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You're not the special one, the lonely one, the best one, or the only one.
Freedompath comments on Dec 8, 2018:
Bet his name starts with a D and T?
What’s it worth to let you have his nuclear codes
Freedompath comments on Dec 8, 2018:
Melania likes to flirt with danger! Putin might be a ‘step up,’ with the ‘killer image,’ but, she better never slip up!!!
Minneapolis cable access legend Dr.
Freedompath comments on Dec 8, 2018:
We forget where things come from and what it took to create them!
John Kelly, hired to restore order for President Donald Trump, is out as chief of staff DAVID ...
Freedompath comments on Dec 8, 2018:
Let’s see what happens next? Will the WH come tumbling down all at once or one column in the old a time! I bet it falls down around trump’s ears!!
Trump takes after his mom. []
Freedompath comments on Dec 8, 2018:
The thing that struck me...they are superficial, they must put on a show of themselves! They want to make it clear, they are very important!
Back real soon!
Freedompath comments on Dec 8, 2018:
That is the way it goes! But we never thought it would be the PRESIDENT!
Manafort, Cohen, and Individual 1 Are in Grave Danger Robert Mueller is closing in on the president...
Freedompath comments on Dec 8, 2018:
Can’t be soon enough for me!! At least I feel better than I have felt in the last 2 years! It is only a matter of time, now! This is BIG...and it can’t be stopped!
Getting His Mouth Ready For Prison
Freedompath comments on Dec 8, 2018:
This blew ME off imagination sometimes betrays me!
Individual 1 Tower
Freedompath comments on Dec 8, 2018:
Now there is an original! Nobody would steal that name!
If people you thought were your friends suddenly stop all communication with no expectations how ...
Freedompath comments on Dec 8, 2018:
When I have not heard from someone that I considered to be a friend, I would contact them and ask if everything is ok! If they ‘hemhaw,’ around and are not direct with me, I figure they are not in my court and I let them be (at least for the time being, maybe they will show up again and explain). The hardest lesson in life to me...was learning how to be with the ‘hurt’ over loosing people, animals and things! It hurts...but life moves on and getting ‘stuck in hurt,’ is not a good option!
If we Atheists and Agnostics are the antidote or solution to a religious world gone crazy, how can ...
Freedompath comments on Dec 8, 2018: your life with dignity and calmness. I am not a fan of trying to drag people out of their mind-set...this is a gradual process, which takes time and in most cases, never works! Now that I am in charge of myself, I pass and repass with the ‘believers,’ if I am pressured over my beliefs, I let it ‘water off a ducks back!’ I owe these people nothing and they owe me nothing! (Only when I was uncertain what my place in the world was, did I argue with them.)
The south shall rise again! Yeah, right! LOL!!! []
Freedompath comments on Dec 8, 2018:
The ‘South,’ could use a little more ‘enlightenment,’ before it does something stupid again!
What a classic! Still makes my heart race. []
Freedompath comments on Dec 8, 2018:
It doesn’t get much better than that...!
Questions For Fuhrer Trump
Freedompath comments on Dec 8, 2018:
Trump has always been on fire...he must have tried to put the fire out...but he never figured out that you can’t put out a fire with wealth!
Two felonies.
Freedompath comments on Dec 8, 2018:
The hammer is coming down...we will soon know the full weight of that blow!! Trump can’t keep up his same tempo, indefinitely! Trump, you should not have ‘played’ your whole life, here at the end of it!’ You never learned how to play ‘smart,’...just dishonest!
This works on so many levels.
Freedompath comments on Dec 8, 2018:
That would be D trump!
I really kind of like this pairing//
Freedompath comments on Dec 8, 2018:
Couldn’t happen to a more deserving guy!!!!
Who is Individual 1?
Freedompath comments on Dec 8, 2018:
I just heard the break down...trump cannot read or want read! Because it is there in black and white, he has committed a felony, for paying off the women!
I have a question for the ladies.
