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Your thoughts on Aliens:
Lucifer comments on Dec 3, 2018:
There are only 17 sentient species in the Milky Way galaxy, and 6 of them are here on Earth, 3 of those 6 being native to this planet. 4 other species reside in this outer spiral galactic arm, beyond the Pleiades star systems, but only 3 of them have ever been here, and not since before the Cambrian...
GreenAtheist replies on Dec 4, 2018:
@Lucifer gawd I wrote is a gibberish sound in all languages gott gods ditto. are an unusual poster here. ...did your parents name you a name like Moon Unit Zappa ? .... I was born an Atheist like all humans and I rejected all religious lies 61 years ago in kindergarten. .....Larry Henry Carter Center is my twice married name honoring both mothers of my 2 daughters both Atheists 2nd generation variety. ....the pantheon of myths includes Lucifer. ...why would self respecting Atheist/s name anyone that from the alleged underworld so closely linked to painful burning and eternal knashing of flesh. ...some here are scared of you but not me
Last night I got together with family for one of my grand daughters birthday.
Susieq comments on Dec 1, 2018:
Sorry for your beautiful memeories that can now be painful. I will be alone this Christmas. My cats don't realize how much company they are to me.
GreenAtheist replies on Dec 4, 2018:
But your cats see pictures in your mind and theirs so keep comforting them as they comfort you with play acrobatics meow song and purring on your chest
Your thoughts on Aliens:
Lucifer comments on Dec 3, 2018:
There are only 17 sentient species in the Milky Way galaxy, and 6 of them are here on Earth, 3 of those 6 being native to this planet. 4 other species reside in this outer spiral galactic arm, beyond the Pleiades star systems, but only 3 of them have ever been here, and not since before the Cambrian...
GreenAtheist replies on Dec 4, 2018:
@Lucifer you remind me of a female gawd in Portland Pioneer Square 2004....but she did not inspire me to play Pinocchio with a high tech escalating retractable wooden nose...Gene Hackman played a preacher in the capsized ocean liner movie. ...he curses Baal instead of admit his alleged geebush Jehobah ghostholes gawd never answers prEyer
This morning I woke to discover someone who I reported as a possible scammer had posted 'feeling ...
daylily comments on Dec 4, 2018:
If you're going to post these concerns, I for one would like to see the user name of who you're referring to, so that I can determine if it's someone I'd want to block.
GreenAtheist replies on Dec 4, 2018:
But ganging up on innocent good Atheists should not be a block abuse pattern. ...for example I was ready to tell the story of a church pedophile lawsuit on TV here last Thorsday. I feel like some mentally ill females here would mis-read my report hinting or worse claiming I approve of rapist priests or baptist sunday school "teachers" of 15 groped children. ...this community must not be a minefield. ...we have 2 rapists on US Sup Ct thomas because people gang together instead or protect each other
Your thoughts on Aliens:
Lucifer comments on Dec 3, 2018:
There are only 17 sentient species in the Milky Way galaxy, and 6 of them are here on Earth, 3 of those 6 being native to this planet. 4 other species reside in this outer spiral galactic arm, beyond the Pleiades star systems, but only 3 of them have ever been here, and not since before the Cambrian...
GreenAtheist replies on Dec 4, 2018:
@Lucifer did I read you correctly ? You know about 17 species of ET but all evidence is scrambled or unfound in the fossil record ?????? So how Beelzebub did this knowledge come from ? Sorry Mephistopheles Rolling Stones trained me to guess your names
Your thoughts on Aliens:
Lucifer comments on Dec 3, 2018:
There are only 17 sentient species in the Milky Way galaxy, and 6 of them are here on Earth, 3 of those 6 being native to this planet. 4 other species reside in this outer spiral galactic arm, beyond the Pleiades star systems, but only 3 of them have ever been here, and not since before the Cambrian...
GreenAtheist replies on Dec 3, 2018:
Art Bell is dead George Noory is an idiot sailor. ...why aren't these aliens leaving more evidence around than the zero from the alleged bible gawds
Awesome Christmas Tree!
Livinlife comments on Dec 3, 2018:
Im so glad he found work after his movie career ended
GreenAtheist replies on Dec 3, 2018:
Japanese workers get one job for life unless you breathe fire and can't drive a Toyota
Annitonn comments on Dec 3, 2018:
I love mine clean. My men should st least be trimmed
GreenAtheist replies on Dec 3, 2018:
Please shave and trim me beautifully
Are you pro "choice" or pro "life"?
CommonHuman comments on Dec 3, 2018:
There is no pro life, only forced birth.
GreenAtheist replies on Dec 3, 2018:
Anti life anti science pedophile rapists certainly kill the evidence when nubile girls are impregnated
Would you feel overwhelmed with guilt if you stole something?
Stephanie99 comments on Dec 3, 2018:
Someone broke into my house and stole all my jewelry. It would seem like material possessions that could easily be replaced, but in there were things that my mother passed down to me that had been passed down to her. In there was my high school graduation ring. The jewelry had a high sentimental ...
GreenAtheist replies on Dec 3, 2018:
@Stephanie99 I agree getting stoned is not a stereotype
The fastest growing military sexual traUma reporting category is straight men ASSUMED TO BE GAY BY ...
Paracosm comments on Dec 3, 2018:
Assumed to be gay. As if that somehow justifies being assaulted.
