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Achieving level 6 reminds me of turning 13, 18, and 21 years old.
Freedompath comments on Feb 24, 2018:
And not only crank up for the next level, with the same milestone illusion...
Do you think everything happen for a reason? how can we know its reason?
Freedompath comments on Feb 24, 2018:
In my earlier life, i made that statement all the time. That was... when I thought there was some overpowering force of a MAN-LIKE entity, putting me through some kind of paces in order to show me what HE could do and what I was made of! Now...I believe none of that...and life is still progressing in the same manner. I just use what I have learned and try to make the best decisions, based on that knowledge and experience AND adjust myself when necessary! Every event in my life can be put to good use, so in that sense...'everything happens for a reason!'
Does anyone have an opinion of the swinger lifestyle?
Freedompath comments on Feb 24, 2018:
Well, I am afraid I would de-friend you as well. I cannot see how the human condition is lifted up or improved in the least...with this life style. Your friends must, most llikely be people who have your same interest. If that suits all of you, then so be it. Sexual pleasure is wrapped up in so many other emotions that need to develop with time...this life style will not build your character and thus it must be stunted! Not to mention, it is not accepted as a norm in our you will be going against the grain in your everyday life! Now, I am not a conformist, but I do know something about my human sexual nature and development of other aspects of my nature and swinging from 'sexual partners with my sexual partner'...would do nothing toward my overall mental, emotional and physical health! It will be an errosion from the inside...out! Same as if your daily diet was only ice cream!
I recently confronted a family member that tended to give me a look of disgust every time I ...
Freedompath comments on Feb 24, 2018:
It will be difficult to convence this thinker that everything is well and good in your world of atheism. Some of the friends and family that I lost over my belief system never came back into my life and the ones that are still in my life, are guarded and we don't speak about religion. If, you are looking for change and acceptance, you may not have enough time left to see it happen. That is the sad truth. I feel pretty much ok, without the people who cannot accept me (and maybe I felt the same with them, at some point.) Life goes forward, not backwards...
HATER: How do y'all like being called that?
Freedompath comments on Feb 24, 2018:
I find it difficult trying to explain to theist, anything from the other direction. When I was moving away from my religious upbringing, I felt compelled to state and defend my position. Boy! Does that take energy! I have arrived at a place, that I almost don't care what 'they' are doing over there on the 'otherside!' Now, if I see cruelity or abuse, I will need to take a stand. Some things just don't need to be proven to me or them anymore!
What is “worse” to you – being lied to spare your feelings, or being told the truth when the ...
Freedompath comments on Feb 24, 2018:
I would take the hard truth and move past it...any old day of the week! In fact, I have been making an observation about myself, when people keep stuff in order to spare my feelings and I found it caused me to feel a loss of confidence...some kind of weakness! Like having a rug pulled...from under me. In other words, I am not strengthened at all!
"The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.
Freedompath comments on Feb 24, 2018:
No truer words ever helps to strip away any habits of behaving against your self! Just own all of youself...
Atlanta GA, single Atheists and Agnostics?
Freedompath comments on Feb 24, 2018:
Best of luck...this is great idea! If I were not leaving I would participate!
What's the best way to get into a woman's heart (if ya know what I mean).
Freedompath comments on Feb 24, 2018:
I think there needs to be at least a little chemistry and then show a lot of respect for her individuality and except the things that she likes that are different to you and sometimes do the thing that she enjoys most, even when you really don't care for it. And for 'gods' sake don't patronize!
A coworker asked me today, "what do you Pagans eat for Thanksgiving?" Um. . .
Freedompath comments on Feb 24, 2018:
Once I merged with myself...everyday is a day of Thanksgiving! Sometimes I go out of my way and prepare something special, at other times, just everyday fruits and vegetables...sometimes meat! We can keep in mind, that we once knew less...than what we know now!
An 'adult' lifetime, to date, spent contemplating many highly and emotionally disputed issues has ...
Freedompath comments on Feb 24, 2018:
Isn't life most like a pendulum, it swings one way on social issues of the day and from out of no where, it swings in the other direction. Case in point, I never saw this trump thing coming! Yet somehow, I know we (not me personally) have been here before! Societies...?
All of my friends have been filmmakers, small press editors, writers and artists.
Freedompath comments on Feb 24, 2018:
I agree, my mind is always creating something! Most of my friends are creative as well. There is just way to much to be learned and experienced. Since I am an artist...and a visual learner, I take in everything around me! I have had more projects going that I can ever complete. Everything can be made into something else! And I have ended up with a truck load of supplies, that is needing another home!
Jehovah's Witnesses just came to my door for the second time this month.
Freedompath comments on Feb 23, 2018:
You have my admiration, as,I gave up politeness...long ago!
