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Couldn't be clearer. Thank you. 😆
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Nov 7, 2022:
With my ex it was finished and finished completely....
Fun - that's questionable. Please don’t lick the toads []
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Nov 7, 2022:
Only in Arizona are people stupid enough to lick a frog's ass to get high....
Listen, he is very good.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Nov 11, 2022:
Finding a pet that can save you money is a real feat these days....
Won the job on cutness alone.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Nov 12, 2022:
Annoying yappy little bastards are sure to keep the bad guys at bay....
I really don't miss hanging around with people that would spout stuff like this
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Nov 13, 2022:
In the words of an old Sgt Major I served under when some kid was threatening to jump off a 4 story barracks.... "Go ahead and jump mother fucker"
300 years from now
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Nov 13, 2022:
Is this the presidents shot for treason series bill?....
His fans demand it
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Nov 14, 2022:
In far better mental and physical health than some we could mention....
The Elon Musk Show BBC I-player Episode 1 ELON : "A company is a bunch of Vectors .
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Nov 14, 2022:
Elon Mush is just another rich carnival barker trying to fool the world into thinking he knows what he is talking about. He was born to money and so far gotten away with his scams no different than Trump, Bill Gates and many other of his type.
New career opportunities for brave dental staff at Metropolis Dental.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Nov 15, 2022:
I always found it amusing that a being as powerful as that was 6'2" and 190 pounds....
Hurry before it's gone...
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Nov 17, 2022:
In the other version of (Genesis2.1) creation they were both made at the same time out of dirt...
I bought a new hoover the other day.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Nov 18, 2022:
Hoover sucks....
Japan is good at these things
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Nov 20, 2022:
And trouble is two women under one roof....
Qatar is just taking management lessons from Musk
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Nov 20, 2022:
Using slave labor to build the world's most expensive soccer stadium ever and then piss people off...
I find it happening more and more
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Nov 20, 2022:
One day I needed some scotch tape and looked in the stationary section, when I couldn't find it I asked a stocker if they had any in back and he told me it was on the end cap of the potato chip isle.... He thought it was funny when I asked him what kind of moron thought that was actually a good idea...
Imagine an electric carving knife in the shower scene. Happy Thanksgiving, y'all!
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Nov 23, 2022:
Sending that one to a friend who just came home from visiting her narcissistic mother... You know the one I mean...
Happy Thanksgiving!!!!
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Nov 24, 2022:
Damn I never get that feeling in #1 anymore how come?...
Sometimes, you just have to knock it off.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Nov 26, 2022:
How come so many people are like #1?....
I'll let myself out....
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Nov 26, 2022:
Will somebody please lock that revolving door?....
That figures
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Nov 26, 2022:
Debunked.... Zuckerberg is a thief and a moron they couldn't be related....
Old habits die hard. In some cases, a LOT harder.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Nov 28, 2022:
I guess Greater Crater lived there....
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Nov 28, 2022:
Thanks .... now I think I will just go bash my head with a rock so I can erase those images from my mind....
Still getting the Xmas stuff unloaded.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Nov 29, 2022:
For Donald Christmas isn't all it is quacked up to be....
Heed, the word of the day...
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Nov 30, 2022:
People who only have their skin color to be proud of have nothing at all they should be proud of...
A first friendly warning
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Nov 30, 2022:
Not enough meat on that rat to make a decent tamale.....
Visiting down under? Be careful.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Dec 4, 2022:
Looks like a sign you would see in Floriduh....
The family is at the dining table.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Dec 7, 2022:
And that ain't all the priest did in the night.....
It's big in Texas
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Dec 7, 2022:
@MichelleGar1 are you sharing your birthday party pictures again?......
Loud and clear?
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Dec 7, 2022:
Nothing is ever clear to that narcissistic little twat.... He figures he can always buy his way through life because up until now it has always worked for him.
This really doesn't need a caption, but give it a try
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Dec 9, 2022:
Just his speed....
Ho H Ho, the Christmas is coming to town
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Dec 10, 2022:
Mmmmm chunky style...
Us white guys can frequently miss the obvious. Sorry.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Dec 10, 2022:
*snorts* New temp....
I hope I never get that old.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Dec 13, 2022:
With my knees I am already there....
Sound advice or just sounds like advice? :-D
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Dec 14, 2022:
Until the bus broke down huh?...
At least he went to the support group meeting.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Dec 16, 2022:
Santa is a stalker....
Father Pat was visited last night
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Dec 16, 2022:
There are times when I look at him and people like him and think to myself... "I would love to sew this jerks mouth to his/her asshole so the only one who had to deal with the shit spewing from his/her mouth is him/her..."
