you what ever place the people in charge have arranged! There is no more need to prove to any of them... your worth and acceptance than if you were Catholic, a Muslim or any other religion, really! Non-believers may be the...
Freedompath replies on Mar 12, 2018:
@Shelton well, very good...when people get to your mom's age, it is something to celebrate really! Just remember, our decency should speak for us! Best of luck!
I have been sort of estranged from my family for a while.
ashortbeauty comments on Mar 12, 2018:
I flatly told my very Christian mother that I wasn't going back to church. See I'd been away for about a decade. Then had a breakdown and fell back on my old ways, attending church again. Once the breakdown was over I stopped going. She noticed. Asked when I was coming back. I told her I wasn't. ...
Freedompath replies on Mar 12, 2018:
Do you think people like your family (mine too), are just a bit too much afraid that you might rub something off on them? Lol
Since I am giving up my security blankets.
Dick_Martin comments on Mar 12, 2018:
My favorite quote, and important to me getting along, is Ring Lardner's "'Shut up' he explained." First I get the side-eye, and if I still don't stop talikng I get the quote.
Freedompath replies on Mar 12, 2018:
Oh! That seems a bit extreem! Whatever, is churning in your brain...needs to express, itself! Sometimes, that isn't pretty either and can use a little light shined on it!
Wow! Check out this youtube video [youtu.
Freedompath comments on Mar 10, 2018:
It is hard to believe that this is promoted in main stream society, but on the other hand, that has been the distortions coming out of, Liberty University for as long as I can remember!
Freedompath replies on Mar 12, 2018:
@MattChanning ...why are you so defensive about 'nothing?' Your post indicates a person looking for a 'fight'...not another's point of view on some matter! Good luck with that...
Wow! Check out this youtube video [youtu.
Freedompath comments on Mar 10, 2018:
It is hard to believe that this is promoted in main stream society, but on the other hand, that has been the distortions coming out of, Liberty University for as long as I can remember!
Freedompath replies on Mar 12, 2018:
@MattChanning my 'half full/half empty'...was only a metaphor for how I experience my reality, especially, at this time when I am moving and have a lot of emotional upheaval, with pairing down of a lifetime of collected stuff! My brain is not digging very deep at the moment! I do think that I may be different to you in one respect in that...when I see people in my mind...I usually see them as individuals, I rarely think of them in large bundles.
Wow! Check out this youtube video [youtu.
Freedompath comments on Mar 10, 2018:
It is hard to believe that this is promoted in main stream society, but on the other hand, that has been the distortions coming out of, Liberty University for as long as I can remember!
Freedompath replies on Mar 12, 2018:
@MattChanning go figure...
Since I am giving up my security blankets.
Charlene comments on Mar 11, 2018:
Couldn't agree more Freedompath!.how goes the packing?
Freedompath replies on Mar 11, 2018:
Terrible! I can only hope the couple buying my condo doesn't need to be in here at the end of month! I might get done...
Since I am giving up my security blankets.
Dwizzle comments on Mar 11, 2018:
I would like to have those quote books
Freedompath replies on Mar 11, 2018:
Wow! Check out this youtube video [youtu.
Freedompath comments on Mar 10, 2018:
It is hard to believe that this is promoted in main stream society, but on the other hand, that has been the distortions coming out of, Liberty University for as long as I can remember!
Freedompath replies on Mar 11, 2018:
@MattChanning i am the kind of person who says, 'the glass is 'half full' took me a long time to believe that every person, wasn't working to level out, 'his/her dark side!' I will always look for the 'goodness'...because I have seen enough people in my lifetime, that showed me even the worst person, had some goodness in them. Some people simply don't think like me! But, I am still, shocked when a man/woman/child, stands up in front of a stadium of people and 'talks trash' that can kill!! I know full well, it is possible, but how can they, do it?
Wow! Check out this youtube video [youtu.
Freedompath comments on Mar 10, 2018:
It is hard to believe that this is promoted in main stream society, but on the other hand, that has been the distortions coming out of, Liberty University for as long as I can remember!
Freedompath replies on Mar 11, 2018:
@MattChanning because, I continue to disbelieve that we are a warring society. Guns, are killing people at an unprecedented number and the pious people, who pray to their 'revengeful God'...are supporting gun worship! There is nothing 'peace loving' and 'turn the other cheek,' in the promotion of guns! Maybe, I could have stayed in religion, had not most of the people that I had contact with... hide a very 'dark' heart. Evil from deliberate ignorance!


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