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What kind of tree is this?
tellyrus comments on May 19, 2018:
Trunk and bark look like a paperbark (Melaleuca) but foliar canopy looks wrong shape. A bit hard to tell without closer more detailed shots of leaves. 3rd shot, if it is from same tree looks indistinct. (horticulturist from australia)
GreenAtheist replies on May 20, 2018:
@BeeHappy yeah now I remember a rare form of YEW
This has some truth to it
GreenAtheist comments on May 19, 2018:
I am not mad at bible thumpers who call me a fool and a reprobate quote from their genocidal misogynistic pro-violent abortion rapist pornographic anti-science manuals labeled King James holes book. ...I do feel sad they don't read it cover to cover like I did when I was 8 years old....if they had ...
GreenAtheist replies on May 20, 2018:
@Emme yeah, Cher did a scene in MASK where she called her rapist boss bluff at work and fucked him to her hearts delight then said take your job and shove it up your ass
It’s hard not to be honest with people sometimes
Emme comments on May 19, 2018:
Ya either love or hate me...?
GreenAtheist replies on May 20, 2018:
@Emme Mephistopheles please
I've felt like this....
OpposingOpposum comments on May 19, 2018:
These guys are scary, let meowt.
GreenAtheist replies on May 19, 2018:
Nah, all 4 are patient lovers and will give you a glorious head butt to show your chin the nose furr of joy
It’s hard not to be honest with people sometimes
Emme comments on May 19, 2018:
Ya either love or hate me...?
GreenAtheist replies on May 19, 2018:
I only love....hate is for the 2 living popes who cover up more evidence of rapist priests
This innocuous looking building standing at the corner of Elm Street and First Street, Chillicothe, ...
Faithless1 comments on May 19, 2018:
The invention of the yardstick against which all 'best things' have been measured ever since.
GreenAtheist replies on May 19, 2018:
I shall settle for a better mouse trap so the world will beat a path to my door
Not a pornmeme
Emme comments on May 19, 2018:
Gotta have a little dirty dirty on the weekend?
GreenAtheist replies on May 19, 2018:
analingus is too repulsive during diarrhea but it's better than priests burning us all in his alleged hell knashing of teeth and flesh that never gets crispy but always burns hot and painful
This has some truth to it
GreenAtheist comments on May 19, 2018:
I am not mad at bible thumpers who call me a fool and a reprobate quote from their genocidal misogynistic pro-violent abortion rapist pornographic anti-science manuals labeled King James holes book. ...I do feel sad they don't read it cover to cover like I did when I was 8 years old....if they had ...
GreenAtheist replies on May 19, 2018:
@Emme ought to be fun when we jail Ratzinger and the One Lung papal replacement boy from Brazil. you have a bunch of nun quips to make my belly guffaw
This has some truth to it
GreenAtheist comments on May 19, 2018:
I am not mad at bible thumpers who call me a fool and a reprobate quote from their genocidal misogynistic pro-violent abortion rapist pornographic anti-science manuals labeled King James holes book. ...I do feel sad they don't read it cover to cover like I did when I was 8 years old....if they had ...
GreenAtheist replies on May 19, 2018:
@Emme just pass the gas left over from their EUCHARIST ...geebush skin and blood may cause lifelong farts don't hold in that wafer
Miss my Simie fat boy RIP
GreenAtheist comments on May 19, 2018:
What an awesome lion. ....sorry for your loss. ...I have been mourning my Maine Coon Max 6 years now
GreenAtheist replies on May 19, 2018:
@Sheannutt I am always challenged to bridge the language gap between these divine rulers of our homes and our poor power to MEOW or purr with full meaning. ...our furry four paw companions and Service Cats are proof that money cannot buy happiness but loving mammals do enable the nurturing response when prancing into our arms settling warming our breast
I feel the need to call bullshit on the "No Drama" tagline I've seen on dating sites, and here, in ...
AmelieMatisse comments on May 19, 2018:
For me that means "no crisis" so I should explain that too. For some people everything is a crisis, like getting stuck in traffic for 2 minutes, or the hamburger is cooked medium rather than medium rare. And these particular incidents throw the person into trauma that takes a dramatic turn into a ...
GreenAtheist replies on May 19, 2018:
Boys out of control in advanced "adult" ages ARE NOT MEN. ....boys want fucked or worse rape women like Bill Cosby rapes women. ...and girls who tolerate if not provoke "drama" from boys ARE NOT WOMEN. ...children are supposed to learn/model adult behaviors in school and functioning families....
Having Children
RealmOfReality comments on May 18, 2018:
I don’t have kids and don’t want them. It sure would be nice to find a decent guy close by who felt the same!
GreenAtheist replies on May 19, 2018:
I have observed that the best potential parents are childless people. many women here had sex not expecting children ? I was a MrMom for over ten years learning more from my daughter than she wants to admit learning with me....I cannot imagine my life without my librarian daughter 42 and my engineering genius daughter 23. ...nonetheless my youngest was a high risk pregnancy proving the point no woman should be forced to stay pregnant risking their lives nor the guilt trip that every woman makes perfect gawdly babies. ....evolution is a very poor unpredictable DNA scramble
Have a great weekend.
cnylibra comments on May 11, 2018:
At a family bbq someone stated that they live a Christian life & go to church so they can go to heaven when she dies. I blurted out that I don’t believe in heaven. Oh boy my family was freaking out.
GreenAtheist replies on May 19, 2018:
Good job. ...maybe they would grow up if you said you were Jewish and there is no afterlife punishments or rewards. ...anti-semitism has lost favor in the last 60 years but McCarthyism is still strong against Atheists and biologists. ...the xians spew creationism everywhere
Six months on the site.
cnylibra comments on May 19, 2018:
Hello to everyone Yes I’m reading all kinds of stories. This post is very nice. Clearly this isn’t a dating of any kind. Can’t stand the dating sites so I’ll read what appeals to me.
GreenAtheist replies on May 19, 2018:
No, there are many here dating or courting for Atheist mates. ....especially those of us free to travel and relocate. ...of course most visible here are communitarians posting our free minds in action without hell threats or heaven bribes
"the show where everything's made up and the points don't matter". Is this us? ?
