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What if voting is made mandatory?
Happy_Killbot comments on Apr 17, 2019:
What happens when you have elections like 2016 where you have to chose between a criminal, and... well a criminal? If someone doesn't support any of the candidates shouldn't they reserve the right to retain their vote?
Happy_Killbot replies on Apr 17, 2019:
@genessa Half the roads in my home town were built and maintained by private citizens, including ones maintained by oil companies to keep their trucks moving which everyone can use without charge. Do you really think that you couldn't have done better if you paid less in taxes your whole life? You could have used that money to grow something that might have been more than what you collect in social security just by making some safe long term investments. This may be hard to wrap your head around, but when people give me things for free that I don't feel like I earned, I take offense. I would literally rather be punched then paid instead of just paid, even though that makes no sense.
Reposted article Please read In the reposted column below, first published on Truthdig on Aug.
Happy_Killbot comments on Apr 17, 2019:
I have an interesting counter proposal. The Keplar space telescope has found "mega earths" potentialy habitable planets much larger than earth that should be extremely stable geologicaly, have long lasting surface water, and most importantly have very stable climates. This brings the validity of ...
Happy_Killbot replies on Apr 17, 2019:
@creative51 Is your concern with intelligence the relativity of it? Some prominent figures believe that we will achieve a technological singularity by the end of this century. Should this occur would you consider this intelligence? I don't think planet colonization like in sci-fi makes any sense habitable or not. Dismantling planets to build space habitats and solar cells seems more reasonable. My point with the mega-earths was that life could have originated there, not colonization. I too believe the close of our species as we know it is imminent, what we disagree on is whether or not that matters or is even a bad thing.
What if voting is made mandatory?
Happy_Killbot comments on Apr 17, 2019:
What happens when you have elections like 2016 where you have to chose between a criminal, and... well a criminal? If someone doesn't support any of the candidates shouldn't they reserve the right to retain their vote?
Happy_Killbot replies on Apr 17, 2019:
@genessa No, I mean between a criminal and a criminal. I don't know why people drink the Kool-Aid either. I wouldn't have supported either of them if they weren't criminals based solely on political agenda, as if it mattered anyways. I'm all for reducing governance to bare bones functionality. I'm just as tired of the social engineering, tribalism, and straw man debates as you are. My political opinions are based on what is best for me. The functionality of democracy is based on that assumption, one that somehow we don't hit. Farmers suport conservatives who spoil their land in favor of oil companies. (something personal ) Liberals suport higher taxation that ends up funding wars we can't win ( something personal ) Both sides are corupt. I will not suport a lesser evil, only a greater good.
Reposted article Please read In the reposted column below, first published on Truthdig on Aug.
Happy_Killbot comments on Apr 17, 2019:
I have an interesting counter proposal. The Keplar space telescope has found "mega earths" potentialy habitable planets much larger than earth that should be extremely stable geologicaly, have long lasting surface water, and most importantly have very stable climates. This brings the validity of ...
Happy_Killbot replies on Apr 17, 2019:
@creative51 It's true, there is no scientific consensus, however we do know that oxygen rapidly rose before it happened. According to the theory, this was the result of cyanobacteria synthesizing O2 as a waste product of early photosynthesis. O2 is incredibly corrosive and this supposedly caused the extinction of early single celled life. The same O2 allowed for the development of complex multi-cellular life that we see today. I personally believe that one of the main catalysts for the evolution of human intelligence was climate change. Intelligence is a costly trait so if it isn't justified it just goes away due to natural selection. However, if your environment is changing at a rate that makes it impossible for evolution to keep up then intelligence as a mode of rapid adaptability becomes a major asset, and would explain why humans developed larger brains. This also has major implications for the Fermi paradox that sometimes get addressed poorly, that is life won't develop intelligence unless there is a reason for it to.
I really don't get it.
Buxx comments on Apr 16, 2019:
Same reason why people proclaim America's the best country in the world. It's easy to do as long as you don't focus on yourself.
Happy_Killbot replies on Apr 16, 2019:
More like the worst country except all the others.
