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Keith Olbermann - Best newscaster?
Lysistrata comments on Feb 27, 2018:
I absolutely love him. This is one of the best news commentaries I've ever heard and he was absolutely right. It terrified me when I watched it live. Now it's just so frustrating we persist in self-destructive ignorance.
GreenAtheist replies on Mar 2, 2018:
@KKGator fake news will not lead the way to democracy but 6000 honest people going to Congress will .....ratify Amendment ONE BILL of RIGHTS in 27 more states. ...Congress was always intended to be a face to face door to door local democracy independent of liars crooks and cops
Joanne comments on Feb 25, 2018:
My ex-to-be hurt me well beyond what I ever could have imagined. But, despite that, I do not want anything bad to happen to him; and I would do what I could to help ease any physical suffering he might be going through, if I were able. Now, as far as mental anguish he claims to feel for what he did ...
GreenAtheist replies on Mar 1, 2018:
We have that in common. ex is so obviously suffering from guilt staying loyal to her ex and their 3 teen children than honoring our marriage and our then 4 yr old daughter. .....betrayal has a psychic price to pay and only her confessions can possibly heal her ....I "forgave" her tacitly 10 years ago guiding our child through prep school and University of Iowa Mechanical Engineering. ...washed my Pontius Pilate hands in my closet.'s impossible to "save" her ....she must save herself rationally not escalate old religious brainwashing she never modeled during our Atheist marriage. ...her ex is an Atheist also with zero ethics only manipulative cruelty like Joe Stalin. ...avoiding all child support payments for children 13 15 & 17 only possible with the coerced consent of his ex she collected only the first 10 years when children were 3, 5 & 7
Why is Ivanka allowed to represent the US in anything?
GreenAtheist comments on Feb 25, 2018:
Pussy Grabber In Chief is exempt from nepotism laws
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 27, 2018:
@KKGator many of these scum just lost their TEMPORARY TOP SECRET CLEARANCES today. ...I never needed more than a SECRET. ...all veterans have CONFIDENTIAL lowest clearance and if anyone sand crab or uniform loses that they must be administratively discharged NOT RECOMMENDED FOR re-enlistment or re-hire
Oopsie Daisy
Spinliesel comments on Feb 25, 2018:
Was that Cal Worthington and his dog Spot? He confused the shit out of me. I had just arrived from Germany, but could not figure out his commericials. Thankd for the memory!
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 27, 2018:
@RavenCT Cal Worthington was a hoot in 1972 and Cheech made fun of him back then on their album
God will always provide what we need...unless you're those kids.
Angelface comments on Feb 26, 2018:
Nothing really changes.....
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 27, 2018:
@Angelface yes it's a great political cartoon 11 years before I was born when newspapers were not corporation controlled nor always religious. ....for 30 years Ingersoll was quoted ver batim by hundreds of papers 1869-1899 America's favorite Atheist Republican Shakespearian poetic Chautauqua educator
God will always provide what we need...unless you're those kids.
Angelface comments on Feb 26, 2018:
Nothing really changes.....
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 27, 2018:
Cartoons on editorial pages and the New Yorker have become mamby pamby in my lifetime. ....since 1776 American papers were great free speech venues but since McCarthyism when I was born and the lie IN gott WE TRUST put on money when I was 3 evil has taken over truth telling
Why is Ivanka allowed to represent the US in anything?
GreenAtheist comments on Feb 25, 2018:
Pussy Grabber In Chief is exempt from nepotism laws
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 26, 2018:
@KKGator their travel expenses lavish as they are by various cabinet Secretaries are being paid by taxpayers including the huge staffs for Jared & Ivanka. ...I totally agree with you TrumpOLINI is a rapist of 19 women in his employ or contestants @ pageants wherever this pussy grabber has assaulted and harassed women
How do you tell religious people that you're an atheist?
ErebusVincent comments on Feb 26, 2018:
"I am an atheist."
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 26, 2018:
Ditto I am an American Atheist leader
Do you try to sing karaoke?
LimeySteve comments on Feb 23, 2018:
I don't try. I actually do. Usually every Friday and or Saturday night. I've been told on many occasions that I'm pretty good.
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 26, 2018:
@LimeySteve Neil Sedaka falsetto soprano sucks and his song is worse
How can you tell if someone really cares about you and isn't just using you?
Annaleda comments on Feb 21, 2018:
You cannot. That is the sucky truth. But you can investigate. Do you know their friends/family? Do they ask you for a lot of things? What do you think you are being used for?
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 26, 2018:
@UrsiMajor don't date. ...only agree to courtship. ....if a guy is worth anything a marriage discussion for weeks months or more cannot be confused with being used. ....planning a successful life together should come before orgasms and playing like high school virgins
Why is Ivanka allowed to represent the US in anything?
GreenAtheist comments on Feb 25, 2018:
Pussy Grabber In Chief is exempt from nepotism laws
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 26, 2018:
@KKGator Congress could pass a line item deleting her White House staff salary but TrumpOLINI would win a veto over ride vote
Why is Ivanka allowed to represent the US in anything?
GreenAtheist comments on Feb 25, 2018:
Pussy Grabber In Chief is exempt from nepotism laws
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 26, 2018:
@KKGator Ivanka is staff NOT ATTOURNEY GENERAL SESSIONS consented by his Senate colleagues
Food allergies!
GreenAtheist comments on Feb 25, 2018:
Love my vitamin D pal sol
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 26, 2018:
@FrayedBear 10-4 hot sun limit is a dozen minutes
What’s the one thing I can learn from you today?
GreenAtheist comments on Feb 24, 2018:
I would be a great father if I marry a woman trying to have a son. 2 great daughters are proof of my abilities
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 26, 2018:
@Redcupcoffee I am a proven successful parent daughters 43&24 how is that not care giving or how is that retarded ?
What’s the one thing I can learn from you today?
GreenAtheist comments on Feb 24, 2018:
I would be a great father if I marry a woman trying to have a son. 2 great daughters are proof of my abilities
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 26, 2018:
@Redcupcoffee children need food and that costs money even a genius does not have extra ca$h in retirement. ...I am not discouraging your career or adoption plans why piss on me ?
