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Ok Baby Bloomers let's have some fun. ?
Lavergne comments on Dec 2, 2018:
The oldest thing in my home (besides me) is "Beth" - one of the dolls in the Little Women collection....
Easy peasy beef stew.
Lavergne comments on Dec 2, 2018:
Can't beat homemade beef stew...
You know those annoying little questionnaires that people post on FB asking stupid ass questions.
Lavergne comments on Dec 2, 2018:
Ok - Proud Mary's answers are the best but I'll take a crack at it.. 1. A Parking ticket 2. Gas-X (or Beano) - not that it will do any good - he'll belch and fart his way thru the evening anyway 3. Nothing (the microwave is for reheating only) 4. A slip of paper with his name, address and phone number on it for when they find him wandering about 5. Cheese and prosciutto - to go with ProudMary's wine... 6. Lifesavers stuck to a crumpled up kleenex 7. Nascar (oh wait - its the fans without the teeth) 8. Strip Poker 9. Mini bottles 10. Pralina, Sheanutt, Ugly, Val 3941, GuyKeith
A family was having dinner on Mother's Day.
Lavergne comments on Dec 1, 2018:
and another one bites the dust.... ;)
My other pet is a dragon.
Lavergne comments on Dec 1, 2018:
That's funny!
Try it anyway it’s bound to work, after all, you can only be a good Christian if you edit all the...
Lavergne comments on Dec 1, 2018:
He get points for creativity....
[] deer season inc.
Lavergne comments on Dec 1, 2018:
Poor baby....
Who has the scar on their arm from the small pox shot?
Lavergne comments on Dec 1, 2018:
Got the small pox vaccination at age 6...went back for the checkup - no scar. They (Army medical staff) insisted that I had not gotten it. So they gave it to me again. Still no scar. ???? hahahahaha
Life is hard .
Lavergne comments on Dec 1, 2018:
Probably the six scariest words in the world....
Men are like fine wine ??
Lavergne comments on Nov 30, 2018:
My sentiments, exactly! ;)
You ladies like Scotch? I'll take mine straight up!
Lavergne comments on Nov 30, 2018:
Love me some Scotch!! ;)
Powerful anti depressant....
Lavergne comments on Nov 30, 2018:
The absolute truth!!
Federal agents raid office of lawyer who previously did tax work for Trump
Lavergne comments on Nov 30, 2018:
Mr. "I don't pay any taxes and that makes me smart"......he's going down. Just like Al Capone - it will end up being about the tax fraud. Can't wait to see him in an orange jumpsuit - he and Manafort can be roomies....
I really like chicken.
Lavergne comments on Nov 30, 2018:
looks wonderful! There really is sooo much you can do with chicken....
Sometimes even technically correct grammar doesn't get the job done.
Lavergne comments on Nov 30, 2018:
I love all those crazy grocery store signs.....but I wonder if the person writing them knows exactly what they're doing.....hehehe
guess the dance I was little girl but I learned it. []
Lavergne comments on Nov 30, 2018:
Oh yeah...and the twist and the locomotion and the bristol stomp. Seems like there was a new dance to learn every month.. ;) :)
How old were you when you got your first job? ? A. for me ?
Lavergne comments on Nov 29, 2018:
Under 18.
Mom’s blistering rant on how men should be blamed for all unwanted pregnancies going crazy ...
Lavergne comments on Nov 29, 2018:
Well - it was an interesting read, if nothing else. I can't speak for all women - but I, personally, would never have relied on any man to make sure I didn't get pregnant. Call it paranoia - whatever - I think there are not very many things in life that are as impactful as an unwanted/unplanned pregnancy....raising children is hard enough - I'm happy to say that both of mine were planned and very much wanted. Just my two cents worth....
Religions of the world. An oldie but a goodie.
Lavergne comments on Nov 29, 2018:
Pretty funny....I shit you not.
Lobbyists have paid five of the Senators who shot down Yemen bill []
Lavergne comments on Nov 29, 2018:
Imagine that....
A young couple from Ireland are expecting their first child, on the way back from the hospital ...
