Prerty much agnostic. Although I am not a materialist. Materialism needs to explain how life and consciousness have arisen. And to date I am not aware of any such explanation. Not looking for anything in particular, just open to what the universe brings. I was brought up Lutheran, confirmed and all that good stuff. Never really believed it. Presently not trying to solve the worlds problems, I’ve got enough small ones in my plate. I try to practice a live and let live approach as much as possible. I’m working on being a vegetarian/vegan. I have two primary modes 1) Ghandi mode and 2) Hulk mode. I have an 9 year old pup, Wilbur. He is my best friend. I love dogs especially but have a fondness for all animals and all life, hence the vegan leanings. I’m in a middle place right now
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