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Trump At the Border: []
Redheadedgammy comments on Aug 1, 2020:
I still have a hard time understanding how these people can attack, hurt and sometimes kill their fellow Americans.😢
Freedompath replies on Aug 1, 2020:
Our thoughts are in alignment. 😪
Exactly what I was thinking (except I didn't know about the other Murphy's Law).
Freedompath comments on Jul 31, 2020:
I agree...trump’s declaration about voting, is his attempt to plant fear and doubt...trump will keep adjusting his actions about the election as he goes, and soon people will be confused and tired and trump will take advantage the same way, he has always done! And his power hungry Republican ...
Freedompath replies on Aug 1, 2020:
@HumanistJohn China just might find a way to undermine our election. Barr and apparently the whole justice system now, is watching trump’s looks as if they really don’t care who meddles in our elections. If we only had trump to deal with, something could be done! But, who knew...we have a train load of appointed minions who are like him or love the way he ‘breaks things,’ including people! I am so worried, that I may have to take leave of all the news, until after the election! We have illegal immigrants being treated like harden criminals in ‘for profit’ jails and instead of loosening up restrictions, they are clamping down! In my mind, this is ‘crimes against humanity’ this inhumane treatment of human beings...but can any of our elected officials do anything, apparently not...even judgements handed down by judges, fall on deaf ears! I am not as confident as others appear to be...just review the years since trump took control, ...we have slipped further and further from sanity and justice...even dying people from the Covid-19, has not changed the focus! Here in old age, I can do very little and the worry does not support my sense of well-being. I feel like a whimp, encouraging others, who could loose their very life to protest...this fascist presidency! 😭😷
An idiot savant! We all know that an idiot savant acts in strange ways and may not be able to do ...
Freedompath comments on Jul 31, 2020:
Everything seems pretty feasible to me, except the math part. I think the ‘idiot savant’ gets the math right...trump has not the foggiest idea how the numbers work out in the end? Maybe trump is simply addicted to ‘ ‘big numbers?’ He can’t follow to their final outcome! I think the ...
Freedompath replies on Aug 1, 2020:
@Diogenes I agree, about trump seemingly to get away with all of his criminal behavior. If you notice, the American people have not been able to bring this idiot under any control! In fact it seems the more effort that was put into this only seems to ramp up trump’s abhorrent behavior. I have to tell you, that my mother’s behavior was similar to trump, but on a lesser scale! And, nobody could get her under control, the authorities were afraid of her and the family tried to keep our distance. And she had no real friends. There are people in prison, that created less havoc than my mother. She seem to be untouchable and she lived to be 84. I simply can’t explain how these types of people can get away with their disastrous behavior. It may have something to do with their attitude of ‘you can’t get me and if you even try there will be hell to pay!’ And everyone sees what that uncertainty COULD mean! And, trump has put in place, people drunk on his ‘juice’ who will do his bidding. So we can’t be sure, what could happen, if we try and take the whole bunch down? My mother had no such ‘minions’ to shore her up, but she commanded this posture! I fear the same is happening here with trump...he will hang in and fight to the bitter end and where that any one’s guess!
I have to build the wall! No immigrants! Stop!
Freedompath comments on Jul 31, 2020:
Trump is superior, things around him are superior, until they are not, by some flicker in his brain. Then they become worthless scum. He couldn’t bring himself to pay his respects in person, to a ‘real hero,’ John Lewis. Apparently, he was beneath trump too?
Freedompath replies on Aug 1, 2020:
@19dacar52 how did I forget that?
I have to build the wall! No immigrants! Stop!
Freedompath comments on Jul 31, 2020:
Trump is superior, things around him are superior, until they are not, by some flicker in his brain. Then they become worthless scum. He couldn’t bring himself to pay his respects in person, to a ‘real hero,’ John Lewis. Apparently, he was beneath trump too?
Freedompath replies on Jul 31, 2020:
@oldFloyd Good point! I know that I wouldn’t! But he could have walked down to the rotunda and had a picture taken! Lol. This makes it clear for me, that there is two camps in our Country! One camp has no problem injuring, dinigrating or even killing people who don’t measure up to their standards. ‘Well he had it coming, considering all of his criminal records!’ ‘He should have complied,’ or ‘ he kept resisting!’ And, the other camp is trying to say that human life should be respected. They are protesting for the right to not be fearful that their life will be snuffed out for a very fixable reason! 😩
LOL!!! 😂 The Lincoln Project is in FINE FORM on this one.
OldGoat43 comments on Jul 31, 2020:
I find solace in the thought of Tweety becoming a endangered species.
Freedompath replies on Jul 31, 2020:
Everything does come to an end...
PLEASE READ AND SHARE ____________________________________________________ THE LAST WORDS OF REP.
Lorajay comments on Jul 31, 2020:
Eloquent and inspiring words that brought to my attention that I still harbor kernels of racism that need to be addressed. I knew who John Lewis was but did not know that much about him other than he was one of the original civil rights leaders. He was so much more than that and the fact that I ...
Freedompath replies on Jul 31, 2020:
I knew about his past, but I didn’t know much about him personally in his later life. But, what I did observe was his clear presence of mind, I felt secure with his authority, he was just, but tough! When I head that he died, my first thought was who will replace this great leader in Congress?
PLEASE READ AND SHARE ____________________________________________________ THE LAST WORDS OF REP.
waitingforgodo comments on Jul 31, 2020:
Poignant , evocative, sanguine while we are very slowly getting there.
Freedompath replies on Jul 31, 2020:
I wish I was so hopeful!
