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Funny Kitten []
GreenAtheist comments on Feb 6, 2018:
Just flexing kegels & sphincter. music needed service cats have been respected in their privy with corn or wheat or pine litter not poison chemical clay chunks that gets into their nostrils then little lungs
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 7, 2018:
@Wildgreens please protect outdoor cats and dogs with heart worm medicine
Got behind this guy yesterday. Welcome to the Bible Belt!
DharmaBum50 comments on Feb 6, 2018:
Just fix my damn roof, Jacob, and STFU.
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 6, 2018:
No never give this gangster a penny
Truth be told.. can you tell the difference..
david7wk comments on Feb 6, 2018:
What a shocker that would be for evangelical Christians. They hate muslims but can't see how their actions are just as bad.
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 6, 2018:
@ZebZaman gott allah moses mohammed geebush geehobah ghostHOLES all profit like Billy Graham investing in war weapons companies all the way back to 1946
I now have another reason NOT to watch the super bowl, not that I needed one.
twshield comments on Feb 4, 2018:
well i dont blame u but i am protesting mr brady and i hope they loose!
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 6, 2018:
@twshield George Blanda is the oldest ever qb NFL OAKLAND RAIDERS. ...nurfboy is every Sunday Night Radio football guest even if he is playing they tape in advance 3 segments pre post & half talk
I now have another reason NOT to watch the super bowl, not that I needed one.
twshield comments on Feb 4, 2018:
well i dont blame u but i am protesting mr brady and i hope they loose!
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 6, 2018:
@twshield is that Payton Manning yards record or SuperBowl rings that fit nurfboy Tommy's 3 inch penis ?
I just want to say that some of you are jerks.
GreenAtheist comments on Feb 5, 2018:
Excellent boundary setting. ...everyone stay on point ...make nice....think with brain not is a safe place to blow off steam if we all stick together in solidarity resisting patriarchal theocracy
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 6, 2018:
@Seriousreason the patriarchy = Trump voters catholics eagerly paying bribes to children raped by priests baptists cheating workers out of living wages so called Atheists worshipping IN gott WE TRUST coins by the boatload. ...I thought blocking such scum I would not have to read more drivel from sexist pig boys in adult clothes ?
I Helped Sell the False Choice of War Once. It’s Happening Again. - The New York Times
wordywalt comments on Feb 6, 2018:
Powell is right. The Trump cabal is dangerous.
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 6, 2018:
So is Ike, Nixon, Kissinger, Ford, ReaGUN Bush Crime Family Slick Willie Billary Obusha Obombney. ...TrumpOLINI is just pouring more gasoline on 3 dozen war crime fires than most predecessors
I just want to say that some of you are jerks.
GreenAtheist comments on Feb 5, 2018:
I block jerks who incriminate themselves like the one who said women's rights are assured and remedies currently in place are wrong. ...get a clue boys REAL MEN FIGHT FOR WOMEN's RIGHTs
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 6, 2018:
@AxeElf your words mean repealing women's voting rights
It's been a year since my stalker got into my house.
GreenAtheist comments on Feb 6, 2018:
That is the animal cops should go hunting for not people of color. night with an infrared scoped rifle and a year ago not so big foot would be in a pine box for the county taxpayers to interr
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 6, 2018:
I am so glad the neanderthal is gone and you are safe ....a Michigan National Guardsman should gladly do the job if doors rattle again
Erotic Intelligence: The secret to desire in a long-term relationship
walklightly comments on Feb 4, 2018:
the responsibility for ALL my experiences is always with me. expectation is the killer of any kind of connection with each other. it is as simple & as difficult as that - if i want to experience love, desire, erotic, etc. i have to be free to open up on that level & play, not expect anything from my...
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 6, 2018:
@walklightly the architectural possibilities for marriage were great by the two artists and for normal people today but Frida and Diego betrayed such fidelity
This makes me angry — on a cancer message board full of people grieving for their recently ...
GreenAtheist comments on Feb 5, 2018:
I am by all means anti-theocratic. ...every believer boosting alleged gotts enables government policies that do not fully fund healthcare4all enables poison technology that is causing cancers. ...gawd shit is vain and makes grief worse wondering why dead believers are not favored and living ...
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 6, 2018:
@AxeElf make me laugh some more pal ! !
Does this resonate with your own belief?
GreenAtheist comments on Feb 5, 2018:
No....I have no beliefs. Humanism generally is identical to Atheism. Humanism vaguely claimed is, as you posted, by several liberal religions Unitarian Universalists Ethical Culturists Religious Humanists some Reformed Judaism congregations women rabbis et cetera
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 6, 2018:
@Dick_Martin knowledge is knowing ....believing is faith without learning
Does this resonate with your own belief?
GreenAtheist comments on Feb 5, 2018:
No....I have no beliefs. Humanism generally is identical to Atheism. Humanism vaguely claimed is, as you posted, by several liberal religions Unitarian Universalists Ethical Culturists Religious Humanists some Reformed Judaism congregations women rabbis et cetera
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 6, 2018:
@Dick_Martin that's what the xians say only Geebush beliefs prevent murder rape robbery. ...why the hell to I need to believe in doors when I walk in doors that exist. ...belief is a lazy word for sheep bleating back what preachers force their cults to bleat and snort
I just want to say that some of you are jerks.
