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Chris Wallace pwns Orange Marmalade on Live TV
Freedompath comments on Jul 17, 2020:
There are no words...trump was had in ‘prime time’ and he kept right on protesting...his protesting! It is so sad that we are forced to claim this ‘dunce’ as our president! This horror show will surely end...
Ms. Maxwell, Hiding in a Corner, with No Plum Pie! []
Freedompath comments on Jul 17, 2020:
It really feels sad at so many levels! How did so many people decide to go down that road of everything good and decent?
Freedompath comments on Jul 17, 2020:
Wow! Just wow!
Such a Consistent Pig! []
Freedompath comments on Jul 17, 2020:
Trump is completely corrupt and it is clear that he has indoctrinated his own children for their own life of corruption! The trump family are the perfected, professional criminal minds! 👹
Another great T-Shirt!!!!
Freedompath comments on Jul 17, 2020:
...hope it dies out!!!
Pat Robertson to Worried Wife: Your Cheating Husband Just “Appreciates Beauty” | Hemant Mehta | ...
Freedompath comments on Jul 16, 2020:
...this society has lost its moorings! The people with NO insight is leading the sheep to the slaughter house!
Robert Jeffress: We Allowed Atheists and Infidels to “Pervert Our Constitution” | Beth ...
Freedompath comments on Jul 16, 2020:
This one man is a ‘vexation to the spirit of mankind!’ And he has a hold on thousands of people, and especially...trump! Sad, sad!
Some of Murdoch's DNA Worked: []
Freedompath comments on Jul 16, 2020:
Works for me! They may need Biden’s help in the very near future!
The best political ad ever made. - YouTube
Freedompath comments on Jul 16, 2020:
I hope this one ad runs on a regular basis! It ticks all the boxes! Now, on a side bar...what happened to Graham? That he found trump to be a bosom buddy now? And when he plays golf with trump, how does he acclimate to trump’s cheating? What is he pretending when this happens? As it has been reported that trump ALWAYS cheats! It seems to me that both people are morally diminished in this process?
Well said. []
Freedompath comments on Jul 16, 2020:
I couldn’t find one thing to disagree on! We have lost our way...the people who know better can only stand in truth and decency and the people who don’t...may have to be left with their ‘stone cold heart’ go in peace! I wish them no harm, but their selfishness is not endearing!
Part four
Freedompath comments on Jul 16, 2020:
The bottom right is a big favorite!
There was a time when religion ruled the world.
Freedompath comments on Jul 16, 2020:
Oh how I hope those days do not repeat themselves!
Total disrespect for women..
Freedompath comments on Jul 16, 2020:
Trump is fat and ignorant! And the hair that trump keeps wrapping around his empty head, is looking more like a straw cap!
Part two for your pleasure
Freedompath comments on Jul 16, 2020:
Love these...😂
Lincoln Project's "Story Hour" for Trump: []
Freedompath comments on Jul 16, 2020:
Love love this...trump want get it, but who cares?
Well, whaddaya know, somehow I got to Level 8 yesterday! So hats off to all in this group who ...
Freedompath comments on Jul 16, 2020:
🎉🎉🎉...glad you are here and don’t worry the numbers sneak up on us, just a matter of time!
A few to start off
Freedompath comments on Jul 16, 2020:
Some great ones
Cant figure it out
Freedompath comments on Jul 16, 2020:
How true that statement is...and everyone is paying a heavy price...some with their death!
Maybe he should wear a jacket with all of his "sponsors" like a race car driver.
Freedompath comments on Jul 16, 2020:
The president has so much time on his hands after running the government...he is selling beans, which we know he does not eat! What a guy!!
Over 137,000 DEAD, with no end in sight...Shithead does this!!!!
Freedompath comments on Jul 16, 2020:
God (something bigger than me)...surely the most ignorant among us, can see through this debacle? People ARE dying out here...others are faced with organ damage for the rest of their natural life! This fool, gives even ‘fools,’ a bad name! Where are more level heads in THAT WhiteHouse? Sedate him and get him off the stage...People are dying...America is dying!
I know there have been a lot of them, but the stupidest thing I have have heard him say lately is ...
Freedompath comments on Jul 16, 2020:
Trump picks up garbage and presents it to the American people as ‘gold nuggets!’ And, a few,...starved souls, cover themselves in said ‘garbage’...enlightenment holds no interest for these sad souls! So be it...
