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The Truth About Nitric Oxide - And How To Increase NO2 Without Supplements - YouTube
Freedompath comments on Dec 13, 2018:
I think I just need breathing room, and clean air! Let the younger generation take up this idea, I have no intention on living forever...just up and until I drop over dead, from an ended life-span!
It's alternative..
Freedompath comments on Dec 13, 2018:
Now...we are getting the ideas right! Maybe next time they will be more careful what they ask for!
Hey tRump.. Make America great again
Freedompath comments on Dec 13, 2018:
Ha ha ha...
Do you think 45 sleeps at night without seeing Mueller?
Freedompath comments on Dec 13, 2018:
What if 45 never sleeps, for fear of whatever might show up in his dream state? He may sleep with his eyes open...
oh the irony!!!
Freedompath comments on Dec 13, 2018:
All just great!
Where Mikey went on Monday..
Freedompath comments on Dec 13, 2018:
Pence, tries to stay focused on his ‘god ordained mission!’
Since we are circled around to this Wall BS again and again! Good Morning My Agnostic Free thinking...
Freedompath comments on Dec 13, 2018:
I want to see trump/pence put up their defense...their answers to questions under oath!
Why not. China has a long history of fucking us on grain exports. But he's fixing it?
Freedompath comments on Dec 13, 2018:
I just can’t trust information given by trump on anything! I will wait and see!
This would make Christmas memorable.
Freedompath comments on Dec 13, 2018:
This may not be the Merriest season for the trump administration...they may all be sitting on pins and needles...faking big smiles! Happy Holidays to the gang!
Freedompath comments on Dec 12, 2018:
The legal minds will need to work this out...this is more convoluted than anything in this countries history! So they may need to break ‘new ground!’ My mind is spinning, with all the options that are out there! So, I will just wait to be surprised! This is too hard on my brain!
tRump IS going to jail.
Freedompath comments on Dec 12, 2018:
Oh! What a day! But, it might get very ugly to watch!
Bring on the rain!!!
Freedompath comments on Dec 12, 2018:
Oh! This really was a shock!!! What if? That would not go down easy, if I get exposed to that!
I really needed a good laugh today (bit of a rough morning), then I saw this: HuffPost: Sarah ...
Freedompath comments on Dec 12, 2018:
That will take some ‘supernatural,’ doing! These people really do have their own reality! ‘It’s a look!’
Nixon set the precedent for all the sleazy politicians that followed and they learned to improve on ...
Freedompath comments on Dec 12, 2018:
Yes! Take note and inventory and then take action...even the ocean is made up of drops of water!
[] Michael Cohen Gets Jail Time!!!
Freedompath comments on Dec 12, 2018:
I surely hope that Cohen, had a ‘come to Jesus moment!’ It was not just his personal life. that is being chewed up by wolves...his family is being dragged along, as collateral damage! From appearances. Cohen may have seen the error of his ways! But, he knew up front and personal, how Donald Trump can destroy a human being (he once carried the mantel, with his own words and deeds)! This is and will be, the ultimate tragedy, when it is played out to it’s conclusion! How did one man, garner this much power and influence? And...,he is still standing as we write!!! Maybe, this is the ‘hell on earth,’ that is frequently spoken of!
ok now I understand... []
Freedompath comments on Dec 12, 2018:
I am afraid that is the picture, that we must live with! What a deal. A 2 yr old mentality, trying to work out world peace, with adults! If this was a tv reality show...people would be up-in-arms, getting it shut down, due to stupidity in the script!
Says the buffoon who has cost taxpayers MILLIONS to golf. DieAlreadyYouOrangePrick
Freedompath comments on Dec 12, 2018:
That money was their money to begin had been held under sanctions! Trump, is lunaticing AGAIN! People living under bridges have more going for them, than this lunatic! HOW DID WE COME TO THIS?
This will be the only time Canada closes its borders!
Freedompath comments on Dec 12, 2018:
Yes! They will gladly oblige!
So Asshole says that if he is impeached the people will revolt.
Freedompath comments on Dec 12, 2018:
For nearly 3 years, we have erupted with disdain! Trump could use some peripheral vision correction! We are out here in great numbers, but he refuses to look anywhere but ‘down his nose!’
