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Trump administration quietly guts COVID-19 paid leave provision that already excluded 75 percent of ...
Freedompath comments on Apr 4, 2020:
Trump’s uses the presidency/government to manipulate, for his pleasure! His ‘cult’ should be forced to experience the sick way he uses people...personally! Maybe then they would believe trump is evil?
This came across my Facebook feed today, and I thought it was worth sharing.
Freedompath comments on Apr 4, 2020:
What a treat for the ending! 😃
Freedompath comments on Apr 4, 2020:
This will always seem like a very sad time, for the rest of my life!
Mike Huckabee Claims COVID-19 Death Risk Small and Sin Risk Lethal Former Republican ...
Freedompath comments on Apr 4, 2020:
It is people like Huckabee...that has lost their sanity, and is taking this Country down a dark and dangerous road! They use their ‘limelight power’ to poison the minds of the Evangelicals! And the Evangelicals are easily lead! Tragic!
Trump Falsely Claims He Inherited 'Empty' Stockpile -
Freedompath comments on Apr 4, 2020:
Lier, lier...his pants should blow up!
Freedompath comments on Apr 3, 2020:
😂. But l love it!
My mother keep on telling me that I should believe in Christ.
Freedompath comments on Apr 3, 2020:
I am a mother and I love all five of my children and believe me...we each with the other, have had our struggles. But, I would never hold them hostage over our different beliefs! That would not be loving. I would never create a climate where they must walk on ‘egg shells!’ That would not be loving. So love your mother as you have always done...and live your fullest life possible. This may sound harsh, but...if she dies, she dies! Maybe it is possible for some one with enormous ‘control issues’ to will, their own death, I don’t know? But, no person...mother, father or child, has the right to hold another human being hostage because they want control over that other person’s thinking! And no amount of convincing, could ever label that love. If I did that to one of my children...they should disown me, I earned it! Best of luck...your life belongs to you to live it the best way you know happy!
Freedompath comments on Apr 3, 2020:
Check this out if you need a laugh! [] You're welcome.
Freedompath comments on Apr 3, 2020:
🤣🤣🤣...what a pathetic president! With that perfect ‘side kick!’
Jeepers I hope nothing bad happens :( CDC RECOMMENDS MASKS, BUT TRUMP SAYS HE WON'T WEAR ONE ...
Freedompath comments on Apr 3, 2020:
He can’t stand to have to act like a normal person ...he’s ‘special!’ Evil, evil let him keep going...maybe he will trip over a shoe lace?
So far in the US the death rate is 2.
Freedompath comments on Apr 3, 2020:
To me, it is just the way trump’s twisted thinking works! He adjust everything to what he perceives as ‘good business,’ but it is based in a faulty assessment! He never does critical thinking! Plus the fact, that he did not appoint competent people to his administration. There are no experts there, they are all his ‘yes men!’
Kushner is put in control of the medical supplies.
Freedompath comments on Apr 3, 2020:
Kushner has friends lol...and who knows how this works out, but it is direct opposition to what should be taking place and he will be investigated. To bad that in a time of our worse disaster, we have the very worst president and his family...and they are not being able to fake running this Country!
"Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own...
Freedompath comments on Apr 3, 2020:
I believe that is exactly what happened to me!
Will the us have both the highest number of cases and the highest number of deaths?
Freedompath comments on Apr 3, 2020:
If this doesn’t get contained in short order, it looks like it from my porch! None of this is normal, how can we know the end and how the numbers will shake out! 😷
Down To The River To Pray · Alison Krauss []
Freedompath comments on Apr 3, 2020:
Beautiful harmony! But, I am so far away from even the ‘spirituals’. It isn’t like I have no empathy for the human struggle, but where is the power to overcome in some of them! Sure they are beautiful, but we need raw courage to change things! 🤔
Trump punishing blue states is criminal ! B withholding needed supplies from these states if not ...
Freedompath comments on Apr 3, 2020:
No it has not always been like this! But the ‘fringe people’ of our society got a ‘toe hold,’ and they are taking our society into the sickest recesses of human behavior!
