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Man, 60, Stockton-on-Tees, UK
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LenHazell53 has not written a bio yet
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LenHazell53 comments on Oct 3, 2019:
I loved the impromptu Robert De Niro impression part way through the press conference. "Are you talkin' t'me!?" The pressure is definitely getting to El Presidente, he's about to steps away from climbing up on the dome of the Whitehouse with a supper soaker and yelling "Bang Bang you're all dead, fake newsers Bang Bang"
Does anyone else dislike finding a page filled with video pictures posted from YouTube when going to...
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 3, 2019:
If you go tot he settings page you have the option to turn off the video previews in your notifications, I think that may solve your problem
It seems odd to me that so many of the presumably agnostic people who write posts on Agnostic.
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 3, 2019:
No one has ever said "a certain first century itinerant rabbi from Nazareth did not exist" in fact we know at least nine of them did one of which was John The Baptist (lots of proof of his life and deeds but none for Jesus of Nazareth, probably because Nazareth was not built till 33 A.D.). What is contested is that that anyone one of them was the Jesus of the gospel stories, who is apparently a cumulative character made up of various stories, the teachings of and the death of all of them. The four canonical gospels agree on all most nothing, contradict one another and place various events at different times and places. When they do agree they vary on details and on philosophical and theological stand points sometimes in direct opposition to one another. If you include the apocryphal gospel accounts theirs are even more contention and the four bible bound stories are in the minority when it comes to agreement on anything where as Thomas, Peter, the gospel of the disciples, Judas, Mary and other all agree with one another to a much greater extent. Therefore, in much the same way as in the legends of Robin Hood or King Arthur, the contention is NOT that A Jesus did not exist but that that THE Jesus of the Gospels is a composite character made up of several other people and the deeds and teachings of many other people, and therefore as an individual did not exist and Certainly, Definitely was not born 1 A.D./C.E. (historically provable as Herod the great was dead by then) and did not die at passover 33 A.D / C.E. on Golgotha as Roman records of their equivalent dating existing from the time show no such execution of anyone of that name.
An ongoing Australian shame caused by all political flavours - "Let me review.
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 3, 2019:
Wow, and I would wager some good and Christian citizens of the USA will be deploring this behaviour while conveniently ignoring how their own indigenous peoples have been bullied, exploited and abused in just the same way. The Indian Placement Program, AKA the Lamanite Placement Program, operated by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the United States, operating from 1954 to 1996 springs to mind as a way to help with "equality" by basically kidnapping and displacing "at risk" children nurturing out their culture in childhood and assimilating them in to white society by preferred intermarrying with (non mormon) whites to make the "other" the "same" and thus equal.
I grew up as a Christian but never felt like it was right.
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 2, 2019:
Pretty much what my wife believes, she thinks of herself as a druid but follows no rules or doctrine,
Mackerel fritters....
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 2, 2019:
Mmmmm mackerel is one of my favourite fish
The Catholic Church and Boy Scouts are lobbying against child abuse statutes.
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 2, 2019:
This is Mafia like techniques of intimidations and harassment, and yet the best defense they can come up with for their stance is to say "School teachers do this too, so why are you singling out us?" Bastards
So I don't have any problem believing that there is no Santa Clause . . .
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 2, 2019:
Anti-Santarist!!!! No Christmas presents for you!!!!
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 2, 2019:
I would probably not be crying unto the Lord for comfort, but unto the doctor with the morphine injection
In Christianity, we are told have to need God first and then we are told that God will fill the ...
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 2, 2019:
It is a maxim of the sales world that there is nothing that customers don't need, they simply don't know that they need it YET, it is the salespersons job to correct that misapprehension.
Robert Jeffress Goes All In on “Civil War” The evangelical pastor and Trump loyalist has had ...
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 2, 2019:
What a dildo brain. Surely this is incitement to violence? Or is this what Trump means by religious freedom, the freedom to wage war but only in the name of the "proper, white, Trump appointing" god?
Considered one of the top 10 movie ending lines.
