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This is a link to an article published by the Harvard Medical School concerning diet and brain ...
Freedompath comments on Feb 28, 2019:
I do believe this and I may not follow it perfectly, but I am always paying attention about eating the right things!
Individual One We can’t have a criminal in the WH who goes unchecked! Impeachment
Freedompath comments on Feb 28, 2019:
I think that is a good idea, in order to bring him to account! But, if it leaves him in the WH, to plow on threw until 2020, I can wait!
Real news! Trump was out of his depth in Hanoi.
Freedompath comments on Feb 28, 2019:
We need worry...there is another ‘flop,’ following in the footsteps of this one!
Just in = [bbc.
Freedompath comments on Feb 28, 2019:
Oh, what the hay .
Freedompath comments on Feb 28, 2019:
Nice to have you back. It is a safe space, and there is always something to learn or enjoy!
Intuition is a constant.
Freedompath comments on Feb 28, 2019:
I think I can...I think I can!
? put a dog leash on him!
Freedompath comments on Feb 28, 2019:
Good depiction of the nature of trump and Putin!
Republican lawmakers ask Justice Department to investigate Michael Cohen for perjury By Jeremy ...
Freedompath comments on Feb 28, 2019:
Yes! The more that is exposed...the better! Go for it GOP...long term strategy has never been your strong suit!
Cue the violins.
Freedompath comments on Feb 28, 2019:
Don’t ever do that...except long enough to pull yourself together! Sure, it really was not a big problem, another cord is attached as you found out! It is perfectly ok to not know something and be learning! Since your spouse has not been long gone, you are now in a ‘learning curve!’ Many things will seem overwhelming, take them what is emergency first, then tackle the big things when you have the energy! Write them down, if you are afraid you will forget what needs to get done! I know how to do lots of things and can pretty much take care of myself, but I can be caught off guard and suddenly with fairly simple things... i can send myself into another dimension! Take heart, this is not fatal and your strength just keeps increasing as you work through all the big and little (stupid) things in life!
Freedompath comments on Feb 28, 2019:
Ha ha ha...war and hero in the same breath to describe trump, want fly! He is at ‘war,’ most all the time! I have yet to hear of or see an action from trump that could be classified as ‘hero!’ So part of that statement might work!
Good morning Girls and Boys.
Freedompath comments on Feb 28, 2019:
I think he needs more than any book can ever provide for his shallow functing brain! We will have to ‘live with it or die of it!’ As, we must face the fact, that nothing is coming out good!
Rick Santorum's Trump defense stuns Jeffrey Toobin [youtube.
Freedompath comments on Feb 28, 2019:
The Republicans are expert in spinning an idea until it takes on the appearance of ‘the under world!’
That ain't no elephant!
Freedompath comments on Feb 28, 2019:
I am sure they are! They know about lying and bulling!
Weisselberg knows all. []
Freedompath comments on Feb 28, 2019:
This should be more than enough to put the trump enterprise out of business, or at least, prevented from destroying what is left of our country!
I'd want THIS moonstone ring in a size 6.5! So beautiful! ❤?
Freedompath comments on Feb 28, 2019:
Beautiful ring! Don’t put romance in it, as it would be too damaging to the image of the ring...when it goes ‘belly up!’
Replaced a broken zipper and saved favorite jacket.
Freedompath comments on Feb 28, 2019:
Great save! It really isn’t as hard as it looks!
Kent State students and the Gen Z/Millennial generations overall are showing that the most prominent...
Freedompath comments on Feb 28, 2019:
People are coming to their senses!
The Center for Inquiry's Director of Government Affairs, Jason Lemieux, is a veteran of the US ...
Freedompath comments on Feb 28, 2019:
Great speech! Thank heavens we still have people with clear minds and purpose!
Does this song resonate with anyone else as much as it does me? []
Freedompath comments on Feb 28, 2019:
Powerful...very powerful! Took me away!
AOC is awesome. []
Freedompath comments on Feb 27, 2019:
Yes! She is sharp and can make a big difference I think!
Violation of the 8th Amendment? People doing life for nonviolent crime..[]
Freedompath comments on Feb 27, 2019:
It is a government issue! The government made the laws, arrested the person and now uses tax dollars to support the system! This is certainly government overreach! But, I cannot see things change without proaction from the citizens!