Freedompath comments on Dec 7, 2018:
...for me, I do not want to be called ‘dear,’ or ‘sweetheart,’ in business dealings! If I have known you for a time, I am ok with calling me ‘dear,’ or ‘sweetheart!’ If I don’t know you at all, call me by my name...that is personal enough!
NYT: President Trump Miffed That Focus Shifted To Bush 41 & Away From Him | The 11th Hour | MSNBC ...
Freedompath comments on Dec 7, 2018:
At least we can pretty much be assured that d trump, will be ‘coming down!’ I am beginning to feel a little empathy toward him, because i am convinced that it is going to be a terrible fall!
Under New Management
Freedompath comments on Dec 7, 2018:
Oh! What a day!
Tillerson says Trump doesn't know the rules and gets mad when he can't have things his way.
Freedompath comments on Dec 7, 2018:
...people not his ‘cult,’ knew all that from when first...we saw him ‘work his rallies!’ HE is the ‘second coming,’ they told him! Nothing will stop this man, but death!
Here are some humorous Trump cartoons from this year.
Freedompath comments on Dec 7, 2018:
So funny, but true stories!
It's Official Kelley "Leaving" post in "Days"...
Freedompath comments on Dec 7, 2018:
Freedompath comments on Dec 7, 2018:
...’a bull in a china shop,’ comes to mind!
Freedompath comments on Dec 7, 2018:
Trump’s actions are just not normal! He cannot be different...he has thus far on the WORLD stage...showed himself to be out-of-touch with the most basic of refinement and dignity! It’s too late now, we can just hold our nose and keep our attention on his explosion! Which will be soon...
Kelly expected to resign soon, no longer on speaking terms with Trump By Kaitlan Collins, CNN ...
Freedompath comments on Dec 7, 2018:
...every day a new shake-up! There cannot possibly be any WhiteHouse government business taking place...just our MOB BOSS, figuring out his next ‘self preservation,’ move! I can see his days are numbered! And, America will outsmart him...and take back their country from those who only want it brought to it’s knees...especially anything connected with the trump name!
[] Things must be really really bad if the nation of France wants Trump.
Freedompath comments on Dec 7, 2018:
Every confusing! Trump is the last person to expect help or insight from! He may even be the reason things are not going well there! After all Brannon has gone to many foreign countries spreading his venom of a destructive nature!
He can feel the noose tightening!
Freedompath comments on Dec 7, 2018:
We hope! And SOON!
Unbelievable!! Trump on pace to surpass 8 years of Obama's travel spending in 1 year It’s an...
Freedompath comments on Dec 7, 2018:
I am so angry with trump and his selfishness...he was a taker from the very beginning and he will be a taker until he is laid to rest! Don’t expect anything less! This is something that can be written in stone!
Making President Trump’s Bed: A Housekeeper Without Papers [mobile.
Freedompath comments on Dec 7, 2018:
Trump breaks all the rules, while denigrating other people for less...
trump and his Fascist republicans are destroying our health and America for pure greed and profit!...
Freedompath comments on Dec 6, 2018:
Trump and his minions, better get done in a short time...because as soon as the Republicans can be VOTED out, this country will get serious about it’s health and safety! These ignorant people cannot go on forever!
Quick, someone should warn Trump... [] Sorry, couldn't resist...
Freedompath comments on Dec 6, 2018:
Gosh that is looks as if they could mostly lay dormant!
Trickle down is a lie:
Freedompath comments on Dec 6, 2018:
...and anyone living in the ‘real world,’ knew that it pretty much had a ‘snowball’ chance in ‘hell,’ of working as reported!
Freedompath comments on Dec 6, 2018:
...maybe if he got more sleep, it might clear up his ‘foggy,’ brain? He swings from one ‘lamp post,’ to another on the same issue, sometimes within 24 hrs! He is a real example of a person, who does not know what his opposite hand is doing...’split personality!’ Might be more than 2?
True. That's all I can say.
Freedompath comments on Dec 6, 2018:
...good idea! God answers prayers, of the ‘real believers!’
