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Another Illiterate Religious Moron Him: Hi, how are you today?
GreenAtheist comments on Oct 9, 2019:
The xians are LOWER BEINGS with beliefs about fictional idiot beings
Dat rear end tho
GreenAtheist comments on Oct 9, 2019:
People could learn to spell and form complete sentences?????
Penney Archer
GreenAtheist comments on Oct 9, 2019:
Ms Penny Archer sold you her photo and name ??$$$
Itty bitty...
GreenAtheist comments on Oct 9, 2019:
Itty bitty penis photographer
Itty bitty...
GreenAtheist comments on Oct 9, 2019:
Balcony photo from clothing optional swim pool entrance? All residents agree to be photographed at whim ?
Excuse me, is this politically correct? Am I in MeToo trouble?..... Or is it just the truth?
GreenAtheist comments on Oct 9, 2019:
Most Atheists here don't do xmas and I predict you won't need to give any telephone gifts based upon penis length full fellatio
Come join me
GreenAtheist comments on Oct 9, 2019:
This resembles an offer for sex work
Getting clean
GreenAtheist comments on Oct 9, 2019:
Do you have her permission to post her soapy wet body photo?
Burnt Auburn
GreenAtheist comments on Oct 9, 2019:
Do you have permission to post this beautiful woman photo ?
North Carolina law prohibits cohabitation: [] Isn't that amazing in these modern times?
GreenAtheist comments on Oct 9, 2019:
1805 President Jefferson co-habited with Sally Hemmings they had 6 children the first he impregnated Sally age 15 in France....however the Virginia law the made marriage to Sally illegal was not declared null until 1960....damned if he did damned if he didn't.....Sally was Jefferson's dead wife half sister....Sally was 1/4th and Jefferson in his "Notes On Virginia" a sort of Science Journal : declared his 1/8th black children "white" ....white racist religion disgusts me by law or practice
Gene Hackman Born in San Bernadino, California in 1930.
GreenAtheist comments on Oct 9, 2019:
So many missing flicks: FULL MOON BLUE WATER and the evil insect General opposite Woody Allen ANTz
Gene Hackman Born in San Bernadino, California in 1930.
GreenAtheist comments on Oct 9, 2019:
7 great films I note on the list and 3 Superman roles are his worst....Birdcage are his top religious performances most appropo still to this day
Bernie Sanders' daughter-in-law, Rainè Riggs, dies at 46 -
GreenAtheist comments on Oct 9, 2019:
When health professionals die so young from cancers WE MUST ASK QUESTIONS ABOUT carcinogens and failed early diagnosis
I am amazed at the lack of knowledge people against AR15's and firearms in general have.
GreenAtheist comments on Oct 9, 2019:
It is so silly to disarm USA while doing nothing to stop religious violence and invaders along our borders..... American Atheist Veterans have always been common sense about our 12 TWELVE BILL of RIGHTS the hand written original not textbook liars
If I am generally sick of North American narcissistic personality disorder as a national ...
GreenAtheist comments on Oct 9, 2019:
Instead of role analysis for toddlers, just try talking face to face with real people in your neighborhood and leave North America alone with your gibberish post
If I am generally sick of North American narcissistic personality disorder as a national ...
GreenAtheist comments on Oct 9, 2019:
You are stupid as fuck. Women are still not legally equal to you boys....we need one more state to ratify E. R. is completely idiotic to type "women are new men" unless some (plural) have impregnated you??????? You have insulted my 2 daughters 44& clarify your worthless drivel or just delete this stupid dung post of yours
If I am generally sick of North American narcissistic personality disorder as a national ...
GreenAtheist comments on Oct 9, 2019:
You have posted nothing but sexist innuendo....all people from North Pole to Canal Zone are narcissists but you ?????????? Gender roles have nothing to do with you society of ONE not needing an instruction manual if there is what is your complaint ???? Zero females are instructing you into new habits or old ???????