GreenAtheist replies on Dec 3, 2018:
@SKH78 yeah homophobia is the ignorant habit of fearing someone might touch your knee or compliment you on your hairdo. ...rapists simply want to hurt anyone in their body cavities
A cat is a cat, is a cat.....
Hathacat comments on Dec 3, 2018:
I kinda wonder what they are BOTH thinking.
GreenAtheist replies on Dec 3, 2018:
They SEE they don't subvocalize like most humans so these two I empathically read ready to hunt in directions heard smelled and seen up in observation posture
Are you pro "choice" or pro "life"?
RoseyRose comments on Dec 3, 2018:
Both. Life should have whatever support it needs. No body needs to be sticking their nose in anyone else's womb under any circumstances.
GreenAtheist replies on Dec 3, 2018:
That's what CHOICE means lifers are zealots for zygotes wanting to prevent menstruation at all costs
Ok Baby Bloomers let's have some fun. ?
Hathacat comments on Dec 3, 2018:
Egyptian mummy beads. Verified as 6000 years old.
GreenAtheist replies on Dec 3, 2018:
Do you make copies ? I would like BO HA KI in hieroglyphs translation cat but really means DIVINE RULER of the HOUSE
I'd like to know exactly what gets a member's points deducted?
SkotlandSkye comments on Dec 3, 2018:
Posts being deleted (i.e. a post by a Nigerian scammer) where you commented leads to points for your comments being deducted. Those are the only ones I've ever noticed...and only because all these posts about points got me curious so I watched carefully for a few days.
GreenAtheist replies on Dec 3, 2018:
@KKGator fair is fair I know liberal guys booted while the TRUMPoliniBOTS...deserve it
He's baaaack!
Livinlife comments on Nov 30, 2018:
And hes pissed!
GreenAtheist replies on Dec 3, 2018:
But there was no first coming all fiction like Pinnochio and Noah's Ark
I'd like to know exactly what gets a member's points deducted?
SkotlandSkye comments on Dec 3, 2018:
Posts being deleted (i.e. a post by a Nigerian scammer) where you commented leads to points for your comments being deducted. Those are the only ones I've ever noticed...and only because all these posts about points got me curious so I watched carefully for a few days.
GreenAtheist replies on Dec 3, 2018:
@KKGator but victims of false closure of accounts have no access to any appeal or listing of decisions. ..I am not Niggerian but what if I got flagged as such by a power tripping female ?
The fastest growing military sexual traUma reporting category is straight men ASSUMED TO BE GAY BY ...
Paracosm comments on Dec 3, 2018:
Assumed to be gay. As if that somehow justifies being assaulted.
GreenAtheist replies on Dec 3, 2018:
You got the facts spot on...victim blaming is the modus operendi of rapists AND THEIR DEFENDERS
Do you believe that a cure for cancer exists, but it's not available to the public because medical ...
PolyComrade comments on Oct 3, 2018:
I immediately think of something a doctor in a podcast I often listen to said about how he finds it so insulkting and offensive when people in the alternativve health commmunity will try and claim that a cure for cancer has existed for a long time, but that doctors are basically hiding it from ...
GreenAtheist replies on Dec 3, 2018:
Yes quackery is not knowing how to cure or even properly diagnose the condition
Do you believe that a cure for cancer exists, but it's not available to the public because medical ...
stinkeye_a comments on Oct 3, 2018:
If there's any active efforts toward suppression, I'd wager that it's on the *prevention* side: don't get sick in the first place and nobody makes money. I don't think you have to work very hard to ward people away from vegetables, exercise, and meditation*, though. * *Obligatory Disclaimer: ...
GreenAtheist replies on Dec 3, 2018:
Yes fossil fuels and toxic dumpers with slow cancer nukes are exceeding the tolerance levels of most youth and aging seniors. in 7 women get cancer so no cure for them but males are not dropping dead until age 81 so prEyer and corrupt theocracy rules the roosts
Do you believe that a cure for cancer exists, but it's not available to the public because medical ...
confidentrealm comments on Oct 3, 2018:
I have cancer and am going through a treatment which is working. In less than two months, my tumors have significantly decreased in size. I'm positive they will continue. I'm anxious to see how small they get before what is left will be totally removed. I have been having side effects that are far ...
GreenAtheist replies on Dec 3, 2018:
Are people showing up for your gallery event. ?
Do you believe that a cure for cancer exists, but it's not available to the public because medical ...
confidentrealm comments on Oct 3, 2018:
I have cancer and am going through a treatment which is working. In less than two months, my tumors have significantly decreased in size. I'm positive they will continue. I'm anxious to see how small they get before what is left will be totally removed. I have been having side effects that are far ...
GreenAtheist replies on Dec 3, 2018:
So glad to hear your good progress
Do you believe that a cure for cancer exists, but it's not available to the public because medical ...
Bob4Health comments on Oct 4, 2018:
I'm sorry, the poll has many other answers. Most medical progress these days requires deep pockets. No doubt, Big Pharma is indeed greedy and the most profitable industry in the United States. That doesn't mean that there some secret cure for cancer. If there is a cure, it should be subject to...
GreenAtheist replies on Dec 3, 2018:
CDC and FDA can't bribe or control DR BRYZYNSKI so he plugs along curing as many patients as can afford ten grand per month MUCH CHEAPER than Roswell Park or even Emory University $$$$ corrupt insurance companies won't pay in or out of state patients
Do you believe that a cure for cancer exists, but it's not available to the public because medical ...
