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Most amazing video I have ever run across I just wish they operated near me... []
St-Sinner comments on Mar 22, 2023:
This can be shot down just by throwing a shoe at it.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Mar 22, 2023:
@FrayedBear And I have no choice but to point out that he hasn't considered the matter correctly and is making a fool of himself in the process of commenting then letting him think over the matter while I ignore him...
Most amazing video I have ever run across I just wish they operated near me... []
St-Sinner comments on Mar 22, 2023:
This can be shot down just by throwing a shoe at it.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Mar 22, 2023:
@Betty One can always hope.... Actually I am thinking the VA could use this system to ship meds to patients giving both a safe secure method of shipment and a boost to the company so they can enlarge their services faster.
Most amazing video I have ever run across I just wish they operated near me... []
St-Sinner comments on Mar 22, 2023:
This can be shot down just by throwing a shoe at it.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Mar 22, 2023:
@Betty Unless the shoe comes down and smacks him in the face...
Most amazing video I have ever run across I just wish they operated near me... []
St-Sinner comments on Mar 22, 2023:
This can be shot down just by throwing a shoe at it.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Mar 22, 2023:
@FrayedBear Nah he is a Texan that is much different...
So, that's how it's done. lol
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Mar 22, 2023:
Not this year...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Mar 22, 2023:
@Betty Really?... "Filling up your mom's Easter basket...."
Most amazing video I have ever run across I just wish they operated near me... []
St-Sinner comments on Mar 22, 2023:
This can be shot down just by throwing a shoe at it.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Mar 22, 2023:
I don't know of anyone who can throw a shoe 400 feet high do you?... Also they travel at a very high speed until they are dropping their load when doing package deliveries. The medical drones being used in Africa are traveling at 70 MPH so you are unlikely to hit them with a rifle and the altitude is far too high for a shotgun. I suggest you check them out before making statements like this because even if someone hits the package drop droid it is still connected to a cable and is able to adjust its position afterwards.
Does this explain the strange accent?
pamagain comments on Mar 22, 2023:
So that's it! Must explain the Southern USA speech, too!
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Mar 22, 2023:
Along with the regular inbreeding...
No wonder Zuck the Puck is losing his ass.
glennlab comments on Mar 20, 2023:
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Mar 20, 2023:
@glennlab You have a lawn ? I figured since you live in Texas all you had was snow...
No wonder Zuck the Puck is losing his ass.
glennlab comments on Mar 20, 2023:
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Mar 20, 2023:
Did you read the article?... It seems his wonder project is wondering where the users are...
A woman meets a man in a bar.
glennlab comments on Mar 19, 2023:
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Mar 19, 2023:
30 to 50 years unless they hit me for multiple offenses... I just estimated because before I finished the list I was over 30 years...
Because of the recent deterorition of this website...
LenHazell53 comments on Mar 18, 2023:
quite a few of us have set up accounts at for for just such an eventuality check it out
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Mar 19, 2023:
@AnneWimsey Thanks for the heads up.
I know this is a humor group but seeing the problems we are having and how little time we might have...
Pralina1 comments on Mar 18, 2023:
Man , won’t even open the link for me 🙄
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Mar 19, 2023:
it leads to a post in generals and hellos asking if people here are interested in the possibility of a new website because this one is looking like it will be gone soon.
A guy goes into a bar, there's a robot bartender. The robot says, "What will you have?
glennlab comments on Mar 18, 2023:
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Mar 18, 2023:
That is what you see when you wake up in the morning...
It's more fun, though...
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Mar 17, 2023:
Making the rounds?
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Mar 17, 2023:
@MerlinZap The cucumber.... Did you really need to ask?
A woman is showering in the upstairs of her house when she sees her husband in the yard doing yard ...
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Mar 17, 2023:
I thought she left it at the neighbor's house after using it for an extremely kinky sex session...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Mar 17, 2023:
@Betty For those of us who are there is always pornhub...
A woman is showering in the upstairs of her house when she sees her husband in the yard doing yard ...
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Mar 17, 2023:
I thought she left it at the neighbor's house after using it for an extremely kinky sex session...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Mar 17, 2023:
@Betty Nope I got it right...
I know this is a humor group but seeing the problems we are having and how little time we might have...
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 16, 2023:
i think your idea of subsciber-support is excellent but think $12/year is Far too little...i believe with money handling fees that are undoubtedly out there that tiny amount would very quickly put things into the red. I'm thinking $30/year-ish? $3.00/month would only be $36/year....and fees ...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Mar 17, 2023:
@AnneWimsey Meetup is connected to this site and while it might be cheaper how do we know what the future holds for it?...