As we are preparing for the next round of presidential elections we should take a moment to look ...
Freedompath comments on Feb 27, 2019:
The general population is not in charge of the ‘behind the scenes,’ political machine! All that DNC news came out ‘after the fact!’ The best we can do is keep abreast of things and encourage everyone to vote! I want be running for anything, so I have only my vote, which seems insignificant! And, getting to know my Reps in advance could help!
An apt description of 2018.
Freedompath comments on Feb 27, 2019:
That is powerful, I can see that in myself! But, I do get myself back on track, when I momentarily fall over there!
Congressman Gaetz (R -FL) is an example of just how smarmy Trump Republicans have become.
Freedompath comments on Feb 27, 2019:
I agree!
Funny how these republican Fascists read statements that ask the same questions that are not ...
Freedompath comments on Feb 27, 2019:
Yes! I would say that is exactly how it shakes out!! We can hope that this Cohen testimony changes that!
Michael Cohen is testifying today. I found more dirt on tRump
Freedompath comments on Feb 27, 2019:
Trump IS ‘DIRT!’
Cohen's testimony has been released []
Freedompath comments on Feb 27, 2019:
Looks good to me!
You show some of the best that there is to see in humanity here on this site.
Freedompath comments on Feb 27, 2019:
Wow! That is amazing! I have not been on this site for long, but I agree it is the greatest!
makes you think eh.
Freedompath comments on Feb 27, 2019:
It is insanity at the highest level! The criminal element on this trump train, sees no limits and has NO shame! Now, I have yet to see in my lifetime something this deranged last for any length of time! Something will explode!
More Republican values:
Freedompath comments on Feb 26, 2019:
What will move the trumps of the world to care...just care about the wellbeing of humans?
I am assuming the name for this group is based on the fact that we all want to beat Trump.
Freedompath comments on Feb 26, 2019:
I will agree to that!
Anyone else have a hard time with seasonal affective disorder?
Freedompath comments on Feb 26, 2019:
I need to clarify not wearing sunglasses...I only do that in the winter! And I wear a hat if I am not in my car.
I have an issue I struggle with a lot.
Freedompath comments on Feb 26, 2019:
I don’t think that it can be close. And, bringing it out into the open to be processed may not work either. I have some of the same issues in my immediate family and I could never let myself be free and easy with them. There is so much hurt surrounding sexual abuse! I simply don’t have an answer!
I'm fairly certain everything that's contrary to our own well being has been expressed in cat memes.
Freedompath comments on Feb 26, 2019:
I get the picture...I can even fit into it!
Anyone else have a hard time with seasonal affective disorder?
Freedompath comments on Feb 26, 2019:
Yes! I do...this year I stopped wearing sunglasses and I make a point to get the early morning sun in my face! I think it has helped, at least I am not depressed and not taking any meds!
[] The oldest man alive is a Jewish Holocaust survivor.
Freedompath comments on Feb 26, 2019:
That is amazing...he deserved every minute of it!
Breaking news Michael Cohen is reportedly prepared to accuse trump of criminal conduct while in ...
Freedompath comments on Feb 26, 2019:
Tomorrow will be a big day...I can only hope it wakes up some of the ‘dead,’ people in trump’s cult!
Freedompath comments on Feb 26, 2019:
How grieved I feel! This is a sick Administration!
Freedompath comments on Feb 26, 2019:
Another person that I hope goes down! Maybe Cohen will reveal the complete story! I have never trusted Nunes to do the right thing!
First pictures from the NK summit
Freedompath comments on Feb 26, 2019:
Oh! Spare me!!!!
This isn’t from the parody account.
Freedompath comments on Feb 26, 2019:
This man is crazy! Trump is lunaticing AGAIN!
Freedompath comments on Feb 26, 2019:
Trump is doing everything he can think up to rip the very fabric of our society to shreds!! The man is still the same lunatic that he was 1-2years ago! He lacks humanity...he only breaks apart that which is working, because that is what he does! He has to do something, in his own mind...and it has nothing to do with how human nature works or even social order! It is only his distorted reality that matters!
i got a rejection email today for that job as a peer counselor i put in for.
