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Ok. Let's make this fun. Intimacy and relationship-wise. Women? Your thoughts on men as well.
MarvelAnn comments on Nov 11, 2018:
Woman--connecting with someone, anyone; even if a stranger and for a brief moment; Men--scratching their balls. I see it all the time in public. Its truly revolting and apparently, those things are really itchy which is why so many do it daily let alone weekly.
Lavergne replies on Nov 11, 2018:
Many years ago, I worked for a guy who would come up to you to have a conversation and while he was talking, he would "rearrange his package" and then grab a comb out of his back pocket and run it thru his hair. Most bizarre thing I've ever seen....
I have seen Free Willy have they made the sequel yet Free Pussy?
Cast1es comments on Nov 11, 2018:
That was totally unexpected . In reality , I read that the whale they used for the movie was in an aquarium in Mexico m and it was too small for him . I think he has since died .
Lavergne replies on Nov 11, 2018:
@Xanadutoo ..kind of speaks volumes about how mankind seems compelled to contain or confine the name of "love" or "kindness". ????
The California wild fires are direct effects of climate change and a seven year drought.
Marionville comments on Nov 10, 2018:
My thoughts are with you.... hope you and your loved ones are safe. It beats me how half your country can vote for a moron!
Lavergne replies on Nov 11, 2018:
@jondspen Yes, I'm well aware of that. It's very rare, though that they stray from their designated path.
The California wild fires are direct effects of climate change and a seven year drought.
Marionville comments on Nov 10, 2018:
My thoughts are with you.... hope you and your loved ones are safe. It beats me how half your country can vote for a moron!
Lavergne replies on Nov 11, 2018:
@jondspen trumps campaign gurus played the numbers game well and made sure to make inroads where the electoral college numbers count would make a difference. That was coupled with Hilliary's mistake in taking the rust belt states for granted. The people I talked to who voted for him all said the same thing: they were not at all impressed with him but they thought the country needed someone other than a career politician. Right idea - but wrong choice. The press should have done a better job of exposing the early years of trumps business/career. He has always been grossly incompetent and has taken every one of his businesses into bankruptcy after skimming the cream off the top. Had he surrounded himself with the best and brightest in each field he might have actually been able to get a couple of positive things done - but because he believes that HE alone is the best and brightest we will see things get a lot worse before they get any better. Top of the list for me: Electoral college needs to go.....but you don't hear very many people beating that drum.
The California wild fires are direct effects of climate change and a seven year drought.
Maggiemay comments on Nov 10, 2018:
Unfortunately I think we have passed the point of no return. Civilizations come and go and we're on the downside.
Lavergne replies on Nov 11, 2018:
@CaroleKay Agree. Have been seeing that shift for a couple of years now. As trumplethinskin would say: SAD!
Struggling to pay rent is NOT a joke.
Paracosm comments on Nov 11, 2018:
It shows how out of touch they are. Too bad most of their viewers won't catch that.
Lavergne replies on Nov 11, 2018:
It has always amazed me how the poorest of them stand around cheering for someone who couldn't possible imagine how their lives actually are and who talks about poor people like they are despicable - and they don't realize he's talking about THEM. They all believe they are just one winning lotto ticket away from being just like tRump.
Anyone having this for Turkey Day?
Surfpirate comments on Nov 11, 2018:
If you are serious about moving to Canada you need to change the recipe from oppossum to beaver. I'd much rather eat a beaver than a oppossum. ;)
Lavergne replies on Nov 11, 2018:
ahahahahaha......funny man.
My son's been asking me for a pet spider for his birthday, so I went to our local pet shop and they ...
Cutiebeauty comments on Nov 11, 2018:
Ugh groan eek! Lmao
Lavergne replies on Nov 11, 2018:
More Health advice !
SukiSue comments on Nov 10, 2018:
Lol. I want to be her!
Lavergne replies on Nov 10, 2018:
@VAL3941 no - a pickled old broad. ;)
More Health advice !
SukiSue comments on Nov 10, 2018:
Lol. I want to be her!
Lavergne replies on Nov 10, 2018:
I'm well on my way to being her.... ;) ;)
Hall & Oates - Rich Girl []
Lavergne comments on Nov 10, 2018:
Love these two...
Lavergne replies on Nov 10, 2018:
@AdamHoople yes they did. Maneater was my favorite. ;)
I'm working on my second glass of wine. Anyone want to wrestle?
Cassiopeia comments on Nov 9, 2018:
Pft... lightweight. Takes me at least four G&Ts! ?
Lavergne replies on Nov 10, 2018:
You know the old saying..."one martini, two martini, three martini, floor" ;)
In honor of the weekend, I'm going to be brave and daring and post another picture of myself.
Pralina1 comments on Nov 9, 2018:
Ms Mary , it seems to me that u have many stories to tell and many lives u lived . I find this to be " alive ". ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️?????????????????