Bad Day for Democracy: Wisconsin GOP Rams Through Power Grab
Freedompath comments on Dec 6, 2018:
I cannot understand how this is legal? I hope something can be done about the selfish GOP!
Sorrow has reared its head in my life.
Freedompath comments on Dec 6, 2018:
Our animals are more than pets! I can remember every one that I have loved over the years! And, I can sometimes still feel sad and miss them, years later!
There is unlikely to be any middle ground - either love him or despise him: Slamming the Catholic...
Freedompath comments on Dec 6, 2018:
This is another lunatic! How to get rid of him? This is a puzzle to me?
FOR SALE: I have a 9mm, 2 clips and a box of shells for sale.
Freedompath comments on Dec 6, 2018:
Funny girl!
Any good source of energy. I need to stay focused at work every day.
Freedompath comments on Dec 5, 2018:
My thought first is to get 6-8 hrs of sleep. Restful sleep! Get 30 mins of walking each day! Next, is learn to meditate. That helps to focus your brain. And be sure that you get enough water intake! Then keep a journal and get your worries down on paper, they can become clearer, when viewed, instead of rambling around in our head! Good luck!
World Leaders Visibly Confused As Trump Struggles to Sign His Name David Pakman Show ...
Freedompath comments on Dec 5, 2018:
Not to worry, Americans have felt the same since trump stepped into his Oval Office! He is like an ornament there, we never know what will happen next!
Another great Randy Rainbow song for Trump's favorite things. []
Freedompath comments on Dec 5, 2018:
So-o funny! Well done!
Missing Twitter...
Freedompath comments on Dec 5, 2018:
Yes! These are strange ‘bedfellows!’ The president and his VP, are hollow inside! Maybe they will make it to the next round? But, how did they get through the first one?
I am not religious, yet I would thank God for ending this nightmare.
Freedompath comments on Dec 5, 2018:
I would be stunned for a moment, then go check the streets to see if people came out to celebrate!
More evidence that he is not really a Christian? Or that he cannot read? []
Freedompath comments on Dec 5, 2018:
...we have a ‘fake’ president! What if he can’t read, either?
Comey Lawyer Rips GOP: "Indisputable" Mueller More Effective | The Beat With Ari Melber | MSNBC ...
Freedompath comments on Dec 5, 2018:
I am with Comey!
No promises, but it would be nice.
Freedompath comments on Dec 5, 2018:
The world really is ‘upside-down,’ at the moment!
So, watching the service for Bush presently.
Freedompath comments on Dec 5, 2018:
It just doesn’t get easier, knowing this man is still in charge! It never will, until he is completely out of sight! I hope that is soon!
Tariff man's "frightening ignorance.
Freedompath comments on Dec 5, 2018:
This man should be ‘blinded by his dollar signs!’ I thought Caligula was terrible...but trump has made him look like a choirboy!
What a shocker. If this is a repost, it's the first time I saw it.
Freedompath comments on Dec 5, 2018:
How did that happen? The world’s slickest clown gives us ‘fake,’ on everything he touches! How did that happen?
President Trump traveled 250 yards to greet George W.
Freedompath comments on Dec 5, 2018:
Trump does not think in logical terms! His privilege runs deep...cost to others have never been a factor in his decision making!
This tells the whole story.....
Freedompath comments on Dec 5, 2018:
How sad! How very sad!
Sums it up perfectly
Freedompath comments on Dec 5, 2018:
Trump has sold his soul to the ‘underbelly,’ of despots! Maybe he can build a ‘trump tower,’ in Saudi Arabia, and give the Prince, a 50,000,000 pent house, for protection! A VERY fitting place for his exile!
Mueller says Michael Flynn gave 'first-hand' details of Trump transition team contacts with Russians...
