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My submission in honor of Valentine's Day.
GreenAtheist comments on Feb 15, 2018:
I doubt penis pix are instinctive male primate "displays" instead it is male entitlement begging for a vagina photo exchange
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 15, 2018:
@Insectra I laughed @ the hiding effect. ....women are rarely hidden while boy toys get maximum protection from FULL MONTY exposure
School Shootings: What are the answers?
GreenAtheist comments on Feb 15, 2018:
File a lawsuit against the family of this expelled student with a grudge against his school much like Sandy Hook there the mom's estate and dad should both be lawsuit drained of all assets for enabling the mental illness with gunplay
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 15, 2018:
@Varn we won millions from big tobacco for false advertising of cancer cigarettes and families who enable shooters can be sued to surrender assets including expensive guns to be sold to lawful militia
Eating meat []
JackPedigo comments on Feb 13, 2018:
This is all good and true. But I have found nothing pushes people's buttons more than talking about food choices. Some people look to meat as if it were a religion. Even mentioning one is a vegetarian set a lot of people off.
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 14, 2018:
@Wildgreens taking responsibility for money choices is critical to reforming corrupt USA policies. ....ranchers murdered thousands of Native Americans since 1869 and millions of bison to make room for railroads shipping rotten cattle back east to "feed" cities. ....there is nothing good about American conquest ecocide and industrial "agriculture"
Have you ever had a stalker?
GreenAtheist comments on Feb 14, 2018:
Was his name Assistant County Attourney Roy Moore ?
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 14, 2018:
@AMGT voters keep re-electing him State Supreme Court Chief Judge even after he was removed from office refused to remove DECALOGUE 3 TON MONUMENT OUT OF CAPITOL BUILDING my pal Larry Darby won the Atheist lawsuit against Moore dragging the stone shit into the Capitol
I started a group for Oregonians. Might get enough people to get together. Lol. Who knows?
GreenAtheist comments on Feb 13, 2018:
I miss living in Portland and trips to the ocean but not the volcanoes
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 14, 2018:
@Annaleda no such thing as a SAINT exploding half a mountain up into the air ....geebush geehobah ghost holes did not fly off into heavens any such way either
Welcome everyone.
Francoise comments on Feb 14, 2018:
Hi, 91B Combat Medic in the '80s. Favorite post - Mainz, Germany! Hoping for a good group!
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 14, 2018:
4-0 Atheists so far smart moves comrades
Trump’s Budget Seeks $1 Billion In Taxpayer Funds For Private Religious Schools – Friendly ...
Tecolote comments on Feb 13, 2018:
The midterm elections will be a big turning point for me. It's also my birthday. If we become more red than we are now, I'm leaving America.
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 14, 2018:
My daughter born on election day is staying working GREEN ENGINEERING JOB ....but many professions are screwed under TrumpOLINI
Have you ever had a stalker?
GreenAtheist comments on Feb 14, 2018:
Was his name Assistant County Attourney Roy Moore ?
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 14, 2018:
@AMGT jess jokin 4 real Moore stalked victims all told the truth about his pedophilia
Welcome everyone.
Kashif comments on Feb 13, 2018:
Allow me to introduce myself my name is Kashif. US Army Ret Sgt. Combat vet three tours in Iraq. 2006-2011 13B Field Artillery Was stationed in Alaska at Ft Wainwright for 4 years. Now I'm just some guy. Trying to figure out what to do with myself.
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 14, 2018:
Sgt stay strong. ...I was a Navy Personnelman career counselor. me anytime you'd like to brain storm transitioning from service to civilian. ...take note I'm not gonna help you become a bible thumper but you are pretty much guaranteed one shot at a GS 8 or so GI BILL degree pushes that up many pay grades lots of corporations put you on their interview list above college grads. ...your years of experience is worth far more than management theory business degree 843 926 1750 us Atheists in Foxholes are living proof zero battlefield prEyers are EVER ANSWERED
From the literary giant James Baldwin, this quote is from the 1963 book, The Fire Next Time.
polyananda comments on Feb 13, 2018:
Love James Baldwin. I have a bumper sticker with a quote of his “Artists are here to disturb the peace.”
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 14, 2018:
My truck had Baldwin on my driver door 4 years until a illegal alien drunk driver destroyed my white 94 Chevrolet Cheyenne 2500 Club Cab
With Amarosa, removed from the WH, she is revealing what most of us suspected all along.
Dick_Martin comments on Feb 13, 2018:
This has happened before. When the nation realized Spiro Agnew was chomping at the bit he was offered a resignation, which he grabbed. So we got Gerald Ford. Going to make a 2nd post
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 14, 2018:
A veto proof blue Congress confirmed Ford to replace Agnew in the days long ago when seniority and party was not one thousand per cent corrupt Senator Moynihan for example lectured his campaign donors and often refused their money when their bill was pending in the Senate. ....the appearance of ethics and rule of law evaporated when airlines buslines trucking all were de-regulated by Jimmah. ....inflation has been overtaken by Goldman Sachs raiding the US TREASURY stealing TRAIN LOADS OF CASH. ....USA has one hope left for the BILL of RIGHTS 2 B ratified in 27 more states 50 thousand persons per Congressional district AMENDMENT ONE the most important right of all face to face door to door DEMOCRACY IN CONGRESS 1789 GENERAL WASHINGTON only testified to this single Amendment. ...he never commanded more than 30 thousand troops in the field
Have you ever had a stalker?
EmeraldJewel comments on Feb 14, 2018:
I used to work with a man who tried to manipulate me and when he found out I didn’t like him like that, he turned into a real jerk. He started asking people at the work place where was I, what time I came into work and what time I got off of work. Then every time at 2:00 for the 2:00 zone at ...