What is something you should never say to the opposite sex?
JamesMatthew comments on Feb 25, 2018:
I think Trump Hit the best one, "you remind me of my daughter"
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 25, 2018:
@Redcupcoffee "Monica did but Paula Jones refused" William Jefferson Bleigh alias Clinton demanding fellatio from random women
What’s the one thing I can learn from you today?
GreenAtheist comments on Feb 24, 2018:
I would be a great father if I marry a woman trying to have a son. 2 great daughters are proof of my abilities
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 25, 2018:
@Redcupcoffee yes I fully understand the long line of children in foster care sister adopted 4 children on top of my 2 birth nephews and 2 birth nieces. ....I can barely afford my 2 service cats needs. .....when I marry our income will likely double while our budget for housing will remain the same thus as you posted mate and I could handle round the clock childcare
CIA? Could it be?
GreenAtheist comments on Feb 25, 2018:
I don't get this but I do know EVERY SINGLE PHONE CALL ON THIS PLANET IS TRACED by computer paid for by US taxpayers
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 25, 2018:
@RavenCT now I paid attention to spies who are pronoun failures
What’s the one thing I can learn from you today?
GreenAtheist comments on Feb 24, 2018:
I would be a great father if I marry a woman trying to have a son. 2 great daughters are proof of my abilities
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 25, 2018:
@Redcupcoffee sure if my future mate wants to take on this awesome responsibility of parenting with me but I won't do it alone unless I had a million dollars to employ mentors tutors sitters pediatricians dentists to care for my son
What is something you should never say to the opposite sex?
JamesMatthew comments on Feb 25, 2018:
I think Trump Hit the best one, "you remind me of my daughter"
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 25, 2018:
@Redcupcoffee pussy grabbing Oval Office Occupants Slick Willie and TrumpOLINI
What was your favorite food as a kid?
GreenAtheist comments on Feb 25, 2018:
Pizza forever
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 25, 2018:
@orange_girl all my toppings make pizza heaven
This is why teaching children about hell is a form of abuse
farmboy2017 comments on Feb 25, 2018:
Religion is far and away above any child's cognitive development. They should never be exposed to the topic until much later in their lives. It's like expecting a child to be responsible with a cell phone. To a child it's a toy. Would you give your 8 year old child a brand new car?? Then why would ...
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 25, 2018:
Religion is like heroin. ...what sane parent shoots up a child with brain insane injections NOR AMPUTATES 4 square inches of prepuce penis flesh ?
Impeachment? Impeachment! Impeachment… – Wordology
GreenAtheist comments on Feb 25, 2018:
WordMike is stupid and wrong. ...Mueller has no authority to impeach any Judge or President. ...the 2016 election is 100% true 31 states elected TrumpOLINI 19 states wanted Billary rewarded for her secrecy law crimes her collusion with Russia her treason selling and profiting selling uranium to ...
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 25, 2018:
@MikeFlora people like you need to read the Constitution and the secrecy laws Billary violated over 30 thousand times. for a 100% corrupt cunt is the greatest shame in US HISTORY 25 million of us veterans DID NOT VOTE FOR A thief who stole 16 million dollars of State Department funds for Laureate University Chancellor Clinton "salary" 2010-2013....I hate TrumpOLINI for his election night "pardon" he said to let Billary off not lock her up anymore. ....both are bribed crooks from Goldman Sachs. ...I voted for the honest legal candidate for President Dr Jill Stein
Impeachment? Impeachment! Impeachment… – Wordology
GreenAtheist comments on Feb 25, 2018:
WordMike is stupid and wrong. ...Mueller has no authority to impeach any Judge or President. ...the 2016 election is 100% true 31 states elected TrumpOLINI 19 states wanted Billary rewarded for her secrecy law crimes her collusion with Russia her treason selling and profiting selling uranium to ...
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 25, 2018:
@MikeFlora this is USA not 19 states of voters for a war criminal fraud bragging she murdered 50 thousand Libyan women and children with 117 USA sub launched cruise missiles. ....Billary 4 Prison with her rapist "husband" and fraud daughter Chelsea Mezvinski.
GreenAtheist comments on Feb 25, 2018:
People need to blame shooters AND those who enabled shooter weapons. ....blaming NRA is like preachers blaming Atheists for all immorality in schools without prEyer
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 25, 2018:
@evergreen the problem with NRA is all their misogynistic polluter theocratic coalitions through fascist politicians NRA supports. ....religion not rifles is their impact upon USA
My head just exploded. Can we PLEASE make Texas go back to being it's own country?
GreenAtheist comments on Feb 25, 2018:
US Sup Ct ruled ObombneyCare was legal to force all workers to buy "insurance" ....TrumpOLINI repealed this "tax" .....creepy criminal employers like Hobby Lobby and Nuns Group Insurance plans fought back to strip out coverage for abortion and "sex pills"... ....accordingly ten states and Texas is ...
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 25, 2018:
@KKGator and TX WOULD BUILD A WALL in the middle of the Rio Grande river to shoot Mexicans trying to cross the border
My head just exploded. Can we PLEASE make Texas go back to being it's own country?
GreenAtheist comments on Feb 25, 2018:
US Sup Ct ruled ObombneyCare was legal to force all workers to buy "insurance" ....TrumpOLINI repealed this "tax" .....creepy criminal employers like Hobby Lobby and Nuns Group Insurance plans fought back to strip out coverage for abortion and "sex pills"... ....accordingly ten states and Texas is ...
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 25, 2018:
@KKGator Texas would be like North Korea taking pot shots at NM OK AR & LA AND WOULD STEAL ALL USA military property
Lol, here I thought I'd invented "trumpet"!! (Note small " t" tho') I'll explain my thoughts in ...
njoy_life_2 comments on Feb 23, 2018:
And the color?.... Oh perfect!
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 25, 2018:
@njoy_life_2 frowning faces ?