GreenAtheist comments on Feb 5, 2018:
I block jerks who incriminate themselves like the one who said women's rights are assured and remedies currently in place are wrong. ...get a clue boys REAL MEN FIGHT FOR WOMEN's RIGHTs
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 5, 2018:
And the idiot Libertarian/Objectivist who attacked a woman talking about Social Security law since 1934.....Harry Browne Libertarian presidential candidate was not a dumbshit fascist pig like Ruuuussssshahh Dingy Crazy LImpBOSS radio cult liar. ...Browne proposed an annuity be purchased for everyone paying into social security FICA with their employers. ....and did not tell the lie people want the government to keep them. ....minimum wage laws need to be increased so people can afford to live AND INVEST IN REQUIRED SAFE PENSION FUNDS not raided by criminals like Heidi Cruz Billary Goldman Sachs war profiteering polluter oil war murderers. ....
I see Church summer camps everywhere and even the ones that are not Church based, might as well be.
GreenAtheist comments on Feb 4, 2018:
Twice I was sent to Central Iowa Bible Camp Earlham Iowa woods gravel road TO CURE MY Atheism 1963 & 1964. ...they failed
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 5, 2018:
@misstuffy yes you are correct asking sincere questions sbout the growing war in Vietnam ....are the Buddhists going to hell ? Thou Shalt Not Kill does not have an exception commandment WHY NOT ? Who created Yahweh Adonai Holy Spirit ? Ignorant fuckers were so stupid to me
Swearing Is Good For You—And Chimps Do It, Too
orange_girl comments on Feb 4, 2018:
I also vaguely remember reading an article that people who swear a lot tend to be more honest. :-) Both of my brothers are Marines, so I am no stranger to swearing.
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 5, 2018:
@CarrieVey I am a sailor and I do cuss like my dad not other sailors. ...probably because I had a desk in the Personnel Office just 3 doors from the Captain's QuarterDeck. ...nobody but the Captain or Admiral cusses
Swearing Is Good For You—And Chimps Do It, Too
ScienceBiker comments on Feb 4, 2018:
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 5, 2018:
Nobody but little dogs hump my Atheist leg if their mistresses love me in clean sheets
Y'all crack me up!
GreenAtheist comments on Feb 5, 2018:
Laughter heals AND IS THE BEST KIND OF infection
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 5, 2018:
@walklightly I prefer you keep your sweet ass on and get me to be the belly laugher ...then we can go snicker and giggle in front of the nearest dumbshit preacher's house
Are you a Feminist? If so, what does it mean to you?
ShellyBean comments on Feb 5, 2018:
I am Femenist, but I also support Mens rights. I understand that is not a well tolerated view point, but I think the causes men also fight for are important. I move further and further away from femenism due to angry and malicious rhetoric towards men. But I do feel strongly that worldwide femenism ...
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 5, 2018:
Yes infant boys rights are violated by sexual mutilation as are young girls by the millions in filthy muslim clitorectomies and labia sewn up only to be cut when sold in marriage. ...religion hurts deeply honor killings are global. ..humanity needs liberation from faith felons
Erotic Intelligence: The secret to desire in a long-term relationship
walklightly comments on Feb 4, 2018:
the responsibility for ALL my experiences is always with me. expectation is the killer of any kind of connection with each other. it is as simple & as difficult as that - if i want to experience love, desire, erotic, etc. i have to be free to open up on that level & play, not expect anything from my...
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 5, 2018:
I suspect there was more promiscuity in their shared garden and separate homes. ...I know Frida made love to Trotsky with MRS TROTSKY not likely sexually harassed by Diego
Correct me if I am wrong BUT I grew up believing that “men of God” were supposed to lead by ...
Crimson67 comments on Feb 5, 2018:
The term "man/men of god" is the same as "I think I am a god" in my book.
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 5, 2018:
@misstuffy and Vatican paying for abortions to kill the evidence of priestly rape
This makes me angry — on a cancer message board full of people grieving for their recently ...
GreenAtheist comments on Feb 5, 2018:
I am by all means anti-theocratic. ...every believer boosting alleged gotts enables government policies that do not fully fund healthcare4all enables poison technology that is causing cancers. ...gawd shit is vain and makes grief worse wondering why dead believers are not favored and living ...
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 5, 2018:
@AxeElf you don't get it....grief is real regardless of religion or Atheism .....sure many people repress their grief BUT THE LOSS OF A LOVED ONE mentioned in the same breath that religion has kept a similar terminal patient alive in remission or cured by a fucked up faith allegation really hurts mourners for the dead. ....same with abortion liars....I call them tampon terrorists. ...calling induced abortion murder is no consolation to grief-stricken moms suffering spontaneous abortion. ....the end result is identical. ..a dead embryo or fetus.....pressuring all women to be perfect breeders is impossible and quackery. .....spreading lies an alleged gawd is in control of ovulation insemination implantation ectopic or failed pregnancy is evil incompetent religious terrorism
No Fake Flowers Here: All-Natural Burial Site Opening Soon In Sumner County | Nashville Public Radio
hankster comments on Feb 2, 2018:
i like it. I've often considered the simple pine box or cremation.
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 5, 2018:
@FrayedBear don't know 49 state codes
I notice a lot of atheist groups, particularly "New Atheists" tend to side with apartheid Israel ...
GreenAtheist comments on Feb 4, 2018:
Well Lord Russell Brits expelled Native American tribes from their land Church of England gawd save the queen and there is no such thing as New Atheism. ....a zionist Atheist is an oxymoron. a black KKKlansman. ....ignorant believers of zionist propaganda are just that: BELIEVERS and an ...
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 5, 2018:
@273kelvin our USA medical corps does great work globally but not inside Gaza or the West Bank what is left of it
Major Pats Fan wants to see Pats take a knee vs. Trumpty Dumpty.
