11 Like Show
November 2019
6 Like Show
Grandson! Born April 2018
16 Like Show
August 2017
10 Like Show
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I am Liberal in my outlook. I am a DIYer, reader, crafter, gardener, traveler. I always have projects, but take time for loved ones and friends. I am retired as of late 2024.
I am a Cat Mom. I like dogs, and hope to have one again one day. Cats are my fur kids and I plan to always live with at least one.
I hope I am always kind (heavy traffic doesn't count... well, shouldn't) I have a good sense of humor and sense of what matters. I am very protective of those I care about.
I have lived all over the US and overseas as well, more than 20 moves in my life. After all those moves I ended up 50 miles from where I was born, I've lived in Omaha more than 15 years.
I eat a mostly plant based diet but not militant about it or perfect.

Full Bio


And been hanged for sedition!
HippieChick58 comments on Feb 4, 2022:
Personally, I don't think it's too late to correct that oversight.
If only women this pretty just wrote us at random.
HippieChick58 comments on Feb 4, 2022:
Does she look like someone that would like to live out in the boonies with you, the kids, the fowl, and the snakes?
Some poetry for the denizens of pinata-ville about one of our all-time favorites...
HippieChick58 comments on Feb 5, 2022:
Love it!! Truly an inspired and inspiring piece of work.
This explains why I’m still crying about the loss of my cat, Lola, who died in 2019 but struggled ...
HippieChick58 comments on Feb 12, 2022:
The more I know people, the more I hang with my cats.
Pretty sure he's twisted enough to take pride in the comparison
HippieChick58 comments on Mar 7, 2022:
Yes, he would look at that with pride.
Just a collage of world leaders incredulous at the stupid shit that comes out of Trumps mouth.
HippieChick58 comments on Mar 11, 2022:
They're all wondering how he can be walking around with no functioning brain, just a mouth that keeps running.
Gotta love it when a semi-literate person calls someone with an MA in English and a teaching ...
HippieChick58 comments on Mar 17, 2022:
WOW, I'm not sure exactly what he said, or meant. That could go so very many ways. I don't have enough days left on this earth to be able to educate someone this backwards up to some semblance of functioning human. I just hope he spilled his seed on infertile ground.
I'm taking a little break from all the doom and gloom in the world but ran across this and thought ...
HippieChick58 comments on May 28, 2023:
I (and my kids) will be the first to tell you that my critters are my furbabies, pretty much on equal footing with the humans, and they (my kids) treat their furbabies the same way. I raised them right, and they are not fans of Donnie boy either.
Trump/MAGA logic should hold up well in court
HippieChick58 comments on Aug 11, 2023:
What a tangled web he has woven.
Well, the ones who aren't just face-palming and shaking their heads, at least.
HippieChick58 comments on Aug 12, 2023:
Good ones!!
On the altar of Trumpelthinskin.
HippieChick58 comments on Aug 18, 2023:
I'd be afraid of toxic fumes. But yeah, burning it would be cathartic.
Proud Boys’ Enrique Tarrio gets record 22 years in prison for Jan.
HippieChick58 comments on Sep 5, 2023:
It isn't as much as I would have liked, but enough to clip his wings for a while and give him plenty of time to "learn some new skills..."
I just blocked my first person since returning to agnostic.
HippieChick58 comments on Sep 22, 2023:
I considered blocking him, I still might. You have to do what is best for your mental health.
Judge rules former US president Donald Trump defrauded banks and insurers as he built his real ...
HippieChick58 comments on Sep 26, 2023:
Why the H&LL did it take so long to come to that conclusion?
(WATER ON THE BRAIN) Former Olympian sentenced for Jan. 6 riot []
HippieChick58 comments on Dec 11, 2023:
Pinhead, you destroyed irreplaceable things to make an ass of yourself for someone who doesn't give a gosh darn damn about you. You've been used, and I hope you learned something.
I love Colorado!!! The Supreme Court in Colorado just ruled that trump is not fit to be on the ...
HippieChick58 comments on Dec 19, 2023:
It is a good day when Donnie Boy gets a legal kick in the A$$,
2024. What are you going to accomplish?
HippieChick58 comments on Jan 1, 2024:
I'm hoping to find a new job, get my sleep issues fixed, get my eye issues fixed, make a couple of quilts, and continue learning to speak Dutch.
Joe Biden says Donald Trump seeks 'revenge and retribution' on those seeking to punish him over ...
HippieChick58 comments on Jan 5, 2024:
That sounds absolutely like Donnie Dumpsterfire's MO, so I believe Joe. I hope Donnie gets bit in the s$$ so hard that he can't sit down for months.