Is there a correlation between being a true atheist and abolishing the monogamous lifestyle?
creative51 comments on Apr 14, 2019:
People like to fuck. They will find ways to do it, no matter what label is applied. People liked to fuck long before there was any religion.
Happy_Killbot replies on Apr 15, 2019:
@creative51 What if I told you the theoretical maximum population for an earth sized planet was in the trillions, and the limiting factor isn't space or resources but is actually heat dissipation? Some sources claim that this is possible, although there are a lot of assumptions made, for example all energy consumed originates from outside earth's surface. If you spread out everyone equally you would get about 18 acres of land for every one person, and you only need about 1.76 to live on if you accept a vegan diet. I think overpopulation is sort of an exaggeration. If you look at the populations in developed countries like South Korea and Japan, the population is decreasing, due to increased food prices, education of women, availability of contraception, and of course social changes. In the USA many people are waiting longer to start families and when they do they are typically smaller. So far, mankind has evaded destruction by overpopulation because... well, we aren't animals and we can change our world to fit our needs. I don't know the means to avoid calamity indefinitely, but I don't think we are going to sit around waiting to starve. Remember, matter is neither created nor destroyed. entropy is the only thing you have to worry about, and as far as I am concerned its exploitation is basically what it means to have life.
Is there a correlation between being a true atheist and abolishing the monogamous lifestyle?
creative51 comments on Apr 14, 2019:
People like to fuck. They will find ways to do it, no matter what label is applied. People liked to fuck long before there was any religion.
Happy_Killbot replies on Apr 15, 2019:
What about people who are asexual? Or those with anhedonia? Or eunuchs? None of these types of people desire sexual relations. Asexual individuals make up about 1% of the population, however there is reason to believe that that number may be higher, mostly for lack of a good definition. Also what do you think the maximum number of people this planet can handle is?
who would you want on your side?
Pralina1 comments on Apr 6, 2019:
I walk alone ? Guns need to be controlled regardless of my trans or gay friends rights . ? When I walk w a team , it doesn't matter to me what color they are , what they do in their bed , or who they voted for . I care who is capable to run a fair and most successful code , who is fast , smart , ...
Happy_Killbot replies on Apr 8, 2019:
@Triphid Never heard of paranoia being described as paradise before. My thought process goes more like this: 1. shit is going to happen 2. you can either: a. prevent it b. benefit from it c. face losses from it difficult choice huh? For a little context, my political opinions come from when I was in the US military. 99/100 times when I see political discourse on the news or in the media I feel like it amounts to little more than 2 children arguing about who's dad can beat up the other.
who would you want on your side?
Pralina1 comments on Apr 6, 2019:
I walk alone ? Guns need to be controlled regardless of my trans or gay friends rights . ? When I walk w a team , it doesn't matter to me what color they are , what they do in their bed , or who they voted for . I care who is capable to run a fair and most successful code , who is fast , smart , ...
Happy_Killbot replies on Apr 8, 2019:
@Triphid ignorance is bliss
who would you want on your side?
Pralina1 comments on Apr 6, 2019:
I walk alone ? Guns need to be controlled regardless of my trans or gay friends rights . ? When I walk w a team , it doesn't matter to me what color they are , what they do in their bed , or who they voted for . I care who is capable to run a fair and most successful code , who is fast , smart , ...
Happy_Killbot replies on Apr 8, 2019:
@Parzival I agree that there are certain people, who for reason of mental incapacity should be prohibited from the acquisition of weapons, I don't think putting limits on the type of weapons really has any merit. I can't see anyone going hunting with a Howitzer, but I can't think of any reason why someone shouldn't be allowed to do that so long as they followed legal guidelines for doing so, and didn't harm anyone in the process. It's important to consider that most of the weapons held by criminals, drug cartels, and mobsters are not obtained legally anyway. Again, gun rights has to do with the citizens keeping the government in check rather than defending your home against criminals. Most criminals do what they do because life has dealt them a bad hand and they don't know how to stabilize their life or lack that means to do so.
Would you say this is accurate?