Reason 542 it sometimes sucks to be female. []
GreenAtheist comments on Oct 8, 2019:
This link is all about bad boys harassing women secretly filming them without consent and posting details about women the films and comments labeling them easy to have sex with....I READ NOTHING about the status of women in Glascow only lies by boys collecting about 700 dollars from idiots wanting to learn how have sex with any woman off the street.....fuck bbc only bad boys suck
Anyone ever think you're in love, when you were actually just anxious?
GreenAtheist comments on Oct 8, 2019:
It makes sense in the double standard world that women are conditioned to both fear intimacy and choose intimacy at the same time .....sadly too often with a good looking jerk or worse WHILE PASSING upon good Feminist Atheist men
Advice on how to vote..
GreenAtheist comments on Oct 8, 2019:
"The Cure for Toxic Positivity -- ‘Hang in there!’ can do more harm than good" ...
GreenAtheist comments on Oct 8, 2019:
The ultimate toxic positivity : gawds plan will work out for the best
GreenAtheist comments on Oct 8, 2019:
What zionist does NOT confabulate the utopia of Israel while telling genocidal lies about the innocent victims in shrinking apartheid ghettos of Gaza and Palestine ??
Sally Field Born in Pasadena, California in 1946.
GreenAtheist comments on Oct 8, 2019:
Absence Of Malice and Norma Rae embody her place in historic issues for her audience
Things that make you question how they got there.
GreenAtheist comments on Oct 7, 2019:
For over 6 months Myrtle Beach was dredging up OFF SHORE SAND to replenish lost sand during Hurricane Florence ....maybe the dredging filter let your pretty rock through from the dredging equipment off shore ???
I am family.
GreenAtheist comments on Oct 7, 2019:
my kittens are both family AND HIGHLY SKILLED SERVICE CATS
The road to success is always under construction🚧
GreenAtheist comments on Oct 7, 2019:
If it moves SALUTE IT if it doesn't move PAINT IT....carry on sailor
Saudi Arabia to allow unmarried foreign couples in hotel rooms | World news | The Guardian
GreenAtheist comments on Oct 7, 2019:
Foreign couples....thousands of Saudi women are in prison millions prisoners raped in their own homes
Before the next election rolls around, perhaps investigations should be opened into the business ...
GreenAtheist comments on Oct 7, 2019:
Gangsters in government have been the curse of Jefferson and Adams family since 1776
Hi! I'm Em.
GreenAtheist comments on Oct 7, 2019:
Portland is a great Atheist city ...I loved living there 2004
How can I make people get it that I have left religion not community? 😔
GreenAtheist comments on Oct 6, 2019:
Hindi rituals are inseparable from Hindi long as you are just along for the ride eating the food drinking the tea can "pass" for religious.....but if you value your honesty integrity and leadership potential for your need to develop unique political skills outside what is expected of you from be an elected Atheist or a business leader what you offer has to be what customers or voters want....find an Atheist mentor and try what works for her/him
Dumbest Thing Ever Said On Meet The Press! - YouTube
GreenAtheist comments on Oct 6, 2019:
Jimmy Dore always funny and Chuck Todd always stupid "well facted"
Dumbest Thing Ever Said On Meet The Press! - YouTube
GreenAtheist comments on Oct 6, 2019:
No such thing as a vagina committing crimes like Biden do
GreenAtheist comments on Oct 6, 2019:
Most Senators served with Biden....his only job ever has been since 1979-2017 Senator or President of the Senate....Romney is Class of 2019 and maybe another frosh senator will join Romney .....they are all millions of dollars richer because of the TrumpOLINI tax law credits....hard to bite the hand that fed you
Presidential history...
GreenAtheist comments on Oct 6, 2019:
Sambo are both guilty of mass murder with many dead innocent humans b4 people stop pretending one is nice and the other is a disgusting pussy grabber??
Hahahahahahahaha! What a maroon! ([urbandictionary.
GreenAtheist comments on Oct 6, 2019:
The alleged xian story is no older than 18 centuries and the calendar is back dated 14 centuries....this 2000 anything lie is pure gibberish of fools
Hahahahahahahaha! What a maroon! ([urbandictionary.
