I'm a 50+ Transgender woman who transitioned late ie after 50 in life. I'm a lifelong gamer learning Chess at 4 from my Dad who just passed away 3/31/19 at 81. I am fluent with computers as I computer games. I have played Rpg's since 77 start with Dungeons and Dragons. I play assorted Board and strategy games. I grew up with the name Daniel Webster and all the baggage that can entail of expectations. I have lots of friends and if I find that one whom I can build a future with great but I'm good with 2 major relationships with 5 kids/stepkids and 15 grandchildren. I learned to read at 3 and have a greater depth from reading that most with my 2 year college education. I love cooking and eat most anything. I'm a libertarian who believes that you are responsible for you and no one else is. The second amendment is your right. I don't own a gun but know more with 5 years of judo/jujitsu/aikido to defend myself.
If you want to date me, if you don't like Star Trek/Star Wars and any scifi or fantasy. It's probably not going to work very well. Previous relationships and dating failed when the other parties weren't interested in these