Another fabulous musician lost to the Covid-19 virus died in France recently.
Freedompath comments on Apr 3, 2020:
Blocked! Unavailable! Sorry about that!
Oops, they let it slip out.
Freedompath comments on Apr 3, 2020:
Victor Hanson was once a decent person, now he has become just another ‘spin mogul!’ What gets me at the deepest level, is how selfish America has become. Hanson’s words represent ‘privilege,’ ...’we’ want it all going our way! Never negotiate so that there is a ‘win, win,’ and we all (Countries) get what we mostly want! America has become (on the whole) an arrogant, we take all...kind of society! And if it ‘doesn’t go our way...WE will take it anyway!’ And guess what...America’s are treated with this same ‘game plan!’ At least the ones that are opposed to the greed and arrogance! We will be ‘stamped’ out!
I have Coronavirus fatigue.
Freedompath comments on Apr 3, 2020:
It is a heavy ‘weight’ on all our shoulders! We have never been faced with this much death and dying happening around the whole world. Where can we hide...nowhere! But, sometimes, a break is needed just to catch our equilibrium...if we drive ourselves into the ground, what is to be gained? Give yourself a break...try and keep yourself safe and if you can help others, do what you can. This is bigger than one person, but one person can take the necessary steps to keep oneself well. That keeps us from becoming a worry to others. There is enough worry in the world at the moment! You are not alone here, so post when you need to express your worries. We will get through this. 🤗😷
“I did then what I knew how to do. Now that I know better, I do better.” - Maya Angelou
Freedompath comments on Apr 3, 2020:
Yes! I have learned to do this!
“Dead yesterdays and unborn tomorrows, why fret about them, if today be sweet”.
Freedompath comments on Apr 3, 2020:
Why ‘sweat’ about either, if today isn’t a ‘cake walk?’ Learn it’s lesson and ‘keep on, keeping on!’
Teach Your Children" Kathy Mattea, Alison Krauss,& Suzy Boggus 1995 []
Freedompath comments on Apr 3, 2020:
Lovely, but tapping too much sadness! We are caught between a ‘rock and a hard place’ and lots of people are not going to get out a live.
Trump Blames New York Coronavirus Crisis on Impeachment ‘Hoax []
Freedompath comments on Apr 2, 2020:
We know full well why trump is attempting to place blame on New York people. There is still litigation pending against trump...he moved his residence to Florida for a reason! Trump is sticking it to all the New Yorkers...he gets revenge one way or the other! And he loves to confuse the public with his deranged attacks.
Freedompath comments on Apr 2, 2020:
That’s from my generation! I like my generation! Lol
From Facebook
Freedompath comments on Apr 2, 2020:
Oh spare us...have we not been tortured enough? Not, to mention the PEOPLE who have died, because of his stupidity!
The Story Behind Jared Kushner’s Curious Acceptance Into Harvard []
Freedompath comments on Apr 2, 2020:
DeSantis dumb. This S.O.B. is unbelievably stupid!
Freedompath comments on Apr 2, 2020:
Is this the lastest or a spoof? These people will be ‘sitting ducks’...all those people sitting in a building breathing in all the breathe of other people! I don’t think I ever realized how very ignorant that people in high places can be! This tops it! Goodbye Christians and stay far away from me!
[] How I'm Living Now -Jane Fonda at 82.
Freedompath comments on Apr 2, 2020:
She really is a woman in her element! I still admire her!
The King! [twitter.
Freedompath comments on Apr 2, 2020:
Typical Scumbagery: []
Freedompath comments on Apr 2, 2020:
I suspect that trump wishes he could bring back some dead people (McCain comes to mind) and do some more damage all over again! This is an evil man...there is satellite proof, that Iran is burying thousands of their dead from this virus. How can sane people sitting next to trump in OUR Whitehouse, not show signs of stomach upsets? This is an evil man!
Freedompath comments on Apr 2, 2020:
Selfish showboat idiot!
Right wingers would eat their own young if they thought they didn't properly cower to, admire, ...