I have just finished watching the Eulogy for John Lewis, by President Clinton and President Obama, ...
dermot235 comments on Jul 30, 2020:
I watched Obama speak at John Lewis's funeral. It was uplifting and inspiring. I miss Obama as president and we will all miss John Lewis and the remarkable man he was. I hope he will inspire the next generation to carry on the battle that he so bravely started. We all stand on the shoulders of John ...
Freedompath replies on Jul 31, 2020:
@dermot235 I think that is a great idea. They seem to bring out the worst in human nature. The Evangelicals don’t realize it, but they are used by the Republicans...there is a lot of punishment which fits right in with Evangelicals and their ‘hell and damnation’ ...if you don’t ‘do right’ mentality! And the Republicans KNOW what constitutes right! Lol The culprits that are doing wrong are ‘those others,’ that want speak their language or adhere to their way of thinking! And they seem to believe that violence and killing others, is a way to promote a civil society. But, they can bend the rules (that would be punished if others do the same) when it fits their in goal to obtain something. It is a way to ‘be,’ that I clearly don’t understand. They want only their ‘kind,’ to have advantages. I don’t know what the rest of us are supposed to do? Capitulate or die, is what it seems to me!
"How a person masters his fate is more important than what his fate is." - Wilhelm Von Humboldt
callmedubious comments on Jul 30, 2020:
easy for him to say.
Freedompath replies on Jul 31, 2020:
@Diogenes ...depression I know’s ok to be surprised at your own good gifts! Sometimes I smile to myself...’did I really come up with such-in-such?’ Who cares if few others recognize our best thoughts...most people are consumed with their own plight! 😘
So Herman Cain became the latest victim ( a statistic) to COVID-19.
Freedompath comments on Jul 30, 2020:
...we can’t see karma! But, never underestimate it’s bitter bite!
Freedompath replies on Jul 31, 2020:
@Mvtt Do you think that the inability to bring forth that which is hidden within us, shows lack of free will? Some things were buried at a time we thought our survival (maybe only emotional) depended on it! Until we find ourselves doing things without conscious thought and feel safe enough...we can’t revive memories that we were forced to block out, to save some part of our psyche, back when? Would we be using our free will then. Wouldn’t we be using our free will to the degree that we have access to all of our inner-workings? We are not automatically driven in different directions? Something early on, set the stage...upon which we build our inner and otter self! Am I making any sense? As I am way out in the deep brain stuff, and I am too tired to go any further tonight! To-o sleepy. What say you?
Putin's puppet.
Babyoda comments on Jul 30, 2020:
Most Germans want U.S. troops out.I was in Germany with the Canadian forces in the 90s and many wanted Nato troops out.Most of the locals in Lahr liked the base because it brought in money but even back then many wanted them out.Now with Trump saber rattling 42% want the U.S. troops out compared to ...
Freedompath replies on Jul 30, 2020:
@actofdog trump has a way of twisting real facts...and in real time! And if all else fails, he says, ‘it could go either way,’ etc! Looks like being such a ‘genius’ would get tiring! But in that respect he is like the energizer bunny!
I have just finished watching the Eulogy for John Lewis, by President Clinton and President Obama, ...
dermot235 comments on Jul 30, 2020:
I watched Obama speak at John Lewis's funeral. It was uplifting and inspiring. I miss Obama as president and we will all miss John Lewis and the remarkable man he was. I hope he will inspire the next generation to carry on the battle that he so bravely started. We all stand on the shoulders of John ...
Freedompath replies on Jul 30, 2020:
@dermot235 I sure hope so, because what we are doing now is not living ‘a good life!’ We are surviving until we can see this lunatic out the door...
Bill Barr Caught Contradicting Himself on Issue of Trump's Criminal Commutation of Stone's Sentence...
Redheadedgammy comments on Jul 30, 2020:
And yet, after all that Swalwell revealed, a simple snarky comment from Barr ended the discussion. This is what I don’t understand with the Democrats. Swalwell didn’t further challenge Barr’s Rube Goldberg bullshit. Why the fuck not?
Freedompath replies on Jul 30, 2020:
@Redheadedgammy I completely agree! Where are their redeeming qualities? Each member seems to exhibit a trait...that when combined comes up to crimes against humanity!
I have just finished watching the Eulogy for John Lewis, by President Clinton and President Obama, ...
dermot235 comments on Jul 30, 2020:
I watched Obama speak at John Lewis's funeral. It was uplifting and inspiring. I miss Obama as president and we will all miss John Lewis and the remarkable man he was. I hope he will inspire the next generation to carry on the battle that he so bravely started. We all stand on the shoulders of John ...
Freedompath replies on Jul 30, 2020:
Can we trust the next generation to remember? Or has all the water been so muddied, that the next generation is faced with the daunting task of purification that may take years to clean up?
I have just finished watching the Eulogy for John Lewis, by President Clinton and President Obama, ...
Stilltrying1964 comments on Jul 30, 2020:
Two of my best friends since I was a teenager are fucking trump supporters and honestly, I'm about ready to end the relationships. Anyone that supports a pussy grabbing assbag has questionable morals, ethics, and judgement. I just don't know that I can't overlook that big of a character flaw any ...
Freedompath replies on Jul 30, 2020:
@Jewelee65 me too!
I have just finished watching the Eulogy for John Lewis, by President Clinton and President Obama, ...
Stilltrying1964 comments on Jul 30, 2020:
Two of my best friends since I was a teenager are fucking trump supporters and honestly, I'm about ready to end the relationships. Anyone that supports a pussy grabbing assbag has questionable morals, ethics, and judgement. I just don't know that I can't overlook that big of a character flaw any ...
Freedompath replies on Jul 30, 2020:
It surely brings it home, when we witness such a glaring contrast, between these presidents and others at this funeral, and what trump has put us through for almost 4 years! He would never measure up to support mankind! It is such a shame trump can’t pack up his tooth brush and wife and chill-ins and just leave!