Freedompath comments on Dec 5, 2018:
I can’t believe that Flynn, only lost his honor, after he got caught up the ‘evil web’ of the trumpeter? This is insanity, to the fullest degree! Trump and his co-hearts were willing to bring down their own country...not in war, but with a sick ‘ego game!’ They were flying higher than a kite, thinking they had the whole world by the tail! What a delusional pack of thieves! Their status should not prevent them from getting the wrath of this country brought to bare on them for the rest of their life and long after they are dead and gone! This is a sick pack of ‘deplorable!’ SHE was right!!!!
Allen Dershowitz and Ken Starr are 2 of the players in this drama: []
Freedompath comments on Dec 4, 2018:
How much worse can it get? This country has gone to ‘hell,’ in a hay basket! People trying to uphold the law, have a battle on their hands!
Valhalla!! []
Freedompath comments on Dec 4, 2018:
This is getting too big for me to keep my mind wrapped around! Trump should have kept a lower profile...he may turn out to be the biggest ‘dope’ for ages and ages!
This shit is getting serious!
Freedompath comments on Dec 4, 2018:
Ha ha ha...the other part in relation to his hands, must be the size of ’teets’ on a mouse!
Trump tweeted, ".
Freedompath comments on Dec 4, 2018:
I guess ‘god’ trump’s threat, died before it the dollar signs! Maybe, the ‘devil,’ took a bite out of his arss and threw his game off? Better he rally with his ‘cult!’ They will ‘lick,’ his wounds!
Kimmel always has insightful comments about 45: Trump's Awkward Trip to South America: []
Freedompath comments on Dec 4, 2018:
What a funny president we have in trump! I think he should have spent more time with the fine print, before he ran for a position that he hates and as it turned out, that he knew so little about! He has been a major headache, world wide! Can’t wait to see how he handles it...when he is escorted out to federal prison!
This Twitter account is pure genius: []
Freedompath comments on Dec 4, 2018:
That is hilarious! Talk about ‘mixing it up!’
Evil Genius Turns Giuliani's Typo-Ridden Tweet Into Hilarious Anti-Trump Message [yahoo.
Freedompath comments on Dec 4, 2018:
This was just great!
I am once again astounded at how hypocritical these trumps are and what a complete lack of self ...
Freedompath comments on Dec 4, 2018:
These people of ‘trump’s,’ and associates are not like average behaving people! The concept of fairness and basic dignity, does not apply to them! They have made their own laws and rules to live by, and a ‘mere American citizen,’ want alter that in the least! Madoff went to jail, I expect no less for the trumps!
Trump's Enablers—An Appalling Parallel: Why should we not compare Nazi officials with the ...
Freedompath comments on Dec 4, 2018:
What all this means is...we need to get to know our own elected officials! We need to be up front and personal, no matter what side of the isle we are standing on. We have the right to expect fair and just treatment for all citizens! It appears too many people, do not understand how justice and democracy is is never stamped out with one hard blow with a sledge hammer, it is each single act against vulnerable and uninformed people, who are loosing sight of their basic human rights! We must pay attention!
You know how, when you dream, some dreams seem so in-depth?
Freedompath comments on Dec 4, 2018:
That idea probably percolates in lot of rational minds...but, it seems so hopeless confronting a telephone pole, and that seems about the penetration level of the imitation man, sitting behind the Oval Office desk! He want get least not in this lifetime! But, we can still dream...
Time to retire? ?
Freedompath comments on Dec 4, 2018:
Ha ha ha...I think she is still a nun! Looks like St Christofer should have given her more guidance! I guess he too, was asleep at the wheel!
In States They Lost, Some GOP Lawmakers Rush To Limit New Democrats’ Power [npr.
Freedompath comments on Dec 4, 2018:
What kind of a Democratic government do we have now? Talk about ‘sore losers,’ which the Republicans repeat over and over about the Democratic Party...the GOP, never want to share power! The GOP, have become the SUPERIOR, SUPREME Party! They behave as if the ‘other,’ citizens in this country must bend to their wishes or be wiped out! They are not only short sighted, but sick with ignorance!