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 2, 2019:
"la plus belle des ruses du Diable est de vous persuader qu’il n’existe pas!" Charles Baudelaire 1864
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 2, 2019:
To welt as a verb means to beat (severely) hence the noun a welt a swelling, an abrasion or a lesion and a welter being a warrior as in welterweight. This is definitely a word worth researching more deeply.
“The oppressed are allowed once every few years to decide which particular representatives of the ...
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 1, 2019:
Or as it turned out in the twentieth century communist countries ...are not. But then Lennin did not have Karl's sense of humour unfortunately.
I am in a wheelchair (since 2013) i used to work with the elderly and disabled.
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 1, 2019:
My wife worked in care for years too, she is now wheel chair bound too, if there is a god the bastard has a warped sense of humour. (I don't think for one moment there is, but it another example of the shit Christians like to just ignore.)
I think we are just another piece of the universe our energy never fades the shell holding it ...
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 1, 2019:
In this sense the matter that makes us up is immortal, simply going through continual changes of form, our matter and energy was born in the heart of a star and eventually will be compressed again in the heart of black hole, in order to begina ll over again endlessly. I find that far more beautiful than eternity of sycophantic servitude to a psychotic god.
I have a confession, you can judge me for it (I do).
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 1, 2019:
Oh they love that one, most of them don't even know about the unforgivable sin and discovering it go in to a kind theological hard disc crash. I am reminded of that Nomand robot in star trek blowing self up because it can't cope with having made a mistake.
Are we all born bad?
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 1, 2019:
So many things are incorrect in this post I have no idea where to start, so I shall not.
I am curious to know how many of you maintain friendships with religious people (particularly those ...
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 30, 2019:
Most of my religious friends have in time followed me out of religion, I don't raise the fact that I am an atheist, but if they ask I will answer their questions.
One of the most annoying things about Christians is their insistence that god takes care of ...
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 30, 2019:
And yet the same people who will in all seriousness claim god changed the weather or the laws of physics for their personal convenience will look at a terrible disaster or human tragedy and state in all seriousness that "It is all part of gods plan." Pillocks!
Christians Hid a Dinosaur Fossil 170 Years Ago Because It Contradicted the Bible | Hemant Mehta | ...
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 30, 2019:
Not unusual Jean-François Champollion was a French scholar and the first man to translate hieroglyphics before the discovery of the Rosetta stone. When he began speculating that the Pyramids predated the "Flood of Noah" and that the Pyramid and coffin texts made no such mention of any such flood, he was bullied and persecuted by the Catholic church in to denying his own work, even after the discovery of the Rossetta stone proved him right. This is why this brilliant man is hardly known outside of the field of Egyptology even today.
Opinions please why besides self comfort do you think people believe that praying does anything?
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 30, 2019:
Confirmation bias. If for instance your child comes down with an infection and you pray for their recovery, and they do recover, it is very easy to attribute the recovery to the prayer rather than the medicine given by the doctor, and when this is pointed out to say something like, "The Lord guided the doctor to the right treatment" or "The medicine worked because of the prayer, or was enhanced by it" or "I told my husband the doctor was an unnecessary expense, but you know what he is like" and so on and so forth. For some however it is a way of confirming to one self that god takes a special interest in you personally. For example a Jewish acquaintance of mine (a fellow writer) once boasted to me of how they were still god's chosen people because her aunt had prayed for a new skirt and despite god being so busy with all the gentiles, he took time out to grant her request. The skirt as it happens was a birthday gift from a neighbor who noticed the need and was moved to kindness by nothing more than friendship, but of course this was not the case it was exclusively the work of "haShem"
Why is it that religious people think saying “well that was Old Testament” is a valid argument ...