So Herman Cain became the latest victim ( a statistic) to COVID-19.
Freedompath comments on Jul 30, 2020:
...we can’t see karma! But, never underestimate it’s bitter bite!
Freedompath replies on Jul 30, 2020:
@Mvtt I think that karma can come out of a subconscious mind..,a state of mind that the owner blocks out!
PLEASE READ AND SHARE ____________________________________________________ THE LAST WORDS OF REP.
girlwithsmiles comments on Jul 30, 2020:
Here’s hoping. But voting with your money is just as important as elections.
Freedompath replies on Jul 30, 2020:
Should good representatives have to be bought? And, it seems that to compete, you need the most money and not just a one time donation will do...the money must continuely flow! Something seems off with this way of keeping our government supplied!
PLEASE READ AND SHARE ____________________________________________________ THE LAST WORDS OF REP.
LiterateHiker comments on Jul 30, 2020:
Beautiful, moving and loving last words from John Lewis. John Lewis was a great American and inspiring role model. Bravo!
Freedompath replies on Jul 30, 2020:
You are showing your courage in actions, 👍
PLEASE READ AND SHARE ____________________________________________________ THE LAST WORDS OF REP.
AnneWimsey comments on Jul 30, 2020:
But wait! Drump refused to attend....a Very Clear message
Freedompath replies on Jul 30, 2020:
Where would you suggest that they SEAT him??! 🤭
I have just finished watching the Eulogy for John Lewis, by President Clinton and President Obama, ...
barjoe comments on Jul 30, 2020:
President Bush spoke. President Clinton spoke. President Obama gave the Eulogy. First the first time in a long time President Trump did the right thing. He stayed away.
Freedompath replies on Jul 30, 2020:
Thanks for lining up that ‘speaking’ properly...for me! I was so armored with the inclusion of all Americans in their speeches, I failed with the program! lol
I have just finished watching the Eulogy for John Lewis, by President Clinton and President Obama, ...
barjoe comments on Jul 30, 2020:
President Bush spoke. President Clinton spoke. President Obama gave the Eulogy. First the first time in a long time President Trump did the right thing. He stayed away.
Freedompath replies on Jul 30, 2020:
I have to agree with that statement! At least he did not bring his ugliness to share for a truely brave man.
So Herman Cain became the latest victim ( a statistic) to COVID-19.
barjoe comments on Jul 30, 2020:
I'm sorry he lost his battle with Covid-19. He was the only Black Chairman of Federal Reserve Bank (KC) I didn't like his politics but he's one of if not the most prominent politicians to die of Covid.
Freedompath replies on Jul 30, 2020:
@barjoe I guess they are in a hurry, death is certain...
So Herman Cain became the latest victim ( a statistic) to COVID-19.
Freedompath comments on Jul 30, 2020:
...we can’t see karma! But, never underestimate it’s bitter bite!
Freedompath replies on Jul 30, 2020:
@barjoe You don’t need to believe in karma, it comes out of our state of mind! No belief necessary!
Herman Cain has died of Covid 19. Refused to wear a mask at a tRump rally.
Charlene comments on Jul 30, 2020:
The Pizza King is dead, long live the Crust.. I wonder if they're gonna bury him in a to go pizza box?🤣
Freedompath replies on Jul 30, 2020:
@Theresa_N ...none here can either! 😙
So Herman Cain became the latest victim ( a statistic) to COVID-19.
barjoe comments on Jul 30, 2020:
I'm sorry he lost his battle with Covid-19. He was the only Black Chairman of Federal Reserve Bank (KC) I didn't like his politics but he's one of if not the most prominent politicians to die of Covid.
Freedompath replies on Jul 30, 2020:
...Covid-19 is on a roll, there is still more to come, especially with the ATTITUDE, prevalent among about 40% of this Country! Apparently people have lost the knowledge of what it means to take the advice of experts, instead of ‘kooks!’
Trump suggested Thursday that November’s general election should be postponed, citing his ...
Freedompath comments on Jul 30, 2020:
Trump’s days are least in the people’s house! And, I guess trump is starting to worry about his ‘afterlife’...criminality without power!
Freedompath replies on Jul 30, 2020:
@HumanistJohn Talk about ‘hell’ on earth...that might be it! We may be starting to think like the lunatic! Where once we were shocked every day at some new ‘awful’ we can write the script! 😱
"How a person masters his fate is more important than what his fate is." - Wilhelm Von Humboldt
callmedubious comments on Jul 30, 2020:
easy for him to say.
Freedompath replies on Jul 30, 2020:
@Diogenes Now, that is deep and poignant! 😵
Putin's puppet.
NHjulie comments on Jul 30, 2020:
I really wish he would be required to take a history class or two.
Freedompath replies on Jul 30, 2020:
...what good would it do? Idiots are idiots with/without history lessons!
Trump suggested Thursday that November’s general election should be postponed, citing his ...
Freedompath comments on Jul 30, 2020:
Trump’s days are least in the people’s house! And, I guess trump is starting to worry about his ‘afterlife’...criminality without power!
Freedompath replies on Jul 30, 2020:
@Diogenes surely we can hold on until this sicko, is booted out of that presidency! And nothing more than ugly words, will this lunatic have to hurt people with!
And now it begins.
Freedompath comments on Jul 30, 2020:
Trump is simply setting the stage...if he can get away with it...the sky will be the limit, to what he can do! But, a lot can happen as we already know, between now and the First of Nov! The Covid-19 will have it’s reboot, because the abundance of sun, want be around to help keep the virus at ...
