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I just read a book written by a survivor - Donna Palomba - got to be one of the strongest, toughest ...
Redheadedgammy comments on May 9, 2019:
Monsters like that man should be in prison for life.
GreenAtheist replies on May 9, 2019:
So should the cops who blamed the victim framing her for a false report and withholding rape kit DNA evidence that would have convicted the serial rapist and preventing some of his future rapes
How do you de-stress?
Happy_Killbot comments on May 9, 2019:
Keep putting yourself in successively more stressful situations on a regular basis until eventually everyday stress becomes an exercise in monotony and you can no longer understand why trivial things bother some people. Then de-stressing will no longer be required because you won't get stressed in ...
GreenAtheist replies on May 9, 2019:
@Happy_Killbot that "plan" is how us veterans were trained for you want our Feminist Atheist comrade to militarize herself normalizing terror in her life ?
How do you de-stress?
Happy_Killbot comments on May 9, 2019:
Keep putting yourself in successively more stressful situations on a regular basis until eventually everyday stress becomes an exercise in monotony and you can no longer understand why trivial things bother some people. Then de-stressing will no longer be required because you won't get stressed in ...
GreenAtheist replies on May 9, 2019:
That is NOT FUNNY reminds me of Archie Bunker going on TV "arm all passengers with guns to give superiority over armed hijackers to prevent hijacking airplanes
Would anyone be opposed to mandatory psychological evaluation for all citizens?
GreenAtheist comments on May 5, 2019:
Most psychologists are xian and the test can be designed to promote belief and punish Atheism....very bad idea above
GreenAtheist replies on May 9, 2019:
@Happy_Killbot how much money will your bill spend to test politicians gun buyers and potential drivers ?....sounds VERY PUNITIVE in a state that gives drivers licenses to illegal aliens....can you translate your test into Spanish insuring Spanish Atheists are not branded insane while violent believers spewing favored religious ideation are passed as good citizens ????
Would anyone be opposed to mandatory psychological evaluation for all citizens?
GreenAtheist comments on May 5, 2019:
Article 6 US CONSTITUTION prohibits RELIGIOUS TEST ....VERY BAD IDEA shrinking the many to find the few
GreenAtheist replies on May 9, 2019:
@Happy_Killbot xians are given tax exemptions by the billions and if California enacts your bill Jerry signs it testing will cost billions xians will protect insane believers and brand Atheists as criminals....disarming people who are tested or refuse to be tested is very likely to happen with your bill
Alabama seeking to outlaw abortions ::
NoPlanetB comments on May 9, 2019:
These states that support these legislators are why we need to set educating females as a priority. Feminism and equal rights expectations would stop this shit but as long as the women are raised in religious subjugation they will keep voting these fuckers in.
GreenAtheist replies on May 9, 2019:
The criminal cunt governor of Iowa theocracy signed the insane liar law that declares a 6 week pre-embryonic single chamber "beating" "heart" smaller than an earthworm heart TO BE A FETAL HEART jailing the unwilling woman for getting an abortion @ 6 weeks and taking away the license of her doctor jailing her/him 5 years... Kim Reynolds belongs in jail conspiring to violate women's rights
Would anyone be opposed to mandatory psychological evaluation for all citizens?
GreenAtheist comments on May 5, 2019:
Article 6 US CONSTITUTION prohibits RELIGIOUS TEST ....VERY BAD IDEA shrinking the many to find the few
GreenAtheist replies on May 8, 2019:
@Happy_Killbot there are already existing federal laws requiring religion of veterans participation in various programs...the best secular laws are often abused or violated by xians in agencies supposedly enforcing secular law but instead the bastards redefine Atheism or secularism as a religion and then they claim equal time for their "beliefs" ....only the courageous few fight back in federal courts and few of them win
Would you raise your children religious just to fit in?
Kaitlyn04 comments on May 5, 2019:
If I was in an area that was so religious that I felt I needed to raise my children incorrectly (in my view) just for them to fit in with their peers I would just have to move. How could you attempt to shape your child’s entire worldview on something you yourself view as a lie. It’s a crazy ...
GreenAtheist replies on May 8, 2019:
Yes I have moved to protect my family from tampon terrorists and criminal theocrat perpetrators
Against cheerfulness: Practising the Greek virtues of wisdom and courage is one thing.
okeydokey16 comments on May 6, 2019:
The forced aspect of cheerfulness in the US is what I find annoying. People always ask “how are you today?” To which I generally respond, “I am all right.” And then I get lectured on why I need to quit being such a negative person :)
GreenAtheist replies on May 8, 2019:
Yup how r u has an answer in a food place I SAY HUNGRY
Simple question with an obviously complicated answer: what does it REALLY mean to be emotionally ...
Aryn comments on May 5, 2019:
They’re not into you.
GreenAtheist replies on May 8, 2019:
@DistilledMoon he is a sick boy not a man regardless of why or what he is telling you
Simple question with an obviously complicated answer: what does it REALLY mean to be emotionally ...
brainyactress comments on May 5, 2019:
I’m in the midst of some of this now. I got badly burned around the first of the year. Part of my healing has been dating. Some of those dates developed. It’s been tough especially with one person who clearly has deep feelings for me. I keep almost getting the same feelings then pulling back ...
GreenAtheist replies on May 8, 2019:
@DistilledMoon it's not healthy to pretend our feelings are to be set aside yet become involved in any way....dates agreeing to sterilize the moment is not honest....agreement to tell each other lies is sick
Against cheerfulness: Practising the Greek virtues of wisdom and courage is one thing.
okeydokey16 comments on May 6, 2019:
The forced aspect of cheerfulness in the US is what I find annoying. People always ask “how are you today?” To which I generally respond, “I am all right.” And then I get lectured on why I need to quit being such a negative person :)
GreenAtheist replies on May 8, 2019:
@VictoriaNotes Marianne Williamson is running for prez on the feel good "leadership" training feel good huggy Tony Robbins circuit....she has signed onto our Green Party GREEN NEW DEAL of 2011 plagiarized by most dems and lied about by fake news instead of ending censorship of our GREEN PARTY DR JILL and now strong NY leader @Howiehawkins20
Yesterday at work a woman my age (but better 'preserved') was rude to me.
