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Russian Lawyer in Meeting at Trump Tower Is Charged in Case That Shows Kremlin Ties By Benjamin ...
Freedompath comments on Jan 8, 2019:
Maybe the Russia all of the investment to bring America down will all be exposed? I hope!
This has probably been discussed before but here goes.
Freedompath comments on Jan 8, 2019:
I can’t believe that is the case! We can choose, but that does not mean everything is lined up to bring it to completion, exactly as envisioned! Too much randomness, from my experience and study! All energy is just used...where/what can be the final outcome, is unknown!
3:00 Tweets
Freedompath comments on Jan 8, 2019: well he should! One way or the other, THEY will be coming for him! This is not ‘the wild, wild America!’
Body Trumpisms
Freedompath comments on Jan 8, 2019:
A reminder of the cold person, who just uses people for heartless sick pleasure, to pump up a writhed ego!
Confucius Say
Freedompath comments on Jan 8, 2019:
Hopefully no one is going double-barreled!! []
Freedompath comments on Jan 7, 2019:
This is one place it would be best, if we didn’t know the meaning of words! It seemed regretful to laugh, but I could not help myself!
No, You Don't Sound like someone?
Freedompath comments on Jan 7, 2019:
Those are profound lyrics to me!
Gals, what is a pickup line that worked? (For real now!)
Freedompath comments on Jan 7, 2019:
Would I be an odd ball, if I said, I never heard one that worked? Here is funny story...during a hard time at the beginning of my divorce I was at a dance hall, where some friends and I often went! This guy was also in the middle of a break-up! And as we were talking over our terrible lot in life, he ask me to go with him, as our exes, were surely off having a great time of their own! At first I said no, but he finally convinced me, so we left the dance hall, and found a motel near-by! As he gets ready to get into the bed, I went to the restroom, and as I ponder the situation, I found that there was no way, I could do this! So I came out and told the guy, I simply couldn’t go through with this and he would need to get his money back for the room! He was on the mad side, now! So we went back to parking lot of the dance hall, where his car was parked and he jumped out and slammed my car door so hard, I was surprised it didn’t break something! End of story! I was never easy to p-up! Lol
Please watch cnbc tuesday they are rebroadcasting obamas 2004 speech.
Freedompath comments on Jan 7, 2019:
Excellent idea! I don’t watch trump anyway!
Just a few more.
Freedompath comments on Jan 7, 2019:
Just great fun!!! I would love these everyday!
A few more, still bored.
Freedompath comments on Jan 7, 2019:
Just great fun!
I am bored, so it's meme time.
Freedompath comments on Jan 7, 2019:
Loved everyone of them!!!
Bruce Springsteen: THIS LAND IS YOUR LAND - YouTube
Freedompath comments on Jan 7, 2019:
Yes! America has been owed by the people from it’s inception...and our need is to get more serious about our place in it! Already, the native Americans paid a high price, for just being here first! We must stand for the right to live, work and breathe here, alongside all people who want to be part of our way of life!
All living former presidents refute Trump's claim they privately voiced support for border wall with...
Freedompath comments on Jan 7, 2019:
How much of a fool, can a person stand on the world stage and just tell a BIG ‘ball faced,’ lie! I tell you...this man breaks the mold, when it comes to human beings!
The search for the right description of Trump's presidency is over: Kakistocracy: Government which ...
Freedompath comments on Jan 7, 2019:
In my 78 years.,.worst all around government in my lifetime! This needs to be a wake-up call for all of us...something is deeply missing, when people will vote for a man like trump to be elected as America’s President! And even worse, as he reveals himself as the complete con-man, that he always was...they keep trailing behind total denial of his exploits! You need not be a rocket scientist, to see that trump is dismantling processes that help the American people and that would also include his ‘base!’ Now, they are likely to wake up and find...certain underpinnings that made life better for them, have been long ago demolished! I can only hope the price his ‘base’ pays, is survivable! Not to mention...the rest of us!
Well, this look worked for Marvel's The Thing.