Lavergne replies on Nov 10, 2018:
@Pralina1 I loved that movie.....and George Clooney.....and Brad Pitt. ;)
What is the meaning of life?
Pralina1 comments on Nov 10, 2018:
Well , I think my life has a meaning , and a purpose . It took me 500 yrs to find out what it was but I like it the way it feels ! I am here to support my friends and their troubles , I am here to laugh and think w my sister , I am here to nurse strangers , I am here to enjoy the company of my ...
Lavergne replies on Nov 10, 2018:
I'm with you, honey. It's great to be alive. :)
Trump pushes back at Michelle Obama - CNNPolitics
BufftonBeotch comments on Nov 9, 2018:
He doesn't realize people actually LIKE her?
Lavergne replies on Nov 9, 2018:
He knows that his own wife comes up appalling short when measured against Michelle Obama - and it drives him crazy. From what I can see (and hear) she hasn't come up with a single original thought since ascending to the "throne".....which is what the two of them think happened.
This guy wants to legally change his age from 69 to 49 because he says he only feels 49 and it will ...
Pralina1 comments on Nov 9, 2018:
Well . U can't cheat Father Time no matter what . And boy do we try . I try to cheat every day . Pink color on my cheeks , cream and make up to cover wrinkles , lip stick to look more oxygenated / youthful , and man , if I don't color roots every 3 weeks I will look like a scunk . In reality , u ...
Lavergne replies on Nov 9, 2018:
yes - he deserves all the "hustlers" and golddiggers that he may attract. Once they are done with him, they will drop him and move on to their next victim. :) ;)
Well that was disappointing.
Piece2YourPuzzle comments on Nov 7, 2018:
Why is it a surprise? It's been going on forever, and the most recent time was just 2 years ago.
Lavergne replies on Nov 9, 2018:
@Bigwavedave A number of people voted for trump simply because he was NOT a career politician and for some reason they seemed to think that would be enough to bring about some positive change. ???? I never could figure out how they could possibly think a reality TV game show host would actually be able to bring about any positive changes - unless he had surrounded himself with the best, brightest, most highly qualified people in their respective fields. But, alas, that was not to be - instead he brought in people who were unqualified at best - and some who publicly avowed to do away with the very agency they were picked to head. So in the end - what we saw (rambling idiot) is exactly what we got. :(
Well that was disappointing.
Della comments on Nov 7, 2018:
As a liberal in the reddest of States, I am growing accustomed to disappointment. Especially on the local level. I will take the victories we did get & the ideas planted in the minds & hearts of people. A couple of these young candidates really shook up their opponents & planted the seeds of some ...
Lavergne replies on Nov 9, 2018:
@Shefree Me too - I really hoped that TN would show some serious signs of going blue - or at least purple.
Intimacy means different way to love?
Nukdookum comments on Nov 8, 2018:
Intimacy is being close with someone. There is physical intimacy which can be holding hands, kissing, sex, or anything that brings two or more people together in a very personal way. Sports is not physical intimacy. There is emotional intimacy. That is where you feel close to someone but it ...
Lavergne replies on Nov 9, 2018:
I totally agree with you. Always surprises me when people approach this subject in such a one dimensional way...
Player - Baby Come Back []
Marionville comments on Nov 9, 2018:
Great post....haven’t heard this in years !
Lavergne replies on Nov 9, 2018:
Me, too!
The 2018 Midterms Are Over – What The HELL Is Going On In America?
KKGator comments on Nov 7, 2018:
It wasn't a blow-out, but progress was made. Not in Georgia, Florida, or Texas, but progress was made.
Lavergne replies on Nov 8, 2018:
@chalupacabre That's right....and all the Governor seats that went Dem will hopefully produce some new redistricting maps that will go towards making the playing field a little more level again.
It's trash day for rotting jack-o'-lanterns and political signs.
Leafhead comments on Nov 7, 2018:
And Snot Walker
Lavergne replies on Nov 8, 2018:
So glad they finally managed to give him the boot....
Mother Jones is pleased with the election results. I am still a grumpypants. What say you?
Heidi68 comments on Nov 7, 2018:
I am still a grumpypants but not because of the results exactly. The Democrats need to get their shit together. They/we complain about not having the kahunas to stand up to the repubs, not fighting back and we are already saying we need to pull Nancy Pelosi... wth! Is she perfect? No but she has ...
Lavergne replies on Nov 7, 2018:
you are exactly right....he is only in this for his ego and his wallet. The harder the dems push, the more he uses his "poor victim" status to create an even bigger base for himself. We need to be careful not to feed right into what he wants....or we'll be dealing with an executive order that says he can be president for life. Never mind that he can't do it - he's become very adept at doing all the things that we know he can't do - and if his base continues to grow we'll never be rid of this cancer.
I wonder how long Georgians are going to have to wait before we get to vote on legalizing marijuana?
phoenixone1 comments on Nov 6, 2018:
No...ALABAMA will be the KNOW that GOD told them its evil.