A dog with a bandage walks into a saloon.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Dec 18, 2022:
Poor son of a bitch... what a sorry tail.
I'll let myself out...
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Dec 18, 2022:
If there was such a thing I would probably be on my 5th or 6th right now....
Not sure where to put this.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Dec 19, 2022:
With luck the MAGAts will all stop marrying and reproducing....
Imagine that!!!
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Dec 21, 2022:
Worse things than soap he could have put in your mouth....
Persecution fetish 5. I went to Trump U
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Dec 26, 2022:
#13 She is an inbred moron with delusions of grandeur....
How does a hippie polygamist count his wives? 1 Mrs. Hippie, 2 Mrs. Hippie, 3 Mrs. Hippie...
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Dec 26, 2022:
Muddy waters there...
Those chapsticks always give me hives, anyway.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Dec 26, 2022:
There is always Dada and his baby sitter....
It looks like Mr. Tate has beaten out Elon for biggest dumb ass move of the year.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Dec 30, 2022:
Actually Tate was arrested for forming an organized crime group which involved human trafficking and rape along with his brother and another suspect if I am reading the report correctly.... Seems he was also running a scam school for crypto-currencies...
Be careful y'll
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Dec 31, 2022:
Like it or not in 26 hours it is here so make the best of it
Socially inept me: I might say 'Happy New Year' to strangers...
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Jan 1, 2023:
We aren't strangers here.... we are just strange.
You have the right to look away
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Jan 2, 2023:
Please stop posting pictures of your feet I am trying to eat this week...
Obituary printed in a Texas newspaper : The oldest cowboy in Texas died this week at the age of ...
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Jan 6, 2023:
Nitrocellulose based powders tend to do that....
Well THAT saved an embarrassing surprise.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Jan 8, 2023:
She will never complain about men with small dicks again...
Hope you all have a wonderful Wednesday!!!
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Jan 11, 2023:
Yeah I have hung out with stupid before.... got me a ex-wife and a lot of grief...
I seen lots of people wanting Trump locked up for documents so where are all the people wanting ...
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Jan 14, 2023:
Nice fake news outfit in Germany you get your misinformation from... You do realize that it is owned by Nazis right?....
For all you trekkies. 😁
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Jan 15, 2023:
Now there is the face that to launch a thousands ships.... To get as far away as possible from it.
You know they were fully loaded and running empty at the same time
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Jan 16, 2023:
Grease must have leaked out of the bags...
What the fking hell are they talking about?
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Jan 17, 2023:
Makes you wonder if they use a gas stove...
There were three couples, one elderly, one middle aged, and one newlywed, that wanted to join a ...
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Jan 18, 2023:
Save 10% by shopping together....
Quite plausible this, if he had any balls in the first place? :-D
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Jan 18, 2023:
If they had been any smaller she could have had them made into earrings...
A doctor was walking down the street one day when he noticed coming towards him one of his 85 year ...
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Jan 21, 2023:
At least he will die with a smile on his face not knowing if he is cumming or going....
That did not go well, slink slowly into the shadows
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Jan 25, 2023:
Be really bad if that naked dude was her brother or father...
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Jan 25, 2023:
A lot of poverty in the UK these days because of austerity politics which makes this un-amusing at best. BREXIT has hurt them badly and government cuts to the social safety net programs are really hurting the average guy while the rich are still doing better than ever. Sound familiar?
Looking for a bargain
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Jan 27, 2023:
Those are not the blood spatters you are looking for...
Fair and square. 😆
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Feb 6, 2023:
I can't understand how idiots keep trying to claim that people aren't willing to work when the real issue is they aren't willing to pay...
What's the difference between having sex with a prostitute, your girlfriend and your wife?
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Feb 10, 2023:
Times like that you wonder why get married...
With this I'll call it a night
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Feb 12, 2023:
Where is that vomit emoji you keep promising us?...
State of the nation. People are just trying to feed their families.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Feb 20, 2023:
Post a picture like that on your city's website and watch how fast they fill in those potholes....
He is not giving up
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Feb 20, 2023:
Yu would think he wood be smart enough to use a burner phone...
Sorry about that
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Feb 25, 2023:
Ahh so sad too bad the front and rear cameras were on.... Both Karma and technology can be bitches these days...
Now that's a game changer.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Feb 25, 2023:
Even if you don't smoke it yourself keep some around for her.... Always think of others it pays!
