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Trump Makes Fool Of Himself At Border [youtube.
Freedompath comments on Jan 14, 2019:
...just get this lunatic out of the ‘people’s house,’ as he is making us crazy!
Be groovy leave man!
Freedompath comments on Jan 14, 2019:
He also, is an abomination to man kind, as a ‘dick!’
GOD BLESS TRUMP! Some analysts have raised fears that U.
Freedompath comments on Jan 14, 2019:
I did read another report that said it was hurting the dairy farmers, because they were already at a low point, from less consumption of milk in the US. (So maybe, maybe not so much.)
[] Another MAGA rip off artist and con man, just like our POS POTUS.
Freedompath comments on Jan 13, 2019:
There is a rip-off artist, born everyday now! Why not...trump has shown how it is done and he is the President!
Bette Midler's political tweets are a hoot. Here is a gender bended Trump []
Freedompath comments on Jan 13, 2019:
Very funny!
Sunday morning project completed.
Freedompath comments on Jan 13, 2019:
Good for you..,I have done a few in my time, and it isn’t easy!
Tell him Jules!
Freedompath comments on Jan 13, 2019:
I sometimes feel about like that...but, I would slam trump with my ‘pocket book!’
Some memes of mine.
Freedompath comments on Jan 13, 2019:
Well..,let’s put the ‘cards,’ on the table and see how they stack up on impeachment!
Freedompath comments on Jan 13, 2019:
Yes! Possibly...if we let the Evangelicals choose him/her!
Off with his head!
Freedompath comments on Jan 13, 2019:
Good advice, but will it register with Lunatic trump?
Trump is one of these... Anyone else? How do we deal with him/them?
Freedompath comments on Jan 13, 2019:
I am not the person to deal with trump...he is way out of my league on mental illness! I would have to put as much distance as possible between him and me!
[] There you go!
Freedompath comments on Jan 13, 2019:
I read that earlier! The vet that is scamming (that is what it is), needs to be stopped!
I must admit, even though I'm certain he won't see a single one of them, it really does make me feel...
Freedompath comments on Jan 13, 2019:
I’m with you girl...!
Oink, oink oink.
Freedompath comments on Jan 13, 2019:
...and still America’s president!
Trump Confronts the Prospect of a ‘Nonstop Political War’ for Survival By Peter Baker Jan.
Freedompath comments on Jan 13, 2019:
We feel the same way, about ‘insulting our country with treason!’
It really does read like a B movie.
Freedompath comments on Jan 13, 2019:
Yes! We have been under duress long enough!
Something that should not have to be done but it is good news for a change []
Freedompath comments on Jan 13, 2019: is a true tragedy, that trump cannot feel shame! He can only relate from his ‘animal,’ instincts! And, only the ‘wild’ ones at that!!
He can relate!
Freedompath comments on Jan 13, 2019:
I bet trump gets his enemas, from ‘gold’ tips, nothing else would fit this ‘King of Treason!’
from Moscow Times
Freedompath comments on Jan 13, 2019:
Ha ha ha...that about sums it up (and the fools thought that we would be none the wiser)!
The Gofundme for the wall is being stopped and all donations refunded. []
Freedompath comments on Jan 13, 2019:
Common sense saves the day sometimes,(and some people from themselves).
Raw dogged.. lmao.. those that live in glass houses
Freedompath comments on Jan 13, 2019:
‘STONES,’ shouldn’t throw stones, either...even if they perceive themselves to be of human form!
I am lost.
Freedompath comments on Jan 13, 2019:
Don’t be afraid to be lost! If you keep searching you will find real useful answers, that had never occurred to you! And, the best ones come from being lost! Good luck!
Freedompath comments on Jan 13, 2019:
The Republicans have folded into their lowest denominator...and religion helped put them there!
Freedompath comments on Jan 13, 2019:
Can’t outdo nature’s art work! Transports me to my alive side!
Wall or gun control?
Freedompath comments on Jan 13, 2019:
That makes good sense to me!
For those who had "doubts" on 45's treasonous behavior: []
Freedompath comments on Jan 12, 2019:
That has NEVER been me...but, I did want to see concrete proof!