Coronavirus Update (Live): 13,706,050 Cases and 587,144 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - ...
Freedompath comments on Jul 16, 2020:
Congress must have power to protect this Country from this lunatic? So where is it?
And so it continues!
Freedompath comments on Jul 16, 2020:
Trump is not wiggling out of this one so easily! And Pence, could be a marble statue, with his coloring and hardness! These two should be dismissed as people without ‘knowhow!’ Intelligent people have no problem learning what makes good sense! These two can only stand in their ignorance...and it is plastered all over their cold hearted faces! But, what an act they put on to try and deflect...But, there is no way to deflect from the sick and dying! Great job and keep holding the fort...Fauci!
“To put everything in balance is good, to put everything in harmony is ...
Freedompath comments on Jul 16, 2020:
I doubt we ‘that we put’ much ‘in harmony’...we adjust to what is and find what makes sense in it and then live with an ‘open heart anyway!’
And It Starts: []
Freedompath comments on Jul 15, 2020:
Trump has no bottom to his evil! Come 4 more months and this low-life will be dust!
Was on here for a while before I realised this group existed! How could I have been so blind.
Freedompath comments on Jul 15, 2020:
Hate is too good for this evil man, that we are forced to call president of America! I hope that I am still here to witness his death! It can’t be too soon for the world...
LOLOLOL!!!! Another Lincoln Project.
Freedompath comments on Jul 15, 2020:
Parson: Trump 'focused' on situation with St. Louis couple - AOL News
Freedompath comments on Jul 15, 2020:
...if only we could corral our lunatic! I sure hope trump has a big struggle with this situation, maybe it needs to go to the Supreme Court? Lol. When does the president work on the pressing issues needing attention in this Country? Like a pandemic and people sick and dying everywhere!
To the people who either didn't understand, or were confused about my previous post.
Freedompath comments on Jul 15, 2020:
Sounds like sound advice to me! I feel/do the same thing myself... basic respect is a requirement for living!
I'm afraid this is true for me...
Freedompath comments on Jul 15, 2020:
WHOOPIE, I hope.
Freedompath comments on Jul 15, 2020:
Not yet! Be watching though!
I love it when the obscenely rich and out of touch try to give advice to regular people who are ...
Freedompath comments on Jul 15, 2020:
This trump herd, should take their wisdom to the elite’s gated communities and drip their ‘honey,’ onto people who gained their riches over the broken bodies that did the labor so they could preserve themselves in pleasure!
[] Pretty dramatic and over the top, but then again....
Freedompath comments on Jul 15, 2020:
This is great! Trump is not going to get by this go around! The fear of controlling this virus is greater than support for a man who’s strong points are ‘Twittering and golf!’
About Mary Trump's Book (Hey, someone had to break the ice, right?) []
Freedompath comments on Jul 15, 2020:
It is validating...the lunatic trump and the road to his insanity! We didn’t need much, just to tie up a few loose ends is nice!
Trump Unwinding? []
Freedompath comments on Jul 15, 2020:
I would say...that the Republicans are ‘up in arms’ alright...tucked tightly to the breast of trump! They like the ‘look’ of fools...if they didn’t they would stand up on their own two feet and take over proper authority...and demand decency and a just authority! None of that is taking place any where near...lunatic trump!
Amor Fati [].
Freedompath comments on Jul 15, 2020:
I adhere to the stoic mindset...still have my copy of Markus’s Meditations. But, I have a problem with anything as ‘meant to be.’ I can understand, that ‘it is what it is’ and adjust yourself accordingly...and not get hung up on what we wish it to be. I make every effort to work with what presents itself before me! But, to call it ‘love’...that just might take another lifetime. I do however, take ‘it’ very seriously and apply the best know how that I can muster!
We cannot waste time. We can only waste ourselves. - George Matthew Adams
Freedompath comments on Jul 15, 2020:
Is THAT ever true? ?
Otto Rank, Austrian psychoanalyst, published the first paper concerned with narcissism, linking it ...
Freedompath comments on Jul 15, 2020:
He surely would...I hope they hold trump’s brain out in a jar, to be studied, after he expires!
U.S.S. Trumpshit, and its Band of Rats: []
Freedompath comments on Jul 15, 2020:
Yes! But, I wondered why, suddenly Graham is allowing this? I do not trust Graham...even if he found Jesus to testify! He has burned all his bridges to my mind!
