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Do you think everything happen for a reason? how can we know its reason?
ElizabethI comments on Feb 24, 2018:
Yes. I am almost entirely a determinist, to the point of believing that will is certainly not always free, but some portion of will may straddle the line between free and caused. Of course quantum physics may prove me wrong, at least in a "small" way, lol.
Freedompath replies on Feb 24, 2018:
Does anyone have an opinion of the swinger lifestyle?
marga comments on Feb 24, 2018:
It's never been for me, but I'm all for anything goes between consenting adults.
Freedompath replies on Feb 24, 2018:
@RickWard I read your responces, it seemed at every 'fork-in-the' were looking for validation! I think it would be good for you to study your own ideas and see where you stand?
Does anyone have an opinion of the swinger lifestyle?
slayer1am comments on Feb 24, 2018:
If you at all into the kink/swinger lifestyle, it's worthwhile to join Fetlife. Awesome website for connecting people of similar interest you wouldn't otherwise find.
Freedompath replies on Feb 24, 2018:
@slayer1am...I guess there is a group to join for 'whatever' rabbit hole a person wishes to go down? That must be the same reason people join 'gangs?'
Does anyone have an opinion of the swinger lifestyle?
HC1970FL comments on Feb 24, 2018:
Most everyone I knew that was in the lifestyle ended up divorced, separated, or just don't talk to each other any more.
Freedompath replies on Feb 24, 2018:
@RickWard ...then your life is arranged around sensual pleasures, complete with rules?
Does anyone have an opinion of the swinger lifestyle?
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 24, 2018:
How much do you enjoy getting HIV/AIDS? Me, not so much.......
Freedompath replies on Feb 24, 2018:
@RickWard accidents happen...!
How about a non-hysterical discussion about guns in the US?
Freedompath comments on Feb 20, 2018:
I surely can see your private data base idea. That would be a start. Let me give you my experience with guns, and way before the country fell in love with them. When I was a child, my uncle shot and killed his wife through a window of their house. The father went to prison, the 5 children went ...
Freedompath replies on Feb 24, 2018:
@Taijiguy maybe you could look up 'passive aggressive'...and see what you think. Your arguments are not out front and clear. You seem to keep a hidden arrow ready, just in case...
Does psychotherapy really help?
chicagojcb comments on Feb 23, 2018:
I think it can. It depends a lot on the situation, and the therapist. It has helped me tremendously. But I know better than to suggest that my personal experience proves my point. :)
Freedompath replies on Feb 24, 2018:
@MST3K it takes a lot of guts to tell somebody, who is the professional that you simply can't work with them... especially, when you are comprised emotionally! I may have started out with excellent therapist and had something to compare others to. That was 30-40 years ago.
All of my friends have been filmmakers, small press editors, writers and artists.
lhcoastal comments on Feb 23, 2018:
They say the creative mind is where true genius comes from. I, unfortunately, do not have a creative bone left in my body. I used to be a decent writer when I was young, but right now, I have no muse. I envy your circle of creative friends.
Freedompath replies on Feb 24, 2018:
I went back to read your profile! You sound like a creative person to me? Maybe you are not an active astist at the moment, but I bet you could tap into something very easily!
All of my friends have been filmmakers, small press editors, writers and artists.
birdingnut comments on Feb 24, 2018:
I looked at your bio and we have a lot of similar characteristics, but I'm an androgyne..a gender mix, as are most high IQ creative people..the kind that attracts you, apparently. I have SELDOM, if ever, met women who show interest in similar things to me-mostly they talk about work, family, ...
Freedompath replies on Feb 24, 2018:
Kinda funny about South African friend...I too, have a friend from South Africa, that lives in Vietnam. She has never lived in the states, but has been here several months at a time. There is about a 20 year difference in our age and yet we are very similar... except she has the most unbelievable luck. We are amazed sometimes at how our likes and dislikes are so alike! Even down to total disgust for trump...the first time she ever saw him, on Larry King!
Do you think being on a site like this, with constant validation on a specific topic, can lead to ...
Freedompath comments on Feb 23, 2018:
Don't you think it is like any grieving process? You loose something that was important to you, at one time or the other! Even, if it was only an idea. Every loss must be grieved, sometimes it isn't necessary to go thru all 5 stages! Denial, bargaining, .? .anger, acceptance. I can't remember ...
Freedompath replies on Feb 23, 2018:
@marga thanks, I hoped someone would be more current than i...
Do you think being on a site like this, with constant validation on a specific topic, can lead to ...
marga comments on Feb 23, 2018:
Yes, I think it can lead to more rigidity. That's the case with almost all groups: like-minded people get together because they think alike; then, with no dissenting views, they are not forced to think about other viewpoints, and their own are reinforced. This is the purpose of many groups. Many...
Freedompath replies on Feb 23, 2018:
It would be interesting to know how many people on this site, consider themselves outsiders and like myself...a joiner...only to a certain point? You could never count on a mass hysteria crowd! So this group may be more independent thinkers than the average!
Are there some of you who have had to sever relationships with overly religious family members?
Rugglesby comments on Feb 23, 2018:
Religion is only one of the many differences I have with my family, and despite many failed marriages, I am the only for even out to 3rd cousins who has ever divorced.
Freedompath replies on Feb 23, 2018:
With my 3 divorces...I would not have a place at the table of your kin...
Sam Harris. What's your take on him?
TheMiddleWay comments on Feb 23, 2018:
"It is time we admitted that we are not at war with "terrorism". We are at war with Islam. This is not to say that we are at war with all Muslims, but we are absolutely at war with the vision of life that is prescribed to all Muslims in the Koran. The only reason Muslim fundamentalism is a threat to...
Freedompath replies on Feb 23, 2018:
@JeffB yes, I heard that discussion and I see your point! I took my cues from past experiences and used Harris' view point as just that...his idea of how Islam, is played out in a broader sense. Now everyone is not gong to assimilate information, the same way I there is the rub!
Sam Harris. What's your take on him?
TheMiddleWay comments on Feb 23, 2018:
"It is time we admitted that we are not at war with "terrorism". We are at war with Islam. This is not to say that we are at war with all Muslims, but we are absolutely at war with the vision of life that is prescribed to all Muslims in the Koran. The only reason Muslim fundamentalism is a threat to...
Freedompath replies on Feb 23, 2018:
I look it as in any Fundamentalist system of beliefs! We are only a 'hair trigger' away from armed revolt among our 'right wing fundamentalist.' That is how I took Harris' ideas about Islam.
Does or has anyone really felt they fit in?
stinkeye_a comments on Feb 23, 2018:
I would have been okay with just "not fitting in"--I prefer it, actually: I keep to myself, do my own thing, stay low, and you ignore me. My dream. But I couldn't get away with that--no, there was always some kind of spotlight on me. People couldn't leave me alone. Wanting to stay outside the ...