A woman is showering in the upstairs of her house when she sees her husband in the yard doing yard ...
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Mar 17, 2023:
I thought she left it at the neighbor's house after using it for an extremely kinky sex session...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Mar 17, 2023:
@Betty I spelled it most carefully...
A woman is showering in the upstairs of her house when she sees her husband in the yard doing yard ...
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Mar 17, 2023:
I thought she left it at the neighbor's house after using it for an extremely kinky sex session...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Mar 17, 2023:
@Betty Depraved that is what I am depraved....
Because of the recent deterorition of this website...
St-Sinner comments on Mar 17, 2023:
$60 pa or $5 pm is reasonable and very cheap for what they have created and offered for free so far. When the speed, and moderation improves, the price should be $120 pa / $10 pm. It is still very cheap. Currently they are the only good and really the best show in town for ...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Mar 17, 2023:
Not so reasonable for someone on an extremely low fixed income though. I remember being on SSI for a while and trying to live on 889.00 a month which included rent, utilities, food, etc.
I know this is a humor group but seeing the problems we are having and how little time we might have...
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 16, 2023:
i think your idea of subsciber-support is excellent but think $12/year is Far too little...i believe with money handling fees that are undoubtedly out there that tiny amount would very quickly put things into the red. I'm thinking $30/year-ish? $3.00/month would only be $36/year....and fees ...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Mar 17, 2023:
@AnneWimsey Might be possible as well to start a fund for the truly needy people who can't afford the payments. Some people might be on SSI or Social Security and have an extremely low monthly disbursement. We would need them to confirm their status though...
I know this is a humor group but seeing the problems we are having and how little time we might have...
glennlab comments on Mar 16, 2023:
I voted for $12 membership fee to maintain the site if that will work.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Mar 17, 2023:
@TomMcGiverin "I am flattered by the offer, but I would have to decline, as a matter of principle. I have always avoided seeking or accepting positions of power, not that I think I would abuse such power, but because I just have never been interested in having any over others." This actually makes you the best possible type of person to be a moderator... I personally think that anyone who serves this country in the Whitehouse should have to be dragged kicking and screaming into it (like Deep scratches in the sidewalk and screams of "no I don't want to be president don't make me" ) rather than spending hundreds of millions to get the job.
I know this is a humor group but seeing the problems we are having and how little time we might have...
Tejas comments on Mar 17, 2023:
In what way is this a humor group?
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Mar 17, 2023:
Have you bothered to read the posts here?
Because of the recent deterorition of this website...
Tejas comments on Mar 17, 2023:
I'm not joining shit you're in control of. That may be your biggest selling point though, no me.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Mar 17, 2023:
@Tejas Anything you got involved in would be a failure.... If I decide to do this it will work and people will enjoy it because I do believe in free speech but I also believe that there are consequences for stupidity. Try yelling fire in a crowded theater and see what I mean...
I know this is a humor group but seeing the problems we are having and how little time we might have...
glennlab comments on Mar 16, 2023:
I voted for $12 membership fee to maintain the site if that will work.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Mar 17, 2023:
@TomMcGiverin Right in one...
I know this is a humor group but seeing the problems we are having and how little time we might have...
glennlab comments on Mar 16, 2023:
I voted for $12 membership fee to maintain the site if that will work.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Mar 17, 2023:
@TomMcGiverin And a certain trans woman who thinks that the corporation funded Reagan wing of the Democratic party gives a shit about her and all others like her. She thinks Hillary's shit doesn't stink and Bernie is a demon who "is dividing the party" as well as other nonsense being spewed by the corporate right-wing... This is why I don't get along well with women in my age group they are sexist pigs.
I know this is a humor group but seeing the problems we are having and how little time we might have...
glennlab comments on Mar 16, 2023:
I voted for $12 membership fee to maintain the site if that will work.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Mar 17, 2023:
@TomMcGiverin I would only be allowed two moderators for the site and you just put yourself on the shortlist if this does happen.... Are you interested?
I know this is a humor group but seeing the problems we are having and how little time we might have...
glennlab comments on Mar 16, 2023:
I voted for $12 membership fee to maintain the site if that will work.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Mar 17, 2023:
@TomMcGiverin I have the same issue with her and other members here as I am also in addition to being a disabled Veteran a supporter of Bernie Sanders. I think that a free exchange of ideas is the only way people can learn and grow but the neo-libs are disciples of Reagan who was nothing more than a scumbag in my personal opinion... yet I never block them it is always them blocking me... I probably have a couple dozen people here like that blocking me. I think the block should actually keep them from seeing our post rather than the other way around so they have less incentive.