CheshireWarcat comments on Oct 4, 2018:
Make no mistake, pharmaceutical companies are in the business of making customers not cures.
GreenAtheist replies on Dec 3, 2018:
Total truth see my affirmation of @riverman1234
Do you believe that a cure for cancer exists, but it's not available to the public because medical ...
riverman1234 comments on Oct 5, 2018:
everything is all about the money in this life. the court system is that way. they have probably had the cure for years. it not just the medical stuff. thye probably have a car that could run off water but they are not going to put something like that on the market. a few people are in control and ...
GreenAtheist replies on Dec 3, 2018:
Total truth my comrade please spread the word DR BRYZYNSKI IS CURING BRAIN CANCER IN HOUSTON TX but 49 states illegally suppress his antenoplaston therapy. ...he is relatively cheap only ten thousand buck$ a month for a short course cure and monitoring. ...sadly chemo scams destroy pollution victims brains without killing the tumors and DR BRYZYNSKI does reverse tumor growth but can't reverse chemo damages
Do you believe that a cure for cancer exists, but it's not available to the public because medical ...
wjwolfe comments on Oct 10, 2018:
I would say that the people who claim that there's some sort of conspiracy to hide a cure for cancer have a burden of proof that they have not met.
GreenAtheist replies on Dec 3, 2018:
Wrong scientism breath I posted 2 facts ABOUT DR BRYZYNSKI antenoplaston therapy illegal in 49 states protected by Texas taxpayers but cheated by Emory University who stole the cure for Jimmah Carter brain cancer. ...greed and criminal powers that be are depending upon scientism and fake news to censor cure researcher who cannot be bribed or coopted like Polish DR BRYZYNSKI here in Houston for over 4 decades
Do you believe that a cure for cancer exists, but it's not available to the public because medical ...
Carin comments on Oct 19, 2018:
Cancer will probably need about as many cures as there are types of cancers. It's pretty unlikely that there will ever be a single cure that kills all of them.
GreenAtheist replies on Dec 3, 2018:
True...BRYZYNSKI is not a panacea
Would you feel overwhelmed with guilt if you stole something?
Stephanie99 comments on Dec 3, 2018:
Someone broke into my house and stole all my jewelry. It would seem like material possessions that could easily be replaced, but in there were things that my mother passed down to me that had been passed down to her. In there was my high school graduation ring. The jewelry had a high sentimental ...
GreenAtheist replies on Dec 3, 2018:
Dopers steal to feed their habit too stoned to keep a job
Beautiful tattoo. Interesting outcome...
PinkyandtheBrain comments on Dec 3, 2018:
Oooooooo. Immediate solidarity confinement.
GreenAtheist replies on Dec 3, 2018:
That's the only safe place in prison besides medical with separate treatment rooms
GreenAtheist comments on Dec 2, 2018:
Only when lovers shave each other every 20 hours to avoid stubble
GreenAtheist replies on Dec 2, 2018:
@Annabelle95991 any time I get up close and personal with chest buttons and large skin pillows I feel like I am in heaven ready for ambrosia
Cum and get me!
Anniemae comments on Dec 2, 2018:
Everyday is Christmas at my house.....
GreenAtheist replies on Dec 2, 2018:
@jenandjuice1111 OK thanks quite an art photo
I remember the days of no seat belts, no child car seats, nurses and doctors would smoke cigarettes ...
GreenAtheist comments on Dec 2, 2018:
I helped Senator Simon get the funding for national rape crisis telephone system links callers to nearest shelter from presumed phone number calling in
GreenAtheist replies on Dec 2, 2018:
Cum and get me!
Anniemae comments on Dec 2, 2018:
Everyday is Christmas at my house.....
GreenAtheist replies on Dec 2, 2018:
I see tied up with string lights but what is the black thing ?
pepperjones comments on Dec 2, 2018:
I sugar. I love how I feel... soft and smooth. That said I love a rugged hairy man! No need to trim fellas, I'm your girl!
GreenAtheist replies on Dec 2, 2018:
@pepperjones scare away the diabetic boys
pepperjones comments on Dec 2, 2018:
I sugar. I love how I feel... soft and smooth. That said I love a rugged hairy man! No need to trim fellas, I'm your girl!
GreenAtheist replies on Dec 2, 2018:
@pepperjones ok, no means no so we take more bubble baths to soften pubes
Would you stand over a storm drain handling expensive jewelry?
GreenAtheist comments on Dec 2, 2018:
Is the water too cold ?
GreenAtheist replies on Dec 2, 2018:
@LiterateHiker true a hot wet suit would not last a 5 minute dive
pepperjones comments on Dec 2, 2018:
I sugar. I love how I feel... soft and smooth. That said I love a rugged hairy man! No need to trim fellas, I'm your girl!
GreenAtheist replies on Dec 2, 2018:
@pepperjones a plush beach towel soapy water and safety razor under bright lights maximizing tender care for each other better than stirrups in a cold ob/gyn clinic
Annabelle95991 comments on Dec 2, 2018:
This is interesting, indeed. I clear all but a tiny thin mustache. I like it. It grows in soft and there’s plenty of time to redo. I heard once that this particular man didn’t want a woman to be shaved like a ten-year old. It’s all good..
GreenAtheist replies on Dec 2, 2018:
@Annabelle95991 no one is calling me for our bubble bath preparation for it all...both of "us" can fit in my portable 110 gallon soft rubber tub
I'm sure George H.
