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LenHazell53 has not written a bio yet

Am I the only one who listens to the Mormons and JW when they come to visit and have a theological ...
NicoleCadmium comments on Jul 28, 2018:
I'm polite, but I say just enough to get them to leave. I've never forgiven them for lying to me as a teenager. I answered the door and my mum was out. They claimed to be friends of hers, so I invited them in and they gave me the spiel. My mum wouldn't have allowed them through the door if she'd ...
LenHazell53 replies on Jul 28, 2018:
There is actually a Mormon doctrine know as "Lying for the Lord" that basically is a way of saying "the end justifies the means" and that anything said or done in the protection of the church is holy and therefore cannot be a sin.
Am I the only one who listens to the Mormons and JW when they come to visit and have a theological ...
Jolanta comments on Jul 28, 2018:
Good on you. A discussion may open their minds.
LenHazell53 replies on Jul 28, 2018:
If they start desperately baring their testimony of the truth of the church like a mantra of protection, it is a good sign you are getting through to them
Am I the only one who listens to the Mormons and JW when they come to visit and have a theological ...
Jnei comments on Jul 28, 2018:
I chat with them, swap a few ideas. I'm interested in what they believe and why they believe it, plus I'm not rude so I won't slam the door in their faces.
LenHazell53 replies on Jul 28, 2018:
Mormons I do feel sorry for, they are usually little more than kids, very immature because of the life style they have been brought up in and filled to the gills with bullshit about being chosen by god. But ultimately they have been indoctrinated with arrogance and cannot cope when they start to see that the emperor has no clothes, except perhaps for some shoddy sacred underwear.
Am I the only one who listens to the Mormons and JW when they come to visit and have a theological ...
RaulPerez comments on Jul 28, 2018:
You are not the only one, I do it often. However, JW dont stay long and they only push their "message" they dont have disruptions. The mormons do try at least to make sense of their religion.
LenHazell53 replies on Jul 28, 2018:
If by trying to make sense you mean engage in mental gymnastics and contortion then fair play. Missionaries pride themselves on having an answer for every question no matter how convoluted and bloody stupid that answer may be.
Am I the only one who listens to the Mormons and JW when they come to visit and have a theological ...
MarlenaWatches comments on Jul 28, 2018:
My husband and I had some very interesting conversations with a couple of Mormon missionaries who used to come around. I found the idea of a heavenly mother figure to be intriguing, but was quickly informed that it was inappropriate to direct any prayers to her. I took issue with that, and the ...
LenHazell53 replies on Jul 28, 2018:
The whole Heavenly Mother theology is a touchy subject with the Mormons, one of those doctrines they cannot deny because it is so ingrained, but that they wish could be quietly forgotten. The pearl of Great Price is another one.
Kaiju and Giant Monster movies films Which are your favourites?
Kafirah comments on Jul 28, 2018:
Mothra will always be the silliest monster ever. Only those who wear exclusively wool need worry. I'm looking at you, Scotland.
LenHazell53 replies on Jul 28, 2018:
True but they did also have a mystical element not present in the other monsters story lines, though it does seem to have been incorporated in to the new american Monster-verse films.
Kaiju and Giant Monster movies films Which are your favourites?
ScienceBill72 comments on Jul 28, 2018:
Haven't seen any gamera flics since i was a kid, they were Hilarious
LenHazell53 replies on Jul 28, 2018:
Depends on the era, the first two were pretty good monster movies, the late 60's and 70's films were aimed at kids, then in the late 90's and early millennium they became semi serious again. The Godzilla films went through a similar cycle in four distinct eras Shōwa period (1954–1975) fairly serious Heisei period (1984–1995) pretty stupid Millennium period (1999–2004) very science fiction and mecha my favorite era Current period (2016–present) so far with only shin Godzilla, as an entry not to promising (not counting the 3d animations which are frankly awful) The two American versions fall between the Heisei and millennium and the millennium and current eras but are not canon.
This would be me. Name your best horror movie.
LouisD61 comments on Jul 28, 2018:
Yeah....i was told I make that face when some folks tell me they don't like horror movies!
LenHazell53 replies on Jul 28, 2018:
Saying "I don't like horror films" is like saying "I don't like Fruit" an apple, a banana and Lemon are all fruit but if you think they are all the same you have no taste.
What is the difference between faith and belief?
LenHazell53 comments on Jul 28, 2018:
Proof Justifies belief Proof denies and destroys faith
LenHazell53 replies on Jul 28, 2018:
@schway Anything accepted without proof is by definition an act of faith
T.G.I.F Going to closd off the week by offending everyone. Enjoy the week-end all.
LenHazell53 comments on Jul 28, 2018:
How the fuck did you get hold of honeymoon pics of me and my first wife?????
LenHazell53 replies on Jul 28, 2018:
@VAL3941 yeah after that so was I
I've seen several of these words here before.
Heraclitus comments on Jul 27, 2018:
I love the word "trumpery". ;)
LenHazell53 replies on Jul 28, 2018:
we used it as a word for farting when I was a kid
Leonidas -- This is Sparta! 300 is one of my very favorite movies.
GuyKeith comments on Jul 27, 2018:
Homoeroticism is a 10.0/10.0
LenHazell53 replies on Jul 28, 2018:
Maybe 9 out of 10 at most, I imagine decapitation is a bit of a turn off even for the most enthusiastic friend of Dorothy
In the days of Greek mythology, Atlas held the world (some say Neptune, it doesn't really matter) on...
LenHazell53 comments on Jul 27, 2018:
It is a common mistake, popularised by bad illustrations but the Titan Atlas was not condemned by Zeus to hold up the world, but to hold up the sky. He was made to stand on "the western edge of Gaia" and support the sky on his shoulders. The presumption in the myth is that the world is flat not ...
LenHazell53 replies on Jul 28, 2018:
@billy11 The Greeks called him Poseidon
A question for atheist who entered the light of reason later in life: Last night I was talking to...
LenHazell53 comments on Jul 27, 2018:
Wasting time in regrets is as bad as the time wasted in fantasy land, accept learn move on and help others do the same. As Black Widow says "I have red in my ledger" I was a *damn* good Mormon missionary and I use the word advisedly, I converted dozens of people, rather than regret it I'll use ...
