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Why do I hear Julie Andrews singing in the background "These Are A Few of my Favorite Things?..."
pamagain comments on Jan 13, 2024:
What was burning in St. Petersburg? They have some wonderful palaces, churches, etc.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Jan 14, 2024:
@pamagain That art only perpetuates religion....
The joy of military service.... []
Castlepaloma comments on Jan 14, 2024:
I can't imagine joy and happiness in a place that is hell on earth
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Jan 14, 2024:
Mainly because you are not man enough to ever have learned the truth....
You know that has to hurt..... []
pamagain comments on Jan 13, 2024:
Wonder if Melania's planning on an exit left?
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Jan 14, 2024:
@pamagain When you said "they would pay big bucks..." Face it if they were smart enough to have any bucks they wouldn't be MAGA parasites... To them big bucks is the thousand bucks they pay for that cheap ass M-16 knock off so they can go get lunch at some cheap diner "and feel safe..." Probably had to save up for a year to buy that sucker and another month to afford that happy meal lunch....
Why do I hear Julie Andrews singing in the background "These Are A Few of my Favorite Things?..."
pamagain comments on Jan 13, 2024:
What was burning in St. Petersburg? They have some wonderful palaces, churches, etc.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Jan 14, 2024:
@pamagain Oh I just looked up the warehouse size and it is 50 square kilometers.... all burned to the ground...
Why do I hear Julie Andrews singing in the background "These Are A Few of my Favorite Things?..."
pamagain comments on Jan 13, 2024:
What was burning in St. Petersburg? They have some wonderful palaces, churches, etc.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Jan 14, 2024:
@pamagain I am not a "fan of war" but neither do I feel that it should be something to "avoid at all costs" and I am defiantly not tolerant of of either religions or totalitarian governments as both only exist to accrue more power at whatever cost in human lives. I feel the best result is to fight against both until like Russia is doing not they eliminate themselves. Churches no matter how pretty are still symbols of their power so them being destroyed only brightens my day. If the Vatican collapsed and sank into the ocean tomorrow I would only feel the world was left a better place for everyone to live. Fuck all religion and symbols of religion...
Why do I hear Julie Andrews singing in the background "These Are A Few of my Favorite Things?..."
pamagain comments on Jan 13, 2024:
What was burning in St. Petersburg? They have some wonderful palaces, churches, etc.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Jan 14, 2024:
@pamagain They have no culture they are all animals and as for the art.... it should be confiscated and given to Ukraine with every dime Putin and his scumbag plutocrats have so they can spend the next 50 years living in mud hovels so they can dig their way back and start a real civilized country.... I am sick of their priests "blessing" weapons to be used against Ukraine and the churches hiring mercenaries as well as training them in their churches to loot, rape and torture civilians in the "holy name of god and Russian "civilization...""
You know that has to hurt..... []
pamagain comments on Jan 13, 2024:
Wonder if Melania's planning on an exit left?
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Jan 14, 2024:
@pamagain Only a complete fool works for a Trump on "contingency..." and only a fool would want the wife of the biggest loser felon as "arm candy..."
I can't wait. []
glennlab comments on Jan 13, 2024:
It's so cold Ted is flying south.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Jan 13, 2024:
@Betty Long overdue...
Sometimes I wish QANON would start a conspiracy theory that the reason Fentanyl is listed as a ...
pamagain comments on Jan 13, 2024: cures impotence/baldness/pale facial skin?????
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Jan 13, 2024:
@pamagain Not from what the women he has been with are saying... The only thing big about him is the load in his diapers...
You know that has to hurt..... []
pamagain comments on Jan 13, 2024:
Wonder if Melania's planning on an exit left?
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Jan 13, 2024:
@pamagain She has to pay that ghostwriter up front and I doubt she will make that much money working the street....
Why do I hear Julie Andrews singing in the background "These Are A Few of my Favorite Things?..."
pamagain comments on Jan 13, 2024:
What was burning in St. Petersburg? They have some wonderful palaces, churches, etc.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Jan 13, 2024:
@pamagain I don't The Russians need to lose everything they have just as they have destroyed so much of what Ukraine has... And since they are doing it to themselves I find it only fitting. Fuck their churches the world is better off without them.