Roger Stone Redux? []
Freedompath comments on Jul 15, 2020:
Interesting! But, I am mystified as to how my email appeared at the bottom of that google thread? That is scary, I can be picked out of anywhere?
If you were feeling really sick who would you go to, a politician or a doctor?
Freedompath comments on Jul 15, 2020:
Where once we paid attention to the people with extended knowledge in that we must run everything through a political lens! Even survival! We see where that has gotten us! A lot of people have died, that could have lived on and been productive!
I just did my patriotic duty and told the president he was doing great.
Freedompath comments on Jul 15, 2020:
Trump epitomizes the evil man! Where would one find a redeeming element...even one?
Trump's bizarre COVID-19 claim: 'Biden and Obama stopped their testing'
Freedompath comments on Jul 14, 2020:
Don’t fall into that trap...this man has single handed garnered enough power to crush mankind! That is, if he is not removed from his elevated place, ASAP...this is one man, that in my opinion deserves no slack or pity.
Not holding my breath but if this comes to fruition, it will be a very good day.
Freedompath comments on Jul 14, 2020:
There is going to be the ‘straw that broke the camels back,’ Justice will come, the question is only how and when?
We don't wear masks in America.. Short video... []
Freedompath comments on Jul 14, 2020:
This is serious...people are loosing it! I saw another similar video tonight on my news feed, in Florida! This is working up to a boiling point...and that this person threw in ‘trump 2020,’ tells me where her mindset is! I am a realist...this is anyone’s guess? 😱
And What Does trump Do []
Freedompath comments on Jul 14, 2020:
All true...a person needs to be a dunce, not to able to understand this information!
"Survival of the Morally Sickest" []
Freedompath comments on Jul 14, 2020:
That is the truth, if I have ever heard it! Could a country fall in 4 months, I ask myself? Help us all...
I know I havegone on about the small town I teach in.
Freedompath comments on Jul 14, 2020:
I can’t read this on my little IPhone! 😝. I will read comments below...
Too school or not to school????
Freedompath comments on Jul 14, 2020:
That is not so funny...and those nails holding up those high heel shoes, could sure punch holes in some eye balls! I don’t know..😳
The NY Post at it again, this oped written by a trump advisor who is so fucking clueless that his ...
Freedompath comments on Jul 14, 2020:
I am getting to the point...operating in this ‘insane asylum’...that I am going to scan opinion pieces and even real save what sanity that I have left in me! I want to breath fresh air, look my fellow man in the eye and see him with ‘fresh eyes’ and go about my daily chores! This ‘barely being there,’ sucking good life out of me!
Nepotism works both ways ...[]
Freedompath comments on Jul 14, 2020:
Interesting...I wouldn’t hit the ‘view’ button, to see if it is pro-or-con to my way of thinking! I am trying to stand to the OUT-side of everything at the moment! Too much ‘useless’ information clogging up my ‘natural state!’ We are forgetting how to be ‘connected’ to one another which gives us a sense of belonging and ‘part of the whole!’
[] The most racist thing I've ever seen from the alt right...
Freedompath comments on Jul 13, 2020:
My feeling is...that this has nothing to do with being humane, and caring about the welfare of others...this is just about power and thinking that certain people are superior to others. And not privileged because of blood sweat and tears spent working to be useful to their community...they seem to think that they have no need to develop themselves into better people...they are already deserving because they are superior! I think that I am going to have a problem living in such a cold hearted society!
Donald Trump Jr’s new anti-Biden book misplaces apostrophe in title | Books | The Guardian
Freedompath comments on Jul 13, 2020:
I wouldn’t read the book, even if I was bored to tears!!
Remember Michael Cohen He was tRump's former lawyer/fixer, now serving a prison sentence.
Freedompath comments on Jul 13, 2020:
Trump’s time will run out! The sooner the better! He want have power to sling around against others or the power to protect himself, fully!
I wish he would come to America. []
Freedompath comments on Jul 13, 2020:
Fun fun...but it does not elevate our status in the world! He should live here, his tune might be a bit more tamped down! It is getting harder and harder to laugh at our dilemma!
Great timeline of Bunker Bitch's Covid responses.
Freedompath comments on Jul 13, 2020:
A leader such as this, we can do without! We are better off...if we never listen to trump ever again, especially on how to keep well in this pandemic!