Ellatynemouth comments on May 19, 2018:
I think the points do matter... You get a T shirt at the end don't you?
GreenAtheist replies on May 19, 2018:
I need a size 3XLT. ..I am 6'5" tall still built like an NFL linebacker
I feel the need to call bullshit on the "No Drama" tagline I've seen on dating sites, and here, in ...
Kimba comments on May 19, 2018:
Having known a man who was the king of drama I kind of get it. Boring and bland does not do it for me, but a hour long performance over the fact that somebody put a slice of tomato in your hamburger when you clearly said you didn't want it is equally off putting. Something in between because "no ...
GreenAtheist replies on May 19, 2018:
Yup, down to earth means stay inside your local church and vote for the unborn....circumcision or racist sexist "jokes" are not humorous
I feel the need to call bullshit on the "No Drama" tagline I've seen on dating sites, and here, in ...
Ellatynemouth comments on May 19, 2018:
"No baggage", "no drama" usually means they've had a bad experience in the past and they don't want it again. Or it could also mean they don't want to have to care about anyone.
GreenAtheist replies on May 19, 2018:
I refuse to work overtime interpreting various vague messages. ...when xians say I'm not religious, I have a personal relationship with geebush geehobah ghostHoles I can only say : " you are mentally ill, what cult brainwashed you ? "
I feel the need to call bullshit on the "No Drama" tagline I've seen on dating sites, and here, in ...
LunaGreenwitch comments on May 19, 2018:
I agree with what you said, but I think there are varying definitions of drama... when it comes to passion? Yes, please! What is life without it? When it comes to unnecessary distress and upheavals due to lying and misrepresentation? No, thank you! I find with the latter, those who say they don't...
GreenAtheist replies on May 19, 2018:
Agreed passive agressive people do not take responsibility for their provocations. ...a fine example is EXPECTING but not asking for what one wants then punishing the victim mercilessly calling each insensitive slobs or whatever. ....automatic scripting relationship roles is another "no drama" bullshit verbiage. ...communication must be competent and intentional. ...meaning exactly what we say rather than interpretive bullshit
I feel the need to call bullshit on the "No Drama" tagline I've seen on dating sites, and here, in ...
sassygirl3869 comments on May 19, 2018:
Drama means family problems,dysfunctional families, homeless, unemployed, emotionally needy.
GreenAtheist replies on May 19, 2018:
No drama does not mean those problems. is a mis-used word just as Atheism is equated with belief like believers lie about us.....sociopathic behaviour/personalities should also fit their intended useage of warding off TrumpOLINI voters applying for a romantic rendezvous
I feel the need to call bullshit on the "No Drama" tagline I've seen on dating sites, and here, in ...
Kimba comments on May 19, 2018:
Having known a man who was the king of drama I kind of get it. Boring and bland does not do it for me, but a hour long performance over the fact that somebody put a slice of tomato in your hamburger when you clearly said you didn't want it is equally off putting. Something in between because "no ...
GreenAtheist replies on May 19, 2018:
Yes the word is mis-used as drama drives home the ethic in question. ...these idiots have no clue about theatre or good cinema and obviously do not read good books....explosive personalities probably would suffice their intended search for predictable milktoast males with a large hour long penis
I suffer from existential depression/angst. Can anyone relate?
Gypsy31771 comments on May 17, 2018:
I've been depressed my entire life. I say that with no angst involved. It's simply a fact. Sometimes I love my depression in an odd way bc I'm a creative person and the more depressed I am the more passionate my art is. I always look back at historical figures that clearly had depression and wonder ...
GreenAtheist replies on May 19, 2018:
Thank you for affirming how Atheists don't destroy life for an alleged afterlife
Another U.S. school mass shooting, this time in Santa Fe, Texas. []
GreenAtheist comments on May 19, 2018:
This " Dimitri" mass murdering classmate is sure to be outed as a rejected lover feeling male entitlement and shame from all who are "mean" talking to him. ....the penis is too often equated with bullet shooting sperms. ....if only all boys were taught to be Feminist men knowing all fertilized human...
GreenAtheist replies on May 19, 2018:
@Ellatynemouth alienation from our true nurturing humanity is the price we all pay for military cults creationist cults greedy cults racist cults and so many other violent fringes drawing children and adults away from our true single human tribe. ...acting out with dope guns knives obsession with careers all cause people to lose sight of our nearest loving neighbor or healer
The perfect catch?
KKGator comments on May 18, 2018:
This is my perfect match.
GreenAtheist replies on May 19, 2018:
Barnswallow nest update: day five of construction.
GreenAtheist comments on May 18, 2018:
I love brave mockingbirds but bower builders are most like me
GreenAtheist replies on May 19, 2018:
@StylisticIdiot smart birds may last for generations there if hawks and peregrines pass them by
Cuban air tragedy.
GreenAtheist comments on May 18, 2018:
Shooting down civilian aircraft to kill a spy or destroy contraband has been happening for 90 years. ....take off is the easiest time to murder people igniting a full load of fuel. ...Long Island shoot down was covered up by alleged oxygen tank explosion NTSB liars attacking the character of many ...
GreenAtheist replies on May 19, 2018:
@Ellatynemouth religion is the oldest conspiracy while telling the truth about great crimes is vilified by theocrats and fake news paid millions of dollars per year like Ruuuusssshaaaah Dingy Crazy LimpBOSS Slammity and other radio cults brainwashing people in their cars or captive audience at fascist jobsites
I'm pretty private on Facebook.
RealmOfReality comments on May 18, 2018:
I’m not on Facebook much, but I would totally want to be Facebook friends with you (and your cats)! Lol
GreenAtheist replies on May 18, 2018:
My Service Cats are Kiti
Death of a loved one
crazycurlz comments on May 16, 2018:
It's hard for anyone to know what to say when someone dies. I'd cut them some slack (unless they're generally aggressive pricks).
GreenAtheist replies on May 18, 2018:
I am my father's epitaph. gave me everything worth living for. ...their 81 and 88 years are rich with stories I keep alive. ...hoping my 2 daughters cherish living memories by retellings. ...he'll threats and heaven bribes do not apply to my family
Barnswallow nest update: day five of construction.