Freedompath replies on Feb 23, 2018:
I am 'INFJ' (per your bio) each time I have tested!
I’ve been shot in combat.
AnthonyAus comments on Feb 23, 2018:
But Cadet Bone Spurs came up with the idea!
Freedompath replies on Feb 23, 2018:
@HippieChick58 NRA....
I’ve been shot in combat.
mary25y comments on Feb 23, 2018:
Imagine this scenario ....suppose teachers are armed.....what happens when police arrive and are looking for an armed perpetrator and here are all these people with do officers tell who is the so-called "good guy" with the gun and who is the "bad guy"? I think we need to look more into...
Freedompath replies on Feb 23, 2018:
I read that 84 of 86 mass shootings since 1982 were committed by males!
I’ve been shot in combat.
DUCHESSA comments on Feb 23, 2018:
And don't blame Trump for this idea. Is not his. After Columbine arming the teachers was an every day question / discussion in our schools.We, the teachers, refused this idea 100%.
Freedompath replies on Feb 23, 2018:
Yes. ..we can hardly blame trump for any ideas...this brain had an empty space in that part of his brain!
Is it just me or has a certain segment of America, fallen below the lowest that ever has been.
kenny_ziggy comments on Feb 23, 2018:
Well said. Yes I agree. I am stunned that students who survived and parents who lost their children, must PLEA with leaders to even listen. Isn't the government supposed to be "for the people?" Under this Republican and Trump regime, I do not think they will do much but give breadcrumbs and ...
Freedompath replies on Feb 23, 2018:
You and me both! These are brave young people and they will make a difference and I hope that it want come at a higher cost to them!
Conspiracy Theories - Do you believe in any?
Rugglesby comments on Feb 23, 2018:
Sadly many of my friends and co workers sprout chemtrails. I have my own theories re conspiracy and the Vatican.
Freedompath replies on Feb 23, 2018:
@Rugglesby got to perpuate that religious theme onto the next generation...(can't let it die a slow death or anything)! Every religion does that keeping their ideology matter, if they must go to Africa and convert the Natives!
Does psychotherapy really help?
chicagojcb comments on Feb 23, 2018:
I think it can. It depends a lot on the situation, and the therapist. It has helped me tremendously. But I know better than to suggest that my personal experience proves my point. :)
Freedompath replies on Feb 23, 2018:
@MST3K I have to report in my case, that I had many different therapist and there were a few that I could not work with at all! I can't say exactly why, but they absolutely could not help me and had to be replaced! Some people have better skills than others, in everything!
Conspiracy Theories - Do you believe in any?
David1955 comments on Feb 23, 2018:
Here's the thing. If you mention the phrase Conspiracy Theory around here, or in progressive circles, people will around you will declare No! No! No! It's very uncool to believe in conspiracy theories. Loonies and non rational people only believe in CTs, it is thought. The phrase has been ...
Freedompath replies on Feb 23, 2018:
I think that I can believe that the Big Wiggs, are working for their best interest! It is not like a boardroom meeting, but more like an unspoken collusion, in a language that only these Ultra Rich people seem to have, between themselves!
Conspiracy Theories - Do you believe in any?
Jameson comments on Feb 23, 2018:
I believe it's all fake. Trump, Obama, Hillary, all that crap is a puppet show to keep people distracted. The people who really run things hide behind the scenes. Nothing changes really. The same people are running things with every president. Each president gets more ridiculous. I'm expecting ...
Freedompath replies on Feb 23, 2018:
I would take him any day of the week...
Conspiracy Theories - Do you believe in any?
Rugglesby comments on Feb 23, 2018:
Sadly many of my friends and co workers sprout chemtrails. I have my own theories re conspiracy and the Vatican.
Freedompath replies on Feb 23, 2018:
Wouldn't the Vatican, be more like 'back stabing'...maybe by more than two/three/four person, maybe just one?
Would you be a better god than the god of the bible? If so - how?
Charlene comments on Feb 22, 2018:
Nah..I'd suck at it cause I spend alot of time thinking about my boobs..
Freedompath replies on Feb 22, 2018:
Like new pic...but did not know about boobs, until you told!
Do you think hating someone is unnecessary?
jlynn37 comments on Feb 22, 2018:
When one hates another, they allow that other to maintain residency, rent free, inside one's brain.
Freedompath replies on Feb 22, 2018:
@AMGT I believe what you are saying and how it feels. I do have a similar experience, my dad was killed by someone, when I was a young mother. I do not know what it is like to loose a child, especially in the manner that you state. So my heart goes out to you. From my experience, healing from this kind of death, takes time. One must proceed a little at a time, until the shock will allow you some space in between the pain. That is all that any person can do! What I meant about identifing what we really when we give it a name and then can claim that feeling, it gives us a specific focus. In my situation...I became the pain and overtime as I felt the pain more and more. It took me over. When, I could see that it was what I was feeling and not who I was...I developed better coping skills. I was a person in pain...not a person made of pain. I hope that this cleared up what I was suggesting.
Do you think hating someone is unnecessary?
jlynn37 comments on Feb 22, 2018:
When one hates another, they allow that other to maintain residency, rent free, inside one's brain.
Freedompath replies on Feb 22, 2018:
@AMGT gosh! That can be brought under control! You must name the 'real' feeling and you must own it... and then take some action...this is all deliberate! Not a lashing out! Even letting another person know that you feel taking action.
Billy Graham's Legacy Is Conflating White Christianity And Patriotism | HuffPost
gearl comments on Feb 22, 2018:
I've always viewed Graham as one of those preachers that pretty much founded the mess we have now with Christianity becoming more and more divorced from morality.
Freedompath replies on Feb 22, 2018:
@mordant that is funny about being 'wrong' or 'off'...I can remember his sermons on the TV, as something I should be hearing...but, for some odd reason, I was not drawn into his web...all that coming 'down front,' pleading stuff! And I never thought of him as my preacher, even when I was in the Evangelical religion.
A GOP Congressman Gave Trump a Literal Bag of Prayers After the School Shooting – Friendly Atheist
Cynical-lion comments on Feb 20, 2018:
The only reaction I have to that is face-palming and cringing. Like, what a shit PR, self aggrandizing stunt that is. No, do something worth a shit if you actually care. EDIT: From reading the comments in that article and then looking at the picture again, it's an even emptier gesture than I ...
Freedompath replies on Feb 22, 2018:
Looking at those pictures again, do we know for sure that these pictures are appears that those trees outside the Oval Office are evergreens, in recent Oval Office shots?