Freedompath comments on Jan 7, 2019:
Not nearly ‘loud enough!’ Some wrought iron in just the right places, would set the ‘brick design’ off!!!
I did some internet research to see if Senior Community Service Employment Program pay would be ...
Freedompath comments on Jan 7, 2019:
I am not happy that you must deal with uncertainty, due to our ‘lunatic!’ Just keep your spirits up and struggle on...we will win and the ‘lunatic’ only digs his grave deeper!
Trump Wants to Deliver Prime-Time Address on Government Shutdown and Will Visit the Border By ...
Freedompath comments on Jan 7, 2019:
The public at large would support the denial...I hope the day comes when exposure to lunatic trump, turns off the majority of Americas!
Suffering in Silence: The Emotional Abuse of Men -- Dr. Timothy Golden. Re: []
Freedompath comments on Jan 7, 2019:
Powerful! And sad that in our modern society we have not been able to show clearly that emotional abuse cripples the ‘soul!’ How proud of his/her self...can the emotional abuser be? They cannot possibly block out all of it...even when they try! Another side to one gets away scot free!
What do you think would happen if the American People surrounded the White House and tRump was ...
Freedompath comments on Jan 7, 2019:
I would predict a frightful time for lunatic trump! Due to the fact that this creature appears to live on the edge...the fright on his face might be permanent...but he would live on for another day! Mother Nature has her ways! Lol
Idea: Louisville Slugger could make a fortune if it manufactured a bat with tRumps face on it.
Freedompath comments on Jan 7, 2019:
Ha ha ha! What a great idea!
"We should all know by now that lawns of green grass aren't so "green" for the environment.
Freedompath comments on Jan 7, 2019:
Excellent information to put to use!
cannot lose
Freedompath comments on Jan 7, 2019:
Yes! And everything on his ‘board,’ will be this next election, if he should get that far!
Why it’s time to think about human extinction | Dr David Suzuki - YouTube
Freedompath comments on Jan 6, 2019:
Just great! I never found one idea to disagree on.,,in fact I have been thinking about all the things that he brought out!
Just to set things straight
Freedompath comments on Jan 6, 2019:
Ha ha ha! But, her’s took off like a ‘rocket ship!’
Trump has painted himself into a corner.
Freedompath comments on Jan 6, 2019:
Wow! What a mind boggling scenario! Almost, too good to be true! Never a dull moment, with this presidency!
Friends, Romans, Countrymen.
Freedompath comments on Jan 6, 2019:
I did not catch them... but would you please ask AntaresRose, if there is anything that I can do to get on her good side, since she blocked me at the beginning and is the only one to my knowledge in this group to do so!
Raising 'All Manner of Conflict of Interest Questions,' the Only National Park Site Reopening Amid ...
Freedompath comments on Jan 4, 2019:
Trump only operates under dishonesty...he is taking from the American people the same as he took from contractors and investors! It is his only MO!
Trump is a verifiable nut case, what the fuck happened to amendment 25???
Freedompath comments on Jan 4, 2019:
GOOD question! The morally bankrupt Republicans is the reason for trump and why he is still bringing this country to it’s lowest point in history!
Got a glimpse of a post in Conservative Atheists, which said, "This site is a joke Since when do ...
Freedompath comments on Jan 4, 2019:
I sure agree with you.
It's a metaphor. It's a shtick.
Freedompath comments on Jan 2, 2019:
Trump is walled off from his own logical mind! He will always be concerned with is the only way he understands his own safety! I will be perfectly happy for trump to be walled off from the rest of society, for the remainder of his life!
The true pure unadulterated INSANITY of evangelistic's who follow each other like sheep being lead ...
Freedompath comments on Jan 2, 2019:
We have seen the evangelical trump train, played out on a much smaller scale for years! It is just that the GOP struck ‘gold,’ with trump and we are seeing the ‘cult thinkers ‘ play out on the world stage, at the expense of everyone!
Freedompath comments on Jan 2, 2019:
Be vigilant about all Republicans! Their perception of ethics and morals, is almost always based like their make believe religions!
On the 3rd, Nancy will rule the house!