Freedompath replies on Jul 30, 2020:
@zeuser living this insane presidency’s has not made people’s lives better, on the contrary and nothing else has been made great...just the rich got richer! Who will pick up all the ‘dead wood’ lying around, after this disaster is over?
Trump suggested Thursday that November’s general election should be postponed, citing his ...
Freedompath comments on Jul 30, 2020:
Trump’s days are least in the people’s house! And, I guess trump is starting to worry about his ‘afterlife’...criminality without power!
Freedompath replies on Jul 30, 2020:
@Diogenes i know that this loon, is capable of anything, but surely...surely...
Bill Barr Caught Contradicting Himself on Issue of Trump's Criminal Commutation of Stone's Sentence...
Freedompath comments on Jul 30, 2020:
Bill Barr has bent the Justice Dept, to his personal do not need to be a ‘rocket scientist,’ to piece the actions of Roger Stone/trump/Bill Barr all together to show criminal actions on all their parts! What a farce...I want justice, and everyone who believes in equal justice for ...
Freedompath replies on Jul 30, 2020:
@HumanistJohn boggles the mind! ‘Who is minding the store?’ It is now on fire!
Herman Cain has died of Covid 19. Refused to wear a mask at a tRump rally.
Lorajay comments on Jul 30, 2020:
My much younger governor was sitting next to him at the Tulsa rally and he now has it.
Freedompath replies on Jul 30, 2020:
Well...I wish him to have learned a lesson!
And now it begins.
HippieChick58 comments on Jul 30, 2020:
It would have been nice if we could have elected someone who could read, and had read the constitution. That person would have known you can't delay an election on a whim.
Freedompath replies on Jul 30, 2020:
Have you forgotten how this man’s twisted mind, can pull white elephants out of a black hat? And the people seem to turn to stone, over the event? 😵
And now it begins.
BitFlipper comments on Jul 30, 2020:
One of the reasons Trump has done nothing about the virus. The pandemic addresses the GOP's long-time dream of taking America on a Time Warp back to the Dark Ages.
Freedompath replies on Jul 30, 2020:
...I think ‘they’ better start paying attention to, ‘dust to dust,’ people are going there now in big numbers!
Well has everyone got some alien DNA, so you won't get the virus?
Cutiebeauty comments on Jul 30, 2020:
I have an alien in my belly ☺😜
Freedompath replies on Jul 30, 2020:
@Diogenes ..apparently no ‘meeting’ is necessary! 🤖
Bill Barr Caught Contradicting Himself on Issue of Trump's Criminal Commutation of Stone's Sentence...
Redheadedgammy comments on Jul 30, 2020:
And yet, after all that Swalwell revealed, a simple snarky comment from Barr ended the discussion. This is what I don’t understand with the Democrats. Swalwell didn’t further challenge Barr’s Rube Goldberg bullshit. Why the fuck not?
Freedompath replies on Jul 30, 2020:
@HumanistJohn the injustice is put up on the ‘big screen’...and people are stupefied! How can this be? If the GOP are this ‘dead’ there is no hope for their party!
I couldn't not post this
LucyLoohoo comments on Jul 30, 2020:
Demon spawn....I'm so sick of seeing those self-satisfied mugs!
Freedompath replies on Jul 30, 2020:
‘Self satisfied’...wouldn’t that just denote confidence...this clan denotes ‘superiority above all others!’
"How a person masters his fate is more important than what his fate is." - Wilhelm Von Humboldt
callmedubious comments on Jul 30, 2020:
easy for him to say.
Freedompath replies on Jul 30, 2020:
Words are always easier than actions!
"How a person masters his fate is more important than what his fate is." - Wilhelm Von Humboldt
Diogenes comments on Jul 30, 2020:
And that is bull shit- being one in a million without food has only one result. If there is an 'option', as if it would make a difference, and that is to cry, or not to cry!
Freedompath replies on Jul 30, 2020:
That is deep...I guess you will meet the ‘grim reaper,’ or he meets you?
Has Barr Finally Triggered Serious Backlash? []
mcgeo52 comments on Jul 29, 2020:
Impeachment alone is not sufficient.
Freedompath replies on Jul 30, 2020:
I am all for equal punishment for equal or worse crimes!
Loius GOHMERT has tested Positive for Covid-19, JUST Hated the Idea of wearing a Mask: ...
zeuser comments on Jul 30, 2020:
Not only that, but he forced his office staff to not wear masks. Since this news, there are all kinds of emails from the staff memebers of republicans complaining they are also forced to not wear masks in the office. I'm surprised there isn't an infection surge among republican congressional ...
Freedompath replies on Jul 30, 2020:
I would say, your observation is spot on!😘.
ByeByeSusan Fall House Cleaning (and the Senate, too! [youtube.
HumanistJohn comments on Jul 29, 2020:
@freedompath @wordywalt @cutiebeauty @glennlab @lorajay @charlene I was wrong when I said 'independent'. susan collins is a republican.
Freedompath replies on Jul 30, 2020:
Thanks, for clearing up, as I had forgotten!
ByeByeSusan Fall House Cleaning (and the Senate, too! [youtube.
Cutiebeauty comments on Jul 29, 2020:
Is Susan a republican?
Freedompath replies on Jul 29, 2020:
@HumanistJohn surely what she has ‘been about’ is not what independence means?
The president is pushing the coronavirus theories of a Houston doctor Stella Immanuel who also says ...
HumanistJohn comments on Jul 29, 2020:
The orange blob will praise anyone who seems to agree with the crap he puts out. It's a common occurrence. And that minister/doctor has also said that there's an anti-christian vaccine.
Freedompath replies on Jul 29, 2020:
...are you sure he doesn’t see another genius, like himself?
The president is pushing the coronavirus theories of a Houston doctor Stella Immanuel who also says ...
zeuser comments on Jul 29, 2020:
The way our idiot sees things, she might be the next surgeon general.