Lol, here I thought I'd invented "trumpet"!! (Note small " t" tho') I'll explain my thoughts in ...
njoy_life_2 comments on Feb 23, 2018:
And the color?.... Oh perfect!
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 25, 2018:
@njoy_life_2 please translate: " pH geeesh IpI " ?
Will never look at celery the same way again..
BeeHappy comments on Feb 25, 2018:
Why is the celery saying Ooh La La???
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 25, 2018:
Brush boy Celery is claiming joyful thrusting similar to coitus keeping the rectum fiber fun cleansed
Lol, here I thought I'd invented "trumpet"!! (Note small " t" tho') I'll explain my thoughts in ...
njoy_life_2 comments on Feb 23, 2018:
And the color?.... Oh perfect!
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 25, 2018:
@njoy_life_2 how does pussy grabber TrumpOLINI deserve any respect ?
Have you ever kissed a girl? I haven't.
GreenAtheist comments on Feb 23, 2018:
I haven't kissed a boy either.... I am only for adult intimacy and do not like bearded stubble lips, why do you women like us men 5 hours after our closest shaves ?
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 25, 2018:
@Donotbelieve sand paper turns to furr 9 days later's a miracle women love us men. is the only real heaven
Lol, here I thought I'd invented "trumpet"!! (Note small " t" tho') I'll explain my thoughts in ...
njoy_life_2 comments on Feb 23, 2018:
And the color?.... Oh perfect!
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 24, 2018:
Underwear "skid marks" resemble TrumpOLINI orange hair
Lol, here I thought I'd invented "trumpet"!! (Note small " t" tho') I'll explain my thoughts in ...
Hellbent comments on Feb 24, 2018:
So what interesting applications have you found for the expression "blowing your own trumpet"? :)
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 24, 2018:
TrumpOLINI tweets should be dubbed with a whoopee cushion sound track....or the dog fart sound track from Made In Heaven Timothy Hutton's dog SKUNK
Lol, here I thought I'd invented "trumpet"!! (Note small " t" tho') I'll explain my thoughts in ...
Hellbent comments on Feb 24, 2018:
So what interesting applications have you found for the expression "blowing your own trumpet"? :)
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 24, 2018:
Cyber flatus ?
If the Object of Your Affection became allergic to your pet, what would you do?
xamountofstars comments on Feb 16, 2018:
I'd initiate a conversation about using pills or a shot to help manage their allergy if they're going to be spending enough time around my cat to be affected. If it didn't work and we weren't able to figure out some other solution, I'd most likely put my cat first. She's been with me for longer than...
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 24, 2018:
My Service CATS are part of me ....any woman who wants to marry me must adapt not suffering my 2 girls Kiti. ....2 blow jobs a day could not bribe me away from my Service Cats as for heaven bribes hell threats ? Take your faith and shove it
If the Object of Your Affection became allergic to your pet, what would you do?
PeppermintDreads comments on Feb 16, 2018:
My dogs and cat come first. Sorry. You’re replacableable. If I’d ever become possessed enough to have children, they’d be living on injections and inhalers. My animals were here first.
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 24, 2018:
I agree our FURR 4 paw families are IRREPLACEABLE and new family additions will keep to their own rooms if they can't adapt to REGIS FELINUS
If the Object of Your Affection became allergic to your pet, what would you do?
SeptemberWoman comments on Feb 17, 2018:
Love these answers. I agree! The two cats that own me, Bonnie and Clyde, were rescued from the age of 6 weeks, and are now 18 months old. I'm a cat person, always have been. So -- we're a package deal!
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 24, 2018:
My KITI 49 months 20 days package deal
If the Object of Your Affection became allergic to your pet, what would you do?
GreenAtheist comments on Feb 17, 2018:
Clean the home and clothing vigorously. ...keep my SERVICE CATs in their room while my future love is present in the remainder of my home. ...get the allergy pills. ...not our fault new love is allergic and untreated causes of cat dander allergy. ...but my cats will get extra baths exceeding their ...
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 24, 2018:
@ReadyforaChange 3 times a year very easy to do .....fill a big bathtub with the shower hose's silent that way and sit in the rising water with your cat....holding her/him petting rubbing ears all the contact your cat is used to and when the water is hip deep soaking tail deep rub in the best cat shampoo. ....use a big cup to rinse off with one hand other hand hold cat's shoulders. ...drain the tub .....squeeze the clear water out of tail feet back chest then wrap your cat in your biggest bath towel. ...hold him/her for 30 minutes then let go inside the closed bathroom to minimize water stains all over the house. ...cats will lick themselves dry in another hour. ...feed them their best favorite food and shower off yourself VOILA CLEAN 4 PAW FURR FAMILY
Is it normal or strange someone wouldn’t like French kissing?
stinkeye_a comments on Feb 19, 2018:
I'm not surpised by anything like this anymore. There are all kinds of mental and physical quirks. Some guys don't like blowjobs. Some people don't like chocolate. Meh. I don't worry about it.
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 24, 2018:
@BobMcDowell don't be homophobic. ...felatio can be too intense and experienced men/women giving oral sex know what "stop, please that's too much" ....and of course men recounting as children that were raped by priests are trying to undo the " imprinting " upon their sexuality similar to the topic here of tongues in mouth. ...get over yourself blow job boy
Armed deputy at Florida school resigns after failing to engage shooter
Ktcyan comments on Feb 23, 2018:
The Police officer we have at the school where I work sure does not make me feel any safer. He walks around with his gun in plain view any kid or a couple of kids could disarm him, they are all bigger than him. A couple weeks ago in Minnesota a school officer sat next to an elementary student ...
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 23, 2018:
given that the US Army takes minimally intelligent enlistees/recruits, the two "guards" you describe above Ktcyan seem more stupid than soldiers I know....we need concealed carry HIGHLY SKILLED "air marshalls" trained not to depressurize a aircraft cabin @ high altitudes....if they are good shots ready to handle terrorists in flight, they could make schools safer
LMAO... shape of his head... lol
sandyw1952 comments on Feb 23, 2018:
The shape of her boobs.