LenHazell53 replies on Jul 28, 2018:
@NoMagicCookie Thanks for understanding, the LDS is not "just" another religion it is a mind control cult that literally takes over your life, controlling everything from who you marry, what you eat and drink, to what underwear you are allowed to wear and not take off even when having breaks from "chastity within marriage" FOR THE PURPOSES OF MAKING MORE LITTLE MORMONS only!
Women can be so cruel You’re all ready to go for a night out with your friends, when your ...
MsDemeanour comments on Jul 28, 2018:
how old are the girls you go out with? 18 yr olds do that. Grown ups don't. Surely!
LenHazell53 replies on Jul 28, 2018:
My wife still does that after nearly thirty years of marriage, she says it makes her feel secure.
This little gem comes from German former member of the first presidency Dieter F.
Heraclitus comments on Jul 26, 2018:
Why was he sacked?
LenHazell53 replies on Jul 27, 2018:
He was replaced by Dallin H Oaks, (Elder Hoax) former Utah supreme court Justice, proposition 8 supporter and prize asshole, who has been trying to get in to the top seat of of the Church for years, when Nelson became "profit" at the age of 92 and completely senile, Hoax barged his way in and Fuckedoff was out. It was noticed only days after that when President Nelson gave talks, Hoax was mouthing along behind him like a bad ventriloquist.
Any other John Carpenter fans here? Favourite movies?
TommyWayne1975 comments on Jul 26, 2018:
LenHazell53 replies on Jul 27, 2018:
Jack Crow: You are truly a pile of dog shit, Cardinal.
One of the best phrases i've ever seen...."Your God is a poor excuse for a human being." ;)
gearl comments on Jul 25, 2018:
Gene Roddenberry in a script for an episode of Star Trek had one of the Vulcans on board, in a very logical way, say, 'If this is your God, he's not very impressive. He's got so many psychological problems; he's so insecure. He demands worship every seven days. He goes out and creates faulty humans ...
LenHazell53 replies on Jul 26, 2018:
Our gods are dead. Ancient Klingon warriors slew them a millennia ago. They were more trouble than they were worth. Lt. Commander Worf
Please share the link to the petition below everywhere that you can, get the news out of this ...
AnneWimsey comments on Jul 25, 2018:
There are no actual facts/info given...what was it these men supposedly did? I sign No petitions without actual information!
LenHazell53 replies on Jul 25, 2018:
@AnneWimsey Did you read the articles? The man is a fifteen year volunteer lifeboat man who has saved hundreds of lives and trained others to save hundreds of lives, the other guy who was fired was the man they mocked up the image of. They were disciplined for having the mug on the premises and removed it as asked. 4 MONTHS later they are called in to a disciplinary meeting and stood down, four other lifeboat men left in protest at the way brave men who do a vital job FOR FREE in their own time were treated. This left the sea port of Whitby WITHOUT a full lifeboat crew. Because of a cup someone did not like, who had never even seen it, but had acted on a report of an already carried out disciplinary procedure done and dusted months before! This is frankly insane, so insane over a hundred whitby resident marched in protest to have these heroes reinstated, to do a job they do for no other reason than to save lives. WTF YOU DARE call men like this Stupid asses? Shame on you.
Please share the link to the petition below everywhere that you can, get the news out of this ...
AnneWimsey comments on Jul 25, 2018:
There are no actual facts/info given...what was it these men supposedly did? I sign No petitions without actual information!
LenHazell53 replies on Jul 25, 2018:
most of the story is here and here
The hidden meaning.
NormCastle comments on Jul 25, 2018:
SSOOOOOOOOOOOOOOo what about the cowardly Lion ?
LenHazell53 replies on Jul 25, 2018:
Unlike the book, the film is a scathing attack on between the wars USA, immigration, a bemoaning of the civil war The Scarecrow is agrarianism (Literally people hung out to dry) The Tinman Industrialization (man made machine another cut scene explains how Nick Chopper, yes really, became the tin woodsman after accidentally cutting off his limbs one at a time, until nothing was left and only his heart was not replaced. He's basically a cyberman) The Lion The native Americans and immigrants almost literally the proverbial "paper tiger" The wizard Christianity (a loud voice behind a big mask, but ultimately just a man willing to buy you off with tokens) Glinda The power of the north, (Washington DC a manipulator of the innocent, living in a bubble) Locasta the defeated south (though in the book this was reversed, the name literally means North star) (cut from the film she was the good witch of the south ousted from power by Glinda) Witch of the east Crushed by a house symbol of civilization and urbanization. Witch of the West Mexicans and south Americans (wrong colour, lots of power) the threat on the border (look how her flying monkeys are dressed) uses poppies as a weapon (opium) she is destroyed by baptism. There are two songs written by Harold Arlen and E.Y. Harburg that were cut from the film, in exchange for being allowed to keep in Somewhere over the rainbow, called "The Thank you song" and "You're a humbug" The latter is addressed to the Wizard as a shaming by the main characters, the former addressed to Dorothy by the three companions and Glinda, who now is left in complete control of Oz
scythe : an implement used for mowing grass, grain, or other crops and composed of a long curving...
sweetcharlotte comments on Jul 25, 2018:
Is it pronounced seeth ?
LenHazell53 replies on Jul 25, 2018:
The correct pronunciation comes from the Latin Noun Scissor (sci-saw) "a cutter" and the associated verb scindere ([s]cinder) "to cut." thus Psi-Th'e or Sci-th'e
AmelieMatisse comments on Jul 24, 2018:
I wonder if it is from Italian because of the Italian word for window sorta being part of it.
LenHazell53 replies on Jul 24, 2018:
You are right, ther term was coined by the Vatican after the attempted murder of two Catholic deputies to the Bohemian national assembly and a secretary were tossed out the window of the castle of Hradschin by Protestant radicals in 1618
Anyone actually look forward to jehovah's witnesses knocking on their doors?
Coleman comments on Jul 24, 2018:
Not the JWs, but Mormon missionaries. They will help around the house. Clean, yard work, etc. The few that I have had help really appreciated the opportunity. It was a break from their routine and kept them away from more rejection. And we never discussed any religion.