ElusiveMoby comments on Apr 7, 2019:
Absolutely not. In fact, the man I choose will have enormous intellectual prowess. Intelligence is sexier than physical features. I certainly hope I'm chosen for my intelligence as well.
Happy_Killbot replies on Apr 7, 2019:
Would you marry someone who was just a head in a jar, assuming that person was a perfect match intellectually, and no matter what could never have a body or anything resembling one?
who would you want on your side?
Pralina1 comments on Apr 6, 2019:
I walk alone ? Guns need to be controlled regardless of my trans or gay friends rights . ? When I walk w a team , it doesn't matter to me what color they are , what they do in their bed , or who they voted for . I care who is capable to run a fair and most successful code , who is fast , smart , ...
Happy_Killbot replies on Apr 6, 2019:
@Triphid So we should ban guns because you are afraid of people getting shot? I would rather have them there and not have to use them than not and need to. Who is trying to control who? Arm yourself against political influence! Sticking to your guns is all about protecting your right to make your own choices. To think this nation is immune to tyranny is a potentially dangerous mistake. In fact, some might argue that we have already past the point of no return, and may have to in blood to get back on the right track.
who would you want on your side?
Pralina1 comments on Apr 6, 2019:
I walk alone ? Guns need to be controlled regardless of my trans or gay friends rights . ? When I walk w a team , it doesn't matter to me what color they are , what they do in their bed , or who they voted for . I care who is capable to run a fair and most successful code , who is fast , smart , ...
Happy_Killbot replies on Apr 6, 2019:
@Triphid The removal of the right for citizens to own and bear arms is always one of the first things that happens when an extremist regime takes power. If the people can't defend themselves against the government then the roles switch from the state deriving its power from the people, to the state deriving its power from the state. This was one of the founding principles of this country for a reason. As far as what I said about China... Lets just say that is heavily censored for a reason.
who would you want on your side?
Pralina1 comments on Apr 6, 2019:
I walk alone ? Guns need to be controlled regardless of my trans or gay friends rights . ? When I walk w a team , it doesn't matter to me what color they are , what they do in their bed , or who they voted for . I care who is capable to run a fair and most successful code , who is fast , smart , ...
Happy_Killbot replies on Apr 6, 2019:
Gun control has nothing to do with protecting yourself from the horrors at Bed, Bath & Beyond. It has to do with standing up to an oppressive government that is somehow both fascist and socialist. Any country that swings between extremes rapidly is destined to fail. To make matters worse, China is perfectly posed to absorb the power vacuum left from the collapse of the USA. Gun control is only a means to an end.
Christian Conspiracy Website WorldNetDaily is on the Verge of Financial Collapse | Hemant Mehta | ...
JackPedigo comments on Apr 4, 2019:
How many times do people go through this and still latch on to the next Christian scam? Actually, this is good because if people spend their money for scams like this they have less to give to politicians.
Happy_Killbot replies on Apr 4, 2019:
Realizing that, we should form a small corporation and buy them out. The only thing better than watching your enemies fall is dominating them.
What motivation do we have to compensate those people who lost their jobs to automation?
BD66 comments on Apr 1, 2019:
Read Kurt Vonnegut's "Player Piano" about a future where most jobs are lost to automation. The book was published in 1952. It's 2019, and the unemployment rate is less than 4%. People have been predicting this for 7 decades, but it still has not come to pass. The people who do lose their...
Happy_Killbot replies on Apr 2, 2019:
@BD66 If we are 30 years away from the scenario described above, I would consider that near future. Here is why: If a school student is graduating this year (class of 2019) and decides he wants to be a lawyer. He gets his bachelors degree (4 years) then goes to law school (3 years) now he gets a job at a law firm and must off his student loans. This takes him 10 - 20 years, depending on how well he manages his money (average for law students is 21 years https://lendedu./blog/average-law-school-debt/ ) He now has only a few short years to practice his profession before he is replaced by automation and possibly forced into early retirement. Keep in mind this model is unrealistic because it assumes that the technological advances to make this possible happen suddenly, when in reality such technologies would be developed in stages, meaning he might not be employable prior to paying off his debt, for example if a technology eliminated the need for paralegals. Assuming you are a parent, would you recommend based on this information that your study to become lawyers?