Freedompath comments on Jan 2, 2019:
That will be a sight for sore eyes!! The other side will finally get to defend the democracy put forth in our constitution and not the one puked up from the lips of trump, and the GOP!
Chock full of twittery goodness. []
Freedompath comments on Jan 2, 2019:
I am on the ‘sick,’ side of anything to do with lunatic trump!
2019 will be the WORST year of Drumpf's life.
Freedompath comments on Jan 1, 2019:
I am looking forward to this new year with, lunatic trump!
How about this bumper sticker campaign: 'DUMP TRUMP !'
Freedompath comments on Jan 1, 2019:
Sounds humane but deliberate!
Donald Trump is not immune to prosecution and impeachment.
Freedompath comments on Jan 1, 2019:
If Hillary had been found guilty of anything, she would have hung up by her toes!
To achieve greatness you must listen to the smallest voice.
Freedompath comments on Jan 1, 2019:
Excellent thought!
Wishes for you...
Freedompath comments on Jan 1, 2019:
Good ideas for any year!
Happy new year, all.
Freedompath comments on Jan 1, 2019:
Life surely does creep up on us! It is mind bending when you hear the ages of your darling little grandchildren...they are now late 20s and 30s and even 46!
Happy New Year to all of you! Hopefully we can return to some form of normalcy in the coming ...
Freedompath comments on Jan 1, 2019:
Happy New Year to you as well...with the same hope that we have a total ‘wipe out’ on trump and some much needed ‘normalcy, for America!
Freedompath comments on Jan 1, 2019:
There are still people in America who can speak ‘truth to power!’
Nentanyahu, Teresa May, and Putin are sitting in a bar.
Freedompath comments on Jan 1, 2019:
I bet his bestest friend was chatting with Putin, and had a heart to heart, or Putin could be trying to be more like his bestest friend trump!
An American idiot
Freedompath comments on Dec 31, 2018:
That is a ‘fact!’ We got to experience this right up front and personal!
I don't grieve over his cruelty, I grieve over yours. []
Freedompath comments on Dec 31, 2018:
I must hurts from many angles...what has taken place in this country to people that appeared to be smart and humane! Hopefully this can change!
Good Morning America
Freedompath comments on Dec 31, 2018:
Trump may damage what American has stood for...but HE will never break HER back! Even most of his die hard fans, will get their head out of the sand, when trump’s con game is totally revealed!
Asshole of assholes
Freedompath comments on Dec 31, 2018:
For sure! Even Fox News, slips up and reports the trump train wreck!
Trump Admin Just Sold Massive Amounts Of Protected Lands To Fracking Companies - YouTube
Freedompath comments on Dec 30, 2018:
Do you think he pulled out of Syria in his final days without payment?
Freedompath comments on Dec 30, 2018:
That is a good question, that I never gave much thought to! However, I did wonder about some sinister reason on trump’s part!
Just for fun.
Freedompath comments on Dec 30, 2018:
I might loose my breath and faint...I will be wordless!
Yes he should..he's so good at it..
Freedompath comments on Dec 30, 2018:
That is the perfect idea for this time frame! Now, Fox should get right on that and take credit!
Freedompath comments on Dec 29, 2018:
There is more hope than ever, that this situation will soon come to an end! I found that I can step back and know that thousands of people are working to stop what has happened to this country! So, the GOP or trump will never have all the control that they NEED! Keep the faith, because the people on the opposite side of trump...will never give up!
Google's new Gold add on changes every picture of Donald Trump into a kitten! Brilliant! ...
Freedompath comments on Dec 29, 2018:
I love this!!!!
Before Xmas, I asked my son, Mike, to buy a dozen red roses for my wife, Anna.
Freedompath comments on Dec 29, 2018:
Best of luck on all fronts! Happy Holidays!
DC Billboards Thrilling Tourists Sending GOP Into A Tizzy: By PoppaD "Artist/Activist Michael ...
Freedompath comments on Dec 28, 2018:
Just great! The ‘base,’ better get on board, before it is too late! The GOP, are slowing going to get the boot! They are being revealed as the...‘only for themselves elected officials,’ the American people ‘be damned!’