LenHazell53 replies on Jul 24, 2018:
Mormon Missies are fun, the poor lads are usually 18, wet behind the ears and filled up with bullshit promises of the five spiritual gift. The look of crumbling realization on their faces when faced with someone like me, who actually used to train missionaries, is both sad and priceless. Every point they throw is batted away or preempted, every "fact" is proven a lie from LDS own sources and they always eventually resort to simply baring their testimonies and running for it. At present the greatest number of male apostasies in the LDS are returning missionaries, early returning missionaries and former Bishops. A common site now in the area I live is Mormon Missionaries, skulking in a corner of starbucks, with their badges in their pockets, either moaning or crying in to their Latte
Someone really did not Proof read this particular bit of Christian Bigotry
brentan comments on Jul 24, 2018:
Black people will be relieved to hear it. They can expect to turn more and more white as they continue to pray to Jesus.
LenHazell53 replies on Jul 24, 2018:
Believe it or not Mormons actually do believe that, it is a promise from God in the Book of Mormon that the "Skin of Darkness" will be removed from Black and Native American people as God forgives them for being "Less Valiant" in the war in Heaven during the Pre-Mortal existence and makes them "White and Delight-some"
Makes sense.
Matias comments on Jul 24, 2018:
Yes, it does make sense - but not only concerning religious beliefs, but all kinds of beliefs (e.g. humanistic beliefs like "all humans are endowed with inalienable rights"...)
LenHazell53 replies on Jul 24, 2018:
Case in point Flat Earthers, Hollow Earthers, Lizard Overlords and people who think Stephen King Killed John Lennon on behalf of the FBI
Someone really did not Proof read this particular bit of Christian Bigotry
RavenCT comments on Jul 24, 2018:
LenHazell53 replies on Jul 24, 2018:
oopsie indeed, Freudian slip perhaps from the imperial wizard?
So, the previous host of this group has left, leaving me in charge somehow.
LenHazell53 comments on Jun 1, 2018:
If you are really unhappy about it, I'll do it, cheers
LenHazell53 replies on Jul 23, 2018:
I see I hit a hot button.
AnneWimsey comments on Jul 23, 2018:
Can you reference the post you are talking about?
LenHazell53 replies on Jul 23, 2018:
Not worth reading Anne, it boils down to
We had a march lead by the EDL today in Worcester city centre.
LenHazell53 comments on Jul 21, 2018:
Where is the option that says the EDL are a bunch of ignoramus who need a book of instructions to use a toilet and even then it has to be in crayon and pictures only since being able to read is "gay". It's amazing even eight of them managed to find there way there unless the meet was organised to...
LenHazell53 replies on Jul 22, 2018:
@FrayedBear Maybe just as well, he probably forgot to put his trousers on
Any other John Carpenter fans here? Favourite movies?
Brian1138 comments on Jul 20, 2018:
Carpenter grew up in my town so a lot of local references shows up in his early work like Halloween and The Fog which added to the creepiness factor. BigTrouble in Little China is the greatest cross genre film Action/Comedy/Horror/SciFi/Romance ever made. Love almost every film he's made.
LenHazell53 replies on Jul 21, 2018:
I agree the only other cross genre film that might equal BTILC is Valley of the Gwangi, perhaps Ray Harryhausen's best film
Interesting study. I've posted a photo of it as the website has a paywall.
LenHazell53 comments on Jul 19, 2018:
I saw that on the BBC papers section last night, with some vegan ass hat complaining it was blasphemous and disrespectful to people of faith.
LenHazell53 replies on Jul 19, 2018:
@Eclipsechaser I know, odd that isn't it, and how many of them, like himself, got titles and honours galore
Interesting study. I've posted a photo of it as the website has a paywall.
LenHazell53 comments on Jul 19, 2018:
I saw that on the BBC papers section last night, with some vegan ass hat complaining it was blasphemous and disrespectful to people of faith.
LenHazell53 replies on Jul 19, 2018:
@Geoffrey51 It was attempted several times to repeal the blasphemy laws, but was always halted in the Lords by my lord bishops. it was never repealed but a sneaky clause in the Criminal Justice and Immigration Act 2008, *superseded* it but unfortunately left a back door open which has been the basis of many so called "hate crime" offences, but by the time anyone noticed it was gone, blasphemy itself was no longer an offence or the even more ludicrous Libelous Blasphemy laws that actually allowed for prosecution for and on behalf of God if God was libeled in print. The last time this law was used to attempt a prosecution it was by the late unlamented self appointed guardian of the national morals Mrs. Mary Whitehouse who tried to bring a prosecution against "The Romans in Britain" by Howard Brenton in 1980, after an attempted prosecution under the sexual offenses act was dismissed. here is a picture of Mrs Whitehouse campaigning against media filth with her friend and fellow moralist Sir Jimmy Saville
Should there be more women in politics ?
brentan comments on Jul 19, 2018:
Sure. It's fair to women. I don't believe it will do a darn thing to improve politics.
LenHazell53 replies on Jul 19, 2018:
@SukiSue Oh the horror, the horror!
Here's a partial list of some of this group's members: Hans Zopf...
LenHazell53 comments on Jul 19, 2018:
Ivor Biggun? I recall him in his heyday
LenHazell53 replies on Jul 19, 2018:
@fishline79 No, Ivor Biggun turned out to be a well known consumer rights TV programmer host and journalist Robert "Doc" Cox, moonlighting a singer songwriter and purveyor of "filth" Ivor proved to be more profitable in the end and Doc disappeared in to his shadow.
“Human history becomes more and more a race between education and catastrophe.” ― H.G. Wells
Matias comments on Jul 17, 2018:
It would be interesting to know when Wells said this. If he thought that fascism could have been avoided if there had been more education... I doubt it. Fascism and Nazism appealed to the "common man" as well as to intellectuals like Martin Heidegger or Ezra Pound ( and many others...)