Lucy_Fehr comments on May 2, 2019:
Probably. I hit someone at work once when I was younger. I was as surprised as she was
GreenAtheist replies on May 7, 2019:
@AmiSue hand to hand combat hero from the USA war on women....good job MS WONDERWOMAN....please go kick the tampon terrorists @ abortion clinics in their crotches as they seek to keep all women pregnant for their insane fake xian religion
Nancy Pelosi is worried Trump won’t give up power in 2020. He just underscored why.
GreenAtheist comments on May 7, 2019:
Nixon covered up crimes TrumpOLINI is the victim of BILLARY colluding with Russian whores to pee on OBAMAs Moscow bed so it is BILLARY who must be indicted...we must elect @Howiehawkins20 President to wage peace through green jobs ending blueREDS redBLUES duopoly for polluter oil war crime ...
GreenAtheist replies on May 7, 2019:
Both are Goldman Sachs criminals like Heidi Cruz Chelsea Mezvinski et al
Our 'nice guy' father murdered our mother and sister yet the media focused on his suicide - ...
Stephanie99 comments on May 2, 2019:
I didn't sign in, here it is: Luke and Ryan Hart's father Lance murdered their mother Claire and sister Charlotte in 2016. Below, they speak about how their father was personified as "a nice guy" who "snapped" in the aftermath of the brutal killings in Lincolnshire in England. .... On July ...
GreenAtheist replies on May 7, 2019:
The media is only about profits WHAT SELLS and women victims have less money to buy what fake news has for sale to rich exploiters and polluter oil war crime profiteering bankster zionists
How do you tell religious people that you're an atheist?
Gwendolyn2018 comments on Apr 13, 2019:
I say, "I am an atheist." No one has chosen to stop speaking to me because of that, but they sometimes want to know why I am an atheist. A few want to tell me why god exists, but I tell them I have heard it all (and I have) and that aspect is not up for discussion.
GreenAtheist replies on May 7, 2019:
@Gwendolyn2018 anything preachers say is diluted insanity designed to grub money and control sex un-naturally
I'm a curvy girl! With that said, a man from this site messaged me to tell me admitting to my ...
Lucy_Fehr comments on May 2, 2019:
Because he is dick that builds himself up by tearing others down.
GreenAtheist replies on May 6, 2019:
A tiny limp dick obsessed with skin and boney females deprived of food while he stuffs his ignorant fat face
It's truth telling link TrumpOLINI MussOLINI both mass murder innocent people with Drones in Yemen...
EllenDale comments on May 5, 2019:
Most people I know can dial up Congress while calling him a tiny fingered tangerine shitgibbon!
GreenAtheist replies on May 6, 2019:
@EllenDale it's a mental illness like religion is a obsess about TrumpOLINI personally only empowers his polluter oil war crime profiteering bankster zionism just as xians obsess about abortion school prEyer creationism curing gays with's all so sick to see people pretend BILLARY is not a criminal when she spent a million dollars to invent the Moscow piss on the bed story getting 2 Russian PROSTITUTES to defeat TrumpOLINI in our 31 states that elected him despite him bragging he grabs pussy
It's truth telling link TrumpOLINI MussOLINI both mass murder innocent people with Drones in Yemen...
EllenDale comments on May 5, 2019:
Most people I know can dial up Congress while calling him a tiny fingered tangerine shitgibbon!
GreenAtheist replies on May 6, 2019:
Both are fine not calling Congress is the problem
How do you tell religious people that you're an atheist?
Gwendolyn2018 comments on Apr 13, 2019:
I say, "I am an atheist." No one has chosen to stop speaking to me because of that, but they sometimes want to know why I am an atheist. A few want to tell me why god exists, but I tell them I have heard it all (and I have) and that aspect is not up for discussion.
GreenAtheist replies on May 6, 2019:
@Gwendolyn2018 zero xians READ their bibles....only Atheists read the misogynistic genocidal anti-scientific insane bibles ....what they think is "new" are the cult brainwashing tidbits they recently spewed into their ears
How easy is it for you to fall in love?
Aryn comments on May 5, 2019:
I’m over 50. I don’t have that luxury.
GreenAtheist replies on May 5, 2019:
@ArtzyNerd everyone is worth it ...the chemistry is proving nice once per week....have you toured both neighborhoods and jobs and family and friends all wishing you both well ??
How do you tell religious people that you're an atheist?
Gwendolyn2018 comments on Apr 13, 2019:
I say, "I am an atheist." No one has chosen to stop speaking to me because of that, but they sometimes want to know why I am an atheist. A few want to tell me why god exists, but I tell them I have heard it all (and I have) and that aspect is not up for discussion.
GreenAtheist replies on May 5, 2019:
It really is disgusting when xians condescendingly pretend their bible is true and my Atheism false....we Atheists see zero evidence for any alleged gawds for any religion and xians proceed upon pure delusion and political plurality above all others Buddhists Hindu and Muslims all have over a billion believers and xians are a 4th rate faith less than a billion total with thousands of denominations all refusing to collaborate over gays or abortions or sacraments or confessions or trinity versus unity or Rome versus Istanbul and throw in Ethiopian Maronite Coptics Monks monasteries and secret ORDER OF MALTA JESUITS all of them insane competitors for the same alleged baby gawd that never was born in a dirty donkey stable on a fake backdated calendar
anybody here watching the Kentucky derby? I am going in for Country House - long shot 🤞
GreenAtheist comments on May 5, 2019:
So who won placed or showed ?
GreenAtheist replies on May 5, 2019:
@Donna_I I wish I could spend some time with horses as I did in Charleston S Carolina during the HEALING HORSES FOR VETERANS ranch
What's something popular you've tried to enjoy but just don't. For me, it's Breaking Bad.
GreenAtheist comments on May 4, 2019:
Disco dancing and polyester jumpsuits with high heel mens shoes....been there done that hated the 2 year fad of John TRAVOLTA beeGEES
GreenAtheist replies on May 5, 2019:
@ElusiveMoby none are digital and my daughter 44 has them won't scan or copy for me she is too busy adopted her 2 nephews and her great LIBRARIAN job
anybody here watching the Kentucky derby? I am going in for Country House - long shot 🤞
GreenAtheist comments on May 5, 2019:
So who won placed or showed ?
GreenAtheist replies on May 5, 2019:
@Donna_I thank you ....a disqualified horse must be national news not just sports
PHANTASMAGORIA 1 : an exhibition of optical effects and illusions 2a : a constantly shifting ...