Give me my wall or I’ll start crying []
Freedompath comments on Dec 12, 2018:
No! Worse than that...’I will win, and if i don’ will be sorry, because, I ‘will bring down the wrath on you!’ And trump will...right out of the gate...attrack your ‘humanness,’ then financially, if possible! TRUMP can’t cry...he has no tears!
Repubs are changing the rules at the last minute in michigan and wisconsin.
Freedompath comments on Dec 12, 2018:
I keep reading about this...and I can’t see how this can be done? What is wrong with these people? They must be ‘touched!’ I hope the people keep up their stance against these demented thinkers!
Would be great to have a count of how many times i have been blocked, and reported.
Freedompath comments on Dec 12, 2018:
Do you have a habit of ruffling feathers? If so I guess you may need to guess? I think some people block other people because they misunderstood a message or the format wasn’t liked! I have been blocked...out of the blue! I do try and clear up, with anyone who feels attacked by a response from me. That is work, though. I am pretty clear about when people, try and ‘hit below the belt!’ When that happens, I will block...end of games!
Michael Flynn asks federal judge to spare him from prison time in response to government sentencing ...
Freedompath comments on Dec 12, 2018:
Geepers, some people can just request the punishment they deserve (or think they deserve)! What caused this man to fall so far from ‘grace?’ Maybe he fell under the spell of trump? Maybe it was something out of the ordinary that broke his will? Maybe, it was temporary insanity? What a perfect storm of misfits coming together for the benefit of trump and Russia!
...uuh..DUH []
Freedompath comments on Dec 12, 2018:
At least a few people are ‘awaking,’ into the real world...the very one that they fell into a stupor trying to avoid!
I found this quite interesting; prominent psychiatrists talk about Donald Trump: []
Freedompath comments on Dec 12, 2018:
More than just interesting...too many unknown factors for an untold tragedy! I hope this gets passed! Surely, there are enough ‘grown-ups,’ in this Congress, to get the possible looming danger factor!!!
Trump associates likely to have had their hands in the Russian conspiracy. []
Freedompath comments on Dec 12, 2018:
There is even more that we don’t know! But, with what information I have read, it looks like an organized situation with Russia!
California Judge Screws Stormy for Trump! []
Freedompath comments on Dec 11, 2018:
I think it is time to put Senator Hatch, down the hatch! He is too rehearsed to suit me! I know people that are old...and they have retired and allowed the younger minds to work on governing! I feel I am on shaky ground having to listen to Sen Hatch!
Some "christians" claim that many of the people who say that they are "christian" are false ...
Freedompath comments on Dec 11, 2018:
I would agree! Funny how they can’t be bothered to see their own place in this scheme!
LOL ?... Who else?
Freedompath comments on Dec 11, 2018:
The person that steps up for that position, either has alligator skin or is desperate to destroy himself, or both!
The choices of cities in the profile set up are very limited.
Freedompath comments on Dec 11, 2018:
I checked my bio, and it looked like I put in my zip code and it brought up my town? I would think whatever place you name that is on a map, should come up? Good luck!
I find Bee Movie to be a good analogy for sjws.
Freedompath comments on Dec 11, 2018:
I have loved bees forever, even though their sting hurts! I will need to see that movie!
Nancy P.
Freedompath comments on Dec 11, 2018:
Well in body volume, I guess he is adult enough! But, his action come out of the ‘dark logoon,’ children play there?
LOL Thought this was funny!
Freedompath comments on Dec 11, 2018:
I think that I am getting to the end of anything being funny on/about our ‘sicko ‘ president! I can’t stand to keep my eyes on him, long enough to get the full impact of his ‘laughing stock,’ life!
Sundar Pichai had to explain to Congress why Googling ‘idiot’ turns up pictures of Trump By ...
Freedompath comments on Dec 11, 2018:
Why not? Makes perfect sense to me!
Keith could have saved us all! I stumbled across this story today...[]
Freedompath comments on Dec 11, 2018:
Truth is sometimes stranger than fiction!
just catching up for the last week leftovers.
Freedompath comments on Dec 11, 2018:
Trump must have thought he would never need to know about simple curtsies! He just needed to know the ‘bully pulpit!’ It looks as if he isn’t effective useing the ‘bully pulpit,’ and his lack of simple curtsies...exposes his real embrace of sloppiness, in even important historical events!
Did you guys get a chance to see President Deal Maker get hopelessly outwitted and completely played...