I know this is a humor group but seeing the problems we are having and how little time we might have...
glennlab comments on Mar 16, 2023:
I voted for $12 membership fee to maintain the site if that will work.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Mar 17, 2023:
@TomMcGiverin The only reasons I would tolerate banning someone would be for criminal or terrorist activities. Propagating conspiracy theories that are a danger to others would result in the deletion of the post and a community vote on that person's continued membership privileges. That sort of nonsense belongs on Assbook or shitter not a place that is for enjoyment. If the person persists making these types of posts I would consider removal as an option with a partial refund prorated. As far as I have seen your posts have been unoffensive so you would be in no danger at all.
Because of the recent deterorition of this website...
Tejas comments on Mar 17, 2023:
I'm not joining shit you're in control of. That may be your biggest selling point though, no me.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Mar 17, 2023:
@Tejas Pay for your own website then...
Because of the recent deterorition of this website...
puff comments on Mar 17, 2023:
Would you take Yuan? Will we need proof of vaccination? ;) Seriously, what do you propose? If an echo chamber intolerant of diverse views where members are able to spit the dummy and block at whim, excluding you from participation on the site fully ie shadow banning/ ...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Mar 17, 2023:
This site has gone to shit because it isn't monitored in any way. Using Paypal currency conversion would not be an issue and allowing criminals is causing a lot of problems for people. I figure any criminal who comes to a site to steal from others deserves what happens to him and when scammers contact me they learn quickly that sympathy is just another word between shit and syphilis in the dictionary... Criminal conduct should never be allowed or condoned nor should people who come to a website to enjoy themselves and exchange ideas freely be subjected to threats of terrorism or other criminal misconduct. You don't like it feel free not to join decent human beings.
I know this is a humor group but seeing the problems we are having and how little time we might have...
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 16, 2023:
i think your idea of subsciber-support is excellent but think $12/year is Far too little...i believe with money handling fees that are undoubtedly out there that tiny amount would very quickly put things into the red. I'm thinking $30/year-ish? $3.00/month would only be $36/year....and fees ...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Mar 17, 2023:
If by "sickies" you are talking about scammers the terms of use will include their forfeiting both their account and payments without recourse. It will also identify them so they cannot create a new account in the future. But if you are talking about people like @Tejas he has already stated he refuses to join any website that I have anything to do with.... I think I will add that posting of dangerous conspiracy theories, hoaxes, criminal, seditious, or violent propaganda would also be grounds for expulsion and if it violates any law to be reported to the relevant authorities . Is that alright with you?
Because of the recent deterorition of this website...
Tejas comments on Mar 17, 2023:
I'm not joining shit you're in control of. That may be your biggest selling point though, no me.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Mar 17, 2023:
@Tejas Actually I am seeing an increase in positive responses and with you opting out I expect those will increase sharply. Pretty much everyone here sees you for the fascist extremist screwball you are anyway and just knowing that you won't be there should make people feel far more comfortable.
Because of the recent deterorition of this website...
Tejas comments on Mar 17, 2023:
I'm not joining shit you're in control of. That may be your biggest selling point though, no me.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Mar 17, 2023:
Glad to hear it you just made me much more likely to do this...
I know this is a humor group but seeing the problems we are having and how little time we might have...
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 16, 2023:
i think your idea of subsciber-support is excellent but think $12/year is Far too little...i believe with money handling fees that are undoubtedly out there that tiny amount would very quickly put things into the red. I'm thinking $30/year-ish? $3.00/month would only be $36/year....and fees ...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Mar 16, 2023:
Problem is many people here are on limited incomes so even that might price them out. I am not looking for a profit I am just looking to make the site self-sustainable.
I know this is a humor group but seeing the problems we are having and how little time we might have...
glennlab comments on Mar 16, 2023:
I voted for $12 membership fee to maintain the site if that will work.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Mar 16, 2023:
If you read the update I added to the post I can get one up and running in about a week if we can get 100 people onboard with this plan.
Because of the recent deterorition of this website...
Organist1 comments on Mar 16, 2023:
I'd be glad to help you fund it, but can't help moderate it, due to time constraints at work. I've enjoyed some of the conversations here, and would be sorry to see it go.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Mar 16, 2023:
@Organist1 I avoid it because of the Nazi hate posts they allow...
Because of the recent deterorition of this website...