Freedompath comments on Jul 13, 2020:
You betcha! Kill all the poison that passss from the hands/head of trump!
President Lyndon B.
Freedompath comments on Jul 13, 2020:
Sad, but true!
Law and Order, In Trump's Universe: []
Freedompath comments on Jul 13, 2020:
Our focus is on ‘holding the fort’...a change is a-coming! Kick the lunatic to the curb!
Let me tell you, we're doing great, just the best in the world against Covid-19!
Freedompath comments on Jul 13, 2020:
We must stay the course! That is all I know for sure! Can’t afford to waste our allotted time here!
But, you see, he's really pro-life. All lives matter!
Freedompath comments on Jul 13, 2020:
Oh! No Truer words have ever been written! Heartless, dangerous human...I hope we all get out alive, and the lunatic rots in hell...anykind will do!
Trump Helping to Take Daddy's Project Nationwide! []
Freedompath comments on Jul 13, 2020:
And the criminal enterprise just keeps on going... there is no end in sight as far as I can see!
“The supreme happiness of life consists in the conviction that one is loved; loved for one's own ...
Freedompath comments on Jul 13, 2020:
Yes! If you look closely, everyone has a few rough edges! Lol
Perfect...And spot on!!!
Freedompath comments on Jul 13, 2020:
Rudy just reappeared to make a "big mistake" revealing what Trump has always said as an excuse is no...
Freedompath comments on Jul 13, 2020:
To quote ‘judge Judy,’ I want believe anything that Rudy says even, ‘if his tongue came notarized!’ New York, has a world of secrets and shady characters!
“There is neither happiness or misery in the world; there is only the comparison of one state with...
Freedompath comments on Jul 13, 2020:
There is much truth in that statement!
Its a Mosque! No its a church! My ancestors built it for Jesus 1500 years ago! U Arabs stole it 500 ...
Freedompath comments on Jul 13, 2020:
It isn’t silly to the devout! Just glad I am not one of them! If it isn’t a building, it’s a piece of be-damned if you are on the wrong side of your society?
Not my research or authorship, but good details.
Freedompath comments on Jul 13, 2020:
That is sure a ‘wake-up’ call to me! These numbers may not cover people who die because they were afraid to seek emergency treatment. Who wants their loved ones to die with this Covind-19, or themselves? I am not interested in dying now! Nor, being left to fend off complications, should I get and recover from this virus! We need a coordinated country wide plan, on what is needed to maintain this virus to its lowest levels! Otherwise, I plan to mostly become a hermit until a vaccine is available! 😞
Submission walks into a Barr...
Freedompath comments on Jul 13, 2020:
Priorities in life .
Freedompath comments on Jul 13, 2020:
Funny how that works? I guess they have a union of convenience? When it comes to supporting trump, even a pile of manure will be defended in his honor! Their world just works that way!
Trump has a woman problem, now! []
Freedompath comments on Jul 13, 2020:
Holy moly...a feral dog would know that trump is something to beware of!
Did Eeyore predict 2020? Hahaha “Could be worse. Not sure how, but it could be.” – Eeyore
Freedompath comments on Jul 13, 2020:
Judging from current conditions anything is possible. I am contemplating more and more isolation, the world seems more and more dangerous! That was never my ‘working on the end of life plan!’
I swear Trump would eat his own young if he could get some Big Mac Sauce on the side.
Freedompath comments on Jul 13, 2020:
Ha ha ha ha...never do something for OR interact with a its pure nature, it will go wrong!
Bunker Bitch showing everyone how to wear a mask.
Freedompath comments on Jul 12, 2020:
He is from some unholy place! He is not of this dimension...
Suffer from constipation? ExLax, MiraLax, Metamusil...
Freedompath comments on Jul 12, 2020:
Putrid... where they might be, let me never show up!
The WH is distancing itself from reality, this reality!
Freedompath comments on Jul 12, 2020:
America ‘short changed’ by an idiot! Trump, marches in his own constant can people be so blind to this fools insane actions?
Poetic Justice, depending upon the will of the people ...[]
Freedompath comments on Jul 12, 2020:
I can’t take a ‘switch a rue’...I have got to have some adults show up...they all can’t be dead! 😱
One more set, I promise this is the last one today
Freedompath comments on Jul 12, 2020:
I may not be able to maintain my equilibrium...for the duration of trump’s looneyville! All the ills of the world are being crammed in with watching my Country being destroyed by this lunatic!