GreenAtheist comments on May 18, 2018:
I love brave mockingbirds but bower builders are most like me
GreenAtheist replies on May 18, 2018:
I do voices and I will gather beautiful baubles for my mate THEN WE'LL DECIDE WHERE TO NEST
Barnswallow nest update: day five of construction.
GreenAtheist comments on May 18, 2018:
I love brave mockingbirds but bower builders are most like me
GreenAtheist replies on May 18, 2018:
@StylisticIdiot I gather from the pix these busy lovebirds are atop a metal roof ? Will heavy rains melt away all that hard work ?
The perfect catch?
Faithless1 comments on May 18, 2018:
Possibly, the better-looking someone is, the less trouble they may take to be nice "on the inside". Biologically speaking, they don't have to try that hard to attract a mate. However, keeping that mate might be a different story.
GreenAtheist replies on May 18, 2018:
I agree that brushing hair and fitting into nice clothes takes an effort similar to being nice towards others. feels good being kind and dapper. ...nonetheless I have met far too many skin deep people who just want to be fucked and make no effort to be a lifelong lover. ...I do want love and a life nourishing partnership which is political passionate and healing radiance towards others
What topics do you gravitate towards within this community?
GreenAtheist comments on May 18, 2018:
I avoid most postings by males but keep the Feminist men and treasure the Atheist women
GreenAtheist replies on May 18, 2018:
@Stacey48 yes but what others are doing more than brief observations and jokes ? I'm seriously romantically seeking a mate not casual dating titillating for trial thrills ....thank you nice to be affirmed
Hubble Celebrates 28 Years []
birdingnut comments on May 18, 2018:
I love the Hubble photographs they post. I wish I could just wrap that glittering blanket of stars and galaxies around me, and roll in them.
GreenAtheist replies on May 18, 2018:
Star Trek NEXT GENERATION was somewhat sexy with fast travel through past star after star galaxy after galaxy simulated in film televised
Hubble Celebrates 28 Years []
birdingnut comments on May 18, 2018:
I love the Hubble photographs they post. I wish I could just wrap that glittering blanket of stars and galaxies around me, and roll in them.
GreenAtheist replies on May 18, 2018:
You have just proved my point that science and Atheism is sooooo sexy nurturing our true spirit in minds eyes
My sister was recently reorganizing the furniture in the guest bedroom .
vita comments on May 18, 2018:
My cat, Annie, likes to wedge her toy mice underneath the linen closet door. Fortunately, this makes her stash easy to get to.
GreenAtheist replies on May 18, 2018:
Tomorrow tomorrow I love ya tomorrow you're only a day a way. ...gotta love Annie
Trump vs Obama
walklightly comments on May 18, 2018:
to not hate obama because of his skin color, instead of realizing that the warmongering didn't stop, but increase with him as a leader is just another form of racism.
GreenAtheist replies on May 18, 2018:
Racism has only one form: the preference of one color over all others. ...bigotry has no legitimate purpose. ...I voted for Ralph Nader 2008 and Dr Jill Stein 20 both more qualified to lead our nation than corrupt Obusha Obombney
This could be fake but the really scary thing about it is that it's so believable.
vita comments on May 18, 2018:
Also, even if numbering worked differently than that, how would he be 46 *again*?
GreenAtheist replies on May 18, 2018:
TrumpOLINIbots are grade school dropouts better suited to slop hogs and walk bean fields....why expect them to write sentences without syntax error or oxymorons
What The Fuck Bible Passages So I have decided to find wtf bible passage, write them down and break...
GreenAtheist comments on May 7, 2018:
This absurd shit dwarfs below 2 Kings 8:12 and 3 other bible verses by the alleged god Jehovah ordering violent abortions of thousands of women and rewarded genocidal war criminals to rape :"virgins for yourselves"
GreenAtheist replies on May 18, 2018:
Amos 1:13 "rip open the bellies of pregnant women" where in the bible does it read WOMEN ARE SLAVES TO PREGNANCY and medical abortions are sinful
New evidence about the human occupation of Asia is cascading in | Aeon Essays
Gwendolyn2018 comments on Apr 5, 2018:
It is grand to be alive while so many discoveries are taking place; if we don't send ourselves back to the Neolithic stage, I wonder what the future will bring?
GreenAtheist replies on May 18, 2018:
Many ancient sites of Mesopotamia and Afghanistan have been looted and bombed since daddy Bush illegal war was promoted in 1991....greedy war profiteering gangsters only care about oil & dope preventing mass transit and hydrogen cars in 49 states
Do u think Christianity is bad ? What's your opinion on it
girlwithsmiles comments on May 12, 2018:
I think the only reason Christianity is bad is because of hate crimes that it incites, if people just read it with an open mind as a book of theories they would soon realise that it contradicts itself. I don't think Jesus himself said anything I disagree with (feel free to educate me if he did say ...
GreenAtheist replies on May 18, 2018:
I know a billion reasons why xian activity is bad.... billions of violated boys and billions of violated girls many still alive terrorized by faiths and raped by thousands of clergy
Do u think Christianity is bad ? What's your opinion on it
delilah comments on May 13, 2018:
Yeah, can we not think for ourself the way we think? I was an ex- christian ; this year on february i announced to my christian family that i am an ATHEIST. I did not know where i find the strength to speak boldly about what i truely think. Now i am in World -war 3 with them. I have no problem ...
GreenAtheist replies on May 18, 2018:
@delilah the choice to give birth DOES NOT DEFINE WOMEN and only bigots believe lesbians are deviants. is the bigot who is the deviant pretending a vagina is not complete without a penis .....infertile women are under no obligation to be ed nor are girls subject to male entitlement. ....this idiocy by "delilah" is pure patriarchy no doubt remnants of xian brainwashing. ...our Atheism is not simple departure from church. ...our Atheism is critical thinking in action and zero genuine Atheists would spew obligations of vaginae to be penetrated
Movie Review: The Brainwashing of My Dad
sassygirl3869 comments on May 18, 2018:
Sounds interesting. The Right does use those tactics to brainwash.
