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Lawmakers blast Trump as Israel bars door to Tlaib and Omar
zesty comments on Aug 15, 2019:
Omar and Tlaib should be prosecuted for election fraud! Lawmakers... A bad joke!
Haemish1 replies on Aug 15, 2019:
@zesty I know there’s a significant Muslim population there, but could you share how Muslim organizations criminally assisted with them winning an election?
Thanks to everyone who helped me expand my wardrobe!
Athena comments on Aug 15, 2019:
That should be your new profile photo! Look how handsome you look showing off your sensible beliefs.
Haemish1 replies on Aug 15, 2019:
@Athena Consider me recently enlightened 😂
Thanks to everyone who helped me expand my wardrobe!
LiterateHiker comments on Aug 15, 2019:
Haemish1 replies on Aug 15, 2019:
Maybe your red headed step twin, that was beaten with an ugly stick😉
Thanks to everyone who helped me expand my wardrobe!
Athena comments on Aug 15, 2019:
That should be your new profile photo! Look how handsome you look showing off your sensible beliefs.
Haemish1 replies on Aug 15, 2019:
@Athena Thank you! I had no idea that sensible beliefs was a euphemism for god like physique 😂
Turned 58 years old on the 12th of August and for sometime been pondering this whole life thing.
KKGator comments on Aug 15, 2019:
Happy Birthday! I turned 58 on the 9th. I also completely agree with what you said. Luckily for me, I have learned to say "fuck it", and mean it. I don't engage with "futility". Or other people's expectations.
Haemish1 replies on Aug 15, 2019:
You are a bastion of independence!
zesty comments on Aug 15, 2019:
Lobbying should be against the law! It will solve so many problems, including this one.
Haemish1 replies on Aug 15, 2019:
@MissKathleen Hmmm🤔 I guess that’s true - get rid of the electoral college? Hold all national primaries on the same day? Publicly funded elections?
itsmedammit comments on Aug 15, 2019:
Been having a maladroit morning. Everything I try to pick up or carry falls or gets caught on something. Feel like such a klutz.
Haemish1 replies on Aug 15, 2019:
Hope things improved over the course of the day!
Thanks to everyone who helped me expand my wardrobe!
Athena comments on Aug 15, 2019:
That should be your new profile photo! Look how handsome you look showing off your sensible beliefs.
Haemish1 replies on Aug 15, 2019:
I was hoping to show off my godlike physique, but sensible beliefs are a close second:)
Thanks to everyone who helped me expand my wardrobe!
Buddha comments on Aug 15, 2019:
I'm 8000 away. Aaargh !
Haemish1 replies on Aug 15, 2019:
@Buddha There’s no limit to where foolishness will get you - I’m living proof!
zesty comments on Aug 15, 2019:
Lobbying should be against the law! It will solve so many problems, including this one.
Haemish1 replies on Aug 15, 2019:
I agree! End citizens united too. Put elections back into the hands of the people.
Lawmakers blast Trump as Israel bars door to Tlaib and Omar
zesty comments on Aug 15, 2019:
Omar and Tlaib should be prosecuted for election fraud! Lawmakers... A bad joke!
Haemish1 replies on Aug 15, 2019:
Why election fraud? I think they were very clear on their positions as candidates, and they were elected by their constituents.
Thanks to everyone who helped me expand my wardrobe!
Buddha comments on Aug 15, 2019:
I'm 8000 away. Aaargh !
Haemish1 replies on Aug 15, 2019:
You can be there in two weeks, if you apply yourself !
Let us pause a moment to pay tribute to the innventor of the nacho.
Petter comments on Aug 15, 2019:
No one has ever honoured my amazing culinary creations with my name. Maybe they died before they got round to it.
Haemish1 replies on Aug 15, 2019:
Send me some samples - I’ll dedicate one to your namesake!
Thanks to everyone who helped me expand my wardrobe!
linxminx comments on Aug 15, 2019:
Congrats! I will get there in about 30-or-so-years. Lol.
Haemish1 replies on Aug 15, 2019:
It’s like having kids - time and points go much faster than you can imagine:)
I've heard on the radio this morning, there is a petition to change Trump tower street name to ...
Allamanda comments on Aug 15, 2019:
It's not the tower name, it's the street, and those names are chosen to honor important people by the government (of NY in this case). I'm sure Obama couldn't care less, but if such things were for sale he is wealthy enough in his own right.
Haemish1 replies on Aug 15, 2019:
@IamNobody Primarily Obama’s wealth has come from book sales, and some investments.