GreenAtheist comments on Oct 6, 2019:
There is nothing "historical" about King James bibles nor Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers or Deuteronomy.....all of it is insane gibberish translated translated again translated deliberately falsely and translated again impossible to trace to anything that might be considered an original sliver of "words" without vowels and without dots where the vowels MIGHT go by ALLEGED tradition of tradition of traditions of competing disagreeable traditions of how to sound out these alleged words....calling this religious DUNG PURE EXCREMENT HISTORY is proof of incompetence and apology for genocidal misogynistic brutal institutional IGNORANCE
Jean Arthur 1900-1991 Born Gladys Greene in N.
GreenAtheist comments on Oct 6, 2019:
Clarissa my love ....signed Senator Smith
From an atheist perspective (and I am an atheist), is there a difference between religion and a ...
GreenAtheist comments on Oct 6, 2019:
Some religions are pacific Quakers and Bahai's are 2 but most religions are cults violent brainwashing cults even Buddhists in Vietnam were suicidal fighters against invading Japanese French Australians and 12 million Americans....I was in a cult called the United States Navy '71'73 don't anyone here "thank me for my service" 3.5 million murdered SE ASIANS and ecocide sprayed Agent Orange everywhere
An ongoing Australian shame caused by all political flavours - "Let me review.
GreenAtheist comments on Oct 6, 2019:
Colonialism evil down under
These two images were taken by a friend of mine, he was snapping the moon with a little cloud, Not ...
GreenAtheist comments on Oct 6, 2019:
Yeah ....some camera phones act like real human eyes floaters and such but I have never ever seen blue dots in bright moonlight
Cats in Therapy 😼😹😹😹😻 []
GreenAtheist comments on Oct 6, 2019:
Single voice human speaks for all the cats about various humans in our cat lives... no therapist heard but a few suggestions from a therapist is related by one voice about purring ...same voice....he is the one who needs therapy .....the kitten memory behind Trader Joe's Glendale is really a disgusting report of fermented soy something splattering on the poor abandoned kitten
Cats in Therapy 😼😹😹😹😻 []
GreenAtheist comments on Oct 6, 2019:
13 cats one little dog smaller than many cats
Genetically speaking, could Adam and Eve have existed?
GreenAtheist comments on Oct 6, 2019:
Adham & Ewe are unreliable hebrew words with zero vowels and zero dots where vowels belong.....hebrew is read by "tradition" not by reliable translations....and 9 hebrew letters double as numbers so any so called original parchment scrolls are gibberish with zero "Rosetta Stone" for independent contemporary translations into real languages like Greek or Egyptian
Genetically speaking, could Adam and Eve have existed?
GreenAtheist comments on Oct 6, 2019:
No no no .....the bible is 100% fiction....never was an ark.....there is genetic evidence 386 thousand years old all humans have the same RNA chromosome from a single mother found that age but that disproves the fiction of 4004 bce bible bullshit
Very cool documentary! It’s available on iTunes ☺️ []
GreenAtheist comments on Oct 6, 2019:
CC Moore American Atheist prisoner of theocracy pardoned by McKinley for mailing obscene pornographic bible verses sold through US MAIL COMSTOCK LAW imprisoned by Comstock himself.....some catholic creep on Wikipedia has posted many lies about Moore and blocked me when I quoted Moore's book BEHIND THE BARS telling the truth opposite the current catholic liar in charge of many false wiki posts against Atheists
I'm sorry in advance.
GreenAtheist comments on Oct 6, 2019:
Righteous indignant laughter
I'm sorry in advance.
GreenAtheist comments on Oct 6, 2019:
Like blasphemy a victimless crime...... a piece of cloth deserves universal scorn and this teacher deserves A+ condemning racist inbreeding ....sadly a lone rebel girl who once wore a rebel flag belt buckle to the same school took a photo of the chalkboard condemnation of the "marry his sister" was her bigot mom who put the photo on the internet that captured the school attention causing the teacher to lose her job....the LAND OF COTTON OL' TIMES THERE ARE NOT FORGOTTEN LOOK AWAY LOOK AWAY LOOK AWAY .....bigot land
GreenAtheist comments on Oct 6, 2019:
Rapist priests hide their crimes behind asexual bogus secret confessions and bogus vows of celibacy
New York's Biggest Cat 😻😻😻 []
GreenAtheist comments on Oct 6, 2019:
Rides in baby carriage
Why (Almost All) Cosmologists are Atheists by Sean M.