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 23, 2018:
does cannabis drain breasts to skin deep ?
Armed deputy at Florida school resigns after failing to engage shooter
43teach comments on Feb 23, 2018:
The guy is no hero, for sure, but I have sympathy for someone with a handgun who is expected to take on an machine gun, essentially.
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 23, 2018:
agreed if the guard has a glock or a 45 ....he is no match beyond 50 feet to hit the shooter in the head or legs when the little scum of a primate was wearing body armor regardless of AR15 abilities
How do you tell religious people that you're an atheist?
jacpod comments on Feb 23, 2018:
yes! there isnt any simpler way!
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 23, 2018:
believers need to get over themselves and we Atheists need to stop apologizing and equivocating ....we are scientists not delusionals.... we have tested for alleged gotts and found 100 % consistent zero results.... the gawd concept is useless and harmful
Billy Graham is dead.
Gert comments on Feb 21, 2018:
I would say: Billy Graham is dead, don't miss him, don't miss him. But as far as I know he was the positive face of religion for many people. That was his talent. He was also very fashionable. He stood for "The Billy Graham concept". It's easier to switch churches, than leave one.
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 23, 2018:
@Gert wrong, he was paid a very modest salary all his decades of hell threats and heaven bribes....he invested in Department of Defense Contractor stocks ever since Harry Truman was prez....of course all his expenses were paid to pack sports stadiums and televised convention halls where he spread his evil lies.....cults being called "positive" is quite offensive and obscene... how many thousands of gay teens have been suicidal when barraged by Graham preaching and believers retelling his lies ????? Jim Jones was no more a talent than this North Carolina dog Graham... Washington Post headlines how he was an "absent parent" letting his children delve deep into sex, drugs and music....this scum Graham is just like THE SCOURGE OF CALCUTTA one's "Mother" and harmed humanity far more than she helped
I dated a guy once that I soon kicked to the curb.
GreenAtheist comments on Feb 22, 2018:
Scum like that boy in mans clothes definitely needs to suck his own tits .....find the proper size radiator hose and stick one end in his mouth and the other onto his penis so he can suck himself
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 23, 2018:
@misstuffy grew a very furry palm
Would you date/marry a Muslim?
dddd2776 comments on Feb 21, 2018:
Only if they could keep their religion to themselves, which I doubt, so probably not.
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 23, 2018:
I have been pursued by all kinds of women and I would've married a Palestinian if she really wanted peace with the invader conquistador Israelis. ...but she like most activists in the region of faith WANT THEIR alleged gott Allah the winner of the wars and resistance. ....all believers are 99% Atheists preferring their imaginary 1% to be true. ...certain professionals CAN be tolerant in marriage as in their careers serving both believers and Atheists. ...I remain hopeful like John Lennon : IMAGINE
What was the worst, but funniest, date you've ever been on?
silvereyes comments on Oct 20, 2017:
Wow, I wonder if insults EVER work on getting someone in bed with you. Seems counterproductive to me. Glad you got a few good meals on him. ha.
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 23, 2018:
@heathen77 Lysistrata ? Women go on strike NO SEX until the bellicose boys end wars .....women SHOULD unionize and refuse male entitlement ending rape by monolithic FEMINISM never rewarding patriarchy with a single kiss
GreenAtheist comments on Feb 21, 2018:
What you describe is a medical job site inflicted disability and qualifies you for instant Social Security disability payments 35% higher than your age 62/67 retirement benefit "earned" ....this is in addition to pension/medical retirement benefit earned. ....if any of these benefits are delayed or ...
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 22, 2018:
@AnneWimsey thank you Anne for further illustrating legal obligations and incentives for compliance
Billy Graham is dead.
Gert comments on Feb 21, 2018:
I would say: Billy Graham is dead, don't miss him, don't miss him. But as far as I know he was the positive face of religion for many people. That was his talent. He was also very fashionable. He stood for "The Billy Graham concept". It's easier to switch churches, than leave one.
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 22, 2018:
It's a disgusting lie that Billy Graham is a positive ANYTHING. ...he died a multimillionaire investor in war weapons profiteering and pushed Truman to invade Korea from 1946 onward and led thousands of baptist preachers AGAINST CATHOLIC JFK 1960
NicThePoet comments on Feb 21, 2018:
Best of luck to you! It doesn't sound like an easy change, but more importantly it will benefit your health. It'll all be worthwhile.
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 21, 2018:
@misstuffy your resume IS NOT TARNISHED by telling the truth about his company crimes and your silence could be used against you if any other victims come forward including his son could blackmail you
IAMGROOT comments on Feb 21, 2018:
Since your company apparently values you greatly, seems to me they would have you train a replacement and then find other work for you there. Surely you could perform a different function that did not expose you to this environmental risk.
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 21, 2018:
@misstuffy yeah....peeling skin makes it hard to type and polish products
Billy Graham is dead.
MyLiege comments on Feb 21, 2018:
This morning while waiting for my son to get out of physical therapy, a lady had been obnoxiously loud-talking on her phone with someone. She saw the tickertape at the bottom of the tv screen we were watching in the waiting room, and announced to the listener on the phone about BG's death. She ...
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 21, 2018:
Nope ...I have been telling the truth about this criminal theocrat war monger for 12 years now every chance I get. ...the Charlotte Airport I LOUDLY CONDEMN NAMING IT AFTER THE evil dog Billy Graham like the evil Scourge of Calcutta THERESA nobody's mother sponge bathing Indians to death denying them penicillin
Billy Graham is dead.
dahermit comments on Feb 21, 2018:
So much for "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven." I wonder how much of the $25 million he intended to take with him. I wonder how many homeless people on the street that money could have fed. Rot in your grave, Billy...
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 21, 2018:
the ultimate NRA gun profiteer= Billy Graham hell terrorist and heaven bribery perpetrator
Billy Graham is dead.