HippieChick58 comments on Feb 4, 2018:
I'll pass, and maybe read about it tomorrow.
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 5, 2018:
Nothing to read about. ...Frank Reich excellent OC under a former player back up QB to Brett Favre built a better team to beat nurfboy egojerk Brady
I now have another reason NOT to watch the super bowl, not that I needed one.
twshield comments on Feb 4, 2018:
well i dont blame u but i am protesting mr brady and i hope they loose!
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 5, 2018:
Football gawds answered your prEyer
School shootings in U.S.: When, where each shooting has occurred in 2018 - ABC15 Arizona
GreenAtheist comments on Feb 1, 2018:
Hold families accountable for guns of shooters. ...Sandy Hook mom trained a mentally ill kid to shoot at a rifle range ...he shot her then the very classroom he held a grudge for 12 years in. ...his brother and dad did nothing to stop gun nut mom and autistic kid
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 5, 2018:
@NFAguy53 her house should be sold and all money go equally to every bullet victim estate
The handmaid's tale Does anyone else enjoy it ? []
GreenAtheist comments on Feb 4, 2018:
Generals have no right to rape fertile women
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 5, 2018:
@ScientistV Muslims kidnap girls and rape them repeatedly until pregnant
No Fake Flowers Here: All-Natural Burial Site Opening Soon In Sumner County | Nashville Public Radio
hankster comments on Feb 2, 2018:
i like it. I've often considered the simple pine box or cremation.
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 4, 2018:
@FrayedBear Iowa law is a licensed medical doctor signs the death certificate with cause of death. ...Code of Iowa states a score of diseases requires embalming to eliminate ground water pollution from typhus malaria etc no other reasons embalming is required but unethical crematory jerKS first embalm then burn diseased cadavers
I am supposed to be on vacation having a good time but Devin Nunes memo is upsetting me.
JackPedigo comments on Feb 2, 2018:
Thomas Jefferson felt that, due to constant changes in our society we would need a periodical revolution. Fortunately, the only serious one was the Civil War. Unless there are big changes on both the conservative and liberal perspectives there will be violence. Remember, right now we have the ...
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 4, 2018:
@JackPedigo the organizers of the 1963 National Mall March and speeches were many Atheists keeping the coalitions of xians muslims jews native Americans Feminists and authors all focused and brief MLKjr is given all the credit
School shootings in U.S.: When, where each shooting has occurred in 2018 - ABC15 Arizona
GreenAtheist comments on Feb 1, 2018:
Hold families accountable for guns of shooters. ...Sandy Hook mom trained a mentally ill kid to shoot at a rifle range ...he shot her then the very classroom he held a grudge for 12 years in. ...his brother and dad did nothing to stop gun nut mom and autistic kid
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 4, 2018:
@NFAguy53 that is irrelevant to the fact that the adult brother and father knew for years the mentally ill kid should not be playing with guns owned by his gun nut mom
Hahahahhahahahhaaa So dumb and good,,
GreenAtheist comments on Jan 14, 2018:
Amazing how a little olive oil makes whoopee sounds from clasping palms
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 4, 2018:
@MST3K join the LARD in farting hands
Super Bowl LII: Eagles or Patriots??
RoboGraham comments on Feb 4, 2018:
I'd like for both of them to lose. Is that possible?
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 4, 2018:
Yes if the referees are so obviously biased both will lose credibility as great teams. ..the New England cheaters keep paying their fines when caught and Eagles will be called WHINERS if refs do reverse Philadelphia plays....if Eagles do win humiliation of nurfboy Brady the NFL will win back some credibility
US and other places. Why?
CeciRosane60 comments on Feb 3, 2018:
Was married to a federal agent, fancy name for a cop. The things he saw were horrible. Some he shared with me. So I can say nothing surprise me anymore when it comes to money making and human greed!
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 4, 2018:
@SilverDollarJedi I agree human crimes can be unlearned. ...cannibalism has been rooted out from most of the world except for the xian grape juice & crackers ritual of geebush blood geehobah body eating. many mohels still drink baby penis blood is a secret barbarity more and more modern Jews are demanding bloodless bris or a single pin prick not amputating 4 square inches of prepuce flesh. a Veteran For Peace I know how hard it is for some recruits to be dissuaded from joining USA war cults
My dads entire life he was an Atheist.
lhcoastal comments on Feb 3, 2018:
I would be upset. My father was also an atheist. He despised religion. He was under hospice care and the Chaplin had been visiting my father and they had some interesting discussions by her account. She knew that he was and atheist. She came to his room one day while I was there after he had ...
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 4, 2018:
@SunnySmiles hoping time has improved matters concerning your Atheist family of 3 generations spoiled by the xian wife & her cultist remarks above are for all inspired by your lovely story how YOU carry on your dad's honorable Atheism
My dads entire life he was an Atheist.
lhcoastal comments on Feb 3, 2018:
I would be upset. My father was also an atheist. He despised religion. He was under hospice care and the Chaplin had been visiting my father and they had some interesting discussions by her account. She knew that he was and atheist. She came to his room one day while I was there after he had ...
