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Disney Heir Abigail Disney Calls For Tax On The Wealthy : NPR
GreenAtheist comments on Jun 29, 2019:
She has been telling the truth about gangsters Paul Ryan Turtle McConnell and TrumpOLINI since early Atheist Walt Disney building people up with truth rather than greedy lies for the evil rich
Just might be worth it!
GreenAtheist comments on Jun 29, 2019:
Just one of the many songs we will we will ROCK YOU to be re-worded and played at my final SELF interrment party....Teach Your Children Crosby Stills Nash and Young We Can Work It Out Beatles Sinatra IT WAS A VERY GOOD YEAR fill in the blanks for everyone who loved me or worked with me....Indigo Girls Little River Band Loggins U2 What I am looking for....dozens of songs plenty of beer and wine and finger food ....death with dignity facing incurable debilitating disease....Timothy Leary was going to die online but he lost consciousness b4 he could log on
"My time's up. I'm sorry" - Joe Biden Most accurate thing he has ever said. Go away.
GreenAtheist comments on Jun 29, 2019:
They all need to confess their corruption incumbent crimes ....even Marriane Williamson got rich running seminars teaching corporation puppets how to speak nicely to victims
US opens new mass facility in Texas for migrant children
GreenAtheist comments on Jun 29, 2019:
USA has been shameful since the pilgrims set fire to their meeting house first Thanksgiving with the food bearing natives inside....xians are so terrified of natural humanity not belonging too their insane geebush jeehobah yhwh ghostholes cult
Supreme Court won't revive Alabama effort to ban second-trimester D&E abortions - ABC News
GreenAtheist comments on Jun 29, 2019:
SCALIA would have a hissy fit...did Kavanaugh open his mouth ? This means no more than 3 so called justices want to review settled law 4 could drag it up for full hearing but not anything DE NOVO....
Las Vegas letting drivers pay parking tickets with school supplies donation
GreenAtheist comments on Jun 29, 2019:
In kind rather than blood sucking money grubbing cops/meter maids
Son wants a snake.
GreenAtheist comments on Jun 29, 2019:
Having a garter garden snake is more work than walking dogs to capture or kill flies the harmless snakes need to eat for homophobic snide remarks ...animal all need freedom and safety....compassion should be the message in this learning opportunity for an Atheist boy
Story time! There once was a little girl who grew up in religion.
GreenAtheist comments on Jun 29, 2019:
There are thousands of Atheists in India Margaret Bhatty was the last one I talked to ....look up Rationalists of India and British Humanists are members of World Atheist Society I think was/is in Gopal
Slow week, did some more handy work.
GreenAtheist comments on Jun 29, 2019:
Hate whips but maybe they tickle ?
Can someone who knows about BDSM private message me?
GreenAtheist comments on Jun 29, 2019:
Bondage Sado Masochism???? You want to be tied up and hurt sexually ?
Luis Alvarez, the retired police officer who along with Jon Stewart appeared before Congress earlier...
GreenAtheist comments on Jun 29, 2019:
Greedy penny pinching rulers throw away trillion$ on pictures and bomb designs but keep millionaire killer insurance CEOs 60% profits high Unaffordable policies for their planned victims 9/11....Louis Alvarez just like all us Agent Orange war victims slow death from war crime polluter oil war profiteering
Sometimes being an introvert feels kind of exhausting. Anyone else feel this way?
GreenAtheist comments on Jun 29, 2019:
Maybe the cure is worshipping the great gawd Flying Spaghetti Monster 2morrow? What is the address and name of the place we can praise Holy Meatballs and Sacred Ramen ? @JordanG76 should be invited
This speaks for itself ... 😹
GreenAtheist comments on Jun 29, 2019:
Golden Retriever lap sitting in car back seat Russian Blue concluding the smell of a fawning human over dog drool is pathetic
Peristeronic - (adjective) of or relating to, or even resembling pigeons.
GreenAtheist comments on Jun 29, 2019:
Greek pottery popular designs are offering a rabbit or pidgeon to a lover ....dinner quid pro quo sex
Saturns rings
GreenAtheist comments on Jun 29, 2019:
Massive energetic movement of micro particles to ORBITING billions of asteroids....yup geebush jeehobah ghostholes created all that 4004 bce just for telescope inventors to worship
Why is everyone so concerned about their privacy?
