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Important Corona Virus preventative measures announced
Freedompath comments on Mar 15, 2020:
Tucker Carlson Met With Donald Trump At Mar-a-Lago & Urged Him To Take Coronavirus Seriously, Report...
Freedompath comments on Mar 15, 2020:
I have to agree with us ‘being in hell,’ if Tucker Carlson is giving straight advice about anything, to anybody, especially trump! How did he suddenly come into common sense? This would prove once and for all...that previously, his ‘act’ has all been to ‘deceive’ the people for fun and power!
A sort of realization: Donald Trump is the Dennis Rodman of US Presidents.
Freedompath comments on Mar 15, 2020:
I wonder if Rodman isn’t a step up from trump?
Sometimes in life all you need is a hug.
Freedompath comments on Mar 15, 2020:
Verification that I am still valued!
Blind Faith In Religion Destroys Our Ability To Critically Think For Ourselves
Freedompath comments on Mar 15, 2020:
I believe ‘blind faith,’ is mentally unhealthy and has been true as far back as we go, with recorded history!
Freedompath comments on Mar 15, 2020:
Go die, trump!
Donald Trump Tried To Purchase Exclusive Rights To A Coronavirus Vaccine, Report Says
Freedompath comments on Mar 15, 2020:
All I can say is...we need to reclaim our government! Trump is an abomination to all of humanity! If he died tomorrow it would be too late...this person is not human! He is a parasite!
[] Fingers crossed. fuckTrump HurryUpAndDieAlready
Freedompath comments on Mar 15, 2020:
I am in agreement!
I spend 5 1/2 months in China last year.
Freedompath comments on Mar 15, 2020:
It is my very clear opinion...that the ‘China bashing’ is a deflection from the ‘ills’ of America! When a person can never say anything good about China, my first thought is they have been indoctrinated! Just a few years ago, when I had CCTV in English, American CEO’s would come on tv and tell stories of their relatives who wanted to stay when they came to visit, China! They were that impressed! This is a SUPER competitive nation...they must keep proclaiming, ‘we are the greatest’ or else ‘they’ can’t feel superior and in their minds, apparently others too, will see the US as superior! This is something I have never been able to understand!
This is a new one , at least to me.
Freedompath comments on Mar 15, 2020:
People are going to gather all kinds of ideas, until trump is out of the picture! Not only is he a media figure, he has given others like him a platform, so we are bombarded with lies and bad information! An impressionable person is going to be a ‘sitting duck!’ We must make it our life’s mission to stand up deliberately and with the hard truth, of not, confusion will reign supreme!
Those who are firm, enduring, simple and unpretentious are the nearest to virtue. - Confucius
Freedompath comments on Mar 15, 2020:
And they are ‘easy’ to be with!
A truly authentic fake ... []
Freedompath comments on Mar 15, 2020:
...a looser and this will be his whole story! Yes, the ‘fake’ trump part has always been out front and in your face!
Thank you Jerry Falwell? []
Freedompath comments on Mar 15, 2020:
...’if they (Falwell), do not get what they want’...their particular brand of conservatism...they will join W V! This is the position of the majority of the GOP! They have no intention of EVER sharing government with anyone other than their party! It is their way or the highway, the same as always! OTHERS, don’t count with them...not their ideas, not their needs, NOTHING! We are supposed to ‘fold up,’ for them and their ideology! NEVER gonna happen..not while we still have an American Constitution!
Reality in the Age of Trump, With Bill Moyers and R.
Freedompath comments on Mar 15, 2020:
This is war...war against the ‘deranged,’ who are forcing an ‘alternate truth’ upon us! Now, we must correct this anywhere we run into it!
[] WTF?
Freedompath comments on Mar 15, 2020:
This Country is ‘leaning toward insanity,’ on a GRAND scale! 😱
The ultimate supervillain! The looks of Dr.
Freedompath comments on Mar 15, 2020:
What a pity that he doesn’t. If ever there should be...I think this would be it! Why have a war that wipes out great portions of humanity, when nature might take matters in a different direction? Without a single shot fired!