They were made for each other she's as good at gold digging as he is at investing.
HippieChick58 comments on Feb 1, 2024:
The good news is that the only way she can now go is up. The bad news is she isn't 30 any more and she has a definite shelf life.
Looks like messenger could be back working again, I just exchanged several messages with another ...
HippieChick58 comments on Feb 4, 2024:
It has actually be up for a week or more, I posted when I found that it was working again. I don't know what changed to make it work again, I am just grateful that it is.
"The National Rifle Association and its ex-leader, Wayne LaPierre, have been found liable in a civil...
HippieChick58 comments on Feb 23, 2024:
Good! I hope they get their pocketbooks flattened really good.
Just a reminder to the MAGA-its
HippieChick58 comments on Mar 6, 2024:
And Donnie has never looked that buff.
More than just him
HippieChick58 comments on Mar 9, 2024:
And his hamster died such a painful death and so very long ago.
In the immortal words of Nelson Muntz "haha" []
HippieChick58 comments on Mar 11, 2024:
I hope this keeps him so busy he flubs his campaign, and then looses again to E. Jean. That would be the best of all worlds, and we deserve it.
Someone can’t come up with 456 million…
HippieChick58 comments on Mar 18, 2024:
But it will be the most amazing yard sale in the history of yard sales!
He really is the stupidest one, isn’t he?
HippieChick58 comments on Mar 24, 2024:
Reality bites, and it couldn't have happened to a more deserving numbwad.
Men don’t have to worry about this.
HippieChick58 comments on Mar 31, 2024:
Please always carry your cell phone, you don't know when you'll need it. I have used mine to report fires or other trouble far more than I have used it in my own emergencies, BUT you just never know. The Boy Scout thing, y'know. Be prepared!
My county has declared a State of Emergency for Monday. Why?
HippieChick58 comments on Apr 6, 2024:
I should offer a service, that if you pay me $250 now, I will make sure your pets find good homes post rapture. It is a non refundable fee if you don't get raptured? Will I find any takers?
Have you found Jesus?
HippieChick58 comments on Apr 8, 2024:
I didn't know he was lost, or hiding.
Worst Prom Couple Ever
HippieChick58 comments on Apr 13, 2024:
Last year this site went down in June for quite some time.
HippieChick58 comments on May 9, 2024:
Well, last year was the first time it ever happened, so we can only hope the webmaster has put it on his calendar to make that payment. We will see.
A lot of houses never even go on the market.
HippieChick58 comments on May 11, 2024:
Sadly, you're 100% correct. We need some rules to keep home ownership in the hands of citizens rather than in the hands of banks. Our houses are how we save for the future.
I foresee Trumpty Dumpty slowly drowning in the swamp of his own devising: []
HippieChick58 comments on May 13, 2024:
I hope he is choking on it.
Perfect name for his plane
HippieChick58 comments on May 18, 2024:
For damn sure!
The news hit seconds ago that a verdict is reached. Keep on alert for an announcement.
HippieChick58 comments on May 30, 2024:
We are living in interesting times.
Those who threaten the lives of the judge, the jury, the court staff and the witnesses at Donald ...
HippieChick58 comments on Jun 1, 2024:
They should face charges and penalties.
A while back, a post was submitted asking about a Conservative group on Agnositic.
HippieChick58 comments on Sep 9, 2020:
Well, I have been blocked from that group! I take that as a badge of honor.
"Skinny" stimulus from GOP has NO new stimulus payments and only a few weeks of Trump's unemployment...
HippieChick58 comments on Sep 9, 2020:
It is an abomination, and disgusting.
Never thought about it that way
HippieChick58 comments on Sep 15, 2020:
Damn straight. He says what they are thinking and they know it is wrong to think that way but it feels so good. This is what we have when civility breaks down.
A crime show has begun showing up on facebook , and to date , it's been about women who have gone ...
HippieChick58 comments on Sep 19, 2020:
I think essentially it is power. The men cannot stand to lose the power over someone, and how best to ultimately show their power than by ending her life.
Ted Cruz is a piece of shit. []
HippieChick58 comments on Sep 23, 2020:
Ted is the reason I cut the cable TV. 4.5 years ago during the Iowa primary, I looked at my TV and saw Ted Cruz in my living room. I called the cable company right then and there. Now I Roku and rarely watch any TV.
More lies.
HippieChick58 comments on Oct 4, 2020:
He's a patient in the hospital, I'm sure he isn't dressed and working.
I blame Ted Turner
HippieChick58 comments on Oct 4, 2020:
Once he gets out of the hospital it will be examined again I'm sure.