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 30, 2019:
Religious people will say any old crap, so long as it allows them to go on comforting themselves with idiot delusions that A) they are better than everyone else, B) they have no responsibility for anything and C) you can be as much of a bastard as you want all week so long as you eat bits of a dead Jewish carpenter in church on a Sunday
Do You Hate God? | The Life and Times of Bruce Gerencser
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 29, 2019:
The religious professional cannot admit that Atheists simply do not believe, the concept is dangerous to them, they must maintain the illusion to their "Flock" that their is not a possibility of their NOT being a a god and therefore the atheist is in denial, is a liar and KNOWS the "truth" but ignores or denies it out of hate, or evil intent, or is like some celestial James Bond out to practice espionage on the divine plan of god and send everyone to Hell.
menticide men-tuh-sahyd noun the systematic effort to undermine and destroy a person's values...
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 29, 2019:
“I must not fear. Fear is the **mind-killer.** Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.” ― Frank Herbert, Dune
The Misogyny of Climate Deniers Why do right-wing men hate Greta Thunberg and Alexandria ...
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 29, 2019:
They have mummy issues, same reason many men refuse to work for a female boss and the same reason their ancestors used to burn, hang and drown witches. Powerful women are "scary"
Bagged Milk?
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 29, 2019:
You see bagged milk all the time in the UK at every coffee shop, what's the big deal?
Saunter, as opposed to hiking, according to renowned naturalist John Muir Hiking - "I don't like ...
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 29, 2019:
what a wonderful etymology.
NASA managed to catch a black hole totally annihilating a star
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 29, 2019:
Amazing, really brings home the sheer power of the universe.
Billionaire Bishop Edir Macedo made daughters skip college so they wouldn’t be smarter than ...
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 29, 2019:
My father did the same thing to my Mother, she was more qualified than he was so he never allowed her to work, as (he said) it would shame him if his wife earned more than he did or held a higher rank than he did. She being a "good Christian" went along with this and instead devoted herself to the salvation army and then later the Charismatic movement, that is when she was not completely screwing up her kids.
This came up on another post, but your opinions please ?
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 28, 2019:
A Theist philosopher is hampered by the fact that they can only follow a chain of logical thought until the point it comes in to contention with their faith, at which point such thoughts stop and either are abandoned or give way to apologetics. However should the chain of thought NOT come in to conflict with faith then the theist philosopher is potentially as adequate as any other.
This happened at the private "Christian" school where Mike Pence's wife teaches.
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 28, 2019:
I had a similar experience as a child. My hair has always been very curly and up until the age of 12 my parents and grandparents would not allow my "Locks" to be cut (no doubt something to do with my Jewish heritage). A consequence of this was I had a huge Afro which was the subject of mockery and abuse by school mates for years who referred to me as "White Golly Wog" "Bleached N word" and other charming epithets. I final got my hair cut after being held down and hacked at in a very similar fashion to this unfortunate young woman and an attempt by one school mate to set it alight. Children are horrible and always abuse that which is perceived to be different, or does not conform to their definition of "normal". The mounting tension should have been spotted and dealt with much sooner in the build up to this attack by the teachers, however it is likely they too thought it was "funny" and turned a blind eye.
Bad things will find you, if you are not looking for good things!
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 28, 2019:
The only truth in this is a variation on that old maxim that those who go looking for trouble will inevitably find it.
doxy--a lover or mistress, a prostitute
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 28, 2019:
It is possible it comes from the German Pfoche (pronounced PUFocksee) meaning a spot or blister, so one with pfoche marks might be a De Pfoche (Dpufcosee anglised to Doxy one from who you might get the pox)
Did you know that almighty God is just as strong as a unicorn?
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 28, 2019:
Of course the apologist point out that now most version translate the nine mentions of Unicorns as Wild Bull or Wild Ox. However the word used in the OT in Hebrew is re'em (רְאֵם) or Horn (singular) Horse, though today applied to the Oryx, contemporaneously the name was literal and which was translated in to Greek directly in the NT as Monokeros (μονόκερος ) The one Horn beast Wild Ox in Greek is άγριο βόδι and in Hebrew is שור בר pronounced baw-kawr' So the modern translations are disingenuous to be polite and the KJV much closer to the intended meaning of the word, especially when taken in context. I find the comparison of one mythical being with another to be very apt and this is of course not the only mythical creature in the Babble Satyrs to roister through the pages of "Gud Buck"
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 28, 2019:
Of course there is always the verb to shamble, which is to move in a shuffling limping manner as in the HP Lovecraft inspired story "The Shambler from the Stars" by Robert Bloch
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 28, 2019:
There was a purpose built "Shambles" in Stockton On Tees near to where I live, today it is used as an undercover market, but retains the name. I recall as a child that it was a very bright but cold place filled with Marble cubicles and the smell of butchered animal blood.