Mixed signals, I may have disappointed as many women by not responding than for being too offensive.
Cutiebeauty comments on Aug 15, 2019:
Haha some guys are clueless or scared of rejection
Haemish1 replies on Aug 15, 2019:
More accurate would be - most guys are clueless and scared of rejection.
Good morning and happy hump day! 😁 Are there any phrases or sayings that annoy you?
MissKathleen comments on Aug 14, 2019:
I once had a boss who always said, “work smarter, not harder”...then dumped tons more work on everyone. Bitch.
Haemish1 replies on Aug 14, 2019:
I had the same boss - we changed it to - Work faster, not harder!
I always ponder this when I pass it on my way home from work.
LenHazell53 comments on Aug 13, 2019:
The Creepy Crawler arrives (The Miles City Star) Be on the lookout for a giant baby crawling through a field near I-94, chasing a rhinoceros, a bison ... and a velociraptor? That’s the scene being set up about six miles northeast of the Baker Interchange this week by mural artist John ...
Haemish1 replies on Aug 14, 2019:
Thanks for finding all that information! An amusing side note - in 2007 I was part of a crew that put up a timber frame house in that area. The crane operator was John Muggli (member of the land owner family referenced in the article). I’ll never forget the man - I believe he would win the “World’s Biggest Redneck” competition if there were such a thing. He invited our crew our to his place one night “to pound some beers.” His property was filled with army surplus construction equipment. He told the story of his 8 year old boy trying to blow up a can of WD40 with a firecracker. He told the boy - that ain’t big enough! Run in the shop and grab a blasting cap from the dynamite box, but be safe and duck behind that dozer blade when you light it up! He was very proud of the welded steel grate he’d made for his front porch - “the dog can shit up here, and all I have to do is stomp it through!” The man was full of such stories- it was an interesting night:)
How many sexual partners have you had?
Haemish1 comments on Aug 10, 2019:
Can we include inflatable partners?
Haemish1 replies on Aug 13, 2019:
@Stephanie99 Depends on your perspective I guess. I wish it were more though.
How many sexual partners have you had?
Haemish1 comments on Aug 10, 2019:
Can we include inflatable partners?
Haemish1 replies on Aug 13, 2019:
@Stephanie99 Still doesn’t change my number;)
I always ponder this when I pass it on my way home from work.
AmelieMatisse comments on Aug 13, 2019:
I googled it -
Haemish1 replies on Aug 13, 2019:
No artist statement - that would be interesting to read! Thanks for looking that up !
I always ponder this when I pass it on my way home from work.
rogueflyer comments on Aug 13, 2019:
Sorry, I don't get it. I zoomed in to max but don't understand. Someone must have spent much effort to do this but it's over my head.
Haemish1 replies on Aug 13, 2019:
@rogueflyer Me either
I always ponder this when I pass it on my way home from work.
rogueflyer comments on Aug 13, 2019:
Sorry, I don't get it. I zoomed in to max but don't understand. Someone must have spent much effort to do this but it's over my head.
Haemish1 replies on Aug 13, 2019:
A baby, a buffalo and two dinosaurs - what’s not to understand?;) I think the baby is s pro life statement- lots of those billboards in the area. There have been significant dinosaur discoveries in the area, and the bison - just because it’s Montana?
I always ponder this when I pass it on my way home from work.
bigpawbullets comments on Aug 13, 2019:
Haemish1 replies on Aug 13, 2019:
It’s Montana;)
I always ponder this when I pass it on my way home from work.
Spinliesel comments on Aug 13, 2019:
Those are very creative straw bale construction. I saw many diferent ones in Kansas .
Haemish1 replies on Aug 13, 2019:
They’re not straw bale - the image of the baby is “tiled” - I think they’re mostly plywood cutouts
e·bul·lient /iˈbo͝olyənt,iˈbəlyənt/ Learn to pronounce adjective 1.
AmelieMatisse comments on Aug 13, 2019:
This morning I am feeling more curmudgeonly than ebullient.
Haemish1 replies on Aug 13, 2019:
@AmelieMatisse I‘m getting about 60 hours of overtime a week- it’s not worth being in North Dakota for much less.
Good morning! What was your favorite show/cartoon when you were a kid?
moonmaid comments on Aug 13, 2019:
Bugs Bunny but not Roadrunner.. Rocky and Bullwinkle and especially Fractured Fairytales!