What motivation do we have to compensate those people who lost their jobs to automation?
BD66 comments on Apr 1, 2019:
Read Kurt Vonnegut's "Player Piano" about a future where most jobs are lost to automation. The book was published in 1952. It's 2019, and the unemployment rate is less than 4%. People have been predicting this for 7 decades, but it still has not come to pass. The people who do lose their...
Happy_Killbot replies on Apr 1, 2019:
What happens when there are no jobs that can't be automated? The difference is that there were still things that humans could do that machines could not. Sooner or latter, that will change. Then what?
Leah Stokes: Last night on @chrislhayes show, @AOC said Congressional colleagues tell her they ...
Happy_Killbot comments on Mar 31, 2019:
The green new deal reads like something a college student wrote. It isn't going pass, now or probably ever. What makes all of this worses is that the incompetence of @AOC will likely make it harder for the public accept and climate change. Her inevitable failure will push us closer disaster! ...
Happy_Killbot replies on Apr 1, 2019:
@tkcoy idk what happened the link. Thanks for providing the back up link in your post. I'm about 75% sure AOC is finacialy backed by someone trying tear apart the democratic party. As far as being called a Nazi-bigot-racist-Trumper, I don't care what people say especially if they can't back it up with any coherent reasons. Good know I have an ally out there.
Suppose in the near future some entity, either private or collective devises the means to generate ...
ProudMerrie comments on Apr 1, 2019:
Maybe not me, but if they're taking jobs away from folks, those folks should be compensated.
Happy_Killbot replies on Apr 1, 2019:
What motivation do we have to compensate those people who lost their jobs to automation? Would we actually need to anyway? consider this: lets say you set up a lawyer service that would review contracts, provide legal advice etc. The average cost of electricity is 13 cents per kW hour. If the computation requires 500 kW of power then that service would cost 6.5 cents of overhead plus extra to maintain the equipment. lets round up to 25 cents. Imagine getting professional legal services for only 25 cents an hour! In this economy, every non-manual service would be like that. That's what the future looks like without UBI or heavy taxation holds. With compensation that number goes up to more than modern legal services, because they would need to at least cover the tax value to support the owner plus the cost of supporting the governing entity that collects the tax. I'm going to put this in a new post.
Leah Stokes: Last night on @chrislhayes show, @AOC said Congressional colleagues tell her they ...
Oldcurmudgeon comments on Mar 31, 2019:
We have to do something about lobbyists money!
Happy_Killbot replies on Mar 31, 2019:
I have an idea: Let's raise some capitol and start lobbying to end lobbying
"Mercier and Sperber (in their book Enigma of Reason) proposed a novel theory of human ...
Happy_Killbot comments on Mar 28, 2019:
This is really interesting. I never considered it, but it makes a lot of sense that the capacity for reason can only exist after complex speech develops in a social group that requires cooperation. Just out of curiosity, does the book discuss fear/empathy/anger as a means of suggestion?
Happy_Killbot replies on Mar 29, 2019:
@Gmak It seems like no one realizes or wants to talk about the role emotion plays in elections. Do you think it could be possible to compile some metric to rate candidates based on emotional resonance with the public? Does it already exist? Something like that could be invaluable to the prediction of campaign success. The same system could be used to counter extremist viewpoints by giving the public a reason to mistrust political ideas, candidates, or media coverage that is based purely in emotional reason rather than logical reason. The rise to power of Trump, Hitler, AOC, likely so many others I shouldn't even try to name seem to have obtained their status almost entirely though emotional manipulation. Extremism should be minimized in politics.
What if the best way to get people out of religion isn't to hammer then with reason, but instead to ...
Robecology comments on Mar 28, 2019:
Notice the only person you allegedly "swayed"...asked you first. That's the best strategy. Not "hitting them" with reasoning....but being there for them when they want to ask you about your wisdom. Remember; the religious didn't just become that way...they were indoctrinated since they ...
