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New scent in town....
CheshireWarcat comments on Oct 19, 2019:
With any luck the entire family will be executed on charges of high treason.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 19, 2019:
I have already stated that I will be happy to be a member of the firing squad.... First in line I hope...
New scent in town....
bookofmorons comments on Oct 19, 2019:
Eau d' sewer rat
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 19, 2019:
Sewer brat....
New scent in town....
KKGator comments on Oct 19, 2019:
She's so vile, and complicit.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 19, 2019:
So about those other fingers.....
glennlab comments on Oct 19, 2019:
Worst part of that comment, he was more qualified than most of the board members, Yale Law, a partner in one of one of the world's top legal firms, political connections, just to name a few. her qualifications got molested by her daddy.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 19, 2019:
You have to love the Trump family when it comes to shit like this they have raised stupid to an art.... Did you hear what Mattis had to say about Trump?.... "I earned my spurs in combat, Trump earned his in a doctor's note..."
So I guess, for my birthday, I’m going to get a curly straw stuck into me and all my blood will be...
KKGator comments on Oct 19, 2019:
I hate clowns. Creepy-ass fuckers.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 19, 2019:
Might as well pack up and go home
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Oct 18, 2019:
With the bullshit the NYT has been putting out lately they are now the FAUX news of the near right.....
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 18, 2019:
@altschmerz I suggested to them on Twitter that they need a name change to the "New York Slimes".... I don't think they like me...
Excellent question...
SiouxcitySue comments on Oct 18, 2019:
Not part of the plan. Gotta say this for god, he is not flexible.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 18, 2019:
Maybe he should take up Yoga....
Should be everyday
MsDemeanour comments on Oct 17, 2019:
oldmetalhead you look like Julian Assange until i clicked for a closer look.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 17, 2019:
@OldMetalHead It is if the DOJ mistakes you for him....
I might finally get the answer regarding which came first.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Oct 15, 2019:
Without a dildo how will you know which cums first?...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 15, 2019:
@noworry28 Others will think it ..... I don't give a fuck I just say it....
Sad but true
Cutiebeauty comments on Oct 15, 2019:
I'll kick an old white man right in the nuts!!
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 15, 2019:
Not me please....
Sad but true
GEGR comments on Oct 15, 2019:
Perfect description of All Republiturds .
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 15, 2019:
And some Democraps as well....
He took our jobs!
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Oct 14, 2019:
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 15, 2019:
@scurry I keep hoping that one day they will forget how to breathe....
Birth control in the bible belt....
glennlab comments on Oct 14, 2019:
Damn, 4 of you already stole all the good lines.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 14, 2019:
@glennlab Even "Redneck Velcro?....."
Birth control in the bible belt....
glennlab comments on Oct 14, 2019:
Damn, 4 of you already stole all the good lines.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 14, 2019:
@glennlab Just showing not ALL the good answers are taken....
Birth control in the bible belt....
glennlab comments on Oct 14, 2019:
Damn, 4 of you already stole all the good lines.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 14, 2019:
Also helps with bladder control issues....
He took our jobs!
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Oct 14, 2019:
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 14, 2019:
@scurry They actually had one of these Trumpanzees at one of his rallies before he got elected bragging about his "technology job" and when asked what it was he explained he drove around a Walmart parking lot as a security guard.... Just goes to show these assholes are so dumb they don't even know what a technology job is....
Since music seems popular tonight..... []
Pralina1 comments on Oct 14, 2019:
I loved him years ago and still love him . What a brain . What a creative man . ♥️♥️♥️
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 14, 2019:
I have the complete collection of his music...
When you are listening to a Trump speech and realize what this country needs....
Duchess comments on Oct 13, 2019:
I would like to be the first woman (maybe) to announce my thrill, joy and appreciation that it has finally become common to hear that men now consider some other men as cunts, instead of just those unfortunate women who are called cunts, whether they may or may not actually be cunts. Yay !
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 14, 2019:
@bobwjr So am I .... MAW where we used to call officers "Zeros"....
When you are listening to a Trump speech and realize what this country needs....