Why do I hear Julie Andrews singing in the background "These Are A Few of my Favorite Things?..."
pamagain comments on Jan 13, 2024:
What was burning in St. Petersburg? They have some wonderful palaces, churches, etc.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Jan 13, 2024:
Russia's most wealthy woman's investment called "Wildberries" which is their entire warehouse of online merchandise including not only clothes but food.... And that was a HUGE warehouse probably a couple square kilometers in size... Besides with all the beautiful buildings the Russians have destroyed in Ukraine it would only be karma if they lost all of theirs...
Sometimes I wish QANON would start a conspiracy theory that the reason Fentanyl is listed as a ...
pamagain comments on Jan 13, 2024: cures impotence/baldness/pale facial skin?????
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Jan 13, 2024:
Don't forget Small Penis Syndrome...
You know that has to hurt..... []
pamagain comments on Jan 13, 2024:
Wonder if Melania's planning on an exit left?
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Jan 13, 2024:
@pamagain She might be able to get away with that is she is smart enough to think of that dodge but so far she doesn't impress me as someone who makes smart choices...
You know that has to hurt..... []
pamagain comments on Jan 13, 2024:
Wonder if Melania's planning on an exit left?
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Jan 13, 2024:
@pamagain Well when you take into account who they are breeding with now....
You know that has to hurt..... []
pamagain comments on Jan 13, 2024:
Wonder if Melania's planning on an exit left?
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Jan 13, 2024:
@pamagain No doubt he had her sign an NDA....
I can't wait. []
glennlab comments on Jan 13, 2024:
It's so cold Ted is flying south.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Jan 13, 2024:
@Betty Hopefully every civilized state and country will soon ban him from their territories....
I can't wait. []
glennlab comments on Jan 13, 2024:
It's so cold Ted is flying south.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Jan 13, 2024:
How come the bird brains always fly south for the winter?...
You know that has to hurt..... []
pamagain comments on Jan 13, 2024:
Wonder if Melania's planning on an exit left?
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Jan 13, 2024:
@glennlab And Leticia James is a much better attorney than anyone he has ever employed...
You know that has to hurt..... []
pamagain comments on Jan 13, 2024:
Wonder if Melania's planning on an exit left?
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Jan 13, 2024:
@glennlab If they were started after the NY trial started those trusts are invalid due to the court order invalidating Trump, his companies, or his co-defendants from transferring any of his or their wealth... and all his properties were in NY LLCs and corporations...
You know that has to hurt..... []
pamagain comments on Jan 13, 2024:
Wonder if Melania's planning on an exit left?
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Jan 13, 2024:
@glennlab, @pamagain I think she made a very bad investment she would have been better off if she had just kept hooking and doing porn...
You know that has to hurt..... []
pamagain comments on Jan 13, 2024:
Wonder if Melania's planning on an exit left?
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Jan 13, 2024:
@glennlab Won't do her a damned bit of good once he is penniless and in prison now will it?....
Everybody knows, ya know...
glennlab comments on Jan 13, 2024:
You know that cajun one was going to get a rise out of me.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Jan 13, 2024:
The Budlight tap shows just how bad their taste really is...
You know that has to hurt..... []
pamagain comments on Jan 13, 2024:
Wonder if Melania's planning on an exit left?
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Jan 13, 2024:
Since she hasn't been around lately it seems like she already has taking whatever she can grab on her way out the door...
You know that has to hurt..... []
Betty comments on Jan 13, 2024:
How lovely it would be to see all his accounts go down to zero.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Jan 13, 2024:
They are heading that direction fast.... I find it extremely funny....
Republican politics explained...
Castlepaloma comments on Jan 11, 2024:
Why are so many liberals such Dumb narrative sheep? Moral of the story,. People are better off staying away from predators wolves , sheep and especially Politicians
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Jan 13, 2024:
@fishline79 He never will either.... He is far too delusional and refuses to accept reality it is all about his political/religious cult beliefs....
Religion is the root of all evil...
Castlepaloma comments on Jan 13, 2024:
What is the root of all evil? Money or Satan?
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Jan 13, 2024:
@Betty Forget him he is far too much an idiot to ever realize he is a member of the conservative political/religious cult....
Yea the world can see this bullshit.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Jan 13, 2024:
Yes you are a member of a religious cult and are just too stupid to realize it....
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Jan 13, 2024:
@Castlepaloma Here you go again leaking your stupid religious beliefs....