Trump tweet account was shut down for hours because he released the address of a journalist!
HippieChick58 comments on Oct 9, 2020:
I'd prefer amputation at the wrist.
He's complicit
HippieChick58 comments on Oct 12, 2020:
It is WAAAAYYYYYYYYY past time for a new president, the current one has never worked a damn day in his whole damn life.
HippieChick58 comments on Oct 13, 2020:
Another super spreader event.
3 women speak out ...[]
HippieChick58 comments on Oct 14, 2020:
Women voting for Trump is like a chicken voting for Col Sanders.
Another republican "denouncing" the turd. []
HippieChick58 comments on Oct 16, 2020:
Ben Sasse is an ass kissing moron who changes with the tides. Yes, he is from my state. I loathe the moron. He is hoping to survive the Trump fallout, I'm thinking it is going to suck him under. Last year at graduation time he gave a speech to a graduation class that was the weirdest I've ever heard.
If crystal balls existed
HippieChick58 comments on Oct 22, 2020:
Not damn soon enough.
This is what I picked up from the debate last night.
HippieChick58 comments on Oct 23, 2020:
If you vote for trump Social Security and Medicare will be gutted, thousands of seniors will be without care, and the promises made to them all their working lives will be meaningless. If you vote for trump all people that are not straight white male will continue to be discriminated against. Would you trust your daughter alone in a room with that man? Yes, I would trust my daughters as youngsters in a room alone with Joe. If you vote for Donnie your health care and health care for your children will be out of reach financially, and OMG hope that your babies never need any specialized medication. That is just the start.
I really hope the bastard loses big this time and takes the message from the American People!
HippieChick58 comments on Nov 2, 2020:
I think we all hope the bastard looses BIG TIME!
I met someone on Match with promise.
HippieChick58 comments on Nov 2, 2020:
Calendar age isn't as important as health age. I talk to seniors ALL DAY LONG, and I actually kinda like my job. Some senior are spry, healthy, and enjoying life. Others are beat up and beat down. I talked to a 92 year old that probably could out walk me. Neither of us has any business running :)
After Sunday night’s bombshell phone call, Åžahin and Türeci, BioNTech’s chief medical officer,...
HippieChick58 comments on Nov 14, 2020:
Of course he won't. The man does not have an ounce of grace in him.
Hope ya'll can make it!
HippieChick58 comments on Nov 26, 2020:
He is a whiny brat, that is for sure. He is almost over, and that is what I am very thankful for this year.
My sister practically worships her.
HippieChick58 comments on Dec 31, 2020:
I totally agree. Michelle, Jackie, even Barbara Bush had far more class than Melanoma.
Report: Forensic accounting specialists hired to assist N.Y. prosecutor in Trump probe
HippieChick58 comments on Jan 1, 2021:
I hope they skewer him.
Mitch McConnell's Louisville home vandalized with graffiti
HippieChick58 comments on Jan 3, 2021:
I hope old Mitch sh-ts his britches that someone got so close to his house.
‘It Was No Accident’ Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal on surviving the siege.
HippieChick58 comments on Jan 9, 2021:
Wow, this is chilling. I can foresee much greater security in the Capitol in the future. This should never have happened in the first place and Donnie Dumpsterfire should burn in a pit for his leadership.
I'm going to be away for a while.
HippieChick58 comments on Jan 14, 2021:
This is a life event that no one wants or is ever ready for. May his end be peaceful for both of you and may you have safe travels.
Not a problem at all.
HippieChick58 comments on Jan 15, 2021:
In fact, it is quite preferred.
To be honest, I was pretty sure it would end up worse than it is.
HippieChick58 comments on Jan 16, 2021:
I would be happy if we never heard from or about Donnie Dumpsterfire again.
A Parade of One, or, The Perp Parade is Coming? []
HippieChick58 comments on Jan 17, 2021:
He's lucky they're not planning to run him out of town on a rail.
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! []
HippieChick58 comments on Jan 17, 2021:
He's even further off his rocker than we realized. I don't think this will ever happen.
Joe Biden says letter Trump left him was ‘very generous’ [metro.
HippieChick58 comments on Jan 21, 2021:
I think Joe was being overly kind. I can't believe Donnie has ever done anything generous.
Very depressing
HippieChick58 comments on Jan 23, 2021:
I didn't find any major surprises or upsets. But then I"ve often followed a different path than most of my friends and family, I definitely hear a different drummer.
My kind of fall.
HippieChick58 comments on Oct 14, 2022:
And it's getting deeper and higher. Keep digging Donnie Boy, soon you'll have dug your own grave.