Here is a quick wit who showed some initiative. []
Freedompath comments on Dec 4, 2018:
Associates of trump are too busy, ‘muddying the waters,’ to keep up with IT! They are forgetting to dot the eyes and cross the ts! Their ‘spot lighted,’ power, may soon be their undoing! But, they will have each other!
Rest in Pea .... oh shit
Freedompath comments on Dec 4, 2018:
Life has it’s little ‘tricks!’ But one day...
Here is a quick wit who showed some initiative. []
Freedompath comments on Dec 4, 2018:
Wasn’t able to get it!
Trump demands stiff prison sentence for his ex-lawyer Michael Cohen, accuses Mueller of seeking ...
Freedompath comments on Dec 3, 2018:
Since when does trump call the shots? Last I heard trump is being investigated! Along with people who had close ties to him! Why can’t the man ‘lay low’ and see what happens? His ‘genius,’ is all over the place...sinking his ship! When the movie comes out, he will expect to play the staring role! There is no end to this man’s talents! I wonder if the final scene, will be shot in his orange jumpsuit, super imposed standing on his Hollywood Star?
I just had someone try and convert me to Christianity.
Freedompath comments on Dec 3, 2018:
Funny how that equals out...!
After embarrassing himself at the G20, this is just icing on the cake
Freedompath comments on Dec 3, 2018:
This ‘clown,’ is just so much expose! I hope I am still laughing when ‘they bring the hammer down!’
Yes this is old.
Freedompath comments on Dec 3, 2018:
...just a reminder that trump has never been on the right page, with the right knowledge!
He forgot to stick his head in.
Freedompath comments on Dec 3, 2018:
Trump has ‘a way about him!’ He has the power...he thinks! But, his thoughts keep on betraying him! One day...pooof and he’s gone!
One of my wishes:
Freedompath comments on Dec 3, 2018:
It could happen...we have yet to see what is waiting in the ‘wings?’
The real snowflake
Freedompath comments on Dec 3, 2018:
The whole family is ‘better and smarter,’...what luck for the people in America who spent too much time watching Fox News that sucked out their ‘better and smarter,’ parts!
Fake science: Here's the alarming pseudoscience ecosystem that's threatening our nation's health | ...
Freedompath comments on Dec 3, 2018:
I hope this pans out in real time! People now-a-days, have a knack for twisting reality...any reality, even facts and figures! I hope I am off base here!
I don’t doubt trump for a moment ? []
Freedompath comments on Dec 3, 2018:
Time is being wasted...however, trump want hold his present perch very much longer and HE will be way or the other! It will take more than a third of this country to save his ‘baby orange blimp’s,’ arss!
Trump announces Chinese rollback of auto tariffs By QUINT FORGEY and DOUG PALMER 12/02/2018 11:38 ...
Freedompath comments on Dec 3, 2018:
When this Administration gets on the same page...then I can believe! Until then it is just a hooey of people, pretending to look busy!
Dozer Dogs Thoughts on Ivanka E-Mails! LOCK HER DOWN! LOCK HER DOWN! LOCK HER DOWN! Not to be ...
Freedompath comments on Dec 3, 2018:
Let Ivanka fend for herself, I trust the dog!
Don't care if this is a repost. []
Freedompath comments on Dec 3, 2018:
‘Be Best,’ if Santa took orange baby boots, back to the North Pole! What a ‘peace prize,’ for the globe...that would be!!
Melania's mistake?
Freedompath comments on Dec 3, 2018:
Never fear...Melania knows how to play both ends against the middle! Power has ‘draw!’
My original was already posted (Trump vs.
Freedompath comments on Dec 3, 2018:
Trump is expert at ‘sticking his foot in his own mouth!’ Now there is a feat for ya! The trump clan, will just throw ‘stuff,’ out and if it sticks...fine, if no mind! There is always, next time! Maybe, this family WILL find their own planet? They deserve it!
I'm 100 points away from Level 5! What should I expect?