GreenAtheist comments on Jun 29, 2019:
The right to privacy is the major weapon of citizens against fascism and is the FOUNDATION stone of Roe v Wade.....try getting an abortion in a dozen states and you'll understand your right to privacy today
Dems flock to migrant detention center in post-debate protest - POLITICO
GreenAtheist comments on Jun 29, 2019:
Illegal aliens have bern dying in the deserts and locked in truck trailers for decades....this issue is phony come lately by both TrumpOLINI
Dems flock to migrant detention center in post-debate protest - POLITICO
GreenAtheist comments on Jun 29, 2019:
Dems flocked to Florida 2000 recount and cowardly withdrew choosing to blame Nader rather than confront the Jeb Bush crime family terrorized 50 thousand blacks away from polls in a hundred counties....
I have NEVER had a cat that liked the vacuum! []
GreenAtheist comments on Jun 29, 2019:
High pitched whine of vacuum motor and air sucking sound should scare humans also
Angela Merkle shakes uncontrollably I watched this last night and found myself wanting to scream ...
GreenAtheist comments on Jun 29, 2019:
Yes dehydration can kill if she won't improve her diet
I can highly recommend the remake of Pet Sematary, which I streamed yesterday.
GreenAtheist comments on Jun 29, 2019:
Zero zombies 4 me
Hello everyone :) so.
GreenAtheist comments on Jun 29, 2019:
That photo is of the pregnant actress in her movie KNOCKED UP .....SHE worked for the same satellite/cable channel as Howard Stern.....instant eating is like instant fucking.....take a deep breath and resume meal planning calorie counting ....the Atkins diet is high fiber fruits and veggies very low carbohydrate foods chosen....that means zero starch or sugars....and drink Zevia natural beverages not DIEt beverages with sweet formaldehyde substitutes for sweeteners....Stevia leaf powder is harmless zero calorie sweetener totally natural....aspartame sucralose whatever chemicals are poisoning our planet KEEP YOU HOOKED ON SWEETS....high protein foods can be vegan or meat but the key to losing stored body fat is reducing the food that caused the fat to form....INCREASING foods that require high energy to digest....blueberries blackberries strawberries apple skins pulp rich juices all have fiber and cellulose that burn up energy to wishes walking bicycling swimming to a slimmer future....making love with a skinny lover is also a healthy way to lose weight....low carb beer is ok no sweet booze like liqoures
To make a long story short, the guy im dating is taking his ex wife on a weekend get away.
GreenAtheist comments on Jun 29, 2019:
This one hits home for my step children....sounds like he is rescuing her....worse he may be feeling guilty he was a poor step father....obviously he is insensitive to ex was divorced 11 years from her ex and still she let him play her manipulate her and their 3 children devaluing our marriage and our 4 year old this guy when he returns from the weekend reminds me of Eddie Fisher "consoling his buddies widow with his penis" as Carrie Fisher put it about her mom Debbie Reynolds married to Eddie and promptly divorced him.....sorry this must hit you in the guts hard....of course he should have taken you with him and the 2 of you could have really helped her grieve as only a woman and an ex could rationally help another woman ....matters not where he took her....if it was their honeymoon site I would not be surprised
I shared this on Facebook, from AXS TV, but none of my friends would play along, except my brother ...
GreenAtheist comments on Jun 29, 2019:
John Lennon would have saved 30 million lives murdered in the last 29 years....J Edgar Hoover was worse than KGB ....JULIAN LENNON played with Paul McCartney in WDC that I know should wage peace not tolerate evil by escapism or worse praise evil like Lee Greenwood
Me, nowadays.
GreenAtheist comments on Jun 29, 2019:
Saw 2 butterflies 2day.....Monsanto is making earth one single giant holocaust for any fragile species....young humans elderly humans species that used to live at least 8 years now are lucky to live 3 years.....DEVOLUTION reversing evolution....corporation fascism ten times worse than ReaGUN now under TrumpOLINI....ObushaObombney was long on talk short on good action
Hi there! I’m just wondering if anyone has seen the movie, Us, yet?
GreenAtheist comments on Jun 29, 2019:
Big screen home theater viewing is approximating cinema houses EXCEPT for the electric "air" of audience responses
Long but good day.