I want to just throw this out there....What about a Bernie and Beto ticket for 2020?
Freedompath comments on Dec 28, 2018:
I would vote for them...I do have a little reservation about Bernie’s age.
Depression. Needs one in his head.
Freedompath comments on Dec 28, 2018:
That’s the lunatic that is gambling with OUR future! Trump does not just ‘play,’ with money! He is willing to put at risk, even his own country!
Trump lying to the troops about how great he is to them! []
Freedompath comments on Dec 28, 2018:
Same old, same old trump!
Somebody should take this clown’s phone away from him. []
Freedompath comments on Dec 26, 2018:
Stick some dynamic in this lowly man and lite the fuse...I have had a come to Jesus moment, and I can start with this lunatic!
President squeezes off one wet fart before meeting with CNN.
Freedompath comments on Dec 26, 2018:
Repulsive excuse for a man!
Mr. I Alone Can Fix It is rage tweeting
Freedompath comments on Dec 26, 2018:
Sicko, sicko, trump is simply a sicko, he should be put out to pasture, if he can’t be jailed!
Not Trump, but a good video clip featuring a tenured charlatan.
Freedompath comments on Dec 26, 2018:
This country has too many, ‘slick willies,’ running loose! Their heart will never be in the right place! Even their tongues are ‘forked!’ However, America does have a way to replace them...and we will!
Merry Cristmas to all the christians who support Trump, I hope you all rot here right now and not in...
Freedompath comments on Dec 26, 2018:
And pretending to care, is about as low as a person can go! It looks as if this country has more ‘fakes,’ on many levels! And, attempting to ‘kill the heart and soul ‘ of America will be the ‘fakes,’ downfall...their’s and their next generation!
He was apparently too preoccupied with throwing a pity party on Twitter.
Freedompath comments on Dec 26, 2018:
Lazy goes along with surprise there!
Which one is a hero?
Freedompath comments on Dec 26, 2018:
Blind obedience, can kill people, either physically or mentally!
Turkey prepares offensive against Kurds in Syria, Actually in Turkey! Just like the Armenian ...
Freedompath comments on Dec 26, 2018:
It is a modern day age, that a culture of people have no value and must be illuminated...because assessing their needs and wants is too much from civil societies! No compromise ...these/those people should have no right to life, is the answer! Will narcissistic insanity soon be the norm?
It is not funny how the orange bastard is intend on building a wall with no real value as a ...
Freedompath comments on Dec 26, 2018:
I am hoping for trump’s WATERLOO...before that wall is part of his insane agenda!
Ok this one has to stay up no exceptions this time
Freedompath comments on Dec 26, 2018:
It is sad that the trump delimma has come to this! I cannot recall seeing a person other than trump and Jesus nailed to a cross! That is history making, right there!
Reading Trump's tweets in the morning is like coming home to a 3 year old child that you left alone ...
Freedompath comments on Dec 26, 2018:
I could not have put it better, if I had spent hours analyzing the trump saga! Thanks!
I wonder if he’s ever felt like an inmate?
Freedompath comments on Dec 25, 2018:
Trump has done everything better than anyone else! The same as he knows more than anyone! He is just the be all to end all, human dynamo!
My son, Michael, asked his girlfriend, Sandra to marry him tonight. She said yes.
Freedompath comments on Dec 25, 2018:
Well, that is great news! Congrats and may their’s be a long and happy life, together!
ICE dumps hundreds of migrants with nowhere to go at a bus station on eve of Christmas without ...
Freedompath comments on Dec 25, 2018:
What has Christianity come to! In the day when I was part of that group...they at least attended to the needs of the poor at Christmas time!
Merry xmas from trump.
Freedompath comments on Dec 25, 2018:
He's best at being WORST!
Freedompath comments on Dec 25, 2018:
I would agree with that statement! This presidency stacks up, as being abnormal in just about every aspect!
True facts.
Freedompath comments on Dec 25, 2018:
This is a whole new world of some kind!
Robert Reich chimes in on Trump's end. []
Freedompath comments on Dec 24, 2018:
Very very interesting!
