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I posted this in the wrong place but I'm sure a few of you will find it.
Leafhead comments on Jul 6, 2018:
Mine do well as part of the landscape. Note: try to get a male plant . This will eliminate volunteering. Asparagus likes well drained soil and full sun. Two or three plants will put quite a bit of asparagus on the table
Can anyone tell me what kind of flower this is.
Leafhead comments on Jul 6, 2018:
I have been trying to take photos of the hummingbirds at my feeder however it has been difficult to ...
Leafhead comments on Jul 5, 2018:
You're doing better than me. Mine all look like Bigfoot, UFOS and/or other cryptozoological "photos". Blurry and indistinct lol
So this happened.
Leafhead comments on Jul 5, 2018:
For the butterflies that come to fruit as well, like this Tawny Emperor
Something to think about.
Leafhead comments on Jul 5, 2018:
The idea, or one of the ideas, for legalizing weed is to lessen the dependence on hard drugs. Legalizing opioids, even with a prescription, has been disasterous. Legalizing other drugs like coke and methods would be worse yet!
[] I need one of these
Leafhead comments on Jul 5, 2018:
Giant anteater. Eats giant ants
Here’s another poll. Where does everyone stand on organic gardening?
Leafhead comments on Jul 4, 2018:
I only kill three things in the garden Hornet nests Yellow jacket nests Japanese beetles The first two I have a foaming agent for the nest The japs I kill by hand. RoundUp: cut-and-paint only, no broadcasting or spraying of any kind, to be painted on buckthorn, honeysuckle, etc stumps.
Did you know you could wrestle God.
Leafhead comments on Jul 3, 2018:
I like Jacob better. Israel is a sissy name for a boy
This was my small Harvest back in the winter of 2011 oops I don't know what happened to the other ...
Leafhead comments on Jul 3, 2018:
Alien gene tampering
My Cat brought us a little sloworm into the house for us.
Leafhead comments on Jul 3, 2018:
I live in Miami (Kendall) and give away my excess plants/seeds.
Leafhead comments on Jul 3, 2018:
Do you currently grow Cestrum diurnum, the Day Blooming Jessimine? That attracts hoards of pollinators and butterflies
Entrance to sand crab crib.
Leafhead comments on Jul 3, 2018:
I love his landscaping!
I managed to overwinter three Eastern black swallowtail chrysalises in my unheated garage and ...
Leafhead comments on Jul 3, 2018:
Horray! Still waiting to see one!
Do as I say not as I do! ?
Leafhead comments on Jul 3, 2018:
Love the beard!
Ignore the flood garbage on the curb. This swath of garden is a welcome sight this morning!
Leafhead comments on Jul 3, 2018:
I'll bet
Need advice! Neighbor complained to my township about my "long grass and weeds" in my backyard.
Leafhead comments on Jul 2, 2018:
Can you keep some Milkweed in your gardens?
Calla lily this morning. I'm really hoping to harvest the seed pod from this one:
Leafhead comments on Jul 2, 2018:
I love Aroids of all stripes!
Angry Jesus?
Leafhead comments on Jul 2, 2018:
Jesus might have been a good fisherman but he was a miserable gardener
Just wanted to share a couple of photos of my birthday party 2 years ago.
Leafhead comments on Jul 2, 2018:
Has everyone had yellow watermelon?
Leafhead comments on Jul 2, 2018:
For those of you in So. Fla, Canary Melon is about three times sweeter and juicier than Honeydew. It comes from Haiti and is a real treat
i find this amusing but I guess not all will.
Leafhead comments on Jul 2, 2018:
"If humans descended from dirt, then why is there still dirt?"
Butterfly photos I took when the lilacs were blooming.
Leafhead comments on Jul 2, 2018:
Is that last one a Spice bush Swallowtail?
Cher had herself cloned. Now she's Cher and Cher alike.
Leafhead comments on Jul 1, 2018:
That was an old drag number I saw in the seventies, two drag queens calling themselves Cher and Cher Alike
Chipmunk warning?
Leafhead comments on Jul 1, 2018:
Munks do more collateral damage than they're worth. They dig up bulbs whether they can eat them or not. I have to place river rock over my potted Callas and other Aroids. It's utilitarian as hell looking, but it does the trick.
Q: What's an Australian kiss? A: The same as a French kiss, but only down under.
Leafhead comments on Jul 1, 2018:
Crazy funny!
Do tomatoes grow well indoors?
Leafhead comments on Jun 30, 2018:
Only thru grow lights and hydroponics. There's no substitute for good old sun and soil.
Chipmunk warning?