I feel like I have been gone so long! Couldn't afford internet anymore so I let them cancel ...
Freedompath comments on Feb 23, 2018:
I have always done your same thing! You don't need to exist your vehicle at McDonald's in order to hook into WiFi! Good luck and keep the questions and answers coming...
Churchgoers can't seem to understand this, but I'd like some input as to how to make this clearer to...
Freedompath comments on Feb 23, 2018:
Yes, I can't respect the motivation behind 'the do gooder,' it seems like a kind of munipulation, not given from a place of love with no other expectations!
Do you think being on a site like this, with constant validation on a specific topic, can lead to ...
Freedompath comments on Feb 23, 2018:
Don't you think it is like any grieving process? You loose something that was important to you, at one time or the other! Even, if it was only an idea. Every loss must be grieved, sometimes it isn't necessary to go thru all 5 stages! Denial, bargaining, .? .anger, acceptance. I can't remember one of the stages, but I do know that anger was one.
Are there some of you who have had to sever relationships with overly religious family members?
Freedompath comments on Feb 23, 2018:
I was ostracized...before I ever went to agnostic! Because, I rebelled over so many of the religious teachings and demanded answers. You never question the Bible...period, with the established religion!
Sam Harris. What's your take on him?
Freedompath comments on Feb 23, 2018:
I happen to appreciate Harris' ideas...likewise, Bill Maher!
Does or has anyone really felt they fit in?
Freedompath comments on Feb 23, 2018:
Finally, YES! these later years, I feel as if I fit in! But, it seemed to come as a result of my accepting myself as I truely feel...that I am! No hopefully young attractive looks to get me acceptance. No special talent that stands out! No, bending over backwards so as not to offend people. I am just an older person now, that believes that I have a purpose to give away whatever wisdom that I have aquired. And, give up trying to please anybody but myself, in matters of living (some people will criticize us, for not letting them criticize us)! It is a wonderful feelings to accept yourself...warts and ALL!
Hello, fellow heathens.
Freedompath comments on Feb 23, 2018:
Welcome and I think you will find some interesting things to comment about and maybe have more questions of your own. Good luck with your mate search, at least you should find friendly exchanges here, (maybe a few discontent ones). No need to afford them extra energy, though!
If we're serious about drawing distinctions between "acceptably dangerous" and "unacceptably ...
Freedompath comments on Feb 23, 2018:
I sure never gave that any thought...I sure hope people with this knowledge step forward and define this information for laws!
Does psychotherapy really help?
Freedompath comments on Feb 23, 2018:
It surely helped me! My mother was a sociapath and my sister is schizophrenic, and well before I knew the words for these mental disorders, I somehow knew that I would really have to work hard at revamping my exposure to so much mental illness! Yes, psychotherapy help save my life and my sanity, because in my younger years, medications were limited and the few that were available had unpleasant side effects! In my case it took many reason being I had no support! No friends, a husband that was alcoholic and 5 children to raise! I had therapist tell me, that they had never had a patient that worked harder than I did! I wanted a life that mattered! Yes, it worked...
Conspiracy Theories - Do you believe in any?
Freedompath comments on Feb 23, 2018:
Well...I must be in a world of my own, because I did not believe the first one of those conspiracy! I have read about all of them, and all have been debunked! I do believe in 'debunking!' I believe in what I can see for myself...mostly! And anything else will need lots of information from different views on the facts! And, I need creditable people to give information and even then I may be reading between the lines! That is just me!
I’ve been shot in combat.
Freedompath comments on Feb 23, 2018:
I completely agree...the POWERS THAT BE, are grasping at straws! The country has gone mad! Can't you just see cross fire in a school full of scattering schoolchildren? If the gun is locked up by the time it could be retrieved, many people could die! What teacher can be focusing on her class room studies and keeping an eye out for someone that might show up with a gun? She/he would even get the blame if the shooter couldn't be stopped! This is a disaster and beyond shortsighted! And MORE IMPORTANTLY, what kind of message does it send to young kids...that they must have armed people protecting them at school, because it is a dangerous place! This is insane! This is not Barbarianville! And it may be a dark day, is not the dark ages!
Would you be a better god than the god of the bible? If so - how?
Freedompath comments on Feb 22, 2018:
I would not want that position in any way shape or form! It is way above my pay grade!
One of my friend has a friend that wrote his views on religion.
Freedompath comments on Feb 22, 2018:
That is as real as 'sunshine'...he pulled us along into his goodness so we could celebrate a life, in spite of our grief for his having to leave so soon.
When you were young, what type of fort did you build?
Freedompath comments on Feb 22, 2018:
I built a lean-to, in the woods out of sticks and pine branches. I felt so proud of what I had done. I can't remember if my sister and brother even played in it! I just remember the building process!