Freedompath comments on Apr 2, 2020:
Now why...pray tell me, would anyone have an ax to grind with a plain sensible speaking Scientists? This is more than abnorma, this is a sign of how degraded...too many minds have become in this Country!
What is the purpose of scaling up the "drug war" moving the navy at tremendous cost when we are ...
Freedompath comments on Apr 2, 2020:
This trump lunatic likes to have many ‘balls’ in the air at once! Makes him look like ‘he is going places!’ The same way he has always else could you rake up so many bankruptcy (7?)?
"May the lights in the land of plenty shine on the truth some day." ---- Leonard Cohen
Freedompath comments on Apr 2, 2020:
Trump is the best President EVER! He is my hero! I'm voting for him again! NOTE: Posted 4/1/20 ...
Freedompath comments on Apr 2, 2020:
What ...are you ‘on’ something? Do you have a death wish? Because it looks like you could get your wish!
Louisiana Pastor Arrested for Holding Services with Over 1,100 Attendees Rev.
Freedompath comments on Apr 2, 2020:
Rev Spell, and his congregation needs to stay away from other people, maybe just hold-up in the Church, but there cannot be any contact with other people, because I do not want what they have...and neither would anyone else! There are so many ‘Jim Jones’ out in America that they may in fact destroy a lot of people! The music director at the church in Tampa, where the pastor was arrested, is holding a ‘Woodstock type’ event on Easter and is inviting everyone in America! I think now we see just how far off the rails, about half of America has gone!
Trump doesn't care what happens to us
Freedompath comments on Apr 2, 2020:
I agree trump is a public health hazard to America and anyplace else that puts trust in him to help with this Covid19 or anything else! What brains trump does have are disorganized!
No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare. James Madison
Freedompath comments on Apr 1, 2020:
How true!
Divide each difficulty into as many parts as is feasible and necessary to resolve it.
Freedompath comments on Apr 1, 2020:
I do that! Works for me!
21 Best Trump Memes These are worth opening the link.
Freedompath comments on Apr 1, 2020:
Some very funny stuff!
There's Naught to Do The sun was bright, and the sky was blue.
Freedompath comments on Apr 1, 2020:
Deeply emotional! Excellent in my book!
This came across in my FB. My response to this was "Oh pulllleeszeee"..
Freedompath comments on Apr 1, 2020:
Go to hell! Trump is not like you and he...for sure is not like me! He never took this job to serve people or help make this Country or world a better place! No! He did it for the glory! Which he was still wallowing in at his very last rally in Jan/Feb which was spent calling this looming pandemic a hoax! That...after he must have been advised by the intelligence Committee around that same time! No, whoever you are...go crawl under a rock someplace and stay there, your expert opinion is cruel!
Ever the savvy showman ... []
Freedompath comments on Apr 1, 2020:
Trump has no regard for human beings, just money and himself! That fact must be faced and we need to tune out the lunatic-in-Chief! It is the only sane thing to do! Take trump as if he were a ‘still life’ art piece...the truth is he is a ‘still life’ ...who is living but in real life, is a ‘heartless dead’ person! I hate being ‘played!’
Mr. Penn is a fucking idiot. []
Freedompath comments on Apr 1, 2020:
Mr Penn, cannot tell the difference between competence and ‘gaslighting!’ No wonder, this Country is rapidly deteriorating, we have too many people who can’t analyze or think logically!
You can support Trump's economic recovery plan with the My Pillow guy - its easy
Freedompath comments on Apr 1, 2020:
🤑🤑🤑🤑...then the inheritance! What a deal...all legal according to the GOP!
Coronavirus deniers take aim at hospitals as pandemic grows
Freedompath comments on Apr 1, 2020:
My to stop this insanity! People who are loved and wanted to live are dying, these people who engage in this insanity, should be arrested! They are endangering the Country and the Community!
The guy is a train wreck from start to finish but still they cheer for him, the Great Savior.
Freedompath comments on Apr 1, 2020:
I get the picture and it ain’t pretty!🤮
Man's love is of man's life a thing apart,' Tis woman's whole existence .....Lord Byron.