How about a non-hysterical discussion about guns in the US?
Freedompath comments on Feb 20, 2018:
I surely can see your private data base idea. That would be a start. Let me give you my experience with guns, and way before the country fell in love with them. When I was a child, my uncle shot and killed his wife through a window of their house. The father went to prison, the 5 children went ...
Freedompath replies on Feb 22, 2018:
@Taijiguy I have nothing else, that would be useful to you...
How about a non-hysterical discussion about guns in the US?
Freedompath comments on Feb 20, 2018:
I surely can see your private data base idea. That would be a start. Let me give you my experience with guns, and way before the country fell in love with them. When I was a child, my uncle shot and killed his wife through a window of their house. The father went to prison, the 5 children went ...
Freedompath replies on Feb 22, 2018:
@Taijiguy when I give information that can be backed up by research, you don't even bother to do some work to see if I am telling the truth. If I am giving my personal opinion...that is another thing and you can disagree with me and that is us holding apposing view points. Things that are reported in ligimate news not an opinion on my part.
How about a non-hysterical discussion about guns in the US?
Freedompath comments on Feb 20, 2018:
I surely can see your private data base idea. That would be a start. Let me give you my experience with guns, and way before the country fell in love with them. When I was a child, my uncle shot and killed his wife through a window of their house. The father went to prison, the 5 children went ...
Freedompath replies on Feb 22, 2018:
@Taijiguy did you not see two interviews with the couple that took the kid in after his mother died? If not Google it, then come back to me and say I am flat wrong. The state of Florida was also called out when that kid's mother was alive and he was in the system and they did nothing. Sir, you may not be spending the time that I am...finding out what is going on, but you can easily go to the news clips and find out for yourself. For some odd reason, you have an enormous reason to dispute me, without first checking out stuff...that is all over 'real news!' It seems to me that you are selective gathering of information. What I said can easily be verified, if that really mattered to you!
How about a non-hysterical discussion about guns in the US?
Freedompath comments on Feb 20, 2018:
I surely can see your private data base idea. That would be a start. Let me give you my experience with guns, and way before the country fell in love with them. When I was a child, my uncle shot and killed his wife through a window of their house. The father went to prison, the 5 children went ...
Freedompath replies on Feb 22, 2018:
@Taijiguy why are you asking the impossible? The people who took that shooter in after the death of his mother, saw nothing in his behavior to know that he was about to snap! If professionals have difficulty identifying the student that will snap, how can you expect teachers to educate for that? That is a whole different field of study and more years of learning. And, another most important fact is this shooting situation is usually a male most often between the ages of 14 and 25 and that is a critical time of development in their brain. If they get depressed or other mental illness comes into play...they want process reality properly! Here is the danger. I am not holding my knowledge up to anyone's ideas, but I still want to encourage you to learn some more about the brain and emotions! It might even help you as you age. You might slow down senility or Alzheimer lurking in your future! Surely, you could 'Google' up some of the 'Ted Talks,' on emotions or the brain or both! Human being are not robots...they are completely yourself said that you 'couldn't explain half the shit that you do,'...well multiply that by thousands of other people and you will see that many people are unperdictable and could be far worse than you! (Some better maybe.) But, we can struggle to learn how our mind works and it pays big dividends. It is all about the brain. But, it would be to your benifit to learn all that you can, not just because we are discussing gun control, a healthy brain will determine how well you age! And, it is never to late! I am still working to keep (brain) myself emotionally/mentally healthy! We need more mental health treatment in this country, too.
I dated a guy once that I soon kicked to the curb.
Rugglesby comments on Feb 21, 2018:
Guys like boobs, any size normally, hell, I almost like mine. I like bigger, C is awesome, any more is a bonus. Girl staying here this week is saving for a reduction, something my daughter may have to think about some day. Many of the young girls who come here have had boobs jobs. Far too many. I ...
Freedompath replies on Feb 21, 2018:
Lol...I loved 'the empty boxes' analogy!
How about a non-hysterical discussion about guns in the US?
Freedompath comments on Feb 20, 2018:
I surely can see your private data base idea. That would be a start. Let me give you my experience with guns, and way before the country fell in love with them. When I was a child, my uncle shot and killed his wife through a window of their house. The father went to prison, the 5 children went ...
Freedompath replies on Feb 21, 2018:
@Taijiguy and I might add, that the study of the brain and behaviours is so would most likely completely enjoy it! Some of my own children have gotten into it!
How about a non-hysterical discussion about guns in the US?
Freedompath comments on Feb 20, 2018:
I surely can see your private data base idea. That would be a start. Let me give you my experience with guns, and way before the country fell in love with them. When I was a child, my uncle shot and killed his wife through a window of their house. The father went to prison, the 5 children went ...
Freedompath replies on Feb 21, 2018:
@Taijiguy I keep my older vehicles and I understand about repairing autos. I have been on my own since '89. without a man's help because even my son's don't live close and have much stress of their own. Sir, it is true that things must be repaired ...but an auto is perdictable! Everything in it runs a certain way and every part can be replaced! The human body is not like that! Not even a genius can predict how everything is working in a human body. There are way too many unknowns! And they effect our behavior! There is even the unseen DNA, that plays into the human body. Please Google Sopolsky, and see what he has learned. He has been on Ted Talks, too! He is one expect in the field. Don't take my word for it, do your own research! I spent 100s of dollars on college courses from The Great Courses! There are others, that are studing the brain and you can find them under brain study. The human being has so many variations in his make-up and with different could never treat him like a car engine! Learning to function within the limits of our individual makeup is the best we can expect and each person will need to fix that for himself! Even with medication, there is still work to do if you want to be the best that you can be! This is not something that is taught in this society, either. Because, I wanted to survive...I developed a super sensitivity to people's behavior! So I have been studing every person that crossed my path. I don't even know another person who has done that...except maybe some of my therapist in the past and friends who were social workers. My belief is based on all this information that I have acquired thru study and observations! And believe me when I say...a great deal of my experience came at a great cost to me! All I can say is... you are free to keep your position, but on the other hand my bet is...if you were exposed to just a quarter of what I have been exposed to... your position would change your mind in a heartbeat! Knowledge is power.
Freedompath comments on Feb 21, 2018:
Best of luck my friend. Yes, your health is most important and there is a must adjust to something different thats all!
Freedompath replies on Feb 21, 2018:
@misstuffy for sure...with your heath intact to pull it off!
How about a non-hysterical discussion about guns in the US?
Freedompath comments on Feb 20, 2018:
I surely can see your private data base idea. That would be a start. Let me give you my experience with guns, and way before the country fell in love with them. When I was a child, my uncle shot and killed his wife through a window of their house. The father went to prison, the 5 children went ...