When you decide...
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 27, 2019:
"I'd like to start a religion. That's where the money is!" L. Ron Hubbard 1949 4 years later he founded Scientology
On environmentalism, whiteness and activist superstars | gal-dem
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 27, 2019:
It matters not a jot what colour she is, where she comes from, what sex she is , or what age she is. She is under attack because capitals are frightened of what she is saying and more that people are listening to her.
claque--a group of sycophantic followers, a group hired to applaud or heckle a performer or ...
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 27, 2019:
as opposed to a clique a small close-knit group of people who do not readily allow others to join them or effect their presuppositions.
An exmo lawyer is suing the church for damages due to their lying in a class action suit.
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 27, 2019:
OH I love this, made my day. I hope this works.
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 27, 2019:
I love this, especially because by coincidence Rache is German for revenge, giving the whole word a sinister nasty feel. Thank you for this.
How do you get over the anger you feel at religion when you’re a new atheist?
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 26, 2019:
If you are wise you never do, you learn to channel it positively and use it to make sure you are never tempted to forget or forgive the evil and filth religion perpetrates on those still in it's clutches.
The wonderful adaptability of the Australian Water Rat another of the fauna emulated by politicians.
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 26, 2019:
Reminds me of the old joke, that vivisectionists had started to use politicians instead of rats in their experiments. When asked why the scientists replied that "there are somethings even a rat will not do for a bribe."
Christian TV Host: God Will Punish Democrats for Trying to Impeach Trump ...
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 26, 2019:
Didn't their god used to smite Kings for breaking his laws, such as adultery, lying, stealing and covetousness? But will punish others for doing the smiting for him?
couture--the design & manufacture of fashionable clothes to the buyer's requirements & measurements
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 26, 2019:
couture is simply French for sewing or seaming
Leaked conversation taped at the UN.
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 26, 2019:
Well well Trump expressing the desire to be allowed to act in the manner of tyrant! GOSH I am so surprised I could shit a brick! (This is Sarcasm for the benefit of the hard the of thinking)
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 26, 2019:
Sadly It seems the viewing audiences no longer enjoy surprises, and need to be clued up and over informed about every bit of entertainment today, before they will risk investing an hour or two.
And away we go... Which one is your fav? Join me in my new group. &Lampoonsofillwill
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 26, 2019:
No 4 Personally I find the way the British and American media have treated Greta Thunberg despicable. In and for standing up to Trump she has been ridiculed, had her private medical records put on public display, had her parents vilified as unfit and been generally abused for speaking the truth and make the establishment "uncomfortable". To her credit this has not yet stopped her and the anger and fear she has inspired in so called adult politicians is palpable. However I fear for her and her family people the like of presidents, Crown Princes and Prime Ministers do not enjoy being shamed and have notoriously long memories.
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 26, 2019:
Quango is not actually an acronym, since the QU is the first two letter of the quasi. The word was adopted from a Vietnamese model and given a British meaning since the Vietnam war was still in close living memory and qu'ản go (phonetic) is simply the Vietnamese word for management or management commitee and is also why the word is HATED in the USA and is often replaced with the less idiosyncratic "Qualgo" ( 'quasi-autonomous local government organisation').