Haemish1 replies on Aug 13, 2019:
Don’t forget Peabody and Sherman!
e·bul·lient /iˈbo͝olyənt,iˈbəlyənt/ Learn to pronounce adjective 1.
AmelieMatisse comments on Aug 13, 2019:
This morning I am feeling more curmudgeonly than ebullient.
Haemish1 replies on Aug 13, 2019:
@AmelieMatisse The ham sandwiches were next:) I usually work a 20 day on/ 10 days off schedule-this is my first day off since July 25th
e·bul·lient /iˈbo͝olyənt,iˈbəlyənt/ Learn to pronounce adjective 1.
AmelieMatisse comments on Aug 13, 2019:
This morning I am feeling more curmudgeonly than ebullient.
Haemish1 replies on Aug 13, 2019:
Im sorry. This was particularly relevant to me - it was a word of the day on a gas pump while I was filling up on my way home, fo a week off! I’m in a very ebullient mood!
e·bul·lient /iˈbo͝olyənt,iˈbəlyənt/ Learn to pronounce adjective 1.
Cutiebeauty comments on Aug 13, 2019:
Nice word.. 😊
Haemish1 replies on Aug 13, 2019:
It’s amazing what you can learn from a gas station pump!
Hi Everyone.
Haemish1 comments on Aug 12, 2019:
You’re doing serious stuff! The highlight of my day has been watching a muskrat:)
Haemish1 replies on Aug 12, 2019:
@WonderWartHog99 It’s the closest I’ve ever been to one. I got some good video of it - don’t think I can post it though🤔
Miasma mī-ˈaz-mə Part of speech: noun Origin: Ancient Greek 1 An unpleasant ...
AmelieMatisse comments on Aug 12, 2019:
Could we say that we are not happy with the miasma surrounding DC?
Haemish1 replies on Aug 12, 2019:
I would certainly concur with you on that.
What America’s gun fanatics won’t tell you - MarketWatch
TheInterlooper comments on Aug 12, 2019:
Here is a quote from Hamilton that blows YOUR baloney into a million pieces... "The constitution shall never be prevent the people of the United States who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms"
Haemish1 replies on Aug 12, 2019:
This was actually a quote by Samuel Adams - definitely a Patriot, but not a framer of the constitution.
At current rates a federal reserve board study shows that the top 10% will own 100% of the wealth in...
TomMcGiverin comments on Aug 12, 2019:
In less than 33 years, the US will look like a Mad Max movie and I will be dead, hopefully......
Haemish1 replies on Aug 12, 2019:
Let’s hope not
Miasma mī-ˈaz-mə Part of speech: noun Origin: Ancient Greek 1 An unpleasant ...
brentan comments on Aug 12, 2019:
I read about this in the Oresteia. In this context, it was the odour remaining from an act of murder that could only be removed by a revenge killing.
Haemish1 replies on Aug 12, 2019:
Or maybe it’s a Klingon thing?
Miasma mī-ˈaz-mə Part of speech: noun Origin: Ancient Greek 1 An unpleasant ...
Marionville comments on Aug 12, 2019:
I often have to bring clothes, which I have put out to dry on the washing line, inside to wash again, because the neighbouring farmer has sprayed slurry on his fields causing a noxious miasma.
Haemish1 replies on Aug 12, 2019:
Miasma mī-ˈaz-mə Part of speech: noun Origin: Ancient Greek 1 An unpleasant ...
happyhiker1 comments on Aug 12, 2019:
You must get word genius too cause that is today's word! ;-)
Haemish1 replies on Aug 12, 2019:
Great minds ... Fall for the same clickbait:)
Not a one of the 20 will actually support the needs of our reality, but the delusional reality that...
Haemish1 comments on Aug 11, 2019:
It’s the corporate mainstream media that benefits from those dollars. I’d like to see shorter campaign seasons, publicly funded elections (no paid for tv or radio commercials) and all presidential primaries held on the same day.
Haemish1 replies on Aug 12, 2019:
@William_Mary Money=power I can’t imagine anyone benefiting from our electoral process who isn’t in some way tied to the board of directors of the corporations that control our media.
Haemish1 comments on Aug 10, 2019:
I just joined a backgammon club - I’m the first member - if nothing else I’ll learn how to play the game and have a few beers (the group meets at my favorite brew pub:)
Haemish1 replies on Aug 11, 2019:
@Cutiebeauty Is that a pun? I know nothing of how the game is played
Who in History would you have liked to have had a love affair with? My choice for today is Voltaire
Haemish1 comments on Aug 10, 2019:
Boudicca, Mona Lisa, Catherine the Great, Ann Boleyn , Molly Hatcher perhaps.