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 14, 2018:
@EmeraldJewel just one guess: they both watch Jimmy Swaggart on TV and attend holy roller tent revivals in the empty parking lot down the road from Wal-Mart
Have you ever had a stalker?
SteveB comments on Feb 14, 2018:
I’m so sorry that happened to you! Nothing to that degree has happened to me. I’ve seen some stalkerish behaviors online towards me, but nothing that's lasted too long.
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 14, 2018:
@AMGT harder for the girls Roy Moore stalked fondled and attempted to rape in Alabama
Have you ever had a stalker?
Rugglesby comments on Feb 14, 2018:
Yes, had a couple, have 2 now. Worst one was years ago, in addition to stalking she would tell all and sundry we were in a relationship. I was married at the time. Luckily I was neither the first or last victim, the 1st was the head teacher at her kids school but he lived further away. The one ...
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 14, 2018:
There seems to be a virus fucking up brains of women like this
Have you ever had a stalker?
Hominid comments on Feb 14, 2018:
Wow, that's an awful story @AMGT - living like that would drive me batty. My story isn't near as creepy as yours, but after I divorced my first wife, I discovered she had an obsession with me. 30 years after our divorce, I come to find out that every time I relocated to another city (...I've moved ...
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 14, 2018:
We have at least one female like that here in luckily I blocked her but how do you block government employees ?
Reasons to go vegan []
GreenAtheist comments on Feb 13, 2018:
No need to watch the light of life go out in the eyes of animals being murdered then butchered
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 14, 2018:
@Wildgreens food is hand to mouth evolution. ...the eating what people buy from the death industries is DE-volution.....people in Africa put live ants on their buttered bread. ....people in America live their whole lives never once killing then cooking a rabbit. ......carnivores get angry at vegans like xians get angry at Atheists. dare we tell the truth about veal or alleged vaginal virgins birthing alleged baby gods in dirty donkey stables
Not science:
Freedompath comments on Feb 14, 2018:
Don't give up, repeat it often enough and they will believe it...
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 14, 2018:
Theocracy the big lie of Hitler Khomeini TrumpOLINI
As atheists, how do you feel about fidelity, within a marriage or a long-term relationship?
SweetHarp comments on Jan 26, 2018:
Do you know what's wrong with Baptists? . . . . . . they don't hold them under long enough.
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 13, 2018:
Baptists have a good joke upon us: " what do you call a dead Atheist ? All dressed up and no where to go "
With Amarosa, removed from the WH, she is revealing what most of us suspected all along.
Dick_Martin comments on Feb 13, 2018:
Imagine if you will, a scenario where the timing is: Mueller parades his actions in a way they pretty much guarantees a blue wave in November, Followed by an arrest of Pence for obstruction of justice so that he is removed from the scene in mid-January, with impeachment proceedings against Trump ...
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 13, 2018:
Never happen. ...Pence would be instantly replaced like Agnew with Ford. ....If Orange Batman & Robin Ruuuusssshhhaaaahhhh Dingy Crazy LIMPboss "on decaf" are removed resigned Rethuglicans will put Paul Ryan in line wave is a pipe dream. ...the creep who defeated Moore in Alabama has already caved to the swamp of lobbyists and fascist corporatism foreclosing upon USA. ....THERE ARE NOT 300 honest Democrats running for Congress. ...just the same bribed thieves changing out of Rethuglicans clothes
So me or you?
SonderOpia comments on Feb 12, 2018:
I would choose them to die. As crappy or arrogant as that sounds and as much as I don't believe that someone else's life is worth less than my own. I don't know this person. I want to live. I will do almost anything to survive. I know this is the only life I have and I want to live it as long as I ...
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 13, 2018:
Cowards run ....heroic people refuse to sacrifice others ....always choosing victory over evil. ...this is an evil question
So me or you?
GreenAtheist comments on Feb 12, 2018:
I would duck and charge the boy with a gun probably scared of any resistance and tackle the scum, grab his gun and shove it into his mouth and pull the trigger then use additional bullets to destroy his genitals and face making any funeral for this excuse of primate flesh a ugly bunch of goo
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 13, 2018:
@SonderOpia I am a US NAVY veteran genuinely posting how I was trained to respond to deadly situations. ....why are you so negative and crappy to me. ? Only a douche controls and degrades others. ...I uplift and support Atheists here .....I have never sacrificed anyone to save myself and your question is a false cruelty test......I gave my whole life to my two daughters and you are taking on the unbearable attitudes of both their moms who I was forced to divorce. ...grow up and make nice.....feel free to post where ever I post. ...if you're incapable of learning, there is always a wake up call to shake you from your open eyes nightmare pissing upon me here
Welcome @EricTrommeter, Welcome to the first g:18 member.
FrayedBear comments on Feb 12, 2018:
Welcome to @GreenAtheist. What passions are you looking to particularly share that are not catered for elsewhere? And @chicagojcb who is an opera lover and performer.
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 13, 2018:
@FrayedBear link works only to the 1st page. ...the Professor seems to predate or copy DARWIN AWARDS....copy the 5 laws here in your own words please
Any swingers here?
Jesusluvsu comments on Feb 12, 2018:
I've wanted to and had friends that were into it. Just never took the opportunity.
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 13, 2018:
@Redcupcoffee parties of 5+ must get very confusing not to mention drugs booze and disease possibilities. ....lIke I said I would never ask and if "she" wants me to join in I need mutuality and negotiations sober & safe under soft lights
Any swingers here?