oxymoron--figure of speech that juxtaposes things that are contradictory--such as "a good death"
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 26, 2019:
A good death is a paradox not an Oxymoron, this is because good can only be presupposed to be positive by definition and death is not normally presumed a positive outcome, therefore a good death is paradoxical but perfectly possible, but good is not necessarily in conflict with or opposite to death but can have a relative meaning. "A living death" however is an an oxymoron because the noun and the verb are possibly equivatory, one set of definitions producing an impossible situation that can none the less have a metaphorical or reasonable meaning if the words are given their legitimate alternate definitions. Other Oxymoron examples are Good at being bad A deafening silence Virtual reality Pretty unattractive Civil Unrest Poor little rich girl Other Paradox examples are Fresh Cheese A small elephant A big mouse A head butt You can however have a presumed Oxymoron that can be either. This is basically a joke that relies on presupersision examples are Government organisation Honest politician Vegetarian steaks A modest actor A lead Balloon Microsoft works
kibosh--verb--decisively end or reject something, "put the kibosh on it"
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 26, 2019:
In the North of England putting the kibosh on something is to sabotage it. Since the word Kibsh pronounced Kibosh is Arabic for a Ram (male sheep) it is possible that the trick Jacob played on his father in law in the Bible and the Koran of scarring Rams during tupping to create blemished lambs that he could claim as his own is perhaps the origin of the word.
muckety-muck muck·et·y-muck /ˌməkədēˈmək/ noun a person of great importance or ...
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 25, 2019:
In the UK there is an expression "Lord Muck" used to describe people who think themselves more important than the social class they were born in to, or an entitled person who shows no gratitude. The phrase dates from the Dickensian era, perhaps a little earlier. Muck being farming slang for animal droppings used as fertilizer. However "Lord High Muck-a-Muck" is found in the Indiana County Gazette in 1891 combining the two expressions and bringing in to line the definitions.
A strange drawing found in Sinai could undermine our entire idea of Judaism - Israel News - ...
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 25, 2019:
Ashera worship was still going on in Nineveh at the time of Jeremiah and Jonah as both preached against worship of her, though in earlier times she had been the consort of YHWH and was a fertility godess, praised in the form of a long wooden phallic poles, that have been consistently discovered for decades despite the efforts of generations of male "holy" men to destroy them all.
Good word for me!
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 25, 2019:
Who’s your favorite scientist and why?
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 25, 2019:
Nikola Tesla fascinating man with a fascinating life, a dreamer and innovator.
Christian Preacher: I Might Treat My Haters to Dinner If They Didn’t Avoid Me | Hemant Mehta | ...
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 25, 2019:
OH look Greg Locke number two in the Make America Straight Again organization after pastor Steven "Every Gay deserves to die" Anderson. You could not pay me to share a meal with this filth, I would no more sit down to eat with this man that I would eat a sandwich in a sewage farm, however with a gun put to my head and forced to make a choice I would take the sewage farm, as it would make me feel less dirty.
Arguing with Religious ones
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 25, 2019:
If they are willing to actually discuss things yes, if they simply wish to ignore me and then preach at me no.
Sometimes Catholic life can be humorous.
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 25, 2019:
Holy inappropriate Batman!
Some theist clowns on Facebook were posting their usual religious bull shit, so I created this .
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 25, 2019:
All hail Porcthulu god of bacon and pig shit!
My father in law doesn't wish to be cremated because he fears it will be a problem when the rapture ...
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 25, 2019:
Comes from the old European belief that if you were being haunted by a deceased person, digging up their remains and burning them would banish the ghost, since there were no remains for it to rest in during the daylight hours.
Who was the nicest Christian you have met?
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 25, 2019:
Most Christians are nice until they start talking about Christianity, at which point most feel obliged to turn in to total arseholes.
A movie from 1981 predicts our current world. An excerpt follows. []
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 25, 2019:
My Dinner with Andre
EXCORIATE-- censure or criticize severely. in medicine, to damage or remove the surface of the skin
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 25, 2019:
Originally a simple synonym for flay, now better know for it's metaphorical application as a rhetorical device.
copacetic--varient meanings in different contexts--usually satisfactory & in good order, ...