Haemish1 replies on Aug 11, 2019:
@St-Sinner I’d be happy with any one - just employing the shotgun approach:)
This is a question best answered by someone in the culinary industry.
Haemish1 comments on Aug 11, 2019:
I’m reading this discussion at 4:30 am, in a truck with 3 other guys and the topic of conversation is “which gas station has the best breakfast?” In the North Dakota oilfield there are a couple places that cook eggs and bacon for their breakfast menu, but most stuff comes in shrink wrapped ...
Haemish1 replies on Aug 11, 2019:
@Sgt_Spanky I was thinking that, but for some reason I was thinking there was some dialogue along with it🤔
Anyone still up? Im booooored
azzow2 comments on Aug 10, 2019:
Waiting for my kids to slumber. I let them stay up late. They start 3rd grade on Monday.
Haemish1 replies on Aug 11, 2019:
@OpposingOpposum I’m used to my daughter being in a district where they couldn’t start school until after the county fair on Labor day weekend, because so many kids are in 4-H
Funny but probably many grandmom are are doing it
Killtheskyfairy comments on Aug 11, 2019:
Anyone who hasn’t been saying it from the beginning of the Trump candidacy isn’t paying attention!
Haemish1 replies on Aug 11, 2019:
I’ve been running into more ladies that tell me the only time they use “the F word” is when they hear 45’s name.
So why did Epstein commit suicide? [] I wonder what his motivation was?
MakeItGood comments on Aug 10, 2019:
A few weeks ago he was found unconcious from an apparant strangulation attack. My guess is he was likely murdered for what he knew, presumably about the current president and some business elites whom he was blackmailing (his home was found to have secret video cameras in bedrooms etc). The ...
Haemish1 replies on Aug 11, 2019:
One of the plaintiffs in the Epstein case has implicated Trump in court. This is taken from Snopes.
At current rates a federal reserve board study shows that the top 10% will own 100% of the wealth in...
callmedubious comments on Aug 11, 2019:
i doubt if it will take them 33 yrs.
Haemish1 replies on Aug 11, 2019:
The eternal optimist! Hopefully we can change things:)
Not an effective form of communication.
Haemish1 comments on Aug 10, 2019:
Who needs phones anyway?
Haemish1 replies on Aug 11, 2019:
@IrishTxJudy I’m still working on my telekinetic communication;)
Anyone still up? Im booooored
azzow2 comments on Aug 10, 2019:
Waiting for my kids to slumber. I let them stay up late. They start 3rd grade on Monday.
Haemish1 replies on Aug 11, 2019:
What!?!? It’s the middle of summer!
Accoutrement ə-ˈkü-trə-mənt Part of speech: noun Origin: Middle French, 16th century...
happyhiker1 comments on Aug 11, 2019:
I've always liked this word. Good one.
Haemish1 replies on Aug 11, 2019:
I’d imagine you have a pretty nice collection of hiking/camping accoutrements:)
Accoutrement ə-ˈkü-trə-mənt Part of speech: noun Origin: Middle French, 16th century...
AmelieMatisse comments on Aug 10, 2019:
I love this word and I use it a lot but I did not know #3 meaning
Haemish1 replies on Aug 11, 2019:
That was new to me as well.
Accoutrement ə-ˈkü-trə-mənt Part of speech: noun Origin: Middle French, 16th century...
AnonySchmoose comments on Aug 10, 2019:
thank you for a beautiful word. The french just sounds very good!
Haemish1 replies on Aug 11, 2019:
It does make a person feel a little more sophisticated to use that pronunciation:)
Introverts Dating Other Introverts. [] What do you think?
Sticks48 comments on Aug 10, 2019:
Since they don't socialize, how are they suppose to meet? Are you going to have a room full of people uncomfortable with talking to each other. It would be a hoot to watch that. :)
Haemish1 replies on Aug 10, 2019:
An introvert stares at the shoes of a person he’s interested in, rather than his own.
Who in History would you have liked to have had a love affair with? My choice for today is Voltaire
azzow2 comments on Aug 10, 2019:
Lady Godiva, Mae West, Cleopatra, Sacagawea, Helen of Troy, Amelia Earhart, Rosie the Riveter there are several I omitted those are a few I could pick off the top of my brain.
Haemish1 replies on Aug 10, 2019:
I was considering Amelia Earhart too.
Anyone thirsty?
brentan comments on Aug 10, 2019:
I need a beer.