Have chills and now have cough! FML!!!!
glennlab comments on Jan 11, 2024:
Girl take care of yourself, the crap is going around.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Jan 12, 2024:
@michelle666gar No problem just remember to keep your vaccinations up to date as well so it will be the stupid anti-vaxxers that vote Republican that die off...
Have chills and now have cough! FML!!!!
glennlab comments on Jan 11, 2024:
Girl take care of yourself, the crap is going around.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Jan 12, 2024:
@michelle666gar, @glennlab This seller has a decent price with free shipping...
Have chills and now have cough! FML!!!!
glennlab comments on Jan 11, 2024:
Girl take care of yourself, the crap is going around.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Jan 12, 2024:
@michelle666gar I always wear a mask when I go out I bought a case of 1,000 KN 95 masks on Ebay for 60.00 a while back I would suggest you do the same... At the price that is cheap health insurance.
Exactly the sort of behavior that ensures the judge is going to throw the book at you Karen.
Switchcraft comments on Jan 12, 2024:
By going against an agreement between the court and him, surely this is at least contempt of court.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Jan 12, 2024:
@ThinkingFree Dog knows I would have been... This is the real problem with our so-called "justice system" Right now nearly half of congress in both houses are according to the 14th amendment disqualified from holding any office be it state or federal, elected or appointed as well as several on the US Supreme Court... Yes the 14th amendment includes the judiciary.
Some of these are so,... Lets try tasteless and mean
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Jan 12, 2024:
My father told me regular coffee would stunt my growth and kill me young.... He drank decaf and died of a massive heart attack at 64 years of age. I am 5' 10 and still going strong at 65 and will be 66 at the beginning of March... Fuck decaf...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Jan 12, 2024:
@glennlab Tastes nasty to me... FYI remember the old "Sanka" instant decaf?... They found out the processing they used to remove the caffeine was leaving heavy metals in the coffee... When I pointed that out to my father he stopped drinking that brand. I was still in High School and he didn't believe me at first and it took me weeks to track down the evidence because there wasn't an Internet yet and computers were programmed using AJS code on punch cards...
Exactly the sort of behavior that ensures the judge is going to throw the book at you Karen.
Switchcraft comments on Jan 12, 2024:
By going against an agreement between the court and him, surely this is at least contempt of court.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Jan 12, 2024:
He doesn't have to agree... Just the behavior in itself is contempt. After the judges warning that nails it down as contempt.
Latest US presidential election development
Mooolah comments on Jan 11, 2024:
He's the only one with stones big enough to go after President Pud. I will miss his come backs.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Jan 12, 2024:
@Mooolah Eight years late.... Eight years ago he was Adolph Shitler's biggest fanboy...
Republican politics explained...
racocn8 comments on Jan 11, 2024:
Heavy irony that the Evangelicals should engage in the definition of a faustian bargain where they inflict their sexual repression on everyone else in exchange for embracing the devil.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Jan 11, 2024:
This is exactly why I am an anti-theist...
Republican politics explained...
Castlepaloma comments on Jan 11, 2024:
Why are so many liberals such Dumb narrative sheep? Moral of the story,. People are better off staying away from predators wolves , sheep and especially Politicians
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Jan 11, 2024:
You are exactly the type of person that little girl can't believe is so dumb.... But you do manage don't you?...
Have chills and now have cough! FML!!!!
glennlab comments on Jan 11, 2024:
Girl take care of yourself, the crap is going around.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Jan 11, 2024:
@glennlab Right now it is 1500 a week dead from COVID... They are saying there is 2 million cases a week and "only 90 per million are being hospitalized..." My three next door neighbors just tested positive for COVID so keep in mind that it is going to get worse.
From me to all of you....
annewimsey1 comments on Jan 10, 2024:
I just signed up for an Adult Education offering, Arabic Language classes....I have always been curious about it, even the weird lettering....looking forward to knowledge!!! Get out there and look, there is more stuff than I have the energy for!!!!!
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Jan 11, 2024:
@annewimsey1 I hope to wrangle enough range space to get an Olympic size range going which is 70 meters...
Only someone brain damaged beyond redemption could possibly believe this shit.
glennlab comments on Jan 10, 2024:
I saw this with no comments, and thought oh fuck another site glitch
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Jan 11, 2024:
I am looking forward to her filing a defamation lawsuit against Fox for this one... That should put the final nail in their coffin.