Freedompath comments on Feb 26, 2019:
Don’t worry your light still shines! But, do pay attention to your health, do some research on your own to see what you can do that will benefit your whole system! And, work with what you have at other words you are not at your finest at the moment, but what you do have will work well enough! And, find some things that make you goes a long way for reinforcement for your whole person! Best of luck!
I wouldn't be surprised to see the anti-semites in the US quietly (or overtly) try to make some sort...
Freedompath comments on Feb 26, 2019:
I read that earlier today...this should be interesting! Big time!
Find people who can handle your darkest truths.
Freedompath comments on Feb 26, 2019:
That is inspiring...I hope I don’t drop the ball, when it really counts!
“It is our suffering that brings us together.
Freedompath comments on Feb 26, 2019:
That sounds too much like the naked truth! And it is sure easier to grasp when not in the throws of discord or grief!
Kinda says it all for me.
Freedompath comments on Feb 26, 2019:
I would wear that t-shirt! It says what I believe as well!
Facing prison, Manafort asks for leniency in Mueller case [apnews.
Freedompath comments on Feb 26, 2019:
He should have thought of that, when he was called out for breaking the law! He thought that he was bigger than any law, that was the problem!
True Dat lololol
Freedompath comments on Feb 26, 2019:
Ha ha ha...what a day to behold!
couple of recent good ones
Freedompath comments on Feb 26, 2019:
...must have hit on a nerve somewhere, with trump? Lol trump gives himself away, we never need look to far!
Donald Trump claims every world leader congratulates him for U.
Freedompath comments on Feb 26, 2019:
Everything is the ‘hottest,’ in trump’s mind! But, he can’t differentiate, ‘friend from foe!’ But he does know about wealthy, egotistical persons...that he counts as his friends!
Sometimes that's all I want to know.
Freedompath comments on Feb 26, 2019:
That is a true statement...I have ‘been there, done that!’
making me say something but The meme says it all!
Freedompath comments on Feb 26, 2019:
Well, this is interesting! Maybe these two can get along! They are both ‘locked and loaded!’
The Dems have real trouble going into 2020.
Freedompath comments on Feb 26, 2019:
It is early...most people who have stepped forward have not shown their true colors, Bernie was already known, so he is an exception!
So it would appear that all or almost all of the people in this country who are against abortion are...
Freedompath comments on Feb 26, 2019:
That has baffled me as well! It has something to do with needing to punish people! It is even punishing the women to force her to bare a child, because she had sex! My own daughter once said to me that she ‘was against people using abortion for birth control!’ Now, where that came from I have no idea, as that is not the social norms that I keep up with! Now, a person could have several abortions, but that is not the norm!
Yes, I KNOW I said we'd be together until the end of time.
Freedompath comments on Feb 26, 2019:
Life always saves something to surprise us with! I try never to write anything in stone, I might have to break the damn thing to shut it up!
I just wanted to say that I have really enjoyed Agnostic and all those whom I've had conversations ...
Freedompath comments on Feb 25, 2019:
Well...I should hope so!!! Lol I would be outta here so fast it would make your head swim, if there was a hint of conservatism! At least, the kind that seen fit to give a lunatic power over us! Lol
Fake News!
Freedompath comments on Feb 25, 2019:
Equal parts to this puzzle...funny how trump fits perfectly with the despot of history!
Not sure where I stand on this because of the age of this cross monument and how it speaks to a ...
Freedompath comments on Feb 25, 2019:
My feeling is that it should not be supported by taxpayer funds. And I think it should be moved to a private site. It cannot represent our governing process. Which is what I think that it does, when left standing on public property!
When you love someone...
Freedompath comments on Feb 25, 2019:
I think that way! And conduct myself so...
Moron in chief just said he doesn't think North Korea is a nuclear threat as long as they stop ...
Freedompath comments on Feb 25, 2019:
Trump has a bottomless pit of stupidities!
We fall in love with 3 people in our lifetime.
Freedompath comments on Feb 25, 2019:
Those ideas just might have some validity to them!
If you don't practice what you preach, then at least preach what you practice...