"I know words. I have the best words."
Freedompath comments on Jan 12, 2019:
I guessed it...’lunatic trump!’
Here are some I am going to share. I am not sure anymore whether you have them or not.
Freedompath comments on Jan 12, 2019:
I loved every one of them! And a little favorite one.. Obama with Jesus!
Although this refers to an interview that refers to a book, still good information on where to dig ...
Freedompath comments on Jan 12, 2019:
Wow! This ‘man lunatic,’ sold out his own Country, for the ‘gold ring’ of power! I have no doubt about that! He could have moved most anywhere in the world, if he hated it so much here, but instead he choose to sell out his Country and all the citizens in it! If the Evangelicals continue to support him, they should be exiled from here...they have no right to be in this free country! Let them eat ‘crow,’ some place else!
Difficult concept
Freedompath comments on Jan 12, 2019:
Now, to figure out how to get that message transplanted into the brain of a ‘lunatic?’
Freedompath comments on Jan 12, 2019:
How big is this crime against America? It seems to have no end...I guess it would be unreasonable to be taken along on this journey for the truth, but I sure wish we were privy!
You Sold Your Country Out!
Freedompath comments on Jan 12, 2019:
Yes! What an old un-hero!
new headache defined
Freedompath comments on Jan 12, 2019:
I knew there would come a diagnosis for our disabling trump problem... ’trumpgraine,’ I am sure ‘impeachment,’ would be the medicine that will cure what ails us!
The immigration, trade, ACA and any other issue you can think of are all apart of the smoke screen.
Freedompath comments on Jan 12, 2019:
It appears to me that is the case! And, the majority of us have no interest in being part of the elite class...we ‘hear a different drummer!’
We do believe you, Mr. President
Freedompath comments on Jan 12, 2019:
Low life president...and that will never change!!!
Montana may have voted for Donald ... But we also elected Tester. []
Freedompath comments on Jan 12, 2019:
Spot on...What does McConnell expect to gain? He and his wife, are a disgrace for this country...oh! wife is in the background making America suffer, but she often stands at the podium with our lunatic president!
Meanwhile at planet washington . . . []
Freedompath comments on Jan 12, 2019:
That is the other ‘creep’ in this race...What America is M McConnell supporting? It sure isn’t the one with the people in it! Mitch, is most likely back in his vault, counting his money!
@DoDapper told me that listening to Trump talk about the past, is like watching an episode of Drunk ...
Freedompath comments on Jan 12, 2019:
That just about sums the lunatic president up! I may think that I have died and gone to heaven...when his face is no longer visible to this world! Oh, happy day a coming...
[] Border Patrol deleted anti wall position posting
Freedompath comments on Jan 12, 2019:
A sign of the times...destroy ‘good sense,’ ideas and manipulate the people to forget that they have a say in their own governmental process! We must vote for people to serve us, that will support ethical and moral rules that America’s founders has laid out for it’s citizens to follow!
The fucking wall...
Freedompath comments on Jan 12, 2019:
That is lunatic trump’s MO...tear apart what America stands for to puff up his ego!
here's your wall!
Freedompath comments on Jan 11, 2019:
Wish that was something that could be pulled off...if trump is dead set on the wall, let the lunatic pay for it! Since when did the government start appeasing egos, AND using tax money! It isn’t even a road or a bridge!
Rudy Giuliani doubles down on his dubious claim that the White House should be able to review and ...
Freedompath comments on Jan 11, 2019:
How, can that be legal? The WH is not doing or even envolved in the investigation!
Do you still believe in marriage?
Freedompath comments on Jan 11, 2019:
I firmly believe that to have a marriage, the couple must have personalities that work together!
Bye Bye from 45. []
Freedompath comments on Jan 11, 2019:
That is what we have for our President! A lunatic that keeps trying to prove to us, that he DOES NOT CARE about us or this COUNTRY! I only wish we could give him a last bye, bye...this very day!
Trump's Wall
Freedompath comments on Jan 11, 2019:
Yes! Women have ‘balls,’ and they are not held in their drawers!