Do you guys have bed and breakfast or guest house.
Freedompath comments on Feb 22, 2018:
Those are NOT Christians...Jesus, would have taken them in and washed their feet...I do know the teachings and even believe they 'hold weight' in the 'real world!' Such blatant disregard for real human beings!
YES! I'm turned loose from PT and OT and home health.
Freedompath comments on Feb 22, 2018:
I do believe in a whole package. So focus on what gives you...your meaning. What is it that you feel you were put here to do and just keep doing more and more of it! Your body is just the vehicle to carry around the person that you are. Keep it in the best working order that you can and try not to take on any fears that others around you might have. We each have our own fears and they are our only responsibility. Best of luck in all that you desire...
Freedompath comments on Feb 22, 2018:
I know for certain that we each must live our 'truth!' Otherwise, we will end up fragmented. It takes enormous energy to keep our real self 'under wraps!' It will come out, when we least expect it and may really cause us misery then! Everybody, is better off, when we are ourselves...even when others don't approve! At least it is not based on a lie of some kind! Some people want approve of us, no matter who/what we are.
Do you think hating someone is unnecessary?
Freedompath comments on Feb 22, 2018:
I don't know that 'hate' is 'unnecessary,' but...I do know that it keeps you hooked to that person or thing and I can't see how you would ever be free! It has been my experience that when I identify that 'hate' feeling as anger, and realize that it is a ligimate reaction to some way that I believe that I have been wronged...I own it, and give it up. And, my anger comes in many different degrees. But, reconizeing it is step one...then I must decide what to do with it! I could use it to write letter to the newspaper...I could speak with person that I feel wronged me and let them know my hurt! Once I take sensible (but not always) action, I can let go and mostly put it behind me! I may retain the memory but not the hurt.
Billy Graham's Legacy Is Conflating White Christianity And Patriotism | HuffPost
Freedompath comments on Feb 22, 2018:
Yes, he used his status and especially his ability to reach the average person...with his powerful speaking style...he brought people together in a common religious thought. Where would the critical thinkers come from out of this mass indoctrination? These people were convinced they just needed to be good and 'repent of their sins and come to Christ.' That is all that was expected of them. And, ofcourse DONATE! If he progressed from his preaching of Bible as 'the word of the living God'... he surely never revealed that information. And...his son Franklin, took the organization to the 'far right,' with an even stronger dogma! I cannot judge Billy Graham as having uplifted 'mankind' as a whole...he was just expert at promoting a mental/emotional state of religiosity!
I went to the Cathedral for the first time in years this evening.
Freedompath comments on Feb 22, 2018:
That is amazing! These days...I thought were the modern times...where we treat our 'fellow man' with respect and dignity. What you reported is not respectful nor sees fellow citizens as 'deserving.' That seems like a put down for the female, which effects everyone one way or the other? In fact, it makes me wonder if, a great portion of this nation has been 'sideswiped' into believing...that no one deserves to be "lifted up' and promoted to our higher nature. That in fact...there is no such thing, as 'our higher nature!' This may well be a tactic to keep people confused, so the populace want rise up against the ESTABLISHMENT? I expect to read something like this from the dark ages...not from the modern day Catholic Church!
I think many people on this site are very capable of analysing the effectiveness of preaching.
Freedompath comments on Feb 21, 2018:
Billy Graham, had a perfect speaking skill. He just found religion and off he went! He really had a simply message, delivered with a convincing open style. I am convinced that most of his appeal was his delivery! Even i, am impressed when he is speaking at the pulpit...and nearly wishing he had something for me! He kept his message simple and to my knowledge never envolved himself in some scandalous affair or situation. I heard on the news that he was worth 9 million dollars...not a lot compared to other televangelist. I also heard that it is suspected that his son Franklin wrote his last books. In my mind, he is just one of those 'decent people'...that could be from any religion.
I am seriously considering building a "church style" building on my place complete with steeple and ...
Freedompath comments on Feb 21, 2018:
That might be more work than you bargain for! Bible thumpers are mostly very serious when it comes to that Bible and even their religion. I can see that idea (this building and service), twisted into an unrecognizable formate by the local people, when word got around and they might bring in reinforcements. Now, some kind of building to use as a study hall...say for book discussions including the Bible might work. I just wonder if society is accepting enough yet, for such a blatant display using contradictory themes?
I dated a guy once that I soon kicked to the curb.
Freedompath comments on Feb 21, 2018:
YOU GO GIRL! Thinking about the breast is just another way to control!! Another way to point out that we are not good enough, in our appearance just as we are...for that person! How many other ways will i not measure up, is what I would be thinking?