Lavergne comments on Nov 29, 2018:
Hola! from Mexico.
Lavergne comments on Nov 29, 2018:
Birthay wishes - and enjoy the vacation.....
Farmer builds field mice outdoor community []
Lavergne comments on Nov 29, 2018:
I'd be willing to build them their own apartment complex if they would just promise to stay out of MY house!! ;)
You do know....
Lavergne comments on Nov 29, 2018:
We stir it up - get the juicy bits up to the top and then she'll nibble on it a little more..... psych........;)
This needs a caption.
Lavergne comments on Nov 29, 2018:
Beam us up Scotty....there is NO intelligent life here.
Do you buy Christmas gifts for others?
Lavergne comments on Nov 29, 2018:
Small token gifts for just a few people that I want to feel remembered....and for my sons. That's it - husband and I get what we need and/or want all year long.
A friend of mine sent me the DVD of White Christmas last year as a joke.
Lavergne comments on Nov 29, 2018:
Well said.....and all true.
Just for fun
Lavergne comments on Nov 28, 2018:
funny! and......BTW......Would someone please define "real woman".....
Lavergne comments on Nov 28, 2018:
Has a very "soulfull" sound....
Idiot Xstian pastor gets bitten by rattlesnake because he thought Dog would protect him even though ...
Lavergne comments on Nov 28, 2018:
"kill the cameras"......uhhhh, yeah.
Anyone car to share any retirement experiences with me?
Lavergne comments on Nov 28, 2018:
All the stuff I used to do before I went to work - and after I came home from work - and allllll weekend long - I now do at a very leisurely pace. Some days, not at all. You are in panic mode because you (like I was) have been on that hamster wheel for so many years that you can't imagine what it is like to not be going 110 mph allllll the time. It will take a period of time to adjust. You will feel guilty about not having accomplished many, many things each day.....this will pass. You will feel guilty about having a beer at 10:30 am on a hot summer day.....this will pass. You will feel guilty about not "keeping in touch" with people from work that you thought you really liked except now you realize that not talking to them every day doesn't bother you a bit. This, too, will pass. ;) Stop taking everything so (it will drive everyone around you crazy)...sleep like a baby.... Best wishes on a hugely successful "third act", my friend. ;)
Just to antagonize my Haters, My Blockers, and all of those who rail about my shameless promotion of...
Lavergne comments on Nov 28, 2018:
Loved it.....keep up the good work!
Some very simple words of wisdom. Life is but a fleeting moment in time.
Lavergne comments on Nov 28, 2018:
I really like this one. You can't get much simpler or more basic than this......
CNN just brutally trolled Sarah Huckabee Sanders with real-time fact-check of her press conference ...
Lavergne comments on Nov 28, 2018:
Just when you think you've heard him say the stupidest thing possible - he manages to pull yet another one out of his ass. China has dirty air and water - but OURS is almost "perfectly" clean? Did he sleep thru all the coverage of Flint, MI? What an idiot.....
" Let the dick drive " The men here can get offended .
Lavergne comments on Nov 28, 2018:
Funny man......he's definitely on to something. ;)
Just for your last post @Pralina1.
Lavergne comments on Nov 28, 2018:
That's hilarious!
Melania Trump Xmas Trees- What the Hell is That?
Lavergne comments on Nov 26, 2018:
After last year - nothing surprises me....
People who take drugs don’t worry me nearly as much as the people who should.
Lavergne comments on Nov 26, 2018:
Now that's the truth! ;)
Is anyone beside me really happy Thanksgiving is over?
Lavergne comments on Nov 26, 2018:
I'm impressed with the 5 mile walk. ;) and envious that you have a "favorite bar" within walking distance! ......although having the one could account for doing the other. hehe Yes - I'll be glad when the entire holiday season is over. Too commercial, too phony, yeah, I know, I'm a grinch....
This is the list that every artist got paid at Woodstock.
Lavergne comments on Nov 26, 2018:
WOW. That truly is surprising.... but a tiny glimpse into the collective mind and soul of the young people at that time.
I was trying to tell my teenager a joke.