Freedompath replies on Feb 21, 2018:
@Taijiguy google...Robert Sapolsky...American Neuroendocrinologist...Stanford University. Extensive brain study.
How about a non-hysterical discussion about guns in the US?
Freedompath comments on Feb 20, 2018:
I surely can see your private data base idea. That would be a start. Let me give you my experience with guns, and way before the country fell in love with them. When I was a child, my uncle shot and killed his wife through a window of their house. The father went to prison, the 5 children went ...
Freedompath replies on Feb 21, 2018:
@Taijiguy I understand where you are coming from. You might be surprised to know that I too, repair things. Even as I transition, I will not give up my tools! To ban or not to ban...if you studied the brain as much as I have and exposed yourself to as much mental illness as I have...i bet even your opinion would change. At first I needed to save myself and then the 'study' took on a 'mind of it's own!' If you saw it...they diesected the brain of the Las Vagus shooter and found it did have abnormal plac buildup, that could have contributed to his behavior. But, there is no way to examine everyone's brains to see what kind of damaged or chemical imbalance may be found there without brain scan. All this effects the emotional development of all of us! They report that brain damage could occur in the womb and anytime in life! They even know now, from what area of our brain, certain behaviors originate from. But, people are still unperdictable! Even a perfectly balanced person can 'loose it!' Most people have not spent as much time, learning how their emotions operates as I have. I am in touch with my anger and emotional makeup and I feel pretty certain...I could never harm another living thing, out of my anger. Most people are afraid of their own anger...which is a fair indicator that they will keep it under check, untill that anger is triggered...and if they have not learned what to do with ligimate anger...bad things can happen. Emotions are a natural part of our nature and they are there to assist us, as humans! But, they must be developed and in a healthy state...otherwise bad things can happen! This is not a culture that has spent much time learning how to use their emotions. Even though science is making new discoveries with brains. These are facts...not my opinion.
The gun 'debate' as I see it. Gun Control Supporter: Did you hear?
Freedompath comments on Feb 21, 2018:
Children shouldn't need to go to school under armed guard. This is America! What next, armed guard in the work place? Where will we finally be safe? Will those that can afford it, hire an armed guard for their home! This is insanity, pure and simple! I wonder if the 78 years before I was born, ...
Freedompath replies on Feb 21, 2018:
@Rudy1962 OMG...she is pretty low on my approval list, anyway! This is insane!
How about a non-hysterical discussion about guns in the US?
Freedompath comments on Feb 20, 2018:
I surely can see your private data base idea. That would be a start. Let me give you my experience with guns, and way before the country fell in love with them. When I was a child, my uncle shot and killed his wife through a window of their house. The father went to prison, the 5 children went ...
Freedompath replies on Feb 21, 2018:
@Taijiguy I really could care less whether you respect my opinion, but it would be nice to be exchanging ideas with some one who was educated on the matter. There are all kinds of experts in this field of the brain and our emotional health...some right out of Stanford University and many others, but, I refuse to degnify my ideas with someone who has refused to study, himself! It is far too much work to defend all that i have learned and you could have educated yourself on... just as well as me! It is clear to me that you know nothing about the brain and nervous you would never have made such a statement...'emotions are irrational!'
Can you fall in love with someone who you've never met in person?
kensmile4u comments on Feb 20, 2018:
I've never experienced it. I have developed fondness and desire for women through correspondence but that is just one of many components to falling in love. In my opinion there must be a physical component which has many layers in and of itself. For example the sound of her voice, the taste of her ...
Freedompath replies on Feb 20, 2018:
Agreed...from a female perspective! That sounds just about right!
Man created both his God and his Devil in his own image.
Troy comments on Feb 20, 2018:
If "God" is man at his best, that says something awful about man. It's saying "man" is a horrid narcissist, demanding attention and belief, and requiring that others abandon the search for real knowledge in favour of blind faith in somebody who refuses to show himself in plain sight. If that man ...
Freedompath replies on Feb 20, 2018:
I took it to mean 'man,' as in human kind, because I often think that way in my head. Probably a carry over from my reading days...the study of man, etc!
A GOP Congressman Gave Trump a Literal Bag of Prayers After the School Shooting – Friendly Atheist
Cynical-lion comments on Feb 20, 2018:
The only reaction I have to that is face-palming and cringing. Like, what a shit PR, self aggrandizing stunt that is. No, do something worth a shit if you actually care. EDIT: From reading the comments in that article and then looking at the picture again, it's an even emptier gesture than I ...
Freedompath replies on Feb 20, 2018:
This is truly sick...they had to go back and look up that pic, for this occasion!!!
Could anything you post on a site like this be construed as sexual harassment?
Jackolope74 comments on Feb 20, 2018:
Absolutely, if something is crude or of a sexual nature directed at and individual. If directed at the gender as a whole it's just misogynistic. I've seen some pretty archaic and sexist comments on posts in my short time on this site. In general I chalk it up to there always being a few nuts ...
Freedompath replies on Feb 20, 2018:
@Jackolope74 the sexual harassment has never been so prevalert as in the last 25 years.
How about a non-hysterical discussion about guns in the US?
Freedompath comments on Feb 20, 2018:
I surely can see your private data base idea. That would be a start. Let me give you my experience with guns, and way before the country fell in love with them. When I was a child, my uncle shot and killed his wife through a window of their house. The father went to prison, the 5 children went ...
Freedompath replies on Feb 20, 2018:
@Taijiguy I STAND WITH THE YOUNG PEOPLE OF FLORIDA. What we have in this country is people who have under developed empathy feelings, but they have over developed their FEELINGS about their right to own guns! These people want care at all about people that are long as it is someone's loved one on the other side of the country! My story is only one in a million and what I hope to point out, was how KILLING effects the lives of many people...NOT JUST THE DEAD PERSON! Lip service comes cheap and has no teeth! I have no idea if you are heartless, but I guarantee you one thing, I can judge by your actions...that your caring want be based on carefully crafted deflecting words and artificial tears! What are you willing to sacrifice for the safety of your fellow citizens AND INNOCENT CHILDREN ...from your post thus far...nothing!
How about a non-hysterical discussion about guns in the US?
Freedompath comments on Feb 20, 2018:
I surely can see your private data base idea. That would be a start. Let me give you my experience with guns, and way before the country fell in love with them. When I was a child, my uncle shot and killed his wife through a window of their house. The father went to prison, the 5 children went ...
Freedompath replies on Feb 20, 2018:
@jayneonacobb you did not get the meaning of half of my message...much less the jest of the whole thing. You simply cannot take in any new information, you have just frozen certain information in your mind and there is where it ends. Good luck, as you will surely need it...
