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Hoping to find some other heathens down here in Florida for friendship and perhaps more.


Dalek needs an apple
Lucy_Fehr comments on Jan 23, 2019:
I'm seriously wanting to plan my trip to Hawaii but I really don't want to go alone.
Lucy_Fehr comments on Jan 23, 2019:
When is this trip being planned for?
Guten Morgen :) Here's today's question: What is special about the place you grew up?
Lucy_Fehr comments on Jan 22, 2019:
Not a lot except it had a beautiful beach. And tar balls
Good morning! I'm off today, so slept in a little bit, and here's finally our question for today:...
Lucy_Fehr comments on Jan 21, 2019:
At work it's "Your're going home already?" by someone that came in after 8 am. Never mind that I got to work at 4am. Every damn Thursday, I will hear it several times. Upon any mention of evolution or Lucy "You mean we're related to monkeys?"
[] 10 Ways White People Are More Racist Than They Realize
Lucy_Fehr comments on Jan 21, 2019:
Yup. I already knew most of this but it's good to be reminded
We are born as atheist, without the influence of others and society , everyone will be atheists.
Lucy_Fehr comments on Jan 21, 2019:
I wasn't exposed to religion until I was 9 so was skeptical and questioning. The beatings taught me to not verbalize the questions but failed to quell them. I did try to believe and tried alternate belief systems but just couldn't do it.
Does anyone else notice people creep your profile but never say "Hi"?
Lucy_Fehr comments on Jan 21, 2019:
Ive noticed that people I am interacting with on the threads check my profile. I do the same thing I also inadvertently hover over recent visitors when I move my mouse to the right which will look like a visit. I presume that the something similar happens with my visitors. But if you all ARE creeping my profile, feel free to message me
Does the thought of a pansexual or bisexual partner make you uncomfortable because you think they ...
Lucy_Fehr comments on Jan 21, 2019:
I guess they would have more options if they were inclined to cheat but it still comes down to trusting your partner A cheater gonna cheat as they say; who they cheat with is immaterial
Four years ago today my dad dropped dead of a heart attack in his driveway, alone, putting away ...
Lucy_Fehr comments on Jan 21, 2019:
My father died suddenly in public of a heart attack induced by too much cocaine. He was 47 and I was 30 Some details of your story are familiar and others not but I just wanted to reach out
Anyone else have the problem of constantly being pressured to get into management?
Lucy_Fehr comments on Jan 20, 2019:
The big P? I have not been pressured recently but Im 55. I have seen in some areas where they pressure people to roi then a few years later those people are quitting or stepping way down
Is it true that educated women do not want a relationship with a guy who has a good career, but is ...
Lucy_Fehr comments on Jan 20, 2019:
Not in my case
Good morning! Here's today's question: In what situation or place would you feel the most out of...
Lucy_Fehr comments on Jan 20, 2019:
Metal concert. Although I would likely be uncomfortable at a black tie event.
I look like my mom.
Lucy_Fehr comments on Jan 20, 2019:
I think I look a bit masculine because I look like my dad. When I was younger, I wore makeup to alleviate it but don't bother anymore. My profile pic here does not look masculine to me but many others on my facebook profile do
I think this would be a very romantic gesture on his part. Never cared for fancy eateries much.
Lucy_Fehr comments on Jan 20, 2019:
Not at all
Spring is coming!!
Lucy_Fehr comments on Jan 20, 2019:
Yeah! My quads are strong lol
Lucy_Fehr comments on Jan 20, 2019:
I do think he was a comedian goofing around and I think she was used as weapon against someone the other side saw as a serious contender.
Good Saturday morning, everyone! Today's question is a bit more on the fun side: If you were ...
Lucy_Fehr comments on Jan 20, 2019:
Mine would assume I got nailed for doing 70 in a school zone. Kidding people. Most likely it would be because I got into an argument with some fucksock and didnt shut up when the responding cop told me to. I don't shut up very well. edited to correct a goddamn typo. wtf
Lucy_Fehr comments on Jan 20, 2019:
Smh at such ignorance
HEY you godless heathens come on over to my shop and read my post on how to clear clogs in the ...