GreenAtheist comments on Feb 21, 2018:
THE PRINCE OF WAR life of Billy Graham ONLY TRUE BIOGRAPHY of this war monger bastard millionaire weapons investor has been causing evil in Korea since 1946 four years before MacArthur invaded INCHON. ....many preachers by the thousands are CIA FRONTS or unwitting dupes of USA CIA crimes busting ...
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 21, 2018:
@KKGator fyck Billy Graham image WASHINGTON POST IS CORRECTLY REPORTING HOW he was an absentee parent and his kids were rebellious sex drugs rock
How do you tell religious people that you're an atheist?
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 19, 2018:
I fervently wish to go back just 20 years where people kept their business, political or religious, to themselves!
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 21, 2018:
@AnneWimsey the ultimate illegal quid pro quo for illegal sexual favors is between a "intern" and a lawyer President. ...boy Bush has a lower standard because he is not a lawyer demanding sexual favors as TX Governor or POTUS. ...Bill Cosby is innocent compared to the 45 years of lawyer Clinton violation of sexual harassment laws
GreenAtheist comments on Feb 21, 2018:
What you describe is a medical job site inflicted disability and qualifies you for instant Social Security disability payments 35% higher than your age 62/67 retirement benefit "earned" ....this is in addition to pension/medical retirement benefit earned. ....if any of these benefits are delayed or ...
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 21, 2018:
@misstuffy FBI wants to know what federal taxes he has not paid. are not guilty of anything following his criminal work orders. the FBI in Omaha
To create rifts in US, Russians liked Facebook most
GreenAtheist comments on Feb 21, 2018:
A dozen Russian operatives are indicted playing both sides of TrumpOLINI and Billary 2016. ...I "liked" BILLARY4PRISON and still do but now the credit for starting the Facebook group PAID FOR by a Russian sorta spoils my secrecy law desire to make a Citizens Arrest of the gangster war criminal ...
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 21, 2018:
@MrLink sailors are in prison for taking a harmless photo on board a secret submarine. ...the law is the law and Billary belongs in prison for secrecy law 30 thousand violations obstruction of justice deleting 30 thousand emails FOUNDATIONs frauds and Uranium TREASON
NicThePoet comments on Feb 21, 2018:
Best of luck to you! It doesn't sound like an easy change, but more importantly it will benefit your health. It'll all be worthwhile.
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 21, 2018:
@misstuffy not a good idea to quit. the WorkMAN COMP hotline in Des Moines and immediately file your claim then the law forces him to pay you full time wages whether he has insurance or not
geeky1965 comments on Feb 21, 2018:
I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you! ( instead of praying) My son is in the air force, maintenance and he's told me how harsh some of those chemicals can be. I how everything works out well for you! Keep us posted!
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 21, 2018:
@misstuffy THIS IS A CONSTRUCTIVE DISCHARGE you ARE NOT A VOLUNTARY quit. the County Attorney and if the jerk is a Rethuglican call the Iowa Attorney General in Des Moines reporting criminal conduct by this so called employer and his family
GreenAtheist comments on Feb 21, 2018:
What you describe is a medical job site inflicted disability and qualifies you for instant Social Security disability payments 35% higher than your age 62/67 retirement benefit "earned" ....this is in addition to pension/medical retirement benefit earned. ....if any of these benefits are delayed or ...
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 21, 2018:
@misstuffy the Iowa Attorney General and County Attorney WANTS TO KNOW RIGHT NOW ALL HIS LIES evading the 1916 WorkMAN Comp law of Governor Wallace....I dated his great great niece who grew up playing under and on top of his historic desk he signed the law
IAMGROOT comments on Feb 21, 2018:
Since your company apparently values you greatly, seems to me they would have you train a replacement and then find other work for you there. Surely you could perform a different function that did not expose you to this environmental risk.
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 21, 2018:
@misstuffy vain promises of working you into the company future is reprehensible contrasted with the boss not immediately processing you through WORKmans COMPENSATION law insurance steps. the UAW in Ottumwa and ask to speak with the RIGHT TO KNOW lawyer responsible for exposures to John Deere paint and other skin chemical toxicity claims. ..s/he probably knows many companies that fly your company parts
Christian Wife Swappers Preach The Word Of God Through Swinging - YouTube
HippieChick58 comments on Feb 21, 2018:
Wow, what depths won't they dig to.
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 21, 2018:
The church marriages that swing together don't cheat separately all is forgiven if lust not love
Gun Control or No Control? – Wordology
GreenAtheist comments on Feb 20, 2018:
Bias is inescapable from such an emotional historic patriotic life or death question. .....veterans AND PEOPLE CLOSE TO US often tip toe around egg shells if sights sounds smells and gunshot feelings become appropo. ....a good movie that deals with murder aftermath is DEAD MAN WALKING Sean Penn ...
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 21, 2018:
@UrsiMajor thank you ....It's OK to be biased. ...I am just declaring that the attempt to be "neutral" or "bi-partisan" is a bias also marginalizing many points on the spectrum of "philosophy" or "party" ....I happen to be a GREEN-DEMOCRAT a minority voice in both parties according to gun control proposals. ....the common dichotomy is Red v Blue censoring Green and Libertarian parties and calling "swing states" : Purple. ....
How do you tell religious people that you're an atheist?
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 19, 2018:
I fervently wish to go back just 20 years where people kept their business, political or religious, to themselves!
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 21, 2018:
@AnneWimsey Monica turned down the Revlon job in 1998 and made purses for a living ever since. ...she was not a consenting adult she was a co-conspirator to unauthorized entry to the White House her co-criminal is Clinton himself lewd and lacivious conduct in a public building while Anita Hill was harassed against her will with Thomas public hair on her Coke can. ....the headline in the newspaper today is: 95% of Hollywood women report harassment or worse in movie industry. ...this social crime must never be excused as "peccadillos"
How do you tell religious people that you're an atheist?
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 19, 2018:
I fervently wish to go back just 20 years where people kept their business, political or religious, to themselves!