CDC Scientists Plea to Congress: Let Us Research Gun Violence
koshkamat comments on Feb 19, 2018:
Because if you don't talk about it, IT ISN'T HAPPENING! Like Rick Scott's gag order on the use of 'global warming' - see? Now it ain't happening! :-)
Freedompath replies on Feb 20, 2018:
@jayneonacobb what if it proves otherwise? I have learned to 'never...write anything in stone!'
How do you feel about buddbism ?
Freedompath comments on Feb 19, 2018:
I certainly am more Buddhist than anything else. It allows for forward development. At one time I was a student and then I just progressed completely out of all religious thought. But Buddhism fits me.
Freedompath replies on Feb 20, 2018:
@Reignmond I agree...that is why I sometimes put myself in tough situations, because if everyone with the 'knowhow' shares it only with the easy people...progress will surely be slower.
What is an internet troll?
Simon1 comments on Feb 19, 2018:
I've read a few if your posts and comments not s much a troll just come across as a bit if a dick sometimes
Freedompath replies on Feb 20, 2018:
@GoldenDoll maybe this is where some of the problem lies. He has not moved far enough out of his Bible study. Like, stuck on the fence...
A Muslim told me today at my place of work that I'm going to hell.
ErichZannIII comments on Feb 19, 2018:
Well, being so rude to him was probably not the best way to go. But he also had no business telling you that.
Freedompath replies on Feb 20, 2018:
Are you sure you want to stay on some forum...where progressive thought is promoted? You are surely going to feel out of place!@Atheistman
CDC Scientists Plea to Congress: Let Us Research Gun Violence
koshkamat comments on Feb 19, 2018:
Because if you don't talk about it, IT ISN'T HAPPENING! Like Rick Scott's gag order on the use of 'global warming' - see? Now it ain't happening! :-)
Freedompath replies on Feb 19, 2018:
@jayneonacobb sounds like you are implying that it might alter your view on guns, if the CDC, comes up with something that moves statistics, which could...convince you to think differently about guns? Is this what you are saying? You only trust the findings of an authority?
CDC Scientists Plea to Congress: Let Us Research Gun Violence
crazycat329 comments on Feb 19, 2018:
I'm glad the high school students are taking a stand on this. They are just at the right age to let their voices be heard and not shut up about it. Good for them !! It is time for this issue to be addressed. Who better to lead the rallying but those who have been in the line of fire.
Freedompath replies on Feb 19, 2018:
@jayneonacobb were you an unsuspecting student at your school, when you were 'mowed down' out of the blue? We have people stabbed or shot everyday, too, none of it makes sense!
What is an internet troll?
Simon1 comments on Feb 19, 2018:
I've read a few if your posts and comments not s much a troll just come across as a bit if a dick sometimes
Freedompath replies on Feb 19, 2018:
@jayneonacobb is this your life plan...'tit for tat?'
A Muslim told me today at my place of work that I'm going to hell.
Trajan61 comments on Feb 19, 2018:
Islam is an extremely radical religion. Hell those idiots often want to kill you for not believing like they do and they also believe if they kill the infidels which is us they will go to heaven and have 72 virgins. Many of them are very dangerous so be careful.
Freedompath replies on Feb 19, 2018:
@Trajan61 you have been watching TOO much Fox news! I know better and I bet most people on this site know that BLM did not target any policemen! That is part of conspiracy theories...flooding the media! You can fool some of the people, all of the time...but you can't fool all of the people!
A Muslim told me today at my place of work that I'm going to hell.
Freedompath comments on Feb 19, 2018:
To begin with, he is not required to buy anything that he dislikes or disapproves off. A person can choose such things as what bread he will consume! There is always a deeper issue in this kind of protest! Extremely religious people (and as I recall some vegan, friends) have a difficult time ...
Freedompath replies on Feb 19, 2018:
@jayneonacobb YOU DON'T RUN THE WORLD, you need to be more flexable! And, NOTHING is perfect...not even you! Can you not see, that you are not adapting easily? That is not a character flaw, that is based on misinformation! Don't you think that you can open yourself up and allow a wider view of what is taking place around you?
A Muslim told me today at my place of work that I'm going to hell.
ErichZannIII comments on Feb 19, 2018:
Well, being so rude to him was probably not the best way to go. But he also had no business telling you that.
Freedompath replies on Feb 19, 2018:
@jayneonacobb please, please take a course in how to de-escalated a situation...I would hate to read your obituary here! You are not the only person carrying a gun, now! Two older gentlemen shot each other dead...from across the street from each other, right in my area!
A Muslim told me today at my place of work that I'm going to hell.
Freedompath comments on Feb 19, 2018:
To begin with, he is not required to buy anything that he dislikes or disapproves off. A person can choose such things as what bread he will consume! There is always a deeper issue in this kind of protest! Extremely religious people (and as I recall some vegan, friends) have a difficult time ...
Freedompath replies on Feb 19, 2018:
@jayneonacobb my son want eat pork, because the Bible says it is bad, 'unclean!' Cultures may be different but brain development is the same. Humans all have nervous system. Anger, is a human emotion just triggered to different degrees by different issues.
A Muslim told me today at my place of work that I'm going to hell.
Freedompath comments on Feb 19, 2018:
To begin with, he is not required to buy anything that he dislikes or disapproves off. A person can choose such things as what bread he will consume! There is always a deeper issue in this kind of protest! Extremely religious people (and as I recall some vegan, friends) have a difficult time ...
Freedompath replies on Feb 19, 2018:
@jayneonacobb I used my children as example of what people can be like if they feel threatened. They will REACT to anger in an exaggerated fashion. If I did not understand... that I cannot match my children's could and has resulted in a really bad scene. Their behaviour is not just happening with me. They are behaving like this in other places. And, surely, you must know that people living in a new culture will be edgy...because they are having to learn how to live, in a completely different way. That is called 'culture shock!' When I moved to San Francisco in the 80s, my friend there warned me about it! It was completely different to what I had ever experienced. That knowledge really helped me to adapt, because it caused me new anxieties!
Is it just me, or does it seem like the more religious someone is, the more they seem to fear death?
josh_karpf comments on Feb 19, 2018:
I just gotta be different. This "strong" atheist is completely terrified of death. My father's side of the family is very short-lived (though he lasted till 83 last year). I was a late bloomer in childhood and completely wasted my twenties (I'm 51 now). And though the last few years of my life ...
Freedompath replies on Feb 19, 2018:
Maybe, you have not finished all that you can do! You are simply not ready to leave, yet? In my 50s I just started to figure out some things and then living became something better than all my past! Could it be that we began to understand our real value to life? I have no fear of death, and at the same time...I don't feel ready to leave, either!