I do not know of this source.
Freedompath comments on Dec 24, 2018:
I certainly thought that ‘protect and serve,’ meant just what says! Now, that seems not to be the case! If we are expected to protect ourselves, then we should keep our money!
Looks like we all got a xmas present a little early! Not exactly what we want, but he is starting to...
Freedompath comments on Dec 24, 2018:
It is so hard on my ‘old mental system,’ to watch insanity do it’s thing in trump’s brain!
I think it is way past time for him to leave us for a younger , prettier country.
Freedompath comments on Dec 24, 2018:
This is for people who understands about...’when people show you who they are, believe them,’...I was/am a believer! How can a person be president, who has never seen past his personal ‘common good!’
"NYC should rename 5th Ave Barack Obama Ave so that Trump Tower will have to use that as its address...
Freedompath comments on Dec 24, 2018:
Time travel is fun, but not so much for America!
Please Santa!!!
Freedompath comments on Dec 23, 2018:
He put himself in this situation, and never exited when he could have ‘saved some face!’ So now, we all are forced to ride this story out to it’s final conclusion! Good luck Donny...looks like that is all you have going for you, now!
My family gatherings..
Freedompath comments on Dec 23, 2018:
Damned if you do and damned if don’ do what pleases you!
Mike Pence Was Mannafort's Choice. So Quiet?
Freedompath comments on Dec 23, 2018:
Yes, what if that is a FACT?
Freedompath comments on Dec 23, 2018:
How did this one man, halt so many people in their tracks?
Little Donny should listen to wifey more ... How much worse can it get ? ..
Freedompath comments on Dec 23, 2018:
What if she is advising the same thing?
Friend of mine posted this on FB.
Freedompath comments on Dec 23, 2018:
The only people who agree trump is winning...are his cult-ies, who are holding out for him to succeed! Lol
Trump is shit
Freedompath comments on Dec 22, 2018:
Now, there is a creative man, who saw right through the glitz and glamor!
We need congressional action, NOW.
Freedompath comments on Dec 22, 2018:
Now, there is an idea that no one has brought to the forefront and it could surely be the reason nobody seems to be saving this country, from pure lunatics!
Make America Great Again!
Freedompath comments on Dec 22, 2018:
I would donate to pass that hat out!!
Trump reportedly wants to fire the Fed chair, a move that could wreak havoc on the financial markets...
Freedompath comments on Dec 22, 2018:
The lunaticing again! When will this nightmare be’s beginning to seem like never!!!
Donald Trump announces Darth Vader as new Secretary of Defence []
Freedompath comments on Dec 22, 2018:
That is too funny!
[] Tired of winning so much?
Freedompath comments on Dec 21, 2018:
There is a great possibility, for can not rearrange an economy to the degree that trump has done, in such a short period of time! And keep it stabilized!
Described by the people who know him best
Freedompath comments on Dec 21, 2018:
Trump thinks these are compliments! And, then he turns on FOX, and all hell breaks loose!
When will these chicken shit politicians stop being civil about what trump really is?
Freedompath comments on Dec 21, 2018:
That is the fact, it has been for a very long time!
Just gonna leave these here...
Freedompath comments on Dec 21, 2018:
Now here is a man to remember...he is so pompous...that I bet he wants to fill in for trump, if he has a ‘sick day!’
Trump denied again. Supreme court rules against Trump administration. []
Freedompath comments on Dec 21, 2018:
All is not lost in this country!! There is still law!
trump is a criminal there is nothing that can refute this in any way! SHUT DOWN tRUMP’S ...
Freedompath comments on Dec 21, 2018:
That lunatic trump gets his ‘jollies,’ by holding people hostage! When will it end?
The 3 Things We Get Wrong About Sex, Love & Monogamy | Dan Savage - YouTube
Freedompath comments on Dec 21, 2018:
Very interesting!
The Difference is Sad and Profound.
Freedompath comments on Dec 21, 2018:
Oh! I remember that ever so clearly...I couldn’t believe he did that! It has been ‘down hill,’ ever since!


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