"Aging is an extraordinary process where you become the person you always should have been".
Freedompath comments on Mar 15, 2020:
It would sure be nice to have the physical stamina to utilize the true person, for greater things!
I'm not optimistic enough to fully embrace this article, but it does give me a little hope.
Freedompath comments on Mar 15, 2020:
D trump can’t ‘shrink’ to small in my eyes! He was a failure before he started his presidency and it was all down hill from there!!!
The Trump Family Demonstrates ...
Freedompath comments on Mar 15, 2020:
Freedompath comments on Mar 15, 2020:
As for the ‘rip-off trump family,’ their time is soon on the ‘chopping block!’
Freedompath comments on Mar 15, 2020:
Collins needs a wake-up call, to the exit...she can’t stand in truth, she is riding high on the ‘trump train!’
"I pity the man who wants a coat so cheap that the man or woman who produces the cloth will starve ...
Freedompath comments on Mar 15, 2020:
That sure brings it home...I want forget this!
My cousin (who lives in Canada) posted this on Facebook.
Freedompath comments on Mar 15, 2020:
Deflecting...pure and simple! Paula White has her ‘preaching’ all over these tweets! And, trump knows how to he believes in nothing but the ‘almighty dollar!’ Trump knew exactly what he needed to complete the camouflage of his impotence...a powerful religious figure! Reality is being highjacked...I don’t believe a single word of it!!
I find this an interesting 'side effect' of the coronavirus quarantines.
Freedompath comments on Mar 14, 2020:
I hope this inadvertenting test, is not slipped under the rug!
Another insistently stupid God-Talking fool!: []
Freedompath comments on Mar 14, 2020:
How sickening...but true to form for Falwell! Nothing can touch these ‘god fearing disciples!’ Let’s see how this pans out for them? The young people may fair ok, but the high risk to older students/teachers is different!
Interesting interview with Frank Rich: []
Freedompath comments on Mar 14, 2020:
Very revealing...sure helps explain ‘the Donald!’
Congratulations to Donald Trump as he announces the "possibility of 1,500.
Freedompath comments on Mar 14, 2020:
Couldn’t agree more!
Greek Orthodox church says 'holy cup cannot carry disease', allows congregations to share spoon: ...
Freedompath comments on Mar 14, 2020:
These fools must have never had a Science lesson!? 😷
Will the orange wonder still have followers after they start falling?
Freedompath comments on Mar 14, 2020:
We know this kind of dysfunction will not continue without some sort of disaster! It has the poison seeds of discontent planted deeply and sooner or later, the deadly sprouts will come to the surface!
God's punishment: Where are those clowns who "know" that the corona virus is their god's punishment...
Freedompath comments on Mar 14, 2020:
It may be that the ‘loonies’ managed to get the upper hand when they were given a place at the table! But, that wasn’t enough, they wanted to call all the shots...for everyone! But, they are up against major resistance and must be more than shocked that all the people don’t see it exactly as they do...’their real truth, from god’s lips to their ears!’
Trump and his "spiritual guide" Paula White were made for each other.
Freedompath comments on Mar 14, 2020:
She is riding the ‘trump train,’ and it looks like she believes...’right into glory!’ I hope I am still around to see how this plays out for both!
Another very decent and humanitarian excuse for human being.
Freedompath comments on Mar 14, 2020:
Ditch Mitch...on to a Kentucky farm! He has done enough harm for one man! I think he was groomed, by a lot of the more powerful in this Country! Shutting them down is the challenge!
We are fucked
Freedompath comments on Mar 14, 2020:
That would be the man/child that we are expected to call our ‘president!’ We could hire a locksmith to perform better at this job!
a former judge sends a big FU to the Supreme court and Justice Roberts []
Freedompath comments on Mar 13, 2020:
I just finished reading that a little earlier...THAT is a real smack down! Let’s see if it makes any difference! The GOP have simply highjacked America! The Constitution is now what they want it to mean!
King Virus, it will spread if we don't sterilize it.
Freedompath comments on Mar 13, 2020:
Trump IS the dreaded ‘virus!’ Nothing fanciful about it!