I dared to ask to have the radio switched to a different station from a Christian station today in a...
Freedompath comments on Feb 21, 2018:
If that were me, I would try and tolerate it when possible...simply because I am a guest in someone else's car. But. I would definitely ask to change to something else, if I just couldn't take it at that time. People listening to Christian radio and TV are simply hard to redirect. It gives them a sense of security and shows others that they love the lord, too! This is the reason that they are harder to be friends with. Christians wear their religion...they promote Jesus and the Bible, 'Jesus loves me, etc!' They do not internalize the teachings and improve themselves with it. And when they use the is usually just to memorize support an opinion or glorify Jesus or God.
The gun 'debate' as I see it. Gun Control Supporter: Did you hear?
Freedompath comments on Feb 21, 2018:
Children shouldn't need to go to school under armed guard. This is America! What next, armed guard in the work place? Where will we finally be safe? Will those that can afford it, hire an armed guard for their home! This is insanity, pure and simple! I wonder if the 78 years before I was born, went into dacay the way the last 78 years have gone in America? All because we value guns more than life itself! Having 500 people injured and 50 odd people dead just attending a concert, didn't move the needle. Beautiful young people shot at their highschool, 17 to be exact! Now those young people intended to move the needle...took to their statehouse, only to find the polticians voted no for any kind of gun control! They are in for s rude awakening! Human life does not count very much! We care more for animals now, than we do our humans! There are people in prison for cruelty toward animals! Things are upside down in this country!
I have achieved level 6! Behold my naughtiness and tremble before me! Cower, brief 5 through 1s! ...
Freedompath comments on Feb 21, 2018:
Congrats...there are always many surprises at every level! If you don't get smarter, you should hopefully have a few laughs!
Freedompath comments on Feb 21, 2018:
Best of luck my friend. Yes, your health is most important and there is a must adjust to something different thats all!
183 Coffins For Idaho Children Killed By Faith Healing Parents
Freedompath comments on Feb 21, 2018:
Where is the logic in giving people the impression that modern medicine can't help a sick child? There are so many laws now, that it simple makes my head swim!
Petition: Designate the National Rifle Association (NRA) as a Domestic Terrorist Organization under ...
Freedompath comments on Feb 21, 2018:
Maybe they aren't the terrorist themselves, but they are promoting gun ownership to every person in this country. Some of which will use their gun to kill people! So I say they support terrorism.
Dallas official asks NRA to consider another city for annual convention - ABC News
Freedompath comments on Feb 21, 2018:
I saw that interview...if more people stand up to the NRA, that would be a good start.
Trump Budget Sends $1 Billion To Private Religious Schools
Freedompath comments on Feb 21, 2018:
This is truely sickening. In 2 and a half years, when we can VOTE, this perverted person out of the WhiteHouse...America's children will have lost that many important years of their education. How is this legal? If Obama had done something like this, people would have burned the WhiteHouse, down!! Now, it appears 100 million people are staring helpless through their tears as their country is dragged into fundamentalism!
I've been gone for a while from the site, has there been any drama I've missed?
Freedompath comments on Feb 20, 2018:
Yes...we just carried on the normal everyday drama, knowing that you would soon come 'home' and give us a hand in adding more color to the drama...we are experiencing now!
Can you fall in love with someone who you've never met in person?
Freedompath comments on Feb 20, 2018:
Well...I certainly thought I was madly in love once, with someone from a distance! And, when I met that person, I was almost in shock at how the relationship seemed in person! I think that I convinced my psychic into a love that never existed! But, then I have never been very satisfied with 'mail ordered' anything! I have found real love to be a little boring and often times hard work. I would never trust euphoria, again!
I just joined last night so I'm getting the feel for the site. Does everyone like it?
Freedompath comments on Feb 20, 2018:
I can't say if these people are cool (maybe generational word gap), but these are serious people with serious thoughts with sprinkles of a few crazy ones mixed in and that never hurt anybody before! So good luck and welcome!
Religions make promises of Paradise and Hell and the gullible live their lives led by the nose and ...
Freedompath comments on Feb 20, 2018:
I believe people start out wanting to be good people and do the right thing. And often times they run into people who have a gift for selling 'snake oil.' The rightous preacher! And off they go...following the 'truth,' at that moment down the next snake hole! I can remember, ever so clearly in my late teens, making a conscious decision to be the 'most holy person that I could possibly be!' I felt that I was on my way! And, then real life set in...the rest is history! And I never became holy, as far as I could find! Lol. And better still, i never latched onto a Savior of any kind!
Could anything you post on a site like this be construed as sexual harassment?
Freedompath comments on Feb 20, 2018:
I believe it could...but wouldn't it be out in the open and others would attest to it as well?