Duchess comments on Oct 13, 2019:
I would like to be the first woman (maybe) to announce my thrill, joy and appreciation that it has finally become common to hear that men now consider some other men as cunts, instead of just those unfortunate women who are called cunts, whether they may or may not actually be cunts. Yay !
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 13, 2019:
Can't Understand Normal Thinking...
Can this be real?
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Oct 13, 2019:
Christian music?....
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 13, 2019:
@Tomfoolery33 Looked them up.... A 1967 British Punk rock band noted for being one hit wonders.... Seems they were hungry in the 70s' when they did that one and tried the lounge circuit playing soul music....
Advanced auto maintenance tip....
Robecology comments on Oct 13, 2019:
Better yet....look in to an E.V.... Use this link to order it....get 2000 free supercharge miles...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 13, 2019:
Rather have one of these...
Today nearly every Republican sounds like a Nazi true believer but in 1940 they sounded more like ...
wordywalt comments on Oct 10, 2019:
Due to "leadership" by aggressive ideologue fools Gingrich, DeLay, Cruz, Jim Jordan, McConnel and other destructive people, the Republican Party has moved so far to the right that Today's morally and intellectually bankrupt Republican Party is unrecognizable when compared to th Party's honorable ...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 12, 2019:
@wordywalt My moral judgement is fine but yours is completely lacking. You only have "compassion" for the rich and none for those who need it.... That makes you as completely immoral as Trump....
A club far too many people today are members of if you ask me...
GEGR comments on Oct 12, 2019:
About it . Ignorance is bliss !
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 12, 2019:
Today nearly every Republican sounds like a Nazi true believer but in 1940 they sounded more like ...
wordywalt comments on Oct 10, 2019:
Due to "leadership" by aggressive ideologue fools Gingrich, DeLay, Cruz, Jim Jordan, McConnel and other destructive people, the Republican Party has moved so far to the right that Today's morally and intellectually bankrupt Republican Party is unrecognizable when compared to th Party's honorable ...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 11, 2019:
@wordywalt Telling the truth isn't an insult... So far you have expressed little more than a complete lack of real knowledge. You sound like a Liberty University student... Not unlike that pathetic woman calling herself "Kill the Sky Fairy" who \blocked me because she is a neo-con who can't reason successfully. The insistence of neo-cons that nobody in the DNC is a problem while only the GOP is ruining the country is a religion. It makes about as much of a match to reality as Scientology.
Today nearly every Republican sounds like a Nazi true believer but in 1940 they sounded more like ...
Killtheskyfairy comments on Oct 10, 2019:
Republicans have moved so far to the right that they dragged Democrats there to Republicans light.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 11, 2019:
@Killtheskyfairy Clinton signed North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) into law, along with many other free trade agreements. He also enacted significant welfare reform. His deregulation of finance (both tacit and overt through the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act) has been criticized as a contributing factor to the Great Recession.[2]
Today nearly every Republican sounds like a Nazi true believer but in 1940 they sounded more like ...
Killtheskyfairy comments on Oct 10, 2019:
Republicans have moved so far to the right that they dragged Democrats there to Republicans light.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 11, 2019:
@Killtheskyfairy If you really think Democrats did no wrong you are as religious as he is... The United States Revenue Act of 1964 (Pub.L. 88–272), also known as the Tax Reduction Act, was a tax cut act proposed by President John F. Kennedy, passed by the 88th United States Congress, and signed into law by President Lyndon B. Johnson.
Today nearly every Republican sounds like a Nazi true believer but in 1940 they sounded more like ...
Killtheskyfairy comments on Oct 10, 2019:
Republicans have moved so far to the right that they dragged Democrats there to Republicans light.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 11, 2019:
@Killtheskyfairy Denial of facts only leads to delusion... Look at St Sinner that guy is a religious nutbar who calls himself an atheist because he doesn't believe in the usual gods but has complete "faith" in idiotic and disproven ideas of a political and economic nature. He actually thinks that lowering taxes on the rich makes the economy better for everyone.... Since this has been over the years a complete and utter failure that even the IMF has admitted is nothing short of a crock of shit I co9nsider faith in Voodoo economics to be a religion.... Oddly the poor sod also believes that Warren is a Democrat and supports her unquestioningly even though many of her policies are not only to the right of Reagan but just more of the same stupid shit that created the mess we are in....