LenHazell53 replies on Jul 18, 2018:
Human history becomes more and more a race between education and catastrophe... Yet, clumsily or smoothly, the world, it seems, progresses and will progress. The Outline of History (1920) Ch. 41 (pagination varies according to edition) Wells I am afraid for all of his genius and fore site was some what naive in his younger days as to the innate potential of mankind and his anticipated revolution of common sense, his belief that universal educations would be embraced universally and that people would demand logic and science rule society. In old age Well was disillusioned embittered and cynical, especially with socialism, for which he had been a great advocate. After meeting and interviewing Stalin in 1934 for a British newspaper he was heartbroken to see how the ideal of universal well being could be corrupted in to universal poverty and oppression when not intellectuals and scientists lead the way, but career politicians and those who extolled the value of ignorance. He died in 1946 heart broken and defeated, his ideas ridiculed and his faith in humanity shattered after the horrors of the 2nd World War he himself had predicted in his 1933 book the shape of things to come as inevitable (he even got the year right 1939). His self written epitaph was "I told you so. You damned fools"
“Human history becomes more and more a race between education and catastrophe.” ― H.G. Wells
SleepingOnABoat comments on Jul 17, 2018:
I have found too many educated people who refuse to accept well documented facts (age of the earth, global warming, supernatural events, etc.). Perhaps the problem is critical thinking? Or maybe the problem is just human nature?
LenHazell53 replies on Jul 18, 2018:
To many a comforting lie is something worth dyeing for if the alternative is an unpalatable truth.
Any other John Carpenter fans here? Favourite movies?
Nukdookum comments on Jul 17, 2018:
They Live is my favorite.
LenHazell53 replies on Jul 17, 2018:
It is a truly great film, and the only reason I don't include it in my top ten is because Carpenter did not write it. I prefer him as an auteur
Any other John Carpenter fans here? Favourite movies?
arttrust comments on Jul 17, 2018:
The thing and big trouble in little china, off the top of my head...
LenHazell53 replies on Jul 17, 2018:
BTLC is fun if for no other reason than it gave James Hong a chance to shine, a highly under rated actor in my opinion.
Any other John Carpenter fans here? Favourite movies?
Ozman comments on Jul 17, 2018:
The Thing and Escape from New York
LenHazell53 replies on Jul 17, 2018:
Love the escape films
A friend of mine put this on Facebook.
JanGarber comments on Jul 16, 2018:
I have never understood the point of Job.
LenHazell53 replies on Jul 16, 2018:
@exilesky Also he a gambler, an abusive parent and a god who thinks wives and children are possessions that can be replaced as you would replace a lost sock.
What are your favorite Steven Spielberg movies? Mine is "Jaws" and "ET"
LenHazell53 comments on Jul 16, 2018:
I forgot "Something Evil" genuinely scary film, wish he had made more horror films.
LenHazell53 replies on Jul 16, 2018:
@5082gregory The dead Zone was a David Cronenberg film
What are your favorite Steven Spielberg movies? Mine is "Jaws" and "ET"
IAMGROOT comments on Jul 16, 2018:
Wow, where to begin...(in no particular order, I love all of these) E.T. Close Encounters of the Third Kind Indiana Jones series (with the exception of Temple of Doom, LOL!) Jaws Poltergeist (the first in the series) Back to the Future & sequels Young Sherlock Holmes (very underrated, IMHO)...
LenHazell53 replies on Jul 16, 2018:
@IAMGROOT Perhaps if the writer Chris Columbus (who I am otherwise a great fan of) had used other name other than Holmes and Watson, it would have been enjoyable fantasy fluff, but trying to exploit it as a Holmes film ruined it for me. Ultimately though you are right if a film entertains it is a successful film. (says the man with a special edition box set of Police Academy films on his shelf) ;)
What are your favorite Steven Spielberg movies? Mine is "Jaws" and "ET"
IAMGROOT comments on Jul 16, 2018:
Wow, where to begin...(in no particular order, I love all of these) E.T. Close Encounters of the Third Kind Indiana Jones series (with the exception of Temple of Doom, LOL!) Jaws Poltergeist (the first in the series) Back to the Future & sequels Young Sherlock Holmes (very underrated, IMHO)...
LenHazell53 replies on Jul 16, 2018:
Young Sherlock Holmes is a travesty, as a Sherlock Holmes fan it really annoys me and the Holmes community as a whole by its total disregard for the source material and characters.
What are your favorite Steven Spielberg movies? Mine is "Jaws" and "ET"
LenHazell53 comments on Jul 16, 2018:
Duel after that he sold out and went very commercial
LenHazell53 replies on Jul 16, 2018:
@5082gregory Great film, stars Dennis Weaver, from a script by Richard Matheson with Spielberg directing. It was only there association on this film that stopped Matheson from suing Spielberg in to bankruptcy over Poltergeist, Matheson settled for an apology and a writing credit on all further releases. Unfortunately they never worked together a gain which was a great loss.
Geoffrey51 comments on Jul 16, 2018:
Sacred also means to revere or be in awe of. It's one of those highjacked words that has had enhanced meaning by association. Reverence or sense of awe doesn't have an exclusivly religious connotation. The philosophical challenge comes when this interpretation of sacred is placed against its ...
LenHazell53 replies on Jul 16, 2018:
"Sacred also means to revere or be in awe of." No that is *venerate.*
LenHazell53 comments on Jul 16, 2018:
Scared as a word does not and cannot have have religious connotations, lexicographically it is a religious word. Sacred from Latin sacrare literally meaning to designate as religious or holy and therefore coming from the same root as sacramental and sacrosanct and sanctified it actually separates ...
LenHazell53 replies on Jul 16, 2018:
@Geoffrey51 Etymologically it does not, I don't count colloquial rendering and slang as official, since that way madness lies. Word have meanings, you simply cannot say a word can mean whatever you want it to mean, only religions get away with that.
Many television shows are based on god or religious themes, and was wondering if any of my fellow ...
Clare comments on Jul 16, 2018:
I don't, because they don't interest me.
LenHazell53 replies on Jul 16, 2018:
I think "Touched by an angel" was probably the creepiest title for a mid afternoon show title ever.
Is Florida trying to raise a generation of Super Morons?
evergreen comments on Jul 15, 2018:
This trend seems to be nation-wide ...
LenHazell53 replies on Jul 15, 2018:
world wide
Recall that three Americans of Korean descent were released from North Korea last May.