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 4, 2018:
Obviously she was not making any effort to be a StepMom dis-respecting you and your father slithering into his deathbed with an imaginary alleged baby god geebush geehobah ghostHoles. ....hopefully you retrieved momentos from your father's estate photos a reading lamp he read to you with a blanket you knitted for him .....things she has no right to keep or dispose of. .... cherish your memories retell family stories for grandchildren to cherish and keep clear of the invader clergy to your family with the hell threats heaven bribes all fiction like the do nothing gawd gott who let a liar violate the ethical intellectual space of your daddy Atheist honest about all fake faiths
I am supposed to be on vacation having a good time but Devin Nunes memo is upsetting me.
astrochuck comments on Feb 2, 2018:
Yes. We are heading for a constitutional crisis at full speed. This time it's especially bad in that 2 branches of the government are co-ordinating the assault on the Constitution and the rule of law. Do you remember that old document that starts out: "When in the course of human events, it ...
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 3, 2018:
All 435 are violating BILL of RIGHTS AMENDMENT TWO stealing illegal pay raises every even year since 1994 when ratified in 1992
I am supposed to be on vacation having a good time but Devin Nunes memo is upsetting me.
astrochuck comments on Feb 2, 2018:
Yes. We are heading for a constitutional crisis at full speed. This time it's especially bad in that 2 branches of the government are co-ordinating the assault on the Constitution and the rule of law. Do you remember that old document that starts out: "When in the course of human events, it ...
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 3, 2018:
I shall stick with WE THE PEOPLE IN ORDER TO FORM A MORE PERFECT UNION....ratify Amendment ONE 50 thousand persons per Congressional District in 27 more states SEND 7000 honest people to out vote gangster Ryan and his 434 co-criminals
I am supposed to be on vacation having a good time but Devin Nunes memo is upsetting me.
JackPedigo comments on Feb 2, 2018:
Thomas Jefferson felt that, due to constant changes in our society we would need a periodical revolution. Fortunately, the only serious one was the Civil War. Unless there are big changes on both the conservative and liberal perspectives there will be violence. Remember, right now we have the ...
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 3, 2018:
Women and minorities were in major revolt 1960's and it took 666 Ronald Wilson ReaGUN with Phyllis Schafly to roll back Ralph Nader and Gloria Steinem
I am supposed to be on vacation having a good time but Devin Nunes memo is upsetting me.
Jack-of-scythes comments on Feb 2, 2018:
It seems like people are seeking "something different" rather than finding out the truth. I offer this advice: if you feel that the government should fall...stand before Congress and request a "no confidence vote". It is permissible according to Roberts Rules of Order. You can also stand before the ...
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 3, 2018:
I save 20 cents per gallon from the Seneca of 5 Nations in Fingerlakes. ...the stolen land known as New York
I am supposed to be on vacation having a good time but Devin Nunes memo is upsetting me.
GreenAtheist comments on Feb 2, 2018:
Phil Graham repealing Glass Steagal and slick Willie signing the hand written margin note midnight Senate voice vote THAT UPSET ME so called legalization of too big to fail banks stealing train loads of cash 2007-2009...Heidi Cruz personally stole many millions and promptly bought her gangster ...
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 3, 2018:
@silverotter11 thank you 4 the ditto
Immortality []
skado comments on Feb 2, 2018:
What is this? From a movie?
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 3, 2018:
As Scotty said: " shut this bloody holodeck Enterprise down " and give me real whiskey NOT SYNTHOHOL
Immortality []
skado comments on Feb 2, 2018:
What is this? From a movie?
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 3, 2018:
The Larry Henry Carter Center virtual reality world sucks for anyone but a paralized me AVATAR and maybe my griefstruck mourners who want to recreate some of our treasured past
No Fake Flowers Here: All-Natural Burial Site Opening Soon In Sumner County | Nashville Public Radio
hankster comments on Feb 2, 2018:
i like it. I've often considered the simple pine box or cremation.
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 2, 2018:
I need a good carpentry shop who will help me make a bed now to sleep in that folds up into a coffin when I die with wheels to push out the door and tow down the road for green interment. ...Timothy Leary said he was going to " die online " but he lost consciousness and lingered too long not saying good bye as planned
How do you tell religious people that you're an atheist?
MrLink comments on Feb 2, 2018:
What I say sometimes depends on the audience I am speaking to. Try saying, "I'm non theistic". If they enquiry further, say, "I believe in science, ethics and the immutable laws of physics". If they still enquire, say "I think of magic as entertainment".
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 2, 2018:
Good job hinting at all the things Atheists are and believers fail @
Intelligent Men Make Better Romantic Partners ?
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 2, 2018:
D'oh...........stupidity and especially narrow-mindedness are Huge turn-offs!
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 2, 2018:
Never been to Finland so I don't fit this opinion is intelligent people communicate better than dullards lacking vocabulary of love nor kindness
Has anyone found their valentine on here? I'm curious because I have been looking myself.
Bkind2eachother comments on Jan 29, 2018:
Oh, there's still plenty of time!
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 2, 2018:
I would prefer to chat a bit here in posts move to private messages the phone calls to decide on our Valentine Cupid connection. ...all that may take until 5 days from now February 2nd
Elton John - I'm Still Standing - YouTube
GreenAtheist comments on Feb 1, 2018:
Rocket Man
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 2, 2018:
Tiny Dancer is quite poetic
You slept with how many?
GreenAtheist comments on Feb 1, 2018:
I care about sexual health and avoided infected partners
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 2, 2018:
@SonderOpia thank you for illustrating my point discussing past partners can reveal thus
You slept with how many?
