Licenced Funeral Director/Embalmer and rookie realtor( newly licensed) Huge Animal lover and animal rights activist, Human Rights activist and Democrat. I enjoy kayaking,(I’m kinda a novice ) cocktails on sunny patios with ocean views, just hanging out with my friends, enjoying life, and having fun!! I'm a former personal trainer, so I’m health conscious, but I’m a social drinker ! . I am a co owner of a Funeral home, and now also a realtor with Dockside Realty Ltd in Sidney BC I love all all animals, am a mom to 4 cats, 2 of which live at my funeral home, as "comfort kitties" and the other 2 live with me in my condo. I’m a total atheist, never been religious at all. If you like to have fun, and have a good sense of humour, message me!