Poll Shows Nearly Two-Thirds Of White Evangelicals See Donald Trump As ‘Honest’ And ‘Morally ...
Freedompath comments on Mar 13, 2020:
These people only see what they WANT to see! If you argue facts with them...they will only try and divert your attention elsewhere! Then they will remind you that ‘you can believe what you want to believe and I will believe what I want to!’
So what else is new, right? []
Freedompath comments on Mar 13, 2020:
People are being warned everyday...’Fox News will lead you astray!’ Now, we must save ourselves and let them do the same! I intend to keep 6ft distance and beyond!
Freedompath comments on Mar 13, 2020:
Some of us knew this was possible from the on-set of trump’s election! He has no redeeming qualities to draw from and nothing has moved him from his grip on his ‘thorn!’ HE, is the main instigator of the majority of the angst in America and abroad! He simply can’t help himself and yes his supporters want to ‘blow up something!’ Trump, will let them, as he wants the same...let it all blow-up! Want hurt him!
Hannity Claims Deep State May Be Using Coronavirus to Hurt Economy Fox News host and unofficial...
Freedompath comments on Mar 13, 2020:
Yes! Way too many people have fallen into the same trance...that trump has developed...just twist the facts to fit your imagination! That way they will be true...viewed from anyone’s imagination!
Imbecile Pastor With Prediction: “Trump honors Israel, and it’s a massive difference,” he ...
Freedompath comments on Mar 12, 2020:
There is an idiot born everyday...this is another one!
Here's an article that the donald should read, and so should we all ...[]
Freedompath comments on Mar 12, 2020:
I have a problem believing that Donald Trump read this!
Yup, he is a certified moron!!!!
Freedompath comments on Mar 12, 2020:
Works for me too!👹
The turd came out on TV announcing some measures to deal with the pandemic, like banning travel from...
Freedompath comments on Mar 12, 2020:
A grifter always a grifter!
Okay, so there is always the Atheist vs.
Freedompath comments on Mar 12, 2020:
That answer would depend on an individual and his processing of his/her experience and known facts.
“The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it.
Freedompath comments on Mar 12, 2020:
That’s a scary statement! I think we are living an example of that now!
So true...
Freedompath comments on Mar 11, 2020:
...and making your decisions based on what others will think, will leave one a fake to oneself!
The biggest threat to a second term for The Trumper is a Stock Market Crash followed by a Recession.
Freedompath comments on Mar 11, 2020:
Ofcourse...they have no worthy excuse...therefore they have no solution! Let’s see trump bring this market back!
Science is based on experiment, on a willingness to challenge old dogma, on an openness to see the ...
Freedompath comments on Mar 11, 2020: see the results from evidence even when it is hard to believe.
I know some may get mad but it is the way it is.
Freedompath comments on Mar 11, 2020:
That was a rambling statement, and every person has his/her way of looking at politics and how government works. But, it seems on the naive side to me.
Will Donald Trump Get Reelected? []
Freedompath comments on Mar 11, 2020:
What a scary message! I know that it is true, and it sure makes it harder to keep my hopes up! Surely, against all that matters to this Country...trump will not get the opportunity to completely destroy us, by a second term! My god his supporters must all be insane! His lunacy is out front for everyone to see!
Tuesday night closes and it is another big win for Biden who won Mississippi, Missouri and Michigan ...
Freedompath comments on Mar 11, 2020:
Sad...but we must go on!
Hey, when you are up against the deep, dark wall of your own ignorance, what else would you do?
Freedompath comments on Mar 11, 2020:
Wow! What a fiasco! First off, trump is pale as a sheet, second he was holding his arms tighter around himself. than I have ever seen him do. And, that shouting by Grisham, shows how desperate this rogue administration is! I do not expect improvement in the near and far future! Trump has found in Grisham a woman...who will ‘stand by her man!’ 🤬
How worried should we be? Being prepared and planning for the worst never hurt. []
Freedompath comments on Mar 11, 2020:
Thanks...I think that I have ‘it’...don’t panic, but take precautions!