Leafhead comments on Jun 30, 2018:
I don't know about munks, but moles eat the Japanese Beetle grubs. Plus I have seen Purple Finches eating the adults. They're not bulletproof either. Shout out to the Home Team!
Sarchasm - n.
Leafhead comments on Jun 30, 2018:
I don't get it! Lol
I had forgotten that one of my buddies had given me 5 Samia cynthia caterpillars last fall.
Leafhead comments on Jun 30, 2018:
I've got a moth to ID. Looks just like a stump or twig. If it had been on a tree I would have totally missed it! Remarkable camouflage!
The deal breaker
Leafhead comments on Jun 30, 2018:
88 degrees with a "feels like" of 93.
Leafhead comments on Jun 30, 2018:
Very cool :) I see them occasionally on Monarda, Penstemon and the plainest of Hostas. I have seen two larvae on my Arrowood Viburnum
We went to a nature reserve today and found some critters. Can anyone i.d. the caterpillar?
Leafhead comments on Jun 29, 2018:
The caterpillar is a Ctenuka?
88 degrees with a "feels like" of 93.
Leafhead comments on Jun 29, 2018:
Love it! I have yet to see one yet this year
A gardener's worst nightmare
Leafhead comments on Jun 29, 2018:
That and finding a f#"$ing rabbit eating my Senecio!!
Leafhead comments on Jun 29, 2018:
I like it!
Just finished a birdie clock.
Leafhead comments on Jun 29, 2018:
Really cute <3
So, I posted the following in "Discuss" under the category of "Philosophy and Meaning" and it ...
Leafhead comments on Jun 29, 2018:
I think the obvious trigger here is the "F-Bomb", Faith. But that word has more than one context. Faith is merely implicit trust in something or someone. I have faith in friends and family members, that they will support me and make good decisions. I have some faith in my docs, that they have my best health in mind. I have faith that the Sun will set tonight and rise again tomorrow. Faith in this context means giving an asshole the benefit of the doubt, and giving him/her another try. In other words, forgive a little. Without faith, we are kind of lost and untrusting. Faith =/=religion, though religion requires a lot of faith. Overall, I think it's a positive message
My aha moment.
Leafhead comments on Jun 29, 2018:
Are these wood chips from a bag or from a chipper?
Do it anyway...
Leafhead comments on Jun 29, 2018:
Add this one too, You don't alway get who you vote for. VOTE ANYWAY!!
I spotted this young fox down by the new rock garden at the front of the property and it reminded me...
Leafhead comments on Jun 29, 2018:
Awesome! I need a whole family of foxes to solve my rabbit problem! Send a fox or two my way
The rain has brought on a frogpocolypse.
Leafhead comments on Jun 29, 2018:
Great pix, especially #1. I know what you mean about invasives. I remember the native green tree frogs growing up. Now they sell them as feeders in pet stores! Disgraceful
A monster female io moth that came to my lights tonight.
Leafhead comments on Jun 29, 2018:
Lucky you!
What's brown and sits on a piano bench?
Leafhead comments on Jun 29, 2018:
What's brown and sounds like a bell? DUNG! (Cue the Taco Bell logo)
These are my three most recent ones
Leafhead comments on Jun 28, 2018:
American Lady Butterfly? Here is a pic of an American Lady. They are really similar to Painted Ladies. I have to see their hind wings or watch them fly to tell them apart. Painted Ladies are bigger
Just finished another clock for a girl's room.
Leafhead comments on Jun 28, 2018:
That is really cute, and really girly
More polyphemus pics that I found on my phone.
Leafhead comments on Jun 28, 2018:
The first pic reminds me of a kaleidescope. Beautiful moths
Got a load of wood chips from the local tree trimmer.
Leafhead comments on Jun 28, 2018:
What perfect timing! I have always thought that a good rain after gardening is a blessing from the Earth. It's surely not a bad sign
This was the first portrait I did of Justin from Blue October, it's all blue color pencil.
Leafhead comments on Jun 28, 2018:
Is this from your, uh, blue period? Sorry, I just couldn't resist LOL Such detail. It's really beautiful and unique
Yep that's what I do.
Leafhead comments on Jun 28, 2018:
And good for Karaoke practice ;)
Well, at over 100° today, it wilted me and most of the plants but the Gazanias LOVED it.
Leafhead comments on Jun 28, 2018:
I'll be right there LOL
Salsify growing in my yard is going to seed.
Leafhead comments on Jun 28, 2018:
So that's what that is. I always called it giant dandelion.
Full moon over the Susquehanna
Leafhead comments on Jun 28, 2018:
Now THAT makes my knuckles grow hairy. Aaaahoooooooo!!! Werewolves of Susquehanna
Rue in the pollinator garden.