GreenAtheist comments on Oct 6, 2019:
93% of surveyed top scientists are Atheists the remainder are like Sunday xians, they do Atheistic science Monday through Saturday
Some creep from Canada lied here about Atheism.
GreenAtheist comments on Oct 6, 2019:
He posted yesterday Oct 5th 2019 btw a fake calendar back dated 13 centuries ago and 4 years after real King Herod died
I think this place is much stranger than North Korea.
GreenAtheist comments on Oct 6, 2019:
Lovely places on earth many could be great
Drip, drip, drip. The beginning of The End. Even Tucker Carlson knows. []
GreenAtheist comments on Oct 6, 2019:
Nixon resigned because the Articles of Impeachment voted out of Judiciary WERE TRUE and Democrats had a near veto proof majority in the SENATE that was certain to convict and remove him from office....some say Ford promised to pardon Nixon the day he became Vice President.....the opposite situation faces TrumpOLINI....the charges are false Biden Family is guilty and the SENATE is Rethuglican controlled and will NOT CONVICT the President to elevate the insane Pence President.....Impeachment before February 2021 is a fools errand and only rallies TrumpOLINI voters to re-elect this pussy grabbing lunatic to another term
Jack Lemmon 1925-2001 Born in Boston, Massachusetts, educated at Phillips Andover Academy and ...
GreenAtheist comments on Oct 5, 2019:
Gave credibility to JFK witnesses ALL under attack by fake news since 1963
Amongst scores of favourite female singers.
GreenAtheist comments on Oct 5, 2019:
Bette Midler sings a shorter cut to troops and her son in Vietnam movie role FOR THE BOYS
Amongst scores of favourite female singers.
GreenAtheist comments on Oct 5, 2019:
An elegant eulogy sung better by Sissle than rocker author Lennon and his chorus Beatles
PREPRANDIAL--Done or taken before dinner or lunch, see also POSTPRANDIAL--Done or taken after dinner...
GreenAtheist comments on Oct 5, 2019:
My father was excommunicated from the catholic church for having a vasectomy in defiance of the ...
GreenAtheist comments on Oct 5, 2019:
I demanded to be excommunicated in 1983 live on my Dial An Atheist recorded telephone line....priest pretended to like us Atheists then compared gawd to George Washington asking me how I knew both existed.....I corrected the fool....only George existed because we still have his wooden evidence exists for geebush jeehobah ghostholes or alleged vaginal virgin births in dirty donkey stables....he hung up the phone
GreenAtheist comments on Oct 5, 2019:
3 small mattresses hinged together....perfect for TV watchers on the floor when the couch is full
GreenAtheist comments on Oct 5, 2019:
Just another Rrrruussshhah dingy Crazy GREEDY LIMPboss radio cult liar dittohead with a government job
It's a game-changer': CEO surprises employees with $30,000 pay raises []
GreenAtheist comments on Oct 4, 2019:
This is the back half of pay equity....the CEO cut his salary to balance the books....THE FRONT HALF IS HOW THIS CREDIT CARD COMPANY MAKES THEIR MONEY....are the customers getting a fair deal or are they victims ?
Does anyone else dislike finding a page filled with video pictures posted from YouTube when going to...
GreenAtheist comments on Oct 4, 2019:
Information overload happens everywhere
Alright, which one of you fine ladies wants to see this 'ere foreplay movie with me?
GreenAtheist comments on Oct 4, 2019:
Isn't this a very old joke nuns having sex with priests or orgasms alone in a convent when GEEBUSH COMES TO HER ???
Alright, which one of you fine ladies wants to see this 'ere foreplay movie with me?
GreenAtheist comments on Oct 4, 2019:
Boys never learn love
I can’t believe it’s another Friday morning do the days turn into weeks so quickly?