Hey, I'm now at level 7!
Freedompath comments on Feb 20, 2018:
Well, that is no small feat! And, it had to be worked for...not handed out on a 'silver platter!' Congrats!!!
Man created both his God and his Devil in his own image.
Freedompath comments on Feb 20, 2018:
Never read that before...but can believe it with my whole heart!!
Soar high angry bird!
Freedompath comments on Feb 20, 2018:
That is certainly where I am, at the moment! Please... may I borrow him for my buddy, too?
A GOP Congressman Gave Trump a Literal Bag of Prayers After the School Shooting – Friendly Atheist
Freedompath comments on Feb 20, 2018:
What struck me was the smiles on those 2 men's faces...while families are burying their children, just a short distance from trump's SUMMER home! If this is my country...I have surely ended up in hell!
With the exception of funerals, I tend to err on the side of underdressing, except for my hat.
Freedompath comments on Feb 20, 2018:
I could add the hat, now! I am pleased to hear someone address this issue! To much is paid to our apparel! I am not what I wear! But, I would like to feel comfortable in what I choose to wear and everyone else can please themselves as well!
How about a non-hysterical discussion about guns in the US?
Freedompath comments on Feb 20, 2018:
I surely can see your private data base idea. That would be a start. Let me give you my experience with guns, and way before the country fell in love with them. When I was a child, my uncle shot and killed his wife through a window of their house. The father went to prison, the 5 children went into foster homes and had horrible lives. One child killed himself. The father died in an insane facility. As a young child I was deeply effected by this event. Another member of my family shot and killed the person they had been dating. Tell the suffering parents of that person, 'sorry about your loss!' If that wasn't bad enough, that same person who avoided prosecution, was able to obtain another gun, 10 yrs later and shot another person, who did recover! These events caused me much suffering at the time! Now, mine is just one story and it had wide range ramifications. This country will have to come to grips with it's insane romanticism with guns...people with guns, kill themselves or other people...either on purpose or accidentally! That is a fact. There is not a way to 'soft sell' this killing delimma! We no longer need guns to obtain our food source...and it is a deadly sport for a hobby! Even football professionals are changing their position on head injuries, because people die or are greatly harmed! A gun is far more deadly than a head injury in a football game! Everyone, deserves to feel safe in his home, his community, his own country! If a foreign entity was killing this many people in our country, this whole country would rise up...with our bare hands and pitch forks! We are in denial...people are being killed left and right...with all manner of excuses AS TO WHY!! It no longer matters, WHY...INNOCENT, young people do not deserve to be shot at school or any place else in this country! That is what I know!!
CDC Scientists Plea to Congress: Let Us Research Gun Violence
Freedompath comments on Feb 19, 2018:
It is about time!!!
What is an internet troll?
Freedompath comments on Feb 19, 2018:
I don't agree that you are a troll. But, I am baffled at the way you are so quick to label other people? Your antenna is pointed out catching everything that flys by! But, what I keep wondering is...what is in your heart and are you the person that you want to be? You seem to be struggling with different parts of your nature! The one part that you deny and the other that you approve of?
I would like to open a Freethinking coffee house. What should I name it?
Freedompath comments on Feb 19, 2018:
Eternity Plus
How do you feel about buddbism ?
Freedompath comments on Feb 19, 2018:
I certainly am more Buddhist than anything else. It allows for forward development. At one time I was a student and then I just progressed completely out of all religious thought. But Buddhism fits me.
Gingrich in N. Naples: 'Atheist philosophy' is threat to Christianity
Freedompath comments on Feb 19, 2018:
This man has always been WAY out there in 'right' field, but now he is just spreading insanity! As far as I am concerned, he is so far wrong, I would cross to the other side of the street, if I saw him coming in my direction! I know this man's history up close and personal!!!
A Muslim told me today at my place of work that I'm going to hell.
Freedompath comments on Feb 19, 2018:
To begin with, he is not required to buy anything that he dislikes or disapproves off. A person can choose such things as what bread he will consume! There is always a deeper issue in this kind of protest! Extremely religious people (and as I recall some vegan, friends) have a difficult time accepting things/ideas that they don't believe in. Maybe part of their venting about something in their life that they can't come to grips with? If we are restricted in our education about life...about what it is to be human, and we are exposed to things that we are taught are bad or even evil...most people will react severely. In my own family...two children, simply operate in the world as if their beliefs are who they are...they don't just hold opinions on a matter! If you stripped them of their thoughts, they would be 'nothing!' They are some of how they operate must come out of that teaching. But also, it could be a lack of brain development. Which predisposes them to this kind of religious endocternation. It all boils down to brain development at certain stages in childhood. And, there could even be brain damage! No one should be forced to bend over backwards to please everybodies...very different whims! That would be impossible!