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Sep 19, 2019:
You want to talk "electability" then you need to watch the climate debate...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 11, 2019:
@St-Sinner Then you are an idiot.... Because unless major changes are made soon you the human race will be dead and buried and all the money you can print won't change that fact....
St-Sinner comments on Sep 21, 2019:
Peeps, here is the latest as of Saturday, September 21. According to the new CNN/Des Moines Register/Mediacom poll of likely Iowa caucusgoers. 1. Elizabeth Warren = 22% 2. Joe Biden = 20% 3. Bernie Sanders = 11% 4. Pete Buttigieg = 9% LOL... LOL.... LOL... LOL..... ...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 11, 2019:
@St-Sinner Polls of people using landline phones who are mostly White, over 50, and upper middle class who watch pundits on TV or read the NYT telling them what the want to hear makes for biased polls.... You know the type people like you....
Today nearly every Republican sounds like a Nazi true believer but in 1940 they sounded more like ...
Our_existence comments on Oct 10, 2019:
The Republican Party is dead. Buried. Gone. You can't raise the dead. tRumpthuglicans are NOT Republicans. They are NOT one in the same. Again, the Republican Party is dead. It died under Reagan.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 11, 2019:
@Freedompath It started long before that.... Read some real history McCarthy started this by waving a blank sheet of paper saying it was a list of communist radicals.... Sound like anyone we know?....
Today nearly every Republican sounds like a Nazi true believer but in 1940 they sounded more like ...
Killtheskyfairy comments on Oct 10, 2019:
Republicans have moved so far to the right that they dragged Democrats there to Republicans light.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 11, 2019:
@Killtheskyfairy Both sides are at fault... If you doubt me look at who wrote the "Clinton-Gingrich Welfare Reform Bill" also the problems started with JFK lowering the top tier tax rate to 70% to line his own pockets... Don't get me wrong he did a lot of good but that was the start of the fall of our economy.....
St-Sinner comments on Sep 21, 2019:
Peeps, here is the latest as of Saturday, September 21. According to the new CNN/Des Moines Register/Mediacom poll of likely Iowa caucusgoers. 1. Elizabeth Warren = 22% 2. Joe Biden = 20% 3. Bernie Sanders = 11% 4. Pete Buttigieg = 9% LOL... LOL.... LOL... LOL..... ...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 11, 2019:
@St-Sinner Not even close.... The DNC is faking those polls again just like they did in 2016 for Hillary....You brainwashed cucks for capitalism are screwing yourselves and hurting others with you....
Thank Facebook God for saying this...
Logician comments on Oct 11, 2019:
So, who here is giving half of their take home pay to the "disadvantaged" and homeless people? Anyone? Is there anybody keeping the grey beard above from becoming the next Bezos, except for himself? I didn't think so.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 11, 2019:
@Logician Rich people are not productive they steal from productive people...
Thank Facebook God for saying this...
Logician comments on Oct 11, 2019:
So, who here is giving half of their take home pay to the "disadvantaged" and homeless people? Anyone? Is there anybody keeping the grey beard above from becoming the next Bezos, except for himself? I didn't think so.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 11, 2019:
@Logician All your replies amount to is showing a complete lack of knowledge.... You just failed economics. I bet you are even thinking that businesses pay a tax on "income" like a person does right?... Fact is they only pay on profits not revenue... Also stock dividends and employ pay and benefits are all considered a cost of doing business which means they are not taxed as a part of the profits of a corporation. This means the lower the tax the corporation pays the more investors and employees get screwed.... Go to school and learn first because just spewing nonsense makes you look stupid...
Happy Genocidal Italian piece of shit day....
Sticks48 comments on Oct 10, 2019:
In my county, Hays County, Texas; they don't recognize Columbus Day. It is celebrated as Indigenous Peoples Day.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 11, 2019:
@Sticks48 @Sticks48 Stupid fucking people are the people who keep doing the same stupid shit and hoping it will make things better.... "Diehard Hillary Clinton supporters who still refuse to accept that the nomination race is over have given themselves a name, Pumas, and a logo that the in-house lawyers at the Puma sportswear brand might like to take a look at. In the network of blogs where the name originated, it stood for "Party Unity, My Ass!" - a defiant shout of opposition to the notion that they should fall silent in order to speed the healing of Democratic wounds. Now that the Pumas have formed their own fundraising committee, however, they seem to have had a change of heart. According to their site,, Puma stands for "People United Means Action", an exactly opposite sentiment, prompting the thought that if they don't iron out such inconsistencies in their message very soon indeed, there's a serious chance that Clinton might not be the next president."