Woman begins by resisting a man's advances and ends by blocking his retreat. - Oscar Wilde
Freedompath comments on Mar 10, 2020:
Ha ha ha...until both throw in the towel!
Matchbox Twenty - If You're Gone []
Freedompath comments on Mar 10, 2020:
Great band! And the lovers music...the conflicted ones!
I was at my local Wegmans (supermarket) yesterday and they had run out of my preferred store-brand ...
Freedompath comments on Mar 10, 2020:
I also went for Scott’s toilet paper yesterday at Walmart and I sometimes get the 4 pk, sometimes 10 pk...that whole shelf was cleared out of all toilet paper except for 6 single Scott rolls! Strange! People must think that they might be held up in their homes and can’t get to the store? Crazy!
"One keeps forgetting to go down to the foundations.
Freedompath comments on Mar 10, 2020:
...and the answers might not come right away, patience would be useful with the questions.
Had not seen this parody b4. Enjoy. []
Freedompath comments on Mar 10, 2020:
Sounds good to me...put Donald in the sky! I enjoyed it!
'Disturbing': Study Shows DOJ Prosecutions of White-Collar Criminals Hit All-Time Low Under Trump | ...
Freedompath comments on Mar 10, 2020:
Barr and trump, along with a lot of other lackeys have turned justice inside out! But, with only 10 months to go for trump, things could be mighty hot for some people as I would not think the limitations would not run out, especially not criminal activity! The trump administration has always been a criminal enterprise! Just read today that DeVos’ may have been in with her brother Eric Prince, on spying on Michigan teachers union! And these are the pious people!
The lab and the testing company given the exclusive nod by Trump to do our country's official virus ...
Freedompath comments on Mar 10, 2020:
This is horrible! This should be investigated and trump pay a big price because people died as he played politics!
I talked voting today at work and got this info from some of the Trumpers.
Freedompath comments on Mar 10, 2020:
Ha ha ha... that just may blow up in their should give us an indication of what is ahead!
despite the passing of millenia, history seems to be repeating itself
Freedompath comments on Mar 10, 2020:
Laugh OUT loud🤣
One of these is a parody account. Who sounds more Presidential?
Freedompath comments on Mar 10, 2020:
What a joke we have for president! This man/child cannot get enough of himself! 😱
President Bubble Boy 'He's definitely melting down over this': Trump worries that journalists ...
Freedompath comments on Mar 10, 2020:
He was melting down, before corona virus hit the stage! This will speed things up...couldn’t come at a better time for him! He needs to be tested! BIG TIME for a change!
Like this.. 😞☹️
Freedompath comments on Mar 10, 2020:
Yes...some of us, must constantly be working on our balancing act! Which reminds me of a dream last night! I took my van to the repair shop (which I need to do on Wed), and the mechanic is giving me a ride home, but somehow I get separated from him just going out the door and end up in a business a short distance away and I have to qual my distress at being lost and ask for directions back to my mechanic’s shop! I was feeling beside myself that I could get so mixed up...(anxiety in my dreams, over minor activity.) Lol I hate it when I feel so vulnerable...
The Kinks - "Oklahoma U.
Freedompath comments on Mar 10, 2020:
I pretty much have a pioneer spirit! This song brought back memories of my childhood back in Ga, when I would walk to the store a quarter mile away on the main highway with a single nickel to buy a RC cola. seemed a seemed simply for me, but not so for my parents, as life slowly deteriorated for all of us.
🐷 Trump says corona virus is minor compared to the flu.
Freedompath comments on Mar 10, 2020:
Trump does not ‘see’ people in his mind’s eye, when he envisions anything! It is either dollar signs or the ‘Stock Exchange’ billboard OR his approval numbers! All based around numbers he wants!
Makes sense
Freedompath comments on Mar 10, 2020:
It sure IS...👺
Trump Claims Coronavirus Like Common Flu and Market Drop Fake News After spending the weekend ...
Freedompath comments on Mar 10, 2020:
For my money...he could go live at his ‘golf course!’ But, the media would destroy the greens, following trump around on his daily grind! Why do we give this lunatic so much ‘air time?’ ‘Lunaticing,’ does not bode well, as a norm!