Is it just me, or does it seem like the more religious someone is, the more they seem to fear death?
Freedompath comments on Feb 19, 2018:
The Christian's fear of death could be, a fear of the 'unknown?' Since they live in a somewhat unexamined reality...they certainly don't spent much time on death as a final resting place. They seem to go from living...straight away to heaven. Even in the grave they expect to be raptured out of their graves straight away to heaven! A Christian's fears could be wrapped around the complete package...because little is based in reality. They are fed this idea of leaving this life of struggle and strife, for a 'city paved with streets of gold!' There is a lot of unresolved fear, if you are told this life is disastrous, but there is a better one waiting for you when you die! What incentive do you have to figure out this life, that you are living now? As a Christian, they are trained to look outside them selves for their answers! And, to fear (overtly, if not covertly) the people who do not believe like them...there simply is no introspection, with most of the Christian Religions...except to identify their sins and ask forgiveness...from God! Or, his wrath will come down upon will burn in hell, forever? It looks like a vicious, need to keep feeding the monster!
I Bought Me A Bike Today!
Freedompath comments on Feb 18, 2018:
How fun...the sun and wind will be on your face and something about bikes, gives me the feeling of more freedom! I hope it does for you as well! Good luck with your weight loss, too!
How do you handle talking to a parent when they are politically opposite of you?
Freedompath comments on Feb 18, 2018:
Well it can easily be a child! I have similar reaction as your self, at the very mention of trump's name! But my 55 year old daughter just may have gone off the deep end. It has gotten worse and worse. She has a very responsible position as office manager for a manufacturing company. She has always leaned toward the evangelicals, but she is getting way out there now! I have spent many an hour in the past, trying to reason with her and I doubt that I have made a dent. My son just reported that she is putting bazar things on Facebook (I don't do Facebook) and recently while assisting their Dad (we are divorced), during an operation, she just went off!! It is a helpless feeling seeing any family member steeped in...what I consider unreality! My daughter seems to have doubled down in defense of trump! It is a helpless feeling, seeing my daughter like this. I really don't have an answer and I surely love my daughter! I am even beginning to wonder if it is best that I stay away from her? If I can't be of help, then I surely don't wish to create more harm!
Newbie. Will see how this group goes. Looks positive.
Freedompath comments on Feb 18, 2018:
Welcome, please stay and see what can happen...if nothing else, you could have a few laughs. And, a great possibility that you will experience some serious discussions, worth your time!
Congrats to all of you for seeing that the ideas presented by organized religion are a load of ...
Freedompath comments on Feb 18, 2018:
I do not believe in some entity as God! But, it was Einstein who proved that all life is energy, but vibrates at different speeds...which takes different forms. So for me, a force! We harness that force into all kinds of things! Even evil! I don't believe there is nothing! But at the same time...I do not believe in some God!
Does anyone else struggle with feelings of despair?
Freedompath comments on Feb 18, 2018:
I find it easy to get caught up in the dis-ease of our society and my place in it. What has helped me the most, is to realize that it is not the great things (they are important), that keeps this old world turning, but it is the everyday efforts of each of us. If you think about it... is it really possible to do nothing? If we create chaos, that adds more dis-ease. If we create good, with our actions and our words...that cannot create more dis-ease. The few great things that are so glamorized, and repeated, can fool us into thinking, if we can't do something great...then whatever we could do, does not matter! I do not believe that any more, I have come across so many brave and courageous people, making a difference and few people were even aware of their efforts! Claim your place in this life, and honor your efforts, as we all must!
Is intelligence or wisdom more useful?
Freedompath comments on Feb 18, 2018:
I believe wisdom to be more important. Because, even some genius' have been insane! My own schizophrenic, sister has a genius iq, (tested).
In a recent post I mentioned to watch the religious zealots blame the shootings on a lack of prayer ...
Freedompath comments on Feb 18, 2018:
The insanity just seems to gather steam...this could be a tipping point though! Those students seem to have clarity and purpose! I will surely support their efforts!
My mum is coming to stay for a couple of days which is great, I miss her very much.
Freedompath comments on Feb 17, 2018:
I know that this does not suit you, and probably you would rather go some place else. If you cannot come up with something that your mom would agree to substitute, in place of mass, think about it as just doing something for someone else, simply because it makes them happy (if it really makes her happy). You could study the architecture, and the people...that is what I have done in certain instances. I really do study people! I can tell you...that I would give anything if my mother was still here, so that I could do some little something special for her. And believe me my mom was not a real mother to me. I am not saying this to guilt you, but death is final, there are no 'redos' after death! Nothing...only a memory of what once was...