Freedompath comments on Dec 11, 2018:
Yes! It was hard to stomach the ‘sicko,’ but I saw it to the end! Pelosi tried to spare him embarrassment, saying they ‘would debate later,’ but he wanted every inch that he could get out of that PHOTO OPP! All, that he has to offer is repeating the same words over and over, how ‘wonderful,’ and how ‘great’... it all is! It is ALL just ‘smoke and mirrors’...with trump!
trump administration aims to strip Clean Water Act, opening up waterways to unlimited pollution!...
Freedompath comments on Dec 11, 2018:
In the trump administration, they simple do not care about the reality that supports life and decency...if we expect even a little rational thinking coming from them...we need to check to see if WE are running a fever! These people are NOT normal people! None of them!
trump makes history with record-breaking government spending .
Freedompath comments on Dec 11, 2018:
Where is the outrage from his ‘cult?’ If they feel helpless to do anything, that is no excuse!
RIP Charles Harrison, View-Master and Sears designer
Freedompath comments on Dec 11, 2018:
I loved my view-master, when I was a child!
A conservative judge torched Donald Trump's latest illegal assault on immigrants
Freedompath comments on Dec 11, 2018:
Let’s hope human decency can prevail, with the mighty and the powerful!
In case you need it... []
Freedompath comments on Dec 11, 2018:
That is our government at work (at least the one now chosen). The illiterate need to be brought up to speed, not brought down to a lower level of stupidity!
Good Morning and Great Tuesday! A Russian Spy will Plea Guilty toady in American History!
Freedompath comments on Dec 11, 2018:
Their pictures are becoming vulgar to me! They have great impressive smiles, while America is being dismantled!
Interviews in progress....
Freedompath comments on Dec 11, 2018:
This is the best! Got to laugh out loud all on my own!!
Mueller Is Telling Us: He’s Got Trump on Collusion Max Bergmann, Sam Berger 12.
Freedompath comments on Dec 11, 2018:
Let’s hope so, but the next question is what will come of it?
I don't see any group categories relating to families, or intimately close personnel relationships ...
Freedompath comments on Dec 11, 2018:
I can’t keep up with more than one group (must be aging), but you are not alone with broken relationships over religion. With some close relatives, it feels more like we came from different species! There is a good possibility that the current political climate has played a part in the Religious discord! Because I can remember not to far back, when you were not treated like poison, in your own family, because you held a different religious belief! I did have experiences, with Sunday School teacher, and acquaintances that were hurtful, then it moved down to my family members! But, I have adapted and living the best life, that I can put together, it is disappointing but not life threatening, that some of my family can’t see me as a person...and just judge me by my character! It gets to be ok, but it stays with you/me! Best of luck!
With the position of the Whitehouse Chief of Staff being so hard to fill these days, has Tiffany ...
Freedompath comments on Dec 11, 2018:
I never see anything on her, but I don’t read the gossip pages, either! Maybe, she is staying out of the quagmire, on purpose?
My Twitter account was suspended.
Freedompath comments on Dec 11, 2018:
I guess it must have been the ‘die,’ part? You could put that here and we would have gotten it...but it may leave loose ends out in the ‘big picture’ world
Seems “titanic” Maria Butina to plead guilty to conspiracy, accused Russian agent flips to ...
Freedompath comments on Dec 11, 2018:
Can’t wait to see what she reveals! It occurred to me, that she might need the ‘witness protection program,’ after her guilty plea! I can’t see this going all that great for her?
He should have..
Freedompath comments on Dec 11, 2018:
Just great! Just great!
The rotten mf's just can't help but display how corrupt to the core they are: Slate: House ...
Freedompath comments on Dec 10, 2018:
It is in believable, if you are keeping up with as much as you can! Unbelievable!!!
The extraordinary nature of Trump's two tweets this morning has nothing to do with his smocking ...
Freedompath comments on Dec 10, 2018:
If he keeps it up, he will ‘hang himself!’
Get your guns ready! ;)
Freedompath comments on Dec 10, 2018:
I am so scared, but not about ‘anybody’ coming for me! I am scared about the ‘burning ambers,’ left in the ‘wake of this destructive administration!
Trump Sandwich
Freedompath comments on Dec 10, 2018:
Ha ha ha! So funny!
A friend asked this question: Does anyone happen to know if former presidents are entitled to ...
Freedompath comments on Dec 10, 2018:
His service should cease, to way of thinking, but trump marches to a different drummer!