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 25, 2019:
as has been pointed out the word seems to have no origin and appeared in the late 19th century. However it does seem to be a contraction of the Latin Copa (meaning Landlord, host or cup) and Acetum (meaning Soured or Vinegar) from which can be inferred "seasoned to taste" or "professionally made to taste better" which does fit with given meaning.
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 25, 2019:
One does not need to be a chef to know a good meal when presented with one, however it does make then claim more credible when the recommendation does come from one.
Camel's testicles bitten by woman at Louisiana truck stop petting zoo: authorities
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 25, 2019:
Oh Bollocks 😉😉😉
The Prorogation of Parliament by Boris Johnson was unlawful.
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 24, 2019:
Why then is this not Treason?
acumen, the ability to use good judgment & make quick decisions, particularly in certain domain
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 23, 2019:
A good word. Literally Latin for sharp.
This I think I have some skill at.
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 23, 2019:
I have never heard this definition before in Normanic French and modern German Balter or Bolter means Tramp or Hobo and is a derogatory contraction of balteniere which means pilgrim. It is possible that thee is a connection in the idea perhaps that traveling itinerant players dance like tramps rather than gentlefolk.
US university racism workshop returns, just NINE students come to learn about white privilege — RT...
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 23, 2019:
Yes guys come and spend a fun evening learning just how much of dick you are for choosing to be born the wrong colour and for having other dicks as ancestors. Gasp at the horror of how little melanin you have in your skin and learn to be ashamed of your angry worm of a willy. You'll love it guys come on... we have cake 😊😊😊😊😊😊
If you could quit your job and do whatever you wanted, what would you do?
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 23, 2019:
I did and I do, I look after my family, walk my dog and write.
Christ Calls Off Plans For Return After Realizing It’s Been So Long It’ll Be Weird Now
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 23, 2019:
He would come back but for some reason he has developed a pathological phobia of crosses and we keep sticking them up every blooming were.
To the former Scientologists out there.
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 22, 2019:
The main tenant of L Ron Hubbards gobbledygook is a variation on "Property and money are a burden, come unto me and I will lighten that burden." and "Oh by the way now you've given me all your money here is the big secret you'reall possessed by the ghosts of ancient aliens who will leave you alone if you all stop thinking so much"
Don’t you think it is wonderful how great literature allows you to sit in a comfy chair in the ...
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 22, 2019:
A beautiful sentiment
this "new" christianity is rather offensive
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 22, 2019:
Christians have been finding one another offensive since Paul punched Peter on the nose and told him "Shut the fuck up fish face"
Interesting Things That Don't Exist Physically - Language is imaginary.
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 22, 2019:
What a load of old cobblers.
Born-Again Christian Missionaries Are Setting Fire to Sacred Aboriginal Objects ...
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 22, 2019:
I can relate to this word.
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 22, 2019:
It is a made up word of indeterminate origin the first recorded use of which in Novemeber 2014 on a tweet linked to a reddit post saved by "Lisa Miller" via "Laura Frantz, Author" It is made up of the phonetic European pronunciation of the Latin Veri meaning Truth, Feste mean a feast or festival and the suffix -eria as in cafeteria meaning a place were something can be found. Werifesteria there for literally means "a place were can be found a feast of truth"
Psalm 18:18 (ESV) - Smoke went up from his nostrils, and devouring fire from his mouth; glowing ...
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 22, 2019:
Erm.... But He (god) said, “You cannot see My face, for no man can see Me and live!” – Exodus 33:20 almost looks like the Babble contradicts itself? That cannot be right can it?😵😳😲
Can you not foresee the onslaught of discrimination against Agnostics and Atheists that will occur ...
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 22, 2019:
Funny enough the last time I looked Race, Sex, Age, and Disability were not a choice Belief in a holy book and and an invisible deity IS a choice and so should not be subject to the same protections as natural states of affairs such as Race, Sex, Age, and Disability? If it is so what is to stop me from demanding non discrimination laws on the basis of political affiliation, allegiance to foot ball clubs, tattoos, and preference in food stuffs? You want to make new laws about discrimination then do it for recognized actual prejudices, such as height, red hair, facial disfigurement etc.