GreenAtheist comments on Jun 29, 2019:
If Henry worships nurfball Brady ....I shall warn him Jumpin Josh Allen Buffalo BILL QB can knock the stuffing out of Foxboro Mass
We're catifying!! First shelves went up tonight.
GreenAtheist comments on Jun 29, 2019:
Sacred BoHaKi perches
Someone here can help?
GreenAtheist comments on Jun 28, 2019:
Are you stoned watching A BEAUTIFUL MIND movie ? Monetarism is the problem never an answer....only some people kill for paper coins shiny metal hard sparkly rocks or rapist rights of planet earth or who ever rapists want to other species kills hundreds if not thousands of peers for insane reasons...double the minimum wage across USA if you want a instant practical wealth reform
Someone here has ever thought about the origins of mythical creatures?
GreenAtheist comments on Jun 28, 2019:
Stupid people describe fearsome dream images and feel a raccoon rattling their garbage pit a growling dragon in the dark....religion added these insane claims like talking snakes or apple trees that make you forbiddenly smart....just flush all that stupid shit down your toilet when you piss
Democratic Debates: OMG the brain on Yang turns me on. Can he just take over?
GreenAtheist comments on Jun 28, 2019:
Has he any government experience ? Or is he a businessman like TrumpOLINI was
I will be in shock if Biden is still the Front Runner after this debate.
GreenAtheist comments on Jun 28, 2019:
The so called Democratic Party members (I have been one for 41 years) are who ever answers the pollsters phone call in select zip codes in some but not all states.....I have known Joe since I met him in 1984 and his only job since age 29 has been inside the US recognition is the number one factor measured by pollsters not the tiny audience last night.....Obama elevated him from 4 tiny counties in Delaware summer of '08 that's 11 years of #2 man living for 8 in the Naval Observatory when not riding the train to a tiny catholic hamlet in a duPont owned state.. .100% of the DNC knows and trusts him....all others except Tulsi are/were not on the Democratic NATIONAL Committee.........Biden will always be the front runner until someone like Tulsi makes it stick he is a war criminal
Does anyone here have the answer?
GreenAtheist comments on Jun 27, 2019:
THIS question drives deep into the eyes and crotch of a friend...what good does it do you to analyze the sex ideas of your friend? Is he asking you to convert him to DD bras and skinny hips ?....There is no normal for lovers to body sculpt to or say no to a different shaped woman who likes his/your shape....if you get an expert answer to this will you start measuring vagina depth or erect penis length for academic understanding??
I saw this picture.
GreenAtheist comments on Jun 27, 2019:
Could be a hybrid alien cat human from planet Lioness
I saw this picture.
GreenAtheist comments on Jun 27, 2019:
Tiny woman in a cat suit with only 4 nipples....cannot tell if she is holding a bleeding bird or rabbit
Since becoming an atheist, I've been looking out for other atheists.
GreenAtheist comments on Jun 27, 2019:
What a fucked up school to force xian stupidity upon you....Google Atheist MeetUp....surely there are Atheists meeting for beer or pizza near you....Also Skeptics Brights Rationalists hUUmanists may be meeting in your area....Flying Spaghetti Monster religion is a complete parody of xians they may be active in your area ask a biology or mathematics professor to be your faculty advisor and start your own campus Atheists group be sure to invite Feminists Studies people....Susan B Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton were lifelong Atheists fighting church laws that enslaved women
My peach tree in a whiskey barrel is now on its second season,30 in tall and so loaded with fruit I ...
GreenAtheist comments on Jun 27, 2019:
What do you do with the pits ?
Ogunqit, Maine
GreenAtheist comments on Jun 27, 2019:
Calm harbor rocky shore
This is a crossover post about politics, religion and dating.
GreenAtheist comments on Jun 27, 2019:
I want every voter to vote for me because I stand for what is beneficial for everyone and our mutual interests....clean air pure water natural food true healthcare and safe science ...If a woman votes for me to be her lifelong lover AND believes nutty or harmful phenomena....I am not going to condition my love on scrubbing those ideas out of her far my lovers have either died on me or chose to love someone else thus I divorced them ....I hope she who chooses me for love is an honest Feminist Atheist up front instead of hiding hostile religious ideas or polluter oil war crime profiteering bankster zionism approvals
I love listening to The Thinking Atheist and to The Atheist Experience.