GreenAtheist comments on Feb 12, 2018:
I would never ask but I would participate if my bride wanted a try out a married man and his spouse would need to be agreeable to this form of polyamory. ....
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 13, 2018:
@Redcupcoffee I am unclear about this question. ....does it mean that my hypothetical bride has the hots for a married gay man and I'm supposed to "swing" with his partner. ? While we are at this micro-parsing, I might marry a woman who wants to swing with a lesbian's only fair for us dangling others to follow the polyamory expanding circle of swing choices
Believer Bashing?
GreenAtheist comments on Feb 13, 2018:
There are differences herein between escape stories from horrific cults bashing back at the religious perpetrators. .....our Atheist comraderie is inescapably condescending towards believers. Quaker comrades my Catholic Workers for peace and justice never receive my righteous indignant ire ...
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 13, 2018:
@Dida I fully support your sentimental respect for believers. ...we all should peacefully co-exist. .....nonetheless less WE MUST SET BOUNDARIES defending facts from wrong-headed faiths. ....a woman's fundamental sovereignty of her body NOTWITHSTANDING any pregnancy. person no theocracy no religionist has zero to say about sperm and zygotes in her body ....religion is 100% wrong claiming any alleged deity is involved with pregnancy. ....only my daughters decide if and when to make me into a grandpa. ...not gangster living popes not Senator Sanctomoron or his incompetent liar quack nurse wife who lied about her ectopic pregnancy. ...her hospital peer colleagues had to violate confidentiality to prove her lies cannot justify banning all abortions. ...she like the alleged female Ann Coulter earned the title C.U.N.T.
So me or you?
GreenAtheist comments on Feb 12, 2018:
I would duck and charge the boy with a gun probably scared of any resistance and tackle the scum, grab his gun and shove it into his mouth and pull the trigger then use additional bullets to destroy his genitals and face making any funeral for this excuse of primate flesh a ugly bunch of goo
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 13, 2018:
@SonderOpia chances are Allah AK Bar have the gun fantasies including 72 virgins awaiting their suicidal gonads
Welcome @EricTrommeter, Welcome to the first g:18 member.
FrayedBear comments on Feb 12, 2018:
Welcome to @GreenAtheist. What passions are you looking to particularly share that are not catered for elsewhere? And @chicagojcb who is an opera lover and performer.
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 13, 2018:
I don't see a coherent disciplined group for political action ....mostly liberals bashing TrumpOLINI and objectivists bashing insurance and Social Security needs
I don't want to be shitty about this. But I'm already shitty. []
GreenAtheist comments on Feb 12, 2018:
I thought all mail was screened for anthrax from Saddam Hussein ?
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 13, 2018:
@Redcupcoffee yes he was drugged on trial defending himself in gibberish before he was hung dead but he left supplies of anthrax all over Iraq
Richard Dawkins: religion should be offended at every opportunity
David1955 comments on Feb 12, 2018:
I think there is a difference between offending a religion and offending individuals intentionally. The religions are the appalling institutions, and theology and practices. Affronting these should be habit with serious nonbelievers. Now if believers get offended by that, well that's too bad, but ...
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 12, 2018:
I am much more blunt: " you seem like a nice person let's work together and jail both living popes until every rapist priest confession is made public and jail them too
I am making this post so I can get to level 7 and not get left behind!
Charlene comments on Feb 12, 2018:
Oh you so deserve to be up here..that way we can , like, hang out and go shopping at the mall and stuff and, like, OMG'll be, like, the best..we can get , like, mani pedis and stuff..I soooo vote to let you in! It's, like, Unicorns farting glitter up here-ah..epic!
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 12, 2018:
@Dida is there any hope for vertical pleasure?
Welcome everyone.
Crimson67 comments on Feb 11, 2018:
I'm Michele. I live in E-town KY (Just south of Louisville) I have three kids...two still/back at home. I travel a lot and am always open to grabbing a drink or bite with people.
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 12, 2018:
There is also the 2 possibilities of a 3rd location rendezvous and a traveler like me come a calling. ....I left Myrtle Beach for a funeral in Charleston SC seeing many comrades from my living here since 2005 never really "left" but I have shallow roots in Fingerlakes NY and deepest generations in Iowa. ...Lexington KY is a favorite spot since 1983 when we honored CC MOORE pardoned by McKinley. ...his only crime mailing obscenities directly quoted from the King James Bible
Anyone make any close connections yet?
GreenAtheist comments on Feb 11, 2018:
Takes 2 to connect and dating seems to be an arms length encounter. ....maybe people our age are more afraid of a commitment than teens are afraid of pregnancy ?????? Of course I am not seeking cheap thrill sleep overs nor a shared vacation cruise partner. me old fashioned but 2 can fight ...
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 12, 2018:
@Dida most here are greatly appreciated chatting
I am often struck by how people seem to ignore the fact that women die in child birth on ...
Stevil comments on Feb 11, 2018:
I dated a woman who was a lawyer involved in the "Pro life" movement never did they mention the woman. She was just a baby making machine
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 12, 2018:
@RavenCT the bible declares women UNCLEAN in contradictory passages. ...menstruating women are to be kept away from all others UNTOUCHED for weeks. ...give birth to a male child 20 or 40 days UNCLEAN birthing female children UNCLEAN 40 OR 80 DAYS. ...fucked up bible does not rule on fraternal twins for a 30 to 60 day curse or the cumulative 60-120 day infallible word of insane Jews. ....
I am often struck by how people seem to ignore the fact that women die in child birth on ...