Organist1 comments on Mar 16, 2023:
I'd be glad to help you fund it, but can't help moderate it, due to time constraints at work. I've enjoyed some of the conversations here, and would be sorry to see it go.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Mar 16, 2023:
@Organist1 Assbook sells personal information even the information of what you are saying to other members to anyone willing to pay them money.... Yes they have been caught violating their own privacy policies. Update: I just remembered I can start one on a free platform but they are invasive with our personal information and use Google Adsense to pay for the site. But if I do pay them they leave us all in peace meaning no ads and no data collection. If I can get 100 people interested in this to start I can get a limited version up and running within about a week.
Because of the recent deterorition of this website...
Organist1 comments on Mar 16, 2023:
I'd be glad to help you fund it, but can't help moderate it, due to time constraints at work. I've enjoyed some of the conversations here, and would be sorry to see it go.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Mar 16, 2023:
I would be looking at about 30K out of pocket just to start this up so I would need a lot of interested parties. I have been considering making it a 501c3 org but even that would present difficulties.
I know this is a humor group but seeing the problems we are having and how little time we might have...
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Mar 16, 2023:
Since nobody is expressing opinions or interest in the project I am not going to waste time or 30K on a project that would fail.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Mar 16, 2023:
@Betty I could only do the best I can it would probably be limited at first and built on later as time went on and funds became available. But far more than just 1 or 2 people need to express interest and I think most of them want to go to assbook and have their private information stolen instead.
Because of the recent deterorition of this website...
ChestRockfield comments on Mar 16, 2023:
There are far too many assholes on this site, myself included, I'm sure, according to some, for me to spend any real dollars to keep it alive. For me, it's a thing I'm invested in that I 100% shouldn't be. It mostly causes me aggravation, and I *should* delete it like I deleted Facebook. I know I ...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Mar 16, 2023:
Well you know what they say about opinions right?...
The ducks are happy
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Mar 16, 2023:
Well all I can say to that is fuck a duck...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Mar 16, 2023:
@phxbillcee Gee thanks I consider that a compliment...
How bankers think....
glennlab comments on Mar 16, 2023:
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Mar 16, 2023:
@glennlab Looking like nobody gives a shit at this time so I am not going to proceed and waste money on the project. I am estimating I would be putting out at least 30K just at the start which would leave me hurting.
How bankers think....
glennlab comments on Mar 16, 2023:
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Mar 16, 2023:
How bankers think....
glennlab comments on Mar 16, 2023:
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Mar 16, 2023:
I found a social media site for sale but it is kind of expensive. I could run the purchase through Paypal but would need for people to show interest in migrating to the new site and someone to maintain it. Any suggestions?
How bankers think....
glennlab comments on Mar 16, 2023:
Everybody wants to cuddle naked until someone gets a hard on.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Mar 16, 2023:
It is all because of Reaganomics the same thing is turning the US into a third world nation...
We have a huge selection of essential oils to choose from, this seems to work best
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Mar 15, 2023:
Or ether.....
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Mar 15, 2023:
@glennlab One with an oily texture to it.... Chloroform is more watery...
A guy wants to sell his old car, but no one wanted to buy it .
St-Sinner comments on Mar 15, 2023:
Both went to the same school in Mississippi, the bottom state in the nation.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Mar 15, 2023:
Something DeSantis is trying to correct by destroying education in Florida... The new state slogan is now "DeSantis, putting the duh in Floriduh..."
For when mosquito season begins. Oh, what a fashion statement!
glennlab comments on Mar 13, 2023:
What, and hide my great legs?
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Mar 15, 2023:
@MerlinZap Right now I am trying to get estimates and work done on my home some of which are going to run anywhere from 7 to 15 thousand for a single job. I live in a house that was built in 1922 so I have a lot of upgrades and repairs that need to be done to make this place more livable.
This was from a retired anaesthetist friend.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Mar 14, 2023:
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Mar 15, 2023:
@FrayedBear Wrong on both counts.... The problem is you have an old phone with outdated apps...
This was from a retired anaesthetist friend.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Mar 14, 2023:
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Mar 15, 2023:
@FrayedBear You either need to get a newer phone or update android....
For when mosquito season begins. Oh, what a fashion statement!
glennlab comments on Mar 13, 2023:
What, and hide my great legs?
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Mar 15, 2023:
@MerlinZap Here is the server this site is being hosted on...
For when mosquito season begins. Oh, what a fashion statement!
glennlab comments on Mar 13, 2023:
What, and hide my great legs?
