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Almost felt the need to post a 'body' shot in response to the 'What size shirt' question... I need to get my mass down- no question. But I don't call myself 'fat'. I call myself 'thick all over.
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Parker, foreground, is a cat I trapped living in our office parking lot. Three days later she had 5 kittens, including son Elliott, pictured. They have been with me 2.5 years and I can't imagine not having them. Especially Parker. She loves and appreciates everything about her life today.

Hello. Former believer. Started-off loving church- Everyone was friendly... Thought the stories in the book were true events... Had a few questions as a , including one that got me sent home from Vacation Bible School with a note at age 11....

Didn't really question things until my late 20s after watching an A&E series 'The Bible'. Far too many historians, theologians and clergy with 'Well, we know today that didn't happen...' and 'Today we know those events are just a parable...' answers to questions. That somewhat started my research. It was about 2001 that I really started to question things.

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Almost felt the need to post a 'body' shot in response to the 'What size shirt' question... I need to get my mass down- no question. But I don't call myself 'fat'. I call myself 'thick all over.
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Parker, foreground, is a cat I trapped living in our office parking lot. Three days later she had 5 kittens, including son Elliott, pictured. They have been with me 2.5 years and I can't imagine not having them. Especially Parker. She loves and appreciates everything about her life today.
Agnostic, Atheist, Humanist, Secularist, Freethinker
Open to meeting women
  • BirthdaySeptember 1
  • Interested InLong Term
  • EnjoysMovies, Science, Outdoors, Sex, Pets
  • EducationHigh School
  • Top tags#hello #reason #Bible #god
  • Level2 (192 points)
  • Posts1
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  • Followers 1
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  • Joined Oct 19th, 2019
  • Last Visit Over a year ago
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