Stevil comments on Feb 11, 2018:
I dated a woman who was a lawyer involved in the "Pro life" movement never did they mention the woman. She was just a baby making machine
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 12, 2018:
These insane criminal theocrats also produce guilt needlessly in women who want to stay pregnant. single woman on this planet is a perfect baby maker. ...DNA from ova & sperm is constantly randomizing amidst the billions of replications....implantation never occurs perfectly in utero. ...70% of all conceptions never survive 2 week or 6 week menstruation. ....I want to castrate both living popes PAINFULLY and sterilize every believer so they don't breed and never let them adopt IF I HAD THE MAGIC WAND like Tinker Bell in Disneyland
I am often struck by how people seem to ignore the fact that women die in child birth on ...
VictoriaNotes comments on Feb 11, 2018:
That was a well done and informative podcast. The World Health Organizations states that annually, approximately 300 000 women die during and following pregnancy and childbirth.
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 12, 2018:
6 million women die each year denied life saving abortions and deadly disease preventing condoms/birth control methods
What’s your thoughts on profanity?
Kimba comments on Feb 11, 2018:
Swear words are actually stored in a different part of the brain to formal speech as evidenced by their retention in people whose speech is otherwise severely impaired following stroke or other brain injury. It has also been shown that swearing increases a persons ability to tolerate pain. If you ...
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 12, 2018:
Does that explain Tourettes ?
Martin Luther King Jr said: Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that.
RoboGraham comments on Jan 15, 2018:
He was a champion of nonviolent civil disobedience. He showed us the way forward.
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 12, 2018:
Dr King Jr led Memphis garbage workers for living wages HUMAN DIGNITY indicting capitalism and racist war invading Vietnam. ....lunch counters and freedom marching must not be obsfucating daily human needs for economic justice. .. He asked his epitaph be: " DRUM MAJOR FOR JUSTICE "
Finally watching Wonder Woman.
webbew1 comments on Feb 11, 2018:
Why? Because sex sells. From Hollywood blockbuster action films geared towards men with tacked on female eye candy to trashy female-centric "so called" plot driven porn novels like Fifty Shades Of Gray. So long as it puts a shit ton of money in somebody's pocket, that dynamic will never change.
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 12, 2018:
@Akfishlady I refused to read past 3 pages and deeply regret paying for #1 flick. ...the true title should be BILLIONAIRE STALKER. ...bribes college girl to be a victim prostitute he is the only "customer" by contract
Finally watching Wonder Woman.
silvereyes comments on Feb 11, 2018:
Yeah. I also dislike how women are used to propel storylines by either getting themselves in trouble and need rescuing or making stupid decisions that the man needs to fix. This happens *a lot.*
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 12, 2018:
Wonder Woman is the living deity who defeats the living Nazi Kaiser Satan character with Star Trek Captain Kirk as a British spy from USA sleeping with heavenly perfection
Finally watching Wonder Woman.
ThereisnoDog comments on Feb 11, 2018:
Wonder Woman wasn't a sexual kitten. She's played by a smokin hot actress for a few reasons. First, people like watching attractive actors/actresses. Second, anyone who trains and fights for most of their life is going to be in incredible shape. Third, she looks like the character she's based ...
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 12, 2018:
The Israeli actress is a mother of two IN COSTUME that would girdle up many women into the "hot" sexist boys eyes
Finally watching Wonder Woman.
Piece2YourPuzzle comments on Feb 11, 2018:
The creator based Wonder Woman on his wife and their female lover. Watch "Professor Marston & The Wonder Women" to see the story. They were kinky. The creator saw both women as strong women and just incorporated their kink into it. The comic book when it first started out had people being tied up ...
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 12, 2018:
Nope ....kinky does NOT describe FREE LOVE and the inventors of POLYGRAPH. ...kinky is a sexist prudish word
Seeing this picture solidified my doubts about the christian religion.
Jerome comments on Feb 11, 2018:
I know I’m wrong, but I can’t remove the hate I feel for Christianity nor the anger I have for the millions following it.
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 12, 2018:
I hate all violent faiths that allow suffering and actively harm people/planet
While I was departing the airport tonight, there were a few people standing between the terminal and...
GreenAtheist comments on Feb 10, 2018:
We're these JWs Hispanic ? Each Kingdom Hall Salon Iglesias can be a deeper cult than others especially border states or airports landing international flights....JWs are world wide missionary cults
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 11, 2018:
@Akfishlady sorry to learn JWs have replaced MOONIES + Hare Krishnas selling flowers
Turbulent Hydro - Could this be the future of renewable energy?
Crimson67 comments on Feb 10, 2018:
I think it is one piece of the puzzle. Hydro is great for areas that solar and wind aren't good options.
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 11, 2018:
Waves not giant dams
Can a homosexual attraction occur in a person who defines themselves as heterosexual?
orange_girl comments on Feb 10, 2018:
Like @KKGator stated below, labels are just that. Sexuality is on a continuum. There is no 100% gay or straight . . . (think of Kinsey). People get really upset at the idea. Same thing with "race." It doesn't exist in the categorical sense some people who like it to. Of course people cling ...
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 11, 2018:
People make too many assumptions about love, making babies and lust. ...Gore Vidal declared all humans are bi-sexual capable of love anywhere with anyone....wanting the person you care most for to be satisfied orgasmically does not change your eye candy who you fantasize about. ...everything intimate requires negotiations and consent .....again talking then agreement does not turn off sensuality nor on like a row of light switches marked straight gay lesbian bi trans or previously celibate
Smoking In Cars With Children Is Illegal Starting January 30, 2018
Dick_Martin comments on Feb 9, 2018:
I am waiting for the day states are battling over whether or not to allow smoking of marijuana in public places
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 11, 2018:
@JeffMurray addicts are desperate and resentful. ..2 attitudes that lead to theft from employers. ...