Lavergne replies on Nov 6, 2018:
and besides, having it be legal will cut into their bathtub meth production profits..... ;)
I'm trying very hard to be the person my doctor is medicating me to be.
ProudMary comments on Nov 6, 2018:
Good luck with that shit. I'm trying for an appointment so I can be similarly medicated,
Lavergne replies on Nov 6, 2018:
For what its worth.....husband did a 100% turnaround on Lexipro...maybe that one will help you too. Everyone responds differently to each and every SSRI so you might need to try a couple.
Anybody else still messed up by the clocks going back an hour in order to increase productivity of ...
ProudMary comments on Nov 5, 2018:
The one thing I've noticed about it is that school children are visible. Considering recent event involving children and school buses, I'll live with it.
Lavergne replies on Nov 5, 2018:
@ProudMary I am in total agreement with both of you.
What are some warning signs that a relationship is not going to work?
KissedbySun comments on Nov 5, 2018:
Incompatible life goals Financial recklessness Incompatible sexual preferences
Lavergne replies on Nov 5, 2018:
I have to agree - the three you cited are pretty important. Easily ignored during the early, heady passionate new love stage but then become relationship killers down the road.
I can't think , especially the older I get , any other things that matter in life .
UrsiMajor comments on Nov 4, 2018:
I keep thinking if I can make any living organism's day a little better , even if it's just my little dog, my life has purpose.
Lavergne replies on Nov 4, 2018:
@Pralina1 yup.....nothing better than a passionate kiss. ;)
Yes, in a few days we are going to vote so....... What about a voting exam?
powder comments on Nov 4, 2018:
Who decides what knowledge is?
Lavergne replies on Nov 4, 2018:
@ProudMary I hope that is truly the case....
Yes, in a few days we are going to vote so....... What about a voting exam?
Pralina1 comments on Nov 4, 2018: I will like to know who tights the shoe lace every day for these people and also who drives them around . I am positive they passed a driving exam . Although some might lost it to liquor .
Lavergne replies on Nov 4, 2018:
Oh honey - you nailed it with this video. :) ;)
Yes, in a few days we are going to vote so....... What about a voting exam?
powder comments on Nov 4, 2018:
Who decides what knowledge is?
Lavergne replies on Nov 4, 2018:
@ProudMary I'm not saying it will be easy to implement but I talk to people all the time that are so totally unaware of what's really going on - will simply repeat the Fox news talking points and insist that they are right and that's that. Scares the crap out of me....
Yes, in a few days we are going to vote so....... What about a voting exam?
Lavergne comments on Nov 4, 2018:
I totally agree with you... We all took Civics in school and if you don't know even the very basics of how our democratic republic works, then maybe you shouldn't be given the right to vote.
Lavergne replies on Nov 4, 2018:
@Pen-n-Ink And that's my point. If all it takes to vote is to be able to fog a mirror then at some point this country is going to be in deep doo doo. I'm not suggesting the biased type of testing that was done back in the Jim Crow era - that was voter suppression in its highest form. But there has to be some sort of middle ground here, don't you think?
Yes, in a few days we are going to vote so....... What about a voting exam?
powder comments on Nov 4, 2018:
Who decides what knowledge is?
Lavergne replies on Nov 4, 2018:
@powder perhaps if people were more educated in how the system actually works, things like the electoral college would be eliminated and there would be more restrictions in how the entire lobbying industry is run. What we have right now is a system that runs on greed, graft and corruption. Those who excel at that are the ones cashing in. Are you suggesting just sticking your head in the sand and pretending none of that exists is the way to fix it?
Yes, in a few days we are going to vote so....... What about a voting exam?
powder comments on Nov 4, 2018:
Who decides what knowledge is?
Lavergne replies on Nov 4, 2018:
that's a cop out. When you're 16 you have to take both a written and a driving test to prove that you're capable of driving a vehicle. Seems like deciding who and how our gov't gets run is at least as important as that.....
Shit, coyotes.
moonmaid comments on Nov 4, 2018:
Good move
Lavergne replies on Nov 4, 2018:
@ProudMary we see them up here occasionally. They're always in groups of 3 or 4 which is what makes them dangerous. I have a feeling the ferel cat population is their primary food source :(
ADKSparky comments on Nov 2, 2018:
I’m bat shit passionate about being crazy ?
Lavergne replies on Nov 3, 2018:
nailed it! ;)
When you turn to friends for commiseration and all they want to do is tell you what you did wrong ...
Surfpirate comments on Nov 3, 2018:
It may be something in the air, I've certainly noticed that I am getting heapfuls of horseshit from a lot of people that are normally kind and decent people, I'm also aware that I am willing to spread more manure than usual and I'm trying my best to keep that in check.
Lavergne replies on Nov 3, 2018:
@ProudMary ..... I have found it helpful to start those conversations off with something along the lines of "you're not gonna believe this shit - and don't give me any shit about it - just let me rant and fix me another ice cold martini with three olives."