GreenAtheist comments on May 5, 2019:
The xian religion if believed by all the idiot cult teachings shoved into your ears
GreenAtheist replies on May 5, 2019:
Thomas Paine quoted and summarized his King James Bible proving its content to be wild dreams and obvious lies he called " impostitures :"
I will stay on for LEVEL 9 but not if MY CAPITAL LETTERS ARE AUTOMATICALLY changed to lower case.
Wildgreens comments on May 1, 2019:
I am sorry that you are having vision problems.
GreenAtheist replies on May 5, 2019:
I have implants in both eyes BOOB JOBS really acrylic lenses filled with silicone much tinier than strip dancers implanted behind their nipples
Yesterday I went out in the desert to see if the cactus were blooming.
gigihein comments on Apr 24, 2019:
Amazing variety.
GreenAtheist replies on May 5, 2019:
I miss my Navy and cross country driving years when I could stop and enjoy nature often
What's something popular you've tried to enjoy but just don't. For me, it's Breaking Bad.
Summer72 comments on May 4, 2019:
Weed, reality shows, Kardashians and suits on men.
GreenAtheist replies on May 5, 2019:
So I can't wear my tie or vest and need cowboy boots ????
What's something popular you've tried to enjoy but just don't. For me, it's Breaking Bad.
crazycat329 comments on May 4, 2019:
Country music. I have tried to be open minded and to learn to like it, but it just makes my stomach hurt. I do enjoy some of the older country.
GreenAtheist replies on May 5, 2019:
Willie Nelson Dixie Chicks a few others most is all twang and trite lyrics
Against cheerfulness: Practising the Greek virtues of wisdom and courage is one thing.
friendlycatlady comments on May 4, 2019:
Cheerfulness seems to be the main ingredient to popularity. I don't respond to silly Hallmark type memes, but, instead post my own favorite quotes. Some of them are slightly anti religious or at least frank and honest. It seems that posting about divinity as opposed to honestly questioning popular ...
GreenAtheist replies on May 4, 2019:
Be popular with Green Party people and vote for an honest Atheist President @HowieHawkins20 building on 8 years of
Against cheerfulness: Practising the Greek virtues of wisdom and courage is one thing.
LauraPerrine comments on May 4, 2019:
I don't trust people who are too cheerful.
GreenAtheist replies on May 4, 2019:
I observe so much cynical half hearted dating ....I won't give up my romantic vision for love transforming a violent believers world IMAGINE by John Lennon is our Atheist Anthem and Yoko opens the white curtains to heavenly white sunlight on John's white piano on the video
What is your favorite fruit and why ?
GreenAtheist comments on May 3, 2019:
Watermelon has a healing pH ....I can feast for 2 days on a melon all by myself but prefer to start a melon ball party into a giant punch bowl ....then I finish the rinds or slice it in half and transfer back in all the balls after hollowing out 2 halves
GreenAtheist replies on May 4, 2019:
@Wildgreens sweet for all nite kissing
I thought this group might be a good one to join and post this documentary of the younger, diverse ...
GreenAtheist comments on May 2, 2019:
Joe Cunningham Charleston SC dist # 1 is already reported as taking bribes from corporations for their bills in Congress
GreenAtheist replies on May 4, 2019:
@gigihein and I do support Land For Peace in Israel
I thought this group might be a good one to join and post this documentary of the younger, diverse ...
GreenAtheist comments on May 2, 2019:
Joe Cunningham Charleston SC dist # 1 is already reported as taking bribes from corporations for their bills in Congress
GreenAtheist replies on May 4, 2019:
@gigihein every donation could be a bribe....regardless of source....the dirty secret of fundraising is that we politicians actually go asking for money from people we expect want us to advance certain issues.....example I WOULD NEVER DO.....: asking Jews for money knowing Congress will vote more military money for the conquest of Palestine....I WOULD ASK ARABS for money to LIBERATE Palestinians
Against cheerfulness: Practising the Greek virtues of wisdom and courage is one thing.
Fred_Snerd comments on May 4, 2019:
Insincerity keeps us from being intimate.
GreenAtheist replies on May 4, 2019:
Yes sir only honesty leads to love
We're on a road to destruction if we don't make changes.
Keita comments on Apr 29, 2019:
I've seen both nasty liberals, libertarians, progressives, conservatives, and just plain trolls on here. It's difficult to argue against a great number of "left-leaning" individuals on this site, because they are a greater number in population than conservatives. Some people are looking to fight, ...
GreenAtheist replies on May 3, 2019:
It's true being shouted down or censored make it IMPOSSIBLE not difficult to argue any issue.....I am glad we are both 100% Athests.....nonetheless here within so called conservatives can never win an argument because they are flat out wrong defending criminal theocrats TrumpOLINI and Pence .....yesterday these gangsters for their alleged bible gawd conducted another national day of prEyer started by FDR 1944.....with coins illegally stamped with an alleged god since 1909 and currency printing an alleged god into existence in 1955 all government policy must be resisted not defended by genuine Atheists regarding money creationism in school and prEying to the flag UNDER gibbetish
What does everyone think about the movie Breakthrough?
Ravenwolfcasey comments on May 1, 2019:
I work at a movie theater and it drives me insane that people come out of this film ...all holier than thou acting like it validifies their insanity of religion
GreenAtheist replies on May 1, 2019:
Yup alleged vaginal virgins birth alleged baby gawds in dirty donkey stables every December 25th on the fake back dated calendar THAT NEVER HAPPENED nor a CRUCIFIXION survived one Palestinian weekend geebush geehobah ghostholes YOU BET
I will stay on for LEVEL 9 but not if MY CAPITAL LETTERS ARE AUTOMATICALLY changed to lower case.
GreenAtheist comments on Apr 30, 2019:
GreenAtheist replies on Apr 30, 2019:
gawdammit this website did it again to me changing my all caps words TO LOWER CASE AGAINST MY WISHES
Who listens to love songs?
GreenAtheist comments on Apr 30, 2019:
GreenAtheist replies on Apr 30, 2019:
Who listens to love songs?
GreenAtheist comments on Apr 30, 2019:
GreenAtheist replies on Apr 30, 2019:
@confidentrealm two can be as bad as one it's the loneliest number since the number one ....
Thoughts on people who claim not to be religious but still believe in Jesus/god/sin/heaven etc?