GreenAtheist comments on Feb 1, 2018:
I care about sexual health and avoided infected partners
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 2, 2018:
@SonderOpia totally agree with you
School shootings in U.S.: When, where each shooting has occurred in 2018 - ABC15 Arizona
GreenAtheist comments on Feb 1, 2018:
Hold families accountable for guns of shooters. ...Sandy Hook mom trained a mentally ill kid to shoot at a rifle range ...he shot her then the very classroom he held a grudge for 12 years in. ...his brother and dad did nothing to stop gun nut mom and autistic kid
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 2, 2018:
@witchymom culpable liability. General Electric executive divorced gun nut TEACHER mom knowing full well his son was playing shoot em up video games and discharging assault rifle for years as a minor with mom at rifle range giving street drugs to a child
Facing Pain
PeppermintDreads comments on Feb 1, 2018:
I admit that I’m one of those that shies away from people crying. Why? Partly upbringing, it was a sign of weakness to cry. Mostly because of my social disconnect, I just don’t get it. I’m able to cope, why can’t this person? Lack of empathy is one of the bigger parts of Asperger’s.
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 2, 2018:
I am told by several social psychologists Jefferson was an Aspy. ..there is no single hardwire NORM for personality. ... even if cloned, experience and environment defines us differently ...maleness varies femaleness varies multi-facets can't pigeon hole any of us
Considering the bakery that refused to serve a gay couple case is going before the supreme court, I ...
ErichZannIII comments on Feb 1, 2018:
But the 14th Amendment is about all people, naturalized or nationals being subject to the laws of our Constitution, not about whether or not people are required to serve someone in their business.
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 1, 2018:
The xian bigots did more than refuse to decorate a cake ....the perpetrators tried to incite a gay lynch mob
Considering the bakery that refused to serve a gay couple case is going before the supreme court, I ...
AdorkableMe comments on Feb 1, 2018:
I live in Oregon. The fines the bakery owners were given where more imposed because of what they did after the complaint was filed. Yes, they denied making the case because they opposed gay marriage (which seems a pretty cut and dried case. When you open a business in Oregon, you agree not to ...
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 1, 2018:
Thanks for repeating the truth about the xian bigots who attacked the gay family. ...fake news will pretend it's about a failure to accommodate
Triggered! It doesn't happen often anymore but every now and then someone religious will show up in ...
thekodiak33 comments on Feb 1, 2018:
I got into it with some a-holes about Native American cultural misappropriation, and one person had the audacity to say that it was destiny that they lost all of their land and life, and essentially that they had it coming. There will always be those who look down a backward scope, and have no ...
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 1, 2018:
Scum are echoing John Quincy Adams who said in racist words: "the hunter fails in their duty to farm and build cities"
Believing there is no God gives me more room for belief in family, people, love, truth, beauty, sex,...
SusieQ420 comments on Jan 28, 2018:
Love it! love all of it! especially the jello.
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 1, 2018:
@WizardBill no vodka jiggle food for me thanks
The German Churches and the Nazi State
GreenAtheist comments on Feb 1, 2018:
About 100 years now Lutheran & Catholic churches get payroll deduction from official members usually enrolled @ birth in Deutschland by law
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 1, 2018:
So don't join your kids into these cults for any reason
What do you think about long-distance relationships?
MrLizard comments on Jan 31, 2018:
Happens to me all the time. Frustrating as hell. Just chat away and keep looking locally, too.
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 1, 2018:
@SonderOpia great going for your wishes
I'm working on a modern folk set list for a recurring local bar gig.
sandyw1952 comments on Jan 31, 2018:
Do a tv theme song (like Beverly Hillbillies) and have the audience sing along!
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 1, 2018:
The Budweiser Beer sing a long not karaoke a big screen for everyone to see lyrics. ...In 1814 we took a little trip down the Miss IS sip we fired our guns but the British kept a comin
What do you think about long-distance relationships?
MrLizard comments on Jan 31, 2018:
Happens to me all the time. Frustrating as hell. Just chat away and keep looking locally, too.
GreenAtheist replies on Feb 1, 2018:
@SonderOpia this is a very short distance
Who are your favorite scientist, and why?
SCDee comments on Jan 28, 2018:
I liked Carl Sagan.
GreenAtheist replies on Jan 31, 2018:
Walt Disney produced many science & math films that makes him my all time favorite Atheist with Einstein
FFRF rues Ky.
KKGator comments on Jan 31, 2018:
The FFRF is the only organization I donate money to.
GreenAtheist replies on Jan 31, 2018:
FFRF and AMERICAN ATHEISTS keep filing these cases knowing we lose most of them BUT WIN IN THE COURT OF PUBLIC OPINION Secular Coalition For America also deserves your help Americans United for Separation of State from Church is 7 decades old but mostly are Baptists filing suits against Catholics not paying taxes and often join behind FFRF AMERICAN ATHEISTS when we get to US Sup CT
I wonder if they wear a boot on a neckchain?
VictoriaNotes comments on Jan 31, 2018:
It reminded me of a quote by Lenny Bruce, a stand-up comedian, social critic, and satirist in the 1950's-60's: *"If Jesus had been killed twenty years ago, Catholic school children would be wearing little electric chairs around their necks instead of crosses."*
GreenAtheist replies on Jan 31, 2018:
And a fried smoking messiah sittin there with a head halo
twshield comments on Jan 30, 2018:
plenty of those, for example, Ted Cruze Dad helped assassinate JFK LOL
GreenAtheist replies on Jan 31, 2018:
Raphael Cruz Senior is photographed in New Orleans with Lee Oswald FACT. ...the conspiracies abound how many shooters shot off the back of JFKs head but FACT 2 JACKIE crawled back on the Lincoln limo to put the piece of skull back onto JFK seen on Zapruder film. ...Fact 3 Raphael Cruz JUNIOR goes by the Alias Ted born in Canada AFTER HIS MOM BECAME A CANADIAN CITIZEN
How do you tell religious people that you're an atheist?