What is your response when people threaten you with religious punishments? (i.e. Hell/Jahannam)
HurricaneErika comments on Nov 20, 2017:
"How Christian of you" Although I also like to break out "Judge not, lest ye be judged". It's always good to bring the Bible into it.
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 10, 2018:
Go back to fucking Bethlehem where you belong
How often do you say “God damn it?”
Phreek35 comments on Feb 6, 2018:
Hahaha! "goddamnit" is definitely my go to word
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 10, 2018:
Every gawdamn day
While I was departing the airport tonight, there were a few people standing between the terminal and...
GreenAtheist comments on Feb 10, 2018:
We're these JWs Hispanic ? Each Kingdom Hall Salon Iglesias can be a deeper cult than others especially border states or airports landing international flights....JWs are world wide missionary cults
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 10, 2018:
@Akfishlady could be Africans Mossambique thousands are in Minneapolis but most are Muslim not JW
Mind control ??? []
GreenAtheist comments on Feb 10, 2018:
I love THE MAJESTIC movie. ....McCarthyism is mind control and Jim fights back with humor and a law student love
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 10, 2018:
@Wildgreens about 15 years ago in theatres MAJESTIC is the name of the small town cinema house
I won't eat animals []
DeityfreeRo comments on Feb 10, 2018:
Little kids are great about projecting human emotion onto things and animals.
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 10, 2018:
And big kids project insensitivity to death and destruction perpetrated by our violent fascist polluter society
Potatoes and Rice []
DeityfreeRo comments on Feb 10, 2018:
So if you eat animals you are not beautiful?
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 10, 2018:
Tell me how beautiful it is to pull off a rabbits head under your boot slicing the belly from penis or vagina to rib cage then sling out the internal organs into the ditch after shooting the innocent bunny in the head with a bullet ? Butchering cows pigs chickens is beautiful also ? Take responsibility for the ugly food chain of alleged higher animals down to the lowest of animals
Should you be proud of that?
PeppermintDreads comments on Feb 10, 2018:
The war-mongers are proud of themselves.
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 10, 2018:
This sicko is bucking for a medal from Dick Cheney
I need 36 thousand more points to win level 8 that's triple my 5 weeks work here
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 7, 2018:
Hey there! How can we help?
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 10, 2018:
@AnneWimsey it sets too long in a truck or grocery warehouse before it gets to the store. ...gotta beg neighbors for fresh pickings
2018 Winter Olympics, who's watching?
GreenAtheist comments on Feb 9, 2018:
Criminal theocrat Veep Pence is there in Korea spewing his gawdly lies upon Olympians and cheering audiences alike CHEERING FOR Athletes who should come out of their closets for ATHEISM as few Mount Olympus gods are worshipped yet today
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 10, 2018:
@mistymoon77 peace is on the political athletic food tables North Korean athletes are marching and competing together
Sometimes I think it wouldn’t be such a bad idea to spend as much money on deepwater exploration ...
EMC2 comments on Feb 10, 2018:
No problem, all we have to do is eliminate the massive military spending and like Canada, focus on science. Just NEVER vote for a current republican and we can achieve our thirst for truth
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 10, 2018:
Damn I just sent you kudos and then I read your lack of political science. ....Rethuglicans and Republocrats equally fund research mostly in their home states or districts universities while just as equally the single party zionist duopoly fully fund fascist wars in dozens of countries. ...Schumer & McConnell Pelosi and Ryan just cut the 500 billion dollar check and TrumpOLINI signed it yesterday. ...undersea research is hidden in NOAA Coast Guard and submarine pentagon insanity building a bigger sub fleet we have no crews for half the fleet now. ....elect Greens to Congress for increased pure science jobs
What, exactly, does it mean to be "spiritual"?
buck1977 comments on Feb 9, 2018:
Spiritual = emotional religious = delusional
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 10, 2018:
Some delusion is emotional
What, exactly, does it mean to be "spiritual"?
silvereyes comments on Feb 9, 2018:
Atheism only means that a person doesn't believe in god. We've had this debate a lot here on this site. It boils down to the fact that spiritual is a vague word. Many people are using it to describe the feeling of connectedness and awe they feel towards life, the universe, and everything. Some use ...
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 10, 2018:
Buddhism is ritual chanting. ALL else is an attitude of detachment to avoid frustrations. ...Sam Harris is selling his writing to pacific believers as well as militant Atheists who are disarming jihadists of any faith
What, exactly, does it mean to be "spiritual"?
chicagojcb comments on Feb 9, 2018:
Well, you'd have to ask the person in question. I expect people mean all sorts of things when they say "spiritual". From my perspective it means there are things they get emotional about and for some reason they think that's some sort of higher feeling. I continue to be surprised that ...
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 10, 2018:
I agree spirit is a deep feeling whether higher or lower in Maslovian thought. ...the intuitives must record their expectations or spirit messaging with independent observers to verify facts versus guessing
What is the best and worst thing someone has said about you?
GreenAtheist comments on Feb 8, 2018:
Calling me a "fool white man" 2/3rds false I am Cherokee posessing wisdom the racist child insulting me is a confessed fool by his lies @ me
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 9, 2018:
@MrControversy agreed racist assumptions perpetuate NOT CONFRONT racism. ....I suffered my racist father INSIST HE (was) IS WHITE calling his grandmother a SQUAW. ....FIGHT for living wages for all QUIT ASSUMING whites are universally favored to the detriment of minorities. ....a rising tide lifts all boats in a white or Red or Black sea
I need 36 thousand more points to win level 8 that's triple my 5 weeks work here
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 7, 2018:
Hey there! How can we help?