I don't think I need to type much about this.
Freedompath comments on Mar 9, 2020:
I learned something else today that had not registered if I heard it before...this is a completely new strain of virus! First time found in humans, so no one has built up an immunity to it.
Where's my camera? A sudden shock.
Freedompath comments on Mar 9, 2020:
Lucky you! You are sure putting in the miles! 👍 I recall my long hike days, but they have shortened now!
Freedompath comments on Mar 9, 2020:
Lovely...but somber!
Orthodox Israeli Rabbi Claims Coronavirus is God’s Revenge for Gay Pride Parades | Beth ...
Freedompath comments on Mar 9, 2020:
It just may be that we have a lot more narrow minded people than we care to admit to! If we can’t convince them to show regard...we have no need to make friends, either! Apparently people can ‘live’ in their ignorance without any help on my part and I will live in peace.
Trump tweeted that corona virus is fake news
Freedompath comments on Mar 9, 2020:
The depth of this one man’s ignorance is staggering! And, he is sitting in the president’s seat of America! He is going to ‘blow up’ like a broken umbrella in a hurricane!
This is so true.
Freedompath comments on Mar 9, 2020:
Yes and we could only hope, that it would not be a disaster that brought into jeopardy...people’s lives...but here we are, doing the best we can and not looking to this trump man to be of much help! He is not capable...
Been a while since I have been here.
Freedompath comments on Mar 9, 2020:
I am sorry that your earlier experience here, was a disappointment. One thing that caught my eye in your post was your statement of, ‘people here are supposed to be a better class of people.’ Is this site a ‘class of people’ or just a mixture of people? I found people here to be a ‘duke’s mixture!’ It is attempting to communicate with so many different personalities, that is the challenge! I have used this site to get more comfortable about what I stand for and to present my ideas clearly and to be among people who have doubts or are non-believers. The back lash from the religious zealots, is not something that helps me in any way, with discussing how I feel about gods and religion. But, I can leave them to their own devices and except them with their religions. I am just not one with them! It will help if you do not attack other people, at their human level, (even if you are attacked) but anyone’s ideas are up for the challenge. This site has helped me to accept others as they are, and I can still stand in my own truth, even if few agree or no one agrees with me! I am only able to change my mind when I see the evidence and logic behind certain issues/truths. I simply cannot fake it. Welcome back and best of luck!
Here is the list. Let's get moving on this one. One by one.. out the door they go.
Freedompath comments on Mar 9, 2020:
I wish McConnell to be at the head of list!
Trump and Covid-19
Freedompath comments on Mar 9, 2020:
That is a perfect statement, describing our lunatic trump! Fits him to a ‘T’..,
[] Bringing the virus under control
Freedompath comments on Mar 9, 2020:
...and we can’t shake off this ‘lunatic’ even when we try! Depend on your own good common sense! This government is impotent!
“There is nothing in the world so irresistibly contagious as laughter and good humour” ...
Freedompath comments on Mar 9, 2020:
Works for me! Makes life much more fun!
To be sure of hitting the target, shoot first, and say whatever you hit's the target ...
Freedompath comments on Mar 9, 2020:
That sounds to much like a trump proclamation! I don’t like it!
Breaking news on the virus.....
Freedompath comments on Mar 9, 2020:
What a horrid way to govern...instead of political skills, trump tells the people he has ‘hunches!’
Republican economy
Freedompath comments on Mar 9, 2020:
What a bunch of matter where they are on the government sponsored corporate ladder!
[] Oh please lets hope this POS gets it really bad!
Freedompath comments on Mar 9, 2020:
What if he is using this as an excuse to take a break from the ‘daily grind?’ His boss already said ‘people can go to work,’ as they could have a mild case of the coronavirus! Let’s see how many others call in sick on their government payroll jobs!
Freedompath comments on Mar 9, 2020:
‘He never does any work anyway,’ is precisely why he can keep going to can’t possibly catch the coronavirus from a TV set!