America has survived because of the determination of great men.
Freedompath comments on Jan 11, 2019:
That is a fact!
It seems like there is a lot of anger towards DONALD TRUMP, why not channel that anger into ...
Freedompath comments on Jan 11, 2019:
Good luck, but I pass!
Now trump and his republican Fascists are now stopping the people of the USA from getting ...
Freedompath comments on Jan 11, 2019:
If they can’t squeeze us into compliance...they will just squeeze the very ‘life blood’ from us! Make no mistake...this Administration and the GOP...want to control this country with THEIR ideology...and they are willing to make that happen! Their’s is a ‘dream,’ world of sorts! Right now, they are just transporting themselves ‘there’ that they can’t face any consequences for their own actions! THEY are out to make US suffer! Just, look up what the Evangelicals (advisors no less) are saying as I write this post! They are holding all the cards, right now! It seems unbelievable, but believe it is happening right before our very eyes!
That fucking POS.
Freedompath comments on Jan 11, 2019:
This low life, lying lunatic is a sight to behold! I just hope the end comes soon!
Trump seeks to expand powers as Mueller, Democrats threaten to constrain Analysis by Stephen ...
Freedompath comments on Jan 11, 2019:
...hold that line! This president will not win, unless the Supreme Court goes off the rails!
Trump claims Mexico would never pay for the wall? I'm confused. []
Freedompath comments on Jan 11, 2019:
All I care about at this point is what will it take to WALL of lunatic trump! That is the priority! And i see those lunatic, evangelicals, pushing him, with that, ‘he is doing the right thing as president!’ They wouldn’t know the ‘right thing,’ if it ‘bit them in the ass!’ Lunatics, lunatics all...
Some people think that we should just let everyone believe whatever fantasy they want.
Freedompath comments on Jan 10, 2019:
Reminds me when I went to my sheriffs office to complain about his officers sending in a ‘flash bomb,’ that landed in a toddler’s crib and blew a hole in his mouth and chest...and the person they were seeking was not even there! (Whole family was traumatized). First I told him that I would protect his children at all cost, his response was, ‘don’t bring my children into this.’ After which he started quoting scripture about ‘there will always be evil in the world!’ Religion ruins people’s rational minds!
It's required!
Freedompath comments on Jan 10, 2019:
That’s his herd, alright!
Trump’s wall
Freedompath comments on Jan 10, 2019:
What a good example of a ‘dip stick!’
While Tweety throws his tantrum, the morons come out to assist him.
Freedompath comments on Jan 10, 2019:
National parks are not golf courses...trump has no idea what they are about nor what they mean to the people.
On White Privilege
Freedompath comments on Jan 10, 2019:
Ditto, ditto, ditto, ditto...
Fox TV station in Seattle boots editor over orange-tinged Trump image with tongue hanging out ...
Freedompath comments on Jan 10, 2019:
I suspect it will get worse, before it gets better! Too much garbage under the bridge!
This sums up what a waste of money Trump's wall is. ?????
Freedompath comments on Jan 10, 2019:
Don’t expect a ‘lunatic,’ to reason this out!
FBI petitioning to reopen the government.
Freedompath comments on Jan 10, 2019:
My guess is, ‘god,’ want hear them...besides he does not read! Mueller you are the one person that can stir us in one direction or the other! We, THE PEOPLE, will need to take to the streets, if you have nothing! Give us something!
i might be an athiest, but god is a killer tweeter
Freedompath comments on Jan 10, 2019:
That is a fact!
Having a temper-tantrum over being accused of having a temper-tantrum essentially proves you had a ...
Freedompath comments on Jan 10, 2019:
...this man cannot stop ‘lunaticing!’ Everyday this MAN, of some kind, proves that his limitless! Even a stupid person gets some things right, now and then! We even have to call him...president! What insane world are we living in now?
Fox Shep Smith fully turns on Trump over wall [youtube.
Freedompath comments on Jan 10, 2019:
Shep has always tried to stand on truth! I can’t figure out how he has survived at Fox! Keep it up Shep!