GreenAtheist comments on Jun 27, 2019:
American Atheists have been filming in Texas since 1982....from analog to digital without a break in Dallas and Austin cable and online
Spent the last 5 days out in the country with family and two "old gray mares" not really gray.
GreenAtheist comments on Jun 27, 2019:
Alfalfa clean is good for all of us to eat
A Daily Devotional.
GreenAtheist comments on Jun 27, 2019:
Is this INCELs humor ? Teen fantasy to cure virginity ?
Guys still haven’t learned.
GreenAtheist comments on Jun 27, 2019:
Is this about women fighting back against would be rapists sexual harassment ?....Anything is ok if it teaches boys they are not men feeling ENTITLED to sex with anyone they see
I got blocked some time ago.
GreenAtheist comments on Jun 27, 2019:
What kind of "community" blocks us and lists our former groups as "unavailable? "....been here 2 years and I miss so many funny memes that others intend to be political weapons rather than enjoyable debate
Watching the first Dem debate.
GreenAtheist comments on Jun 27, 2019:
Did a single Democrat explain why the minimum wage has not been raised for a very long time and Congress takes an illegal pay raise every even year since 1994 ?
Just sickening! The appalling lack of humanity on display makes me ill.
GreenAtheist comments on Jun 27, 2019:
Like it or not fake news Fox pays these scum a million dollars to lie against humanity
Wouldn't you rather be a bonobo?
GreenAtheist comments on Jun 26, 2019:
Nope....I prefer hours of love planned and savored....are bonobos tested for STDs ?
Since I talked about horny teenagers yesterday I thought I'd follow up with this word: ...
GreenAtheist comments on Jun 26, 2019:
How dare these dictionary boys malign our glorious human love explorations....I suppose they only recognize MISSIONARY positions
Watching the first Dem debate.
GreenAtheist comments on Jun 26, 2019:
Thanx4reporting Tom
I like to take pictures once in a while.
GreenAtheist comments on Jun 26, 2019:
GoldFinch my Iowa State Bird
Gardening is so relaxing.
GreenAtheist comments on Jun 26, 2019:
Sunflowers good for BlueJays to eat 1 seed at a time out of the flower
NOT Cop Porn.
GreenAtheist comments on Jun 26, 2019:
Is that Police Porn ?
Morning coffee
GreenAtheist comments on Jun 26, 2019:
2nd try loading Laila pix
Morning coffee
GreenAtheist comments on Jun 26, 2019:
Laila Calico age 9 last was seen in that meme pose 2014 age 3
Morning coffee
GreenAtheist comments on Jun 26, 2019:
Looks like my Laila scaring off a piss stink tomcat from that backyard fence
Washington Wildflower Wednesday. Some Indian Paintbrush from a hike a couple of months ago
GreenAtheist comments on Jun 26, 2019:
I wonder if it grows along Squaw Creek here in Ames Iowa conquered land of the Sauk Aoyuwoi people
These politicians should be fired. []
GreenAtheist comments on Jun 26, 2019:
I suppose a recall election is possible to replace these sore losers exercising an illegal version of pocket veto only legal for Governors/Presidents...but that takes weeks if not months while pending legislation is on a state CONSTITUTIONAL timeline of session authority.....Democrats have done the same thing in other states to block union busting and patriarchal misogynistic legislation
Took this photo of some cherries I was eating last night...the one is almost a perfect heart.
GreenAtheist comments on Jun 26, 2019:
Siamese Twin Cherries...proof no living organism is a perfect replicator...not pregnant women nor tampon terrorists forcing all women to stay pregnant
Rigby surveying his kingdom between shenanigans.
GreenAtheist comments on Jun 26, 2019:
Hey Mr Tambourine Man play a song for me
Rigby surveying his kingdom between shenanigans.
GreenAtheist comments on Jun 26, 2019:
My girls compete for massage time on my arthritic knees and guard my life arrest sleep apnea dozing off and climb my body to cuddle anywhere anytime
Don't Tell Your Mother.... What's your "don't tell your mother" story?
GreenAtheist comments on Jun 26, 2019:
Us parents learn by trial and error how to keep our children safe in all situations....glad you survived and sorry spanking was covering up your dad's error
Rigby surveying his kingdom between shenanigans.