Surfpirate comments on Jul 15, 2018:
Shouldn't their churches be spending their dollars to bail out the people they sent into harms way? Why is this a concern of the taxpayer?
LenHazell53 replies on Jul 15, 2018:
exactly, they broke the law, what did they expect?
Recall that three Americans of Korean descent were released from North Korea last May.
MsDemeanour comments on Jul 15, 2018:
I guess it has to do with being a humanitarian. I have little time for these fools or the tourists facing the death penalty in Indonesia for possessing a bit of pot. I have little time for the idiot who goes bush walking by himself and gets lost and thousands and thousands are spent on searching for...
LenHazell53 replies on Jul 15, 2018:
If you feel it is compassionate to go in to some one else's country and knowingly flout their laws, tell people they and their children are undeserving lesser beings who deserve to burn for all eternity because your imaginary friend says so and then expect them to say, "what? you're a United states citizen and a christian? Well that's okay then, off you toddle and here is a lolly pop and sorry for the inconvenience" you deserve everything you bloody well get. Only in the west is this appalling, degenerated, arrogance and unsociable behaviour tolerated on the grounds of "religious freedom" everyone else thinks it's criminal, they were lucky they were not put in an asylum.
Is there only one kind of truth; only one kind of reality?
LenHazell53 comments on Jul 14, 2018:
Sorry but this sort of wheedling, wordsmiths equivocation gets on my wick. "Emma Bovary died by suicide" is not truth or reality, it is a précis of an aspect of a work of fiction. The book/story Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert exists, that is reality, that is true and that is as far as the ...
LenHazell53 replies on Jul 15, 2018:
@Matias You seem to be confusing fictitious with abstract conceptualisation, the representational or the virtual. Money for instance as an abstract concept is not fictional in any way shape or form, since in it's lowest form it exists as a tangible token of exchange and in higher levels as a virtual representation of the worth goods and services on an international level. As for having an axe to grind against literary criticism, you are wrong, my son holds a masters degree in literary theory and my late writing partner of thirty years was Dr. C.J. Walmsley of the university of Hiroshima and Durham author a literary theorist.
Anybody for classic movies?
mistymoon77 comments on Jul 13, 2018:
Elizabeth Taylor, Marlin Brando, Vincent Price, Peter Sellers, Lawrence Oliver (sp)
LenHazell53 replies on Jul 14, 2018:
@GuyKeith The old man who does that joke with Sellers is Graham Stark, a long time pal of Peter's and the only other person to appear in All of the Sellers Pink Panther films.
? Never...mind
SukiSue comments on Jul 14, 2018:
My bedroom end table....
LenHazell53 replies on Jul 14, 2018:
@SukiSue It is called "In Pace Requiescat" and is a science fiction partial re-imagining of "The Tomb of Ligeia"
Anybody for classic movies?
mistymoon77 comments on Jul 13, 2018:
Elizabeth Taylor, Marlin Brando, Vincent Price, Peter Sellers, Lawrence Oliver (sp)
LenHazell53 replies on Jul 14, 2018:
@mistymoon77 I'm a big fan of Peter Sellers, in his prime he was a comic genius, After the Fox is one of my favourite films, and Battle of the sexes showed just what a great actor he was. The problem was in the last years of his life he made some terrible choices and consequently terrible films, with only the Clouseau movies allowing him to hang on to his fame and reputation, instead of learning from this, he simply refused to believe he no longer had the Midas touch. In his last few interviews Peter Sellers had disappeared and he simply went from one character to another. Quite sad really since his second to last film was Being There, perhaps his greatest performance ever.
Share a lost gem, or a film you feel was really underappreciated and should have had a much better ...
Nitsujito comments on Jul 14, 2018:
I never hear anybody talk about this one from 1966.
LenHazell53 replies on Jul 14, 2018:
I miss the days when film makers were allowed to make films for simply the joy of having them exist.
Is there only one kind of truth; only one kind of reality?
Wallace comments on Jul 14, 2018:
Interesting. Reminds me of Alfred North Whitehead's worldview, although he doesn't bring it to bear on the here and now as directly as you have. He writes (in Modes of Thought): "Again everything is something, which in its own way is real. When you refer to something as unreal, you are merely ...
LenHazell53 replies on Jul 14, 2018:
@Wallace Interesting, I'll read up on it thank you.
? Never...mind
SukiSue comments on Jul 14, 2018:
My bedroom end table....
LenHazell53 replies on Jul 14, 2018:
ever read this? I have a story in this anthology
Share a lost gem, or a film you feel was really underappreciated and should have had a much better ...
Just comments on Jul 14, 2018:
Salute of the Jugger
LenHazell53 replies on Jul 14, 2018:
Not familiar with that one, will look it up thanks
Share a lost gem, or a film you feel was really underappreciated and should have had a much better ...
NormCastle comments on Jul 14, 2018:
for me it's a little movie called DAVE.....try it, you'll like it....
LenHazell53 replies on Jul 14, 2018:
Love Dave, great updating of the Prince and the Pauper
Share a lost gem, or a film you feel was really underappreciated and should have had a much better ...
Charles1971 comments on Jul 14, 2018:
I've always thought that the movie "Memoirs of an Invisible Man" was very under-rated. I think the movie was advertised as a comedy when it's really more of an adventure/drama. Chevy Chase plays the hero in this movie, Daryl Hannah plays the romantic interest and Sam Neill plays the villain. Though ...
LenHazell53 replies on Jul 14, 2018:
One of only 3 John Carpenter films that I am not really fond of but I take your point, thanks
Anybody for classic movies?
NellieBly comments on Jul 14, 2018:
Personal favorites are different from "best all time" -- the ones that entertained the most people. My personal list includes Yul Brynner and Tony Curtis. And yes I know they were together in Taras Bulba -- Incidentally, when Curtis was at his peak, the studio asked him what he would like to do ...
LenHazell53 replies on Jul 14, 2018:
Operation Petticoat is hilarious.