Freedompath comments on Apr 1, 2020:
I don’t know about that...there is not one man in my life that is ‘my whole existence!’ Lord Bryon must have been an incurable romantic... those rose colored glasses create too much fantasy!
"I'ts Time to Seize Trump Tower!" []
Freedompath comments on Apr 1, 2020:
I wish that trump gets his ‘just deserts’...ASAP! But, with people dying every few minutes, our time and energy would be better spend saving lives!
Just how reckless, stupid and narcissistic would a POTUS have to be to launch a war in the middle of...
Freedompath comments on Apr 1, 2020:
My guess is...there are people fixated on Iran, that are prodding! These people have no purpose than to keep the world in an uproar! How else, could they feel alive...this is their drug of choice! And my other guess is they love feeling the power of making people squirm!
I am at a loss with these damn daily trump cheerleader rallies
Freedompath comments on Apr 1, 2020:
I wish!
Today's Edition Of State TV Yesterday's Most Misleading Story Happy April Fools' Day! ...
Freedompath comments on Apr 1, 2020:
Insanity can’t be made rational! Fox News is exactly like the propaganda spewing churches that people flock to every Sunday and even on other days! Day after day of mind numbing ideas are promoted until the people can be led around on dog leashes!
“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." - Eleanor Roosevelt
Freedompath comments on Apr 1, 2020:
But, they can sure make us work overtime, trying to figure out what is wrong, with them or us?
Time for trump to put his money where his mouth is ...
Freedompath comments on Apr 1, 2020:
.......cocktail might help relieve some pressure!
MyPillow CEO Heaps Praise on Trump at Coronavirus Briefing President Trump turned a recent ...
Freedompath comments on Apr 1, 2020:
Trump is turning this nightmare into a nightmare within a nightmare! His next guest...while people continue to die...will be his Mega-preachers (Louisiana and Florida). that are being arrested for indangering whole communities! The people that are traveling in the ‘trump circle,’ are lost to humanity, we simply can’t count on them! They are at the podiums celebrating each other, while America is becoming a morgue! How can we end this hell, that we have here?
Another WTF moment
Freedompath comments on Apr 1, 2020:
Cuomo has a right to vent...people in his state are dying this very minute! And, his brother Chris who is my favorite broadcaster has Covid19! It is trump who needs to be placed in Quarantine, so some sounder minds can get this disaster under control! We are heading straight into Hell, if what ‘they’ are reporting is true!
When endless coups don't work, indict and offer millions in reward monies.
Freedompath comments on Mar 31, 2020:
This insanity just want stop! People are dying as we speak, our life is becoming less and less valuable!
The reading of all good books is like a conversation with the finest minds of past centuries.
Freedompath comments on Mar 31, 2020:
Yes! My favorites are autobiographies and biographies!
Freedompath comments on Mar 31, 2020:
Ha ha ha... 🤯🤯🤯 we have an overload of brainless people running loose!
New Treasury Dept Report Estimates How Many Points Dow Goes Up For Every Grandparent’s Death...
Freedompath comments on Mar 31, 2020:
One hundred to two hundred and 40 thousand
Freedompath comments on Mar 31, 2020:
I am deeply grieved at the callous way trump refers to REAL people dying as he speaks! So this is how far our Country has fallen...THIS is not a political struggle...THIS is a pandemic that was foretold by Scientists! It was just a matter of time! But, the people that we have in charge now are not ‘playing with full decks!’ They even believe that is advantageous to let grandparents die to preserve money. It was REAL people who came here and built this Country from scratch...with the help from native Americans! Now, we can’t trust that the next generation has the ‘wherewithal’ to be able to survive past this disaster! People have gone crazy!
Presidents have failed before, but not on this scale: Historian. []
Freedompath comments on Mar 31, 2020:
Leave it to Tx to keep pushing, pushing! They want them donation dollars to keep flowing! Let people die, what is one less person to the Republicans...’people die all the time!’ Why, oh why, can’t they be thinned out?