Thank Facebook God for saying this...
Logician comments on Oct 11, 2019:
So, who here is giving half of their take home pay to the "disadvantaged" and homeless people? Anyone? Is there anybody keeping the grey beard above from becoming the next Bezos, except for himself? I didn't think so.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 11, 2019:
Stop using bullshit GOP talking points.... With deductions many people would see a reduction in taxes paid even the wealthy would do fine if instead of the "loot and scoot" program they run now they used the profits they make to build the economy by creating new jobs like they used to when the top tier tax bracket was 90%...
Happy Genocidal Italian piece of shit day....
glennlab comments on Oct 11, 2019:
My standard greeting for the day is Happy Native American genocide day.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 11, 2019:
I use that one for Thanksgiving....
Happy Genocidal Italian piece of shit day....
Sticks48 comments on Oct 10, 2019:
In my county, Hays County, Texas; they don't recognize Columbus Day. It is celebrated as Indigenous Peoples Day.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 11, 2019:
@Sticks48 You "know" that because that is one of many excuses that the DNC and Hillary have been using to pin the blame for their own criminality elsewhere.... People like me voted Green party hoping to get them matching funds. I am NOT a Democrat and haven't been one since the Clinton corporatist take over....
Happy Genocidal Italian piece of shit day....
Sticks48 comments on Oct 10, 2019:
In my county, Hays County, Texas; they don't recognize Columbus Day. It is celebrated as Indigenous Peoples Day.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 11, 2019:
@Sticks48 Stop blaming the wrong people... Many of them had had their votes thrown out or party affiliations illegally changed or in the case of New York been told they were purged from the voter rolls or a last minute rule change had made them ineligible to vote in the primaries... It wasn't "Sanders voters" it was the swing states Hillary ignored while kissing Wall Street ass to raise money and those swing voters said fuck you back because Trump made them promises he never intended to keep... You want real betrayal?... Hillary's PUMAs voted for McCai8n because they were upset a Black guy beat her in the primaries....
Happy Genocidal Italian piece of shit day....
Sticks48 comments on Oct 10, 2019:
In my county, Hays County, Texas; they don't recognize Columbus Day. It is celebrated as Indigenous Peoples Day.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 11, 2019:
@Sticks48 We have him because the DNC was more interested in keeping their billionaire donors happy than supporting the voters they depend on to get elected to office....
Happy Genocidal Italian piece of shit day....
Sticks48 comments on Oct 10, 2019:
In my county, Hays County, Texas; they don't recognize Columbus Day. It is celebrated as Indigenous Peoples Day.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 10, 2019:
Kind of hoping Bernie gets elected he has in the past supported changing Columbus day to Indigenous Peoples Day on a national level.... As you can tell from the post I do as well. Why the fuck does this country celebrate a guy who got lost and "discovered" San Salvador then torture and murder the inhabitants for not being able to bring him their weight in gold?...
Happy Genocidal Italian piece of shit day....
OldGoat43 comments on Oct 10, 2019:
Where did that come from?
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 10, 2019:
My Facebook page 2 years ago....
Today nearly every Republican sounds like a Nazi true believer but in 1940 they sounded more like ...
Our_existence comments on Oct 10, 2019:
The Republican Party is dead. Buried. Gone. You can't raise the dead. tRumpthuglicans are NOT Republicans. They are NOT one in the same. Again, the Republican Party is dead. It died under Reagan.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 10, 2019:
Credit where credit is due.... McCarthy was the author of its demise... Reagan furthered that goal and the Clintons pushed it over the edge by stealing the last of the moderates to become Democrats in the name of "centerism..."