Lucy_Fehr comments on Jan 20, 2019:
coincidentally my grandkids have managed to clog up the kitchen sink with food debris because they don't like touching gunk despite only having to put a strainer in there and empty it
Okay, okay, I just can't live without you assholes and bitches, damn it. You know who you are.
Lucy_Fehr comments on Jan 20, 2019:
I know who you are
So do people actually connect on the site
Lucy_Fehr comments on Jan 19, 2019:
Hasn't happened for me but the site keeps me from spending too much time on facebook
What kind of hair style do women favor?
Lucy_Fehr comments on Jan 19, 2019:
I like both bald and long hair. But long hair has the edge. Not particular about whether it is loose, ponied or even a man bun. Or even if it's longer than mine lol
Tattoo's? anyone?
Lucy_Fehr comments on Jan 19, 2019:
Five but none are visible in work attire. The only one partially visible is a tiny one on my wrist covered by a bracelet- the tat is literally an inch long by 1/4 wide. Now that my arms are showing signs of aging and often sport bruises and scratches from my geocaching habit, it is even less noticeable Since I live in Florida and wear shorts often, most are visible since there is one on left calf, right thigh, and right foot has a black rose in memory of my first granddaughter and grandmother I have a peace sign on my upper back that reflects a change in perspective after I survived cancer.
Pretty much saw this coming... []
Lucy_Fehr comments on Jan 19, 2019:
Sources like this aren't worth reading The use of language intended to inflame rather than just reporting the facts is the biggest problem with so called news This goes for the other side as well.
It's a long article, but interesting. []
Lucy_Fehr comments on Jan 18, 2019:
You weren't lying about it being long.
Good morning and happy Friday! I'm looking forward to the long weekend! Today's question: ...
Lucy_Fehr comments on Jan 18, 2019:
People that are genuinely happy to see me
What do think about commercial DNA testing services? For example 23 and me
Lucy_Fehr comments on Jan 18, 2019:
Some of you already know how I feel about it. With adoption and unknown siblings out there, it was great for me as I have found an abundance of close relatives. I tested with 23 and Ancestry. Both assign roughly the same amounts of origins to me I don't any of the dangerous variants they test for, so I'm unconcerned about the insurance issue and I'm older to boot. If my relatives commit a crime and get caught because my dna is on file, fuck 'em
What the everlasting FUCK?
Lucy_Fehr comments on Jan 18, 2019:
That teacher gave other certificates as well: Most likely to become a terrorist, most likely to cry, most likely to become homeless in Guatemala These were all student in an advanced class And the teacher was fired. She wasn't named but the certificates were signed by a Stacy Lockett
Not a word alone, but some literature and word-play this group may appreciate.
Lucy_Fehr comments on Jan 18, 2019:
I knew the name of the spice was melange I knew what melange meant. Never did I connect the two. I'm sad and ashamed
Not a question now, just a comment: I am REALLY enjoying this group! I feel like I'm getting to ...
Lucy_Fehr comments on Jan 18, 2019:
Helps us get to know ourselves a bit better I think.
It's a long article, but interesting. []
Lucy_Fehr comments on Jan 18, 2019:
Saved to read later. Reserving my right to comment at that time lol
Freud said that young girls suffer from penis envy.
Lucy_Fehr comments on Jan 18, 2019:
As a young girl I never even thought about the penii of the neighborhood; I was just resentful and jealous that they didn't have to have waist length hair, wear dresses all the damn time, have their behavior criticized, and clean the house instead of playing When we had to go somewhere fancy, the boys could climb trees and ride bikes but the girls had to sit around inside because we had dresses on. The only time I have ever been even slightly jealous of a penis is whenever I've needed to pee while outside
Little Shits!
Lucy_Fehr comments on Jan 18, 2019:
I was fortunate that both my kids were roughly on the same sleep schedule as me since I was a night owl at the time. The youngest was a preemie so he required 2 ounces every 2 hours but his father was good about taking a shift. It was teething that sucked
Lucy_Fehr comments on Jan 18, 2019:
Don't give her another chance if she changes her mind again and reappears. She may have not have been as single as she claimed
Fill in the blank.