GreenAtheist comments on Oct 4, 2019:
Actually both my daughters love TEARS FOR FEARS Courtney 44& Darrow 25.....Courtney was our Maid of Honor at my wedding 27 years ago
I can’t believe it’s another Friday morning do the days turn into weeks so quickly?
GreenAtheist comments on Oct 4, 2019:
My daughter loved this song for years growing up until she fell in love prom night a high school sophomore with the senior who asked her to the dance weeks in advance so she began ruling the prom dress world and he peeled down to vest and bow tie losing his shirt .. some photos are UNFORGETTABLE like songs never leaving your head
So sweet 😘
GreenAtheist comments on Oct 4, 2019:
Beatles sang HONEY PIE on White Album I LOVE U
GreenAtheist comments on Oct 4, 2019:
JuneTEENTH.....Texas Scottish
When Batman found Jesus 😂😂😂
GreenAtheist comments on Oct 4, 2019:
POW ! SMACK !! SLAM !!! KERPLUFF in the stomach !!!! Doobie Brothers OH YEAH
I just got into a debate with someone about Jesus' crucifixion being God's Will, hypothetically.
GreenAtheist comments on Oct 4, 2019:
This is an INSANE QUESTION.... there are zero alleged gawds there was no crucifixion of an alleged baby gawd born of an alleged vaginal virgin in a dirty donkey stable AND ALL THIS INSANITY is the worst invention of humanity....without the Vatican rapist priests would be shot by firing squads and 6 million women would not die each year denied life saving abortions and or deadly disease preventing condoms
Debate: Anti-Zionism is Anti-Semitism - YouTube
GreenAtheist comments on Oct 4, 2019:
Anti-zionism is truth telling....not all zionists are semitic....most USA xians are zionists by voting for military weapons that murder Palestinians in shrinking apartheid ghettos....anti-semitism is low life skin head racist kkk wannabes
Kitty tries so hard to please his human.
GreenAtheist comments on Oct 4, 2019:
Looks dead but not bleeding....good job cat MASTER HUNTER
Yesterday I got a major dental operation involving cleaning of dentures.
GreenAtheist comments on Oct 4, 2019:
Hallucinations from novocaine or unconsciousness during procedure?
Encourage or discourage joining marines?
GreenAtheist comments on Oct 3, 2019:
Find a veteran you trust to tell the truth about USMC....NEITHER discourage nor encourage enlistment....if the teen is under 18 it's illegal to enlist without parental consent form signed in front of a USMC OFFICER not some low life corporal....and furthermore a gung ho recruit should consider applying to your SENATORS or Congressmember for appointment to the officer 4 year program ....grades in school must be high with many civic references SPORTS SCOUTING ROTC DEMOLAY KEY CLUB community volunteering family business farming 4H Isaac Walton.....some teens fear gay feelings and ASSUME military training will cure them.....successful life in the military brings men closer together.....ultimately joining the military is a death wish to kill and may be killed ordered into battle or invasion of other countries.. arms proficiency is on top of hand to hand combat training with knives bayonets and ANY available substance or object for weaponry.....joining the military is only ONE direct action of citizenship and your teen may meet foreign nationals in the Services as anyone MAY become a servicemember ....Filipinos, Afghans Samoans many others.....American Atheists exist in the military but most are PRESUMED TO BE xian and dog tags are issued with religious preference stamped upon the tags....Jews Catholics 7th Day Adventists are readily accepted but usually Atheists are forced into PROT or NP protestant generic or no preference.....ASK LOTS OF QUESTIONS without is fair to state your feelings you fear the teen will come home in a flag draped coffin or with missing legs arms or the deafening ringing in my ears....FUCKING WAR IS LOUD.....6 Veterans are committing suicide every day USA and the reasons vary GREATLY.....take the teen to the nearest veterans Hospital and spend the day eating in the canteen buying USMC stuff in the gift shop wander the halls or just sit and watch vets line up for pills from pharmacy....talking to a RECRUITER is senseless THEY ALL LIE.....EARNING money for college is bullshit is much better to become an officer than a grunt private