Freedompath comments on Feb 25, 2019:
nice time for memes and comments
Freedompath comments on Feb 25, 2019:
These memes were sobering, to me!
I never think it's gonna be okay.
Freedompath comments on Feb 25, 2019:
This reminds me of in the past...there were times I think I was addicted to this kind of thinking! We really must keep tract of ourselves, because it is easy for some of us, to run off in a ditch!
I've been hacked on Facebook and it's a bad one.
Freedompath comments on Feb 25, 2019:
Don’t let this get you down! I suspect it will make it harder on you, because you must still have remnants of grief in your psyche! Do you need to get legal advice?
I've been hacked on Facebook and it's a bad one.
Freedompath comments on Feb 25, 2019:
OMG...can you give more details?
The Louder the Monkey, the Smaller Its Balls, Study Finds - Motherboard
Freedompath comments on Feb 25, 2019:
That is most interesting! I take loud men with a ‘grain of salt,’ now I know why! ?
Genesis - Hold On My Heart Hold on my heart Just hold on to that feeling We both know we've ...
Freedompath comments on Feb 25, 2019:
Just keep in mind, that you can hardly ever ‘go back!’ If it was working in the first place, it would still be working! All, the love songs, that stimulate our ‘romantic nature,’ will only extend our longing for what is lost! Better to work toward repairing the broken heart and find a different love, as they all will be different from the other ones, but no less meaningful!
May I recommend you buy, wear 'em and share 'em.
Freedompath comments on Feb 25, 2019:
Avoiding the evidence ...
Freedompath comments on Feb 25, 2019:
The cartoon could have shown trump supporters with their ‘heads in the sand,’ too!
58 ex-national security officials to denounce Trump’s emergency declaration By QUINT FORGEY and...
Freedompath comments on Feb 25, 2019:
I read that earlier! If this keeps up, I must ask where is trump’s support? Trump is such a minus to society!
A Republican strategist talks about why he cannot support DJT: []
Freedompath comments on Feb 24, 2019:
Great interview!
Art of the Deal - a Timeline
Freedompath comments on Feb 24, 2019:
That came from our lunatic president!
Trouble putting food on table? - LOL
Freedompath comments on Feb 24, 2019:
Hope this man is put somewhere...far away from humans!
Many Thanks to Late Night Comediens For Keeping us Sane
Freedompath comments on Feb 24, 2019:
That is so true!
This is an excellent analysis of the Roger Stone bail hearing.
Freedompath comments on Feb 24, 2019:
The chickens are coming home to roost! Roger Stone, hopefully will be going down for all the years of his criminal activity! He is not above the law!!
Robert Reich thinks we have already fired Trump.
Freedompath comments on Feb 24, 2019:
I do believe that trump, as president trump is toast...and completely agree that the lunatic is still dangerous!
Fuck it.
Freedompath comments on Feb 24, 2019:
Just trump lunaticing, again!
Marc Anthony - You Sang To Me Para ti, Mi Amor! ❤ [youtu.
Freedompath comments on Feb 24, 2019:
Oh! You incurable romantic! Loved it! And had not heard it before!
So why do American public service departments need to amass millions of rounds of ammunition, guns, ...
Freedompath comments on Feb 24, 2019:
My is America’s romance with the ‘gun!’ Until, this changes there will be enough guns to kill people indefinitely! The focus, will have to change and that I do not see happening in the near future!
Who else is tired of winter?
Freedompath comments on Feb 23, 2019:
ME! It seems to go on forever! And we are still in February, which is way too early to be out of winter! But, I wish it was over and done with!
Trump lies again []
Freedompath comments on Feb 23, 2019:
Is there anything that trump want screw up? Trump takes in information and once processed through his comes out different to how it went in! He can’t even relay information...because it dies in his brain and so he just comes up with something to fit his point of view! There must be an art to this...
I got sucked into watching McCabe's press tour for his book today.
Freedompath comments on Feb 23, 2019:
I found him to be credible, and I feel angry that he was shafted! He did not deserve to loose his pension and I hope something can be done about that! Trump, has a ‘reverse,’ mind...his criminal behavior, is acceptable, it’s the opposite that he despises!