GreenAtheist replies on May 18, 2018:
Billary brainwashes her BillaryBOTS also as corporation fake news tells lies both left and right. ...Senator Sanders was beaten by Billary goons in Philadelphia 20 forcing him to read a fake endorsement of Billary and he has joined the fake Russia scam invented paid for 2 million $ by DNC BILLARY lasting 21 months now
Movie Review: The Brainwashing of My Dad
GreenAtheist comments on May 18, 2018:
Is this the film based on the book exposing how Ruuusssssshaaaaah Dingy Crazy LimpBOSS turned a nice blue collar dad into an angry bigot ?
GreenAtheist replies on May 18, 2018:
Yes I read the Daily Kos link and commented. ...the book came out 3 yrs ago ??? Very glad the film was made. ...Obviously LimpBOSS and Slammity condemn NPR for telling the truth about radio cult liars and Faux Noise. ...I wonder if Sandra Fluke is mentioned in book or cinema ?
Six months on the site.
birdingnut comments on May 18, 2018:
Wow. I'm a spiritual agnostic so much of what you say attacks me. Doesn't sound very accepting or tolerant, to me. Also, I also object to so many here going on endlessly complaining about religious people. I came here to avoid the subject of religion entirely. Surely there is something more ...
GreenAtheist replies on May 18, 2018:
I agree there is too much "coming out" talk contrasting the faiths imposed upon us with our freedom from faiths ....and spiritual is a word we must own as we appreciate in awe beauty cosmos and evolution.'s NOT spiritual to say I reject religion while I attend Alcoholics Anonymous 12 step cults for gawd as you understand HIM ????? That's more than mythology that is court ordered incompetent quackery for addicts and drunks
The third school shooting this week.
GreenAtheist comments on May 18, 2018:
Texas is the gun capital of USA and NRA is considered TOO LIBERAL in TX. ....the solution to all violence is to defeat the war profiteering cult that terrorizes the world replacing it all with Green Jobs STRENGTH THROUGH PEACE and Feminist secularism repudiating violent faiths globally
GreenAtheist replies on May 18, 2018:
We can do it like missionaries eradicated cannibalism and the bicycle replaced the horse
How Did You Become Athiest?
Annaleda comments on Nov 27, 2017:
I have been a nontheist as long as I can remember. Hypocrisy, prejudice, and obscure ideas were apparent to me always, within the church. One of first questions was where are the Dino’s in the Bible. Then where did the wives come from. I know the exact moment I knew I’d never become a ...
GreenAtheist replies on May 17, 2018:
We are all born Atheists. ....I was always taught racist McCarthyism that white Americans are supposed to nuke godless komnusts but that did not fit my kindergarten world with my teacher "a nigger" according to my dad and "colored" by mom.....add to that bigotry against my Jehovah Witness great aunt Mable and I loved both women. is much stronger than stupid the Santa Claus lies really pissed me off and imagine my horror being told boy Ishtar bunnies laying candy eggs on dogshit lawns? ???? Knowing where baby pigs kittens puppies chicks and calves come from vaginae just could not be cast aside for a vaginal virgin birthing an alleged baby god in a dirty donkey stable. ....I never believed and was scared of the now I LAY ME DOWN TO SLEEP prEyer. ...I did not want to DIE BEFORE I WAKE and I wanted to keep both soles on the bottom of my feet. ....I finally learned what real Atheism was in 3rd grade making a model PARTHENON denied a picture of the alleged god Athena. ....I learned I was a scientist like Walt Disney science cartoon maker and Atheist Albert Einstein who died when I was 4.....I became the name Atheist inspite of all the religious liars. ...I was loyal to truth and love ever since kindergarten
Mike "make America straight again" Pence
Livinlife comments on May 15, 2018:
So much truth...
GreenAtheist replies on May 17, 2018:
What they don't say very often is that all lesbians should be raped STRAIGHT never forget Sandra Fluke
Is it OK to be racist against white people?
Josephine comments on May 5, 2018: The reason I'm sharing this is because racism is a construct of slavery designed to divide and conquer by giving white slaves slightly more freedom. It needs to end, it's hateful and antiquated. No child is born a ...
GreenAtheist replies on May 17, 2018:
Please never forget even liberal John Quincy Adams called us Red Men "the hunter" and how we should have built cities and farms not live in harmony with earth ecosystems
Is it OK to be racist against white people?
Gwendolyn2018 comments on May 9, 2018:
Who is doing these things and how many of them exist? And why are you even concerned about the issues--how do they affect you?
GreenAtheist replies on May 17, 2018:
One human race. PERIOD. ...Are there nuts in here who think aliens manipulate primate DNA. ...hybrid creationists ? Alleged ET gods ? Fuck the NFL " redskins" ....I am Cherokee and bigots piss me off. There is no such thing as "reverse racism" either MLKjr said it's about character not color
It is a very sad situation the way the Republicans who are questioned in the senate, are all loosing...
SCbeelady comments on May 17, 2018:
I can't stand to watch any of it. If they are talking they are lying
GreenAtheist replies on May 17, 2018:
Fake news Rachel Maddow and Ruuusssshhaaaah Dingy Crazy LimpBOSS all liars against peace through green jobs with Medicare For All HR 676
Do u think Christianity is bad ? What's your opinion on it
delilah comments on May 13, 2018:
Yeah, can we not think for ourself the way we think? I was an ex- christian ; this year on february i announced to my christian family that i am an ATHEIST. I did not know where i find the strength to speak boldly about what i truely think. Now i am in World -war 3 with them. I have no problem ...
GreenAtheist replies on May 16, 2018:
A vagina is free to decide her choices. are ignorant and wrong to post any penis belongs in any vagina. ...humans are complex endocrinological evolving beings. ...our hormones and brains vary widely so much so that some people are born with both vagina and penis some ovaries do not decend into labia and grow into testicles inside a growing scrotum. ...choose whatever lover you might or masturbate during any safe fantasy but don't pretend to be an Atheist dictating binary sex obligations
What are some POSITIVE benefits of consuming cannabis?
HappyTrails2020 comments on May 14, 2018:
My blood pressure drops up to 15 points from a few tokes. There are many great things about Cannabis, but I also get a hangover if I over indulge. I love some edibles but it takes some experimentation to find optimum dosage. The sublingual and sodas are fantastic. It's legal and abundant here in ...
GreenAtheist replies on May 15, 2018:
A clean pipe, fresh buds and a lit candle wick is a lovely antidote to living down wind from a nuke with a lover or comrade
Howard Zinn wrote, "Civil disobedience is not our problem.