Happy_Killbot replies on Mar 28, 2019:
I absolutely agree with your observation. People tend to build walls to protect themselves and their ideology, especially when it is a part of their identity. I guess you could sum all this up by saying that you don't convince people by breaking down their doors, but instead by making them come outside and join you.
The Emptiness of Atomic Space.
Happy_Killbot comments on Mar 21, 2019:
I'm not a physicist but what little I know about the photoelectric effect suggests that the probability that a photon will interact with an "orbiting" (they are actually in a probability cloud) has more to do with the wavelength of the photon and energy level of the electrons. That is why some ...
Happy_Killbot replies on Mar 22, 2019:
@johnprytz What it implies is that there is a powerful force, specifically the strong nuclear force, binding the atom together. The argument "Atoms are 99.99% empty space, therefore matter shouldn't behave solid, atoms do behave solid, therefore the world is a simulation" is non-sequitur because it assumes that photons are corpusular (solid, point like) in nature, when in reality they are a wave. You are right to say that something screwy is going on here. Quantum dynamics is a fascinatingly confusing topic that has no allegory in the classical world we experience. Stay curious, read everything keep asking questions!
Dating and Marriage preferences.
Happy_Killbot comments on Mar 21, 2019:
I have been waiting for a long time for governing entities to come to the conclusion that race is technology and it should be abolished. People should be categorized uniquely based on their genetic profile for the purpose of eliminating genetic disease and undesirable traits.
Happy_Killbot replies on Mar 22, 2019:
@Janiesuper It is only a matter of time before biotech gives us the complete control over our genetic makeup, and we already have some basic forms of the technology. Gene therapy can already be used to treat some diseases, and if you are lactose intolerant you can actually change that for just a few thousand dollars. Can't yet doesn't mean can't ever, but what is most important is convincing people that doing so is beneficial to promote research and in particular limit restrictions on genetic engineering.
Has profanity become the normal way to communicate?
Happy_Killbot comments on Mar 18, 2019:
"Fuck that fuck you fucking fuck, like a fuck who fucks fucking fucks" is perfectly coherent. Fuck is my fucking favorite word.
Happy_Killbot replies on Mar 19, 2019:
@VineetHonkan Never heard that before! definitely going to scream it at someone in otherwise casual conversation.
Welcome new member happy_killbot!
Happy_Killbot comments on Mar 18, 2019:
Thank you!
Happy_Killbot replies on Mar 19, 2019:
@zesty Most people are very against it, but the way I see it there is no stopping it so we should try to make it as safe as possible.
Suppose in the near future some entity, either private or collective devises the means to generate ...
1of5 comments on Mar 18, 2019:
Not pay me, personally, but displacing an enormous workforce would collapse the economy, making the AI`s work worth nothing - unless the displaced workers have a source of income to support the work of the AI. So yeah, such a huge shift would require some form of support for those whom now have no ...
Happy_Killbot replies on Mar 18, 2019:
@mordant I haven't seen a proposal I liked yet either. Here are some back of the envelope calculations. If the US GDP $18.62 Trillion was divided equally amongst its 323 million population with 25% removed for reinvestment that would leave ~$43,000 for everyone. This is a livable salary but only 70% of the current median income ($61,372).
Suppose in the near future some entity, either private or collective devises the means to generate ...
1of5 comments on Mar 18, 2019:
Not pay me, personally, but displacing an enormous workforce would collapse the economy, making the AI`s work worth nothing - unless the displaced workers have a source of income to support the work of the AI. So yeah, such a huge shift would require some form of support for those whom now have no ...
Happy_Killbot replies on Mar 18, 2019:
@mordant Glad someone brought up UBI. Personally, i'm not a fan for exactly the reasons people dislike capitalism. UBI would mean that whatever pathetic ration they decide to reward you for being human is essentially all you get. The only way to escape is to be someone who owns the computational labor and sell it just above break even. Larger entities that can own more computational ability will take off way faster or do just as much for little or no profit. The only way to win is to beat the game before it begins.