Wet Wet Wet - Love Is All Around []
Freedompath comments on Mar 8, 2020:
I need to get out more! Never heard this before, but it was great! That stadium was filled to the brim!
Freedompath comments on Mar 8, 2020:
I loved the music...but, changing to suit someone else, ends in disaster! Lol ...bad message!
Right-Wing Pastor: God Sent Us Coronavirus Because of Homosexuality | Beth Stoneburner | Friendly ...
Freedompath comments on Mar 8, 2020:
...I guess there is ‘one’ born every day! Let’s face will be a continual struggle, to educate the masses to accept science and logic, it must be hard on some brains to digest!
Go figure that
Freedompath comments on Mar 8, 2020:
Let’s see what happens next...
Odds are against.
Freedompath comments on Mar 8, 2020:
I am sure glad I want be 80 for few more days! 😱
Odds are against.
Freedompath comments on Mar 8, 2020:
If this wasn’t so serious, it would be comedy show! I am sure going to be watching to see how this works out for the trump clan and supporters!
Trump faces a coronavirus threat. Let’s look back at his Ebola tweets. - Vox
Freedompath comments on Mar 8, 2020:
This is one time that I wish I did have a ‘crystal ball!’
Fact check: from coronavirus to Kim Jong Un, Trump makes at least 14 false claims in Fox News town ...
Freedompath comments on Mar 8, 2020:
Liar, liar...with no let-up in sight! I wouldn’t believe anything this man-idiot said, if he throwed up both hands in our faces...notarized!
PART TWO >> There has been a lot of good garnered through faith, yet religion has also caused a ...
Freedompath comments on Mar 8, 2020:
The last part of your post pretty much sums it up, for me. It occurs to me that confidence is needed in just about every phase of our life. If we start out on a ‘fear based’ footing in early life...imprinted from our parents, we are easily supplemented by messages of ‘if you believe this or that’ your path will be made easier in life. If we are consumed with family and work to pay the bills, thinking outside the box ‘spiritually’...becomes a labor intensive job! We accept our church community’s ‘way’ and ‘rest on our laurels!’ Showing up at Sunday services, as relief for our sins...completes our obligations (adds a secure feeling of being a good person). As the years pass, this indoctrination becomes etched in our brains! And, if you have not suspected early on, that there just might be ‘more’ to life and question the ‘truths’ that have been drilled into will be difficult to change late in life! AND, these beliefs will be ‘fought for’...causing others of ‘weak-will,’ to believe they MUST be true...just look at how convincing this or that person sounds! Thus religion of all sorts will go on...
Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity. - Darrell Royal
Freedompath comments on Mar 8, 2020:
I know what this means...if only it had registered early in my life!
I really didn’t know where to put this post.
Freedompath comments on Mar 8, 2020:
How sad, indeed! You must be heartbroken and not knowing what happened can’t help. I am always available for my female or otherwise friends. Plus, I am very tuned in, with people around me, and would send an alert if I sensed danger of any kind. You have my heart felt sympathy. 🤗
Freedompath comments on Mar 8, 2020:
I loved this whole thing...I must be really old fashioned, but I loved the way the music was ALL the focus! Plus, it was invigorating!
Keeping America Great! Genius, genius, genius!
Freedompath comments on Mar 8, 2020:
This is a truely warped man! AND, he WILL take his followers over the cliff with him! My hope is...that they come to their good sense, before something worse than trump caves-in their world! What an unteachable lunatic we have as our leader...I mean his ‘cult’s leader...not mine! I wouldn’t follow this man for food...if I was starving!
"I know it sounds crazy ....but if we can pray gay away...this shouldn't be a problem..." Mike
Freedompath comments on Mar 8, 2020:
Is this for real? Too-o many people are going down a dark hole for their knowledge in this Country! These WHITE men have bonded...if only it was not because of their ignorance?
Sweep of Arrests Hit US Neo-Nazi Connected to Five Murders After pressure from law ...
Freedompath comments on Mar 7, 2020:
Ha ha ha...trump must have forced himself to accept this! Maybe there are pardons in their future?


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