Trump goes full racist on black reporter
Freedompath comments on Mar 31, 2020:
Trump oozes disrespect! I was impressed how well she held together!
He's giving his buddies another pass to rape the world.
Freedompath comments on Mar 31, 2020:
Because trump works the system, when our backs are turned OR up against the wall! I was hoping we could hold out for 10 more months with the least amount of damage, but that is really pushing our luck!
"Faith may be defined briefly as an illogical belief in the occurrence of the improbable.
Freedompath comments on Mar 31, 2020:
Just in case someone can shoot the virus! 😳 Trump administration rules gun shops 'essential' ...
Freedompath comments on Mar 31, 2020:
The NRA, are so afraid they will loose their footing with acquiring and owning guns, that they can’t put the safety of people in their own Country first! It’s the guns stupid...people be damned!
Just in case someone can shoot the virus! 😳 Trump administration rules gun shops 'essential' ...
Freedompath comments on Mar 31, 2020:
Can you believe that...a Country in a life and death crisis and we need guns to keep us safe?! This Country has surely gone to hell in a hand basket! I want to migrate...
I love this group! You can call the orange turd whatever you like with impunity, It's not as if we ...
Freedompath comments on Mar 31, 2020:
You bet-cha!
“Solitude produces originality, bold & astonishing beauty, poetry.
Freedompath comments on Mar 31, 2020:
Put it all together and you have a human ‘being’...
Your tax dollars at work...
Freedompath comments on Mar 31, 2020:
How true! Our insane asylum, we are...
A donkey in a suit is always a donkey.
Freedompath comments on Mar 31, 2020:
Or ‘carry a big stick!’
I can’t get out to sing with my choir, so here’s the next best thing.
Freedompath comments on Mar 31, 2020:
Brings back wonderful memories!
I can’t get out to sing with my choir, so here’s the next best thing.
Freedompath comments on Mar 31, 2020:
Somehow I have disabled my audio..,as I can’t hear anything!!! I will need to figure out what has happened as I am not perfected on this I-phone!
Facts dispute trumps accusations against healthcare professionals
Freedompath comments on Mar 31, 2020:
Ofcourse they do...I would take the medical staff, stealing supplies over trump any day of the week! Let them steal..,we have lives to save!
Acting Secretary of the Navy Forrest Modly said " Although he had never been on a real shrimp boat ...
Freedompath comments on Mar 31, 2020:
Insanity has taken over...and trump surely took it passed the tipping point!!🤮
Sweaty frog with excuses. []
Freedompath comments on Mar 31, 2020:
I wouldn’t drag McCorn-hole, as a friend here calls McConnell...out of a burning building! I am sick to death of hearing from the Republicans how they have been hampered at every turn by the Democrats! They are all evil people, who have no integrity...and even less...humane qualities! They can all rot as far as I am concerned!
Anybody who believes that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach flunked geography.
Freedompath comments on Mar 31, 2020:
😝🤣 ...never worked for me!
George is at it again: From Kellyanne Conway’s husband, George Conway: "For Trump supporters, ...
Freedompath comments on Mar 31, 2020:
😭😭😭😭😭...why is his ass still standing? How can normal people be looking death in the ‘eye’ and say ‘trump is doing a good job,’. A GOOD job at what...murder? Normal people have lost their ‘rudder’...BANISH trump to his TOWER, so we can help save our PEOPLE! They are dying by the hundreds as we speak...
I can't believe that Trump addressed the nation today and took the time to tell us that his ratings ...
Freedompath comments on Mar 31, 2020:
It sure will be...If we could put trump in the WH behind that will be easier to keep pace with helping the people who need it the most, hopefully keep them alive! Trump IS a hinderance to our looming pandemic! Put the fool in a straight jacket if nothing else works! This Country has lives to save!
"The law, in its majestic equality, forbids the rich as well as the poor to sleep under bridges, to ...
Freedompath comments on Mar 31, 2020:
Maybe from this pandemic...the people of the world will be shaken out of their slumber and much more ‘humanity’ will show up? ‘Man in not an island’...