This is directly from Quora: How much does Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez know about economics in the ...
Happy_Killbot comments on Mar 17, 2019:
Surprised that her most potent qualification isn't listed- manipulating your emotions to support her dangerous ideas. No one supports her because she is right, you support her because it feels right. That's been the disturbing trend in politics. No thought, all emotion. That is how we got our ...
Happy_Killbot replies on Mar 18, 2019:
@ToolGuy Seems you have confirmed both of my theories. Now let me give you a hard look at reality. The strong take what they want. If you don't think you are getting a fair deal, then get stronger. stop trying to tear us down! If we aren't giving you a fair price for lumber you wouldn't be selling it to us. In fact, you couldn't sell it to us for that price. You think supporting a young politician is going to stop dark ? How naïve! That is probably the best way to aggravate the situation! Black markets and shady deals are the bread and butter of centrally planed economies! In fact I wouldn't be surprised if it turned out that all the economic undermining by the Koch brothers was strongly enabled by Canadian socialistic policy. As far as environmental damage goes, I can't argue that it is 100% safe, but we can't just spend $2.5 trilion to go full renualble. That's ludicrous. I'm sure you understand the economic impact of doing so would be disastourous if done on such a short timescale. I mean, there are several wind farms that are not producing enough electricity to break even, and are only viable thanks to government grants! that means that in order to get power from them I actual have to pay a higher price through taxes! Thank you for the critical insight. You might want to do some serious introspection about not being emotionally swayed, I didn't even try that hard.
Suppose in the near future some entity, either private or collective devises the means to generate ...
Beowulfsfriend comments on Mar 18, 2019:
A better world would be one in which science discoveries are free. That idea, however, may already be in the works with AI and such. The world already has a wealth gap, which, who knows, may be eliminated after the machines take power, share and control resources, and destroy religion and government...
Happy_Killbot replies on Mar 18, 2019:
Why would AI chose to share its resources? What motivation would it have to do that? A more realistic picture of the future is overwhelmingly wealthy super intelligent systems and their Human pets. It is unlikely that such a system would keep you around unless it needed you for something.
This is directly from Quora: How much does Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez know about economics in the ...
Happy_Killbot comments on Mar 17, 2019:
Surprised that her most potent qualification isn't listed- manipulating your emotions to support her dangerous ideas. No one supports her because she is right, you support her because it feels right. That's been the disturbing trend in politics. No thought, all emotion. That is how we got our ...
Happy_Killbot replies on Mar 18, 2019:
@ToolGuy Your profile says you are Canadian. What gives you the right to have a say in American economic politics? Do you support AOC because her policies would have a benefit for Americans or Canadians? The way I see it you are fighting a minimum risk war here.
This is directly from Quora: How much does Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez know about economics in the ...
Happy_Killbot comments on Mar 17, 2019:
Surprised that her most potent qualification isn't listed- manipulating your emotions to support her dangerous ideas. No one supports her because she is right, you support her because it feels right. That's been the disturbing trend in politics. No thought, all emotion. That is how we got our ...
Happy_Killbot replies on Mar 18, 2019:
@CommonHuman I am talking about Trump AND AOC fans. As someone who sways people's emotions for a living, I am baffled at how few people recognise they are being played like a violin. It is happening on both sides! No politician actually wants to help you. They are moving their own agenda and using you to get what they want.
We're Facing a Global Movement of White Hate
jlynn37 comments on Mar 17, 2019:
It has always been there and I imagine it will always be there as it is what 'merca was founded on and is now imbolden by the present political atmosphere.
Happy_Killbot replies on Mar 17, 2019:
The data actually suggest that we are more tolerant than we used to be but that small percentage of people who are still racist get all the media coverage.
On Ethical Sluts, I posted a very misleading, confusing, and frankly, when read a certain way, ...
BillF comments on Mar 17, 2019:
The best definition of a slut that I have heard, is a woman who loves sex as much as a man. Given our society has produced people who need a god figure to be good or justify what they do this fits very well. A woman should not have to have tag to do what she wants.