Dwight comments on Jan 29, 2018:
There is little reason for wearing your religious belief on your sleeve. Atheism doesn't require you to go out in the world and create converts. If the subject should come up, just say, "I am an atheist." If they try to persuade you to change. Let them know that you expect them to respect your ...
GreenAtheist replies on Jan 31, 2018:
Religion = flatulence. ...I direct believers to the toilets to flush and wash ....that's how I became an American Atheist
My view tonight.
Jmiles comments on Jan 30, 2018:
I wear that mentally in my mind just in front of my eyes and only can see it every damn day!!
GreenAtheist replies on Jan 31, 2018:
@PeppermintDreads the one finger SALUTE us veterans mastered to Nixon
How do you tell religious people that you're an atheist?
Indubitably comments on Jan 30, 2018:
I usually tell them that I just believe in one less god than they do.
GreenAtheist replies on Jan 31, 2018:
Good job make them think
Food from nature []
Buddha comments on Jan 30, 2018:
Love that kind of stuff. There are some really great urban gardeners out there. I haved an acre, but need to fine tune my green thumb..any volunteers this spring. Lol
GreenAtheist replies on Jan 31, 2018:
Now is the time to gather seeds unless you mowed down the natural growth
Does this bother you?
BeeHappy comments on Jan 29, 2018:
YES! I've boycotted JJ's now for about two years because of it. I'm sure my little one person boycott won't do much but it's the principle of it.
GreenAtheist replies on Jan 31, 2018:
@HippieChick58 domino's pizza donates heavily to 700 clubber Marion Gordon Robertson JUNIOR alias Pat Robertson son of McCarthyite Senator Robertson BOYCOTT DOMINO'S SINCE 1978
Flu Shot
FuckReligion comments on Jan 30, 2018:
How bout just, nah. Don't feel like getting up. Plus, my immune system is strong.
GreenAtheist replies on Jan 31, 2018:
@GipsyOfNewSpain I only drove by NTC SSC to report the gate Jon Voight chained himself to is gone and a strip mall there EM CLUB gone same with Miramar north campus no longer behind government fence Navy Exchange building is a sand crab department store
"So you really think that God would plant a bunch of bones in the earth to test your faith?
twshield comments on Jan 30, 2018:
I think dinosaurs are the ultimate proof religion is bullshit.
GreenAtheist replies on Jan 30, 2018:
The bible itself is proof of fake religion Thomas Paine said so Age of Reason THE 3RD PART 1789
Flu Shot
FuckReligion comments on Jan 30, 2018:
How bout just, nah. Don't feel like getting up. Plus, my immune system is strong.
GreenAtheist replies on Jan 30, 2018:
@GipsyOfNewSpain sand crabs own alnost all of NTC & NAS only the hangars air strip & barracks belong to the USMC for helos & harriers
I have just had the dirtiest thing I could ever imagine said to me.
Dougy comments on Jan 29, 2018:
I intend to watch Joe Kennedy's response , eventually . I will have to see it online , or in the PM news .
GreenAtheist replies on Jan 30, 2018:
@Ad4hubby nor his accepting pharmaceutical bribes to prevent legalization of medical reefer
I have just had the dirtiest thing I could ever imagine said to me.
Dougy comments on Jan 29, 2018:
I intend to watch Joe Kennedy's response , eventually . I will have to see it online , or in the PM news .
GreenAtheist replies on Jan 30, 2018:
@Ad4hubby Joe Kennedy will not likely confess his sponsoring legislation criminalizing BDS boycotting divesting sanctioning IDF BROWNSHIRTS slaughtering 94 Palestinians for every 6 Israeli killed on STOLEN PALESTINIANS land
Haha!!! it makes me dislike her a little less. []
GreenAtheist comments on Jan 29, 2018:
Don't be fooled TrumpOLINI was @ Chelsea's wedding so was TrumpOLINI daughter and election night TrumpOLINI stopped saying LOCK HER UP. .... they are both Goldman Sachs shills stealing trillions from the US TREASURY. ...TrumpOLINI letting Billary slide is equal to Ford pardoning Nixon. ...We Won't ...
GreenAtheist replies on Jan 30, 2018:
@Twisty420 landslide victories in NY & CA are unquestionably regionally divisive against the 31 states electing TrumpOLINI. ...I voted unwilling to vote for either Goldman Sachs corrupt duopolist
Haha!!! it makes me dislike her a little less. []
GreenAtheist comments on Jan 29, 2018:
Don't be fooled TrumpOLINI was @ Chelsea's wedding so was TrumpOLINI daughter and election night TrumpOLINI stopped saying LOCK HER UP. .... they are both Goldman Sachs shills stealing trillions from the US TREASURY. ...TrumpOLINI letting Billary slide is equal to Ford pardoning Nixon. ...We Won't ...
GreenAtheist replies on Jan 30, 2018:
@Twisty420 stating falsehoods about US history is indeed condescending towards me ....nowhere in the Constitution does it read Andrew Jackson should be President because John Quincy Adams had less citizens votes. ...furthermore Electors are usually elected at State Party Conventions though likely few extra are competing for the slate nominations of the candidate claiming primary/convention/caucus victory Sanders tried to compete that way but criminal Billary snuffed that out ....lots of people declared Al Gore JR was "condescending" but that's inevitable against a populist trying to educate his Electors, DNC delegates and voters. ...maybe you're hallucinating on bad weed mis-judging my words ???? 20
Flu Shot
FuckReligion comments on Jan 30, 2018:
How bout just, nah. Don't feel like getting up. Plus, my immune system is strong.