Leafhead comments on Jun 28, 2018:
Here are some recent pix
My new gardening motto: "One Gardener's Weed Is Another Gardener's Groundcover"
Leafhead comments on Jun 28, 2018:
My gardening motto is Got Milkweed?
Rue in the pollinator garden.
Leafhead comments on Jun 28, 2018:
I tried Rue, and it lasted 1 week with all the bunnies. I'm thinking gas plant to attract Giants. I remember Florida, with all the citrus. There were Giants in those days!
All we need is love
Leafhead comments on Jun 27, 2018:
Love and respect
Proverbs 31:6 New International Version Let beer be for those who are perishing, wine for those who...
Leafhead comments on Jun 27, 2018:
So that's why you're never supposed to mix beer and wine...
“From there Elisha went up to Bethel.
Leafhead comments on Jun 27, 2018:
I also think, like most of the Bible, it's disturbing. Tossup
Driving back roads near Joshua Tree, we met this snake.
Leafhead comments on Jun 27, 2018:
I love snakes. Saw a gartersnake at Cherokee Marsh Conservancy, but it was too fast to capture on film. My first snake of the season!
Bl.ue Belly Stowaway
Leafhead comments on Jun 27, 2018:
I love lizards
I enjoy doing realistic carvings although they take quite a bit more time than the miniatures or the...
Leafhead comments on Jun 27, 2018:
That is an incredible likeness of a bear!! Jus' kiddin' Very nicely done
Just adding to the wealth of knowledge of this group.
Leafhead comments on Jun 26, 2018:
Looks like an Orchard Spider
Even though I check milkweed every day for newly hatched caterpillars, these two pictures illustrate...
Leafhead comments on Jun 26, 2018:
I scour my Milkweed on a regular basis, and serendipity in its purest form arrived as 20 members of a garden club came to my garden for a lecture on butterfly gardening and garden tour. Suddenly, as I was beginning the tour, I looked down and there was a big fat #5 on my Swamp Milkweed! Here he is. It could not have been more perfectly time :)
A couple of views of the flower bed in front of my house.
Leafhead comments on Jun 26, 2018:
Sweet! Thank you for doing your part in providing for the Monarch :) You are also smart to contain your Milkweed in a pot! For a nonaggressive, very attractive and easy to keep Milkweed, try Asclepias tuberosa, the Butterfly Weed. It stays low, about 18", and does NOT travel underground. It has beautiful orange flowers, and also comes in a happy yellow cultivar called "Hello Yellow". Depending on where you are, Swamp Milkweed (Asclepias incarnata) is another good choice for those seeking Milkweed that is both attractive and well mannered in the garden.
Since my parents are getting older they've lost interest (what little interest they had to begin ...
Leafhead comments on Jun 26, 2018:
Beutiful and interesting shots. Some species of fireflies evolved to feed on smaller ones. Their larvae feed mostly on slugs, snails and small worms in and on the ground. Fireflies spend two years underground as larvae, and live only one or two nights as adults. A "flash" in the pan.
I had to cut down/dig up two Viburnums this spring, that I managed to kill by overtrimming last ...
Leafhead comments on Jun 26, 2018:
I am so sorry you lost your Viburnums :(Those are nice bushes. But I am SO FOR Japanese Maples!!! They are gorgeous and come in a variety of sizes, colors and textures. You can go for the standard or go for a more cultivar version. My fave is one that looks like an indoor Ming Aralia. Go for it!!
I make costumes!!! I'm the weirdo in the green skirt.
Leafhead comments on Jun 26, 2018:
I bet you are the go-to person for Halloween!! Very cool indeed.
A friend heard I was posting local photos and offered this to me to share.
Leafhead comments on Jun 26, 2018:
Kinda makes me hungry for cotton candy. No-wait, mango sherbet!
Tomorrow, the State of Oklahoma votes on whether to legalize medicinal marijuana.
Leafhead comments on Jun 26, 2018:
Ok.? Good luck on that...
Lets do it. If Canada can we can!
Leafhead comments on Jun 26, 2018:
What exactly am I approving of? Legalizing Marijuana or greedy politicians? Yes and no, in that order
My Petunias in a half barrel have gone loopy . The stem is a heuchera fighting for a bit of light.
Leafhead comments on Jun 26, 2018:
"I'm a lonely little Heuchera in a Petunia patch..."
Cone flowers popping out in our mailbox habitat:
Leafhead comments on Jun 26, 2018:
That should attract a few butterflies. Coneflowers always do :)
So far two beautiful black swallowtails have emerged.
Leafhead comments on Jun 26, 2018:
Pretty classic caterpillar damage to the Virginia creeper vines that grow up the outside of my ...