Happy_Killbot replies on Mar 17, 2019:
Why do you assume that all men love sex more than women? If you support women who want to have lots of sex then you also have to support men who don't.
"Humans are often said to be intensely tribal.
Happy_Killbot comments on Mar 14, 2019:
It's really simple- murder everyone who doesn't think or act like you and you have more resources for those more like you. Then you have to be nice to everyone who is left, unless they deviate from the social norm. Then you need to get rid of them.
Happy_Killbot replies on Mar 14, 2019:
@Matias So what you are saying is that because society tends to remove perversion from themselves the state trends away from violence. It is a paradox though- The more conformist a society is the more likely they are to accept large scale atrocities, and the easier it is for violent members of that species to rise to the top to commit said atrocities.
It's not our differences that are th problem, it's our inability to accept and celebrate them.
Happy_Killbot comments on Mar 5, 2019:
Intolerance is the only thing we shouldn't tolerate.
Happy_Killbot replies on Mar 10, 2019:
@Touched I understand what you are trying to ask. This is a little bit of a touchy subject though. People who are raised in diverse environments tend to be more open minded. However, It's hard to dismiss the evolutionary benefits of xenophobia to a hunter-gatherer. What's implied here is that whoever is in your "in " is the people you will tend to trust. Just think about how two people who have never met can be friends in a hurry over a shared love of sports! What is important to realize is that these are almost all social constructs that tend to revolve around race, which makes sense because racially similar people all share ancestry. Over time, the boundaries have shifted beyond those original tribal boundaries and institutions were created to uphold the status quo. These institutions may radicalize against internal threats or other institutions, and should that occur then it is more than just human nature.
It's not our differences that are th problem, it's our inability to accept and celebrate them.
Happy_Killbot comments on Mar 5, 2019:
Intolerance is the only thing we shouldn't tolerate.
Happy_Killbot replies on Mar 7, 2019:
@Touched when you say complacent do you mean compliant? maybe both? If you are raised to believe that one race/gender/ethnicity/belief is superior, then chances are that institution will also tend to demonize other groups, because if they don't they may tend to lose members to other ideas. that is why all major religions teach both don't go to other religions and bring people into ours. Its an evolved trait of institutions that extends beyond just religion. Any one want to go to North Korea? Anyone watch the documentaries about North Korea where the people think they have a high standard of living? The point is after a while people will get used to the ideas that surround them if they don't go out of their way to search for new ideas and differing viewpoints, and that can gradually lead to peaceful enslavement. Usually this is benign, like whether or not you refrigerate eggs. (USA does, Europe and most everywhere else doesn't)Sometimes this will have unwanted sideffects, like women having their genitals mutilated so that they won't cheat, and they might be totally okay with it if they think it is standard practice. Question everything, think outside the box, and follow every lead to it's conclusion.
It's not our differences that are th problem, it's our inability to accept and celebrate them.
Happy_Killbot comments on Mar 5, 2019:
Intolerance is the only thing we shouldn't tolerate.
Happy_Killbot replies on Mar 5, 2019:
@Jacar forcing your will on other people is probably the most intolerant thing you can do. Maybe I should refine my shitty anecdote for clarity. If your goal is to enslave people against their will, that is intolerance because you are refusing them the right to decide where they live, work, eat, believe, etc. and this definitely extends to non-consensual religious practices. What I am really trying to say is that people should have every freedom so long as it doesn't interfere with the freedoms of other people. It isn't as catchy to say it like that.
Religion is threatened by 3 things - Free Women, Free Will and Free Speech.
powder comments on Mar 5, 2019:
One thing only threatens religion. Society ceasing their free access to children. For they know if they are unable to indoctrinate the next generation, their organisations will cease to exist. Protect children from being instructed what and how to believe unknowingly. All we have to do. Bring ...
Happy_Killbot replies on Mar 5, 2019:
As someone who was raised in a religious family and community, regecting religious beliefs has taught me countless valuable lessons about human nature and most importantly about critical thinking. Just showing children that their are other options besides the one that they were raised with may have greater long term value than just stuffing purified scientific truth down their throats.