Party Time! Dirty Limerick Contest! My internet speed is temperamental this evening so if I ...
kensmile4u comments on Nov 2, 2018:
There once was a man named Sweeney who somehow spilled gin on his weenie so just to be couth he added vermouth then slipped her a stiff martini
Lavergne replies on Nov 3, 2018:
I vote for this one! :)
For you oldsters, what was your favorite cartoon when you were a little kid?
Lavergne comments on Nov 2, 2018:
Boris and Natasha......hands down. Remember the "if I'm lying I should be struck by lightning"...and then the quick two step to the side just as the lighting bolt comes down. "see - missed me." Gotta love it. ;)
Lavergne replies on Nov 3, 2018:
@Byrdsfan ....aaawwwwww.....that is soooo cool.
Well, it happened again.
Kynlei comments on Nov 2, 2018:
My two cats don't fight over box space because the one couldn't care less about boxes. I'm convinced she isn't really a cat.
Lavergne replies on Nov 2, 2018:
I have one of those - she used to make a noise that sounded more like a dog growl than a cat noise....and she would sit up and beg for table scraps just like a dog. Now that she's very old (21) she acts more like a cat - maybe because she's an only child now. ???
As a greeter this is my first response from a new member.
genessa comments on Nov 2, 2018:
i am not a member of this group so i hope it's okay that i respond. a month or so back i got a weird response too, to my standard greeting. the person didn't ask me to correspond via email but did ask me to tell him all about myself and he would not relent even when i reminded him that i have a ...
Lavergne replies on Nov 2, 2018:
I got one too - he said he wanted to be my friend and that he "trusted" me...... I blocked him cause I was pretty sure by the second message that he was a scammer.
As we all know.
chalupacabre comments on Oct 31, 2018:
I can see how the need for beta blockers would be on the rise, at least this side of the border.
Lavergne replies on Nov 1, 2018:
@nikkir Exactly - if the politicians in this country were serious about the opiate epidemic they would figure out how to get this to the people who need it.
Since I am sure that I am going to offend someone, this is the right group.
Lavergne comments on Oct 30, 2018:
You have totally missed the mark. When they speak of a "real woman"....they are referring to a woman who has made the choice to accept herself (not just her body) for who and what she is.....she doesn't feel the need to starve herself and become a gym rat in order to have a rail thin body. She...
Lavergne replies on Oct 31, 2018:
@Tibert ....honey, you're adorable. We're just trying to explain to you that not all women are unkempt, with sagging boobs, big hips and cellulite. Some women take good care of themselves....and some don't. Just like you guys - some of you are better looking as you get older (Richard Gere?) and some of you don't age well at all. But -and I'm going out on a limb here - I think that women have a tendency to look past the exterior packing and find what makes a man really special. We'd like to think that some men can do that as well.....
As we all know.
chalupacabre comments on Oct 31, 2018:
I can see how the need for beta blockers would be on the rise, at least this side of the border.
Lavergne replies on Oct 31, 2018:
@nikkir They need to figure out how to make the Suboxone affordable. I have a friend who is on it - and its keeping her on the straight and narrow - but it costs her just under $300 a month cause she doesn't have insurance. That's insane. My understanding is that as the 10 yr patent expiration date approached, the company figured out how to make it into sublingual "strips" which allowed it to start another 10 year cycle of price gouging as it was considered a "new" product. ?????
So I decided to by "organic" milk that comes from farms that kiss their cows daily or some shit.
Leafhead comments on Oct 29, 2018:
Milk makes me shit myself, but people who can drink it should get whole milk. I am a believer that whole foods that are 100% unfucked with are healthier and contain less chemicals. That goes for decaf coffee too. Too many noxious chemicals are used in the decaf process. Stay whole and organic.
Lavergne replies on Oct 31, 2018:
@zorialoki obviously provides you with something your body needs. I'm a firm believer in listening to what your own body tells you it needs. :)
When someone says" well it was ment to be" or it was gods will. What is your reply?
TristanNuvo comments on Oct 31, 2018:
My retort usually something like this. Cancer. Because it was meant to be, and gods will. He is after all, a loving god.
Lavergne replies on Oct 31, 2018:
I used to say that too - until they came back with "its not for us to question why some people are given a heavy load to bear" etc etc etc...... God only gives us what we can handle...????? Now I just walk away cause you can't have a discussion with anyone who's that brainwashed. :(
So I decided to by "organic" milk that comes from farms that kiss their cows daily or some shit.
Leafhead comments on Oct 29, 2018:
Milk makes me shit myself, but people who can drink it should get whole milk. I am a believer that whole foods that are 100% unfucked with are healthier and contain less chemicals. That goes for decaf coffee too. Too many noxious chemicals are used in the decaf process. Stay whole and organic.