So I thought I would post this for a little fun query to all of you wonderful people.
Freedompath comments on Jul 12, 2020:
Whatever the ‘age of the person’ calls for! Lol. I think I will find the highest mtn top, and scream for as long as my lungs will permit! And then see how many tears will flood the valley below!
I would be bowled over unconcious to hear De Vos talk about how important it is for kids to be in ...
Freedompath comments on Jul 12, 2020:
I am hoping for something more electrifying than a return to their comfy life ‘under a rock!’ They really should be shunned by the whole of society...the society that they brought so much heartache and pain upon! ...tried with all their might to destroy a halfway decent social order, and attempted to force their vision of unrecognizable human conditions upon the citizens! This from their twisted and sic ideas...not rooted in reality, but THEIR omnipotence! May their old aged days be spoiled by torment and lack...just as they brought these elements to the ‘bound up’ citizens. It can forever be said...this crowd of government morons, left this world a worse place...being, that they had a life here once!
And of course these idiots are still not wearing their masks.
Freedompath comments on Jul 12, 2020:
...’the end!’
They've Been working Long and Hard to Get to this Point: []
Freedompath comments on Jul 12, 2020:
I completely agree! How perfectly they banded together!
Campaign mask? Quote: "I've never been against masks" WTF!!!
Freedompath comments on Jul 12, 2020:
I read that this was just a presentation...done down a hallway! How FAKE, is that?
Combat PTSD. 2 years later. Still struggling... []
Freedompath comments on Jul 12, 2020:
Thank you for sharing your story. Here at age 80 it seemed overwhelming, taking in all the details. I was...struck by similarities with our emotions, and I have never been to war. I can say that I am at peace now, but my nervous system has not recovered 100% if there is such a thing! Just today, I was up early, enjoying the cool before the sun comes in and in a total relaxed place. And I could not figure out the jacking system on my RV, and I have lowered the jack onto a piece of wood and damaged the under cover and further...I cannot figure out what is wrong! I will now have to dig out from under the wood and remove it and deal with the damage! Now, I am sick, my whole being is out of kilter! While I figure this mess out...I called my neighbor who has had a stroke, to offer her some support, because I have been busy getting physical therapy and not able to check in on her! Now, at least I have disrupted my one dimensional nervous system derangement (dividing up attention on her). But, my heart rate is up and I am going to have to ride this ‘train’ to the end of the line, to where I have the RV damaged situation under control! This happened last week when I broke my phone and had to find a new one in my price range! So my nervous system was not in the best of shape today! From where I stand, our nervous system based on PTSD, is never going to be what a person coming from a stressless childhood would experience. This would be a brain that was developed without a lot of stress during those critical years. My brain was already comprised from a stressful childhood. And the trauma that I experienced in early adulthood and later on, did not strengthen my brain or nervous fact my brain lives at ‘trigger happy!’ So what to do...? I have studied myself from every angle, I have a pretty good idea how I am going to react in any given situation...and, I constantly remind myself not to ‘dump’ my emotions on others around me, my emotions are not their burden. But, if their actions have caused me aggravation, I will address that with them...then deal with my emotions and move on. I must try to keep my life as simple as possible. As just living, seems to have a lot of stress associated with it. I live in the moment, I focus on now...what is happening around me and how I feel emotionally right now. I try and get out the hurtful emotions, as I come upon them. I don’t need to carry them on this compromised nervous system. I do make time for a lot of meditative thinking, I need that to calm my nervous system. I wish I understood long ago, how important needing quite and calm are for people with wounded nervous systems. Back then I made too many apologies to others for my needs in this area! I could have ...
Always be more than you appear, and never appear to be more than you are... - Angela Merkel
Freedompath comments on Jul 11, 2020:
Excellent...keep your feet flat on the ground!
Trump Commutes Old Pal Roger Stone's Sentence After declaring Roger Stone a victim of the ...
Freedompath comments on Jul 11, 2020:
And these VILLIANS always grin from ear to, ‘see I told you so, a crime that I committ is not the same as if you commit a crime!’ ‘I’m special and I run with the big guys!’’
Me: Hi cutie! C: Hi yourself! Me: May I walk with you?