GreenAtheist replies on Jan 30, 2018:
@GipsyOfNewSpain carry on sailor Larry Carter Center PNSA '71'73 FITRON 126 NAS MIRAMAR
Haha!!! it makes me dislike her a little less. []
GreenAtheist comments on Jan 29, 2018:
Don't be fooled TrumpOLINI was @ Chelsea's wedding so was TrumpOLINI daughter and election night TrumpOLINI stopped saying LOCK HER UP. .... they are both Goldman Sachs shills stealing trillions from the US TREASURY. ...TrumpOLINI letting Billary slide is equal to Ford pardoning Nixon. ...We Won't ...
GreenAtheist replies on Jan 30, 2018:
@Twisty420 it is an oligarchy because people don't vote for the best Party instead lazy waiting for the duopoly race in October
Haha!!! it makes me dislike her a little less. []
GreenAtheist comments on Jan 29, 2018:
Don't be fooled TrumpOLINI was @ Chelsea's wedding so was TrumpOLINI daughter and election night TrumpOLINI stopped saying LOCK HER UP. .... they are both Goldman Sachs shills stealing trillions from the US TREASURY. ...TrumpOLINI letting Billary slide is equal to Ford pardoning Nixon. ...We Won't ...
GreenAtheist replies on Jan 30, 2018:
@Twisty420 the Electoral College protects the union from regional disunion.'s up to your state to ensure your vote is counted. ....learn your Constitution not fake liberal news or fake fascist news
Do you like babies ?
GreenAtheist comments on Jan 20, 2018:
Yes I love my 2 babies now 42&23 my extended family babies. ..I would like one more if only a fertile Atheist woman wants to make a baby with me
GreenAtheist replies on Jan 30, 2018:
I am a double trained birth coach day by day from conception to college. ...our SON should be good looking brilliant of mind and respectful Feminist for life like his dad to be
Why are Christians being marginalized in America?
Xanthar1281 comments on Jan 30, 2018:
Christians view leveling the playing field with being oppressed. They see not having the right to trample on others rights as a violation of their rights, without any sense of irony. And I don't just mean the fundies. Even the moderates give complicit approval through their failures to condemn ...
GreenAtheist replies on Jan 30, 2018:
Totally true Xanthar. ...minimal xians rage against Atheists who want prEying to the flag stopped equally raging against fundies creationism. ...all ASSUME their Santa Claus is good for Jews in gas chambers ....all is forgiven in heaven and Billary is the only true xian woman for White House
How do you tell religious people that you're an atheist?
RoboGraham comments on Jan 29, 2018:
When asked my denomination, I respond, Nondelusional.
GreenAtheist replies on Jan 30, 2018:
@RoboGraham xians mis-define Atheism falsely and insult Deist Thomas Paine in the same line of their dictionary
Haha!!! it makes me dislike her a little less. []
btroje comments on Jan 29, 2018:
she is resilient and has a sense of humor
GreenAtheist replies on Jan 30, 2018:
So does Chuck Colson tell jokes as felony prison ministry jailed as one of many Nixon criminals like Billary
Haha!!! it makes me dislike her a little less. []
GreenAtheist comments on Jan 29, 2018:
Don't be fooled TrumpOLINI was @ Chelsea's wedding so was TrumpOLINI daughter and election night TrumpOLINI stopped saying LOCK HER UP. .... they are both Goldman Sachs shills stealing trillions from the US TREASURY. ...TrumpOLINI letting Billary slide is equal to Ford pardoning Nixon. ...We Won't ...
GreenAtheist replies on Jan 30, 2018:
@Twisty420 I am worried TrumpOLINI runs again starting just enough new jobs to squeak in the White House again doing 4 more years of genocidal zionism and climate change by endless polluter oil war crime profiteering banksters
I do not fear death, in view of the fact that I had been dead for billions and billions of years ...
azzow2 comments on Jan 29, 2018:
Samuel Clemens was trying to break down his pen name what I came up with was this Mark or to stay Twain was a word for being inebriated .
GreenAtheist replies on Jan 30, 2018:
@Dwight he wrote many books in his summer New York gazebo
Flu Shot
FuckReligion comments on Jan 30, 2018:
How bout just, nah. Don't feel like getting up. Plus, my immune system is strong.
GreenAtheist replies on Jan 30, 2018:
@GipsyOfNewSpain isn't pox in kids shingles in adults. ? I had only 2 blisters as a child and 2 blisters same area on my face as adult. .. military injections are massive. ..makes a great big bubble in your butt then we March for miles until the bubble smoothes out
What are your views on polygamy?
KurtZeller comments on Jan 30, 2018:
My only concern about it that - it often appears to be a way for powerful religious (male) leaders to control & subjugate women & younger men within the power structure of their 'church'. Otherwise - as others have said here - as long as they are all willing, of sound mind & have a choice to ...
GreenAtheist replies on Jan 30, 2018:
THE PROFESSOR AND HIS WONDER WOMEN movie is a true story of polyamory FREE LOVE 1930's until the last son died last year making the movie about his 3 parents
What are your views on polygamy?
KurtZeller comments on Jan 30, 2018:
My only concern about it that - it often appears to be a way for powerful religious (male) leaders to control & subjugate women & younger men within the power structure of their 'church'. Otherwise - as others have said here - as long as they are all willing, of sound mind & have a choice to ...