GreenAtheist comments on May 13, 2018:
Theocracy IS TREASON don't vote for traitors like Billary or TrumpOLINI demand war criminals be locked up for murdering Libyans or Yemeni
GreenAtheist replies on May 14, 2018:
@LetzGetReal yes I voted Dr Jill Stein GREEN 16&12 Nader 8,4,00&96
Have any of us been able to forget Flint Michigan?
LetzGetReal comments on May 8, 2018:
We KNOW pollution is a reality. What we need to focus on is supportive ongoing prevention plus innovations so the future is not filled with WATER WARS-- for a temporary victory over clean territory. Water on this planet is basically ONE SYSTEM. "Action Advocates for our Environment and Ecology ...
GreenAtheist replies on May 13, 2018:
Bechtel Corporation criminals are privatizing public water systems on many countries. ...jailing the greedy perpetrators is justice and hopeful to other international problem solving
Sending good wishes to anyone who's having a hard time today.
pixiedust comments on May 13, 2018:
I wish I could ease the hurt of anyone who is suffering because of today's theme, for whatever reason you are suffering. Stay strong and may you find peace and comfort in other areas of your life.
GreenAtheist replies on May 13, 2018:
I found comfort and peace in later years being loved by Atheist women....blended religious families could be very cruel to Atheist parents
Portland has been a step ahead in environmentally concerns more than once in recent decades! ...
LetzGetReal comments on May 12, 2018:
We have plenty of solar potential in AZ but not the tax write off, YET...
GreenAtheist replies on May 13, 2018:
Reagun took off the Carter solar panels from the White House. ...polluters should be locked up TrumpOLINI Billary et al
Nothing Can Bring You Peace but Yourself. -Ralph Waldo Emerson-
Charlene comments on May 13, 2018:
Yes indeed..
GreenAtheist replies on May 13, 2018:
Crosby Stills Nash Young sang TEACH YOUR CHILDREN " they seek the truth before they can die "
Do you care if you are remembered when you die?
VictoriaNotes comments on May 12, 2018:
Yes, I'd like to be remembered by the people I care for and who care for me.
GreenAtheist replies on May 12, 2018:
I am remembering much wisdom from Atheists here in cyber community
Do you care if you are remembered when you die?
LiterateHiker comments on May 12, 2018:
Of course, I want to be remembered by my daughter and other people I love. For 14 years, I have been a volunteer college mentor at the high school. I help students write essays for college entry and scholarship applications. My best success story is Brenda, who won $269,755 in scholarships and ...
GreenAtheist replies on May 12, 2018:
I volunteer with the Clemente Project to lift the poor into the classics and both my daughters pay it forward. librarian is 43 and my green engineer is 24. ....both women are the leaders in their families and my 2 son in laws are the luckiest guys on earth
No female polygamists.
Donotbelieve comments on May 11, 2018:
I would do it! Where's my hairy harem?
GreenAtheist replies on May 12, 2018:
@Donotbelieve The Professor died very early married to only 2 Wonder Women and their 3 sons. .....what woman would want to birth one child each by 4 men ? No sex can stay in the same shape over 100 + adult erotic years. ...viagra & lubrication sales are also proof of our aging love abilities
I’m a huge fan of dinosaurs , I even admin a group that roasts/torments a group called Christians ...
z0000 comments on May 11, 2018:
I hate this sign so much. I would be riding a Triceratops everywhere, if I could. Tell us more about your group... sounds hilarious .
GreenAtheist replies on May 11, 2018:
Hollywood probably has a working dino 4 u to ride on set
Death of a loved one
Terrbeargraphix comments on May 11, 2018:
It doesnt bother me, though it is tempting not to say "where is that? The ground? Up in smoke ?" or "with the way the world is now, the ground is starting to look pretty good!" My grandmother she was a hilarious atheist, as her parents had raised her to be. My nan had a saying "you'd f up a ...
GreenAtheist replies on May 11, 2018:
Voltaire said dying: " the comedy is over " to an idiot young priest attempting to trick some confession out of the dying great Atheist
A question of faith: Atheism as grounds for asylum - InfoMigrants
pixiedust comments on May 11, 2018:
Personally, deep in my heart of hearts, I would prefer to grant asylum to atheists over religious believers.
GreenAtheist replies on May 11, 2018:
@Jolanta violent belief matters. ....I agree humanitarian grounds should be enough for Atheist asylum seekers BUT xians still harm gay teens inside USA muslims are throwing gays off tops of roofs and Hindu widows are being thrown on funeral pyres to burn alive with dead husbands. ...religion IS FUCKED UP violent and terroristic
Close enough to 420 where I'm at, time to roll out some memes!
mistymoon77 comments on May 11, 2018:
lol.. that cheech and chong one.. classic!
GreenAtheist replies on May 11, 2018:
Dave? WHO?? Dave?? WHO ???? DAVE !!! Dave's not here.
A question of faith: Atheism as grounds for asylum - InfoMigrants
Jolanta comments on May 11, 2018:
I don't know why you put this up here. Don't you think that Muslims get enough of flak without this? If you want to talk about religion and the people who insist on it being the only thing that matter and punishment, how about you talk about the Spanish Inquisition. That was really horrific and ...
GreenAtheist replies on May 11, 2018:
I agree that Atheism is equally disapproving of all faiths for both violence and magical thinking
Who remembers "Hickeys" in school? I had to cover mine with make-up or be beat by my parents!
Jolanta comments on May 10, 2018:
Would it not have been easier not to have gotten them in the first place, I mean who wants a beating.
GreenAtheist replies on May 11, 2018:
@Jolanta my plan was to ask our family osteopath who also went frog hunting with my dad. ...with all the gutter talk in gym and neighbor boys I'm glad I found my encyclopedic answers
So, which is MOST important, a physical attraction or a psychological attraction?
Sonya456 comments on May 10, 2018:
For me personally it is the psychological attraction that gets me going. I love having a good conversation or enjoy the wilderness with someone, but saying that as I am almost 6 foot and look like a stout German if a guy can make me feel smaller -wow look out.