“To live is the rarest thing in the world.
Freedompath comments on Mar 31, 2020:
And that is so sad...but until you understand YOUR place in this world, existing is all you have to hold on to! If this is so, then few people only reflect traces of ‘real living,’ so how is one to know that...there is much more ‘life’ waiting for us?
“What is better than wisdom?
Freedompath comments on Mar 31, 2020:
🤣😂☺️😂🤣 describe what it means to be a good woman? The above statement infers that a ‘good’ woman is scarce as ‘hens teeth!’
Trump Accuses Hospital Workers of Stealing And Selling Face Masks During an absolutely bizarre ...
Freedompath comments on Mar 31, 2020:
Like i said in another post, trump has the intelligence of a grave digger and the compassion of a rabid dog! He is hopeless! If his ‘cult’ is still hanging on now, they deserve each other!
One to pass on to all the trumpsters
Freedompath comments on Mar 31, 2020:
It’s the economy stupid...the Republicans surely sold their they are past pretending that the average person ever mattered! Let the people die, they (Repub) will utilize the money they want have to pay out anymore!
Trump only concerned with tv ratings
Freedompath comments on Mar 31, 2020:
People are dying where his trump tower is standing and he behaves as if it is some foreign country that is stealing from him! Evil, evil, evil...
Ratings slut. They need to pull the plug on him
Freedompath comments on Mar 31, 2020:
Isn’t this a sad state of things...these mimes spell out the truth about the president of America.
This would make a birder's eye twitch.
Freedompath comments on Mar 30, 2020:
That is just to-o cute for words!
"The urge to save humanity is almost always a false front for the urge to rule." - H.L. Mencken
Freedompath comments on Mar 30, 2020:
That power comes with so much responsibility! Wonder if they thought about that before hand?
Live the full life of the mind, exhilarated by new ideas, intoxicated by the romance of the unusual.
Freedompath comments on Mar 30, 2020:
That statement I can get with...
Column: Trump’s coronavirus stimulus checks should come with a nondisclosure agreement - Chicago ...
Freedompath comments on Mar 30, 2020:
I would never sign such a NDA! I would let the dog chew the check up first!
Choir practice turns fatal. Coronavirus is to blame - Los Angeles Times
Freedompath comments on Mar 30, 2020:
I read that earlier today! This makes things with this virus even more scary!
something to share with the less educated.
Freedompath comments on Mar 30, 2020:
That’s how I took it...people are scattered all across America! He meant anyone but him and his family! They are ‘special!’ Life can’t go on without them, you know the drill! From 1-10, they are all 11s...
A brief rundown of how the tRump sold his followers the virus story. []
Freedompath comments on Mar 30, 2020:
Excellent! The only thing ‘fake’ in this Country is lunatic d trump! That’s the real virus, that there is no cure for! But, hopefully in November, he will be contained to the annals of history, hopefully to rot!
I was on the phone with my mother last night.
Freedompath comments on Mar 30, 2020:
Stay well! 🤗
Freedompath comments on Mar 30, 2020:
Love the harmony!
Jimmy Hughes - "Steal Away" []
Freedompath comments on Mar 30, 2020:
Good good blues!
Celine []
Freedompath comments on Mar 30, 2020:
Must have missed this early on...I am a fan of Céline! Life will go on...
JIM REEVES - DISTANT DRUMS A beautiful ballad with "the velvet style' of gentleman Jim Reeves, a ...
Freedompath comments on Mar 30, 2020:
Wow! You picked a real tearjerker! Jim Reeves was always a big favorite and brings to mind sad, sad memories, from that time! I want all my old music back...
It is not enough to have a good mind; the main thing is to use it well. - René Descartes
Freedompath comments on Mar 30, 2020:
Would help to have education put in it!
A hatred so deep......... []
Freedompath comments on Mar 30, 2020:
This lunatic trump can’t take responsibility, HE has no concept of what that means! This is like trying to get ‘blood’ from a turnip? Now, WE ARE beginning to look we keep trying to force RESPONSIBILITY out of is NOT there to GET...😱


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