From me to all of you....
annewimsey1 comments on Jan 10, 2024:
I just signed up for an Adult Education offering, Arabic Language classes....I have always been curious about it, even the weird lettering....looking forward to knowledge!!! Get out there and look, there is more stuff than I have the energy for!!!!!
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Jan 10, 2024:
I am going to contact the city parks and recreation department here to see if they would like a qualified instructor for archery classes this summer.
Only someone brain damaged beyond redemption could possibly believe this shit.
glennlab comments on Jan 10, 2024:
I saw this with no comments, and thought oh fuck another site glitch
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Jan 10, 2024:
Yes it is biased towards conservative treason weasels isn't it?...
When you are the ruler of a superpower and you can't keep the heat on so they light your nephew's ...
glennlab comments on Jan 10, 2024:
I wonder if he did something to piss off Uncle Putie?
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Jan 10, 2024:
When you are the ruler of a superpower and you can't keep the heat on so they light your nephew's ...
glennlab comments on Jan 10, 2024:
I wonder if he did something to piss off Uncle Putie?
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Jan 10, 2024:
Could be but more likely the people saw an opportunity to pay Putin back for freezing them...
Was the most popular toy for the holidays. Did you miss it?
glennlab comments on Jan 10, 2024:
Most popular toy for whom?
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Jan 10, 2024:
I wish Trumpy's mom had stuck with one of those...
Poor Greta.
Betty comments on Jan 10, 2024:
The story just points out that there are no easy solutions.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Jan 10, 2024:
No it spreads a false narrative that there are no solutions...
Poor Greta.
vinci88 comments on Jan 10, 2024:
Possibly the best narrative I ever read to illustrate this individuals economically disastrous preposterous ideas. The more the US tries to alleviate itself of the usage of fossil fuels and its byproducts the more we have to rely on the most polluting countries for reasons that are obvious.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Jan 10, 2024:
Your ignorance is astounding.... We already have many alternatives to oil that are better.
Michelin baby and family dog
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Jan 9, 2024:
Where is the other parent?...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Jan 9, 2024:
@Betty Now it is you being mean...
Michelin baby and family dog
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Jan 9, 2024:
Where is the other parent?...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Jan 9, 2024:
@Betty I prefer to be called observant and sarcastic.... From the cleavage I would guess that is mom...
Michelin baby and family dog
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Jan 9, 2024:
Where is the other parent?...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Jan 9, 2024:
@Betty Like the proud parent in the picture?...
I know kinky but this confused me.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Jan 8, 2024:
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Jan 8, 2024:
@Betty Kind of the point...
Ring a bell, anyone? Part two of clearing out some backlog.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Jan 8, 2024:
I want one of those statues with Putin on one side and Jebus on the other with a small Donnie Dumbass in the middle dressed as Mickey Mouse....
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Jan 8, 2024:
@zeuser Do another with DeSatan in the middle and send it to him.... Hopefully he would have a stroke over it...
I was born in the wrong hemisphere.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Jan 7, 2024:
Latitude.... I am in the same hemisphere and it is a lot warmer here...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Jan 7, 2024:
@Betty With all the brain frozen Trumpanzee morons up there? No thanks unless I can get a hunting license with no bag limit...
I was born in the wrong hemisphere.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Jan 7, 2024:
Latitude.... I am in the same hemisphere and it is a lot warmer here...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Jan 7, 2024:
@Betty No thanks... I will just wait for the weather to warm up.
I was born in the wrong hemisphere.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Jan 7, 2024:
Latitude.... I am in the same hemisphere and it is a lot warmer here...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Jan 7, 2024:
@Betty With my luck it would turn me orange and they would mistake me for Donnie Dumbass....
I was born in the wrong hemisphere.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Jan 7, 2024:
Latitude.... I am in the same hemisphere and it is a lot warmer here...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Jan 7, 2024:
@Betty Not enough sun this winter...
I was born in the wrong hemisphere.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Jan 7, 2024:
Latitude.... I am in the same hemisphere and it is a lot warmer here...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Jan 7, 2024:
@Betty They would likely be watching me because a White American living there would in their minds be a guy in the drug trade...