Freedompath comments on Dec 3, 2018:
You should expect that you will just keep on lusting after points! At every point, when you think that you have arrived, there are still points to be had! They seem to mean little, but you just keep seeking them anyway! I guess, they are what binds us together! Lol
Learning and loving as i go.
Freedompath comments on Dec 3, 2018:
I guess we all learned that way! Keep honest and let things flow, that will go along way, toward learning.
I'm not one for the american idol, got tallent, x factot etc.
Freedompath comments on Dec 3, 2018:
Delightful! Just delightful! Thanks for posting!
Are you a bully? Fox News says you are. []
Freedompath comments on Dec 3, 2018:
That is the most ridiculous idea that I have heard of lately! But, exactly what I expect from Fox News! They are probably ‘bending spoons’ as this is posted! There are people that delight in trying to bend reality, to fool...the fools! Sad! Sad!
4th GRADER sings IMAGINE by John Lennon - YouTube
Freedompath comments on Dec 3, 2018: sweet!
Great presentation:: Matt Dillahunty about hell. []
Freedompath comments on Dec 3, 2018:
What an excellent lecture!!! And how sad to know that people are being deeply hurt! Hopefully more and more people will throw off this old way and learn a better way to behave as human beings!
The issue that effects All of us..
Freedompath comments on Dec 2, 2018:
Life seems so complicated when I take in that long list of ‘needs’ to make a life! Seems like a lot of unnecessary resources...I just need to be in out of the cold, relevant in my community, and food and clothing, plus a doctor, if I break something! How much more will I need?
Coming up on two years since I lost my wife to cancer.
Freedompath comments on Dec 2, 2018:
I have observed that as I get older that my losses seem to hitch themselves to past and current losses and they bring on sadness that might have been only mild. The important thing is to find whatever little joy and be grateful! As the heaviness does let up and it is always pronounced at holidays! Happy thoughts to you...
I suppose my iPad will try and sell me something for posting this
Freedompath comments on Dec 2, 2018:
Ha ha ha!
Slightly off topic A message for all Sconnies: Tomorrow at the Capitol in Madison is the House ...
Freedompath comments on Dec 2, 2018:
Best of luck!
well, i wake again to the feeling of ther is nothing that guides you but yurself.
Freedompath comments on Dec 2, 2018:
Sounds like a great plan...! Have a great day!
Dementia vs senior moment: []
Freedompath comments on Dec 2, 2018: in tune with his surroundings! It could always be worse!
A new cause of ED []
Freedompath comments on Dec 2, 2018:
I read that earlier and yes, I can see how that plays out in the lives of men! My thinking is, men need a purpose, and that is harder to define in this current social climate! Every person cannot possibly be tech savvy, so where will they find purpose? I sure hope it isn’t war!
Never Forget They Have Healthcare
Freedompath comments on Dec 2, 2018:
...and salaries, and investments that only they are privy to! How many media reports of these elected we find that are out with their constituents, solving just some of their problems? All I hardly ever see, is puffed up politicians in the ‘Halls of Congress,’ fighting over who has the power! If they stand for is like ‘dust in the wind!’ Every last person needs to visit his Senator and Representative...we need to expect something from them, that addresses the needs of their constituents!
Not really sure who Jeff Tiedrich is.
Freedompath comments on Dec 2, 2018:
Yes! Enough...just wasn’t enough for the Orange Doe Boy! Now, he has played himself right into the slammer! If not the slammer...’world wide disgrace!’ No one in modern history, has pulled that off, so well! ‘Trump’ will forever be synonymous with ‘criminal!’ Wonder how many ‘trump towers,’ will stay fully occupied, after trump is ‘dethroned,’ from ‘the people’s house!’ He sure figured out how to ‘spread litter, around the world!
Throw the Orange Hairball into Gitmo with all the other terrorists who gas and injure unarmed, ...
Freedompath comments on Dec 2, 2018:
Maybe it is a good thing we don’t have vigilante justice? I doubt that the ‘little orange blimp,’ would be contaminating the Oval Office, as we write! Just saying...


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