Lavergne replies on Oct 31, 2018:
@zorialoki ...I get it. I use it in cooking/food prep - I just don't drink it as a beverage. :)
So I decided to by "organic" milk that comes from farms that kiss their cows daily or some shit.
Leafhead comments on Oct 29, 2018:
Milk makes me shit myself, but people who can drink it should get whole milk. I am a believer that whole foods that are 100% unfucked with are healthier and contain less chemicals. That goes for decaf coffee too. Too many noxious chemicals are used in the decaf process. Stay whole and organic.
Lavergne replies on Oct 29, 2018:
Milk is useless after the age of 6 or so.....never could understand why people continued to drink it as adults - and then a lot of them bitch about being lactose intolerant... duhhhhh
Debating if this will make an acceptable profile pic .
Lavergne comments on Oct 28, 2018:
I would have stabbed him with the fork.
Lavergne replies on Oct 28, 2018:
@Pralina1 Couldn't ask for a better cellmate. ;) We will give them hell....they'll be begging us to leave.
Where do you get the best (fresh, cheap..) seafood in the USA?
Lavergne comments on Oct 27, 2018:
Good luck. We've lived right in seacoast towns and could walk to the docks to buy seafood right off the boats....but that was then. Now: everything gets shipped to restaurants and flash frozen to be distributed all thru the country. If you want fresh shrimp....better learn how to throw a ...
Lavergne replies on Oct 28, 2018:
@Spongebob The only seafood we get here has been previously frozen. When we lived in Pascagoula, MS many years ago, we would go down to the docks and buy shrimp fresh off the boat. $2 a lb. That tells you how long ago that was. No sardines here....all the fish (tuna, mackerel, cod etc) comes as "steaks" and most of it is labeled "farm raised in _________ ". Also "previously frozen". Every once in awhile, someone gives us some fresh caught trout when they've had a really good fishing trip.
I refuse to acknowledge the authority of the “food court” at the mall.
Umbral comments on Oct 27, 2018:
Fight the power! And the pizza! And the Asian food
Lavergne replies on Oct 28, 2018:
@Byrdsfan Culinary wasteland would be more appropriate. We have a Ruby Tuesdays...the requisite Cracker Barrel and Stuckeys and a few of the other fast food chains. :( :(
Did anyone else laugh their ass off watching Absolutely Fabulous?
magicwatch comments on Oct 27, 2018:
Lavergne replies on Oct 28, 2018:
aawwww.....thanks for sharing. Wish they would rerun this series on tv instead of all those stupid reality (not!) shows... I couldn't care less about what the so called real housewives from anywhere are doing.
When I was a little punk, I made bad comments about the adults and old people.
ugly comments on Oct 28, 2018:
I don't think anyone likes old people. Young people prefer young people. Even old people prefer younger people.
Lavergne replies on Oct 28, 2018:
@ugly .....awwww - thanks for that blast from the past. I think there might be a flaw in your logic, tho.....if an 80 yr old wants a 60 yr old.....then shouldn't the 60 yr old be lusting after a 40 yr old? ????
Things I say while driving ???
Xanadutoo comments on Oct 28, 2018:
I do this all the time .Friday travelled over 300 miles with my 10 year-old granddaughter it took 9 hours and she kept asking me why I talk to cars.
Lavergne replies on Oct 28, 2018:
that's hilarious....I refuse to drive anymore with passengers - I make them drive. I can't drive, curse, and hold a conversation all at the same time.
As we celebrate awareness for something this month, please be sure to share this if you know someone...
SukiSue comments on Oct 22, 2018:
Okay! Trolling isn't nice and doesn't help you put a point across. Obviously, this post struck a nerve with someone who is having an unhinged episode. All we can do is feel sorry for her because we don't know what's causing this. I hope she resolved it and has the support she needs from people she ...
Lavergne replies on Oct 28, 2018:
@Duke too
As we celebrate awareness for something this month, please be sure to share this if you know someone...
Pralina1 comments on Oct 22, 2018:
Awareness of this , and that , and the other .. I can assure anyone who really cares to know , the people who actually took a loss bcz of any type of cancer , or suicide , or hiv , or diabetes , or or or , they don't give a rats behind if u and I we are aware . They don't care if u walk , run , buy ...
Lavergne replies on Oct 28, 2018:
@Pralina1 Thanks! And I'm happy to know you as well - I am 50% Italian and it sounds like we share a lot of the same ideas....
When I was a little punk, I made bad comments about the adults and old people.
ugly comments on Oct 28, 2018:
I don't think anyone likes old people. Young people prefer young people. Even old people prefer younger people.
Lavergne replies on Oct 28, 2018:
not true....some old people are funny as hell - and fun to be around. some young people are ignorant and uninteresting.
As we celebrate awareness for something this month, please be sure to share this if you know someone...