Top Pence Adviser Was On Trump’s Ukraine Call
GreenAtheist comments on Oct 2, 2019:
Clown is a good word ...the job started shoveling up elephant shit in the circus....not to be confused with court jesters and Buster Keaton & Charlie Chaplin....TrumpOLINI PencePenisPatrol are pussy grabbers of the worst kind....will check menstrual pads for unborn "babies" 2 weeks old with all that gawd owned DNA = souls beamed in from planet geebush jeehobah ghostholes
GreenAtheist comments on Oct 2, 2019:
Though debates and polls are rigged IOWA CAMPAIGNS remain vigorous by almost 19 CANDIDATES going face to face with voters in 99 counties....Bernie is the first to stop radio and TV ads in Iowa
'Bring Your Bible to School Day': Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin touts event
GreenAtheist comments on Oct 2, 2019:
USA has always pushed the xian garbage racist white bible lies in schools of commoners....only elites studied Latin science and engineering.... Darwin and Dewey tried to popularize real education but theocrats fought back in Dayton TN....Atheist Darrow won the radio war but lost the 1925 case 1963 Atheists won against reverential prEyer and ritual bible reading but most schools ignore the law....Cardinal Spelman escalated the catholic war against Buddhists in baiting and McCarthyism has been in charge for 140 years Carter campaigned in churches TV & radio preachers have more air time than Rrrruussshhah dingy Crazy GREEDY LIMPboss radio cult liar dittoheads....when thousands of Atheist parents fight back in all 50 states we will win but only a few dozen of us made and live that history above
Airbnb Wants to Send You on a Month-Long Antarctica Sabbatical
GreenAtheist comments on Oct 2, 2019:
Spring or summer at the South Pole is no picnic fall or winter is frozen darkness
Your relationship with yourself sets the tone for every other relationship you have. Agree/Disagree?
GreenAtheist comments on Oct 2, 2019:
Nope....they go their own ways I keep loving and hoping one will change
GreenAtheist comments on Oct 2, 2019:
I did my share of begging but much more often my lovers ask me in all sorts of ways ....taking my hand to the shower or bedroom.....pouring me a glass of wine out of the blue.....leaving me notes candles voicemail or coded texts for our unique love spots to be kissed or me an elbow while we do laundry and pillow cases.....wrapping her nipples into my ears.....ringing a bed side bell before my late movie is over.....slapping my butt bending over in the garden.....meowing purring or lighting potpourri.....telling me to brush my teeth and get in bed to wait for her finishing her shower....I need to be wanted and someday a good Feminist Atheist will send me a nice note here saying what would you like for all the rest of your answer is the key to her happy throbbing heart
Extraordinary act of mercy: Brother of Botham Jean hugs and forgives Amber Guyger after 10-year ...
GreenAtheist comments on Oct 2, 2019:
Leonard Peltier is innocent in prison for life while the FBI murdered Fred Hampton and brag about it over Irish whiskey
Extraordinary act of mercy: Brother of Botham Jean hugs and forgives Amber Guyger after 10-year ...
GreenAtheist comments on Oct 2, 2019:
True whites have lots of wiggle room to kill just like killer cops.....makes no sense to me how somebody kills somebody in a bar fight and is out of prison in 8 years for good behavior but a black woman kills her pimp for him abusing her and she dies in prison 50 years later
I'm at my mother's death bed, and I'm politely having to keep my mouth shut.
GreenAtheist comments on Oct 2, 2019:
Honor your mom and her wishes....tell the rest to leave you two alone in peace
Odin's Beard!!!! Could this be what is happening to us Elders?
GreenAtheist comments on Oct 2, 2019:
The ADJUSTMENT BUREAU movie with Matt Damon and Mary Poppins ....short term memory lapses of one second are normal jiggling of brain chemistry while thee walk no Angel's or Aliens are beaming you forward in time SCOTTY
My own rule seldom allows me to make comments, Ears and Eyes Open.