GreatNani comments on Dec 2, 2018:
Mostly because they want to make a statement or comparison to what we have now.
GreenAtheist replies on Dec 2, 2018:
@MarvelAnn both Willie scammed millions $$$$$ for tsunami hurricane & quake relief that never helped a victim
Annabelle95991 comments on Dec 2, 2018:
This is interesting, indeed. I clear all but a tiny thin mustache. I like it. It grows in soft and there’s plenty of time to redo. I heard once that this particular man didn’t want a woman to be shaved like a ten-year old. It’s all good..
GreenAtheist replies on Dec 2, 2018:
@Annabelle95991 I am begging for mutual tattoos also we teach each other body art each of us ink canvasses
I'll take the "Gold Digger Deluxe" package please.... Ho, Ho, Ho......
Green_eyes comments on Nov 29, 2018:
I always thought she was was prettier before all the plastics. She just looks so “mean” now. Hard to believe that was her intention.
GreenAtheist replies on Dec 2, 2018:
Same face carving as Michael Jackson
Annabelle95991 comments on Dec 2, 2018:
This is interesting, indeed. I clear all but a tiny thin mustache. I like it. It grows in soft and there’s plenty of time to redo. I heard once that this particular man didn’t want a woman to be shaved like a ten-year old. It’s all good..
GreenAtheist replies on Dec 2, 2018:
Would love your gentle artistry for mutual shaving especially where we can't see ourselves
Powerful anti depressant....
SKH78 comments on Dec 2, 2018:
Yes, true. I feel that I am nothing without a cat.
GreenAtheist replies on Dec 2, 2018:
I am dead without Kiti
Or has a beautiful soul but might not have the perfect body.
Carolyne comments on Dec 2, 2018:
To me a soul means what makes you, you.
GreenAtheist replies on Dec 2, 2018:
True love is gift of self
I woke you up tonight with soft fingers and whispers.
Cutiebeauty comments on Nov 16, 2018:
Please stop posting our intimate personal moments on the internet ... Lol
GreenAtheist replies on Dec 2, 2018:
Silly everyone here is intimate fighting theocracy with love and laughter
I woke you up tonight with soft fingers and whispers.
M4Amama comments on Nov 17, 2018:
Ahhh, this brings back some wonderful memories and feelings that I thought I had lost. Your writing is beautiful and draws one into the moment. Thank you so much for sharing this with us. Absolutely beautiful!
GreenAtheist replies on Dec 2, 2018:
All of us could write together. ..make come true. MAKE LOVE NOT war play not prEy
I woke you up tonight with soft fingers and whispers.
Wendiw comments on Dec 2, 2018:
Damn I miss those nights!?
GreenAtheist replies on Dec 2, 2018:
Begging for that life
For men on dating sites.
Larimar comments on Nov 30, 2018:
And please do not immediately ask for a cell number, and email addy, etc. Women, if they do ask this, expect the requisite dick pic when you do give the info. It's the male equivalent of a cat bringing you a dead bird....guys? Just don't do this, please!!!! Or be offended that we're offended if ...
GreenAtheist replies on Dec 2, 2018:
@Larimar I must be a woman trapped in a manly body. ...I always read the Playboy articles the centerfolds stolen or sold by my brothers
Is it possible to fall in love with someone with opposing political views?
herself comments on Dec 1, 2018:
GreenAtheist replies on Dec 2, 2018:
@ailurophile she is condescending in public at least towards her little boy while he always has a skowl face .....can't say they look like they're in love but a divorce would be world news.....Billary was a Goldwater girl in her teens and Willie protégé of Fulbright& a grand wizard. .....
No matter what I take a picture of and why.
GreenAtheist comments on Nov 30, 2018:
Knee art ....would love a complete body art showing. fantasy is to marry a body artist who can teach me to create on her where she cannot canvass and I will be her canvass by commission
GreenAtheist replies on Dec 1, 2018:
@pepperjones it would be a radical political romance for 60 more years
Is it possible to fall in love with someone with opposing political views?
herself comments on Dec 1, 2018:
GreenAtheist replies on Dec 1, 2018:
James Carville MatLin have 2 children she worked for dead 41 Prz Bush and he 4 the Clintons
Is it possible to fall in love with someone with opposing political views?
Kittywake comments on Dec 1, 2018: will end badly
GreenAtheist replies on Dec 1, 2018:
Things end because one party lies to justify leaving. ..breaking up should be easy when couples are not possessive nor betraying promises like cheating
Is it possible to fall in love with someone with opposing political views?
Kittywake comments on Dec 1, 2018:
It will involve compromising and downplaying your core beliefs. Do you want that? Being alone and single is a hard road but not as hard as living a fake compromised life.
GreenAtheist replies on Dec 1, 2018:
I'm a politician and making peace @ home is identical to deep compromise for the good of the people. ...if she does not love you you're giving in for nothing IF HE DOES NOT LOVE YOU IT IS RAPE
Is it possible to fall in love with someone with opposing political views?
Spudnut comments on Nov 30, 2018:
I could never. For me, it's a question of values. One of the first things I look for in a partner is compassion for others. If I don't see it, pretty much right away, I'm already outta there.
GreenAtheist replies on Dec 1, 2018:
I cannot support greedy partisans on any political spectrum. ..I could never love a taker only a giver
Beautiful tattoo. Interesting outcome...
coralisthree comments on Dec 1, 2018:
i bet he doesn't like titty fucking anymore
GreenAtheist replies on Dec 1, 2018:
Someone recently posted about a fun time with coworkers.