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 21, 2019:
All things green and smokable, all joints both great and small, all Joints rolled and tokable, the drug god made them all. Each little flower with opioids, each little 'shroom that brings, all those glowing colours, and the monkies that have wings. The bootlegger up the mountain, the speed freak running by, And cocaine in the morning, that brightens up the sky. Cold medicine in winter, and a little summer sun, Means PCP in the garden, God made them every one. The tall 'erb trees from Jamaica the Poppies of Asian lands, the Cocaine of south America, All made by God's own hands. All things green and smokable, all joints both great and small, all Joints rolled and tokable, the drug god made them all.
A String of Suicides Among High Profile Pastors: How Do We Make Sense of It? | Guest Contributor
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 21, 2019:
What a bullshit apologetic article. These guys like all of their ilk are shyster bunko booth charlatans and dream peddlers, they exploit the weak and desperate and steal from the gullible. I would lay money that each of them was about to exposed for some impropriety or another and took the cowards way out, or was murdered by an angry relative with the death made to look like suicide for the preservation of the reputation of the church. These men and it is mostly men have been riding the gravy train for centuries and the world is finally getting wise to them. Good riddance to human fith and scum and the best I can say is that if even one of them took his own life out of a sense of guilt and remorse then that was probably the only decent thing they ever did in their misbegotten waste of a life.
My partner says that my labeling religious people "delusional" (which has mental health ...
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 21, 2019:
Self Deluded rather than delusional, but I also prefer the term willfully ignorant.
Some weird stuff I remember about being raised a Catholic: seeing my first statue of St.
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 21, 2019:
I was raised to believe the catholic church was the great abomination by a Fanatical Salvation army mother who did not even like me associating with Catholic children. Yet exposed me from a young age to pictures of a broken and bloody Christ, graphic representations of Hell and the devil, told me stories of the torturous horrors that befell Satan worshipers honestly believing the night terrors, bad dreams and nervous disposition she was instilling to a four year old would save my soul for her god. The more I read of this sort of thing, catholic and protestant the more I become assured **Christianity is a death cult,** filled with blood worship, ritual cannibalism and monstrous mental abuse and sacred lies (That's before you get to the doctrinal physical abuse and the not so doctrinal sexual abuse.)
In my country of residence (India), a court of law requires the witnesses and the accused to take an...
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 21, 2019:
In the UK you can simply swear to tell the truth without the need for a magical tome. In India would probably ask for a copy of the Crimson Chronicles, the Necronomicon or the Libre Vermis if they could find one (good luck with that)
If you met Yahweh, what is the most important question you would ask him?
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 21, 2019:
Did you think that was funny you fucking cunt!?
How many have met Atheists with the same air of superiority that is often found in the religious?
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 21, 2019:
Everyone has the right to be an asshole, and every asshole has the right to be ignored.
James Robison: God Is Using Trump to Usher in 'The Greatest Spiritual Awakening in History' | Right ...
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 21, 2019:
Throughout history the only times that there are "Great Spiritual Awakenings" are in period of time when people are terrified, feel helpless and are so desperate they turn to god and start begging for forgiveness for they know not what. Unfortunately therefore the first sign of a Great Spiritual Awakening is the religitard morons start blaming the sinners, the heretics, the misbelievers and the disbelievers for angering their sky daddy and start culling them in the most horrific ways imaginable to turn away the wrath of their loving god. These fuckwits are so evil, exploitative, manipulative and amoral they make me want to throw up in shame at the barbarism of it all.
Why is it a faux pas to speak ill of the dead?
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 21, 2019:
***Because they might not rest easy and may come back to haunt you BoogaBoogaBoogaBoooo*** Some one stoopid enough to believe in heaven and hell has no problem believing in vengeful ghosts listening to your private conversations.
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 21, 2019:
One of the favourite words of my Great, Great Aunt
Christian Students Sue Chicago for the Right to Annoy Everyone Near The Bean ...