GreenAtheist replies on May 10, 2018:
@Sonya456 I agree AS I AM 6'5" wanting to look up to a powerful woman all the while being her Feminist Atheist hero fighting side by side against all theocrats darkening our door
Has anything ever happened in your life that challenged your atheism and made you consider going ...
Unfoldingchaos comments on May 10, 2018:
Never. But I've had odd encounters with people who present basic happenings in their lives as evidence for why I should believe and others who present completely made up stories as reasons why I should believe. I suspect that they simply are that loud about belief so as to try to reinforce their ...
GreenAtheist replies on May 10, 2018:
Never. I know Atheist men who marry in a church because the sex is so good. I know Atheist women who marry talented singer artists who believe but neither give up sanity for an alleged gawd that only exists inside the heads of believers.
Men with long hair
KateZilla comments on May 10, 2018:
I am an avid baseball fan and absolutely, totally dislike long hair on baseball players. I like long hair on some musicians, sorta what I grew up expecting. Others are a case by case basis. Now flip it over. Do you like women with short hair? Stereotypes????
GreenAtheist replies on May 10, 2018:
@Crimson67 I am attracted to alert bright people obvious happy inside their skin and warm gracious to others. ...the most beautiful hairdo I ever saw was 20 inch curls hundreds of them on a young white woman working at Planned Parenthood. ...obviously she was projecting self esteem that all women can master. ...2 hours to get ready for that job is prouder than any other peacock on earth
Men with long hair
CaroleKay comments on May 10, 2018:
I people should just do their regardless of what others like or believe. I graduated HS in 1977, so I always thought long hair was attractive and **sexy**. But bald, beards, man-buns, braids, afros, groomed, lol! it's all good. I suspect that men are more concerned about their hair ...
GreenAtheist replies on May 10, 2018:
Hair is a big thing for lips and jaws while scalp for men is less important. ...trimming nostril hairs and shaving off a few wild ones growing atop aging men's noses is also a big deal.....long hair was illegal in the military for men but women servicemenbers are allowed tight buns. equality there
Who remembers "Hickeys" in school? I had to cover mine with make-up or be beat by my parents!
Jolanta comments on May 10, 2018:
Would it not have been easier not to have gotten them in the first place, I mean who wants a beating.
GreenAtheist replies on May 10, 2018:
My dad never threatened my sisters but he never told me what caused hardening of the penis. ...SARS SORC volume of Brittanica did answer all the vagina and ovulation questions along with the cause of embarrassing erections in 8th grade
My book "Saving Gaia" is finally online.
jellyfish comments on May 10, 2018:
Birth control will be needed in u.s. in 50 years. probably will resemble china with abortion of females however in the country where feminism was born my bet is its going to be 50/50 and thats evolution. go fem.!
GreenAtheist replies on May 10, 2018:
I severely doubt your negative prophesy on abortion condoms pills and sterilization. ...USA can purify water and garden efficiently like Cuba did 3 decades ago. ....we can elect a Ralph Nader or Dr Stein to the White House once the obsession for war criminal Billary abates. ...TrumpOLINI will lose 2020 if his billionaire co-criminals don't create 20 million new jobs without losing any current green jobs
My book "Saving Gaia" is finally online.
Aristopus comments on May 4, 2018:
Search under Rich Goss rather than the book title as they won't sell it to minors. (As if you have to be a certain age before you can handle anti-religious ideas.
GreenAtheist replies on May 10, 2018:
@Aristopus publish in Colorado or Washington states where reefer is 100% legal. ...we Atheists are heavily censored but worst of all too many Atheists pander to false definitions of Atheism....we are FREE FROM theism. ...we are positive proponents of critical thought logic reason and life affirming hope. ...religion is all about hell threats heaven bribes irrationality anti-science misogyny genocide mass violent abortions ordered by the alleged gawd Jehovah and mass rape of virgins by Hebrew soldiers carrying out all those godly evils supra
John Bolton Iran Policy
GreenAtheist comments on May 10, 2018:
As long as you are genuinely repulsed from pussy grabber TrumpOLINI Nimrata Haley (Bolton in skirt) and other war criminals you are suffering psychic trauma similar to mine US Navy service during a genocidal invasion of Vietnam. ....however if you are a BILLARYbot thinking she is not a war criminal...
GreenAtheist replies on May 10, 2018:
Netanyahu has pushed TrumpOLINI hard to pull out of the FRANCE GERMAN RUSSIAN et AL brokers of the Iran is not a treaty but is a business deal about Iranian assets seized by Carter for hostage release and continued by ReaGUN due to Iranian guns from Beirut to Indonesian rebels.'s very hard to hide radioactive materials above ground with lead lined trucks. ...with extensive monitoring inside Iran our ALLIES like the deal but not Netanyahu wanting to crush any support to Palestinians in the shrinking ghettos worse than NAZIs built in Poland. ....TrumpOLINI is letting the IDF do the secret airstrikes into Iran. ...fake news won't tell you the whole story just Bolton bragging and liberals telling Stormy Daniels sex deals 130 $ grand
So, which is MOST important, a physical attraction or a psychological attraction?
Iamdorkyanddaft comments on May 10, 2018:
Both matter to me, but I think I probably value "brain over brawn." I can't fathom trying to have daily conversations with the same idiot. I like deep philosophical and scientific conversations, though I don't really think of myself as exceptionally bright. A brilliant mind is a key factor in ...
GreenAtheist replies on May 10, 2018:
@srikanth do you think twice of causing cervical cancer by transmitting HPV. ...??? More women die of STDs and pregnancy at least 6 million per year denied condoms and life saving abortions
Egypt authorities arrest atheist blogger at Cairo airport
Ellatynemouth comments on May 8, 2018:
Does Egypt really need a tourist boycott?
GreenAtheist replies on May 10, 2018:
@Ellatynemouth our ACLU only takes certain cases inside USA that is why American Atheists have fought since 1963 Americans United are skewed for Baptists against Catholic School tax funds. ...ACLU won tax funds for the evil pope to visit Shea Stadium in body is perfect
Egypt authorities arrest atheist blogger at Cairo airport
Ellatynemouth comments on May 8, 2018:
Does Egypt really need a tourist boycott?