Lavergne comments on Nov 26, 2018:
It's a scary world out there for them......way more diseases than we had to worry about. :(
Now what? (Obligatory 10 characters).
Lavergne comments on Nov 26, 2018:
ahhhh.....the world is full of these conundrums. What's a poor OCD to do? hahahahahaha
Maybe he met some bitch and went off miles and miles away and never comes back to see us ever again?
Lavergne comments on Nov 26, 2018:
that's hilarious.... a little sick, but still hilarious.
Conceptually, I struggle to understand why I need to launder my bath towel.
Lavergne comments on Nov 25, 2018:
I know, right? hahahahaha Just one of those things that seems counter intuitive. But that towel is actually rubbing a lot of dead (moist) cells off your skin which, under the right conditions, can become - well, just plain gross. ;)
The casts don't sit on our laps as much during the winter.
Lavergne comments on Nov 25, 2018:
yup.....they do love those heat vents!! ;) I've put a heating pad inside a pillowcase stuffed with a soft fleece blanket. Little Tess loves it..
Still no internet or wifi so I'm stealing from my son next door while he's out and about.
Lavergne comments on Nov 25, 2018:
Don't get me started on how ass backward this country is in technology. When we moved into this house (in TN) - we had Dish TV guy come out. He said "no can signal" So then we called Direct TV - the guy said - nope - can't catch a signal - too many trees. Bear in mind we were all standing outside staring at the satellite dish mounted on the roof - apparently the previous owner was able to get service. We finally got an independent company to come out and hook it all up - he said the signal strength was 100%. ??????? WTF?
You forgot listening to 80's music, coloring the grey out of my hair, and arguing with complete ...
Lavergne comments on Nov 25, 2018:
sounds about right.....but my hubby asked me to stop "blonding" cause he thought the silver would be sexy so I - one less thing on the list for me :)
Got news you can't share yet with your friends and family?
Lavergne comments on Nov 25, 2018:
It's now cheaper to build a new wind farm than to keep a coal plant running - CBS News
Lavergne comments on Nov 25, 2018:
Sad that so many still cling to the idea that it has to be what it always has been (coal, oil, etc). We were supposed to be the country that produced all the innovators and forward thinkers.... :(
My old girl Jazzee supervising me printing forms for work.
Lavergne comments on Nov 25, 2018:
ohhhhh....she's beautiful!
The new Missionary Position
Lavergne comments on Nov 24, 2018:
Which part of "leave us the hell alone" missionaries not understand? I'm truly sorry for his death and the brutality of it all - but I still find myself shaking my head and doing eye rolls....
And our hot hunks of the day go to Swampcandy.
Lavergne comments on Nov 24, 2018:
Love the T-shirt...
So... Who else can eat leftover homemade cranberry sauce and sweet potatoes for breakfast?
Lavergne comments on Nov 24, 2018:
I have no concept of "breakfast food"......I just eat whatever appeals to me - which I grant you sometimes makes for strange meals.... hahahaha
So I went out to our local bar by myself and talked to some of the locals.
Lavergne comments on Nov 24, 2018:
Not all bars are equal.....Over the years, I've been in some that were lots of fun. Some are really trashy and probably not safe for a female alone. But you can meet all types - that's for sure. And, yes, if you're the sober one and they're all trashed you'll be able to write a book (or a short story maybe). It will be hilarious, I guarantee it.....
Many years of sunny days, and I still have the urge to curl up with a good book on cloudy days.
Lavergne comments on Nov 24, 2018:
I really like this. And - for what's its worth - We all make comes with the territory (aka: life). I think the important thing is that we forgive ourselves for having made those mistakes.... and not repeating them, if possible.... ;)
Enrique Iglesias - Hero []
Lavergne comments on Nov 24, 2018:
Love it.....almost as much as the duet he did with Whitney Houston (Can I have this Kiss Forever)....
If y'all remember this... your ancient! I do.. lol
Lavergne comments on Nov 23, 2018: got me.
Dance with me. Orleans. []
Lavergne comments on Nov 23, 2018:
gotta love this...
I heard a strange sound up in a tree and I wondered what on Earth can it be?