Congrats to all of you for seeing that the ideas presented by organized religion are a load of ...
Freedompath comments on Feb 18, 2018:
I do not believe in some entity as God! But, it was Einstein who proved that all life is energy, but vibrates at different speeds...which takes different forms. So for me, a force! We harness that force into all kinds of things! Even evil! I don't believe there is nothing! But at the ...
Freedompath replies on Feb 19, 2018:
@Charles1971 and with yea, also.
Does anyone else struggle with feelings of despair?
clim995 comments on Feb 18, 2018:
I'm 22 and I absolutely feel the same way. I cannot find any hope for humanity, it's like it's only a matter of time before our species shoot itself in the foot so I just spend the rest of my time reading and doing things I love not caring at this world.
Freedompath replies on Feb 18, 2018:
When we do things that we love, that helps support us in the harder things...that confront us, which we would never choose, if we had been given a choice. It has a lot to do with brain, health!
What is the real problem (about guns)?
andygee comments on Feb 16, 2018:
Mail everyone a flak jacket and a helmet.
Freedompath replies on Feb 18, 2018:
@jayneonacobb it is the 'fear'...that I am addressing! Given, just the right 'trigger,' your 'fear' can hurt someone! And sometimes, fear is triggered, out of a misunderstanding...but can be deadly just the same! Example, 'road rage!'
What is the real problem (about guns)?
evergreen comments on Feb 16, 2018:
No - I don't think taking away all guns is necessary, practical, or even possible. But I do feel we need to tighten up requirements for anyone getting a gun in the first place. And certainly that should involve stringent background checks and waiting periods. But all that will take so much ...
Freedompath replies on Feb 18, 2018:
@jayneonacobb you have proved nothing with 'tone deaf' facts! Facts, always requires ACTIONS that makes good sense? And for me, I will always error on the side of preservation of my 'fellowman.'
What is the real problem (about guns)?
alangodless comments on Feb 16, 2018:
None of the methods for violence that you list is as easy as pulling a trigger. Guns make it so easy. And they allow for violence at a distance, making it easier. And worse still our culture has made them really cool and macho. Yeah, guns have a lot going for them .... Banning them would be ...
Freedompath replies on Feb 18, 2018:
@jayneonacobb my son was here yesterday and when I read your comment to him...he reminded me that later in his life, Einstein, reported that was his greatest regret...working on that project! You surely must know that a lot of us have studied history for years, way passed the class room!
Do you have a family member (or person in your life) that you just don't want to deal with?
Freedompath comments on Feb 17, 2018:
Studing your discription makes me believe, that there is a good possibility that there is some brain disorder! Just keep in mind he is not a reflection on you, any way shape or form...maybe DNA, that's it. I have a lot of experience with the elderly, way before I got old myself. And aging is not ...
Freedompath replies on Feb 17, 2018:
@silvereyes and you know that the research is showing that head injuries any time can cause brain malfunctioning...
What is the real problem (about guns)?
andygee comments on Feb 16, 2018:
Mail everyone a flak jacket and a helmet.
Freedompath replies on Feb 17, 2018:
@jayneonacobb I respond to each person that I meet, where he is his developmental stage of life. You cannot go too wrong when you come at people from that angle. I do realize that you have not had the years of experiences that I have had and I am trying to impart some of what I have learned to you. If you can find a grain of wisdom, there, good...if not that is ok, too! But, I don"t have...nor do i share your fear of my fellow man...that is one of your/my, FACT things! From my experience, this fear will not serve you well...into your future...unless you are one out of the majority. That is my experience!
What is the real problem (about guns)?
evergreen comments on Feb 16, 2018:
No - I don't think taking away all guns is necessary, practical, or even possible. But I do feel we need to tighten up requirements for anyone getting a gun in the first place. And certainly that should involve stringent background checks and waiting periods. But all that will take so much ...
Freedompath replies on Feb 17, 2018:
@jayneonacobb you have much to learn (hopefully) my friend.
I'm a curious person, and I have a question for anyone who might have a medical answer: I often get...
Freedompath comments on Feb 16, 2018:
No, but I know lemons are good for us...I drink lemon in my water all the time!
Freedompath replies on Feb 17, 2018:
@RushinroundWI since I am not a mind reader, you will need to explain why I showed 'condescension' to Marga, (or you)? I am confused? I am not here to 'encourage communication' job is to express myself, clearly and honestly! I did not know there was a formula to follow as to responding...other than respectfully and honestly? I don't live in your mind, I express myself from my own knowledge and life experience! It even appears that you question my past communications, in conjuction with your responce above? You seem to think my comments do not meet your standards. Nothing in my statement about repeating 'seeking medical' advice was insulting or condescensing! If the manner in which I express my self is not meeting your expectations, please block me as I find it very hurtful that you would confront me on the way I express myself!
What is the real problem (about guns)?
evergreen comments on Feb 16, 2018:
No - I don't think taking away all guns is necessary, practical, or even possible. But I do feel we need to tighten up requirements for anyone getting a gun in the first place. And certainly that should involve stringent background checks and waiting periods. But all that will take so much ...
Freedompath replies on Feb 17, 2018:
@LeighShelton it is distressing...I do perceive a problem here...I simply do not think he can see how deeply he is imbedded with his idealogy. No that is not reasoning. I will keep him for now and see...I am taking into account his age...
What is the real problem (about guns)?
evergreen comments on Feb 16, 2018:
No - I don't think taking away all guns is necessary, practical, or even possible. But I do feel we need to tighten up requirements for anyone getting a gun in the first place. And certainly that should involve stringent background checks and waiting periods. But all that will take so much ...
Freedompath replies on Feb 17, 2018:
@jayneonacobb I want to be very serious here...up until we broached this gun issue I found you to have common sense and you seemed like a reasonable person, but I can only hope that you are protecting your profession somehow and are just fearful of loosing it! Because, you have run off the rails with your gun defense! IT IS NOT coming from a place of reason...that is all I know...the GUN, is YOU...YOU are the GUN? And, I suspect that you would defend your gun...until death! Hopefully, I am wrong here, but you have revealed yourself pretty clearly! You's that word thing!!
Guns for/against?
MikeFlora comments on Feb 16, 2018:
I have started a group here called Gun Control Now. We are going after assault weapons big clips and bump stocks. Everybody who agrees is welcome to join. We need all the help we can get.
Freedompath replies on Feb 17, 2018:
@jayneonacobb HELLO...YOU DON'T run the world! Are YOU aware that all these things that you are saying about other what you think about your SELF...that is how it works! You are putting it out ON us, but this is WHO you are!!!