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 9, 2018:
@AnneWimsey I shall help your favorite recipe "cooking" but I prefer clean fresh trimmed salads or stir fry AND I EAT MY PEELED washed rhubarb RAW no salt like I salted as a child
I was happy to find this today.
HippieChick58 comments on Feb 9, 2018:
I wish I had that much hair.
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 9, 2018:
Gentle shampoo and soft brushing nightly by your lover will grow long beautiful HAIR
Someone didn't think this through.
MissInfermiera comments on Feb 8, 2018:
I mean the line below does say "Virginia is for lovers"....
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 9, 2018:
@Blindbird we should never forget our sisters and brothers in bondage theocratically economically nor violently
I need 36 thousand more points to win level 8 that's triple my 5 weeks work here
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 7, 2018:
Hey there! How can we help?
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 9, 2018:
@AnneWimsey yes we "canned" apples made dozens of pies each year from our tree. healing diet includes apples cukes kale and watermelon
Avatars and screen names
GreenAtheist comments on Feb 8, 2018:
July Buffalo BILLs training camp last July full head to toe photo what you see is what you get. ...I have been a Green Democrat since 1984 and a lifelong Atheist since 1962 out of the closet age ten quit the boy scouts because of illegal theocracy printing an alleged gawd into existence spoiling the...
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 9, 2018:
@FrayedBear sorry comrade I know NZ Australia UK USA SOUTH AFRICA et al have brutal genocidal scout roots. ...I remain PREPARED and HONEST unlike Baden Powell
Avatars and screen names
GreenAtheist comments on Feb 8, 2018:
July Buffalo BILLs training camp last July full head to toe photo what you see is what you get. ...I have been a Green Democrat since 1984 and a lifelong Atheist since 1962 out of the closet age ten quit the boy scouts because of illegal theocracy printing an alleged gawd into existence spoiling the...
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 9, 2018:
@FrayedBear I know all about Asshole Baden Powell fought the gay and Atheist scout battles since 1980's.....I quit in 1962 age ten refusing to buy a new Scout Handbook my brother's 1949 Handbook DID NOT HAVE UNDER gawd in his Pledge Of Allegiance Flag page. ...Congress gave the Fuckscouts a Charter in 1914 and legislated the FLAG prEyer in 1955
Dating after 50
Redcupcoffee comments on Jan 6, 2018:
I've given it up, I'm 45 and I simply don't care or don't want any part of dating anymore. I'm content being single and free. I sleep well at night, I travel where I want, I eat where and what I want, I have zero drama and need to please anyone. I don't fight with anyone, I have great friendships ...
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 9, 2018:
I remain deeply disappointed in my brother humans screwing up their marriages with my sister humans. my 2 marriages all was well until their past abuses were acted out towards me.....I refuse to be the shrink she dinks EVER AGAIN. ...LOVE AND TRUST built up in marriage should not be a lady green light to dramatize upon a safe whipping please any Atheist woman out there get counsel for the past and live up to the promise making love last our long lifetimes
Someone didn't think this through.
MissInfermiera comments on Feb 8, 2018:
I mean the line below does say "Virginia is for lovers"....
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 9, 2018:
@Blindbird in the most poverty stricken areas where Vatican won't let condoms be distributed anal sex is a woman's only method of birth control submitting to the male who owns her
Avatars and screen names
Crimson67 comments on Feb 8, 2018:
My avatar is a picture of me taken a little over a year ago. It is one of the few pictures of me that I like. I nitpick pictures of myself apart so finding one I like is rare. I have a bunch on my profile but this is the only one I really like. My screen name is one I've had for years and I'm too...
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 9, 2018:
@witchymom Red hair is the greatest glory. personal joyful eagle eyeful
Avatars and screen names
GreenAtheist comments on Feb 8, 2018:
July Buffalo BILLs training camp last July full head to toe photo what you see is what you get. ...I have been a Green Democrat since 1984 and a lifelong Atheist since 1962 out of the closet age ten quit the boy scouts because of illegal theocracy printing an alleged gawd into existence spoiling the...
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 9, 2018:
@FrayedBear scouting for Native Americans and First Nations was a way to stay alive not be killed by the likes of French British German Scotish Irish Spanish et AL invaders to my land.....when the missionaries came they had bibles we had land now THEY HAVE ALL LAND we have nothing but bibles
The older of my 16 year old twin sons is having surgery this morning on his knee for a torn ACL.
GreenAtheist comments on Feb 8, 2018:
Best wishes mom many minutes separate the twin births ?
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 9, 2018:
@MyLiege my 2 experiences as birth coach to 2 mom's lead me to conclude 2 minutes during childbirth can seem like eternity
My ideal body type, to insure possible 4ever love
Amie comments on Feb 6, 2018:
We all have our biases, even if they’re unconscious and not intentional. It’s a byproduct of socialization. I am admittedly always more attracted (initially) to men who are taller than me and either muscular or on the husky side. Generally I’m not drawn to very thin or very heavy men; however,...
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 8, 2018:
Giant 6'5" tall husky kind gentle dancer prancer Donner Blitzen
How do you tell religious people that you're an atheist?