Suzanne1003 comments on Mar 3, 2019:
I think there are a lot of people who were raised to have faith but who don't practice by belonging to a church or going to services every Sunday. Life is busy and sleeping in on Sunday is good but that belief system is still ingrained in them.
GreenAtheist replies on Apr 30, 2019:
Nope that's not active assertions claiming to be an Atheist but keeping milquetoast faith traditions....only 44% of USA attend religious events more than 4 times per year NOT COUNTING WEDDINGS OR FUNERALS
Thoughts on people who claim not to be religious but still believe in Jesus/god/sin/heaven etc?
Allamanda comments on Mar 17, 2019:
there is a sense in which many religions have produced isolates, like the anchorites of the late Middle Ages, who were regarded as holy, secluded themselves etc. but whose views often bore no resemblance to Christianity (their time or ours). This is still current in Hindu mysticism and common in ...
GreenAtheist replies on Apr 30, 2019:
My Teri died sitting on our loveseat in the lotus position as a self styled SUFI....she had low pulse low respiration low blood oxygen and did not wake up from her intellectual only whirling dervish in her head....I miss her but never agreed with any of that....peaceful co-existence in the kitchen in the bedroom and watching our movies...planning our retirement but death happens when some least expect it
Thoughts on people who claim not to be religious but still believe in Jesus/god/sin/heaven etc?
Ravenwolfcasey comments on Mar 25, 2019:
GreenAtheist replies on Apr 30, 2019:
Dumb funny harmless in their circles but won't lift a finger to jail a local rapist priest or stop the tampon terrorists @ the nearest abortion clinic
This may cause a bit of controversy but the Peanut Butter Snickers is the perfect candy bar by far, ...
MaxPower comments on Apr 30, 2019:
Behead those who insult the Reese's peanut butter cups, the chosen one. Either way you're wrong 😄
GreenAtheist replies on Apr 30, 2019:
@ElusiveMoby sometimes you feel like a nut sometimes u don't ALMOND JOYs have nuts MOUNDS don't
Ha, Facebook is moving toward "groups". Stop copying us Zuckerberg! ;) []
MsAl comments on Apr 30, 2019:
Interesting, I recently decided to expand my Facebook community. I used to worry about family members and coworkers finding things out but I'm over it. Ive found some groups lately I really enjoy 😊. It gives me an outlet to appropriately vent about special interests with others that are also ...
GreenAtheist replies on Apr 30, 2019:
Believers can get used to the fact we are Atheists just like they have to keep their mouths shut around Jews Animists Sikhs Hindus Buddhists Jains Shinto or get sued at work for religious discrimination
Who listens to love songs?
Hathacat comments on Apr 30, 2019:
Pouring rain today, and my son (23) asked me what songs I thought of for days like this, so I played "Killing me softly" Roberta Flack and "Both sides now" Judy Collins. He liked both!
GreenAtheist replies on Apr 30, 2019:
We're on a road to destruction if we don't make changes.
tipi comments on Apr 28, 2019:
In an intoxicated for all World, avoidance of tyrannical violence and maintenance of wise Peace are global necessities. In order to avoid inquisitional forms (too many, aggressive questions), I propose to display a message in a form of friendly advice: "Terraprotective advice: Remember to be wise. ...
GreenAtheist replies on Apr 30, 2019:
So unusual question and massive controversial question here but what do you all think about ...
itsmedammit comments on Apr 27, 2019:
Vaccinate. Foreign DNA or RNA should pose no greater risk than foreign proteins.
GreenAtheist replies on Apr 29, 2019:
@itsmedammit I know nothing about such a study....I only know that newborns have a variety of liver function enzyme abilities....from zero to strong like mine and my daughters all of us are vaxxed....but my great nephew was born in Blank Children's Hospital one of the few who test most newborns for liver function beyond visual jaundice exam....he needs daily injections just to digest his food AND MEDICALLY all vaccines are contraindicated for him....we will reduce the epidemic of autism by testing liver function to prevent high fevers and brain damage in toddlers
We're on a road to destruction if we don't make changes.
Keita comments on Apr 29, 2019:
I've seen both nasty liberals, libertarians, progressives, conservatives, and just plain trolls on here. It's difficult to argue against a great number of "left-leaning" individuals on this site, because they are a greater number in population than conservatives. Some people are looking to fight, ...
GreenAtheist replies on Apr 29, 2019:
Sorry bud, numbers of adherents to the many sides of one issue or another DOES NOT MAKE IT DIFFICULT to make a coherent argument.....and agnosticism is NOT a classic 3rd option to Atheism or belief....delaying a decision upon the fallacies of faith enable the criminal theocrats leading a counterrevolutionary cabal against Ethan Allen Thomas Paine Jefferson Adams Madison and General Washington all who condemned idiot clergy wanting continued pew taxes collected from poor workers and farmers....President Grant and Senator Blaine were the last dedicated secularists and all 50 states have in their preamble religious lies contrasting our CONSTITUTION that makes zero mention of the alleged word "god."
Judge delivers win for Sacha Baron Cohen in Roy Moore defamation lawsuit proceedings | TheHill
GreenAtheist comments on Apr 29, 2019:
When Moore was assistant DISTRICT attorney and married is when he was fondling and begging teen girls for sex...somebody should do the calendar math to see if his poor wife was pregnant or medically unavailable for his penis obsession
GreenAtheist replies on Apr 29, 2019:
@SeaGreenEyez this is why I encourage all Atheists to confront the worst of religion... since 1980 I have broadcast the words: " THEOCRACY IS TREASON " betrays CONSTITUTION humanity and basic ethics....I condemn their bibles on every page...we can shame them back into the shadows like we did with the kkk and Clarence Darrow shamed their creationist hero Wm Jennings Bryan (a personal Democratic Party longtime friend of his) shamed Bryan as a stupid incompetent who DID NOT KNOW HIS OWN KING JAMES BIBLE but all activist Atheists do read the bibles so easy to ridicule and condemn by content as did Thomas Paine in 1789
Judge delivers win for Sacha Baron Cohen in Roy Moore defamation lawsuit proceedings | TheHill
GreenAtheist comments on Apr 29, 2019:
When Moore was assistant DISTRICT attorney and married is when he was fondling and begging teen girls for sex...somebody should do the calendar math to see if his poor wife was pregnant or medically unavailable for his penis obsession
GreenAtheist replies on Apr 29, 2019:
@SeaGreenEyez AGAIN ???? ALABAMA has 48 % white religious bigots who almost always VOTE blacks are 40% that leaves 12 % Atheists who all need to turn out to vote against the Moore cabal
So unusual question and massive controversial question here but what do you all think about ...
itsmedammit comments on Apr 27, 2019:
Vaccinate. Foreign DNA or RNA should pose no greater risk than foreign proteins.