Freedompath replies on Jul 29, 2020:
Yes, we can expect an appointment, maybe just to appease the African American voters! But, it takes more than guess work to figure out trump’s plans!
tRump wonders aloud at a press conference why Dr.
Lorajay comments on Jul 29, 2020:
Unfortunately a 3rd of America does still like him.
Freedompath replies on Jul 29, 2020:
...and even worse, they like the ‘things that he has accomplished so far!’ I would love to follow those people around and see what they see...because I fail to see any accomplishments!
Has Barr Finally Triggered Serious Backlash? []
Sticks48 comments on Jul 29, 2020:
He is always about lawyer speak, otherwise known as BULLSHIT, to keep himself out of real trouble, and as long as the Senate doesn't care, he is probably in no real jeopardy.
Freedompath replies on Jul 29, 2020:
...that ‘lawyer speak’ seems to be tangled up in his may not be so easy to go into ‘auto speak’ with so many lies to rearrange! Lol
"All tyrannies rule through fraud and force, but once the fraud is exposed they must rely ...
JackPedigo comments on Jul 29, 2020:
And we are witnessing that every day all over the planet. You think there is a common cause? I do.
Freedompath replies on Jul 29, 2020:
@JackPedigo ...let’s hope.
So, will Bill Barr Eventually be Charged With Perjury? []
zeuser comments on Jul 29, 2020:
Sooner or later, he'll follow in the footsteps of John Mitchell, Nixon's AG, right into a jail cell.
Freedompath replies on Jul 29, 2020:
As he should...he has shown himself worthy! Lol
Can you trust this snake! He represents the law.....or Trump?
Freedompath comments on Jul 29, 2020:
The puffed up Barr, must have thought that he had this hearing in the bag, before he arrived! Because, he looked a bit defeated before it was over...even ask for ‘10 minute recess’ near the end! I think he looked pretty bad in the public’s eye.
Freedompath replies on Jul 29, 2020:
@HumanistJohn I had to take breaks, to be able to stomach most of it! I can’t believe that Barr got himself anything from the general public. And I don’t know if it is habit or a ploy, but his speech is so want to slap him to get the words out! He, FOR CERTAIN doesn’t show well! Lol Hard to look at and hard to listen to, so there isn’t much Ps, even his intelligence doesn’t show well! I keep wondering what his wife looks know what people say about partners that have been together for a long time...they take on each other’s characteristics! Now there is something to think about...
"All tyrannies rule through fraud and force, but once the fraud is exposed they must rely ...
JackPedigo comments on Jul 29, 2020:
And we are witnessing that every day all over the planet. You think there is a common cause? I do.
Freedompath replies on Jul 29, 2020:
I would go for selfishness...’I want what I want and I don’t care what you think about it’ mentality! No empathy for others.
Trump Retweets Doctor Who Warns Women About Sex with Demons President Trump is receiving a ...
BirdMan1 comments on Jul 29, 2020:
And he's NOT senile? Maybe this is what his niece meant by his floating 1,000 bits of shit all the time, as a distraction.
Freedompath replies on Jul 29, 2020:
Have you ever notice how trump will say, ‘it could be this way or that could be either way!’ Setting the ‘stage’ so he will be be right...which ever way ‘it’ goes! He really has a talent to twist minds...a person has to crawl out of his/her stunned reaction to his statements and find the logic, which trump will have no use for! It truly is crazy making!
"All tyrannies rule through fraud and force, but once the fraud is exposed they must rely ...
Freedompath comments on Jul 29, 2020:
My question is, where are these people coming from, that will attack their fellow citizen without good reason? This mindset did not happen over night!
Freedompath replies on Jul 29, 2020:
@WilliamCharles ...yep! That’s it! So the mantra...’we are all in this together’...thing, is just something that people wish for?
Who would've guessed?
Charlene comments on Jul 28, 2020:
Provocateurs of the Boogaloo stripe..surprised he made it out alive..damn shame that..
Freedompath replies on Jul 29, 2020:
@Charlene ..if not, pretty soon his base will crumble!
Barr Was "not aware" that the Gov, of Michigan Was Threatened with Death! []
Killtheskyfairy comments on Jul 28, 2020:
He is such a blatant liar. I don’t know how he can lie and obfuscate in such a manner and keep a straight face. Another Trump sociopath 🤬
Freedompath replies on Jul 29, 2020:
That face has no straight lines, it seems to be becoming a ‘blob!’
Remember Pumpkin, we did not...
HumanistJohn comments on Jul 28, 2020:
The question I have is... how many cans of goya beans has she eaten in her life?
Freedompath replies on Jul 29, 2020:
...I venture to guess, never!
Can you trust this snake! He represents the law.....or Trump?
Outlier comments on Jul 28, 2020:
Trump's bought and paid for bitch!
Freedompath replies on Jul 29, 2020:
And, it will most likely cost him all the respect that he once had. How did this man fall so far, so late in life?
Hey guys I can make it into the TRUMP DONOR HALL OF FAME!!! I heard about this email on the radio.
Redheadedgammy comments on Jul 28, 2020:
I think his big donors are seeing the light about the orange anus and holding on to their money.
Freedompath replies on Jul 29, 2020:
@Redheadedgammy i have thought the same thing! There are times, that he seems to not return to a normal mouth. Maybe he has blown too much smoke up too many arses? Lol
The "tri-fuck-ta"
Freedompath comments on Jul 27, 2020:
Looks about right...until we screw our head in a different direction, and see something that wipes out some of our indoctrination of ‘you are not good enough,’ or ‘you are not smart enough to do that’...