GreenAtheist comments on Jun 26, 2019:
Rigby does not pretend lamp oil lasts 8 days by miracle
Aggg just overheard at this family reunion “I’ve studied the Bible and now that I understand ...
GreenAtheist comments on Jun 26, 2019:
Darwin Award applicants
How many if yall are saving for college for your kids?
GreenAtheist comments on Jun 26, 2019:
Some states have tax exempt fund plans people can pay into now and spend tax free later on public schools other states promote church schools....Grants work study programs and student loans can support dedicated students as long as grades are good and excess borrowing funds entertainment automobiles and vacation travel....saving up for a top tier school like Harvard or Stanford MIT JOHNS HOPKINS may not succeed at any price without high SAT scores
Just returned to lower elevations after 10 days camping near Lassen National Park.
GreenAtheist comments on Jun 26, 2019:
Lucky you peace quiet pine fresh air and Bambi unafraid of you
What do you think about Deism?
GreenAtheist comments on Jun 26, 2019:
18th century science of Thomas Paine....pre-Darwinian cosmology in the fossil record
The reason I am agnostic is because there is no proof that a God told man to compose religious texts...
GreenAtheist comments on Jun 26, 2019:
I was being lied to as a 5 year old about 3 similar lies....Santa, ester boy bunnies laying candy eggs on dogshit lawns and alleged vaginal virgins birthing alleged baby gawds in dirty donkey stables....I knew reindeer don't fly fat Santa could not fit down our 6 inch coal furnace exhaust pipe.....and donkeys fuck quite the same as Bill Cosby in Playboy Magazines....the bible gawd seemed awfully worse than the magic Wolfman Lon Cheney in the movie...being bribed cap pistols and cowboy boots size 6 was too obvious for me in moms handwriting outside packages and red ribbons....praise the LARD and don't make me get baptized in that slimey green water behind the church Curtain
So I have an uncomfortable suspicion regarding my father.
GreenAtheist comments on Jun 26, 2019:
Knowing who and how our parents fuck can be assumed but should not be voyeurism is the turf of incest ....privacy and boundaries are essential for mental health.....seems like the guy who sired you confessed to a teen aged son in hopes you won't repeat his crime.... Walt Disney was my 2nd Atheist hero after Atheist Einstein but I never thought of human sex while watching bears fuck in a Yellowstone nature film....more than anything I hope you leave all believers to their delusions......"deconverting" is not's cult sanitizing or double brainwashing....we are critical thinkers not mental manipulators of any other person family or foe
I can spot a few, how about you
GreenAtheist comments on Jun 26, 2019:
I'm strong to the finish cauz I eats my spinach I'm Popeye The Sailor Man toot too....out of his pipe but Mighty Mouse SAVED THE DAY
Brexit: A still-life.
GreenAtheist comments on Jun 26, 2019:
Only beans are delivered through the CHUNNEL ?
How many of you have been told you are going to hell?
GreenAtheist comments on Jun 26, 2019:
It's your hell you burn in it
What an amazing adventure, here’s today’s highlights 🚘 Driving through the mountains of VT ...
GreenAtheist comments on Jun 26, 2019:
When you get back to Florida please send us a BEAR XING sign photo
What an amazing adventure, here’s today’s highlights 🚘 Driving through the mountains of VT ...
GreenAtheist comments on Jun 26, 2019:
Who is standing too close to fire behind Henry and you ?....nice lake....are fish there safe to eat ?
I think this is just venting (uinless anyone can offer some assistance?
GreenAtheist comments on Jun 25, 2019:
Ebay....start the asking price of 40 maybe your clean photographed bottles will bring 50 and some clown will come hand you nearest the police station so you are safe in broad daylight when the 2nd shift cops see you waiting with bottles to sell
To lighten things up today here is a word: Hirquiticke, which means horny teenager.
GreenAtheist comments on Jun 25, 2019:
Always wanted a goat horse suit that was motorized hind legs and my feet looking like hooves and I had goat horns attached to my head to look real....
Warning: Link contains an image of downing victims, Óscar Alberto Martínez Ramírez and his ...