GreenAtheist replies on Apr 29, 2019:
Vulnerable infants must be tested for liver enzymes birth defects....this co factor explains why most humans tolerate vax while others suffer horrible reactions such as induced symptomatic severe autism
The "History" channel is going to air a new series called "Jesus: His Life" which was produced by ...
GreenAtheist comments on Apr 28, 2019:
We need to show THE LIFE of BRIAN often for laughs as this crucifixion lie should be ridiculed for the obvious frauds and forgeries like Shroud of Turin and real Josephus History that MADE NO MENTION of an escaped crucified ass thief
GreenAtheist replies on Apr 29, 2019:
baptist and incompetent academics pretend an obvious forgery inserted into Josephus work does express sadness their alleged baby gawd was crucified....the invented xian religion is instead a copy of a copy of a copy of religions from India that suffered many crucifixions and Roman soldier cults for centuries that finally was made official by Constantine....Essenes and other Hebrew cults all begged establishment clergy to buy messianic prophecy and only bizarre zionists of the last 150 years have invented "messianic Judaism" similar to 7th Day Adventists xians of the same era.....lastly both Mohammed and Bahai writers pretend 6 centuries and 2 centuries into their inception that there ever was a " Jesua Nasoret " . ..worst are the many crusades of Palestinian blood baths where xians slit each others throats from Egypt to Turkey
We're on a road to destruction if we don't make changes.
CommonHuman comments on Apr 28, 2019:
I attempt civility the majority of the time. However, I am an theist and a liberal living in the heart of christian conservative territory. I spend my days biting my tongue because I don't need death threats, verbal abuse or losing my job. I am forced to stand up for what is right in a virtual ...
GreenAtheist replies on Apr 28, 2019:
Perhaps more of us can build coalitions for the greater good if we avoid proving each other wrong and pursue symbiosis co-existence and maybe emphasize dating romance and nurturing human love as many mammal societies do without money greed and rape to argue about
We're on a road to destruction if we don't make changes.
ArtemisDivine comments on Apr 28, 2019:
Comments on here are exactly why Admin wrote this post. The gang mentality on this site is ridiculous. No one likes bigotry but those who are the worst perpetrators turn a blind eye to their disgusting behavior. I've received private messages from other members calling me a bitch and I don't ...
GreenAtheist replies on Apr 28, 2019:
There are many sides blue red green ....white black brown red yellow .....the blood in the global water causes many people to behave like sharks revenge killers martyrs and miracle prEyer spirits to claim holier than thou avoiding truth and Reconciliation
We're on a road to destruction if we don't make changes.
Bobsuruncle comments on Apr 28, 2019:
You are correct. You can post anything and it turns into a lefty know it all bash fest. Spewing the same old redundant crap over, and over, and the ones that are proud they are "free thinkers". Just repeating what they are told. I profess to be a free thinker and don't watch T.V. at ...
GreenAtheist replies on Apr 28, 2019:
What you say about "lefties" is true of you "righties" ignore SOCIALISM for the rich polluter oil war crime profiteering bankster zionists and the Federal Reserve printing billions of fiat currency per day....while those you call bashers ignore most of the CONSTITUTION and 12 BILL of have aligned yourself with criminal theocrats who worship Atheist Greed Cult Randists....I am one American Atheist who confronts fake news CNN = FOX et al neither tell the whole truth both BILLARY & TrumpOLINI belong in jail ditto ObushaObombney Kerry Biden Cheney Cruz Mezvinski Goldman Sachs crime families Bush Cheney Steele Negroponte ReaGUN all have gotten brave veterans like myself injured/killed
We're on a road to destruction if we don't make changes.
Salgal102 comments on Apr 28, 2019:
I like the idea of getting past all the vitriol, and I’m hoping we can all eventually find a way to do that. IMHO, we’ll be hard pressed to fix the world if we can’t even mend relations with each other. Whether we agree or not.
GreenAtheist replies on Apr 28, 2019:
There are two conflicts identified here: so called conservatives who are Atheists feeling unwelcome by those of us liberating everyone from violent theocracy AND THE CONFLICT between believers and Atheists generally....calling the natural contempt a liberal feels for those defending oppressive systems AND THE NATURAL contempt Atheists feel for intransigent purveyors of cultish brainwashing hellfire damnation and senseless heaven bribes to believe....calling both " an addictive drug " is akin to calling Atheism a religion....the fundamental sense of wrong versus right is @ core here....we can proceed with a smile good humor loyalty to secular civility but not sanitize one side and villify the other... armed with the truth opposing evil is a duty not a misguided choice
what is an atheist? what do they believe?
confidentrealm comments on Apr 23, 2019:
GreenAtheist replies on Apr 28, 2019:
@confidentrealm I am 100% on your side pal. ....We Atheists ARE NOT BELIEVERS....we have no faiths.....Clarence Darrow taught in his Chautauquans events "we are doubters" .....Mark Twain said often at Chautauqua and lectures and comic performances/ interviews: " faith is believing whatcha know ain't so "
what is an atheist? what do they believe?
grammy comments on Apr 23, 2019:
It is very easy to google the definition of what it means. One simple thing..... we do not believe in a god or gods exist... Most of the indigenous religions around the world also didn't believe in gods but did believe in spirits in nature. The one god idea is only around 3,000 yrs old.
GreenAtheist replies on Apr 28, 2019:
True the Egyptian Pharaohs of Tut era worshipped the one alleged SUN gawd Ahnk pissing off the bureaucrat clergy selling the many idols some human body sculptures or hieroglyphs with cat heads atop the shoulders....Hebrews were NOT enslaved nor building pyramids as told to us for centuries ....and to this day are polytheistic hiding behind the facade of Judaistic monotheism....patriarchy misogynistic Torah both decalogues are admissions of plural alleged gawds all declared weaker than the infamous alleged Jehovah YHWH with no vowels for 3000 years but more cat mummies have been found than human mummies
So unusual question and massive controversial question here but what do you all think about ...
think-freely comments on Apr 27, 2019:
Vaccinate. I'm of the herd immunity group. There are people that ***cannot*** (ie age) be vaccinated that are protected when vaccination levels are high enough. This all stems from the war on government. This is not to be a critique on US governance-but this problem has now spread around the globe. ...