Haemish1 replies on Aug 10, 2019:
I’ll join you:)
One of the most significant problem of the American educational system is that children or students ...
Haemish1 comments on Aug 9, 2019:
Broad, over reaching generalizations such as this - based on what I can only assume is anecdotal evidence, would seem to indicate a failure on your part to grasp the underlying elements of your argument.
Haemish1 replies on Aug 10, 2019:
@zesty I appreciate you sharing your history - it provides some insight to your comments. Montana is a unique, wonderful place in my opinion, although I’m not sure there’s any greater degree of freedom there. If you ever visit, I’ll buy you a beer - or a Moscow Mule:) As far as being intelligent, I’m just oil patch trash, with too much time on my hands.
One of the most significant problem of the American educational system is that children or students ...
Haemish1 comments on Aug 9, 2019:
Broad, over reaching generalizations such as this - based on what I can only assume is anecdotal evidence, would seem to indicate a failure on your part to grasp the underlying elements of your argument.
Haemish1 replies on Aug 10, 2019:
@zesty I apologize to you - denigrating was a poor choice of words on my part. You do seem to enjoy inflammatory rhetoric though.
Good morning! It's Saturday, I can sleep in, so what was I doing up at 5:30 am?
Donotbelieve comments on Aug 10, 2019:
I only speak English. I can understand French a bit. I taught myself Sumerian cuneiform, when I was a child. Does that count?
Haemish1 replies on Aug 10, 2019:
@Donotbelieve Heck - that happens to me all the time 😉
One of the most significant problem of the American educational system is that children or students ...
Haemish1 comments on Aug 9, 2019:
Broad, over reaching generalizations such as this - based on what I can only assume is anecdotal evidence, would seem to indicate a failure on your part to grasp the underlying elements of your argument.
Haemish1 replies on Aug 10, 2019:
@zesty Perhaps you’re right there - you wouldn’t consider regurgitating right wing, fascist pablum denigrating either, I guess?
Prince Charles said to the Queen, mummy, I have to go to a meeting of farmers and agriculturalists ...
ToolGuy comments on Aug 10, 2019:
Sorry but I do not get the humour. Is the fox supposed to be Camilla?
Haemish1 replies on Aug 10, 2019:
The US and England - two great nations, separated by a common language!
Good morning! It's Saturday, I can sleep in, so what was I doing up at 5:30 am?
Donotbelieve comments on Aug 10, 2019:
I only speak English. I can understand French a bit. I taught myself Sumerian cuneiform, when I was a child. Does that count?
Haemish1 replies on Aug 10, 2019:
I’m sure there’s an online group where you can leave 3D printed, Cuneiform commentary on the Epic of Gilgamesh:)
Arlo Guthrie - Alice's Restaurant 1967 []
daylily comments on Aug 10, 2019:
40 years and counting, I've never missed listening to this on Thanksgiving, be it on the local radio station or my own album. (Although the last few years, it's been live streamed from the radio station.) They play it every year at noon, the old album, scratches and all. It pleases me to say that ...
Haemish1 replies on Aug 10, 2019:
It’s a thanksgiving staple in my house too, although my daughter prefers the original to my recitation;)
Is this considered porn? I mean, we can clearly see his little pecker. ;)
Haemish1 comments on Aug 9, 2019:
I’m not sure if it’s porn or not, but it’s definitely wrong! What the hell is that thing with the little pecker on it?
Haemish1 replies on Aug 9, 2019:
@WonderWartHog99 It scares the crap out of me!
Is this considered porn? I mean, we can clearly see his little pecker. ;)
Haemish1 comments on Aug 9, 2019:
I’m not sure if it’s porn or not, but it’s definitely wrong! What the hell is that thing with the little pecker on it?
Haemish1 replies on Aug 9, 2019:
@WonderWartHog99 Is it a cat or dog or a chupacabra that has the duckies painted on it?
Taxation is theft.
BestWithoutGods comments on Aug 9, 2019:
No, taxation is not theft. It is how we support the government. It is constitutional. It is legal.
Haemish1 replies on Aug 9, 2019:
We need to fix the system to fairly distribute the tax burden, or people will perceive it as theft.
One of the most significant problem of the American educational system is that children or students ...
Haemish1 comments on Aug 9, 2019:
Broad, over reaching generalizations such as this - based on what I can only assume is anecdotal evidence, would seem to indicate a failure on your part to grasp the underlying elements of your argument.