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Mar 15, 2023:
@MerlinZap Ouch more bad news... apparently the owner is having legal issues and client renew or transfer is not being allowed. he may be filing for bankruptcy or have other problems like he may have died and it is tied up in his estate since client delete is also blocked. We could however ask if someone is willing to download a copy of the website data and purchase a new domain name.
For when mosquito season begins. Oh, what a fashion statement!
glennlab comments on Mar 13, 2023:
What, and hide my great legs?
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Mar 15, 2023:
@MerlinZap I ran a quick check through whois and have good and bad news. Apparently the owner registered the name through proxy LLC which keeps his name off the record but he can still be contacted through them. But since godaddy did the registration of the domainname getting the rights might be both expensive and tricky. Since it showed as Amazon cloud hosting last time I checked we may be lucky and he bought the name outright which would make it easier and cheaper. "Raw Whois Data Domain Name: Registry Domain ID: 2809473_DOMAIN_COM-VRSN Registrar WHOIS Server: Registrar URL: Updated Date: 2022-09-07T12:56:25Z Creation Date: 1996-09-07T23:00:00Z Registrar Registration Expiration Date: 2023-09-06T23:00:00Z Registrar:, LLC Registrar IANA ID: 146 Registrar Abuse Contact Email: Registrar Abuse Contact Phone: +1.4806242505 Domain Status: clientTransferProhibited Domain Status: clientUpdateProhibited Domain Status: clientRenewProhibited Domain Status: clientDeleteProhibited Registry Registrant ID: Not Available From Registry Registrant Name: Registration Private Registrant Organization: Domains By Proxy, LLC Registrant Street: Registrant Street: 2155 E Warner Rd Registrant City: Tempe Registrant State/Province: Arizona Registrant Postal Code: 85284 Registrant Country: US Registrant Phone: +1.4806242599 Registrant Phone Ext: Registrant Fax: +1.4806242598 Registrant Fax Ext: Registrant Email: Select Contact Domain Holder link at Registry Admin ID: Not Available From Registry Admin Name: Registration Private Admin Organization: Domains By Proxy, LLC Admin Street: Admin Street: 2155 E Warner Rd Admin City: Tempe Admin State/Province: Arizona Admin Postal Code: 85284 Admin Country: US Admin Phone: +1.4806242599 Admin Phone Ext: Admin Fax: +1.4806242598 Admin Fax Ext: Admin Email: Select Contact Domain Holder link at Registry Tech ID: Not Available From Registry Tech Name: Registration Private Tech Organization: Domains By Proxy, LLC Tech Street: Tech Street: 2155 E Warner Rd Tech City: Tempe Tech State/Province: Arizona Tech Postal Code: 85284 Tech Country: US Tech Phone: +1.4806242599 Tech Phone Ext: Tech Fax: +1.4806242598 Tech Fax Ext: Tech Email: Select Contact Domain Holder link at Name Server: NS69.DOMAINCONTROL.COM Name Server: NS70.DOMAINCONTROL.COM...
For when mosquito season begins. Oh, what a fashion statement!
glennlab comments on Mar 13, 2023:
What, and hide my great legs?
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Mar 15, 2023:
@MerlinZap Yes this is on Amazon's cloud service I have known that for a long time. It may be possible to find him and I am willing to try if others here are willing to form an organization that will act in concert to run this site. if you know how and the records are not hidden finding the owner of the URL is easy enough and his contact information will be readily available. We might want to charge a fee for site membership. A small one like 12.00 a year to defray costs and weed out scammers because the fees would be credit card transactions that would be traceable with names and addresses required to complete the transactions. This money would easily handle hosting and other costs as well as paying someone to maintain the website. We could even start a small marketplace here for members to buy or sell through. I would suggest that Paypal would be the best option to handle the financial transactions through. I did mention I am only a few credits shy of a webmaster degree didn't I?...
The time has come for us to venture into the void.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Mar 14, 2023:
One of the kids playing hide and go seek?....
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Mar 14, 2023:
@Beowulfsfriend For them it is...
This was from a retired anaesthetist friend.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Mar 14, 2023:
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Mar 14, 2023:
@FrayedBear Right under that read the words "watch on youtube" that is a link that will take you directly to the music video....
How do you know you're at a Mormon wedding? The bride isn't pregnant but her mother is
glennlab comments on Mar 14, 2023:
And nearly every other woman there
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Mar 14, 2023:
And they are all either mothers of the bride or the groom...
For when mosquito season begins. Oh, what a fashion statement!
glennlab comments on Mar 13, 2023:
What, and hide my great legs?
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Mar 14, 2023:
@glennlab, @MerlinZap Bet that is Amazon's fault... What do you think it would take to take over this website as a group effort?... I can kick in a few bucks and I am sure others here would be willing also.