Do you have a family member (or person in your life) that you just don't want to deal with?
Freedompath comments on Feb 17, 2018:
Studing your discription makes me believe, that there is a good possibility that there is some brain disorder! Just keep in mind he is not a reflection on you, any way shape or form...maybe DNA, that's it. I have a lot of experience with the elderly, way before I got old myself. And aging is not the same for all people! Also, some medication that he might be taking could be 'off.' And, there is a possibility he has some depression going on! Lots of depression with aging. Just make it a point to visit, when you are not depleted yourself! And, let it be ok...most people understand that a lot of older people are contrary! My best to you...
Intercultural Miscommunication?
Freedompath comments on Feb 17, 2018:
I was in class with a gal that spoke with what I thought was an Australian accent and when I ask her if she was from Australia, she turned to me, kinda mad and ask why I thought that. I explained that I have know some people from there and her dialect sounded similar! Well, no she said, her home place is South Africa! It did have a UK , influence so I was somewhat surprised! We became close friends since that class 6-7 years ago, so it worked out. Some people are sensitive about their home countries, I learned.
What you know about tides is probably wrong... []
Freedompath comments on Feb 17, 2018:
That will surely clear up our outdated ideas...
Thoughts & Prayers: The Game
Freedompath comments on Feb 17, 2018:
Loved your video...
Neil deGrasse Tyson: ‘Prayer Is Insufficient To Stop Bullets From Killing School Children’
Freedompath comments on Feb 17, 2018:
Completely is beginning to look like a cop-out...because someone doesn't want to face the horror of the tragedy!
Thoughts & Prayers: The Game
Freedompath comments on Feb 17, 2018:
Oh! That will give you pause! Brings it right into 'minds eye'!
Mystery: Who is this?
Freedompath comments on Feb 17, 2018:
He looks familiar, but I cannot come up with anything!
How do I back out gracefully?
Freedompath comments on Feb 17, 2018:
I would think that if she is not pushing you, about her faith and you enjoy her should work, ok! I like some men very much and they are a bit on the faith thing...but if I am not looked down on and they don't try and shame me, because of their/my religion, I am ok with it? One time should tell you for sure all you need to know!
I'm moving to NYC by the end of the month, any advice ladies and gentlemen?
Freedompath comments on Feb 17, 2018:
No, but best of luck! I am not a New York City kinda person now, gotta go there when you are younger!
Are there enough Brits on this site to warrant setting up some kind of group?
Freedompath comments on Feb 16, 2018:
I am not, but I certainly support I have come across several Brits in our discussions! Good luck!
Republican Lisa Murkowski says it’s time for her party to take climate change seriously. | Grist
Freedompath comments on Feb 16, 2018:
Yes, if she stands her ground...she is a little on the wobbly side, but hey! Anything Is better than NOTHING!
New job.
Freedompath comments on Feb 16, 2018:
Hopefully, she meant you 'well and good'...even if you perceived it was from her faith place and not 'herself!' If I read between the lines right? Some people really are good people, but for us who have moved out of that, 'live by faith,' stuff...we are not at all nurtured by it! And you might need a little nurturing right now! Sometimes i will eat those peanutbutter crackers at lunch time...they keep in purse and starve off hunger! Best of luck to you!
I'm a curious person, and I have a question for anyone who might have a medical answer: I often get...
Freedompath comments on Feb 16, 2018:
No, but I know lemons are good for us...I drink lemon in my water all the time!
To all the old men like me (over 60): Don’t you love and hate this group at the same time?
Freedompath comments on Feb 16, 2018:
Same for women...but, every so often we must reinvent ourselves anyway...just reinvent yourself sucked up in this new tech...
A little over a year ago, I was diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma.
Freedompath comments on Feb 16, 2018:
My friend, I am so glad you are on the mend! I have a great-nephew who developed leukemia his senior year in highschool. He got treatment and recovered, then went to a camp in Minnesota (I can't recall all details) and met a young girl there, recovering from your condition. They both got masters degrees and are teachers with 2 beautiful young children, now! Life goes on...claim yours and take whatever time you need to get back to your 'good as new' self! My very best to you...
What is the real problem (about guns)?