GreenAtheist comments on Dec 1, 2018:
Is this drinking liberally? ??? What other group can magically constitute an instant community ? TRIBE is indeed a better word than the fleeting failed cyberdistanced amalgam of Atheists here
GreenAtheist replies on Dec 1, 2018:
@Lorajay thanks4reply too bad BillaryBOTS stole the nomination from Sanders. ..he could have been better than President McGovern 76 or 84
Tomorrows my birthday.
Redheadedgammy comments on Dec 1, 2018:
I hope you celebrate your special life on your birthday and will remember all the times your hubby was with you for that special day. It seems like birthdays and holidays are pretty hard for many of us when we lose our partners. Be kind to yourself.
GreenAtheist replies on Dec 1, 2018:
I am so jealous of those beloved men and adored by great women. ...I miss all the plans Teri and I made 2017. ...I miss my first son in law made my daughter a widow for 3 years. ..she married again and Eric adopted her 2 half nephews. ...not my grandchildren ex never taught her 2nd daughter anything but astrology. ..fucked up the girl for life. ...1st baby died age 7 days too stoopid to know blue babies ARE NOT PRETTY they lack oxygen. ...never read a single book in school or from her social worker. ...just listened to "her spirit guides"....religion kills no matter which one
Do you listen to religious music?
PrettyHate comments on Nov 30, 2018:
Only Christmas
GreenAtheist replies on Dec 1, 2018:
@PrettyHate yes there is much to hate "down on my knees" there is no such person as kryste nor Christchild. ...singing that gibberish only brainwashes people. ..Mozart was an Atheist trying to lift the masses out of divine rights of alleged royals
Does anyone else enjoy watching gay (male) porn?
1000runner comments on Nov 29, 2018:
Not my cup of tea Now two beautiful women is what I can drink in
GreenAtheist replies on Dec 1, 2018:
@Marcie1974 it can't be that bad I am only one % ....????? Those visually addicted to violence and leering. ...voyeurism may be imprinted but it's not a species trait ...nurturing and pair bonding predates 1860 photography and cave drawings surely
GHW Bush is dead, at 94. Meh.
Merseyman1 comments on Dec 1, 2018:
"Read my Heaven""
GreenAtheist replies on Dec 1, 2018:
Sorry daddy Bush made the only real hell here on earth ND prison was too good of a heaven for that gangster of a cretin GHWB 41
GHW Bush is dead, at 94. Meh.
Sydland comments on Dec 1, 2018:
He was the head of the CIA. No mercy or sympathy.
GreenAtheist replies on Dec 1, 2018:
5% of truth is still truth. ...murdered Allende, Mossadeq and JFK who ever Texas Oil wanted murdered including 9/11 for Silversteins 2 airplanes melt 3 WTC TOWERS scam
GHW Bush is dead, at 94. Meh.
IslandGyal comments on Dec 1, 2018:
Uhm. He inspired me, to start doing the tandem jumping, when he did it, at 80. As far as republicans go, except for the "atheists don't deserve to be citizens" quote, IF true - he was tolerable. He was not pious (to listen to), batshit crazy nor an über hypocrite.
GreenAtheist replies on Dec 1, 2018:
Tolerating false propaganda for the Bush Crime Family is like praising Al Capone for low prices on Johnny Walker Black label RUTHLESS gangster murdered Allende and Mossadeq. ...Texas OIL murdered JFK. ...please don't let Neill Bush slide his boss shot Reagun John Hinckley SENIOR. ...JEB Bush stole the White House from 50 thousand black voters and blamed in on 532 hanging chads over Nader
GHW Bush is dead, at 94. Meh.
jerry99 comments on Dec 1, 2018:
Well, at least I can give him credit for disliking Trump. Not sure that he deserves it for anything else.
GreenAtheist replies on Dec 1, 2018:
TrumpOLINI probably killed zero people by Inauguration Day. ...daddy Bush hated his gangster traitor son Jeb wasting 120 million losing the job to TrumpOLINI. ....THE BUSH CRIME FAMILY is the worst in US HISTORY worse than genocidal Andrew Jackson. ...I am Cherokee
For men on dating sites.
Larimar comments on Nov 30, 2018:
And please do not immediately ask for a cell number, and email addy, etc. Women, if they do ask this, expect the requisite dick pic when you do give the info. It's the male equivalent of a cat bringing you a dead bird....guys? Just don't do this, please!!!! Or be offended that we're offended if ...
GreenAtheist replies on Dec 1, 2018:
Boys are obsessed with penis erections and prEying for vagina time. ....real MEN want private space to communicate. ....sorry there are so few of us men and so many boys wanting to penetrate
For men on dating sites.
Destiny0987 comments on Nov 30, 2018:
I like it. I don't feel it is disrespectful. Men are just being nice. I live in Tennessee where most people use those greetings. I do too. <3
GreenAtheist replies on Dec 1, 2018:
Baby, honey, darlin, sugar and bless your Atheist hearts. ...yes I hear it all across the SOUTH but at Alvin York VAMC it's prohibited sexual harassment speech posted in elevators and hallways
No matter what I take a picture of and why.
FlippantLlama comments on Nov 30, 2018:
When you've got it, flaunt it.
GreenAtheist replies on Dec 1, 2018:
@pepperjones summer wear is unavoidable but private time should be reserved for lover eyes only
No matter what I take a picture of and why.