GreenAtheist replies on May 10, 2018:
@Ellatynemouth AI is almost total volunteers overwhelmed by evil governments everywhere. ...their rule is pressure from the outside so more victims are not made of protests inside evil countries. ...AI will give you names addresses emails of government officials to plead for justice in Egypt or any country except USA. ...our global neighbors must help USA victims inside USA
This Angry Young Preacher Says Atheists Are All Coke-Drinking Video Game Addicts – Friendly ...
GreenAtheist comments on May 8, 2018:
This little bible prick probably guilt trips women for sex if not rape them. ...worse of course he could really be gay and his bigotry against Atheists is his cover story
GreenAtheist replies on May 10, 2018:
@SassyLady raping the minds of the many is worse than a single assault. ...being anti-gay preacher covering up true gay secret behaviours is much like 2 living popes beloved by liberal believers for keeping secret the evidence of countless thousands of rapes by priests globally. ...clergy MUST BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE for both bad messages and peer crimes
Thought I'd share a "face palm" experience.
GreenAtheist comments on May 10, 2018:
Surely Albert Ellis was avoided by faculty and students? Jerry Foulmouth cult college and 700 clubbers REGENT fake University both produce incompetent delusional diplomates.
GreenAtheist replies on May 10, 2018:
@dorkyndaft Rational Emotive Therapy can steer patients quickly towards relief from conflicting feelings, solving presenting problems and extend a pattern of rational thought. ...all of which are opposites faith false dichotomies. ...prEyer for solutions. ...magical thought
Would you rather be a small fish in a big pond, or a big fish in a small pond?
Alimacbean comments on Apr 27, 2018:
I've been both and they both have their pros and cons. I'm currently the small fish and I'm much happier.
GreenAtheist replies on May 10, 2018:
This question is code for hiding or dominating I choose neither I negotiate I create I collaborate I mate I garden I sing I dance I campaign I serve I play and love my 2 Service Cats
So, which is MOST important, a physical attraction or a psychological attraction?
Iamdorkyanddaft comments on May 10, 2018:
Both matter to me, but I think I probably value "brain over brawn." I can't fathom trying to have daily conversations with the same idiot. I like deep philosophical and scientific conversations, though I don't really think of myself as exceptionally bright. A brilliant mind is a key factor in ...
GreenAtheist replies on May 10, 2018:
My partners have varied in both "chemistry" and personality. .....I feel only a woman can make the final/continuing decision to mate. ....this is the essence of Feminism. ...sole autonomy in consent. ....being penetrated is far more intimate medically than being a traditional for "attractions" this is a code word for promiscuous males and used differently by women. has been my experience the women who chose me did so based upon trustworthiness not looks or high intellect. ...religious mates were equally prone to violate my trust as my Atheist mates while I never violated their trust. .....the facts are that most couples divorce over money not sex or sentience
I know nothing with any certainty, but the sight of the stars makes me dream. -Vincent Van Gogh-
GreenAtheist comments on May 8, 2018:
I've forgotten the vocalist who sang STARRY STARRY NIGHT but he lamented : " the world is not meant for one as beautiful as you " " took your life as lovers often do " I prefer to honor artists alive as they inspire us both starstruck and heartwarmed
GreenAtheist replies on May 8, 2018:
@Mikeb56 the young pilot crashed his new plane also with icy wings with no alleged bad god Satan involved nor are 3 alleged gawds "I admire most" there was no train "for the coast"
I know nothing with any certainty, but the sight of the stars makes me dream. -Vincent Van Gogh-
GreenAtheist comments on May 8, 2018:
I've forgotten the vocalist who sang STARRY STARRY NIGHT but he lamented : " the world is not meant for one as beautiful as you " " took your life as lovers often do " I prefer to honor artists alive as they inspire us both starstruck and heartwarmed
GreenAtheist replies on May 8, 2018:
@Mikeb56 I'm an Iowan been to the Surf Ballroom long after the night THE MUSIC DIED. ...two sad story songs
Egypt authorities arrest atheist blogger at Cairo airport
CanadianKafir comments on May 8, 2018:
Thank you for bringing this to the table zblaze.. It is sad and contradictory that Egypt is fighting a battle against radical Islamic terrorism and at the same time it's arresting atheists instead of cooperating together to eradicate the ideology of political Islam...
GreenAtheist replies on May 8, 2018:
The central idea of faith justifying abuse of Atheists telling the truth about non-existent Allahs, Jehovahs, Jesuses, Moseses and other alleged miracleists MUST BE REPUDIATED not just one form of Muslim violence is violent to abuse Atheists also
Egypt authorities arrest atheist blogger at Cairo airport
Ellatynemouth comments on May 8, 2018:
Does Egypt really need a tourist boycott?
GreenAtheist replies on May 8, 2018:
Yes email the Egyptian Embassy and declare your boycott until all Atheists are free
Emma is a snow shoe siamese.
RavenCT comments on May 8, 2018:
How old is she? It sounds like she has a strong play drive and you need to get some feather flyers and play with her until she tires out. At least twice a day. If they don't get enough play time they'll play "Hunt the human".
GreenAtheist replies on May 8, 2018:
Sound advice from another staff member from feline heaven
What a blithering idiot...ffs
GreenAtheist comments on May 8, 2018:
I have no clue who the blithering idiot is....for fucks sake ?
GreenAtheist replies on May 8, 2018:
@Amisja yes TrumpOLINI pussy grabber that he is runs loose because Billary let her AG GOVERNOR PRESIDENT run loose raping women. ...Ford pardoned Nixon and no President has ever been removed from office because other criminals don't want to go down with them. ...not slave owner presidents not genocidal President Jackson not Ike who murdered Iranian President Mossadeq. ...we don't have 5 honest CongressMembers nor a single honest Senator FOR FUCKs sake
What’s the most frustrating thing about getting older?
KateZilla comments on May 8, 2018:
For me it is my body is wearing out. Not being physically capable of doing things I could do even 5 to 10 years ago. Things breaking down. Knee surgery in 2 weeks on what was a trouble free knee for 63 years. Physical activity is a huge part of my life. I will learn to improvise, adapt, overcome and...
GreenAtheist replies on May 8, 2018:
Does massage acupuncture swimming and bicycling help ? Lovers report better pain management
Thought for the day.... "Condescension often follows underestimation."