Freedompath replies on Jul 28, 2020:
@Kynlei It is work. If we can heal the wound, the scar will just lie there. We know it is there, but it isn’t oozing pus, any longer! Just today a vision came to memory, that can never be undone. And it hurts still...all that I can count on at the moment, is...that it is history and not what is present in my life today. I need to add something good to my day...especially today! Hurt is not all that I have in my life. I must remind myself this...often...🤗
Full page ad in this morning’s Omaha paper.
BirdMan1 comments on Jul 28, 2020:
Apparently, the book actually makes no claim to that effect. Reportedly, this clown has made some fucking crazy statements about Pres. Obama, like that he did not write his own autobiography.
Freedompath replies on Jul 28, 2020:
Some ‘sickness’ is just impossible to wrap our minds around!
The rioting in major cities across the U.
Mofo1953 comments on Jul 26, 2020:
At 72, do you really want to make fun of the elderly?
Freedompath replies on Jul 28, 2020:
@Diogenes Now...I am having one of those days when ‘one thing after another’ has come here to roost! I give ‘a damn’ but it is somewhat ‘forced!’
Inside Donnie's otherwise Empty Head- What the Media Missed: []
LucyLoohoo comments on Jul 27, 2020:
"Dr. Mary Trump’s articulation of the profound emptiness of her uncle tells me there is very little he would not do to salvage his bloated but ever so fragile pride. It is crucial that those who can restrain him act now or be prepared to do so. Not only our democracy as so many have said, but ...
Freedompath replies on Jul 27, 2020:
Some of us have felt ‘that our lives depend on it’...since trump came down the escalator!
Inside Donnie's otherwise Empty Head- What the Media Missed: []
Freedompath comments on Jul 27, 2020:
Just couldn’t get this information to register with so many...but, they may be more like trump than not. And that creates a powerful bond. My hope is...that level heads in trump’s orbit are ‘not asleep at the wheel!’ 😰
Freedompath replies on Jul 27, 2020:
@BirdMan1 I have to have hope...I have to! 😰
Ivanka Tries To Feign Concern For Women And Social Media Takes Her To The Woodshed: "Start With ...
LucyLoohoo comments on Jul 27, 2020:
Well said, HC! Although she's his child and he's raised her the way HE was raised....nothing you do is ever wrong! You're superior to everyone else! You deserve anything you want...whether or not you've earned it.
Freedompath replies on Jul 27, 2020:
They call it ‘privileged’...
Ivanka Tries To Feign Concern For Women And Social Media Takes Her To The Woodshed: "Start With ...
Merseyman1 comments on Jul 27, 2020:
She might be building her future path as a politician, maybe a President? She's not qualified, but her daddy wasn't either!
Freedompath replies on Jul 27, 2020:
I do hope that is not in any of my grandkids nightmares! 😰
No bullshit from the best leaders, just hard work and common sense!
HippieChick58 comments on Jul 27, 2020:
Never underestimate the wisdom of the women, yet men have done so for centuries.
Freedompath replies on Jul 27, 2020:
@wolf041 all is not equal in the woman’s world! Per: your example!
Now we have 146,000 only care about your re-election!
EMC2 comments on Jul 27, 2020:
TEll us the five letters and two numbers that describe the pandemic. If you get them in order you get extra points So for those who cannot remember this complex way of naming the virus , you are not worthy. Cofev (e) 19 Once trump repeated this publicly, Mensa awarded him the most amazing ...
Freedompath replies on Jul 27, 2020:
...trump would have stole the medal and made it look like he was granted the ultimate genius award...of all times, ofcourse! He just likes it that way! ‘Nobody has done it the way (he) does!’
The rioting in major cities across the U.
Mofo1953 comments on Jul 26, 2020:
At 72, do you really want to make fun of the elderly?
Freedompath replies on Jul 27, 2020:
@Diogenes I have not quite gotten to that looks like it is on the horizon though! Have a nice day yourself!
Now we have 146,000 only care about your re-election!
Freedompath comments on Jul 27, 2020:
They WILL be replaced, asap! I hope they don’t start pretending that they care! Because I heard a few words from trump, that sounded like caring, and that is something that I will never believe! Trump+caring= impossibility
Freedompath replies on Jul 27, 2020:
@Diogenes, @silverotter11 good point...they are great ‘actors!’ Anything for their party!
Now we have 146,000 only care about your re-election!
Freedompath comments on Jul 27, 2020:
They WILL be replaced, asap! I hope they don’t start pretending that they care! Because I heard a few words from trump, that sounded like caring, and that is something that I will never believe! Trump+caring= impossibility
Freedompath replies on Jul 27, 2020:
@Diogenes as it should! Lol
Now we have 146,000 only care about your re-election!
Merseyman1 comments on Jul 26, 2020:
And I thought Johnson and Trump were equally crazy, but NO! British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said Wednesday he takes full responsibility for the country’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.Then he said “When it comes to taking blame, I take full responsibility for what has happened.” ...
Freedompath replies on Jul 27, 2020:
Some people can ‘come to their senses’ trump’s case, there are no ‘senses’ to come to!
The rioting in major cities across the U.
Mofo1953 comments on Jul 26, 2020:
At 72, do you really want to make fun of the elderly?
Freedompath replies on Jul 26, 2020:
Or 80...I find it harder and harder to even laugh at myself! Lol
Elephants are for spreading copies of instructions for making more elephants, Dawkins
thinkwithme comments on Jul 25, 2020:
Elephants are for loving each other.