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 21, 2018:
@AnneWimsey Clinton himself ordered Paula Jones into the Governor Suite. ....once the US Sup Ct ruled 9-0 a sitting President could be dragged back to Arkansas to testify before the Grand Jury the prosecutor also asked Clinton about "that woman, MS Lewinsky" and slick Willie lied: " I DID NOT HAVE SEX with that woman, MS Lewinsky" he further elaborated the statutory meaning of sex " IS " when his answer was pure dishonesty : " that depends upon what the meaning of WHAT IS, IS"....HE LOST HIS LAW LICENSE IN 1999 FOR 10 YEARS as punishment for perjury before the Grand Jury
Sacha comments on Feb 21, 2018:
Sometimes I wish my boobs were a DDD! tehehehe ;) Then I could smoother all my dirty dark secrets with them lol
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 21, 2018:
Appropo I have pregnancy dreams and lactation dreams feeding my baby. ....I am not gay or Transgender I never have dreams romantic with men but deep and dark dreams are thus in part. cats and dogs are buried in dirt DDD.....ALL PEOPLE usually are born with breasts only women breastfeed colostrum post partum but getting larger breasts happen with real pregnancy and hormonal changes in all people. ...many cardiac male adult patients experience breasts growth & minor nipple discharges
birdingnut comments on Feb 21, 2018:
Yikes! Well, good luck!
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 21, 2018:
@misstuffy masks gloves aprons boots foot coverings eye wear helmets hearing protection. ...exhaust fans air filters and standing water chemicals on floors swept or drained into local sewers or streams
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 21, 2018:
You may be able to draw SS Disability! Be good to yourself and apply. Note that they turn down first applications around 90% of the time, but perservere, when it is granted they send you back pay from the date of first application! Best wishes!
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 21, 2018:
@misstuffy just one doctor exam is 100% evidence for all the benefits I mentioned above ....the doctor of your choice but fully cooperate with the company/insurance doctor. ....THIS ALSO SOUNDS LIKE A FEDERAL RIGHT TO KNOW issue of all chemicals present in the job site. ...WHERE ARE ALL THE MATERIAL DATA SAFETY SHEETS ????? $$$$$$ make copies of what is on job site then compare RIGHTS TO KNOW at similar companies making boat parts golf carts whatever the plastic or composite materials and manufacturing chemicals post. .....list all the PPE personal protective equipment used/required available by employer. ....time to get a good lawyer. ...your long career there entitles you to rights AND RESPONSIBILITIES
How do you tell religious people that you're an atheist?
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 20, 2018:
Sexual pecadillos between adults are are none of my business, nor IMO anyone else! The 2 women you mention, history I have Never heard that version before, and who was fired, exactly, for "ordering her to the motel "????! Plus they seem to both have made aplenty of money both during and since ...
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 21, 2018:
Sexual predator William Jefferson Bleigh alias Clinton is my business. daughter is Monica Lewinsky age now 42 and no woman age 23 should be performing fellatio in the Oval Office nor suffer a cigar thrusting into her vagina by the President of the United States
Hello all.
GreenAtheist comments on Feb 20, 2018:
My Chevrolet Avalanche has some muscle
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 21, 2018:
@mistymoon77 ever drive a 15 speed Freightliner bobtail ? I loved my Chevrolet Cheyenne 2500 Club Cab destroyed by an ILLEGAL ALIEN DRUNK DRIVER JANUARY 11TH
Hello all.
GreenAtheist comments on Feb 20, 2018:
My Chevrolet Avalanche has some muscle
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 21, 2018:
@mistymoon77 I drive my monsters like a jockey rides Thoroughbreds
How do you tell religious people that you're an atheist?
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 19, 2018:
I fervently wish to go back just 20 years where people kept their business, political or religious, to themselves!
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 20, 2018:
@AnneWimsey I agree what Billary won't do what Monica would do in that little open disgusting triangle SHOULD not be national discourse but eyewitnesses from Georgetown Law School to violated widows volunteering in the White House = 27 years a series of sexual predator crimes worse than Harvey Weinstein ....Paula Jones was a 100% victim working for the Arkansas Highway Department ORDERED to Clinton hotel room during a statewide government conference of government employees and his only 2 words to her were: " suck it " with her eyes presented with his open zipper and crooked erect penis in full view. ....and she ran out of the room ....fearing for her job she filed a lawsuit that took 7 years to reach the US Supreme Court. ....Billary should have divorced slick Willie when the Governor was screwing Jennifer Flowers TV anchor in the governors office while Chelsea and Billary were playing outside on the state mansion lawn
Oh did you hear the mike drop! boom... nailed it.. (Y)
SACatWalker comments on Feb 20, 2018:
Isn't god everywhere regardless? What's he need, an invitation to stop a mass murder? He's going to listen to atheists and stay away from his faithful, innocent believers? So many questions, so little time. And time's up, thank's for playing.
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 20, 2018:
What's a gawd ? How can gibberish nothingness be omnipresent ?
How do you tell religious people that you're an atheist?
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 19, 2018:
I fervently wish to go back just 20 years where people kept their business, political or religious, to themselves!
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 20, 2018:
1998 my mom @ age 84 was telling Monica blow job and semen stained dress jokes from the OVAL OFFICE. ...the politics of Billary is never separated from McCarthyism running 70 years now and Red Baiting labor unions for 100 years............... the word Atheism is 2700 years running as the first Greek sailor just kept walking on by temple prostitutes keeping to his destination. ..."Atheos Atheos take your gawds AND SHOVE IT"
How do you tell religious people that you're an atheist?
nlcperk comments on Feb 20, 2018:
To their face. If they don't like it, they can go back to the Garden of Eden.
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 20, 2018:
Hey xians, go back to Bethlehem where you belong
West Virginia Woman Dragged from Capitol for Calling Out Campaign Donors | Democracy Now!
GreenAtheist comments on Feb 17, 2018:
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 19, 2018:
@Akfishlady I am denied most NPR stations or Pacifica rrarely carrying it live or edited tape delayed
Does being agnostic and atheist make us less fearful?