ThereisnoDog comments on Feb 8, 2018:
"Hey, im Agnostic". "Whats that?" "Basically it means I'm Atheist, but I admit I could be wrong"
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 8, 2018:
That's why there is no dog you could be wrong about being Agnostic
jlynn37 comments on Feb 8, 2018:
I do not think that a religion is in any way comparable to a government. I do completely agree with your assessment of anyone trusting the government. The United States is nothing more than a propaganda organization. (IMHO)
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 8, 2018:
USA is a defacto McCarthyistic theocracy of zionists in office from the single duopoly party. choice facades notwithstanding
Hicks66 comments on Feb 8, 2018:
Jumping to a conclusion would lead me to infer that you advocate a type of anarchy. Now I could comment further but I don't want to but words in your mouth.
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 8, 2018:
Anarchy is voluntary government ruling without violence. ...zionism is quadruple tithing murdering 94 Palestinians for every 6 IDF brownshirts killed....Greens Libertarians and other real parties are real choices without zionism. ...BlueREDS RedBLUES are the zionist Catholics fundies and Israelis with dual USA citizenships
Someone didn't think this through.
Gert comments on Feb 8, 2018:
Maybe someone did :-D
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 8, 2018:
@VictoriaNotes for the Mormons who believe they will rule on their own planet somewhere off in the heavens try planet urANUS out there with Neptune and defrocked Pluto no longer a gawdly planet but it has two bitsy moons
Someone didn't think this through.
MissInfermiera comments on Feb 8, 2018:
I mean the line below does say "Virginia is for lovers"....
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 8, 2018:
Butt lovin
Someone didn't think this through.
kmdskit3 comments on Feb 8, 2018:
That's some heavenly shit!
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 8, 2018:
E coli happens
Is Football too Violent?
madmac comments on Feb 8, 2018:
While most football injuries are accidental, how does this compare to the "sport" of boxing ? where the object is to deliberately damage the brain into a state of unconsciousness.. Whoever wins this battle is considered to be a great hero. Each vicious punch sends the skull flying while the ...
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 8, 2018:
Joyce Carol Oates loveth such consanguine shedding
Random post: while sitting at my desk this evening listening to NPR and trying not to rot my brain ...
273kelvin comments on Feb 8, 2018:
Massachusetts and New Hampshire are not states but comonweaths (not bad from a Brit lol) I play a number plate game whilst driving Uk plates have 3 letters so you have to make a word out of the 3 letters in order but without any letter repeating before your done. So for example you see JDC You ...
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 8, 2018:
Kentucky and Pennsylvania complete 4 of 50 states officially branded COMMONWEALTHs....but New Hampshire is NOT one Virginia is with Mass
I need 36 thousand more points to win level 8 that's triple my 5 weeks work here
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 7, 2018:
Hey there! How can we help?
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 8, 2018:
@AnneWimsey Alice in Wonderland please no slicing my body nor stabbing. ...I was trained in the Navy to disarm thee of thy sword
I need 36 thousand more points to win level 8 that's triple my 5 weeks work here
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 7, 2018:
Hey there! How can we help?
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 8, 2018:
@AnneWimsey I'm eager to dance NOW. ...I AM searching Francais vocabulary now
Marlon Brando and Richard Pryor?
Jesusluvsu comments on Feb 8, 2018:
Had no idea that either of them were bisexual. Ok, so Pryor was open about his sexuality, was Brando?
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 8, 2018:
Brando in Last Tango rapes a woman anally with butter lubricant and is a bestial voyeur with a young stud pulled from a mare so an elderly stallion can mount the moist filly....much worse than Burton last film Circle as an artist seduced by a girl 15 who wanted her nude portrait to include complete love with her artist
So does anyone care that Britain's Prince Harry is engaged? Does the monarchy matter?
GreenAtheist comments on Feb 8, 2018:
Jail them all give the royal wealth to the poor
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 8, 2018:
@Vic47 royals laundering tax money into "charities" is not nobility IT IS THE FRAUD CHURCH OF ENGLAND TAXES collect
Erotic Intelligence: The secret to desire in a long-term relationship
walklightly comments on Feb 4, 2018:
the responsibility for ALL my experiences is always with me. expectation is the killer of any kind of connection with each other. it is as simple & as difficult as that - if i want to experience love, desire, erotic, etc. i have to be free to open up on that level & play, not expect anything from my...
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 8, 2018:
@walklightly I stand corrected. ...I should know better. ...I scream back @ tampon terrorists who scream 3 centimeter embryonic goo equals 20 inch full term fetal viable deliveries. ...AN ACORN IS NOT A TREE
What is a common saying or slang that you really dislike?
SACatWalker comments on Feb 8, 2018:
Anything that's an appropriation from black culture. If it's about civil rights or something, like power to the people (I know it's not slang), that's one thing, but I am sick of white people acting black just to seem cool; have been every day since the 60's, and it's just rampant now. To me they ...
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 8, 2018:
I agree such uncool people have no clue that the civil rights movement is all about women and minorities NOT BLATHER mis-quoting DR MLKjr. ...Africans were kidnapped and raped their half white babies sold as "smart" houseboys or big house cleaning girls soon to be raped and forced pregnant to sell 3rd generation victims ALL DEDICATED TO STEALING LAND of us Red people
Erotic Intelligence: The secret to desire in a long-term relationship
walklightly comments on Feb 4, 2018:
the responsibility for ALL my experiences is always with me. expectation is the killer of any kind of connection with each other. it is as simple & as difficult as that - if i want to experience love, desire, erotic, etc. i have to be free to open up on that level & play, not expect anything from my...
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 8, 2018:
@walklightly yes she did paint a portrait of her 7 month dead fetus spontaneously aborted
I need 36 thousand more points to win level 8 that's triple my 5 weeks work here
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 7, 2018:
Hey there! How can we help?