Quick question for the room: Does it actually say anywhere in the proposals made by politicians like...
Freedompath comments on Feb 23, 2019:
No there is not...nor has there been, ‘free money for lazy people!’ That is a way to spend that ‘welfare’ idea, so that ‘needy people,’ will feel guilty for taking it! My son who worked at landscaping until his hip was so degenerated that he could hardly walk and he refused to apply for food stamps which created a financial burden for me instead! How could I allow my son to go hungry, even though I was strapped financially! But, he refused to accept assistance because of shame (he was a Fox News watcher).
One of the things I miss most about being in a relationship is having someone to cook for.
Freedompath comments on Feb 23, 2019:
Are you kidding...maybe you need a ‘heathen lady,’ but it looks like any woman would love your meal! Heck, I checked to see how close you were because I could smell the aroma as I read your post! Lol. I sitting here all alone, recovering from our little cold snow storm yesterday and dental work! After, I had a bowl of cereal for dinner! Lol It was just too cold to head out to the Chinese tonight! Best of luck to you!
Couldn't be more true
Freedompath comments on Feb 23, 2019:
Wow! I feel the same way! ...twisted, hateful, and small as he is,’ truely sums up our situation! I just don’t understand why trump has not been ‘brought down!’ If he isn’t following our Constitution, how can he maintain his authority? He should be removed and there must be a way to do that now! It is obviously no secret that this man is a lunatic!
I have lost all respect for Richard Branson.
Freedompath comments on Feb 23, 2019:
Where are the high and mighty rich people, when real people need aid? Maybe a lot of them are on the crazy train?
Could Trump's comments about SNL be because: 1) he needs to pump up SNL's rating; 2) wants to make ...
Freedompath comments on Feb 23, 2019:
All of the above!
I think Mueller has an ace (or 36) up his sleeve! Will he pull a rabbit out of his hat?
Freedompath comments on Feb 23, 2019:
At this point in this mystery...there may be a barrel of mysteries to process!
What if Trump refuses to accept defeat in 2020?
Freedompath comments on Feb 23, 2019:
I don’t mind having trump resist when he is voted out and has to vacate the WhiteHouse! I want to see him removed by Marshalls or who ever would be responsible for that job! A Marshall on each side holding both arms..,walking trump out would be a glory to witness! He would consider it a triumph that he had to be removed by force...but, the rest of the world would know the truth!
The White House's new argument against collusion with Russia is nonsensical Analysis by Chris ...
Freedompath comments on Feb 23, 2019:
Sanders, has perfected ‘blowing smoke,’ (in her own mind)!
Freedompath comments on Feb 23, 2019:
What about the subsidies that had to be paid out, and to people with farm businesses, who want to keep them solvent?
I don't know if this has been posted yet but it is exactly what drumf and his followers are doing ...
Freedompath comments on Feb 23, 2019:
‘Wall of porn!’
Forged twice you say? Does not shock me if true... []
Freedompath comments on Feb 23, 2019:
Why is it that almost all things connected to trump are fake, illegal, bullied for, or just plain cruel? Why?
'Terrifying': Rapid Loss of Biodiversity Placing Global Food Supplies at Risk of 'Irreversible ...
Freedompath comments on Feb 23, 2019:
I pay attention and do my little part. I am a protector, if every person became a protector it would be a start. It is sad to me that there are so many people, who can only believe in what is happening now...but the past destruction and future death of anything is going to threaten humanity in ways it knows not!
Ready for the show tomorrow.
Freedompath comments on Feb 22, 2019:
Wish I was there! Enjoy!
No Mueller report yet. []
Freedompath comments on Feb 22, 2019:
There is simply no way to know when Mueller will say, i’m done! That man is quiet...real quiet!
My life is so different than it was two short years ago.
Freedompath comments on Feb 22, 2019:
That is so rarely works to ‘go back,’ and I ought to know...I tried it more times than I can count! I just go forward better in the long run!
My guess is Robert Muller will name Donald Trump Jr as a co-conspirator in the Russian deals, lying ...
Freedompath comments on Feb 22, 2019:
Guessing just isn’t worth much in this Russian conspiracy/traitor situation! I haven’t a clue!


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