Today nearly every Republican sounds like a Nazi true believer but in 1940 they sounded more like ...
wordywalt comments on Oct 10, 2019:
Due to "leadership" by aggressive ideologue fools Gingrich, DeLay, Cruz, Jim Jordan, McConnel and other destructive people, the Republican Party has moved so far to the right that Today's morally and intellectually bankrupt Republican Party is unrecognizable when compared to th Party's honorable ...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 10, 2019:
@wordywalt Too bad you learned nothing....
Today nearly every Republican sounds like a Nazi true believer but in 1940 they sounded more like ...
wordywalt comments on Oct 10, 2019:
Due to "leadership" by aggressive ideologue fools Gingrich, DeLay, Cruz, Jim Jordan, McConnel and other destructive people, the Republican Party has moved so far to the right that Today's morally and intellectually bankrupt Republican Party is unrecognizable when compared to th Party's honorable ...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 10, 2019:
@wordywalt I lived through the transition. McCarthy was a poison pill for the Republicans and started their drift to the right... JFK was the one who started the slow drift to the right for the DNC and Clinton was the one who finished the job.... If you doubt me read a r4eal history book....
Today nearly every Republican sounds like a Nazi true believer but in 1940 they sounded more like ...
silverotter11 comments on Oct 10, 2019:
WOW!! Can we have *him* run in 2020? Unbelievable where the republican party has gone. I have to blame the voter, I know way too many who refuse to vote for anything but a republican even when they know he is not the best choice.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 10, 2019:
@silverotter11 My father had a triple bypass and physically he neglected himself afterwards drinking too much and eating the wrong foods. He died 13 years later of another heart attack at 64 years of age. Bernie is in good shape for a man of his age and only needed a couple stints so likely he will live to be 100....
Today nearly every Republican sounds like a Nazi true believer but in 1940 they sounded more like ...
altschmerz comments on Oct 10, 2019:
Like you said below, Clinton did a lot of damage. I sure do love hearing liberals talk about how Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren are too far to the left. Between the centrists and the conservatives, I think the average American voter is extremely brainwashed – at best.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 10, 2019:
There is no such thing as a "centerist" those who call themselves that are to the right of Reagan in policies.
Today nearly every Republican sounds like a Nazi true believer but in 1940 they sounded more like ...
wordywalt comments on Oct 10, 2019:
Due to "leadership" by aggressive ideologue fools Gingrich, DeLay, Cruz, Jim Jordan, McConnel and other destructive people, the Republican Party has moved so far to the right that Today's morally and intellectually bankrupt Republican Party is unrecognizable when compared to th Party's honorable ...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 10, 2019:
Actually it is the reverse.... Under the Clintons the Democrats moved to the right of Reagan calling themselves "Centerists" in order to attract moderates from the Republican party. This was for thew sole purpose of attracting wealthy donors to the DNC. This left the GOP with no option but to became the party of right-wing extremism...
Today nearly every Republican sounds like a Nazi true believer but in 1940 they sounded more like ...
Killtheskyfairy comments on Oct 10, 2019:
Republicans have moved so far to the right that they dragged Democrats there to Republicans light.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 10, 2019:
Actually it is the reverse.... Under the Clintons the Democrats moved to the right of Reagan calling themselves "Centerists" in order to attract moderates from the Republican party. This was for thew sole purpose of attracting wealthy donors to the DNC. This left the GOP with no option but to became the party of right-wing extremism...
Today nearly every Republican sounds like a Nazi true believer but in 1940 they sounded more like ...
silverotter11 comments on Oct 10, 2019:
WOW!! Can we have *him* run in 2020? Unbelievable where the republican party has gone. I have to blame the voter, I know way too many who refuse to vote for anything but a republican even when they know he is not the best choice.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 10, 2019:
Check out Bernie Sanders.... They sound almost identical...
Thank Facebook God for saying this...
GEGR comments on Oct 10, 2019:
Enough of this Crazy Shit .
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 10, 2019:
Crazy shit is a guy making 150 million a DAY not only paying employees so little they need foodstamps, public housing assistance, and welfare then cutting their healthcare benefits so he can pocket more money and still not pay taxes...
Thank Facebook God for saying this...