GreenAtheist comments on Oct 2, 2019:
Post modernist bullshit....reefer stoned intellectual imagine create build plant harvest cook make love birth nurse teach hunt kill and eat are not Aurora Borealis or twinkle twinkle little star....people need to get busy and elect a peace through Green jobs President b4 Fukishima gives you cancer where you sit in nirvana
Dating religious people
GreenAtheist comments on Oct 2, 2019:
That xian bastard is threatening children AND YOU with hell did nothing wrong to give children neighborly attention but was wrong to make nice with a nazi xian....don't date any more of them unless they are ultra liberal like Quakers for world peace.....he is a liar only wanted to fuck you
I grew up as a Christian but never felt like it was right.
GreenAtheist comments on Oct 2, 2019:
Love your mother earth....Gaia gawd is more than metaphor but less than consciousness with's not pagan it is ecosystem feelings
This Utah woman was charged for being topless in her own home.
GreenAtheist comments on Oct 2, 2019:
Stupid shit lawyer needs to file a bunch more pre-trial motions including wrongful prosecution of a private citizen rights to privacy
This Utah woman was charged for being topless in her own home.
GreenAtheist comments on Oct 2, 2019:
My reading is cops did not read the victim her Miranda Rights and the arrest weeks later should be nullified REGARDLESS of any other evidence....sunbathing clubs in all 50 states should file lawsuits against this Utah jurisdiction for conspiracy to violate our civil rights to family sunbathing
I just realized that I have thought about fucking most every person that I work with.
GreenAtheist comments on Oct 2, 2019:
Add them all that with the scene in 4 Weddings AND A FUNERAL....Andie MacDowell tells Hugh Grant about every lover she remembers in order last to 1st ??? Anais Nin & Henry Miller wrote down hundreds of pages about fucking many people ....your thoughts might make a great screenplay
I just realized that I have thought about fucking most every person that I work with.
GreenAtheist comments on Oct 2, 2019:
Totally normal imagination ESPECIALLY if you don't have a lover .....choose a lover who enjoys looking the way you look at others..... should double your current fun ....
Thought I hadn’t posted any Fleetwood Mac for a while.
GreenAtheist comments on Oct 2, 2019:
Been going my own way since 1957 and my daughters 1975 both born Atheists still that way
Noticed the ‘sunset glow’ a few hours too early. This doesn’t look good 😧
GreenAtheist comments on Oct 1, 2019:
Dirt clouds ?
Kehinde Wiley Makes a Statement With New Sculpture in Times Square | Architectural Digest
GreenAtheist comments on Oct 1, 2019:
Topless bikers, skaters take over Riverside trail to celebrate recent federal ruling []
GreenAtheist comments on Oct 1, 2019:
More women will enjoy Sturgis Week legally next year
Why women ...
GreenAtheist comments on Oct 1, 2019:
I am not gay but I would wear that dress design working in a no kill cat shelter
This is a repost from another group.
GreenAtheist comments on Oct 1, 2019:
Lee is much for efficacy towards this about smoking a cigarette ?? That is what killed George Harrison....not that much of a sweet LARD....MY consciousness seems the same in memory of 62 years and wondering how I pointed my finger at the big dipper Ursa Major 1957 when I was 5 years heroic minds Einstein and Walt Disney both Atheists have urged me to read write imagine create play and love....not much discussion here about money jobs or how to pay for travel and cafe food
Well, I think I've just ended another friendship over 45. Oh well.
GreenAtheist comments on Oct 1, 2019:
Anyone who defends TrumpOLINI is confessing mental illness and I do not give free therapy to sick friends
Day 3 of being a roommate for the first time in my life.
GreenAtheist comments on Oct 1, 2019:
Will you give notice and look for better quarters ?
What effect will impeachment proceedings have on the 2020 elections?