What is the real problem (about guns)?
andygee comments on Feb 16, 2018:
Mail everyone a flak jacket and a helmet.
Freedompath replies on Feb 17, 2018:
@jayneonacobb THAT, is the would that YOU have created for yourself....that is not the world I live in and never has been!
I'm a curious person, and I have a question for anyone who might have a medical answer: I often get...
Freedompath comments on Feb 16, 2018:
No, but I know lemons are good for us...I drink lemon in my water all the time!
Freedompath replies on Feb 17, 2018:
@RushinroundWI she was told by others to seek medical attention, no need to repeat that.
What is the real problem (about guns)?
alangodless comments on Feb 16, 2018:
None of the methods for violence that you list is as easy as pulling a trigger. Guns make it so easy. And they allow for violence at a distance, making it easier. And worse still our culture has made them really cool and macho. Yeah, guns have a lot going for them .... Banning them would be ...
Freedompath replies on Feb 17, 2018:
@jayneonacobb are becoming crazy!!!!
Sad but accurate
godef comments on Feb 15, 2018:
The NRA isn't about having guns to protect self and property, it's really about grown babies who have to have their toys. Grow up already you babies, there's no Santa Claus.
Freedompath replies on Feb 17, 2018:
@jayneonacobb what is with you and 'feelings?' You keep bringing that up with people, I noticed. I am going to use my 78 yr history on need your feelings as much as you need your facts and if you don't find that out in short are not going to end up a complete person! Just keep that in your 'fact' file and check back in another 10 years!
Mystery: Who is this?
Paul628 comments on Feb 17, 2018:
Bill Murray
Freedompath replies on Feb 17, 2018:
Could be...
How do I back out gracefully?
Mkonnick comments on Feb 17, 2018:
I think the important question is how strong is your connection? Is this just a polite acquaintance or is this someone whose company you really enjoy? If it's a solid friendship I wouldn't judge based on just posts, but if not you could always gracefully bow out with a reasonable excuse. Maybe ...
Freedompath replies on Feb 17, 2018:
You would always have this group to vent with...if she is no fun..'any which away!'
Guns for/against?
GipsyOfNewSpain comments on Feb 16, 2018:
If there is nothing wrong with guns... why you can't bring them on a white house tour? a senate tour? an airplane? a school? why?
Freedompath replies on Feb 16, 2018:
@jayneonacobb NOW, you are just getting redictulous...if you are this fearful of your safety and freedom...I think it is time to see a shrink! You keep presenting in some kind of known and unknown danger!
Guns for/against?
MikeFlora comments on Feb 16, 2018:
I have started a group here called Gun Control Now. We are going after assault weapons big clips and bump stocks. Everybody who agrees is welcome to join. We need all the help we can get.
Freedompath replies on Feb 16, 2018:
@jayneonacobb because HE...NOT YOU, wanted to start a group against guns! LOL. Son start your own group THAT SUPPORTS GUN OWNERSHIP!
What is the real problem (about guns)?
alangodless comments on Feb 16, 2018:
None of the methods for violence that you list is as easy as pulling a trigger. Guns make it so easy. And they allow for violence at a distance, making it easier. And worse still our culture has made them really cool and macho. Yeah, guns have a lot going for them .... Banning them would be ...
Freedompath replies on Feb 16, 2018:
@jayneonacobb Einstein, my dear person, never wanted to make things that kill people? Where are you going with really should take note of at least a few responses and see if they mean anything to you? Stop your thoughts for a moment and ask your heart...what it thinks? You are FAR to hung up on laws and word games!
What is the real problem (about guns)?
alangodless comments on Feb 16, 2018:
None of the methods for violence that you list is as easy as pulling a trigger. Guns make it so easy. And they allow for violence at a distance, making it easier. And worse still our culture has made them really cool and macho. Yeah, guns have a lot going for them .... Banning them would be ...
Freedompath replies on Feb 16, 2018:
@markdevenish I knew there was something else that needed saying to our 'friend' nailed it! Lol. "The watch list!'
Is it just me or does others find it undignified for our VP Mike Pence, who said that he 'ignored ...
Davesnothere comments on Feb 15, 2018:
NO Pence fan here BUT Kim Jon Uns Sister is the head of Propaganda in North Korea, any and every Photo op with her will be used by her ONLY as The Leader sees fit. Do Anything with that particular woman is to feed their propagana machine.
Freedompath replies on Feb 16, 2018:
@Davesnothere where did you get 'cozy' out of my comment? Paying regard to another human being has never been considered 'cozy' ...where I come from!
If you were single on Valentine's Day, maybe this will give you some hope.
Freedompath comments on Feb 16, 2018:
Did you take into consideration he also had a favorite female cousin and another actress girl friend that committed suicide...? Maybe comparing yourself to a higher evolved person, would bring something your way! Careful, with those jokes...they speak something?
Freedompath replies on Feb 16, 2018:
@MrLizard I hope not...that joke may have all 'down sides'
What is the real problem (about guns)?
MissInfermiera comments on Feb 16, 2018:
I don't think I see anyone arguing that all guns should be banned, or at least not that I've seen. Reasonable gun regulation seems pretty much all people are begging for, which is pretty sad. I don't think there's a good reason why a civilian should be able to purchase military weapons that can kill...
Freedompath replies on Feb 16, 2018:
@Normanbites if in a rioting situation...wouldn't you want to get the 'hell' out of dodge? Or would you rather kill them by one to protect your 'things?' People seem to always come back to 'killing' with their guns and it is usually people they suspect may harm some point down the road...when they RIOT etc!!! Lol
What is the real problem (about guns)?
Akfishlady comments on Feb 16, 2018:
I don't know, there are less people dying from knife wielding crazy people. Not all people who are crazy have access to planes, flamethrowers, or construction tools but they definitely have complete access to guns. On line, gun shows, and shops. Nothing seems to block them. Plus if you look at ...
Freedompath replies on Feb 16, 2018:
@Normanbites that was an event out far one out of norm........? The 9-11...
What is the real problem (about guns)?
evergreen comments on Feb 16, 2018:
No - I don't think taking away all guns is necessary, practical, or even possible. But I do feel we need to tighten up requirements for anyone getting a gun in the first place. And certainly that should involve stringent background checks and waiting periods. But all that will take so much ...
Freedompath replies on Feb 16, 2018:
What is the real problem (about guns)?
Anonbene comments on Feb 16, 2018:
Its not the guns or the NRA or 2nd amendment supporting congressmen and women because none of those people and things would have any power if they weren't given it. The real problem with guns are the Republican parents of dead and soon to be dead school children that vote for Republicans ...
Freedompath replies on Feb 16, 2018:
@jayneonacobb PLEASE, PLEASE come down off your high, HIGH horse! I would not hesitate to break a law that harmed seem intent on hurting people to protect a LAW!