GreenAtheist comments on Nov 30, 2018:
Knee art ....would love a complete body art showing. fantasy is to marry a body artist who can teach me to create on her where she cannot canvass and I will be her canvass by commission
GreenAtheist replies on Dec 1, 2018:
@pepperjones the floor tiles @ Montecello are pentagons one less side per pattern than your left thigh...I have Jeffersonian eyes but your flowers makes my nose ready to fly
Do you listen to religious music?
Dirp84 comments on Nov 22, 2018:
In my opinion john lennons imagine is an atheist anthem
GreenAtheist replies on Nov 30, 2018:
Duh, ya think ? John Lennon humanized the greedy bellicose objectivists Atheists of Ayn Rand and pissed on the fake conversion of T.S. ELIOT Atheist protoge' of Bertrand Russell. .laying out prostrate in the shape of a crucifix on the floor of Westminster Abbey C S Lewis William Murray III all Atheists for money pretended to be xian
Do you listen to religious music?
Deege comments on Nov 24, 2018:
If the tune is good, it's good. My current playlist has a couple religious tracks currently. Also, I celebrate the shit out of Christmas...I love the season. But, still an Atheist.
GreenAtheist replies on Nov 30, 2018:
Yes you are a great Atheist to capitalize our name we are upper case nouns not lower case adjectives like xians and xmas. ..a mass over the holy day
Do you listen to religious music?
1000runner comments on Nov 24, 2018:
Gregorian Chant
GreenAtheist replies on Nov 30, 2018:
Antiphonal choir is angelic for real wings no miracles just filling the air with perfect notes
Do you listen to religious music?
Destiny0987 comments on Nov 29, 2018:
You're influenced by hearing, thinking, reading , and singing.
GreenAtheist replies on Nov 30, 2018:
I can master Frank Sinatra Nelson without crying a bit. ..Mama Cass Louis Armstrong and Doris Day all sing STARS SHINING BRIGHT ABOVE ME clouds seem to whisper that you love me, birds singing in the sycamore trees DREAM A LITTLE DREAM OF ME
Do you listen to religious music?
RyanJohnson comments on Nov 30, 2018:
So funny story i love the beatles and i had been making fun of my little brother because he listens to so much music that comes from alot of hatred of religion. ( and i kinda get it he is gay after all.) And this one band in particular a perfect circle and i had woke up this morning with beatles ...
GreenAtheist replies on Nov 30, 2018:
Nat King Cole, Beatles, Little River Band even Doobie Brothers make me cry when I sing the great songs
Do you listen to religious music?
PrettyHate comments on Nov 30, 2018:
Only Christmas
GreenAtheist replies on Nov 30, 2018:
There are solstice and mostly secular songs CHESTNUTS ROASTING ON AN OPEN FIRE Jack Frost nipping at your nose, yule tide songs being sung by a choir and kids dressed up like Eskimos....
Left should mean socialism and caring Right should mean capitalism and rape religion and genocide ...
silverotter11 comments on Nov 27, 2018:
Nice rant. Sadly left is just more corporate greed, do not be sucked into 'neoliberalism'. Rush on the air waves and fox on TV - it's gonna be an up hill climb.
GreenAtheist replies on Nov 29, 2018:
It is a compromise to replace the oil wars with hydrogen cars with infrastructure. ...all else has failed everywhere but Cuba and Scandinavia
The recent posts on reproductive rights and abortion hit close to home for me so I have some pretty ...
maribus comments on May 21, 2018:
Thank you for sharing your experience. I think it's pretty telling that the punitive laws people come up with against abortion only apply to women and never to the men who got them pregnant, sometimes against the woman's will, and that these people shoot down legislation that would decrease ...
GreenAtheist replies on Nov 29, 2018:
Worse than you describe. ..MANY STATES HAVE RAPIST VISITATION RIGHTS. ...placing women in 3rd place behind zygotes and violent criminals for "bodily" autonomy
Does anyone else enjoy watching gay (male) porn?
EyesThatSmile comments on Nov 29, 2018:
Good question. I am not. Not a turn off, but also not a turn on.
GreenAtheist replies on Nov 29, 2018:
Not all gays are anal or fellatio. ...some gays are like lesbians and are all about tender stimulation everywhere it feels good dedicated to exchanging pleasures. ...what it may boil down to is: are we visual with lights or tactile at night we follow our noses ? Are we drawn to taste. ? Whatever raises body heat or sparkle in eyes
I'm hosting an end of the year celebration for the arts community in Houston and would like to ...
Redheadedgammy comments on Nov 29, 2018:
What a lovely idea. I'll see if my schedule is open so I can come by. Thanks for posting.
GreenAtheist replies on Nov 29, 2018:
Drive safe.... beware rapture driverless vehicles listening to their cult radio preachers
Is anyone else grossed out by cleaning bathrooms, including your own?!
Marcie1974 comments on Nov 29, 2018:
YES!! I live alone so I’m pretty much the only one who uses it. I’m not a filthy pig. Yet I still gag every time I have to clean it! Thank you, I thought it was just me!
GreenAtheist replies on Nov 29, 2018:
Shows your nose still works where to cover up droppings and pee in the litter box of Americans
For men on dating sites.
A2Jennifer comments on Nov 26, 2018:
But we are supposed to be grateful to men for finding us attractive. He meant it as a compliment so we’re just being rude/judgmental/a bitch for not taking it as he wants us to. We don’t we just loosen up and appreciate being objectified? ?