GreenAtheist replies on Apr 27, 2019:
Vaxx IS NOT VAGUE....NOT ABOUT FASCISM nor herds....exactly what is in the precise dose is the main question are correct some people should not be vaxxed ....age varies from newborn to enzyme defects is probably the key co-factor why some are harmed by vax and others same age weight sex tolerate and benefit from vax
New partner after a long time relationship finished?
Agnieszka comments on Feb 1, 2019:
I always need a break if I end something serious. Overall, I need time to trust. I think I'm not unique in this case.
GreenAtheist replies on Apr 27, 2019:
Every relationship should be trusting but done deal breakers bounded
what is an atheist? what do they believe?
margarida comments on Apr 24, 2019:
We believe in people. In people of good will. That is it.
GreenAtheist replies on Apr 26, 2019:
We are real Noun Atheists not xian believers of any stripe
VIDEO: Woman goes on racist tirade, drops shorts on Easter Sunday
itsmedammit comments on Apr 23, 2019:
I am so ashamed of some of my country people.
GreenAtheist replies on Apr 25, 2019:
Theocracy = TREASON aiding the religious takeover of USA when zero gawds are mentioned in our CONSTITUTION
How to raise children with a religious spouse?
Jewelee65 comments on Apr 23, 2019:
Teach them different views, let them make up their own mind. If you push yours then what makes you any different? I started raising my kids Catholic because that was expected. Of course it wasn’t my husband taking my children to CCD classes it was me and they hated it. I felt so guilty because ...
GreenAtheist replies on Apr 25, 2019:
Demand proof for all alleged gawds and alleged miracles and compare such lies to the truth zero innocent victims are ever protected by a do nothing worthless alleged bible gawd
What intimacy is and isn't...
Wildflower comments on Apr 16, 2019:
That is truly intimacy! And so hard to find.
GreenAtheist replies on Apr 25, 2019:
Open ears open eyes open arms I keep speaking truth to power demanding love peace green jobs replace rapist priestly faith and polluter oil war crime profiteering banksters greedy zionism
What intimacy is and isn't...
Agnieszka comments on Apr 24, 2019:
I totally agree but to reach such a level of intimacy we need time to trust.
GreenAtheist replies on Apr 25, 2019:
Time yields 2 observations....consistancy leads to trust and time provides negotiated space toward intimacy.....taking week or a month to build such trust and mutual decisions to closeness
Is it possible to fall in love with someone with opposing political views?
jennywv comments on Apr 19, 2019:
This is a question that I've asked myself since I'd like to start dating again after a (soon to be) divorce. I live in WV which is a very pro-Trump state. Even though it makes for a smaller dating pool, I have realized that there is no way I could date for a Trump supporter. There just is such a ...
GreenAtheist replies on Apr 20, 2019:
If an Atheist voted for TrumpOLINI their only excuse is Governor Johnson was too stoned/stupid and BILLARY is too criminal corrupt and incompetent to be prez....if an Atheist won't tell the truth about TrumpOLINI how can a lover expect the truth be told about anything else ? ....don't blame me I voted for the only competent PRESIDENT DR JILL STEIN
I'm going to see my brother tomorrow.
Wildgreens comments on Apr 18, 2019:
We are here for you if you need to message anyone of us, we are here for you. You are not alone.
GreenAtheist replies on Apr 18, 2019:
By all means tell bro you have real friends not escapees from bible camps
Vegucated [] []
Redheadedgammy comments on Apr 18, 2019:
I believe if more people could see exactly where their meat comes from, and how the animals are abused, a lot of them would change their eating habits.
GreenAtheist replies on Apr 18, 2019:
Make all cadaver eaters get a hunting license and work one day per year in packing houses or drive bull wagons to the slaughter ....smell fear and death of dozens of sentient beings sold for murder and burger....then they will start learning what essential nutrients are in ethical food
Funny true story from work.
freeofgod comments on Apr 17, 2019:
LOL. Smart people those theists.
GreenAtheist replies on Apr 18, 2019:
@BufftonBeotch read them the pro violent abortion PASSAGES from their bibles and they will say their gawd is a jealous gawd vengeance upon the bad Samaritans
Funny true story from work.
Hathacat comments on Apr 17, 2019:
So now Jesus is ignoring Dad? "Thou shalt not steal?"
GreenAtheist replies on Apr 18, 2019:
3=1 geebush geehobah ghostholes gawd bless allegations = delusion PERIOD
Funny true story from work.
Lucy_Fehr comments on Apr 18, 2019:
I had a family member that had stolen from me tell me that it didn't matter whether I forgave or not because god had forgiven them. Damn, that's convenient
GreenAtheist replies on Apr 18, 2019:
What is a gawd gott gods ? What fucking delusion makes crime ok ? Let me teach that family scum what real forgiveness is all about
How do I even begin, saw a comment, when they talk about the Bible Belt they are talking about the ...
GreenAtheist comments on Apr 17, 2019:
You certainly have the serpent by the tail but it's bite is not poisonous....grab the pythons and it can swallow you....kkklaners are your neighbors to be sure but their organizations are bankrupt from lawsuits and lawyers defending their perpetrators....some got off but most die in jail of old ...
GreenAtheist replies on Apr 18, 2019:
@aahouck49 so Amelia ? We need 3 more states to ratify E. R. A. & 27 more states to ratify the FIRST AMENDMENT our right to local democracy in Congress....betcha you were brainwashed away from reading our 12 BILL of RIGHTS and spread the lies we only have ten ?...2nd AMENDMENT was ratified in 1992 and every elected criminal in WDC takes illegal COST of LIVING ADJUSTMENTS corrupt US Sup Ct sez is not a pay called the 27th AMENDMENT we need to send 6000 honest locals to out vote the 535 gangster incumbents there now....maybe if you felt real political solutions are sexy and romantic YOU WOULD FEEL MORE OPTIMISTIC as I do ?
TBT I am probably 30 in these pics. Show me yours! and say your age in them!