I used to struggle learning Roman numerals... Until I got to 159. Now it just CLIX
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Feb 25, 2023:
Many people struggle because some letters stand for more than one number and numbers can be written differently.... CLVIIII, CXXXXCIX
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Feb 26, 2023:
I just wish I had been afforded the opportunity...
Go Campbell's!
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Feb 27, 2023:
"Revenge is a dish that is best served cold..." And no it wasn't a Klingon... (Also known as a parody Russian.. Origin of this idiom The phrase revenge is a dish best served cold finds its origins in the mid 1800's from a text written by Eugene Sue called Memoirs of Matilda which was written in French and when directly translated actually reads revenge is good when eaten cold, so the vulgar folks say. “Revenge Is A Dish Best Served Cold” | What Does It Mean? - 7ESL
When "do it yourself" is the wrong approach. 😏
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Mar 2, 2023:
In his defense..... His sister never wore a bra....
Brothers, pay attention!
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Mar 2, 2023:
I would say who cares?...
Talk about a shitty job....
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Mar 4, 2023:
The wheels on the bus go.... shit.
That ain't right...
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Mar 5, 2023:
Problem is that people really are that dumb these days...
When your scam comes back and bites you in the ass! :D Self proclaimed "Jesus Christ" of Kenya ...
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Mar 6, 2023:
"If I had me a hammer....."
Kamala Babble
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Mar 6, 2023:
Not much has changed
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Mar 9, 2023:
A lot of times, religion boils down to practicality. And desperation.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Mar 12, 2023:
Must have heard him wrong....
More public Service announcements for you to use.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Mar 13, 2023:
Tried that on assbook but it backfired and I ended up with almost 4,000 followers in my friends list before I gave up....
The ducks are happy
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Mar 16, 2023:
Well all I can say to that is fuck a duck...
2 for the price of 1...
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Mar 24, 2023:
Take the whole box at once and you will know what "blow out" really means....
You will see clearly
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Mar 25, 2023:
Now that is an ad that will work...
Mine is one of those tough old houses. 😆
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Mar 25, 2023:
My house is 101 years old this year....
Poor guy can't catch a break
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Mar 29, 2023:
No wonder those poor guys look so exhausted just lying around all day...
Been in the hospital with my mom since Sunday! Hope everyone is having a good week!
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Mar 30, 2023:
Plasma torch.... Then send a bill for repairs to your floor...
I don't give them any more.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Apr 2, 2023:
I asked into that but it didn't seem worth the cost of hiring a truck when I didn't have any to transport...
That should turn a few heads. ;)
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Apr 2, 2023:
He must be a Karen....
Time to stop at the Gotham Corner Bodega on the way home.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Apr 3, 2023:
When you are at work in the middle of a busy day and your home is less than 4 blocks from the grocery store....
Never happened to me. cough
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Apr 3, 2023:
I never have to worry about forgetting where I parked my car,.... just my ebike...
We need a positive attitude
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Apr 5, 2023:
Sent this to a friend who lives in a city that has roads that keep getting blocked off for repairs yet when reopened seem to have the same potholes as before the street was blocked off.... What can I say a small corrupt town run by Republicans who have lots of money...
Happy Wednesday, hope you all have a great evening!
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Apr 5, 2023:
A Flintstones car....
An AI artist from India named Gokul Pillai created these images of how today's billionaires would ...
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Apr 9, 2023:
Charge them all with racketeering and this vision could become reality...
Your thoughts and prayers are not going waste
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Apr 11, 2023:
Gad I would hate to be an altarboy in that church...
Bless her heart!
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Apr 12, 2023:
Somebody isn't the brightest crayon in the box.... Seems to be one of the least bright ones in fact.
Women should not trust online dating
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Apr 14, 2023:
Nobody should trust it... This is your online girlfriend
It is springtime, they are looking for handouts.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Apr 18, 2023:
Boys helping at home
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Apr 22, 2023:
Looks like they need a better clothes washer...
Who would have thunk it...
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Apr 24, 2023:
Yeah that'll do it every time....
Good Morning!!! Hope everyone has a great day!
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Apr 26, 2023:
Yeah that would be both my cats they are hopeless cases when it comes to catnip...
Separating Facts About Clergy Abuse From Fiction
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Jun 9, 2019:
#1 False #2 It doesn't cause it but it makes it more likely to happen... #3 The only statement in this post that is completely factual... #4 Bullshit they still protect pedophile priests from the law...
Trump got a medal from the saudis in 2017.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Jun 9, 2019:
He only cares about the money he gets from them... McConnell is the same way...

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