Anybody for classic movies?
mistymoon77 comments on Jul 13, 2018:
Elizabeth Taylor, Marlin Brando, Vincent Price, Peter Sellers, Lawrence Oliver (sp)
LenHazell53 replies on Jul 14, 2018:
@GuyKeith Seller was not so great every time he tried the multiple roll trick again, Soft Beds Hard Battles and the Fiendish plot of Doctor FuManchu come to mind.
Anybody for classic movies?
Ozman comments on Jul 14, 2018:
I'm putting Bogie on my list. He's in my favourite classic movie (Casablanca, Arsenic and Old Lace is 2nd), and whenever I try to pick a 3rd movie, I keep going back to Maltese Falcon, Sierra Madre, Key Largo. Now if you'll excuse me, It Happened One Night is sitting there, waiting patiently for...
LenHazell53 replies on Jul 14, 2018:
Bogie was great, when he bucked the studio by opposing the studio star system, he was forced in to making what Warners thought would be a career ending role as the eponymous Doctor X Kane in "The return of Doctor X" He turned the tables on them by giving a terrifying performance that to this day would give the masters of a horror a run for their money and proving once and for all Bogart was a genuinely great actor.
Is there only one kind of truth; only one kind of reality?
Wallace comments on Jul 14, 2018:
Interesting. Reminds me of Alfred North Whitehead's worldview, although he doesn't bring it to bear on the here and now as directly as you have. He writes (in Modes of Thought): "Again everything is something, which in its own way is real. When you refer to something as unreal, you are merely ...
LenHazell53 replies on Jul 14, 2018:
"Again everything is something, which in its own way is real. When you refer to something as unreal, you are merely conceiving a type of reality to which that 'something' does not belong." Come on seriously everything is real, even when it is not because we can conceive of it? That is simple Ontological word play, which in this context is reliant to try and sneak around the idea that nothing unreal exists on concocting a hypothetical variation of reality, something that is not possible with in the bounds of human perception. It is not even original.
Remember this
LenHazell53 comments on Jul 13, 2018:
Isn't it better to find out why you keep falling and fix it?
LenHazell53 replies on Jul 14, 2018:
@Sharlee Really? So you will not believe that fire burns unless it burns you? Tell you what, you make the silly mistakes, you get hurt, you possibly die and I'll avoid all that by observing the consequence of your arrogance, deal? :)
? Never...mind
LenHazell53 comments on Jul 13, 2018:
Once upon a toilet dreary, where I laboured, weak and weary, Waiting the relief of Senna's potion swallowed just before— While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping, As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my Bathroom door. “’Tis here occupied,” I muttered, ...
LenHazell53 replies on Jul 14, 2018:
@Stacey48 guilty as charged
? Never...mind
LenHazell53 comments on Jul 13, 2018:
Once upon a toilet dreary, where I laboured, weak and weary, Waiting the relief of Senna's potion swallowed just before— While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping, As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my Bathroom door. “’Tis here occupied,” I muttered, ...
LenHazell53 replies on Jul 14, 2018:
@Stacey48 It is a parody of "The Raven" by Edgar Allan Poe
Remember this
LenHazell53 comments on Jul 13, 2018:
Isn't it better to find out why you keep falling and fix it?
LenHazell53 replies on Jul 14, 2018:
@Sharlee So all those things can be seen coming and dealt with before you fall over them, the wise learn from the mistakes of others, only fools learns learn from there own.
Anybody for classic movies?
BJANINE comments on Jul 13, 2018:
Ooh! Gary Cooper and Gregory Peck! Two of my favorite books translated very well, into film. The Fountainhead and To Kill A Mockingbird. Also, Sidney Poitier. Lillies in the Field! Also, Bringing Up Baby, The Quiet Man, I could do this all day....haha Fun post!
LenHazell53 replies on Jul 13, 2018:
The Quiet Man is a great film
I wonder if Superman gets morning steel?
LenHazell53 comments on Jul 13, 2018:
It has been theorised that if the peristaltic muscles responsible for ejaculation are as proportionately strong in superman as the rest of his muscles, his ejaculations would leave his penis with the velocity of a machine gun bullet, would penetrate the partners body pass through all major organs ...
LenHazell53 replies on Jul 13, 2018:
@Duke To be honest it was first posited by Larry Niven in his mock essay Man of Steel, Woman of Kleenex in 1969 ;)
I wonder if Superman gets morning steel?
LenHazell53 comments on Jul 13, 2018:
It has been theorised that if the peristaltic muscles responsible for ejaculation are as proportionately strong in superman as the rest of his muscles, his ejaculations would leave his penis with the velocity of a machine gun bullet, would penetrate the partners body pass through all major organs ...
LenHazell53 replies on Jul 13, 2018:
@Stacey48 Only in a literal sense
I wonder if Superman gets morning steel?
SukiSue comments on Jul 13, 2018:
At least when there's no Kryptonite around?
LenHazell53 replies on Jul 13, 2018:
@Bierbasstard Shows how long it is since I stopped reading superman, back in the day Green K = Death in Krytonians, cancer in Humans Gold K = Removed all superpowers permanently from Kryptonians Red K = Unpredictable effects on Kryptonians, hence a lot of very silly silver age stories, such as infant superman, amnesiac superman, Giant superman, drunk superman, evil superman and miniature superman.
After my g/f visited me these last 2 days, I got to thinking.
LenHazell53 comments on Jul 12, 2018:
It's been my experience that they do, but god (or whatever) help you if you say no.
LenHazell53 replies on Jul 13, 2018:
@SukiSue I've always preferred being underneath
Most Christians are unaware of this
brentan comments on Jul 12, 2018:
There you go now. God said "My thoughts are high above your thoughts" (Isaiah 55:8).
LenHazell53 replies on Jul 13, 2018:
@brentan Well done mea culpa
“The salvation of a civilization has to be predicated on a resurrection from the corruption of its...
AmelieMatisse comments on Jul 6, 2018:
I like your question a lot. We really have buggered up our language. We have invented new meanings for words and made language much harder to clarify. I laughed when we started using misspoke or misremembered rather than just say we sorta lied. This doesn't mean I want to go back to Jane Austin ...
LenHazell53 replies on Jul 13, 2018:
“The salvation of a civilization has to be predicated on a resurrection from the corruption of its...