Haemish1 replies on Aug 9, 2019:
@zesty If it’s a theory, then present it as such and don’t extend it to an entire population and denigrate those with opposing points of view.
One of the most significant problem of the American educational system is that children or students ...
Haemish1 comments on Aug 9, 2019:
Broad, over reaching generalizations such as this - based on what I can only assume is anecdotal evidence, would seem to indicate a failure on your part to grasp the underlying elements of your argument.
Haemish1 replies on Aug 9, 2019:
@Petter On the contrary, I think she’s without peer;)
One of the most significant problem of the American educational system is that children or students ...
Haemish1 comments on Aug 9, 2019:
Broad, over reaching generalizations such as this - based on what I can only assume is anecdotal evidence, would seem to indicate a failure on your part to grasp the underlying elements of your argument.
Haemish1 replies on Aug 9, 2019:
@zesty Your argument references the scientific method, but you jump from hypothesis to conclusion with no evidence other than your own anecdotal experience, and then extend that to the entire educational system. If you’d cited some peer reviewed studies, your argument might have more credibility. Making statements in the manner you did somewhat circumvents the scientific method that you reference. Again, “all my smart students” is another broad generalization with no real support.
Kink Question: anyone (besides me) got a thing for trains?
EdEarl comments on Aug 9, 2019:
Great train ride But no privacy.
Haemish1 replies on Aug 9, 2019:
Or the Durango to Silverton train.
Natation - an act or the skill of swimming.
Haemish1 comments on Aug 9, 2019:
I just had this word on my word of the day email this morning!
Haemish1 replies on Aug 9, 2019:
@AmelieMatisse Apparently so - let’s see how you do tomorrow:)
Hi I'm new here.
Haemish1 comments on Aug 8, 2019:
Welcome! Perhaps you fall more on the ambivert portion of the continuum?
Haemish1 replies on Aug 9, 2019:
@AmelieMatisse No worries - it’s really more about how you relate with those around you than what a book says.
What has been our greatest leap Star Trek style not much had been talked about since the space ...
bookofmorons comments on Aug 8, 2019:
3D printing
Haemish1 replies on Aug 9, 2019:
@RobertMartin There are 3D printers for food now - mostly for printing chocolate and pouring interesting designs with pancake batter. A Star Trek kind of replicator that could take basic molecules and rearrange them as food would be amazing!
What has been our greatest leap Star Trek style not much had been talked about since the space ...
bookofmorons comments on Aug 8, 2019:
3D printing
Haemish1 replies on Aug 8, 2019:
Things will really get crazy when they can 3D print nano scale materials.
A lot of people here have arrived from religious backgrounds so I was wondering what your feelings ...
Haemish1 comments on Aug 8, 2019:
I’m having a hard time thinking of any instance where an unwanted pregnancy isn’t a man fault. I think abortion should be legal, safe and rare. I think there’s plenty of room for both sides of the debate to join together and focus on preventing unwanted pregnancies, rather than ...
Haemish1 replies on Aug 8, 2019:
@vjohnson51 Still, with out him - there wouldn’t have been a pregnancy. It was a crappy thing to do to him though.
Rethinking Scottish crannogs []
CommonHuman comments on Aug 8, 2019:
Thank you for the new magazine obsession.
Haemish1 replies on Aug 8, 2019:
Doesn’t seem like land would have been in short supply - perhaps they were for defensive/protective purposes?
A friend recently posted an interesting article on the profession of "cuddling".
Cutiebeauty comments on Aug 8, 2019:
I get plenty of holding and held by both my boyfriend, and my gfs...
Haemish1 replies on Aug 8, 2019:
Figuring something out another way.
Haemish1 comments on Aug 8, 2019:
Usually with a bigger hammer.
Haemish1 replies on Aug 8, 2019:
@ToolGuy I’ve got a few beater chisels for that - most of them are just for fine work.
And then sometimes I have visitors that invade my space
MojoDave comments on Aug 8, 2019:
Haemish1 replies on Aug 8, 2019:
Where can I get some of those?
I look back with nostalgia when I could run fast, could dance all night and go to work the next day.
Killtheskyfairy comments on Aug 7, 2019:
🤦🏼‍♀️Life’s a bitch and then you die.🥴
Haemish1 replies on Aug 8, 2019:
Life’s a shit sandwich - just shut up and take another bite ;)
I once replayed this song on my car CD player for 100 miles. []
Marionville comments on Aug 6, 2019:
Nice song, and I’m a Joni fan...but for 100 miles? Maybe not! 😂🤣
Haemish1 replies on Aug 6, 2019:
@Marionville Yes - that’s how I was thinking about it.