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 8, 2018:
I am guessing I have mixed feelings about 7 leveling to 8.....I want to find my mate here SOONER not later and thus I don't expect to be spreading my Atheist Peacock Feathers anymore once I find HER or more likely SHE FINDS ME. ...and I feel unhappy posting about criminal theocrats here when I want to spread honey not vinegar along this single guy path
I Helped Sell the False Choice of War Once. It’s Happening Again. - The New York Times
wordywalt comments on Feb 6, 2018:
Powell is right. The Trump cabal is dangerous.
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 7, 2018:
@wordywalt McCarthy was shamed on national TV by a single witness in HUAC hearings. ...this tiny fact has nothing to do with Ike being a criminal theocratic signer of CIA takeover of Iran 1953 and 8 years of military industrial evils....a single farewell address warning of what Ike built again is not rational and similar to TrumpOLINI speeches 13 months now
Difficult partners []
Goresh comments on Feb 4, 2018:
All partners are difficult and hard work, especially ourselves.
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 7, 2018:
@Wildgreens when a woman loves a man THAT IS HEAVEN. A good man works to stay worthy of love
I Helped Sell the False Choice of War Once. It’s Happening Again. - The New York Times
Redcupcoffee comments on Feb 6, 2018:
I don't doubt it for one single second that Trump would get us into another war, just to boast military strength, aka show off his shiny new war toys and have his approval ratings go up. This administration is the lowest of the low with total morons guiding the ship, thousands will pay in blood for ...
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 7, 2018:
Day one 2017 TrumpOLINI escalated Yemeni death toll by USA drones mostly women silenced by Mohammedans before death and mourners kept silent by USA fake news profiteering by war crime industry advertising mega million$
I Helped Sell the False Choice of War Once. It’s Happening Again. - The New York Times
wordywalt comments on Feb 6, 2018:
Powell is right. The Trump cabal is dangerous.
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 7, 2018:
@Shelton all of the cited war criminals in White House DO NOT DESERVE "somewhat rational" kudos ALL PAVED THE WAY FOR TRUMPolini
I Helped Sell the False Choice of War Once. It’s Happening Again. - The New York Times
wordywalt comments on Feb 6, 2018:
Powell is right. The Trump cabal is dangerous.
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 7, 2018:
@Shelton ReaGUN arrogance got hundreds of Marines murdered in Beirut because of ReaGUN incompetence bankrupting our nation into 3 trillion$ senseless debt 500 ship Navy mostly restoring old diesel WW2 ships with his vicious lies Carter was a big spender
I Helped Sell the False Choice of War Once. It’s Happening Again. - The New York Times
wordywalt comments on Feb 6, 2018:
Powell is right. The Trump cabal is dangerous.
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 7, 2018:
@Shelton Kissinger is a convicted war criminal actually supporting TrumpOLINI "temptation" to nuke NKPR
I Helped Sell the False Choice of War Once. It’s Happening Again. - The New York Times
wordywalt comments on Feb 6, 2018:
Powell is right. The Trump cabal is dangerous.
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 7, 2018:
@wordywalt Nixon was a paranoid ego maniac without the billion$ to bully his way to the White House
I Helped Sell the False Choice of War Once. It’s Happening Again. - The New York Times
wordywalt comments on Feb 6, 2018:
Powell is right. The Trump cabal is dangerous.
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 7, 2018:
@wordywalt Ike gave us IN gawd WE TRUST on the money and did nothing to stop McCarthyism
Erotic Intelligence: The secret to desire in a long-term relationship
walklightly comments on Feb 4, 2018:
the responsibility for ALL my experiences is always with me. expectation is the killer of any kind of connection with each other. it is as simple & as difficult as that - if i want to experience love, desire, erotic, etc. i have to be free to open up on that level & play, not expect anything from my...
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 7, 2018:
@walklightly maybe after their baby died but not before the divorce
People who think about leaving religion but don't are more likely to feel depressed and hopeless
GreenAtheist comments on Feb 6, 2018:
Depression abates with physical exercise greater than kneeling prEyer. ....Atheism begins with the first step escaping out from cult torture psychologically inflicted
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 7, 2018:
@VictoriaNotes there are Albert Ellis R.E.T. clinicians likely nearing retirement who will counsel their patients with Rational Emotive Therapies. ...sadly young Atheist professionals are forced to cowtow to religious incompetent colleagues thereby enabling magical thinking by both LUTHERAN DIPLOMATES and Lutheran patents. ....regardless of religions a healthy patient model must be denuded of faiths
All my FB friends know I'm an atheist, yet I'm always getting invited to churches.
Tecolote comments on Feb 7, 2018:
It's their job. I get more surprised by the strangers who spontaneously ask if you want to fellowship with them, because you just seem like a good person. I once had an older lady in a public bathroom burst out with "the holy spirit is here, please pray with me." while she was using the hand ...
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 7, 2018:
Stupid xian slut should read her bible and wash your feet right then and there by the hand dryer AND PReY IN HER CLOSET as instructed by hee alleged baby gawd geebush gehobah ghostHoles. ...toilets are not private closets and this incident is proof of her incompetence as a citizen
I just want to say that some of you are jerks.
GreenAtheist comments on Feb 5, 2018:
Excellent boundary setting. ...everyone stay on point ...make nice....think with brain not is a safe place to blow off steam if we all stick together in solidarity resisting patriarchal theocracy
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 7, 2018:
@SonderOpia maybe some jerks think they are being funny like the sitcom MARRIED WITH CHILDREN way below the belt sniping for years on Fox TV


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