Gwendolyn2018 comments on Jul 6, 2018:
Language undergoes constant change and evolution; saying something good is "wicked" is no different from the evolution of "awful" which originally meant to be "full of awe" to something that is negative. For this reason, I do not see that language can be "corrupted" but rather how language is ...
LenHazell53 replies on Jul 13, 2018:
I have had Brits tell me that Americans do not speak "English," *You don't you speak and write American English* but we do: we speak American English. *See told you so* Brits have also told me that they speak "pure English"; when I ask them what constitutes "pure English," it has always been the language of Shakespeare. *no idea who told you that rubbish, the foundation of modern English is the Dictionary of Dr. Johnson, published under Royal patronage of the Prince regent in 1755, hence the term "The King's English"* Ha! Modern Brits do not speak Elizabethan English. Not only that, but they have many speech varieties. *quite so, they speak modern English in formal situations and official documentation, colloquial English in social situations, colloquial English varies from region to region, but is in no way considered official. In the USA the same applies, state to state, region to region, and thanks to colonisation in the infancy of the country "American English" for want of a better term, contains far more Dutch and French influences than actual English. This is why I have long held the opinion that, owing to difference is spelling, grammar, pronunciation and a total disregard for etymology, American "English" should no longer be regarded as English at all, but as a completely independent language. As evidence of this I offer the experience of my late writing partner Professor C.J. Walmsley of the University of Hiroshima, who taught English for a living, but was required to also teach American English as a separate module, (fortunately his wife was American and so could coach him on this) the Japanese, like many other countries regarding it is different enough from English to be classified if not as a separate language, as an independent dialect.*
Most Christians are unaware of this
brentan comments on Jul 12, 2018:
There you go now. God said "My thoughts are high above your thoughts" (Isaiah 55:8).
LenHazell53 replies on Jul 13, 2018:
@brentan I see, care to offer some proof of that? I would be very interested to know how it is that you you make declarations of such certainty, the only reason I can imagine is that you have ample evidence?
Most Christians are unaware of this
IAmLove comments on Jul 12, 2018:
People forget Hitler was a baptized catholic. For seven centuries the RC tortured and murdered Jews during their holy inquisitions in Europe. The inquisitions went on until the middle of the 19th century when the secular power defeated the papal armies and confined the pope to the Vatican. Hitler...
LenHazell53 replies on Jul 13, 2018:
Very true, I find it incredibly ignorant when people say "Oh but Hitler was an Atheist" as if that matters. It is not true, as you say he was a Catholic, Mein Kampf contained one hundred and thirty references and appeals to god and Christ. Even when Hitler abandoned Catholicism he became a member of the Thule society under the tutelage of Dieter Earhart. He became an occultist and esoterical believer in Teutonic spirituality, in no way shape or form an atheist.
Cardinal sin? or Irony?
icolan comments on Jul 12, 2018:
Well, according to his religion what he did is a sin, and he is/was a cardinal. So I guess that would make in a cardinal sin. As for irony, no, it is not ironic. He without a doubt knew of his own crimes when he made the first statement, since the allegations against him date back to the 1970's...
LenHazell53 replies on Jul 13, 2018:
lol yup that was the joke ;)
Anyone here been Exed? Who resigned? Who is inactive but still on the rolls?
NormCastle comments on Jul 12, 2018:
I walked away at 12, couldn't resign until 18...letter of resignation was my birthday gift to them....
LenHazell53 replies on Jul 12, 2018:
I resigned and then had to threaten them with legal action before they stopped bothering me.
Most Christians are unaware of this
brentan comments on Jul 12, 2018:
There you go now. God said "My thoughts are high above your thoughts" (Isaiah 55:8).
LenHazell53 replies on Jul 12, 2018:
High is the word, if he does exist he was stoned out of his gourd when he came up with most of the tenets of the OT
I ran across this and just had to pass it along!
DUCHESSA comments on Jul 12, 2018:
Each and every time I said Buddhism wasn't a religion I received a stupid look from the listener. BTW, Hinduism isn't a religion either.
LenHazell53 replies on Jul 12, 2018:
Technically Hinduism is a polytheistic Dharma, there is no direct translation, but it is safe to say Dharma includes religion within it but includes other aspects including lifestyle, tradition, ideology, spirituality, study and other concepts that can only be expressed in Hindi.
Anyone here been Exed? Who resigned? Who is inactive but still on the rolls?
CurtisHall comments on Jul 12, 2018:
I think they would consider me inactive. I haven’t gone to church in over a decade, but I’ve never officially asked them to take my name off of the rolls.
LenHazell53 replies on Jul 12, 2018:
You realise that means they are still claiming you as a member and using you as a statistic :)
After my g/f visited me these last 2 days, I got to thinking.
LenHazell53 comments on Jul 12, 2018:
It's been my experience that they do, but god (or whatever) help you if you say no.
LenHazell53 replies on Jul 12, 2018:
@VAL3941 I used to think like that, but after a while enough is as good as a feast ;)
I see too many ridiculous posts about people declaring they don't believe in ridiculous things.
CaptnChainsaw comments on Jul 11, 2018:
Stop being an echo board. We all agree on something. No god; no karma, no fate.. That doesn't make for meaningful conversation. Let's talk about cheese or something. Which is the best? I say brie.
LenHazell53 replies on Jul 11, 2018:
Blue Stilton
Scammers are here! I received a message from a guy who says this on his profile: "I am single ...
ronnie40356 comments on Jul 10, 2018:
Lol. Fishing for gullible Christian girls. Which brings up a question, do you have to be gullible to be a Christian girl? :-)
LenHazell53 replies on Jul 10, 2018:
I imagine that it helps.
Does anyone else enjoy balancing their checkbook as much as I do? :s
zorialoki comments on Jul 9, 2018:
With the days of online banking I just check their math
LenHazell53 replies on Jul 9, 2018:
@zorialoki I know what you mean, my habit is to avoid clichés like the plague too
Love this Jimmy Stewart movie, how about you?
GuyKeith comments on Jul 8, 2018:
Just as long as it's not *It's A Wonderful Life*. I hate that film.