My Merriam--Webster word of the day today immediately made me think of 45: Venal adjective ...
Freedompath comments on Jan 10, 2019:
That is so true!
Corruption, cronyism, and collusion. It's all being revealed!
Freedompath comments on Jan 10, 2019:
Shit is getting real here in North Kackalacky.
Freedompath comments on Jan 10, 2019:
...I wish that were the case, but a ‘different shoe’ drops every day!
nice Trump, good boy
Freedompath comments on Jan 10, 2019:
...was the ‘big mouth,’ on the lower end?
Why aren't all public employees not being paid out in the streets protesting????
Freedompath comments on Jan 10, 2019:
Excellent about asleep at the wheel!
My dick is bigger than yours... []
Freedompath comments on Jan 10, 2019:
Oh we have a big ‘dick,’ with a tiny organ, that can’t even be played!
Garage sales. Garage sales?
Freedompath comments on Jan 10, 2019:
If IT doesn’t make any sense, it is most likely coming from trump and his administration! I was examining the faces of Pence and other GOP members standing with trump and they appear like a ‘deer in headlights!’ Apparently they all...have sold their souls to the ‘devil of lies!’ Their look is not one of honorable belief or power! See for yourself, they seem to be in a trance!
I catch myself fantasizing that back to the future is real, and that one of these days Doc and Marty...
Freedompath comments on Jan 9, 2019:
What is taking place in this current cycle overshadows all my fantasies...I can fantasize about Mueller bringing HIS hammer down! And, at other times, I almost fantasize on defeat and trump wins! I can’t be sure of anything anymore! Just waiting for help to come from somewhere!
Dedicated to Trump. []
Freedompath comments on Jan 9, 2019:
PERFECT for trump! Whoever wrote that saw clearly into the future!!!
What would it take the president to do for you to gain respect for him?
Freedompath comments on Jan 9, 2019:
I think I would be a hopeless I have never had respect for D trump! I’m OUT!
Seems reasonable. Lol
Freedompath comments on Jan 9, 2019:
LOL...I have just been making note of that pious look Pence always has, standing next to trump!
A couple to think about:
Freedompath comments on Jan 9, 2019:
Interesting...I will be so glad when I don’t have to use my imagination on how my government is going to turn out in the next year or so!!
Trump walks out on shutdown meeting: [] []
Freedompath comments on Jan 9, 2019:
This was the most ridiculous actions on the part of any public figure that I have ever witnessed! I guess all the background information tainted my perspective! Trump, really believes that he can ‘pitch a fit,’ and get his own way! Now, If Mitch McConnell, can’t stop him...then it is anybodies guess how this ends! Because, Mitch holds the keys to the mega donors! That is what I see here!
Governor Bullock of Montana has provided the best rebuttal against the wall that I've heard.
Freedompath comments on Jan 9, 2019:
We will need to keep that in mind!
Ride em Nancy
Freedompath comments on Jan 9, 2019:
Now...there is a first for the ages!!! I would love to see the look on trump’s face, when he sees this? It just might get through...
How stupid do you think we are?
Freedompath comments on Jan 9, 2019:
Correct...failure, failure on all fronts! We need to stop putting money into failed projects!
Freedompath comments on Jan 9, 2019:
Give trump a little more time...he might even have us invaded by more morans, just like him!!!!
Trump to cut off FEMA aid for California fires []
Freedompath comments on Jan 9, 2019:
Is this lunatic crazy? This MAN, does not love his own country and needs to leave it...ASAP would be best! I am learning to hate...if this MAN lunatic, is speaking for this Country, then we are surely lost!
Rosenstein to quit: NBC News: Rod Rosenstein, who oversaw Mueller probe, leaving Justice ...
Freedompath comments on Jan 9, 2019:
I can only wonder what that means? Not much good has happened so far to ‘crow about,’ so I feel anxious to say the least!
NASA speaks!
Freedompath comments on Jan 9, 2019:
Spot on...with ‘the brain of 1/2 of a goldfish!’
While they say it's not likely to happen, this would be another shot to the foot by "president" ...