I was born in the wrong hemisphere.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Jan 7, 2024:
Latitude.... I am in the same hemisphere and it is a lot warmer here...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Jan 7, 2024:
@Betty I don't need the cartels down there kidnapping me for ransom and finding out I don't have any money...
I was born in the wrong hemisphere.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Jan 7, 2024:
Latitude.... I am in the same hemisphere and it is a lot warmer here...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Jan 7, 2024:
@Betty Much further south and I would be living in Mexico... No thanks.
I was born in the wrong hemisphere.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Jan 7, 2024:
Latitude.... I am in the same hemisphere and it is a lot warmer here...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Jan 7, 2024:
@Betty Been there and done that as a kid during my hiking days... Living a life like that is not what I want in my future...
I was born in the wrong hemisphere.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Jan 7, 2024:
Latitude.... I am in the same hemisphere and it is a lot warmer here...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Jan 7, 2024:
@Betty No but if the weather systems keep getting worse in winter I am going to start looking for some soon...
I was born in the wrong hemisphere.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Jan 7, 2024:
Latitude.... I am in the same hemisphere and it is a lot warmer here...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Jan 7, 2024:
@Betty Better get yourself some electric underwear...
I was born in the wrong hemisphere.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Jan 7, 2024:
Latitude.... I am in the same hemisphere and it is a lot warmer here...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Jan 7, 2024:
@Betty It is 48F here right now and for me that is cold...
A smattering of New Year BS
michelle666gar comments on Jan 6, 2024:
Yup, that's me! Fighting you in front of the cops with one titty out but no tequila needed! 😂😂😂
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Jan 6, 2024:
Remember to have someone record that so you can post it here...
Regarding the use of bananas, the witches opinions were split.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Jan 5, 2024:
Trident not pitchfork...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Jan 6, 2024:
@Betty Anything that exerts control religion will do no matter how much it hurts people...
Regarding the use of bananas, the witches opinions were split.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Jan 5, 2024:
Trident not pitchfork...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Jan 5, 2024:
@zeuser No I am thinking of Greek and Roman mythology as well as weaponry in that part of the world... Also the church invented the devil for the express purpose of maligning other gods...
It's already Thursday?!?!
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Jan 4, 2024:
We need to send that one on eggs to the Russians they are shitting bricks because of egg prices over there... "Religion always has the deadliest punch..." Me My cats are always waiting for me at the front door as I come in...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Jan 4, 2024:
@michelle666gar One reason I love having cats.... They don't know or care where you go, they don't understand why you have to go, but they are always happy when you return... Also about the eggs the Russian population in addition to rioting because they are getting so scarce and expensive along with the high tax Putin has put on them but as I understand the Black market for them has exploded and people caught buying or selling black market eggs are getting up to 7 years.... serial killers and cannibals only get 15 or 20 there...
So @jeshuey has me blocked now for pointing out that being a Libertarian is the same as being a ...
Grinch1970 comments on Jan 3, 2024:
When a Libertarian candidate isn’t on a the ballot, they always seem to vote Republican.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Jan 4, 2024:
Because they are stupid and pathetic fools ....
Butt, butt.....
Betty comments on Jan 2, 2024:
Toy horses??? Why??? 😲 Funny set. Thank you. :)
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Jan 3, 2024:
@Betty Had to be a lot less painful that a bamboo chopstick...
Been super stressed out lately but here's some much needed laughs! 🌹😂🤣🌹🥂🍻
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Jan 3, 2024:
Aliens take me away.....
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Jan 3, 2024:
@Betty If I knew I would be packed and ready...
Butt, butt.....
Betty comments on Jan 2, 2024:
Toy horses??? Why??? 😲 Funny set. Thank you. :)
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Jan 3, 2024:
@silverotter11 But you will miss the one where a guy shoved a metal chopstick up his ass...
Butt, butt.....
Betty comments on Jan 2, 2024:
Toy horses??? Why??? 😲 Funny set. Thank you. :)
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Jan 3, 2024:
@Betty I have said it ,many times.... The Chinese are not smart it is all just a bunch of bullshit hype like Trump trying to bill himself as a "stable genus.."
Butt, butt.....
Betty comments on Jan 2, 2024:
Toy horses??? Why??? 😲 Funny set. Thank you. :)
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Jan 3, 2024:
@Betty Check the link....
Butt, butt.....