I once replayed this song on my car CD player for 100 miles. []
Marionville comments on Aug 6, 2019:
Nice song, and I’m a Joni fan...but for 100 miles? Maybe not! 😂🤣
Haemish1 replies on Aug 6, 2019:
@Marionville True, but it could have been stop and go, rush hour traffic.
I once replayed this song on my car CD player for 100 miles. []
Marionville comments on Aug 6, 2019:
Nice song, and I’m a Joni fan...but for 100 miles? Maybe not! 😂🤣
Haemish1 replies on Aug 6, 2019:
She might have been driving really fast😉
Can a one off act be called terrorism?
Marionville comments on Aug 5, 2019:
I think the quantity is immaterial...the anxiety produced is the criterion. The uncertainty and apprehension of where and when an attack may happen, especially when a known network has signalled that it intends to kill certain groups of people. The fact that this network is not an organised ...
Haemish1 replies on Aug 5, 2019:
@powder I think the US over reacted to the 9/11 attacks, but I don’t see how “thoughts and prayers” is an over reaction to years of random violence.
August 5th.
Marionville comments on Aug 5, 2019:
We Scots have a song which all Scottish schoolchildren learn at school....the first few lines are....”Scots wha hae wi’ Wallace bled, Scots wham Bruce hae aften led, welcome tae yer gory bed, or tae victory”. William Wallace and Robert the Bruce are our national heroes. Bruce got revenge ...
Haemish1 replies on Aug 5, 2019:
I took bagpipe lessons for a brief time, and remember learning a tune that was only titled Scots Wha Hae Wi Wallace. My instructor had no idea what it meant - I never thought to google it since the internet became a thing. Thanks for clueing me in:)
Why is Mitch McConnell still in office? He's a useless political hack.
Haemish1 comments on Aug 5, 2019:
Did McConnell receive a court martial from the army for sodomy?
Haemish1 replies on Aug 5, 2019:
@TheoryNumber3 I’m not seeing a source called BADKITTIES. Hillbilly report caught my eye though.
I’m not a big fan of electric guitars, but this seems excessive!
242Foxtrot comments on Aug 5, 2019:
Haemish1 replies on Aug 5, 2019:
John Hiatt is a favorite!
I picked option one. I figure the cost of the tickets are screwing us all anyway. 😂
Beowulfsfriend comments on Aug 5, 2019:
Remember the days when musicians did concerts to sell records. Now they make records to sell concert tickets.
Haemish1 replies on Aug 5, 2019:
Thanks iTunes
Has anyone had sex in Dr. office?
Wildflower comments on Aug 4, 2019:
I can't even imagine a doctor zipping down a fly, never mind reaching in and grabbing a dick for inspection. Does that happen in the US guys? No doctor would do that to examine a female.
Haemish1 replies on Aug 4, 2019:
@Wildflower Nope
Has anyone had sex in Dr. office?
Wildflower comments on Aug 4, 2019:
I can't even imagine a doctor zipping down a fly, never mind reaching in and grabbing a dick for inspection. Does that happen in the US guys? No doctor would do that to examine a female.
Haemish1 replies on Aug 4, 2019:
Never had one pull down my fly. I did have an older, female doctor examine me a CDL. She said beforehand, that she enjoyed performing those exams, and didn’t seem at all shy when looking for hernia problems.
I don't know when or where she said this (assuming it's a valid quote) but I love it.
sewchick57 comments on Aug 4, 2019:
Make manufacturers financially liable for the amount of carnage a weapon is capable of. The more rounds per minute the higher the payout to victims. Get insurance companies involved and watch gun ownership laws change!!
Haemish1 replies on Aug 4, 2019:
Each individual gun owner should be required to provide proof of training, insurance and a trigger lock that only that person can use before purchasing a gun.
Basically starting over again.
Haemish1 comments on Aug 4, 2019:
I was told by one woman that it takes about a year to adapt to deal with a divorce. I probably should have waited that long to date again. Now that it’s been 3 years, I’m starting to wonder if I’ll even have a date again.
Haemish1 replies on Aug 4, 2019:
@UrsiMajor Absolutely- each person needs to figure out what works for themself, but those are probably good rules of thumb. I certainly needed better judgment with the woman I became involved with.
Good Morning Everyone! Do you think its haters, racists and white supremisists that don't know how ...