GreenAtheist comments on Feb 17, 2018:
No ...word games are just that .....we Atheists/Agnostics are obviously fearless of hell threats heaven bribes with zero alleged deities to inflict alleged harm but most of us are most careful to avoid believers who are harmful perpetrators
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 19, 2018:
@VictoriaNotes American people are brainwashed by news media and pre-afraid of facts branded conspiracy theories. ...most refuse to consider 2 airplanes CANNOT POSSIBLY "melt" 3 WTC TOWERS 17 YEARS AGO. ...REFUSING TO THINK CRITICALLY is neither liberal nor fascist. ...Yale Study is seriously flawed
The obsession with weapons...
Darthpug comments on Feb 19, 2018:
If taking a gun away (inanimate object) does nothing since the gun cannot kill by itself (gun rights person on this site said this), then why are we concerned with taking away North Korea's nukes? So we are clear I say take both away.
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 19, 2018:
Take away knives from Muslims who want to slit our throats
Republican Lisa Murkowski says it’s time for her party to take climate change seriously. | Grist
GreenAtheist comments on Feb 17, 2018:
The only relevant facts are the thin polar ice now de-classified because our submarines can surface almost anywhere due to thin ice that was too thick 40 years ago
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 18, 2018:
Toxic burning of oil is melting polar and glacial ice BELOW FREEZING TEMPS LIKE ROAD SALT OR SIDEWALK DEicer. ...we must move to hydrogen cars or electric to allow restoration of polar and glacial ice that is essential to drive the Atlantic and Pacific ocean currents that could abate climate change
Does being agnostic and atheist make us less fearful?
GreenAtheist comments on Feb 17, 2018:
No ...word games are just that .....we Atheists/Agnostics are obviously fearless of hell threats heaven bribes with zero alleged deities to inflict alleged harm but most of us are most careful to avoid believers who are harmful perpetrators
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 17, 2018:
@VictoriaNotes I agree with you and disagree that the Yale "study" made liberals turn conservative with fearsome suggestions
School Shootings: What are the answers?
BoringDan comments on Feb 14, 2018:
I think we should have a right to bare arms, it should be a essential right, I agree the second amendment states in a well regulated militia, however joining a militia will receive great scrutiny from big brother, and that's the militias job to protect us from the government when it gets out of ...
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 17, 2018:
@mordant obfuscation of invaders to our nation cannot stand under the fact that most illegal aliens are refugees and workers sending money home to their nations.....ONE GUN ONE DOPE DEAL ONE PIMP is too many crossing open borders. ...telling lies about my posts is proof of incompetent bias
West Virginia Woman Dragged from Capitol for Calling Out Campaign Donors | Democracy Now!
GreenAtheist comments on Feb 17, 2018:
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 17, 2018:
@Akfishlady Goodman and Juan announcing real news war and peace report
School Shootings: What are the answers?
BoringDan comments on Feb 14, 2018:
I think we should have a right to bare arms, it should be a essential right, I agree the second amendment states in a well regulated militia, however joining a militia will receive great scrutiny from big brother, and that's the militias job to protect us from the government when it gets out of ...
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 17, 2018:
@mordant your grandmother did not shoot innocent Americans nor enslave sex trafficking victims nor sell illegal weapons to gangs in Southern California
Does being agnostic and atheist make us less fearful?
GreenAtheist comments on Feb 17, 2018:
No ...word games are just that .....we Atheists/Agnostics are obviously fearless of hell threats heaven bribes with zero alleged deities to inflict alleged harm but most of us are most careful to avoid believers who are harmful perpetrators
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 17, 2018:
@VictoriaNotes polling is highly skewed with false definitions and does not account for McCartthyism making Atheists fearsome of answering any question that OUTS THEM AS Atheists
School Shootings: What are the answers?
BoringDan comments on Feb 14, 2018:
I think we should have a right to bare arms, it should be a essential right, I agree the second amendment states in a well regulated militia, however joining a militia will receive great scrutiny from big brother, and that's the militias job to protect us from the government when it gets out of ...
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 17, 2018:
@mordant addicts get illegal dope from illegal aliens. ...our troops are guarding the opium poppy fields in Afghanistan. ...the problem is a corrupt government that enables arms proliferation globally and murders Muslims for their oil
School Shootings: What are the answers?
BoringDan comments on Feb 14, 2018:
I think we should have a right to bare arms, it should be a essential right, I agree the second amendment states in a well regulated militia, however joining a militia will receive great scrutiny from big brother, and that's the militias job to protect us from the government when it gets out of ...
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 17, 2018:
@mordant nut jobs are in denial gangs with guns are streaming over our borders. ...the militia = citizens ready to defend Pennsylvania from Virginia invaders and California defending from dope dealing gun running gangs invading our border
School Shootings: What are the answers?
commander42 comments on Feb 14, 2018:
Gun control is not the answer. The problem is this country's mental health programs have been cut so severely that people who need help can't get help when they need it. You can blame a lot of people but the two biggest reasons is government not wanting to spend the money and people who feel it is ...
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 17, 2018:
@Akfishlady car drivers safety training must be increased to prevent 40 thousand roadway deaths annually. ...every veteran is trained in gun safety. .... true believers blame guns not people for gun crimes
School Shootings: What are the answers?
GreenAtheist comments on Feb 15, 2018:
File a lawsuit against the family of this expelled student with a grudge against his school much like Sandy Hook there the mom's estate and dad should both be lawsuit drained of all assets for enabling the mental illness with gunplay
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 17, 2018:
@Akfishlady I have a right to life on the highway and it takes all my professional driving skills to prevent dangerous drivers from killing me SO FAR 40 thousand people die preventable deaths on roadways and zero car bans are being legislated only guns to retro address 19 recent school shootings
It's time to re-impose Reagan's ban on the manufacture and sale of all assault-type weapons.
Jnei comments on Feb 15, 2018:
There is absolutely no reason whatsoever for members of the public to be able to own assault weapons. I wasn't aware Reagan had introduced such a ban - I was never a fan of the man, but I respect that.