Who would want to live in the USA given Donald Trump, Timothy McVeigh, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Derek...
HippieChick58 comments on Oct 19, 2022:
One of my kids decamped the US for the Netherlands. The US was just getting too threatening for them, their oldest would be starting public schools next fall, and just too many other issues that the Republican party seems to be behind. It wasn't totally political, but still traumatic.
Too many people don't know this at all, or know it and don't care.
HippieChick58 comments on Oct 28, 2022:
Too many people want to share their opinions with the rest of the world, and have you incorporate them as your own. No Thanks, I have plenty of my own.
Don't forget to brace for the time quake at 2:00 A.M.
HippieChick58 comments on Nov 6, 2022:
I hate the time change. I can see no good for it, and it is generally a PITA.
Never try to teach a Rethuglican to think.
HippieChick58 comments on Nov 12, 2022:
Yeah, kinda like tilting at windmills. They don't care if they're wrong because they gotta be right.
And so it begins. Right off talking about investigating Hunter, COVID and Fauci. []
HippieChick58 comments on Nov 17, 2022:
The GOP is going to beat that dead horse to death.
Florida Man Makes Announcement - Ouch!
HippieChick58 comments on Nov 17, 2022:
I love the reality of the situation and the amount of respect they are showing him.
I'm glad we didn't shutter this group when we were tempted to.
HippieChick58 comments on Nov 18, 2022:
I had a feeling Donnie would not go quietly, I never thought it would be this chaotic. And yes, I'm glad we didn't shutter the group. Donnie is still out there, and I will oppose him until he is down with dishonor or dead cold in his grave. I'd prefer the dishonor before the grave.
Shining us on once again.
HippieChick58 comments on Nov 20, 2022:
All the more reason to avoid Twitter and Twit Faces.
Finally, the first step on what should be a fulfilling road has begun. []
HippieChick58 comments on Dec 6, 2022:
They got him by the short hairs.
Ex-Pope Benedict's failing health presents difficult decisions for Vatican []
HippieChick58 comments on Dec 29, 2022:
Meh, it's not really of any great importance in the whole scheme of things. Another old rich catholic pedophile passes away. Maybe he will croak during a covid outbreak, that would throw a damper on any grand funeral plans.
Is everyone eating pork and sauerkraut today?
HippieChick58 comments on Jan 1, 2023:
When I was growing up we'd have TV dinners on New Years Day. Mom got a break from cooking, and they were usually eaten in front of the TV while some football game was on.
Sad with how simple this is that optics may prevent Trump being prosecuted for improper handling of ...
HippieChick58 comments on Jan 16, 2023:
I am hopeful that Donnie boy gets nailed.
It's really that simple.
HippieChick58 comments on Jan 24, 2023:
Very good!
'People have moved on': Grim number of potential 2024 Trump endorsements suggests nightmare scenario...
HippieChick58 comments on Jan 27, 2023:
I think that it is great news for the rest of us, not so much for Donnie. Hey Donnie, you're now obsolete. Please shuffle off to your cave and stagnate in obsolescence. I can dig it.
AP Confirms Diamond’s Actual Cause of Death After Silk Claimed She Died Upon Being Infected by ...
HippieChick58 comments on Jan 29, 2023:
Jeebus Christopher... I just don't understand the mindset of these people.
5 Bizarre Moments from Trump’s Campaign Kickoff; From Claiming the Wall Was ‘3 Weeks’ Away, To...
HippieChick58 comments on Jan 29, 2023:
I have been over him since 1984.
'A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to ...
HippieChick58 comments on Feb 11, 2023:
I noticed an article this morning about that, haven't got back to read it yet. All I can say is no great loss, I hope no one was inconvenienced by damage to the MRI. He is just one less a$$hole that thinks the rules do not apply to him. There should be a Darwin award for this.
I kept thinking when trump got fired by the American people, he would diminish in the media.
HippieChick58 comments on Feb 11, 2023:
I hear you!! I was hoping he'd fade away to Florida and drop into obscurity. No, he's like that damn bad penny. Sooner or later his diet is going to catch up with him and he will have a massive coronary, we can only hope it is sooner.
Meadows subpoenaed by Special Counsel []
HippieChick58 comments on Feb 15, 2023:
I hope he is sweating, and I mean all of them!
Still causing trouble, wants to cause more.
HippieChick58 comments on Feb 18, 2023:
Thing is, when Donnie is gone there will be a new Donnie. We gotta change what is creating these Donnies.
I have noticed this site degrading very rapidly in recent weeks.