What is the real problem (about guns)?
alangodless comments on Feb 16, 2018:
None of the methods for violence that you list is as easy as pulling a trigger. Guns make it so easy. And they allow for violence at a distance, making it easier. And worse still our culture has made them really cool and macho. Yeah, guns have a lot going for them .... Banning them would be ...
Freedompath replies on Feb 16, 2018:
@jayneonacobb have you noticed that you defend 'killing'' more than you defend 'living'...just saying, I am paying attention!!!
What is the real problem (about guns)?
Mumzzzzy comments on Feb 16, 2018:
That some guns are made for killing and gun shops should not sell them.
Freedompath replies on Feb 16, 2018:
@jayneonacobb hunting is 'killing' last I heard just a short time ago!
What is the real problem (about guns)?
andygee comments on Feb 16, 2018:
Mail everyone a flak jacket and a helmet.
Freedompath replies on Feb 16, 2018:
@jayneonacobb why are you so afraid of your fellow did not say wild animals from living in the wild!
Sad but accurate
godef comments on Feb 15, 2018:
The NRA isn't about having guns to protect self and property, it's really about grown babies who have to have their toys. Grow up already you babies, there's no Santa Claus.
Freedompath replies on Feb 16, 2018:
@jayneonacobb do you realize that you yourself, does not believe that you are free to live your life...without your gun? You said it right here! Have you given much thought as to why you feel, less happy and free without your gun? For me, that is a scary thought...your gun is your everything...even above your country and it's citizens! It's PEOPLE, not a land mass... Can't you see why we feel threatened by you...when faced with a choice between your gun and will choose your gun! That is where your happiness lies!
Sad but accurate
godef comments on Feb 15, 2018:
The NRA isn't about having guns to protect self and property, it's really about grown babies who have to have their toys. Grow up already you babies, there's no Santa Claus.
Freedompath replies on Feb 16, 2018:
@jayneonacobb you are digging your own 'grave' can't shut down your debater, because you disagree with them! You either believe in what you espouse and hold that position or you change your mind! We don't shoot people here...simply for adamantly disagreeing...even though it has happened, elsewhere! I am struck on how much you have attacked the other people here, myself included...on 'emotions,' when clearly in your response you are way beyond emotional?? You not only discount their opinions, but now you are discounting the person!! Explain please?
Sad but accurate
godef comments on Feb 15, 2018:
The NRA isn't about having guns to protect self and property, it's really about grown babies who have to have their toys. Grow up already you babies, there's no Santa Claus.
Freedompath replies on Feb 16, 2018:
@jayneonacobb I am always looking for the humane side of life...the legal side is always debatable...
Sad but accurate
godef comments on Feb 15, 2018:
The NRA isn't about having guns to protect self and property, it's really about grown babies who have to have their toys. Grow up already you babies, there's no Santa Claus.
Freedompath replies on Feb 16, 2018:
@jayneonacobb if we had no feelings, we would all be barbarians...but you keep your stance! I am not moved in this case...logic and reason is where I come from! And I have studied the 'framers,' and I beg to differ! I take back 'barbarians,' we would be worse off...we would be sub-human! Barbarians had their under-evloved feelings of meaness!
Thoughts and Prayers and NRA Funding
Freedompath comments on Feb 15, 2018:
Yes, vote for politicians that want allow themselves to be sold to the NRA. The buck should stop with our elected officials...and not 'bought' by the lobbist, either! There must be people running for office that believe in preserving safe schools, so that children can get an education! What a ...
Freedompath replies on Feb 16, 2018:
@Ktcyan a truer statement could not be made...
Sad but accurate
godef comments on Feb 15, 2018:
The NRA isn't about having guns to protect self and property, it's really about grown babies who have to have their toys. Grow up already you babies, there's no Santa Claus.
Freedompath replies on Feb 16, 2018:
@jayneonacobb 'yea, protest to much,' my friend! And, where are your facts to support your position...the 2nd Amendment? The 2nd Amendment, was never intended to give guns to every 'Tom, Dick and Harry in this country! Read, 'the founding fathers,' not just the words in the amendment! They were reasonable people...not emotionally driven, gun nuts!
Is it just me or does others find it undignified for our VP Mike Pence, who said that he 'ignored ...
Davesnothere comments on Feb 15, 2018:
NO Pence fan here BUT Kim Jon Uns Sister is the head of Propaganda in North Korea, any and every Photo op with her will be used by her ONLY as The Leader sees fit. Do Anything with that particular woman is to feed their propagana machine.
Freedompath replies on Feb 16, 2018:
@Davesnothere that has a ring of truth in it...but, we are not looking to good to the rest of the world, just now! And, we need support and respect...just in case! A friend in Vietnam, who keeps up with world views, tells me how we are practically made fun of now, in that part of the world! That only gives Kim, my opinion! Let's not forget he was schooled in the US, he knows something about us. At least what we once were!
Another f@!king mass shooting here in America! At least 17 dead, 23 injured.
Lancer comments on Feb 14, 2018:
The issue has and always will be 1) a lack of parenting 2) the presence of mental illness Gun laws don't stop mass shootings. Australia is a good example. The port Arthur massacre was done using illegal guns. 35 killed, 23 wounded. Done using illegal weapons. Gun laws don't stop gun ...
Freedompath replies on Feb 16, 2018:
@Lancer I agree, in a perfect world, all families need to be together and supportive of one another, but some families are better off, separated. I my self, choose a partner before I knew who I was. Even without the alcoholism, it was a pitiful match that produced 5 children and I was brought up to believe that you stayed in a marriage...period! My children got a lot of 'imprinting' due to my misery in that relationship. And, that is not counting the distortion from the alcoholic side. My successful adult children struggle with self worth and pain that interferes with coping in their adult life, simply because i could not be fully present when each child needed me the most. On the other hand, if I had stayed in that marriage, I likely, would not be here today. Religions, are not geared to teach coping skills, they mostly ...can only offer an altered state of consciousness, a kind of fantasy...that in my mind does not exist! And, the world is mostly religious. They present a mostly black and white view of what living in the real world looks like. This 'altered state' did not work for me and I lay exposed to the world and could not protect myself, because I did not have the skills to do that. It took years to develop those skills. But, I want to point out that I passed on my heartache and pain my young children!
Apart from Sadoi, who else found love here? It looks like impossible.
SocraticAddict comments on Feb 16, 2018:
Staying optimistic but nothing yet. Optimism might run out if I'm in the same boat after another 25 years though.
Freedompath replies on Feb 16, 2018:
You will only be about begins at 50! Best of luck to you...


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