ShadowAmicus comments on Aug 4, 2019:
Never sure if it is a lack of education or brain cells - at least he got the O in country
Haemish1 replies on Aug 4, 2019:
Probably needed help from Aretha Franklin on spelling “respect”
Good morning.
Cutiebeauty comments on Aug 4, 2019:
I actually don't use toilet paper .. I use a wash cloth... It's much more hygienic... And it's environment conscious... You just need to wash it thoroughly after every use...
Haemish1 replies on Aug 4, 2019:
Apparently the ancient Romans used a scrub brush of sorts in their communal toilets. After each use the brush was cleaned with vinegar. I’m not sure of your claim that a wash cloth is more hygienic, although it’s definitely more environmentally conscious.
How can a person be killed because a police officer is firing at a barking dog - and why was he ...
LiterateHiker comments on Aug 3, 2019:
The dog was on the attack: running, growling and barking at the officer. I don't blame him. The dog owner was lying on the ground in the line of fire. The officer was looking at the dog, not the sleeping, homeless dog owner. It was an accident. I have been attacked by eight, unleashed dogs ...
Haemish1 replies on Aug 3, 2019:
@LenHazell53 I’m not a gun owner, but here in Montana and other states with grizzly bears and cougars, it’s pretty common for people to carry guns when hiking - it is a bit of a cultural thing here.
August 2nd 1492 Spain.
Marionville comments on Aug 3, 2019:
He actually lobbied the Portuguese King first, to finance his expedition but was turned down. It was only after several pleas to Ferdinand & Isabella of Spain that they agreed to his voyage in their Royal Majesties’ names. The whole history of the America’s could have been different, with ...
Haemish1 replies on Aug 3, 2019:
I think the results would have been much the same. Weren’t the beliefs and motives of the Portuguese mostly the same as Spain’s?
My 129 days of unwanted celibacy ended yesterday.
Haemish1 comments on Aug 3, 2019:
129 days? I’m starting year 3:/
Haemish1 replies on Aug 3, 2019:
@Alvinsmama STOP!!!!😳😉😂
I don't know how many of you are familiar with Limericks but here's one.
AnonySchmoose comments on Aug 2, 2019:
There was a young woman named Bright, Whose speed was much faster than light. She set out one day, In a relative way, And returned on the previous night.
Haemish1 replies on Aug 3, 2019:
Wonder if Einstein wrote that? 😆
Hiker scares off stalking cougar by blasting Metallica song
RichCC comments on Aug 3, 2019:
Back in the late 90s I worked for a small company that made animal radio tracking collars. Remember Wild Kingdom with Marlin Perkins where they would tag some animal and follow it's radio signals to learn where it spent its time? We probably made the tracker. In America it was interesting to talk...
Haemish1 replies on Aug 3, 2019:
Oh yes! Mutual of Omaha’s Wild Kingdom. I can still hear Marlin Perkins narration “while Jim wrestles the giant alligator, I stay back st the campsite to prepare the gin and tonics.” The joke in Montana is - how can you tell the difference between grizzly and black bear scat? Grizzly scat has the little bells in it.
Just for you, as I can't handle the stuff anymore....sob!
Haemish1 comments on Aug 2, 2019:
Death before decaf!
Haemish1 replies on Aug 2, 2019:
@mischl Saw palmetto!
Christian author claims “spells” in country music will change your DNA 😳 []
1of5 comments on Aug 2, 2019:
She makes it hard *not* to believe chemtrails are making us stupider. But then again if it causes a reduction in country music, who am I to complain?
Haemish1 replies on Aug 2, 2019:
If you’re referring to the top 40 format, sounds like bad pop music only with multiple references to beer, trucks and fishin - I have to agree. I do have some favorites that fall in the country genre but never get radio air time and are worth at least a listen to.
Christian author claims “spells” in country music will change your DNA 😳 []
Sofabeast comments on Aug 2, 2019:
There are those in Islam who don't allow music to be played other than the song of prayer, so maybe she's right... or more likely talking bollocks.
Haemish1 replies on Aug 2, 2019:
The church of Christ doesn’t allow instruments in their services - I think they use recorded music.
BBC - Future - Tomorrow’s Gods: What is the future of religion?
genessa comments on Aug 2, 2019:
i do not believe that for an instant. so many other factors also allowed the formation of societies made up of strangers, among them encountering other groups and merging, independent of big-god religion; the need to hunt efficiently; the survival instinct that expanded to include the kind of ...
Haemish1 replies on Aug 2, 2019:
@genessa There has been conjecture that the desire for beer/alcohol was key to developing agriculture and civilization.


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