Freedompath comments on Feb 16, 2018:
If one can comprehend the nature of mental breakdowns (a temporary thing) and more lengthy mental illness...then you must accept that if someone is in unbareable psychic pain and being in an irrational state of mind...but wanting to free themselves from it's suffocating grip...a gun can be picked up in a matter of minutes or hours, and a trigger can be pulled in an instant! This is a highly charged state of mind...AND. it is irrational! However, having that gun so formally planted in the subconscious, a thing used to defend yourself with...will make it readily avaliable to the conscious is seen as a way to protect one's self from the outside world (even if it is an irrational notion). Could even appear as revenge...because 'you', 'they'...caused me, this suffering! Sure it is irrational, that is what a mental disorder is! I have never wanted to kill anyone else, but I have wanted to kill myself. Now the driving FORCE behind that, is unbareable. I have witnessed it in other people as well as myself! If you have never experienced this state of mind... you may have difficulty understanding this horrible place that a person finds themselves. I have taken a poll of family and friends and very few have ever had this severe psychic condition. But, this does not take into account...a person, that becomes so enraged over an incendent that they grab the gun, to strike back at the person who cause the rage to 'come up' matter that it was temporarily! Rage is a powerful emotion even to an otherwise mentally healthy person! This story keeps coming to mind...I once lived across the street from a neighbor, who was alcoholic and would go into raging fits, quiet often. And, since he had a wife who was in danger, I tried to bring some calmness to the situation. Over time he improved somewhat and I moved away. But, he once told me that during his childhood, people where he grew up, made and sold liquor to make a living and no less then 9 people were shot and killed that he knew before he was 12 yrs old! His mother's house was burned down! His mother shot and killed his daddy! This has bound to have dire consequences for anyone who had an up bringing of this sort. It happens today, maybe the incendents are different...but trauma, causes brain damage in early development and even in adult life...there are a mountain of if's where people are concerned...that is what bothers me about gun ownership!! To many ifs for me to feel comfortable around a gun...!!!
If you were single on Valentine's Day, maybe this will give you some hope.
Freedompath comments on Feb 16, 2018:
Did you take into consideration he also had a favorite female cousin and another actress girl friend that committed suicide...? Maybe comparing yourself to a higher evolved person, would bring something your way! Careful, with those jokes...they speak something?
I'm pleasantly surprised and a bit overwhelmed by responses to my post yesterday.
Freedompath comments on Feb 16, 2018:
We will keep an I out for ya...
Do Christian condone everything that happen in their bible.
Freedompath comments on Feb 16, 2018:
NO...they pick and choose what passages they promote...but they will slay you in a heart beat, with the BIBLE book!
Level 5 Yay Level 6 there's a reckoning coming :-)
Freedompath comments on Feb 16, 2018: you need to be so militant about it...?
Ha. Ha Ha.
Freedompath comments on Feb 16, 2018:
Authoritarianism...will take positions against their own best interest
"Eskimo: "If I did not know about God and sin, would I go to hell?
Freedompath comments on Feb 16, 2018:
Love it...
I'm about to make some new music and my fundamentalist Christian pastor brother is going to record ...
Freedompath comments on Feb 16, 2018:
Cusing in music, does not denote something, like when used to make a point in conversation or me. Cusing in music, does not speak to my soul...just my head! I am not moved by my head, but my heart!
My little, but proud country today is celebrating 100th state anniversary.
Freedompath comments on Feb 16, 2018:
Let's hope so...we have enough occupation going on in the world today!!
Rejecting the notions about gods are a healthy starting point.
Freedompath comments on Feb 16, 2018:
Yes, I think you pretty much summed it up! Back to 'the unexamined life, is not worth living!' But, most people seem perfectly satisfied to live an 'unexamined' life...except to 'nail' their sins, and then ask Jesus to forgive them! Apparently, they get this perfected over time...after which...everything else is drowned out!
Tell them Betty g:31
Freedompath comments on Feb 16, 2018:
Let's hope so...nobody is doing their job,.let them find something more suitable for themselves!
Apart from Sadoi, who else found love here? It looks like impossible.
Freedompath comments on Feb 16, 2018:
Well, I found community and that is a kind of love! It feels like I am not alone with the things that I think about...there are other people with my same concerns and they express their's from another angle! Now, I would not discount love, if it showed up here! But, I do think that if you are actively looking for something, when the timing is right, it will show up! In the meantime while you are looking, enjoy your life...don't we enjoy being around the happy people, a lot? Best of luck with your search...
Stress is an inevitable part of modern day life and avoiding it completely seems impossible.
Freedompath comments on Feb 16, 2018:
You definitely need to find out what helps level you out! That is kinda different for each person...I need time alone, a lot of alone time and I need nature, lots of time out in nature!
Sad but accurate
Freedompath comments on Feb 15, 2018:
That sumed it up...while our people continue to pay the price of death.
I've been on a few sites & have wasted my time only to find an email box full of dick pics & REALLY ...
Freedompath comments on Feb 15, 2018:
I sure hope there are no nasty guys on this site! Even though I am not on here for dating...I would leave! Best of luck with some handsome, intelligent fun and happy dude! There seems to be a lot of them on here...from what I have observed!


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