Freedompath comments on Jan 9, 2019:
Trump is the person who needs to be held hostage, not to show him what it feels like, but to tie his person down and give us some relief from his lunaticing!!!
A long walk but worth it and there's beer. []
Freedompath comments on Jan 9, 2019:
Funny, funny funny! Come on ‘Mueller time!’
crazy, craxy
Freedompath comments on Jan 9, 2019:
Where is that Miller guy? He needs a place in this picture...he’s earned it!
Just a random thought on the government shut down: What if the government is bankrupt and ...
Freedompath comments on Jan 9, 2019:
Good question...OUR present government would probably come for our ‘hides,’ to get the money! That is how twisted things seem at the moment!
Latest trump lies on live tv we need border wall {bs} doesn't care about anyone who is not racist ...
Freedompath comments on Jan 9, 2019:
Did you expect an ‘about face!’ We could most likely write all his ‘scripts,’ and hardly miss a word! We have been totally focused on all trump’s moves! We may be hostages now, but there will be a breaking point!
The right is always afraid of something or, more accurately, somebody!
Freedompath comments on Jan 9, 2019:
This country has surely gone human terms! This may very well be our downfall! Selfishness, just plain self promoting and self preserving...wonder how that works out, when their/our existence depends on community?
What did you do instead of watching his televised tantrum tonight?
Freedompath comments on Jan 9, 2019:
I was texting with a friend! I have not heard but a few words, of trump’s speech, that was reported on the news! I did hear the whole rebuttal!
Did you hear about this today?
Freedompath comments on Jan 9, 2019:
We need Mueller to finish...this will all be revealed, and there can be an ending to this government nightmare!
Trump the detective! []
Freedompath comments on Jan 9, 2019:
The lunatic is still in charge...for now!
Teacher charged with assault after video shows her dragging boy with autism through a Kentucky ...
Freedompath comments on Jan 9, 2019:
My heavens...teachers must know how to remove a child that is disrupting the class and a child in distress?
Bernie tells it like it is and flat out calls Trump a liar who lies to the American people hundreds ...
Freedompath comments on Jan 9, 2019:
Even trump’s base will admit that he lies, but they don’t care! Now, most of the world KNOWS that trump is a lier! What will it take to rid ourselves of this President that cannot tell the truth? What?
Freedompath comments on Jan 9, 2019:
This train has run off the rails...where is our checks and balances? We have always had checks and balances! This man trump cannot possibly have all this power to do as he pleases! This country has never had this much power in the hands of one man! Why is trump not being brought down? He is not GOD...he can be thrown out of that office! So why is that not taking place this very moment?
More winning.
Freedompath comments on Jan 8, 2019:
This lunatic needs to be ‘put out’...whatever it takes, trump needs to be shut down! Surely the ‘behind the scenes’ wealthy donors are not on board with this deranged man’s actions on anything! They will not get off scot free, trump’s actions effect everyone adversely! Plus, we have not seen the bottom yet, actually trump’s actions are played out in a bottomless pit! They do not live in a bubble!
Trump comes from good stock. []
Freedompath comments on Jan 8, 2019:
What a ‘grand background’ for the president of the US to come from! Bet this one is a first! I am like so many did this ‘low life ‘ get to this high place?
One of the few "hold my beer" that makes my heart warm.
Freedompath comments on Jan 8, 2019:
If we could just shut HIS face down!
With regards to this group: The banter gets lively from time to time and a bit "edgie" and could be ...
Freedompath comments on Jan 8, 2019:
How many more like her is out there? I am convinced there is a lot more mental disorders, then we have ever had! Drugs and alcohol rearrange brain functionings! Then there are the mental disorders that come out of abusive and neglectful environments.
Subpoena Power!
Freedompath comments on Jan 8, 2019:
Now whatcha gonna do...GOP, and all your little minions in the underground?
Never one to pull his punches, Snoop Dogg has some advice for federal workers affected by the gov't ...
Freedompath comments on Jan 8, 2019: his ‘base’ even listening? They believe in suffering for their beliefs! That is hard to overcome, with them!


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