LenHazell53 replies on Jul 9, 2018:
@GuyKeith It became a Christmas classic because a lot of frustrated unhappy women in the 50's and 60's saw in George Bailey the ideal man, someone willing to put himself last, who would be the ideal husband and the non judgmental platonic friend, who did not judge the wife/mother or the gadabout whore but treated them with equal chivalry. The man willing to forgo his dreams so she could have the nicest new washing machine for Christmas, hoards of kids and "the house *she* always wanted" even though in the one scene when he is really angry and consequently is being honest for the one and only time he admits he hates it all and wants none of it. George Bailey is the prophecy of the PC new man, the Snowflake that is to come. The man at Christmas women can look at and compare their masculine, fat, beer drinking, blue collar , slob of a working stiff husband to, unfavorably, even though he has done everything George did, but has selfishly not managed to stay James Stewart and actually dares to demand that he be treated as an equal in his own home.
Love this Jimmy Stewart movie, how about you?
GuyKeith comments on Jul 8, 2018:
Just as long as it's not *It's A Wonderful Life*. I hate that film.
LenHazell53 replies on Jul 8, 2018:
Your right when I was a kid I thought it was the greatest film ever made, then I grew up and realised it is actually about a man guilted out of everything he ever wanted in his life, everything he could have been, trapped in to a marriage with the wrong woman, lives in a crap hole, treated like shit and then even guilted out of his own suicide by a god who likes watching him suffer and can't even be arsed to give him a competent guardian angel just some old effeminate moron in a night gown. Hey George you did nothing but good SO YOU MUST SUFFER! And what happens at the end, the whole town rallies round to get him out of a financial dilemma THAT IS NOT EVEN HIS FAULT! Meaning he can never leave, he is beholden to them all forever, and Billy the total ASS who caused all this gets off Scott free. In short it is a film about how it is great to fuck up your own life for other people, get stuck in a dead end job you don't want and die young of stress and worry, having never achieved anything for yourself because that would be selfish. Potter on the other hand "The Villain" of the piece, is a rich, happy, selfish thief, with everything a man could ever want except for one tiny building and loan company that in the greater scheme of thing means nothing to him. He the "Evil" Mr Potter is the only one who see's Georges true potential and encourages it, even offers him a job. The message is, know your place, put everyone before yourself, don't get above your station and in the end you'll still feel you owe everyone else more than you can ever pay back. Horrible film.
On this morning's run I decided to stay in my neighborhood.
LenHazell53 comments on Jul 8, 2018:
Still got to be more entertaining than the freaking world cup
LenHazell53 replies on Jul 8, 2018:
@SukiSue Sometimes I really wish I was Canadian, or a New Zealander, especially when I see demonstrations of mass synchronized moron-ing like that.
Well it is Sunday so all the religitards are out and about feeling holy - holy about themselves and ...
LenHazell53 comments on Jul 8, 2018:
Is that picture by Hieronymus Bosch ?
LenHazell53 replies on Jul 8, 2018:
It's okay I found it, it is called The Garden of Earthly Delights
Love this Jimmy Stewart movie, how about you?
LenHazell53 comments on Jul 8, 2018:
Brilliant film, one of his very best :)
LenHazell53 replies on Jul 8, 2018:
@Sheannutt Elwood P. Dowd: Well, I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally won out over it.
If you say "liberry" instead of "library", we can definitely be friends because I will always feel ...
zorialoki comments on Jul 8, 2018:
Pero, esta la biblioteca en Espanol
LenHazell53 replies on Jul 8, 2018:
sí, sin embargo libro en español es libro misma etimología
Ladies, want a man?
Pook comments on Jul 7, 2018:
A real man would have the courage to let them be. If they died, it would strengthen their gene pool. Humans often think animals need their interventions. They do not. It's our arrogance that justifies our missteps.
LenHazell53 replies on Jul 8, 2018:
@pook I think the word I am seeking might be an anagram of sloblocks
Anybody else notice deleting multiple messages at once when you just had the mouse over one?
LenHazell53 comments on Jul 7, 2018:
No, chances are if you are using an optic mouse it is on the blink and needs replacing.
LenHazell53 replies on Jul 8, 2018:
in which case
If you say "liberry" instead of "library", we can definitely be friends because I will always feel ...
VAL3941 comments on Jul 8, 2018:
You guys are all nuts !
LenHazell53 replies on Jul 8, 2018:
Cnutes surely?
I feel most science fiction cannot actually deny it's religious roots, though it has moved past them...
Chordan comments on Jul 7, 2018:
Both religion and science fiction are narratives. In Fact most ancient epics (before Novels) were about religious topics. Narrative and myth deal with human universal themes such as birth, death, love, friendship, belief, society, community, creation, destruction. In the end narrative is ...
LenHazell53 replies on Jul 7, 2018:
Excellently put
Farewell, Steve Ditko. []
Kafirah comments on Jul 7, 2018:
A legend has died. He will be missed the world over.
LenHazell53 replies on Jul 7, 2018:
Agreed, one of the greats.
Annoyed Camera Guy Smacks Down Christian Preacher - YouTube
Georgy303 comments on Jul 2, 2018:
In my experience, it's men that have problems getting girlfriends (or just getting laid) who are the ones that use religion to "slut shame" women for not paying them any attention in the first place. I could be wrong... but I can't imagine any of these college girls "giving him any." He's such a ...
LenHazell53 replies on Jul 6, 2018:
All most certainly yes, but guys like this are different, they don't use religion to slut shame because they can't get a girl friend, they are far more dangerous, they BLAME women for their **wanting** to have a girl friend, they see women as leading them in to temptation, in to being unclean, by deliberately being female and nice to look at, shame on them for not going out safely dressed only in a large wooden box. (In this particular guys case I think he probably blames women for making him feel so lustful he even has naughty thoughts about men). Religiously based sexual repression can totally screw people up, it provokes the desire by making sex a forbidden fruit, and then tells them their natural needs are sinful, a sign of deviltry and that unless they "behave" they are off to see old Nick. Tell this to a hormonal screwed up 14 year old and you WILL scar them for life male or female, especially when you deny them even the release of private masturbation and call it "self rape". This is why there are so many kiddy fiddling priests and sadistic nuns in the world.


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