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 17, 2018:
There are vital reasons why Americans need assault weapons for home and community defense. ...the Florida and Sandy Hook shooters were the mentally ill kids allowed to have guns by their families. ...blame those responsible NOT LAWFULLY ARMED AMERICANS. ..ReaGUN was an incompetent oaf who got our Marines killed in a Beirut hotel unprotected from a huge truck bomb like MURRAH FEDERAL BUILDING
It's time to re-impose Reagan's ban on the manufacture and sale of all assault-type weapons.
GreenAtheist comments on Feb 15, 2018:
REAgun did not borrow 7 trillion dollars from China. ...our interest payments alone is paying for 2 new aircraft carriers per year building up the Chinese Navy while we are wasting 100 billion on submarines that do only one thing : launch ICBM nuke warheads. point is the true meaning of 2nd ...
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 17, 2018:
@KKGator Southern California is full of heavily armed illegal alien latino gangs and a million Americans there will not give up their most effective urban warfare weapons and will buy ammo on the black market if banned by the ADAMANT. ...SELF DEFENSE is real and the families of shooters must be held liable for shootings not prevented NOT DISARMING Americans the FBI also did nothing when the FL shooter was anonymously reported long ago
Pay gap data, again
Duke comments on Feb 7, 2018:
I will never understand why people keep trying to justify the gender pay gap. I'm thankful that I do work for a company where we all know how much we make. And, regardless of gender, we all make the same amount for my position. We all get the same quarterly bonus. And, we all get the same raise each...
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 17, 2018:
@Akfishlady worse are the Phyllis Schafly types who insist women do not deserve equal pay because women should stay home with children then less time on jobs means less pay regardless of proven higher women's abilities and worth to the workplace community
It's time to re-impose Reagan's ban on the manufacture and sale of all assault-type weapons.
GreenAtheist comments on Feb 15, 2018:
REAgun did not borrow 7 trillion dollars from China. ...our interest payments alone is paying for 2 new aircraft carriers per year building up the Chinese Navy while we are wasting 100 billion on submarines that do only one thing : launch ICBM nuke warheads. point is the true meaning of 2nd ...
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 16, 2018:
@KKGator USA SELLS more "small arms" to more countries than all other gun selling countries combined. ...a USA ban will just increase the black market of guns crossing our borders now... wasting time upon hatred of a single style of gun delays full funding for mental health and education of all people to keep guns out of sicko peoples hands. ...demanding Congress do the local job for us is a dodge not a solution
Is it just me or does others find it undignified for our VP Mike Pence, who said that he 'ignored ...
pmljcbs comments on Feb 15, 2018:
Lt's appalling that nobody in our government has any clue about, well, anything, but especially diplomacy. Pence only has one trick; go to a function,, then make a little parade of himself walking out. It was dumb at the football game, and it was even dumber in Korea. lt would be nice if we ...
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 16, 2018:
@Freedompath Pence does not hide much his agenda to force all women to stay pregnant all students prEy to his alleged gawd in school defund secular schools increase illegal tax dollars to quack religious schools. ....Pence also does not hide much his accepted bribes from billionaires would got their giant tax cuts quid pro quo and his long career busting unions
Is it just me or does others find it undignified for our VP Mike Pence, who said that he 'ignored ...
GreenAtheist comments on Feb 15, 2018:
His excuse is that bro murdered their brother in an airport with biological weapon and she is propaganda minister hiding the facts how people are starving by the hundreds of thousands and the huge prison population. .....I hate Pence for his insane religious policies and how he brags he is: ...
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 16, 2018:
@Freedompath true diplomacy could have included a ready message side by side Korean-English declaring a delay in meeting with bro or sis until human rights violations are admitted and are visibly improving. ...of course commending both sets of Korean athletes marching together under both flags opening Olympic ceremonies
Just finished listening to Skeletor, and the other "officials", talking about what happened in ...
GreenAtheist comments on Feb 15, 2018:
Gun control begins with family & witnesses held accountable for doing NOTHING TO STOP SHOOTERS not disarming all lawful citizens defending their homeland
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 15, 2018:
@KKGator there are thousands of AR-15s kept secret or traded for dope inside USA banning this type of weapon will only cause a rash of sales legally before the day a ban takes effect. ...pump shotguns number in the millions and were a preferred weapon over M-16s by many grunts in Vietnam. ....if TrumpOLINI is true to his word he will increase funding for mental health treatment for obvious sickos wanting to shoot up schools or movie theatres. ....but the federal courts will NOT allow a travel ban on Muslims from 5 countries where over 20% of Muslims are polled admitting their religious duty to kill Americans
Have you ever had a stalker?
Hominid comments on Feb 14, 2018:
Wow, that's an awful story @AMGT - living like that would drive me batty. My story isn't near as creepy as yours, but after I divorced my first wife, I discovered she had an obsession with me. 30 years after our divorce, I come to find out that every time I relocated to another city (...I've moved ...
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 15, 2018:
@Hominid people obsessed with manipulation of other's thoughts use extreme threats and trolling behaviors. ...often they were raped or abused @ early ages. ....sad when it is exhibited by an Atheist who should be pacific not aggressive ....we all need to end the cycle of fear and control. ...the opposite of FREETHOUGHT
Why can’t religious people understand that atheism isn’t a religion?
misstuffy comments on Feb 15, 2018:
For the same reason they dont understand Atheists dont worship Satan, that we are for the most part very moral people. Ignorance of the willful variety.
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 15, 2018:
Bad alleged gawds good alleged gotts magical thinking is mental illness when acted out upon Atheists or other cult victims
Why can’t religious people understand that atheism isn’t a religion?
Simon1 comments on Feb 15, 2018:
Religious leaders have convinced them so
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 15, 2018:
Cult perpetrators
Why can’t religious people understand that atheism isn’t a religion?
JimG comments on Feb 15, 2018:
They are so invested in their religion and have such low self esteem, because they only equate their self worth in terms of 'God loves me even though I'm unworthy."they cannot grasp that people can function without religion.
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 15, 2018:
Low self esteem is an understatement. ...cult victims believe they deserve eternal burning of their flesh painfully and accept any version of the heaven bribes to mitigate such zero self worth


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