SiouxcitySue comments on Oct 10, 2019:
I agree that his income is obscene, but the sheer chutzpah he exhibited when he started Amazon and kept it going at a loss for the first five years is truly motivational.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 10, 2019:
You might be surprised how much money you can pocket while "Operating at a loss..." Basic business accounting explains how it is done and the only people who lost were the people who invested in the start up then sold too soon...
She sure is
CommonHuman comments on Oct 9, 2019:
That is photoshop guys. Gravity exists, nothing that big is going to stay up and in that shape and squished together, especially without one hell of a bra.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 9, 2019:
@CommonHuman Likely they used PVC...
She sure is
CommonHuman comments on Oct 9, 2019:
That is photoshop guys. Gravity exists, nothing that big is going to stay up and in that shape and squished together, especially without one hell of a bra.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 9, 2019:
@CommonHuman Unless she used a credit card and turned them into plastic....
How our real allies get treated....
KKGator comments on Oct 8, 2019:
By the time this miserable scumbag is jettisoned, we won't have a single ally left. At least none that isn't a fucking dictator piece of shit.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 9, 2019:
@KKGator I am NOT a Democrat and I am NOT a liberal I AM a progressive and don't support the corporate owned conservatives of either party.... Especially the party of Adolph Trumpinsky... They don't represent us they only represent the wealthy, privileged , scumbags who are destroying this country and the world in the process...
How our real allies get treated....
KKGator comments on Oct 8, 2019:
By the time this miserable scumbag is jettisoned, we won't have a single ally left. At least none that isn't a fucking dictator piece of shit.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 9, 2019:
@KKGator The DNC is trying to force you into a choice between their corporate darlings Warren and Biden. I think you need to examine what these scum really stand for. Warren just paid the Working Families Party 40,000 to endorse her and now if you look at who their donors are it looks like a list of who is who on Wall Street. Bernie is the sole candidate who has NEVER sold out to corporate interests and NEVER will. This primary is turning into a circus of fraud just like it did with Clinton so think on this would you rather a candidate that fights for you or one who fights for the rich people donating to them?...
How our real allies get treated....
KKGator comments on Oct 8, 2019:
By the time this miserable scumbag is jettisoned, we won't have a single ally left. At least none that isn't a fucking dictator piece of shit.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 9, 2019:
@HippieChick58 Problem is that unless we get Sanders in office that is extremely unlikely...
Asking for a friend....
WonderWartHog99 comments on Oct 8, 2019:
## Even with a large screen monitor, I can only read the opening post leaving 90% of it unread.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 9, 2019:
I hate to ask but did you put on your glasses before reading it?...
From the part of the US that uses Budweiser as a substitute for baby formula...
GEGR comments on Oct 8, 2019:
Mississippi or Ala Fucking Bama ?
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 8, 2019:
Just think if the hydrogen bomb the Air Force dropped in the Gulf had detonated we would have been spared so many problems since 1958...
Asking for a friend....
Kynlei comments on Oct 8, 2019:
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 8, 2019:
Huh. Me too.
Logician comments on Oct 8, 2019:
If she's got the taters, I've got the steak!!
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 8, 2019:
Well hotdog....
Huh. Me too.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Oct 7, 2019:
I wonder how many people know she was a professional Dominatrix?... From his reputation she must have had him begging to "beat me baby make me write bad checks..." I found the poster of herself she used to sell at Trek conventions...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 8, 2019:
@Tomfoolery33 That poster signed by her is worth a small fortune today....
Hang in there baby....
altschmerz comments on Oct 7, 2019:
No Planned Parenthood in the area?
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 7, 2019:
No joy in Trumpville.... What gets me is how long it took for someone to get this one....
Watch yourselves on Facebook people....
bookofmorons comments on Oct 6, 2019:
I only have nutella - will it still work?
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 6, 2019:
Let me try this again. I made a rookie mistake 🥺. For any other Bernie and Breaking Bad fans.
brentan comments on Oct 6, 2019:
I think Bernie's health will do the deciding for him.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 6, 2019:
@brentan The real problem is centerist morons who believe every lie to corporate news spews.... That is what gave us a Trump presidency....
Watch yourselves on Facebook people....
ChurchLess comments on Oct 6, 2019:
And your source is........?