GreenAtheist comments on Jun 25, 2019:
El Salvador has been a battleground for 40+ years with Carter ReaGUN BUSH CRIME FAMILY VATICAN CLINTON and Obama never promoting democracy but instead arming fascists or arming insurgents and worse keeping the drug war raging inside USA inflating the black market drugs from all over Latin America...this poor man and daughter drowned because of criminal capitalism not the latest billionaire in charge of fascist capitalism run amok since 1774
Hmmm... quiet group! I'm not in Missouri now, but grew up in Bourbon and consider St. Louis "home".
GreenAtheist comments on Jun 25, 2019:
Cardinals baseball and KMOX radio
I’m really anxious about what is going on in the United States today.
GreenAtheist comments on Jun 25, 2019:
I have felt that way since DUCK nuke war preparedness drills in school.....the only way democracy can survive is to vote for honest peace waging candidates....liars for polluter oil war crime profiteering bankster zionists run both parties as a single duopoly fascist machine.... vote @HowieHawkins20 all the rest are evil or have no plan to fix it all
Mueller to testify in public July 17. Thoughts?
GreenAtheist comments on Jun 25, 2019:
More camouflage and diversionary gibberish delaying the arrest and imprisonment of BILLARY for all her crimes 2009 to 2016
What are your surefire best cold remedies?
GreenAtheist comments on Jun 25, 2019:
Alternate cool showers with hot showers every 3 sure to suck in as much mist down your throat and up your nose as you can tolerate THEN BLOW OUT THE WET SNOT hack out throat pfglem REPEAT REPEAT and soak in a hot bath at least once a day until your fever is gone and your cough drops do their job and save your chest pains from deep coughing
If I had known about these, I would have started collecting them, lol.
GreenAtheist comments on Jun 25, 2019:
Like 33 45 79 speed record players ...who can fix and resell them like 1959 Chevrolets in Havana
If I had known about these, I would have started collecting them, lol.
GreenAtheist comments on Jun 25, 2019:
The market for smokers is shrinking...accordingly advertising art matchbooks is a dying genre...I suppose people who bbq or build campfires will get a few free matches that are not generic or smoke shops humidors and private clubs are still in the fire sticks market
Does anyone have these? Skeleton flower
GreenAtheist comments on Jun 25, 2019:
What shimmering beauty....gotta grow some in my space and see if spray misting effects this window of life
Yes I do have a weird sense of humor, why do you ask?
GreenAtheist comments on Jun 25, 2019:
We all deserve space rather than the face of destructive ignorant should protect not project....the lies are almost everywhere especially our money IN gawd WE TRUST wtf is a gawd ? A bizarre lie alleging omnipresence when instead there in space is comfortable neutral nothing
Acting US Customs and Border Protection Commissioner John Sanders to leave - CNNPolitics
GreenAtheist comments on Jun 25, 2019:
Good riddance...sadly TrumpOLINI will hire someone worse
Steering Wheels Optional
GreenAtheist comments on Jun 25, 2019:
This includes drone vehicles 18 wheel delivery without a safe professionally trained safe commercial driver....79 thousand pounds moving without human eyes to decide safe driving decisions
South Bend Police Criticize Buttigieg In Wake Of Shooting This is a rare thing! Credit to ...
GreenAtheist comments on Jun 25, 2019:
Any city could put people to work making hydrogen cars and charging stations ...the taxpayers own the BP patent prototype and make money selling hydrogen cars cleaning the air and water keeping criminals off street with jobs not jails or racist cop bullets in their bodies
Henry found a new love interest.
GreenAtheist comments on Jun 25, 2019:
Henry my tour guide to freedom from the Church of England troops
What wonderful people.
GreenAtheist comments on Jun 25, 2019:
True Food Not Bombs free hot meals to the homeless have been arrested for decades by cities enforcing restaurant license laws...never a federal issue
Hi, gang.
GreenAtheist comments on Jun 25, 2019:
Mormon boys converted in SCOTLAND came to Utah for promised sex nightly 2 or more wives AND A PLANET FOR EACH FAMILY IN THE alleged afterlife
Its just not OK.
GreenAtheist comments on Jun 25, 2019:
When Americans stop the genocide in Palestine the horrors along the MEXICAN border will also be stopped
Flufffy bread though...
GreenAtheist comments on Jun 25, 2019:
Everything tastes better with cat hair in it
I have been packing, so this applies!
GreenAtheist comments on Jun 25, 2019:
How quaint.