Freedompath replies on Jul 26, 2020:
@thinkwithme In the name of sacred nature, I should hope no idiot would harm an elephant because the Repubs use it as their mascot! Actually, I am not happy that they use the elephant’s image...because they represent nothing of value that the mighty elephant represents! This has always bothered me! I adhere to the Democratic principles, but in the past I have been known to vote for a Republican person. However, that will never be the case for the remainder of this lifetime! Their fate has been sealed in my mind! I hate having to join up with any group, because I am part of the human race, fighting for the things that support our nature and not the things that cause us to be fragmented! I am simply waiting for the day (if it comes soon enough), that people take a stand to take guns out of their lives! This throwing them up in our face as the last best hope for our Security is a lie! I have never owned a gun and I have been in situation that cost me, dearly! But, a gun would not have helped me...fact is, I might be dead now. I did have an interesting experience at a new friends house. I wanted to see the cottonwoods on the riverbed at her house. And as we were leaving her house she said I need to take my revolver, as there is a cougar in the area and I might have to fire a shot to scare him! Then later after we returned, a neighbor came up and told us a big black bear was seen near the area where we were, so for once I saw the reasoning to fire shots to scare wildlife! But, my friend did not treat her gun like it was something she worshiped. I suppose if I lived in her area, I would develop other measures for my safety! Too many people lost their lives to guns that I knew, and I am marked with that memory! I want own a gun. Long stories...not much on my agenda today! Lol
60 Minutes Australia Another Interview with Mary Trump Even if you've seen other interviews,...
wolf041 comments on Jul 26, 2020:
What I would like to know is why all this didn't surface before the last election.
Freedompath replies on Jul 26, 2020:
I DIDN’T believe he could win...I was worried though when a dear friend, decided she was on the side of the ‘deplorables’ and refused to listen to trump’s faulty behavior! (And, has had little contact with me since the election!)
Ivanka knows words like her Father it seems []
HumanistJohn comments on Jul 26, 2020:
ivanka can throw bullshit along with the 'best' of them. Does she know the five secret words that her father is so proud of?
Freedompath replies on Jul 26, 2020:
Barbie dolls, never could do anything more than just play things!
Bullshit president and bullshit economic adviser, stop the virus and stop the bullshit!
oldFloyd comments on Jul 26, 2020:
Yeah I just watched State of the Union with Jake trapper and kudlow what a lying sack of s***. And you have too many fucwits that decided their personal freedom and total disregard for responsibility is better for the country then reopening safely.
Freedompath replies on Jul 26, 2020:
Yes, ‘they’ are so worried about their personal freedom, studying what is taking place in the real not what they are about! ‘They’ are really just bobbing figure heads, playing with real lives on tv! They are protected by the camera, from witnessing the actual dying!
Ordinarily he's insane, but he has lucid moments when he is merely stupid, Heinrich Heine
Healthydoc70 comments on Jul 25, 2020:
Nature is an inexplicable problem; it exists on a principle of destruction;everything must be a tireless instrument of death to others or else cease to live itself, and in the meantime we celebrate the day of our birth and praise god for having entered into such a world. Emily Bronte
Freedompath replies on Jul 26, 2020:
@Healthydoc70 Blind followers of ‘a man of god,’ leave no room for accountability!
Elephants are for spreading copies of instructions for making more elephants, Dawkins
thinkwithme comments on Jul 25, 2020:
Elephants are for loving each other.
Freedompath replies on Jul 26, 2020:
@thinkwithme I guess my mind was more on the places where famine and war have left people without food or Country. Yes, locally, we make every attemp to catch the people in distress. I can see where people living outside towns and cities may be in dire straits and not know where to turn. Yes, I myself am alert to others suffering or in distress. And i have stepped in...but, now I will be limited in what I can do, because I must keep track of my own life.
Does anyone here have anxiety attacks that come out of no where or just in general?
Freedompath comments on Jul 26, 2020:
First, realize this is an emotion (probably about some unknown), and not who you are. When they appear, try and breathe deeply, if possible take yourself to a private place and cry...if this isn’t possible at the moment...then visualize your own arms wrapped around you, for comfort. These are ...
Freedompath replies on Jul 26, 2020:
@freeofgod Mostly it is how our nervous system developed and how much encouragement we had that helped us understand the world. Actually, the nervous system will develop good coping skills, with patience and encouragement. Genetics, can be worked over...nothing is ever 100%, but it could be a lot better than most of us had set before children.
Ordinarily he's insane, but he has lucid moments when he is merely stupid, Heinrich Heine
Healthydoc70 comments on Jul 25, 2020:
Nature is an inexplicable problem; it exists on a principle of destruction;everything must be a tireless instrument of death to others or else cease to live itself, and in the meantime we celebrate the day of our birth and praise god for having entered into such a world. Emily Bronte
Freedompath replies on Jul 26, 2020:
@Healthydoc70 in those days...hard to go against dad-plus ‘pious preacher!’ I had at least 4 uncles that were preachers and child molesters! Hiding in the church works!
Does donald trump Want Maxwell To Keep Quiet?
LucyLoohoo comments on Jul 26, 2020:
I've had the pleasant fantasy of Ghislaine negotiating a reduced sentence by distributing a list of everyone she's been involved with in her disgusting crimes. I'm sincerely hoping that list exists and is secreted with not just one, but several attorneys who are prepared to negotiate on her behalf....
Freedompath replies on Jul 26, 2020:
Where are the tapes? Where might they be stored, for leverage if ever needed?
Elephants are for spreading copies of instructions for making more elephants, Dawkins
thinkwithme comments on Jul 25, 2020:
Elephants are for loving each other.
Freedompath replies on Jul 26, 2020:
@thinkwithme But, I say, what can one do with nearly a trillion dollars in their port-folio, a lot more than the person with an adequate amount to cover their own existence! It seems to me the charities that the rich do create, most often have overpaid ‘management’ fees, because consultants are highly regarded, (empressive education) for disbursing food, shelter and meds! And, for some the ‘sight’ of such large amounts of money, plays games with their logic and they want more from the pie, themselves! I don’t have an easy answer...but I do know that there is a lot more that could be done to give aid to the suffering (especially hunger) on this planet!