HippieChick58 comments on Feb 24, 2023:
@Admin has been awol for a long time. Many folks have migrated over to another site, I joined there but have been pretty inactive. I will stay here until the lights go off. I don't really notice that things have been worse in the past few days/weeks.
What are your thoughts on this quote?
HippieChick58 comments on Mar 10, 2023:
Nah, been married twice, and divorced twice. Nuf said.
Ladies... I think he is single?
HippieChick58 comments on Mar 18, 2023:
And he's going to die single!! He likely still lives in mom's basement.
Again, with CONVICTION!
HippieChick58 comments on Apr 1, 2023:
He's done run outta palms to grease, time to pay the piper.
How can this not make sense to everyone in the USA?
HippieChick58 comments on Apr 2, 2023:
Definitely over the top in this case, but Hunter's laptop for sure.
The tangerine turd whines that he’s the most persecuted man since Jesus Christ.
HippieChick58 comments on Apr 4, 2023:
Of course he whines. Has he ever done anything besides whine?
Trump forced to admit he is one inch shorter than he claims on arraignment paperwork | The ...
HippieChick58 comments on Apr 7, 2023:
Of course he lied, he a Republican!! Any time his lips move, he's lying.
HOW TO RESPOND TO A REPUBLICAN I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.
HippieChick58 comments on Apr 8, 2023:
I need to keep this list handy, except not at work...
GOP Committee Chair Reportedly 'Furious' With MTG Over Outbursts – May Seek to Remove Her
HippieChick58 comments on Apr 22, 2023:
Abe would be so ashamed of what the Republican party has devolved to.
What has the U$A learned since the murder of Emmett Till in 1955 [] ?
HippieChick58 comments on Apr 27, 2023:
Sadly, you are not wrong.
He's everything that Europeans abhor about stereotypical Americans
HippieChick58 comments on May 3, 2023:
At time I wish I had never left Germany. We were stationed there when my middle daughter was born. Alas, we thought we wanted to be closer to family. My oldest kid has moved to the Netherlands, and now I am too old to move there with them. So I'm stuck in the good old (not so good any longer) USA.
Pretty savvy, am I right? Two criminals comparing notes.
HippieChick58 comments on Apr 14, 2022:
They both deserve to be there, but I'd never put them in the same cell. I'd keep them far apart. And Donnie Boy would never be able to climb into that top bunk, although that mental image is quite amusing.
Donnie keeps getting bad news.
HippieChick58 comments on Apr 14, 2022:
Good for them and about damn time!
Fake Identity/Account : [agnostic.
HippieChick58 comments on Apr 25, 2022:
I get the impression that most scammers are LAZY! Which means it makes it easier for us to find them.


6 Like Show
Grandson! Born April 2018
16 Like Show
August 2017
10 Like Show
7 Like Show
1976. HS picture
23 Like Show
1980 in Germany.
13 Like Show
5 Like Show
1959, I was a year old.
6 Like Show
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9 Like Show
Early 80s
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Xena and Zelda
16 Like Show
2010 California
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12 Like Show
7 Like Show
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4 Like Show
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Lap quilt made 2016
6 Like Show
Lap quilt made from left over fabric from previous quilt, 2017
6 Like Show
Quilt for grandson 2018
5 Like Show
"Sister Quilt" made for daughter. 3 quilts made at the same time, all the same fabrics and same type of blocks, just different layout and different color bindings. Completed 2018
5 Like Show
"Sister Quilt" made for daughter. 3 quilts made at the same time, all the same fabrics and same type of blocks, just different layout and different color bindings. Completed 2018
6 Like Show
Quilt on my bed made 2016. Wall painted ombre shades of pink, also in 2016
6 Like Show
"Sister Quilt" made for daughter. 3 quilts made at the same time, all the same fabrics and same type of blocks, just different layout and different color bindings. Completed 2018
8 Like Show
This is the current male love of my life, he's 8 months old and soon will call me Grammy.
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Jan 2019. Quilt for 2 year old granddaughter, just learning her colors. Her mama wanted it to be a rainbow quilt.
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My Christmas tree for 2019, and 2020, and 2021... and beyond!
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Quilt for Grandson's first big boy bed. July 2020
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New quilt for the guest bed, late 2020
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New quilt for the guest bed.
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January 13, 2021 My newest and smallest grandchild. She arrived 5 weeks early and is now 2.5 weeks old and is less than 7 pounds. I've never held such a small baby before. She is quite perfect and very amazing. I love being a Grammy.
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Grand #3. Born Dec 2020
1 Like Show
Completed May 30, 2021
Agnostic, Atheist, Humanist, Secularist, Skeptic, Freethinker
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