GreenAtheist replies on Jan 30, 2018:
@BlueWave I see absolute zero difference between several love partners and several marriage partners. ....the law does not provide a loophole for "intent" when children ADOPTED FOSTER STEP or BIRTH arrive into these POLY lives they also cannot fully embrace intentions nor deserve the evil religions imposed by anyone
How do you tell religious people that you're an atheist?
AshleyM1997 comments on Oct 4, 2017:
I've found that it is better to wait and let people get to know you as a person before you reveal you do not believe in any good/gods. It is harder for someone to write you off or react negatively when they like you on a human level.
GreenAtheist replies on Jan 30, 2018:
@Jarucker American Atheists have two documented cases of married Atheists for DECADES pretending to each other to be religious. ...separate postal boxes to receive American Atheist membership mail. ...when both took separate vacations they lied to each other for separate destinations AND MET AT AMERICAN ATHEIST NATIONAL CONVENTIONS instead UN-intentionally. couple expressed joy to end their separate secret lives THE OTHER RESENTMENT OVER THE LIES assuming sexual affairs were also afoot. ...THE DEPTHS OF THE CLOSET ARE FOOLISH fearsome and presumes the worst when honesty is the best policy
How do you tell religious people that you're an atheist?
RoboGraham comments on Jan 29, 2018:
When asked my denomination, I respond, Nondelusional.
GreenAtheist replies on Jan 29, 2018:
I expect respect Capital A Atheist Noun not adjective xian Webster false definition plus he insults Thomas Paine
Have you ever had a partner succumb to mental health problems?
GreenAtheist comments on Jan 29, 2018:
Yes over a 3rd of USA people need treatment but none is allowed for the illness of religion. ...dopers bipolars violent women have darkened my life but I keep turning to healthy people LIKE MY PEERS HERE
GreenAtheist replies on Jan 29, 2018:
@BlueWave I called everyone here healthy WHY PRETEND I'M nasty. ..r u itching 4 a fight. ?
Have you ever had a partner succumb to mental health problems?
GreenAtheist comments on Jan 29, 2018:
Yes over a 3rd of USA people need treatment but none is allowed for the illness of religion. ...dopers bipolars violent women have darkened my life but I keep turning to healthy people LIKE MY PEERS HERE
GreenAtheist replies on Jan 29, 2018:
@BlueWave it's my experience of specific people plus the need for universal single payer health care HR 676 MEDICARE4ALL not a lumping of anyone here
Here I am level seven no longer hovering level 666 points
amateurstargazer comments on Jan 29, 2018:
Congrats!!! How is the view from up there? I am down here a newly inducted level 4 ????
GreenAtheist replies on Jan 29, 2018:
Occasionally I get to approve or disapprove posts
What do I want?
GreenAtheist comments on Jan 29, 2018:
So was there magic yesterday with coffee. ?
GreenAtheist replies on Jan 29, 2018:
@Ad4hubby I have had 2 dates with wonderful women who don't choose me for more AND I TURNED DOWN 2 phone callers as impossible homebound fantasy gals. ...they need a millionaire to pay for the free babysitting grandma's provide
George W. Bush Returns Cold Open - SNL - YouTube
ballou comments on Jan 28, 2018:
“I’m suddenly popular AF...” lol
GreenAtheist replies on Jan 29, 2018:
Was there an Al Franken past cast joke or pussy grabbing ?
Hillary Clinton, Cardi B & More Audition for "Fire & Fury" - 2018 GRAMMYs - YouTube
GreenAtheist comments on Jan 29, 2018:
I will not laugh with anyone who brags she murdered 50 thousand Libyan women with 117 USA sub launched cruise missiles
GreenAtheist replies on Jan 29, 2018:
@Ad4hubby she's not Rudolph Hess who might have given prison guards a few laughs about Hitler when he parachuted to the Allies
Hell is made up
PeppermintDreads comments on Jan 29, 2018:
I’m sitting in an ER with IVs in both arms, being pumped fluids cuz I’m so dehydrated from puking all night. THIS is hell.
GreenAtheist replies on Jan 29, 2018:
Hope you heal soon glad you're where some help is available thankyou 4 keeping us posted. ...hell is all too real in crematoria
Did anyone see the movie "The Shape of Water"?? Just wondering what people thought of it?>?
GreenAtheist comments on Jan 28, 2018:
Can't spoil it for y'all posting my complete thought.'s a lover story spy story evil USA secret Baltimore capture laboratory story of a mute janitor who masturbates in her bathtub lives with a gay poster artist and speaks sign language feeds hard boiled eggs to the creature resembling the ...
GreenAtheist replies on Jan 29, 2018:
@vnufall my feelings are mixed and why would spoil the experience for future viewers reading here. ...I will private message you or reply to your private msg
Query for older men.
btroje comments on Jan 29, 2018:
his doctor should be able to advise on sexual activity
GreenAtheist replies on Jan 29, 2018:
@irascible Ruth Westheimer still alive. ?
How to Feel Healthy and Less Lonely by Spending Time Alone
JackPedigo comments on Jan 27, 2018:
Boy you always drop heavy things that require a lot of thought. First thing I saw was the word “sometimes”. Sometimes alone and with other(s) is normal for most and myself included? Items 1, 2, 3 yes. As I’ve gained age and experience 4 is less of a concern. With 5, I don’t want someone ...
GreenAtheist replies on Jan 29, 2018:
@JackPedigo TrumpOLINI pussy grabbing just cannot fit any movie but he does fit perfectly in old MussOLINI news reels pouting his lips scowling over his fans bombing innocent aboriginal people of Ethiopia or Yemen


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