GreenAtheist comments on Oct 1, 2019:
Yes no yes....if trial begins in Senate, Democrats crimes will be constantly be cited making TrumpOLINI look like a crusader cleaning up USA....Democrats will run for the hills condemning Biden and Schiff and that list will get very long....then maybe 30 Democrats will vote to convict TrumpOLINI and 70 Senators will send him back to work 44 states will re-elect this incompetent creep orange hair pussy grabber not just 31 three years ago if voters don't rally behind @HowieHawkins20 to be a real peace and green jobs President


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P.A.T.C.H. People Against The Christian Hypocrites
293 members
American Atheists (Fans)
289 members
Widow(er)/life partner/significant other
282 members
Jokes and humor about religion
282 members
280 members
For the love of tattoos
270 members
SouthEastern Atheists
265 members
Workout Warriors
265 members
Star Trek fans
261 members
Battling Obesity
255 members
Childfree Domain
249 members
249 members
Poets' Corner
224 members
Me Too - Women's Rights and Men's Rights
224 members
Simply Atheist
221 members
Mental Health Chat
220 members
General Forum
209 members
Left Coast Non Believers
209 members
Pet pictures and discussion
207 members
207 members
The Best of Late Night & News
199 members
Oddities and Anomalies
198 members
Science and religion. :) lets debate
196 members
Fun Bible Passages
194 members
Simple Thoughts
191 members
Memes edited
190 members
Sam Harris Fans
182 members
Truly single gal and guys looking for love.
182 members
Science Fiction & Godlessness
181 members
Generation X
180 members
Movies that promote deep thought.
175 members
Political Posts, Articles and Memes
168 members
Highly Sensitive People (HSPs), Intuitives, and Empaths
166 members
Traditional and Folkmusic
163 members
Sexy is an Attitude, Body Positive Sexy!
161 members
Science & Technology
155 members
General Topics
152 members
Sun Moon Stars
150 members
Pets and wildlife
149 members
Books: Only Books
145 members
Godless Musicians
144 members
Libertarian Agnostics
142 members
All Things Legal/Crime and Punishment
142 members
Autism and/or Asperger's Syndrome
140 members
Anti-Democrat Party Liberals
137 members
American Humanists Association
136 members
Older women and younger men
135 members
Dharma Café
133 members
132 members
Treehouses, tiny homes and natural building
132 members
129 members
122 members
122 members
Movie Actor and Actress Fans
121 members
Jewish by Culture
120 members
Earth Preservers
119 members
119 members
119 members
Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana & Tennessee
113 members
103 members
Marriage & Long-term Relationships
103 members
Hot Hunks
103 members
Carolina Atheists (SC / NC)
101 members
Movie viewing group
99 members
99 members
Older Men and Younger Women
99 members
Ethical Vegans - Animal Rights - Environmental Concerns - Clean Food & Gardening
98 members
Celebrity Pictures
98 members
All is Well: Happy & Healthy Lifestyles
96 members
Religious Naturalism
94 members
Unitarian Universalists
93 members
At Retirement!
93 members
"I was blocked!?" Group
91 members
Foreign Film Fans
87 members
Crass Comedy
86 members
Pop Culture - TV
86 members
Atheist Videos & Miscellany
86 members
Colorado Atheists
83 members
European meeting point
82 members
All Things Asia
81 members
Memes R hilarioUS!
80 members
If it's no Scottish, it's shite #MacNostic
80 members
Satanic Agnosis
79 members
Sex Over Sixty
77 members
Jobs for Atheists / Free Thinkers and The like
73 members
Religion of Science & Higher Consciousness
73 members
Age Related
72 members
Healthy Living
72 members
Atheist News Network
70 members
Chicagoland Atheists
69 members
Plus Size Positive
69 members
Love Songs
56 members
Cancer Sucks/Cancer Survivors
55 members
Trumpanzees & Morons
55 members
Common Ground
55 members
Foxhole Atheists
48 members
46 members
Carolina Club
46 members
Volunteering, Charity Work, and Community Service
45 members
Feminist Atheists
44 members
41 members
Meatballs & Pasta
40 members
Secular Teachers
39 members
Romance & Forever Lost Loves
37 members
37 members
35 members
Non Religious Science teachers -any age
35 members
Science Fiction and Fantasy Fans
35 members
Iowa members
34 members
David Silverman Discussion
31 members
The Union, Dues and Mod Free
31 members
Camping for adults in Dixie (no children)
27 members
Asexual Area
23 members
Hairbrained Ideas
21 members
Sports talk
15 members
Anti communism and antisocialism
7 members
Heresy fetish
5 members