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 20, 2019:
There was the reverse problem last year in Hyde Park in London. Since it's opening about 200 years ago Hyde Park has had a public area known as Speakers corner where anyone can talk or preach about anything. However over time the corner has spread out and three years back there was a bi-law passed limiting Speaking, preaching, public prayer and proselyting back to the original area, for the comfort and convenience of all. However a local mosque took to publicly praying toward Mecca in the park. A 60 year old local woman (I can't recall her name right now Amy something I think) called the police and demanded they enforce the law. The Police refused and told her she would be arrested for inciting hatred if she did not leave at once, (when pushed the sergeant admitted to her moving them on would possibly have cause a riot or revenge attacks on the park). The Woman did and posted a video of the encounter on You Tube, the next day she was arrested for inciting race hatred, held in custody for a day and then released with a warning. The Mosque were told they could no longer pray in the park UNLESS they asked permission for an exception in future which London Mayor Sadiq Khan was happy to grant. This being an available option why did they not simply do this anyway. Apparently the Salvation army do this twice a year to play brass band music, which in my opinion is even worse being a LOT louder. EDIT I have tried to find the name of the woman but all You Tube Video's have been blocked her account has been suspended etc. So Sorry
Tinhorn “Tinhorn” referred to an unscrupulous, unskilled, self-important or low-class ...
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 20, 2019:
So a variation on "Tinpot"
Trump promotes false video of Rep. Omar | PBS NewsHour
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 19, 2019:
Am I reading this right was Rep. Omar dancing on her own? Or is this Bullshit saying she was the only one in the room dancing to celebrate sept 11th? Seriously this cancel/ find something to be offended at in every fucking thing Culture is beyond a joke, and the fact that idiotic ass biscuits are taking it seriously enough to threaten other People's lives is scary. How did we get to a place in the 21st century where people this fucking dumb!
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 19, 2019:
When I was a kid a Jube-jube was a frozen ice pop in the shape of a three sided pyramid. usually orange flavour, in later year they changed the name to Jubblies and introduced other flavours then eventually became sun lollies as the company changed hands and ending up part of Walls ice cream.
Florida man, woman caught having sex in police car after DUI arrests
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 19, 2019:
*"When I opened up the door to stop them, Aaron was naked and Megan had her pants down where her vaginal area was visible. I also observed her bra was halfway off and her breasts were fully visible." *
I was raised forced to go to church services, and this one old woman from my teen years still has my...
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 19, 2019:
That was pretty common at the C of E church I attended for a while. One Evangelical meeting I went to with a girl I was trying to impress had a Pastor who was fond of declaring that *"When that collection bag comes back I don't want to hear no chink, I want to hear it RUSSELL"* but the worst of all were the Mormons who made you fill in an offertory form, declaring the amount you were giving and signing it to promise it was ten percent of your gross income. Once a year you received a statement of tithing and and if it was not enough (in their opinion) a summons to the bishops office to explain why you were apparently on such a low wage or else were robbing god.
[] What exactly happened at the Triangle Shirtwaist fire. Who were the victims?
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 19, 2019:
In the mind of Trumpus Maximus these were the good old days, and they can't come back soon enough. Our glorious capitalist system held out till The Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 and the The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 but eventually had to give in to the damn namby pamby socialist and stop killing their workers.
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 18, 2019:
The man is a monster, a deranged sick monster. If I wrote things like this in to a script people would call it black comedy and comfort themselves by saying "It could never happen in real life" Well it is real life loath as I am to quote a prophet, this one seems apt *“A time is coming when men will go mad, and when they see someone who is not mad, they will attack him, saying, ‘You are mad; you are not like us.'” * St. Anthony the Great,
Censoring "hate speech": "while everything these groups say may be unpleasant and ugly, not ...
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 18, 2019:
The definition is to flexible, for me personally hate speech only becomes censurable when it begins to deliberately incite violence and that includes when religions and so called Holy books do it too.
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