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 6, 2019:
Found it on Facebook so it must be true right?...
Let me try this again. I made a rookie mistake 🥺. For any other Bernie and Breaking Bad fans.
brentan comments on Oct 6, 2019:
I think Bernie's health will do the deciding for him.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 6, 2019:
His health is now better than ever...
Let me try this again. I made a rookie mistake 🥺. For any other Bernie and Breaking Bad fans.
BD66 comments on Oct 6, 2019:
Bernie's done.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 6, 2019:
A site in New Zealand that is used to predict financial markets?... That is a lot like asking Fox for News....
Remember don't take her to church....
scurry comments on Oct 3, 2019:
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 5, 2019:
Me when someone gets butthurt over one of my posts....
bookofmorons comments on Oct 5, 2019:
need to get a job at the F*ck it Institute
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 5, 2019:
Just so you all know...
Livinlife comments on Oct 5, 2019:
Well I'm offended! 😆
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 5, 2019:
Any opinions?....
Robecology comments on Oct 4, 2019:
Imagine if he died by being hung instead of crucified...all the Christians would be wearing tiny gold nooses?
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 5, 2019:
If you ever went to yours you probably agree...
SiouxcitySue comments on Oct 3, 2019:
Last one was my 50th. Too many old people there.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 3, 2019:
@Eirteacher Good.... They won't be trying to borrow money from me then will they?...
If you ever went to yours you probably agree...
Cutiebeauty comments on Oct 3, 2019:
I was home schooled
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 3, 2019:
Some homeschooling plans do have "reunions" though why anyone would want to meet up with a bunch of strangers who just happened to graduate from the program the same year you did I can't understand... I do admit to attending reunions on a daily basis though with three of the people I liked best in school.... Me, Myself, and I...
If you ever went to yours you probably agree...
SiouxcitySue comments on Oct 3, 2019:
Last one was my 50th. Too many old people there.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 3, 2019:
6 more years before I hit that mark and if I did show up I might be the only one there...
If you ever went to yours you probably agree...
KKGator comments on Oct 2, 2019:
Have no intention of ever going to a reunion. I don't want to see any of those people ever again. Couldn't wait to get the hell out of that town as soon as I graduated. Never went back.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 2, 2019:
I wouldn't mind looking up some of them after they die so I can piss on their graves but other than that?... I will take a pass...
If you ever went to yours you probably agree...
GEGR comments on Oct 2, 2019:
It's almost as painful as the High School Years .
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 2, 2019:
My high school years were far more painful for teachers, administrators, and the stupid assholes who thought they were the cool kids.... One time it seems someone actually super-glued the doors of a classroom shut.... With the students and teacher inside.... I was elsewhere at the time and had more than a dozen witnesses to prove it....
wink wink
Cutiebeauty comments on Oct 1, 2019:
Oooo... He said a bad word 🤣🤣
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 1, 2019:
Probably because he got turned on....
That is one of the few good decisions they make.
Sticks48 comments on Sep 30, 2019:
Okay I will. The South is full of ignorant, racist, inbred, Christian nut job, rednecks. :)
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 1, 2019:
@noworry28 Try CA our weather here is much nicer....
Not so great stuff..
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Sep 30, 2019:
Since that stuff comes with a tube that attaches to the spray head she is just lucky she didn't mistake it for a douche....
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 1, 2019:
@mistymoon77 Even worse that stuff expands when it dries so it would look like she has a third leg....
Came across this nugget in my collection. Time to trot it out again!!! currentmood :D
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Sep 30, 2019:
That would be me if I ever had to talk to Trump...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 30, 2019:
@KKGator Ever seen some break a concrete block with their fist?... I could do that at 12 without hurting my hand at all. If you have to go to jail you might as well make it worth the trip right?...
Came across this nugget in my collection. Time to trot it out again!!! currentmood :D
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Sep 30, 2019:
That would be me if I ever had to talk to Trump...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 30, 2019:
@KKGator Oh and I need to have it rebroken and set anyway so the bones heal right so I wouldn't have to worry about pulling the punch either....
This is one voucher I won't lose
bookofmorons comments on Sep 30, 2019:
don't suppose you can pay by tap though
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 30, 2019:
Depends on what kind of tap you are talking about...