Pralina1 comments on Oct 22, 2018:
Awareness of this , and that , and the other .. I can assure anyone who really cares to know , the people who actually took a loss bcz of any type of cancer , or suicide , or hiv , or diabetes , or or or , they don't give a rats behind if u and I we are aware . They don't care if u walk , run , buy ...
Lavergne replies on Oct 27, 2018:
You go girl. There are soooo many people out there that would be so happy and grateful to have just some small measure of human kindness shown to them. I see people in the grocery store in those scooters struggling to reach for items on the high one seems to notice. Small thing - but not to them. I just do what I can....
I refuse to acknowledge the authority of the “food court” at the mall.
Umbral comments on Oct 27, 2018:
Fight the power! And the pizza! And the Asian food
Lavergne replies on Oct 27, 2018:
@minhmeister pains me to say this - but the Chinese food vendor in the Mall in N. Charleston SC was 20 times better than any of the so called Chinese restaurants here in Crossville, TN :(
22-year-old Christian preacher clarifies that he wants gays executed ‘humanely’ – DeadState
juli15 comments on Oct 26, 2018:
After watching this video it is amazing to me that people are so brainwashed to actually believe in this nonsense.
Lavergne replies on Oct 27, 2018:
You have no idea how totally clueless people can be. The term sheeple is totally appropriate for a large segment of the population who simply will not - or can not - think for themselves in any kind of rational way.
Trump complains Twitter purged his followers, cites ‘bias’
Lilac-JadeCanada comments on Oct 27, 2018:
What a whiny brat!
Lavergne replies on Oct 27, 2018:
I believe the phrase (according to Bill Maher) is "whiny little bitch".... hahahaha
This is an awesome straw bale Greenhouse.
Lavergne comments on Oct 26, 2018:
what a great idea....
Lavergne replies on Oct 26, 2018:
@Sheannutt I'm assuming the straw bale idea is not too workable in very humid/rainy climates?
Lavergne comments on Oct 26, 2018:
I remember this....he was quite the heartthrob back in the day.
Lavergne replies on Oct 26, 2018:
@ugly are right about time going by faster. Tis true...we get smart too late and old too soon. :(
Lavergne comments on Oct 26, 2018:
I remember this....he was quite the heartthrob back in the day.
Lavergne replies on Oct 26, 2018:
@ugly I adored Ricky Nelson....and the Everly Brothers. We (giggly silly females) called them "dreamy". Nothing much has changed - the staff on one of the popular TV hospital shows called one doctor McDreamy....and the newest one McSteamy. ;)
Lavergne comments on Oct 26, 2018:
I remember this....he was quite the heartthrob back in the day.
Lavergne replies on Oct 26, 2018:
@ugly .....I should hope not....I'm sure you thought all those beach blanket babes were hot in their bikinis, tho.
Would you consider yourself difficult to get along with, deal with, or live with?
Adronitis comments on Oct 26, 2018:
"Complicated" was the word used by last guy I dated. Lol. And the one before that. But I'm an easy going person to live with. Wait... I live by myself now... Nevermind?
Lavergne replies on Oct 26, 2018:
I've been called complicated a number of times....I just consider it a compliment - means you and I dance to the beat of our own drum - and that should make us "interesting"..."fascinating"..."hilarious" at the very least????? ;) ;)
An general anatomy conundrum
Beowulfsfriend comments on Oct 25, 2018:
Language is pretty galling isn't it. Some feel their spleen is attacked while others just have heart to heart talks. Butt, we do the best we can, especially trying to avoid knee jerk reactions.
Lavergne replies on Oct 26, 2018:
now that's good.....much better than my brain farts.
When I was in college many decades ago, we had old fashioned "chat rooms" where strangers could have...
glennlab comments on Oct 25, 2018:
we'd sit around the commons and pitch philosophy with no real meanings or endings
Lavergne replies on Oct 26, 2018:
and don't forget - we knew EVERYTHING.....and we were totally bulletproof ;)
Ron DeSantis Has MELTDOWN During Debate - TYT []
KKGator comments on Oct 25, 2018:
Love watching DeSantis lose his shit. It's hilarious.
Lavergne replies on Oct 26, 2018:
@phxbillcee ....only thing funnier was that stupid commercial he did showing how he was already indoctrinating his poor children to be trumpsters.
Or pot either.
Lavergne comments on Oct 25, 2018:
Ain't that the truth? And every year that goes by, I grow more and more impatient with ignorance and blind bias and intolerance. :(
Lavergne replies on Oct 25, 2018:
@ugly ....sounds like you might need some intensive therapy. Would you like to schedule an appointment? A little "shock therapy".... hahahahahaha
Or pot either.
Lavergne comments on Oct 25, 2018:
Ain't that the truth? And every year that goes by, I grow more and more impatient with ignorance and blind bias and intolerance. :(
Lavergne replies on Oct 25, 2018:
@ugly ...are you saying you're ignorant, biased or intolerant? ;) ;)
Because Republicans know they are wrong about people, societal values and empathy.