Aryn comments on Apr 17, 2019:
Glamour Shots age 23. 😉
GreenAtheist replies on Apr 18, 2019:
@Aryn photographers make portraits for us politicians with make up, lights and digital air brushing nowadays but nothing can capture the radiant transformative beauty of 2 lovers lighting up a night room satisfied and complete @ their throbbing happy union bliss
TBT I am probably 30 in these pics. Show me yours! and say your age in them!
bleurowz comments on Apr 18, 2019:
2, 16, 20, 26, 44
GreenAtheist replies on Apr 18, 2019:
@Hathacat I had a hobby horse I "rode" until it froze and cracked unrideable winter of '58....she looks alot safer and warmer on her steed better than Bonnie GONE WITH THE WIND
This has been my experience, too. What about you? 4 minute read. []
Redheadedgammy comments on Apr 13, 2019:
Exactly my experience here in Texas. I've taken to just staying at home most of the time so I don't have to deal with the religious bigots.
GreenAtheist replies on Apr 14, 2019:
@VictoriaNotes xians are in heat and confronting them in December or April only gets us Atheists branded communists and devil worshippers....even when I get xians to admit their religion NEVER FITS Jews Hindi Buddhists et's only us Atheists who demand secular services... anti-Semitic xians like the KKK are always denied to be xians by the polite bigots....even baby scales in pediatric wards have signs on the wall : " I KNOW I AM SOME BODY cuz gawd DON'T MAKE JUNK " 30 POUND humans don't usually read when they have a 102°F's posted by insane staff to cower Atheist healers into silence on the job
More Companies Paying Zero Taxes in 2018 Under GOP Tax Plan
Gwendolyn2018 comments on Apr 11, 2019:
Aren't they special? I am paying $2400 on top of the taxes I paid throughout the year. Guess I should have become a company.
GreenAtheist replies on Apr 11, 2019:
Yup corporations have human rights and bribery = freedom of speech
Thought some of you might enjoy this exchange I had today with a new user
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 6, 2019:
Now Gwen, or should I call you Jenny, lol? Please don't be mean. I spied your pics and you are a gorgeous woman, so at least he had that part right, even if a bit inappropriate. What can I say, some guys are too clueless to know not to lead with that. Maybe he might have turned out to be ok, just a ...
GreenAtheist replies on Apr 7, 2019:
@GwenBFree I do not text SEXT or seek instant jollies anywhere....the criminal pattern is a "link" hackable off site not just phone numbers of horn dogs.. .females or Niggerian boys pretending to look 30 and age matched 60 in my age category.. they all want money Western Union to "fly" and come marry me OR SELL ME NUDE PIX.... block them all ...I do
How do you get the Jesus/Jehova people off your doorway?
SeaGreenEyez comments on Mar 25, 2019:
I simply invite them in, tell them I'll offer them 15 minutes of my time, for 15 minutes of their time. I go first. ? Works fabulously and there's not been a Watchtower magazine or Mormon bicycles at my house in years. (They used to appear often, word must have gotten out about "that ...
GreenAtheist replies on Mar 26, 2019:
Yup....that I do....I ask them yes no questions to make them think ......"Do you realize you're brainwashed into a cult and trying to brainwash me today ? Do you read the pro-violent abortion bible 2nd Kings 8:12 RIP OPEN THE BELLIES OF PREGNANT WOMEN DASH THE LITTLE ONES AGAINST THE STONES LET NOT ANY SAMARITAN LIVE BUT KEEP THE VIRGINS FOR YOURSELVES TO RAPE AND BREED MORE SLAVES/SOLDIERS....? DO YOU ACTUALLY READ YOUR BIBLE like us Atheists actually read that filthy pornographic misogynistic anti science book ??? yes or no
What is love
Kayterade5348 comments on Jan 17, 2019:
Its an action. Its unconditional. Its unlike anything else
GreenAtheist replies on Mar 26, 2019:
Brevity spot on....good job K...each gift of love is unique and timeless ... we are all free to follow up acting in response to the love we received from our moms parents siblings families neighbors classmates healers and teachers....if it's not love it's cliche it's opinion it's platitudes
What is love
Tomm comments on Jan 18, 2019:
Love is the concentrated desire to see another the perfect expression of beingness, uncorrupted by false appearances of the ugly, ignorant, and intolerant expressions of human depravity.
GreenAtheist replies on Mar 26, 2019:
One need not Express global boundaries outside of human started out close to is giving to others what they need to become the best version of their genuine selves....depravity began with the first shaman first invented religion and first rapist betraying human love
It has been almost 2 months since my daughter and I have been eating vegetarian.
GreenAtheist comments on Mar 12, 2019:
Love Ruby Tursday salad bar
GreenAtheist replies on Mar 25, 2019:
@ScrabbleQueen thank you for alerting me to such concerns....please contact KUCINICH in care of FOX NEWS yes he works there now maybe health concerns can get some real journalism out to the viewers who need it
I like to remember the great meals that I have
Lllewis comments on Mar 25, 2019:
And make people jealous if your meals -opps is that just me ??
GreenAtheist replies on Mar 25, 2019:
You're not vegan ? The time was now for cow there
What are you unashamed of?
alr21212 comments on Jan 5, 2019:
I'm going to be very honest, I'm ashamed of my small penis.
GreenAtheist replies on Mar 23, 2019:
Masturbate often and your penis will grow in proud of who you are a man who can give love to yourself and a lover
Fellow agnostics, how do you feel about believers joining?
TheoryNumber3 comments on Feb 25, 2019:
I'm not really good at tolerating other people's intolerance
GreenAtheist replies on Mar 21, 2019:
And that lasted only 45 days....belief is a cancer in the brain that blinds normal thoughts extraneous to functioning intimate family relationships....loving loyalties are bounded if not betrayed by beliefs of pure stupidity....eventually we Atheists are resented and feared when we love believers
Fellow agnostics, how do you feel about believers joining?
EllieUnique comments on Feb 27, 2019:
GreenAtheist replies on Mar 21, 2019:
Understated friend Ellida, religion is like a virus and we must strengthen our antibodies to resist infection....our Atheism is the bold compassionate rescue and protection of religious victims BEGINNING WITH OURSELVES shaking loose the hell threats and repudiating the heaven bribes post mortem
Fellow agnostics, how do you feel about believers joining?
CharlesMorris comments on Mar 20, 2019:
Since I'm new I really don't want to discuss Religion that's why I joined, Now that doesn't mean I won't I just prefer not too. My disclaimer so you know if some of ya'll believe that's okay if it works for you. then it's right for you. Don't push that off on me, it don't work for me. I'm a fan ...