Leafhead comments on Jun 25, 2018:
I for one am rooting for Eight Spotted Foresters! They're really cool
I wish I could draw.
Leafhead comments on Jun 25, 2018:
Put it down on paper with a clever caption.
[] be an insect wrangler
Leafhead comments on Jun 25, 2018:
The first scene is like oh HELL NO! I don't mind most spiders, but that's pushing it for me :/
I saw this really interesting flower today. What is it?
Leafhead comments on Jun 25, 2018:
Eryngium It is actually in the carrot family, of all things
I saw a monarch here yesterday
Leafhead comments on Jun 24, 2018:
Good sign. I hope you get lots of eggs
@Leafhead here's a fatty silver spotted skipper caterpillar that I just discovered on the wisteria ...
Leafhead comments on Jun 24, 2018:
Thanx, he sure is a cute little guy. Saw what I think was a Red Admiral earlier but couldn't get near it. I'll try again if it's still around :)
I had to block someone from the group.
Leafhead comments on Jun 24, 2018:
Make America green again
I am hoping someone here knows what this fellow turned into when he grew up.
Leafhead comments on Jun 24, 2018:
A Hawk Moth. Family, Sphingiidae. A clue to which species lies in what it's eating
I had a lot of comments about the fascinating Pink Quill plant I showed in a from the Montreal ...
Leafhead comments on Jun 24, 2018:
I found one at the farmers market. It had only the quill. Then soon after I was treated to a wonderful surprise!
We have a dry erase board in our kitchen.
Leafhead comments on Jun 24, 2018:
Spielberg needs more artists like this
This is definitely an ID job for Insectra, a bird drop mimic on my Agastache one morning.
Leafhead comments on Jun 24, 2018:
Thank :) I knew I could count on you
A recent find.
Leafhead comments on Jun 24, 2018:
I don't know which is prettier, the flower or the insect :)
I was at Lowe’s earlyish this morning to buy some potting mix and walked by this little beauty who...
Leafhead comments on Jun 24, 2018:
Caveat emptor. Lowes, Home Depot and all big box stores sell plants spiked with insecticides in their "garden centers". A good spray free nursery, or reliable farmers market where reliable spray free booths can be found are good sources for plants.
Pot pie-what you bake when you're tired of the special brownies.
Leafhead comments on Jun 24, 2018:
Every time there is a pot luck among friends, etc, I always offer to bring the pot
Fine. I didn't want to talk to anyone anyways.
Leafhead comments on Jun 24, 2018:
I think I get this guy's power bill every month
This has to change
Leafhead comments on Jun 23, 2018:
Add Abilify and/or any SSRI on the market now, including Paxil, Prozac, etc to that list of wonderful drugs
No rare steaks.
Leafhead comments on Jun 23, 2018:
Does that include sushi?
I found this amazing wild flower garden in my town!
Leafhead comments on Jun 23, 2018:
Love that blue! Anything come to it?
Just for, if for not any other reason, to make stuff like this meaningful again. []
Leafhead comments on Jun 23, 2018:
I'd rather smoke up and ROCK OUT!
I received the turtle and it's a beautiful, adult female, Eastern box turtle with sequins and beads...
Leafhead comments on Jun 23, 2018:
Honestly, of all the moronic things to do... My guess is that either a vet will get it off or at least the turtle will lose this stupid bling when she sheds her scutes.
[] octopus
Leafhead comments on Jun 23, 2018:
Nice. I love octopi. Theyre damn smart. Sad they never live to see their kids :(
Just here to help get the juices flowing.
Leafhead comments on Jun 23, 2018:
Or the Bible Belt
Montreal Botantical Gardens a few years ago.
Leafhead comments on Jun 23, 2018:
I just love the Tillandsia in the upper left hand corner
I paint in watercolors, realistic, naturalistic, mostly birds.
Leafhead comments on Jun 23, 2018:
Let me know when you find Jesus in your coffee grounds LOL
My walk to work today.
Leafhead comments on Jun 23, 2018:
Awesome. You can almost make out where the sprites were sitting on them :)
Strange little moth on my Echinops this AM.
Leafhead comments on Jun 23, 2018:
Some scenes from around Cherokee Marsh Conservancy today 1. Baltimore Checkers pot 2. Some members of SWBA 3. Ctenuka moth 4. Copper 5. Eastern Comma
Brazil, written by and directed by a former Monty Python member, shows a oddly prescient view of an ...
Leafhead comments on Jun 22, 2018:
Boys from Brazil, with Gregory Peck and Sir Lawrence Olivier. Don't mess with genes, man!


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Atheist, Secularist, Skeptic, Freethinker
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