One for all mothers and particularly new ones-
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Sep 30, 2019:
The main course and dessert were even better...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 30, 2019:
@FrayedBear Some people have no sense of humor.... Sad for them they miss so much in life because of their disability....
I can't argue
WonderWartHog99 comments on Sep 28, 2019:
## I reman astonished with people that say the Old Testiment has nothing to do with New Testiment.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 30, 2019:
@WonderWartHog99 It is after all my time to waste.... On my side at least and they get so upset I get the pleasure of informing them that their faith must be a very fragile thing to be so easily bruised... Also it is tacky on their part to pushing their delusional beliefs on others...
Don't forget to take your vitamins....
OldGoat43 comments on Sep 29, 2019:
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 29, 2019:
@OldGoat43 I have a hi-res 27 inch myself but when prices go down I want to get a 50 or 60 inch one for the livingroom....
Don't forget to take your vitamins....
OldGoat43 comments on Sep 29, 2019:
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 29, 2019:
@OldGoat43 Most people take a minute or two to see beyond the foreground of the cartoon...
Don't forget to take your vitamins....
OldGoat43 comments on Sep 29, 2019:
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 29, 2019:
So how long did it take you to figure this one out?...
I can't argue
WonderWartHog99 comments on Sep 28, 2019:
## I reman astonished with people that say the Old Testiment has nothing to do with New Testiment.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 29, 2019:
@WonderWartHog99 I just give a short history lecture and tell them that they are too stupid to know fact from fiction....
Glad mine is attached
bookofmorons comments on Sep 29, 2019:
Don't recall that model
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 29, 2019:
The first ones made were simply pieces that you attached to a real potato.... After they added the plastic body the toy could no longer reproduce itself and needed help....
I can't argue
WonderWartHog99 comments on Sep 28, 2019:
## I reman astonished with people that say the Old Testiment has nothing to do with New Testiment.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 29, 2019:
@WonderWartHog99 I tend to laugh at people who say that the Quran is unrelated to the bible....
The danger of playing with balls...
SiouxcitySue comments on Sep 28, 2019:
Everybody likes a little ass, but nobody likes a smartass.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 28, 2019:
Some people like a smartass but nobody likes a dumbass...
The way it really works...
CommonHuman comments on Sep 28, 2019:
Accurate! Reading a variety of 'holy' books is definitely what made me atheist.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 28, 2019:
For me that variety was The Bible Greek and Roman Mythology Egyptian Mythology Norse Mythology...
glennlab comments on Sep 27, 2019:
for a few more hours.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 28, 2019:
@glennlab No it was just after 6 PM here when I replied.... I just made an error in math it would have been a bit more than 5 hours left I have just had a lot of difficulty today functioning because of the stress I am under right now. Stress causes me to have difficulty with otherwise simple functions because of my PTSD... Sorry my answer mislead you in part but it seems you assumed the time you read my reply was the time it was made.
glennlab comments on Sep 27, 2019:
for a few more hours.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 28, 2019:
@glennlab It is now 9:34 PM here where I live in Southern CA.... Why the fuck would you think I live in Guam?...
glennlab comments on Sep 27, 2019:
for a few more hours.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 27, 2019:
11 hours and 13 minutes here...
Someone I know is really into the TV show "Walking Dead" and I figured on getting them an action ...
bookofmorons comments on Sep 27, 2019:
too soon
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 27, 2019:
Never too soon....
Just when you thought they had reached the depths of stupidity and couldn't dig in any deeper.
Diogenes comments on Sep 27, 2019:
Ya, the "Dr"! It's VERY scary when morons do a thesis on applied stupidity.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 27, 2019:
Makes you wish that UFO would get back to pick up these morons doesn't it?
Too good not to share...
SiouxcitySue comments on Sep 26, 2019:
I particularly like his hands in this meme, but I believe even one of them is larger than his brain.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 27, 2019:
Hell even his pinky is bigger than that.... And according to Stormy Daniels his winky is smaller than his pinky....
New child safety tip....
Livinlife comments on Sep 26, 2019:
Priest deterrent?
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 26, 2019:
I suppose it could work for that as well....

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