For when mosquito season begins. Oh, what a fashion statement!
glennlab comments on Mar 13, 2023:
What, and hide my great legs?
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Mar 13, 2023:
@glennlab Gad I haven't been on assbook for nearly two years. I hate the shit they keep putting in my feed. Just a shitpot full of QANON garbage anymore. Yet if you report it they just suspend your account instead so fuck Mark Fuckerberg
For when mosquito season begins. Oh, what a fashion statement!
glennlab comments on Mar 13, 2023:
What, and hide my great legs?
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Mar 13, 2023:
@Betty When does that happen? I noticed that the messenger no longer works here.
More public Service announcements for you to use.
St-Sinner comments on Mar 13, 2023:
Sometimes, I like rough sex too.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Mar 13, 2023:
Does he pull your head off when doing doggy style too?...
Just read the sign!
racocn8 comments on Mar 10, 2023:
Proclaiming oneself to be delusional is pathetic. (What rock did they turn over to find Jesus?)
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Mar 11, 2023:
Probably found him in jail or prison...
So stupid they can't even tell when they are being openly mocked...
Tejas comments on Mar 11, 2023:
Are you gonna regret your biden pick when we end up in another war? With biden increasing our military budget to almost a trillion dollars a year, seems like that's the goal. Spending so much on the military and sending billions to others for our proxy war, it appears the American people are at the ...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Mar 11, 2023:
@Tejas Like I said you are either unwilling or unable to deal with reality. You constantly spew Republican talking points and say you have never supported the Republican party then refuse to read anything that refutes your world view because you really have no answer for your hypocrisy...
So stupid they can't even tell when they are being openly mocked...
Tejas comments on Mar 11, 2023:
Are you gonna regret your biden pick when we end up in another war? With biden increasing our military budget to almost a trillion dollars a year, seems like that's the goal. Spending so much on the military and sending billions to others for our proxy war, it appears the American people are at the ...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Mar 11, 2023:
@Tejas You commented here is support of DeSantis which proves you are a liar or completely unable or unwilling to deal with reality... He has taken over the schools there completely banning real education in exchange for religious indoctrination, is starting a state military which not only would be unaccountable to anyone but himself (remember Hitler's brown shirts?), is trying to register reporters and podcasters to limit their speech, banning books from public schools and libraries as well as arresting people who are legally entitled to vote because they vote against him... He is the very essence of authoritarianism that you claim to despise... Call yourself a Libertarian ot a member of the TEA Party or any of a dozen other groups that are all a part of the Republican party and that includes MAGA you have still outed yourself as a fraud...
So stupid they can't even tell when they are being openly mocked...
Tejas comments on Mar 11, 2023:
Are you gonna regret your biden pick when we end up in another war? With biden increasing our military budget to almost a trillion dollars a year, seems like that's the goal. Spending so much on the military and sending billions to others for our proxy war, it appears the American people are at the ...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Mar 11, 2023:
@Tejas "I'm anti authoritarian to the bone, so calling me a fascist is beyond delusional" This statement itself shows you are either a lair or completely delusional.... Voting Republican or any "conservative cause" is supporting fascism...
So stupid they can't even tell when they are being openly mocked...
Tejas comments on Mar 11, 2023:
Are you gonna regret your biden pick when we end up in another war? With biden increasing our military budget to almost a trillion dollars a year, seems like that's the goal. Spending so much on the military and sending billions to others for our proxy war, it appears the American people are at the ...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Mar 11, 2023:
@Tejas You always lie about your so called "political views" yet continually out your true fascist viewpoints probably without realizing it because you are every bit as stupid as DeSantis...
So stupid they can't even tell when they are being openly mocked...
Tejas comments on Mar 11, 2023:
Are you gonna regret your biden pick when we end up in another war? With biden increasing our military budget to almost a trillion dollars a year, seems like that's the goal. Spending so much on the military and sending billions to others for our proxy war, it appears the American people are at the ...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Mar 11, 2023:
Unlike you we don't worship political hacks as gods.... We see them for the turds they often are. As bad as Biden is though he is still a thousand times better than the shitheads you worship...
Welcome to Florida....
MerlinZap comments on Mar 9, 2023:
Truer words.....
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Mar 9, 2023:
"Truer spokes were never whirred..." Spider Robinson in Lady Sally's House
Of course, this is just my opinion, you are free to think what you will. Can't stand the guy.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Mar 9, 2023:
Elon is full of shit, don't be like Elon...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Mar 9, 2023:
@Tejas Hold my beer...