Will this happen again?
Merseyman1 comments on Jul 26, 2020:
Trump is doing to Democracy what he does to all the women he meets and feels entitled to because he's rich and famous!
Freedompath replies on Jul 26, 2020:
...and ‘special’ and a person should feel honored to have the privilege of whatever trump dishes out! In his own mind, he is perfect...if he only knew, there is no perfection and he is the opposite of the next best thing...good enough! Trump isn’t even ‘good enough!’ Lol
Elephants are for spreading copies of instructions for making more elephants, Dawkins
thinkwithme comments on Jul 25, 2020:
Elephants are for loving each other.
Freedompath replies on Jul 26, 2020:
@thinkwithme Emotional! When will the people with the ‘means’ care about the suffering in the world? They seem to move meaningless mountains...relieving suffering is meaningful.
Elephants are for spreading copies of instructions for making more elephants, Dawkins
thinkwithme comments on Jul 25, 2020:
Elephants are for loving each other.
Freedompath replies on Jul 25, 2020:
You would think! But, they were highjacked by people who mixed religion with politics and wanted to turn on the whole world to their narrow view of living! The elephants never wanted to be politicized!
Something posted on my profile only. Does anyone see this besides me?
EdEarl comments on Jul 24, 2020:
Thanks, everyone.
Freedompath replies on Jul 25, 2020:
@EdEarl that’s good to know...🙃
Ordinarily he's insane, but he has lucid moments when he is merely stupid, Heinrich Heine
Healthydoc70 comments on Jul 25, 2020:
Nature is an inexplicable problem; it exists on a principle of destruction;everything must be a tireless instrument of death to others or else cease to live itself, and in the meantime we celebrate the day of our birth and praise god for having entered into such a world. Emily Bronte
Freedompath replies on Jul 25, 2020:
I guess Emily must have retained her religious ideas. Nature’s selection is where the credit should go!
Tin Pot Dictator: []
oldFloyd comments on Jul 25, 2020:
That's all fine and dandy, the embarrassing part of this whole f****** thing is that moron thinks that that test actually meant something other than two or three of the screws haven't completely fell out. Fucwit. 🤮🤬
Freedompath replies on Jul 25, 2020:
Something posted on my profile only. Does anyone see this besides me?
EdEarl comments on Jul 24, 2020:
Thanks, everyone.
Freedompath replies on Jul 25, 2020:
I was kinda looking for you to tell us what was ‘private to you?’ You know that if it was something disparaging, we would be all over it like a ‘fire ant 🐜 hill!’ But, if it really needs to be secret, that’s fine!
If you wish to go fast, go alone. If you wish to go far, go together. African proverb.
Robecology comments on Jul 25, 2020:
Slow and steady wins the race...Turtle strategy.
Freedompath replies on Jul 25, 2020:
...not everyone is a ‘jumping jack rabbit’ either! Lol.
“It is not in the stars to hold our destiny, but in ourselves”.
Cutiebeauty comments on Jul 25, 2020:
Was William Shakespeare an atheist?
Freedompath replies on Jul 25, 2020:
@Marionville that too...been there done that! Lol
On why he wrote The Lord of the Flies about boys and not girls: "f you, as it were, scaled down ...
Diogenes comments on Jul 25, 2020:
It would appear that Golding had a very selective view of 19th and 20th century women. If you take and under-fund a researcher, who then goes on to win two Nobel Prizes, you have Maria Sklodowska-Curie
Freedompath replies on Jul 25, 2020:
The love of something, will always outway the love of something for fame and fortune! I hope there are many people today seeking answers, regardless of the money.
“It is not in the stars to hold our destiny, but in ourselves”.
Cutiebeauty comments on Jul 25, 2020:
Was William Shakespeare an atheist?
Freedompath replies on Jul 25, 2020:
@Marionville ...sometimes we are at a loss as to where to look, at the moment! Lol
Something posted on my profile only. Does anyone see this besides me?
EdEarl comments on Jul 24, 2020:
Thanks, everyone.
Freedompath replies on Jul 24, 2020:
It looks like we were taken on a little ‘joy ride!’ My brain had to stop what it was analyzing and take an amusement breath! lol
"You cannot hope to build a better world without improving the individuals.
Freedompath comments on Jul 24, 2020:
Yes! The challenge to ‘help’ others, since we are on this journey of life together...seems harder than ever today! Everybody professes to know everything already!
Freedompath replies on Jul 24, 2020:
@yvilletom sometimes it seems like ‘everybody!’ Lol On certain days it
The trump republican party is truly a band of deplorables
JackPedigo comments on Jul 23, 2020:
Funny way to show one's love. Maybe he got his emotions mixed up. I would tell her, thank you for taking the higher road. That is always more difficult than taking the lower one.
Freedompath replies on Jul 24, 2020:
@JackPedigo ...yes, it would be just the ‘greatest’ if McConnell and Graham were booted! I am pretty sure Purdue of Ga, will be gone...not that he was so influential, he was just a lover of trump! Things must change...there is little good waiting in the wings, otherwise!
The trump republican party is truly a band of deplorables
JackPedigo comments on Jul 23, 2020:
Funny way to show one's love. Maybe he got his emotions mixed up. I would tell her, thank you for taking the higher road. That is always more difficult than taking the lower one.
Freedompath replies on Jul 24, 2020:
@JackPedigo yes, it is the uncertainty, of what we may face, just to get trump removed from the Oval Office! Since he has no shame...anything is possible!


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