GreenAtheist replies on Mar 21, 2019:
Hitch said it all: gawds are not without evidence can be dismissed without evidence....welcome to your peerage....quit capitalizing the gibberish sound gott... .and repudiate the false definition of means the negation of faith....putting an A in front of any word means the word is false... theism alleged gawds and miracles....we don't
How do you tell religious people that you're an atheist?
AshleyM1997 comments on Oct 4, 2017:
I've found that it is better to wait and let people get to know you as a person before you reveal you do not believe in any good/gods. It is harder for someone to write you off or react negatively when they like you on a human level.
GreenAtheist replies on Mar 21, 2019:
@Snake91 yes choose your little battles well in manageable little bites....your loving bride can slowly let go of alleged gawds like our Saturday Night Live hero JUST PAT and all her good works humorously retelling how Catholic parents, hysterectomy a brother's cancer all failed the basic common sense of Atheism admitting the popes and bible gawds never answer prEyers
A quote from the concluding paragraphs of the book, He Comes Next by Ian Kerner: Sex is the one ...
AmmaRE007 comments on Mar 20, 2019:
Yes I agree with every word.
GreenAtheist replies on Mar 21, 2019:
See how readers are starved for words about our nurturing species and how future generations are replicated ? What parent teaches children exactly how babies are made ? I DID. I began when both Courtney and Darrow were 2...." daddys have seeds mommys have eggs I put my seeds right there inside mommy to make her egg to grow up into 8 pound you on your birthday and I helped mommy breathe and push you out head first....about a half hour later after we weighed you and washed both you and mommy off from being all sweaty mommy gave you your first drink of milk right from there......religion and theocracy terrorizes humans away from our Feminist Atheist birthrights....we all should fight back rather than buy more platitudes about birth canals and fellatio
My links re: Vivacious Octogenarians are from New York Times site and You Tube.
AnonySchmoose comments on Mar 19, 2019:
@GreenAtheist My commiserations for your situation. I don't know of any adult human female that will be around in year 2091, unless she is a red sea urchin (200 yrs.), a koi fish (200+), a long-finned eel (100+), a Galapagos giant tortoise (152 yrs.), bowhead whale (200 yrs.), Greenland shark ...
GreenAtheist replies on Mar 20, 2019:
The fastest growing age group in USA are 100+ people ... many thousands now up from a few hundred 20 years ago.....due to improved nutrition excellent healthcare and caring communities/intimate mates
This pic on one of my FB groups stopped me in my tracks.
GreenAtheist comments on Mar 19, 2019:
Is she purging him of patriarchy or training his vocal cords to only speak Feminism ?....His eyes are already cured of objectification
GreenAtheist replies on Mar 19, 2019:
@brainyactress I agree about a dozen pages of the book and the mis-titled 1st film of the worthless trilogy....BILLIONAIRE STALKER fits the only film I mistakenly paid to watch a poor college senior bribed into sexual abuse.....Someone needs to pay me THOUSAND$ of dollars to sit through the last 2 films..I lead the boycott of it all
Getting mused 1 ( out of order of course) I have heard the word that ActBlue monies meant for ...
GreenAtheist comments on Mar 17, 2019:
Billary should give Bernie a blowjob for all he caved and did for her....
GreenAtheist replies on Mar 19, 2019:
Though Jane Sanders chose and married Bernie on election night for Mayors Chair in Vermont... the new heartthrob of blue candidates appears to be BETO six million$ in 24 hours feeling him burn
This pic on one of my FB groups stopped me in my tracks.
GreenAtheist comments on Mar 19, 2019:
Is she purging him of patriarchy or training his vocal cords to only speak Feminism ?....His eyes are already cured of objectification
GreenAtheist replies on Mar 19, 2019:
@brainyactress perhaps I need to read a remake script of 50 Shades with a female Gray/Grey billionaire to learn to audition for " her ? "
The word is: Peduncle.
GreenAtheist comments on Mar 19, 2019:
Make room for that 13 foot long sperm whale penis
GreenAtheist replies on Mar 19, 2019:
@AnonySchmoose Ricky Gervais gets hundreds of laughs with field notes how whales are observed mating both the fertility way AND IN THEIR BLOWholes....
My links re: Vivacious Octogenarians are from New York Times site and You Tube.
GreenAtheist comments on Mar 19, 2019:
So grateful for this fun plan to celebrate aging grace and guffaws
GreenAtheist replies on Mar 19, 2019:
@AnonySchmoose you typed the essential word : " PRACTICE ! " WOMEN statistically are living without love partners past 88 years but us guys OBVIOUSLY NEED A PRACTICE partner to live past 81....please SOMEONE CHOOSE me so we both can set the new record past 139 in 2091
This pic on one of my FB groups stopped me in my tracks.
GreenAtheist comments on Mar 19, 2019:
Is she purging him of patriarchy or training his vocal cords to only speak Feminism ?....His eyes are already cured of objectification
GreenAtheist replies on Mar 19, 2019:
@brainyactress nice thought but I do not "see" how in this glorious black shadow of love
This is either very unusual or nobody talks about it - ever: I have a real sexual attraction for ...
Mermaidfantasy comments on Feb 16, 2019:
Can you say what it is about them that you feel this, how they look or feel on, what?
GreenAtheist replies on Mar 19, 2019:
Maybe there is new hope for me being chosen for lovemaking wearing my compression hose for edema control ?
Career / vocational training wise - what would you do differently today than what you did?
GreenAtheist comments on Mar 18, 2019:
Memorize the lies in college and regurgitate A plus test scores as I taught my daughters to do...I was a campus radical and joined the Navy to humanize a genocidal war machine on the inside
GreenAtheist replies on Mar 19, 2019:
@travelerx2 disabled half my hearing abilities sustained TBI jet engine blasts warm up truck high pitch deafening whines and lifelong TINNITUS in the top right corner of my skull....other than that dreamed in Carly Simon 8 track album torch songs
I have more morals and humanism than most that believe in a stupid god.
Allamanda comments on Mar 17, 2019:
What about those who believe in an intelligent god?
GreenAtheist replies on Mar 18, 2019:
Mark Twain said FAITH IS Believing what ya know ain't matter what alleged deities may be anywhere no single miracle has ever answered a prEyer rendering abilities of alleged immortals nil


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