Of course, this is just my opinion, you are free to think what you will. Can't stand the guy.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Mar 9, 2023:
Elon is full of shit, don't be like Elon...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Mar 9, 2023:
@Tejas I have a better idea.... I am going to live to be a hundred years old just to give you a stroke...
Yup, you got that right!!!
Diogenes comments on Mar 8, 2023:
Even if a person smoked 'dried cabbage', any kind of smoke in the lungs is moronic.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Mar 8, 2023:
@Diogenes Mine is a 50/50 mix of CBD and THC so it doesn't cause me to walk around with my head all fucked up but helps immensely with both pain and PTSD... Better than taking opiates like the stupid people do... But as you said "there's no law against stupidity."
Yup, you got that right!!!
Diogenes comments on Mar 8, 2023:
Even if a person smoked 'dried cabbage', any kind of smoke in the lungs is moronic.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Mar 8, 2023:
I agree which is why I take concentrates in tablet form...
Kamala Babble
BDair comments on Mar 7, 2023:
What a pair. ‘Nurse Kamala’ saves Joe Biden from ‘wandering aimlessly’
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Mar 7, 2023:
@BDair Blowing smoke out of your ass and trying to blow it up everyone else is what is causing the problems. Just because you think you know something you are told is true without bothering to research it doesn't make it so... All it really does is make you look stupid Forrest...
Kamala Babble
BDair comments on Mar 7, 2023:
What a pair. ‘Nurse Kamala’ saves Joe Biden from ‘wandering aimlessly’
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Mar 7, 2023:
@BDair You do know that is Rupert Murdock right?... You know the lying fuckwad who owns Fox fake news?
When your scam comes back and bites you in the ass! :D Self proclaimed "Jesus Christ" of Kenya ...
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Mar 6, 2023:
"If I had me a hammer....."
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Mar 6, 2023:
@Betty I like to keep up with the times...
When your scam comes back and bites you in the ass! :D Self proclaimed "Jesus Christ" of Kenya ...
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Mar 6, 2023:
"If I had me a hammer....."
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Mar 6, 2023:
@Betty If my arms get tired I can always switch to my nail gun...
When your scam comes back and bites you in the ass! :D Self proclaimed "Jesus Christ" of Kenya ...
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Mar 6, 2023:
"If I had me a hammer....."
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Mar 6, 2023:
@Betty I'd hammer all day long...
Talk about a shitty job....
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Mar 4, 2023:
The wheels on the bus go.... shit.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Mar 4, 2023:
@Betty I did warn you in advance...
Talk about a shitty job....
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Mar 4, 2023:
The wheels on the bus go.... shit.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Mar 4, 2023:
@Betty Not even close by at least an order of magnitude...
Talk about a shitty job....
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Mar 4, 2023:
The wheels on the bus go.... shit.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Mar 4, 2023:
@Betty No vomit emoji or meme could possibly express my feelings...
5 More Republican voters off the streets.... []
glennlab comments on Mar 4, 2023:
Mail boxes and cars, now they are probably going to do hard time, sucks to be them.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Mar 4, 2023:
@glennlab Hate crimes and domestic terrorism adds a minimum of at least 2 years each. Gang endorsements can define someone as a habitual criminal and get them up to 20 or 25if memory serves but that is because of the Clinton crime bill. Those are state charges and the Post Office handles the mail box at the federal level and will likely wait a couple years while these clowns are in state prison until they are well into their sentences then file charges against them likely asking for the sentence to be run consecutively rather than concurrent. A lot will depend on prosecutors and judges and their political leanings.
5 More Republican voters off the streets.... []
glennlab comments on Mar 4, 2023:
Mail boxes and cars, now they are probably going to do hard time, sucks to be them.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Mar 4, 2023:
.The mail box is a felony that carries up to 10 years in federal prison and up to a $250,000 fine... Plus hate crimes and domestic terrorism with a gang endorsement? They could die in prison...
Talk about a shitty job....
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Mar 4, 2023:
The wheels on the bus go.... shit.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Mar 4, 2023:
@Betty Yeah my sister's friend has a kid and he plays that song over and over and over....
Oh my how horrible.... Did you know Mickey and Minnie are.... heaven forfend Black?
HankSherman comments on Mar 2, 2023:
One of, if not the largest employer in the state.......real smart starting a war with them.....Florida bound to be good for Disney....but how good?