Freedompath comments on Jul 11, 2020:
But, you never know where such ‘musings’ might lead?
Karma is a bitch! []
Freedompath comments on Jul 11, 2020:
I am certain there are and will continue to be, many more stories like this! I hate it that I have to feel sad for them! They could have ‘wondered’ least!
US Army investigating how 'MAGA' was described as form of 'covert white supremacy' in handout - ...
Freedompath comments on Jul 11, 2020:
There isn’t enough logic in what is happening all around this Administration to make sense of much of it! I try and pay attention to more and more information to help clear up what is being reported, but it is getting harder and harder to keep up! This Administration and the people ‘stuck on it’...are not easily understood! Insanity never is...
Okay, I will throw the short version of my story out there.
Freedompath comments on Jul 11, 2020:
The one thing that I have found is...the more awareness of how you react to what happens in your life the more you can cope with emotional events that will surely come your(my) way. I am 80 and I have a great deal of peace and understanding, but a lot of my emotional traits will surface under certain conditions. Most of the time I handle them well, but on a few occasions I am not so good! But I just keep on going, as I can pretty much see...there is no perfection in this area of my life! Lol Better to pick up and forget how it comes off to others...I have a life to finish! Lol Best of luck to you! And welcome here!
Trump pardons Roger Stone before three-year prison term was to begin
Freedompath comments on Jul 11, 2020:
This is still stuck in my craw, from earlier in the day! How low down...that our American government has been dragged! I hope there is a whole lot of ‘rotting’ that takes place, in the near future!
Difficult to hide the horns with a comb over
Freedompath comments on Jul 10, 2020:
Looks like he is in contact with his ‘outer-self!’ Wonder which is worse...his present physical self or his outer-self, with no-name!
Will we ever know why Trump betrayed his responsibility to deal with Covid?
Freedompath comments on Jul 10, 2020:
No need to spend too much time trying to rationalize insanity! It is just what ‘it’ is...a man leading America...who is insane!
YouTube Dr Campbell, Global Increases
Freedompath comments on Jul 10, 2020:
I read about this earlier this week! Now I am wondering if this is connected to global warming? And I want to wait and see how accurate is this information? At this late date...the ‘world could be loosing it!’ 😢
I recently began watching and/or listening to ASMR videos on YouTube.
Freedompath comments on Jul 10, 2020:
I don’t know what they are? I listen to videos on YouTube, but it depends on what mood that I am in, as to subject matter. Sometimes I am into ‘deep matters’ at others, I just want to keep track of what is taking place out in the world.
Elect a Sociopath, Find Where the Rest of Them Live: []
Freedompath comments on Jul 10, 2020:
How Barr, can stand before the public representing America is beyond me! There really is something happening to his face? Like it is falling-in?
Bill Barr says it is unfortunate that the SCOTUS did not listen to "our" recommendations in their ...
Freedompath comments on Jul 10, 2020:
The more this insanity goes on with Barr, the more his face appears to be more evil! It is as if his face is melting into something unrecognizable! This man has fallen so low, he will never recover...I wouldn’t want to be in his shoes when this Administration disintegrates. I can’t see his acceptance back into the general society!
There's a Price for Hooking up with the Orange Peel: []
Freedompath comments on Jul 10, 2020:
It is looking better every day getting the buffoon, removed...but, it appears a lot of bleeding is going to take place! You would think that not much more damage can occur if we just stay stead fast and keep our eye on the goal... but my fear still is... there is worse yet to come!! 😡
This quote just made me stop and think.
Freedompath comments on Jul 10, 2020:
That seems to fit...
I mentioned Mental Health support groups to a member the other day and I'm wondering if other folks ...
Freedompath comments on Jul 10, 2020:
That sounds really helpful! Wish that I had developed such contacts. I think one of my traits is that I am a ‘person to person,’ kind of individual and cannot sustain tele-AI-contacts! Lol. I rarely talk to anybody on the phone...I will text with friends and family, but even that will be sporadic! I do everything that I can, in person! I was envolved in person to person support groups off and on, over the years, but I have made so many changes in my life, that it has been my close friends and family that I still have in my life (that is if they are still alive). My nature is to be very close to people in my life, and I have to be able to step back, as some people’s interactions drain me. I kinda of envy you...I like lasting events but apparently not enough to stay the course long term? 🤗


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