Made it to Vermont Beautiful drive Nice to spend time with my Dad Henry wants to come back and go...
GreenAtheist comments on Jun 25, 2019:
Henry sounds great on Foghorn Leghorn guitar
Just about at the end of an enjoyably quiet staycation.
GreenAtheist comments on Jun 25, 2019:
Those days when pregnancy meant CONFINEMENT
The airport ...
GreenAtheist comments on Jun 25, 2019:
A woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle
"The Mexican government has dispatched approximately 15,000 troops and National Guard officers to ...
GreenAtheist comments on Jun 25, 2019:
Finally if this is true, the invaders will stay south of USA border and Rio Grande with MEXICAN troops reversing the previous policy of forcing illegal aliens into USA ....Mexico can best give asylum under one language
'White supremacy': popular knitting website Ravelry bans support for Trump "One of the biggest ...
GreenAtheist comments on Jun 25, 2019:
TrumpOLINI is definitely as racist as John Quincy Adams
The Belief That Trump Is a Messiah Is Rampant and Dangerous ??? []?
GreenAtheist comments on Jun 25, 2019:
How many people are that insane to equate PussyGrabber with an alleged gawd ?
Peregrine falcon
GreenAtheist comments on Jun 24, 2019:
This reminds me the Atlanta NFL team mascot is a female ...the male does not hunt only inseminates his mate and does not even guard the nest


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Traditional and Folkmusic
163 members
Sexy is an Attitude, Body Positive Sexy!
161 members
Science & Technology
155 members
General Topics
152 members
Sun Moon Stars
150 members
Pets and wildlife
149 members
Books: Only Books
145 members
Godless Musicians
144 members
Libertarian Agnostics
142 members
All Things Legal/Crime and Punishment
142 members
Autism and/or Asperger's Syndrome
140 members
Anti-Democrat Party Liberals
137 members
American Humanists Association
136 members
Older women and younger men
135 members
Dharma Café
133 members
132 members
Treehouses, tiny homes and natural building
132 members
129 members
122 members
122 members
Movie Actor and Actress Fans
121 members
Jewish by Culture
120 members
Earth Preservers
119 members
119 members
119 members
Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana & Tennessee
113 members
103 members
Marriage & Long-term Relationships
103 members
Hot Hunks
103 members
Carolina Atheists (SC / NC)
101 members
Movie viewing group
99 members
99 members
Older Men and Younger Women
99 members
Ethical Vegans - Animal Rights - Environmental Concerns - Clean Food & Gardening
98 members
Celebrity Pictures
98 members
All is Well: Happy & Healthy Lifestyles
96 members
Religious Naturalism
94 members
Unitarian Universalists
93 members
At Retirement!
93 members
"I was blocked!?" Group
91 members
Foreign Film Fans
87 members
Crass Comedy
86 members
Pop Culture - TV
86 members
Atheist Videos & Miscellany
86 members
Colorado Atheists
83 members
European meeting point
82 members
All Things Asia
81 members
Memes R hilarioUS!
80 members
If it's no Scottish, it's shite #MacNostic
80 members
Satanic Agnosis
79 members
Sex Over Sixty
77 members
Jobs for Atheists / Free Thinkers and The like
73 members
Age Related
72 members
Healthy Living
72 members
Religion of Science & Higher Consciousness
71 members
Atheist News Network
70 members
Chicagoland Atheists
69 members
Plus Size Positive
69 members
Love Songs
56 members
Cancer Sucks/Cancer Survivors
55 members
Trumpanzees & Morons
55 members
Common Ground
55 members
Foxhole Atheists
48 members
46 members
Carolina Club
46 members
Volunteering, Charity Work, and Community Service
45 members
Feminist Atheists
44 members
41 members
Meatballs & Pasta
40 members
Secular Teachers
39 members
Romance & Forever Lost Loves
37 members
37 members
35 members
Non Religious Science teachers -any age
35 members
Science Fiction and Fantasy Fans
35 members
Iowa members
34 members
David Silverman Discussion
31 members
The Union, Dues and Mod Free
31 members
Camping for adults in Dixie (no children)
27 members
Asexual Area
23 members
Hairbrained Ideas
21 members
Sports talk
15 members
Anti communism and antisocialism
7 members
Heresy fetish
5 members