Will there ever be a day that we don't ask ourselves, "Is he really this stupid?
Freedompath comments on Dec 10, 2018:
I completely agree! But, even the ending looks like it will come at a price! Living in an insane asylum is not my idea for productive people!
I remember not too long ago, a President who could spell.
Freedompath comments on Dec 10, 2018:
Spelling and reading is not part of trump’s job description!
So FINALLY the media is floating impeachment.
Freedompath comments on Dec 10, 2018:
Interesting! Very interesting!
Good morning to everyone Drive safe on all that Snow East Coasties!
Freedompath comments on Dec 10, 2018:
Ha ha ha! Hannity may take ‘Individual one,’ for his last burger, when he has to report for his ‘cell appointment!’
Bottomless Pinocchios. The false claims that Trump keeps repeating. []
Freedompath comments on Dec 10, 2018:
Never in history, has blatant lies, been the norm! This will be one for the ages!
Freedompath comments on Dec 10, 2018:
The honorable thinking in this whole trump enterprise wouldn’t fit into a ‘gnat’s brain!’
Did anyone hear what someone on some news show predicted Asshole will do at the end of his term?
Freedompath comments on Dec 10, 2018:
Pence would do anything...he was called by ‘god,’ for his history making appointment! If it has no ‘honor’ can count Pence in on it! Lets see if Pence gets under the radar himself! He may need his own pardon! How can this criminal enterprise get away with SO MUCH?
Alternative facts
Freedompath comments on Dec 10, 2018:
Hands down the ‘cat dog,’ would get a pass! The other 3 deserve each other!
Hello everyone.
Freedompath comments on Dec 10, 2018:
It sounds like you accomplished something, that is to be celebrated! Maybe this is the ‘normal world?’
Perfect ???
Freedompath comments on Dec 10, 2018:
People have to have fun...I guess ideas are becoming limited?
Conversion therapy
Freedompath comments on Dec 10, 2018:
And that is more than likely a fact! If conservatives knew how much more freeing it is to be liberal, they would be begging to be counted among us!
I've worn this hoodie nearly every day for 6 years.
Freedompath comments on Dec 10, 2018:
Well, I would say, that you surely deserve a new one! I never ware any one thing that often!
The diet that helps fight climate change - YouTube
Freedompath comments on Dec 10, 2018:
I am eating what supports my nature! Not too much of any one thing, and surely curbing my waste!
Not funny!
Freedompath comments on Dec 10, 2018:
‘Individual one’ may get a ton of press, from here on...
NRA Claims 'Deep Financial Trouble' May Put it Out of Business | Fortune
Freedompath comments on Dec 9, 2018:
Couldn’t happen to a more deserving misguided group of people!
I just read on Facebook "if 45 goes to prison it could be his first complete sentence" and now I ...
Freedompath comments on Dec 9, 2018:
This saga is bound to take a lot of turns, in the coming months! This may be the ‘reality show, that upends all reality shows!’
Ayers not taking job as White House chief of staff By Kaitlan Collins, Sophie Tatum and Jamie ...
Freedompath comments on Dec 9, 2018:
I wonder if it had anything to do with Ayers signing an ‘adoration,’ agreement?
Wirch Hunt - The Game
Freedompath comments on Dec 9, 2018:
Perfect game for ‘our time!’
So busy at the moment with the run up to christmas, hope you all are as happy this time of year as i...
Freedompath comments on Dec 9, 2018:
...can’t say that I feel the same as you, but I am not unhappy! But, nice to know people can still get into the ‘seasonal spirit!’ Keep smiling and enjoying yourself...cheers!
Attention Fox News Viewers, Tucker Carlson Is Turning On You!
Freedompath comments on Dec 9, 2018:
Yes! This is going to be interesting to see played out! That guy has been over the top, way too long to hold him to introspective behavior! But, I was once wrong in the past...
Personal Matters
Freedompath comments on Dec 9, 2018:
What a reality show, this has turned out to be!!!
This article on immigration is not specific to Canada.
Freedompath comments on Dec 9, 2018:
I suspected as much. I am always suspect of people who hold extreme views, they seem to have a ‘blind spot!’ These people can take a grain of truth, and make into ‘magical thinking!’
He’s scared
Freedompath comments on Dec 9, 2018:
This trump ‘fellow,’ is now becoming a bore! I am way past the ‘shock and ahh!’