Trajan61 comments on Oct 24, 2018:
The liberals are generally the more violent ones. They probably sent the bombs themselves so they could blame the republicans.
Lavergne replies on Oct 25, 2018:
@Trajan61 ....oh riiiiiiight. I forgot we were living in world where truth, reason and reality don't exist anymore. We all going round and round on the trumplethinskin merry go round......stop, please, I'd like to get off.
Because Republicans know they are wrong about people, societal values and empathy.
brentan comments on Oct 24, 2018:
No doubt the Democrats sent them, making sure they were intercepted.
Lavergne replies on Oct 25, 2018:
@SukiSue yup. I totally agree. Trump desperately needed a change in the conversation. This was all done for the publicity and the distraction it would create.
Because Republicans know they are wrong about people, societal values and empathy.
Trajan61 comments on Oct 24, 2018:
The liberals are generally the more violent ones. They probably sent the bombs themselves so they could blame the republicans.
Lavergne replies on Oct 25, 2018:
sorry but this has trump's stench all over it. Not saying he personally ordered it - but he is the master of distraction and now no one is talking about how much money he makes off the Saudi royal family, etc etc
I must unload.
ProudMary comments on Oct 24, 2018:
There are far too many people in this country who are living on the edge. Honestly, if something isn't done about it soon I don't think it's going to end well.
Lavergne replies on Oct 25, 2018:
I agree - I can feel it building up - a strong undercurrent of resentment and disillusionment. And, you're right - it will not end well.
This feeling has been coming on for some time...
rcandlish comments on Oct 24, 2018:
If only it were that easy, though personally I prefer the charms of Spring!
Lavergne replies on Oct 25, 2018:
I'm a spring and fall person....with just a dash of summer and winter for good measure. ;)
Driving through Arkansas, my trusty unicorn by my side, we came across a national forest with a pig ...
SukiSue comments on Oct 25, 2018:
I would need a lot of wine driving through Arkansas. 🍷
Lavergne replies on Oct 25, 2018:
@Bobby9 I would have to agree...
BREAKING Pipes bombs to the Clintons, Obama, Soros, AND the White House.
Marine comments on Oct 24, 2018:
trumper has unleashed every idiot in the country
Lavergne replies on Oct 24, 2018:
wouldn't be surprised if this was just not another freakin' distraction - the news has been putting too much of a spotlight of trumplethinskin over the Saudi murder and he needs us to all be talking and focusing on something else....
Dow drops sharply as two industrial giants warn of trouble - The Washington Post
Jolanta comments on Oct 23, 2018:
Donald must be so proud of himself
Lavergne replies on Oct 24, 2018:
He is....this is part of how he manipulates the markets - so all his buddies (and family) can buy on the dips and sell when it goes back up. He said straight up during the campaign that he didn't see any reason why he couldn't make a lot of money while being president....
Does anyone know if the skulls of your enemy are dishwasher safe? Asking for a friend.
chalupacabre comments on Oct 23, 2018:
I thought they were supposed to be crushed as though they were going into a recycling bin. Have I been doing it wrong?
Lavergne replies on Oct 24, 2018:
@ProudMary ....damn. Who knew?
Ever notice how right before an election some folks seem to get a little bit touchier? ouch!
escapetypist comments on Oct 22, 2018:
I only let things that truly matter in my life upset me, like why the heck does someone not start filling out a check while standing in line at the cashier?
Lavergne replies on Oct 23, 2018:
@ilovemonkeybutt the other day, after a woman had taken FOREVER to get checked out including having to slowly write that check she said to the cashier "oh - I forgot to give you all my coupons".
Coffee: "You can do this!" Wine: "You don't have to do this.
pepperjones comments on Oct 22, 2018:
Vodka: you're gonna look soooooo sexy doing this!
Lavergne replies on Oct 23, 2018:
oh yeahhhhhh
Just back from my semi annual weekend in the woods with three male friends from freshman hall va ...
Lavergne comments on Oct 22, 2018:
Looks like a really nice park....I'm sure you guys had tons of fun - sounds like good ole college days. ;)
Lavergne replies on Oct 22, 2018:
@Bigwavedave .....I'm quite sure even old geezers still know how to have fun. (The female ones, do anyway! :)
And now the diplomatic corps weighs in to say what many of us have already been saying.
KKGator comments on Oct 21, 2018:
This has been the textbook definition of a clusterfuck.
Lavergne replies on Oct 22, 2018:
yes - and a president sitting in the oval office willing to sweep it under the rug as quickly as possible because he's got a lot more property to sell off to the Saudi's.
Ted Cruz's Wife Complains Her Husband's $174K Salary Not Enough For a Vacation Home
Lavergne comments on Oct 21, 2018:
Lets all chip in to send her a basket of cheese to go with her whine.......
Lavergne replies on Oct 21, 2018:
@Condor5 sounds about right.