Lavergne comments on Nov 23, 2018:
I feel your pain....
Was talking to a co-worker last week.
Lavergne comments on Nov 23, 2018:
sounds like it would be pretty damn good!
THANKSGIVING POEM As I sit on this Thanksgiving day, Alone, but not lonely, it is my way.
Lavergne comments on Nov 23, 2018:
and I raise my glass to your beautifully put sentiments.
Preventing forest fires.
Lavergne comments on Nov 23, 2018:
got that right....
On a Scale of Cat, How Are You Feeling Today?
Lavergne comments on Nov 23, 2018:
My sister is the only person to give the cats wet food, because we know, from having had lots of ...
Lavergne comments on Nov 23, 2018:
I have an old girl (almost 21) who thinks she needs to be fed EVERY SINGLE TIME she hears me walk into the kitchen. There is no way I'm gonna win this one - so I feed her a big spoonful of her wet stuff every time. That makes her happy and keeps me sane (mostly)..... At her age - fuggeddabout any kind of dry food. She stopped eating that about a year ago.
Wine and paint nights ???
Lavergne comments on Nov 23, 2018:
All my wine and paint nights usually involved walls. :) That's when I do my best work!!!
Is it possible to have a relationship not entirely based on sex with someone extremely attractive?
Lavergne comments on Nov 23, 2018:
Absolutely. Looks fade over time....we take care of ourselves - for ourselves - not just to be thought of as attractive to others. Even the hottest sex will slow down eventually. Hopefully, the companionship, the camaraderie, all the rest of it will provide a counterbalance to the sex. ????
Crops are rotting in fields as Trump's trade war bites US farmers
Lavergne comments on Nov 23, 2018:
Hey - not to worry - drump is just gonna raise our taxes so that he can give the farmers bigger subsidies to watch their crops rot in the fields. SMH
New Mexico Gov.
Lavergne comments on Nov 23, 2018:
I find David Jolly appealing ....(ex FL congressman). And the fact that he had to walk away from the GOP is icing on the cake.
This. []
Lavergne comments on Nov 23, 2018:
Things like this give me tiny little shreds of hope......
Points for creativity.
Lavergne comments on Nov 23, 2018:
That's hilarious!!
Ladies, what is the first you notice upon meeting a man for the first time?
Lavergne comments on Nov 23, 2018:
How he carries himself - that "vibe" that comes across from someone who is genuine, sincere - comfortable in his own skin.
I'm opening a fresh bottle of wine at 7. How about a virtual par-tay this evening?
Lavergne comments on Nov 23, 2018:
Its 7:27 here (a.m.)........Am I too late? Have I missed anything? ;)
Lead singer of the Reagan Years Should UrsiMajor put a move on this man someday?
Lavergne comments on Nov 23, 2018:
Why wait? ;)
I volunteered to check in on all the kitties at the Feline Sanctuary this Thanksgiving.
Lavergne comments on Nov 23, 2018:
Good man... :)
Hasselback sweet potato! I like my sweet potatoes savory, so I prepared this one by stabilizing the ...
Lavergne comments on Nov 23, 2018:
Nothing better than a baked sweet potato - I'm a purist - just a lot of butter, salt and pepper. Hubster likes them sweetened up with honey and lots of chinese 5 spice. :)
House GOP Subpoena Comey, Lynch [] Vigorously pursuing a dead end, just because.
Lavergne comments on Nov 23, 2018:
Nothing but a bunch of grandstanding to run out the clock. Comey is exactly right - they would cherry pick and distort and leak ..... pathetic bunch.
Haven't heard a Diana Ross track in a very long time. "The Boss" []
Lavergne comments on Nov 23, 2018:
Grew up to all of her stuff.....have always loved her.
And nothing has changed . Really . []
Lavergne comments on Nov 23, 2018:
That is hilarious.....and soooooo sad because its so true. :(
Happy thanksgiving you godless heathens.
Lavergne comments on Nov 21, 2018:
Happy Thanksgiving from this godless heathen.... Hope you have a great holiday - no family drama - and lots of leftovers. ;)
Hall & Oates - You've Lost That Lovin' Feeling []
Lavergne comments on Nov 21, 2018:
Never gets old..... still love it.