Drinking game: Every time the news says "unprecedented" related to Trump, his campaign, or the ...
Freedompath comments on Dec 9, 2018:
Yes! Relief will wash over me, like no other shower that I have ever had in my life!
Trump thinks the Paris Accord is about Paris vs.
Freedompath comments on Dec 9, 2018:
Wonders never cease with our ‘boy trump!’
Gotten into a scary thought.
Freedompath comments on Dec 9, 2018:
I think that I would take some time to nurture your spirit. Be sure that you have a good idea what is going on with your emotional well being. And have at least an idea of a plan. I wouldn’t cut my legs off, so that I can’t run anymore! I have found that decisions that come from my calmer self, seem to fit me better, for the long haul! Change is good, but it comes with hurdles, too! Best of luck!
From Rod Serling's daughter. Doesn't even need a caption, does it?
Freedompath comments on Dec 9, 2018:
Yes, the look of exasperation...the only thing that will please the man behind the when HE can become his ‘everything!’ He is getting close...
It's only a matter of time......
Freedompath comments on Dec 8, 2018:
That was a good old GA boy! Money is the root of all evil!
Would you date yourself?
Freedompath comments on Dec 8, 2018:
Let’s say that I have never been that desperate!
Trump tries to change the story but Russia cloud darkens - CNNPolitics
Freedompath comments on Dec 8, 2018:
I fear that trump is due...’his comeupens!’ The odds are never 100%...that you will never get caught!
It's Time!
Freedompath comments on Dec 8, 2018:
That fits the present day, perfectly!
The Truth is Sometimes a Very Ugly Thing!
Freedompath comments on Dec 8, 2018:
Oh! When you break people down to the raw nearly shocks the senses!
I'm at the Snowcats Cat Convention in Denver today, and this was one of the very first booths I saw?
Freedompath comments on Dec 8, 2018:
So funny! And cute!
Just to ease the tensions a little ?
Freedompath comments on Dec 8, 2018:
Oh! How could anybody spoil Christmas like that? Maybe trump memes have jumped your brain waves!
I did something I probably shouldn't have.
Freedompath comments on Dec 8, 2018:
Brought to mind, when I would revisit my old life, by checking to see if ‘he,’ was still there! He wasn’t...and then I remembered you can never go backwards!
Ammon Bundy Quits Militia Movement, Defends Migrant Caravan
Freedompath comments on Dec 8, 2018:
I read that earlier...I guess he had a ‘come to Jesus moment!’
Family photo time
Freedompath comments on Dec 8, 2018:
They have always been there for each other...
Trump calls for Mueller probe to end following Manafort, Cohen court filings [cnn.
Freedompath comments on Dec 8, 2018: about a man ‘who must live in the dark!’ I guess he believed all the redacted parts!
Is anybody on this site going to post an intelligent comment, ?
Freedompath comments on Dec 8, 2018:
Did you get what you ‘fished,’ for? ?
Is anybody on this site going to post an intelligent comment, ?
Freedompath comments on Dec 8, 2018:
Roses are red, violets are blue...why in the ‘hell,’ do I need to answer you?
The Truth Beats the Lie.
Freedompath comments on Dec 8, 2018:
I would love to know how many of trump’s ‘cultist,’ have had a ‘come to jesus, moment,’ with trump and his ‘con-game?’ Surely, there have been a few?
It was 38 years ago tonight.
Freedompath comments on Dec 8, 2018:
Another example of...’only the good die young!’
Prison for profit.
Freedompath comments on Dec 8, 2018:
That boggles my mind! How can that many people be in prison in this country? We are either very criminally inclined or we are using prison for a lot of mentally ill or challenged people? Why is imprisoning and punishing people so gratifying to a portion of our culture? Just guessing...but my bet is, half the people in there could have been helped with jobs/emotional support and/or mental health treatment! Locking away a big portion of society...reflects on the whole of our social order! Half the people don’t care, unless it happens to their family!
So we’re trashing the planet: [counterpunch.
Freedompath comments on Dec 8, 2018:
It is definitely is not something that must wait 20-40 years from now to decide what to do! Why will most governments not apply themselves to long range plans? This is something that will need the wide arms of government!
I was once told this story by a transient worker.
Freedompath comments on Dec 8, 2018:
A man has to live anyway he can...


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