Betty comments on Jan 2, 2024:
Toy horses??? Why??? 😲 Funny set. Thank you. :)
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Jan 2, 2024:
@Pralina1 I have also heard of wine bottles, light bulbs (you light up my life... Yeah I went there so sue me...) and even bowling pins or in China eels seem to be one of the all time favorites....
Butt, butt.....
Betty comments on Jan 2, 2024:
Toy horses??? Why??? 😲 Funny set. Thank you. :)
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Jan 2, 2024:
Because real horses won't fit no matter how big an asshole he is.... duh.
snicker Remember that old saying.... []
anglophone comments on Jan 1, 2024:
If, as seems possible, the SCOTUS rules against the pustule, I can see him calling on his supporters to storm and sack the Supreme Court building.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Jan 2, 2024:
@Redheadedgammy If they do there will be a lot less of them....
Not only is Trump not eligible for the presidency or any other elected office but ANY person or ...
Druvius comments on Jan 1, 2024:
Do you understand that no one in American government has payed anything more than lip service to the US constitution since at least 1945? It's something that's invoked when it's on politicians' side, ignored otherwise? Apparently not.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Jan 1, 2024:
Do you understand that if you opened your mouth more to them instead of complaining on social media to others trying to make a change that they might actually start to care?.... I thought not....
From me to all of you....
silverotter11 comments on Jan 1, 2024:
Happy New Year, I was asleep by 11.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Jan 1, 2024:
I went to sleep around 4...
Early Sunday Memes! Hope you all have a good day and Wonderful New Years Eve!
glennlab comments on Dec 31, 2023:
Whoever has that banging resolution, call me, lets meet.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Jan 1, 2024:
So what will happen now when another state will not have him on its ballot?
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Dec 31, 2023:
Fuck him...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Jan 1, 2024:
@racocn8 Oh and as for those busses while she didn't pay for them out of her personal pocket she OWNS the organization that did...
snicker Remember that old saying.... []
anglophone comments on Jan 1, 2024:
If, as seems possible, the SCOTUS rules against the pustule, I can see him calling on his supporters to storm and sack the Supreme Court building.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Jan 1, 2024:
And this time you can bet that the National Guard will be there waiting for them fully locked and loaded...
More Conservative Bashing!!! 😂😂😂
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Dec 27, 2023:
Seems like every White Christian Nazi I ever come face to face with calls me "intimidating" for some reason... I even had a few piss their pants.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Jan 1, 2024:
@TomMcGiverin It usually takes at least 5 to 1 or complacent cops backing them up to keep them from pissing their master race underroos...
Not only is Trump not eligible for the presidency or any other elected office but ANY person or ...
racocn8 comments on Dec 31, 2023:
Yeah? If SCOTUS GOP crooks will lie to get on the court and pass shit they promised not to, they sure as hell can let Trump get off. I have zero confidence in SCOTUS honoring its oaths and duties.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Dec 31, 2023:
Going to be a bit hard for one Justice to justify making a stupid decision to keep Trump on the ballot anyway....
Not only is Trump not eligible for the presidency or any other elected office but ANY person or ...
racocn8 comments on Dec 31, 2023:
Yeah? If SCOTUS GOP crooks will lie to get on the court and pass shit they promised not to, they sure as hell can let Trump get off. I have zero confidence in SCOTUS honoring its oaths and duties.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Dec 31, 2023:
Not without violating the 14th amendment and being forced off the court and then the decision being reversed... Their removal can be accomplished by any branch of the government including the military since this would technically make them seditionists.... Clarence Thomas has already recused himself from ANY and ALL cases regarding Trump and Jan 6th for this reason as he is even closer to the edge than the others and without his vote the court is deadlocked unless one of the conservatives flips on their vote...
So what will happen now when another state will not have him on its ballot?
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Dec 31, 2023:
Fuck him...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Dec 31, 2023:
@racocn8 Unfortunately she does NOT hold a government office but if her husband steps over the line to protect either her or Trump according to the 14th amendment he is no longer qualified to hold a seat on the supreme court and must be removed. This is to my thinking why the Supreme court refused to weigh in on Trump's claim of immunity.... While I am not a lawyer I have studied the law and the constitution and if the other branches of government refuse to act the military must take action... And we all know how happy they are with the Republican party these days after Tommy the Tubeworm's tantrum...