Donald Trump Has Submitted Written Answers To Mueller Questions In Russia Probe | MTP Daily | MSNBC...
Lavergne comments on Nov 21, 2018:
He is stupid......beyond words.
I just did the recount on the municipal election that I ran in and it turns out that the election ...
Lavergne comments on Nov 21, 2018:
So true...makes it easier to manipulate the outcome that way.
What are you thankful for this Thanksgiving?
Lavergne comments on Nov 21, 2018:
I'm thankful for all the things we take for granted....and for having sons who talk about a future world that is not nearly as bleak as I sometimes imagine it to be. Good attitude adjusters....
Black Friday is almost here, people trampling on other people to get a super low price on some crap ...
Lavergne comments on Nov 21, 2018:
Love it!
German Egg Nog (Eierlikoer) I made my first ever Eierlikoer, and it is SOOOOO good and so easy! ...
Lavergne comments on Nov 21, 2018:
My German mother used to make it.....OMG. So good - and what a helluva kick. ;)
Who remembers? Was this in your area where you grew up?
Lavergne comments on Nov 21, 2018:
Oh yeah......we walked home from school (Jr. High) and had to stop at one every day for a coke ....and to dish about who was the cutest boy, etc etc. Damn. That feels like a million years ago....
BEAUTIFUL,SENSUOUS, SEXY,(And I'm going to cheat more then just 4 words here).
Lavergne comments on Nov 21, 2018:
I'm not sure it matters what words you say - the important thing is has to sound and feel sincere and heartfelt... IMHO.
The wife was watching a cookery show the other day.
Lavergne comments on Nov 21, 2018:
Good One!!
My Ex is soooooooo lazy.
Lavergne comments on Nov 20, 2018:
Oh honey - I sooooo feel your pain! :) hahahahaha
Who can tell me what this is?
Lavergne comments on Nov 20, 2018:
just goes to show that its alllllll about the perspective, eh?
Well, I've gone and done it again.
Lavergne comments on Nov 20, 2018:
I'll join....I love me some hot hunks. Even if its only a look but don't touch status! ;)
Trying really hard to not post any politics on face book for one week and see what happens.
Lavergne comments on Nov 20, 2018:
My FB friends list has decreased drastically in the last couple of years. hmmmm......I wonder why. I finally decided I would stop saying or sharing or posting anything political - and deleting all the god related posts. That pretty much did it...... :) :) :)
That feeling you get - when life hands you a curveball, but you made the right life decisions (more ...
Lavergne comments on Nov 20, 2018:
Indeed. Take a deep breath and think "well - that certainly could have turned into a cluster****. But it didn't and so we keep moving forward. It is what it is......
No, and they are not sheep, but round ‘em up anyway...
Lavergne comments on Nov 20, 2018:
That's freakin' hilarious....
I like dogs and I love women, cats are tolerated.
Lavergne comments on Nov 19, 2018:
True dat.....
What did you do to earn money as a kid?
Lavergne comments on Nov 19, 2018:
Baby sat......for freakin' 50 cents an hour. By the time I was 15 I was taking care of a newborn and 3 older siblings all day, all summer long. And most of them acted like it was killing them to have to pay me at all.... ???? WTF?
Boys will !
Lavergne comments on Nov 19, 2018:
That's freakin' hilarious....
Boys will !
Lavergne comments on Nov 19, 2018:
One of my best friends told me that when they were in public - for different events - her husband developed this ability to "look" at the hotties without actually turning his head cause he knew what kind of shitstorm that would have created....I thought it was hilarious. There is no harm in "looking" - I have no problem looking at a good looking man and thinking "yummm" just have to learn to not "touch". ;)
No Light, No Light []
Lavergne comments on Nov 19, 2018:
Love it...
I saw a posting on here yesterday from someone I had been following .
Lavergne comments on Nov 19, 2018:
Never trust someone who claims they hate cats. And, more importantly, NEVER trust someone who your cat hates....they instinctively know who the bad guys are in the world. ;) Just sayin'..... ;)


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