GreenAtheist replies on Nov 29, 2018:
@A2Jennifer maybe these dickheads want a Hustler labia spread photo in return ?....They objectify themselves clueless they would not like being centerfolds themselves hung up on a greasy mechanic or snow plow shop by aggressive women
Ethical living begins with what we eat what we wear what we drive and who we love.
BohoHeathen comments on Nov 28, 2018:
Curious as well...what's a service cat? I am thinking an emotional support animal but probably wrong @GreenAtheist
GreenAtheist replies on Nov 29, 2018:
You're correct as censored by official Veterans Administration policy. trainers were not allowed to testify when policy was promulgated 2015....Housing Urban Development followed million veterans are dying alone in wheelchairs INeligible for a service dog. ...nursing homes across the nation house service cats to reduce blood pressure and stress in human residents
FBI Reports 17 Percent Spike In U.
Julie808 comments on Nov 29, 2018:
There is a lot of support in social media and gatherings for those who used to hide their prejudices to come right out and say it, which is really sad to see. Respect for people who were born or raised differently is taking giant leaps backward under this administration. I sometimes wonder if much ...
GreenAtheist replies on Nov 29, 2018:
@Julie808 FBI only started the hate crimes against Atheists category 1995 three beheadings that year Jon, Madalyn & Robin. ...we pushed for it since the '70's through the Civil Rights Division charged with prosecuting perpetrators
FBI Reports 17 Percent Spike In U.
Julie808 comments on Nov 29, 2018:
There is a lot of support in social media and gatherings for those who used to hide their prejudices to come right out and say it, which is really sad to see. Respect for people who were born or raised differently is taking giant leaps backward under this administration. I sometimes wonder if much ...
GreenAtheist replies on Nov 29, 2018:
I agree that sources and motives for hate must be precisely identified and shamed into true remorse for perpetrators AND INSTIGATORS. ..enough blame to go around towards Russshaah LimpBOSS Sean Slammity. ..Savage radio and preacher bigots KKK or tampon terrorists. ...don't forget shooters hate BOTH mosques AND synogogues with local LIBERAL churches feared by violent believers
For men on dating sites.
Amzungu comments on Nov 27, 2018:
So very true...but tell me I have a beautiful mind and I'll swoon.
GreenAtheist replies on Nov 28, 2018:
I tried to cast you in my movie remake A BEAUTIFUL MIND with other reparte'
It hurts to be targeted by mentally ill females.
Cutiebeauty comments on Nov 28, 2018:
You are a little vague here... Are you talking about actual mental illness or saying people who disagree with you politically are mentally ill?
GreenAtheist replies on Nov 28, 2018:
Neither. ..I am not claiming a clinical diagnosis nor is my complaint mere "disagreement"....why else would a female beg me to be her live in "security guard " to battle her nearby stalker then my departure day to travel there she accuses me of being violent mowing the grass at my abortion clinic 6 years ago. ..that's not vague THAT IS OBVIOUS mentally ill 65 year old female
For men on dating sites.
GreenAtheist comments on Nov 27, 2018:
Those are boys not real men clueless to genuine Feminist Atheism here. ...thank you for trying to teach the boys basic respect and NON-objectification. ...the boys would change and grow into sensitive men if girls would stop choosing them for their looks. ...growth is introspective NOT INTERACTIVE
GreenAtheist replies on Nov 28, 2018:
@Marcie1974 proud of you searching for complete understanding. ...shows true leadership serving others. are already're not needy instead you're a giver not taking
It hurts to be targeted by mentally ill females.
daylily comments on Nov 28, 2018:
Don't forget that your block option is always available. That's my FIRST line of defense!
GreenAtheist replies on Nov 28, 2018:
I do block most every sexist user I read. ..perpetrators my age are skilled at presentation and the facade of candor. ...dribbling out just enough to appear trustworthy but not disclosing their true motives of revenge against boys acted out against trusting safe pacifist men. ....They Want War but Fear the truth Of THE battlefield. ....I am a Veteran For Peace my Navy '71'73
bleurowz comments on Nov 27, 2018:
I don't think there's anything asexual about it. I consider myself a demi-sexual or sapiosexual: I don't become attracted to someone until I get to know them emotionally and intellectually. But once that attraction kicks in, all bets are off for me -- it takes over like gangbusters. I'd hardly call ...
GreenAtheist replies on Nov 27, 2018:
And talking about my body parts does not do it for me ....songs, poems, flowers coconut flakes macadamias sharing artichoke leaves and chocolate coveref fruits
Indubitably comments on Nov 27, 2018:
I think I just had an "aha moment." It makes sense to me, especially as described by @RavenCT. It explains a lot. The way I am has nothing to do with society's silly "morals." It is just how I long as tequila isn't part of the equation. Haha
GreenAtheist replies on Nov 27, 2018:
Having read thousands of words here I AM BOTH DEMI and SAPIO. ...I am not aroused by centerfolds or peep shows strippers or pole dancers. ...thus I keep spreading my peacock vocabulary feathers and building my bower with straw. ...I do say no to cheap sex, one night invitations and weekends away from hubbies. takes genuine words not booty shaking or cleavage revelations
For men on dating sites.
A2Jennifer comments on Nov 26, 2018:
But we are supposed to be grateful to men for finding us attractive. He meant it as a compliment so we’re just being rude/judgmental/a bitch for not taking it as he wants us to. We don’t we just loosen up and appreciate being objectified? ?