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Mar 4, 2023:
Losing that many jobs and all that revenue? I figure it will likely tank the state economy leading to even less jobs, lowering property values, spiking crime and enough people moving out to lose Florida a seat or two in the house .... Remember Florida's main source of revenue is tourism and Disney accounts for a very large portion of that money. Hotels will see major losses as will restaurants and other entertainment venues, Prices will drop of course and investors will get very angry as will local business owners. The state will raise taxes trying to compensate and that will drive out many retirees. So just pull up a chair and start a big bag of popcorn so you can enjoy the shitshow...
First things first
Betty comments on Mar 3, 2023:
Ah, married life. And men want to rule the world? Yeah, right!
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Mar 3, 2023:
I know a lot of women that are even worse than the guy in the meme...
First things first
glennlab comments on Mar 3, 2023:
Well he did have to repaint the bathroom walls afterwards.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Mar 3, 2023:
There he sat all broken hearted tried to shit and only sharted....
Because the stupid never stops..... []
glennlab comments on Mar 3, 2023:
The thought process goes in circles.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Mar 3, 2023:
What thought process?... That dumb bastard is in the words of someone I knew "stuck on stupid..." He reminds me of Tejas.
Holy shit a Jebus tomb sign me up.... []
glennlab comments on Mar 3, 2023:
Great commentary .
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Mar 3, 2023:
I absolutely almost lost my shit laughing at some of the things Christians said about the cardboard tomb...
When "do it yourself" is the wrong approach. 😏
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Mar 2, 2023:
In his defense..... His sister never wore a bra....
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Mar 2, 2023:
@St-Sinner Seems likely doesn't it?...
I guess that's one way to do it....
Betty comments on Mar 2, 2023:
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Mar 2, 2023:
Or seducing...
My memory hasn't quite degraded that much.
Betty comments on Mar 2, 2023:
Or is it freedom?
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Mar 2, 2023:
Or is it freedum?...
I gotta get my eyesight checked.
Betty comments on Mar 2, 2023:
Denial anyone?
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Mar 2, 2023:
Yeah.... I get drunk at home damnit!
Jimmy Kimmel strikes again.... []
HankSherman comments on Mar 2, 2023:
Just really hard to combat intelligence......can't even come up with half smart questions.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Mar 2, 2023:
Hard to have a battle of wits with someone when you are completely disarmed....
Thinking of starting a Go-Fund-Me account to help with deportation costs.... []
Tejas comments on Mar 1, 2023:
The people we would send are the leeches on society, such as people living off of disability.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Mar 2, 2023:
@Tejas Just proves you are an idiot studying to be a moron and failing the course... You know nothing so think you are an expert on everything despite showing you lack both education as well as intelligence.
Oh my how horrible.... Did you know Mickey and Minnie are.... heaven forfend Black?
PondartIncbendog comments on Mar 2, 2023:
Bugs Bunny was a cross dresser!
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Mar 2, 2023:
Did you read the part where he was ranting about Mickey and Minnie being racist against White people because they "were dressed in White face and wearing white gloves?"
Thinking of starting a Go-Fund-Me account to help with deportation costs.... []
Tejas comments on Mar 1, 2023:
The people we would send are the leeches on society, such as people living off of disability.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Mar 2, 2023:
@Tejas What a fucking little cunt you are... News flash dumbass I worked for decades before I was finally diagnosed with PTSD and worked so hard I now have sever damage to my body because I often worked as many as 20 hours in a day and harder in a single day than you work in your minimum wage job in a month. Conservatives are the ones who are destroying the economy and the rights of others in this country so if Putin wants I say he can have your worthless asses...
Thinking of starting a Go-Fund-Me account to help with deportation costs.... []
racocn8 comments on Mar 1, 2023:
Just send them to the wall. Much cheaper...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Mar 2, 2023:
I was thinking that since Putin wants them we should send them to a country near the Russian border with 20,000 Rubles and the clothes on their backs so he can deal with them...
Thinking of starting a Go-Fund-Me account to help with deportation costs.... []
Tejas comments on Mar 1, 2023:
The people we would send are the leeches on society, such as people living off of disability.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Mar 1, 2023:
Leeches like you....
Oh my how horrible.... Did you know Mickey and Minnie are.... heaven forfend Black?
Shaggy2018 comments on Mar 1, 2023:
Spreading the rumor that Disney is looking to take their parks and find a new home. They said DeStupid and the state of Florida legislators are too toxic. They are looking to move to a blue state. Supposedly they will pay to relocate every employee who opts to join. Wonder how that will play ...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Mar 1, 2023:
Florida isn't going to be habitable for much longer anyway so my guess is good for Disney in the long run and very bad for Florida in the short run...

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