GreenAtheist comments on May 8, 2018:
I grow when someone shares more upon a topic than I might be pontificating for....AL Gore Junior tried to educate voters but many people only felt condescension. ...obviously he underestimated the Bush Crime Family in Florida where 50 thousand blacks were forced away from polls @ gunpoint by local ...
GreenAtheist replies on May 8, 2018:
@KateZilla agreed Clinton told Volunteers HE WOULD NOT TAKE HUNTERS GUNS AWAY while Gore defended a handgun ban. ...none the less racist liberals blame Nader rather than call for jailing the Bush Crime Family letting blacks down again and again
We all have human bodies.
GreenAtheist comments on May 7, 2018:
Heaven is 2 hearts love as one ....self love readies us for joy together
GreenAtheist replies on May 8, 2018:
@LetzGetReal THE WHO sang : " in life one & one don't make two it makes one ! "
Since we've been discussing labels and bisexuality, this is an excellent article about Cynthia Nixon...
KateZilla comments on May 8, 2018:
When you choose your own label you wear it well and defend it. Labels put on you your time is mostly spent refuting them or failing to live up to them.
GreenAtheist replies on May 8, 2018:
An Arizona CongressMember is the first elected bisexual open woman. many dozen males hide in cover xian marriages to dally with their gay lovers ? I don't know anyone fighting for the universal label: " Androgynous " ....MAN meaning human and sexual meaning erotic romantic open to another
For the possum lovers....
GreenAtheist comments on May 7, 2018:
These critters have very sharp teeth more dangerous than ferrets not good for companions unless you bottle feed them as orphans from a dead mommy
GreenAtheist replies on May 8, 2018:
@RavenCT possum will break the tiniest branches where ticks wait to jump upon their next blood meal leaving their disease behind in skin. ...but possum must eat anything like ants ticks termites wasps bees
I've been following the story of the teenage boy in Alabama who was pronounced brain dead.
GreenAtheist comments on May 7, 2018:
Remembering a dream at the beginning or end of unconsciousness is not uncommon nor are slight changes in eye color especially with glaucoma my eyes are much less blue than ten years ago....after the application of electronic sensors to various spots on the skull I ALSO DO NOT TRUST busy er staff to ...
GreenAtheist replies on May 7, 2018:
@AmelieMatisse xian book stores and xian radio is big cult business the kid must be Elmer Gantry reincarnate
For the possum lovers....
GreenAtheist comments on May 7, 2018:
These critters have very sharp teeth more dangerous than ferrets not good for companions unless you bottle feed them as orphans from a dead mommy
GreenAtheist replies on May 7, 2018:
@RavenCT damn deer are the tick taxis
I have learned a lot after leaving a highly conservative church about 2 years ago, but I am still ...
Katrik comments on May 7, 2018:
Don't worry about the label. I struggled with that myself for close to 5 years. Personally I'm attracted to both, but favor the female body type and the male "package." Finally I realized that it doesn't make a difference what I or anyone else calls me, as it won't change who or what I find ...
GreenAtheist replies on May 7, 2018:
Stay away from bigots and don't discuss your bedroom with anyone but your partner NOT INCOMPETENT clergy
Whenever a theist says " god made you a man so you should be happy being a man " I say screw your ...
KateZilla comments on May 7, 2018:
When we put limits on the diversity of life we fool ourselves. Nature always wins. Oh forget Viagra , God gave you a limp dick.
GreenAtheist replies on May 7, 2018:
Endocrinology proves all bible thumpers wrong just like their alleged YHWH existence and their incompetent creationist lies. ....mutation and adaptation is living proof of evolution just like my Cats Evo and Laila both use 6 thumbs to clasp food while non-mutants puncture their food with 8 claws. ...yup count my cats 14 toes you ignorant bigots pretending you can dictate the sex life of any person
For the possum lovers....
GreenAtheist comments on May 7, 2018:
These critters have very sharp teeth more dangerous than ferrets not good for companions unless you bottle feed them as orphans from a dead mommy
GreenAtheist replies on May 7, 2018:
@RavenCT possum domestication must be less than a few decades in while dogs and cats have 6000 years history with human communities
I think the word Religion should not be used.
GreenAtheist comments on May 6, 2018:
Religions are restraint systems. ..the essence of the word to tie back or re-connect. ...spirituality is often a deception word used by cults and passionate wordsmiths wanting to be read or heard. ....our Atheism is not related at all to beliefs or believers. ...our enemies want us suckered into ...
GreenAtheist replies on May 7, 2018:
@TweedleDee the KKK is just another cult like Jesuits or Focus On The Family controlling both minds and gonads of their victims. ....beliefs=delusions=faiths=terrorism
What The Fuck Bible Passages So I have decided to find wtf bible passage, write them down and break...
PhillipSEE comments on May 3, 2018:
This is excellent!!! As a kid in Sunday school the version of this story was totally twisted. We were told Ham walked in on naked Noah, then ran out to his brothers "making fun of his father's wrinkled old ass" So, they demonize Ham and assume he was being disrespectful. Never once did the ...
GreenAtheist replies on May 7, 2018:
@Cha most preachers AND RABBIs won't tell you either that the act of giving testimony originated from bible tradition to swear by sacred testicles NEVER TO BE EXPOSED TO LIGHT OF DAY. ...Noah was protecting his naked scrotum from covenant curses like the one YHWH killed an innocent bystander for catching the arc of the same covenant from falling to dirty ground
Women can be crazy too.
KKGator comments on May 7, 2018:
She needs to be in a rubber room. She's psychotic.
GreenAtheist replies on May 7, 2018:
So are rapists like Bill Cosby NEVER DIAGNOSED anti-social misogyny
I've been following the story of the teenage boy in Alabama who was pronounced brain dead.
Dhiltong comments on May 7, 2018:
Obviously the dr. was wrong..........
GreenAtheist replies on May 7, 2018:
Or the health tech who affixes electrodes for brain monitoring who may not be the cardiac tech, surgical nurses, attending physician and who knows who else bumped a brain electrode or more loose. ...people "believe" medical people like clergy with little or no demand for proof/evidence. ...especially in life situations: military, cops, judges, lawyers but NOT POLITICIANS & USED CAR SALES AGENTS who control taxes and the black boxes of engineering


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