Looks like I upset some Republican sensibilities yesterday.
powder comments on Oct 21, 2018:
I lurch left and right so tend to piss people off too. Dickheads are truly nondiscriminatory as you find them all ages, sexes, religions, nationalities etc etc
Lavergne replies on Oct 21, 2018:
@ProudMary ...yes - I know the feeling!
Looks like I upset some Republican sensibilities yesterday.
powder comments on Oct 21, 2018:
I lurch left and right so tend to piss people off too. Dickheads are truly nondiscriminatory as you find them all ages, sexes, religions, nationalities etc etc
Lavergne replies on Oct 21, 2018:
@ugly ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha did someone piss in your cornflakes this morning?
New research suggests that men can actually tell from a woman's voice when she is menstruating.
ProudMary comments on Oct 17, 2018:
Is it the tone or the volume?
Lavergne replies on Oct 21, 2018:
@Bierbasstard you forgot - "the look". sometimes it says it all.
Looks like I upset some Republican sensibilities yesterday.
powder comments on Oct 21, 2018:
I lurch left and right so tend to piss people off too. Dickheads are truly nondiscriminatory as you find them all ages, sexes, religions, nationalities etc etc
Lavergne replies on Oct 21, 2018:
@ugly that might just be TMI.... :) ;)
Looks like I upset some Republican sensibilities yesterday.
powder comments on Oct 21, 2018:
I lurch left and right so tend to piss people off too. Dickheads are truly nondiscriminatory as you find them all ages, sexes, religions, nationalities etc etc
Lavergne replies on Oct 21, 2018:
@ugly Ok.. but it will take another cup of coffee....
Looks like I upset some Republican sensibilities yesterday.
ugly comments on Oct 21, 2018:
That shit about the republicans was boring. Tell me about the power outage.
Lavergne replies on Oct 21, 2018:
@ProudMary Let your bitch flag fly honey....took me years to get there. ;) :)
Looks like I upset some Republican sensibilities yesterday.
escapetypist comments on Oct 21, 2018:
I didn't know cursing someone by proxy is a thing
Lavergne replies on Oct 21, 2018:
sounds like fun...where do I join?
Looks like I upset some Republican sensibilities yesterday.
SukiSue comments on Oct 21, 2018:
At least you had good reason. Yesterday I upset a woman while we were commenting on a post about perhaps giving socially awkward men a chance and see if over time they might surprise you. She commented about widening her aversion to trumpsters racist and scammers. I didn't think these socially ...
Lavergne replies on Oct 21, 2018:
try them with Remoulade sauce.....yummm
Looks like I upset some Republican sensibilities yesterday.
powder comments on Oct 21, 2018:
I lurch left and right so tend to piss people off too. Dickheads are truly nondiscriminatory as you find them all ages, sexes, religions, nationalities etc etc
Lavergne replies on Oct 21, 2018:
@ugly a..b..c..d.. e..f..g.. h..i..j..k.. elemenopee
Looks like I upset some Republican sensibilities yesterday.
powder comments on Oct 21, 2018:
I lurch left and right so tend to piss people off too. Dickheads are truly nondiscriminatory as you find them all ages, sexes, religions, nationalities etc etc
Lavergne replies on Oct 21, 2018:
@ugly ....ok officer. The wobble is because I'm wearing stilletos. (That's my story and I'm stickin' to it) No problem touching my nose with my thumb. Just don't ask me to count backwards.....
Brady kitty ?
phxbillcee comments on Oct 20, 2018:
Love this one, too...
Lavergne replies on Oct 21, 2018:
that IS hilarious!
Looks like I upset some Republican sensibilities yesterday.
powder comments on Oct 21, 2018:
I lurch left and right so tend to piss people off too. Dickheads are truly nondiscriminatory as you find them all ages, sexes, religions, nationalities etc etc
Lavergne replies on Oct 21, 2018:
@ugly ok, who ratted me out? ;)
Looks like I upset some Republican sensibilities yesterday.
powder comments on Oct 21, 2018:
I lurch left and right so tend to piss people off too. Dickheads are truly nondiscriminatory as you find them all ages, sexes, religions, nationalities etc etc
Lavergne replies on Oct 21, 2018:
so true... I tend to wobble back and forth a bit. Maybe that's the definition of a moderate.. ??
Looks like I upset some Republican sensibilities yesterday.
misternatureboy comments on Oct 21, 2018:
I steer clear of that group. "Republican Atheists" seems doubly insufferable, ha ha.
Lavergne replies on Oct 21, 2018:
sounds like an oxymoron to me...
What do you do to look better in photos? Apart from turning your back.
Barnie2years comments on Oct 20, 2018:
Selfies drive me nuts. My arms aren’t long enough and fingers dexterous enough to get the right angle. And I get so busy trying to see that I am centered, I rarely have a decent smile, even though I am a fairly smiley person. I would much rather take pictures of my dog!
Lavergne replies on Oct 20, 2018:
@LiterateHiker great tips!


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