GreenAtheist replies on Nov 27, 2018:
Tongue in cheek ? Boys will not understand your post
I feel that consent and acquaintanship is not enough for successful polyamory life.
SallyInStitches comments on Nov 26, 2018:
I've had committed relationships with 2 men at the same time. Yes, they knew about each other, in fact, they knew each other & were friends. My situation at that time, like now, did not allow for cohabitation. Their individual time with me was sacred & nothing, save an emergency, interfered with ...
GreenAtheist replies on Nov 27, 2018:
Good for you. ..sad alone here age 66 with lovers long passed or deceased. ...I have my Service Cats and my political career but love again will heal all of us
I feel that consent and acquaintanship is not enough for successful polyamory life.
brainyactress comments on Nov 26, 2018:
Do it all the time.
GreenAtheist replies on Nov 27, 2018:
@brainyactress I posted women are more successful and able to please 2 people. ..yes it is the man who must trust the women who choose him....pregnancy and parenthood changes everything. ...a big family bed makes it all easier
This puts superman to shame.
Cutiebeauty comments on Nov 26, 2018:
The product of a disturbed mind lol
GreenAtheist replies on Nov 26, 2018:
Yes religion was invented by a vile shaman to mystify childbirth and brainwash women to submit to a lifetime of being raped
Ethical living begins with what we eat what we wear what we drive and who we love.
Cutiebeauty comments on Nov 26, 2018:
Are your cats vegetarians? ?
GreenAtheist replies on Nov 26, 2018:
No....I have tried to switch their diet with dry organic but they demand their TUNA
Being a woman is worse than being a farmer
Redcupcoffee comments on Sep 27, 2018:
Being a woman is wonderful and gross all at the same time.
GreenAtheist replies on Nov 24, 2018:
No sirrreee .....women are heaven to a real man the gross part is not bathing together. .. shared de-grossing is always a joyful big bubble bath or giant tickling shower time
Being a woman is worse than being a farmer
linxminx comments on Sep 27, 2018:
I would say today, men beautify themselves almost as much as women. When I was married, my ex had more product in the bathroom than I did. Just watch the new Queer Eye show. I LOVE Jonathan!! You can see how much product he recommends for the males for hair and skin care. Of course, TV and ...
GreenAtheist replies on Nov 24, 2018:
@alanalorie men who want a clean smelling crotch do shave there at least until both partners move in together and bathe together but it would be fun to shave each other as lovers
Being a woman is worse than being a farmer
Ravenwolfcasey comments on Oct 3, 2018:
We only shave for two reasons..the brainwashed norm of society that orchestrates it and we unfortunately feel less of a woman if we look in a mirror that stares back at you with a hairy reflection
GreenAtheist replies on Nov 24, 2018:
@ailurophile I prefer a woman with soft hair everywhere. ..stubble or smooth the time conforming to patriarchal sexism is time away from love, gardening, cooking together and going out to cinema
Do u think Christianity is bad ? What's your opinion on it
FreeThinker84 comments on Oct 20, 2018:
GreenAtheist replies on Nov 23, 2018:
Rip open the bellies of pregnant women, keep the virgins alive for your pleasure 2 Kings 8:12 in the error free kjbible you bet EVIL cannot bevreformed
Fellow agnostics, how do you feel about believers joining?
Redheadedgammy comments on Oct 20, 2018:
NO, I came to this site to get away from all the religious stuff. I don't care to listen to their reasons for believing as they do. They have plenty of places to go and share their "good news" we don't, so I vote NO.
GreenAtheist replies on Nov 22, 2018:
Thank you for preserving community. ...the only believer I would let in here is one who tells the truth about the bibles quorans gitas and jw tracts. ...if they competently admit religion is wrong and like Thomas Paine only confess DEISM they have a well deserved place in the founding gawdless US CONSTITUTION. ...Paine did not worship nor tell lies for magical thinking ......speaking of our duty to use our watchmaker minds DEISTS reason for heaven on earth not after life unethical rewards nor hell threats
The Courts are Beating Donald Trump, Badly
Green_eyes comments on Nov 21, 2018:
Hope the moron continues to lose Bigly. There’s got to be some common sense somewhere.
GreenAtheist replies on Nov 21, 2018:
ReaGUN did most of his damage with only Tip O'Neill to vote no in the House proving Democrats cave to Rethuglican escalations. ...TrumpOLINI put rapist Kavanaugh on the court to pull off worse polluter crimes than gutting Obombney coal restrictions
Visiting Charleston at isle of palms with my little man! What all do you guys recommend?!???
Hopewatson comments on Apr 24, 2018:
If you can, go to Folly Beach. It's near Charleston and it's one of the most beautiful beaches on the east coast. (Aside from our NC beaches of course.... ;))
GreenAtheist replies on Nov 20, 2018:
@JamieGoodman wrong sand in your toes. ...FOLLY IS the EDGE OF AMERICA and the beach sand is smooth and safe all the way out psst the pier depth....wear a wet suit and surf the gentle but strong waves.....take the harbor cruise to FT SUMTER walk the flight deck on the Yorktown in DryDock ....ride a bicycle rickshaw or a tour horse drawn carriage down Archdale STREET or cobblestones and the food is awesome everywhere including BLUE ROSE 100% Irish Cafe. ..have FONDUE 100% FRENCH on Broad St. ..galleries. the CITY PAPER now online for what's up and very liberal reading with token red necks


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