So what will happen now when another state will not have him on its ballot?
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Dec 31, 2023:
Fuck him...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Dec 31, 2023:
@anglophone Section 3 of the 14th amendment specifically includes them in its wording.... Read it yourself even a moron couldn't possibly misunderstand it...
So what will happen now when another state will not have him on its ballot?
Theresa_N comments on Dec 31, 2023:
He'll sue.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Dec 31, 2023:
And any suit will be stricken down for lack of merit... Any other course of action can result in their removal from office under the 14th amendment...
So what will happen now when another state will not have him on its ballot?
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Dec 31, 2023:
Fuck him...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Dec 31, 2023:
@anglophone Even if the supreme court Republicans try to save his ass the DOJ can officially step in and forcibly remove them from office as the 14th amendment includes appointed offices... ANY "aid and comfort" by them makes them as guilty of insurrection as he is...
More Conservative Bashing!!! 😂😂😂
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Dec 27, 2023:
Seems like every White Christian Nazi I ever come face to face with calls me "intimidating" for some reason... I even had a few piss their pants.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Dec 31, 2023:
@TomMcGiverin And are a part of a mob...
Ahhh the sweet smell of success...
DenoPenno comments on Dec 31, 2023:
Trump is always first.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Dec 31, 2023:
Actually Nixon was the first to get elected with foreign help and Reagan the second.... Trump was the ... third...
For those of you who think this will never happen here.... []
TomMcGiverin comments on Dec 25, 2023:
I agree. Right now it's pretty much loner terrorists, but it will continue to escalate and soon enough, it will be small packs of them, both striking at planned targets, but also branching out into actively hunting those they see as their enemies, ie. immigrants, Jews, liberals, queer folk, wherever...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Dec 31, 2023:
@TomMcGiverin Having a problem with grammar are you?... Reports have it that many Republicans in congress voted to acquit Trump crying in fear and pissing themselves. It seems lack of courage and backbone enough to do what is right is demanded of their candidates for office by the GQP...
"It's a book". What else can I say? []
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Dec 27, 2023:
Only thing I ever found it good for was wiping my ass when I was out of toilet paper...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Dec 31, 2023:
@fishline79 There is only one copy in the world... Codex Sinaiticus | Earliest Known Biblical Manuscript ... Codex Sinaiticus Codex Sinaiticus, the earliest known manuscript of the Christian Bible, compiled in the 4th century ce. In 1844, 43 leaves of a 4th-century biblical codex (a collection of single pages bound together along one side) were discovered at St.
Ahhh the sweet smell of success...
pamagain comments on Dec 30, 2023:
Seriously?? This pustule has a cologne? Sometimes, there just aren't any words.....
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Dec 30, 2023:
@pamagain Business ventures that all ended in failure...
Trump campaign picks new theme song... []
pamagain comments on Dec 30, 2023:
Smells like shit!
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Dec 30, 2023:
And the name of the song is?....
Ahhh the sweet smell of success...
pamagain comments on Dec 30, 2023:
Seriously?? This pustule has a cologne? Sometimes, there just aren't any words.....
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Dec 30, 2023:
Read it carefully and pay attention to the grammar....
How about some offensive content?
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Dec 30, 2023:
I have offended so many here that about half the site has blocked me.... Gad I love the sweet smell of success....
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Dec 30, 2023:
@glennlab Those too...
How about some offensive content?
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Dec 30, 2023:
I have offended so many here that about half the site has blocked me.... Gad I love the sweet smell of success....
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Dec 30, 2023:
@Betty Could be the reason he is a pain in the ass eh?...
How about some offensive content?
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Dec 30, 2023:
I have offended so many here that about half the site has blocked me.... Gad I love the sweet smell of success....
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Dec 30, 2023:
@glennlab But probably the best for Preparation H
How about some offensive content?
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Dec 30, 2023:
I have offended so many here that about half the site has blocked me.... Gad I love the sweet smell of success....
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Dec 30, 2023:
@Betty I think running around in dirty diapers has inflamed diaper Don's hemorrhoids....
Happy New year All!!!
pamagain comments on Dec 30, 2023:
Glennsie....tell me you mean that in the figurative sense, please? :-)
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Dec 30, 2023:
@glennlab I don't know a mile sounds about right...

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