Lucy_Fehr comments on Jan 17, 2019:
Smart people
Good morning, everyone! Here's today's question, and it's a loaded one (at least for me): How ...
Lucy_Fehr comments on Jan 17, 2019:
I visited Alaska this past August and found some relatives via DNA sites. My grandson got into a school that only accepts 100 kids per year. And I've gained at least 10 pounds.
Good morning! Here's today's question: What did you think you would grow out of but haven’t?
Lucy_Fehr comments on Jan 17, 2019:
My love of marshmallows. And farting contests
Hi, folks! My name is Terry, and I live in Largo, Florida.
Lucy_Fehr comments on Jan 17, 2019:
I'd be passing you my number if you lived closer.
Anxiety is a bitch.
Lucy_Fehr comments on Jan 17, 2019:
I struggle with that from time to time.
@Admin If I were a believer, wondering if I might be missing something, and decided to take a look ...
Lucy_Fehr comments on Jan 17, 2019:
I wouldn't respond to his post but neither would I be nasty to him
Do you guys think that there is something wrong with the new Gillette commercial or are people ...
Lucy_Fehr comments on Jan 16, 2019:
gave me the heartwarming goosebumps Not many things do that
What is it with me and older (sometimes much older) men?
Lucy_Fehr comments on Jan 16, 2019:
Oh so YOU'RE why the guys my age aren't contacting me? LOL I get a lot of attention from the guys in their 70s or older. Guess they all want to date younger no matter their age.
Wtf, I Saw this woman over a year ago, we've been trying to to rekindle things lately, but she can't...
Lucy_Fehr comments on Jan 16, 2019:
Was in a similar situation. My ex would dump me but then get pissed about who I dated while we were on the break HE wanted. When we got back together, the jealousy and accusations were numerous and unbearable. I have to admit that this happened several times before he did something I couldn't forgive and stayed broken up. Once he realized that I would not take him back that last time, he stalked me and vandalized my home and car because he was furious. This is my opinion of where she is: She thought she could do better than you, found out she couldn't so wants you back. She would probably do it again. At the same time, because she was the one that wanted the break-up she thought you were just pining away waiting for her and is now embarrassed/pissed that you weren't; her ego is bruised.
Good morning! Here's today's question: What’s the best thing that happened to you last week?
Lucy_Fehr comments on Jan 15, 2019:
I made a huge dent in the chaos I call a garage
How does it make you feel when a date makes extravagant promises?
Lucy_Fehr comments on Jan 15, 2019:
I'm skeptical because follow through is rare
I am putting out feelers for female companions. Is anyone feeling me yet.
Lucy_Fehr comments on Jan 15, 2019:
I have ties to Kentucky, yet I have not felt your feelers yet Are your feelers feeling?
Sorry I haven't responded to many people for a while.
Lucy_Fehr comments on Jan 15, 2019:
I'm really sorry to hear that
Well, I started taking Chantix today.
Lucy_Fehr comments on Jan 15, 2019:
I quit for 3 years and went back to smoking but quit again 11 years ago. I did use chantix for a couple of weeks
Good morning and happy Monday (or is it?
Lucy_Fehr comments on Jan 14, 2019:
Online gaming and The Kardashians
This pic is a bit of an oddity..
Lucy_Fehr comments on Jan 14, 2019:
That is awesome LOL
A picture from the cemetery towards my home town.
Lucy_Fehr comments on Jan 14, 2019:
Awesome. Wonder if there are any geocaches nearby?
Am I the only person who finds it ironic that the Division of Homeland Security which include ICE is...
Lucy_Fehr comments on Jan 14, 2019:
Not ironic so much as typically trump fuckery
@Developer @Admin got a notification about a senate post made by someone who has blocked me.
Lucy_Fehr comments on Jan 14, 2019:
Same here
Bette Midler's political tweets are a hoot. Here is a gender bended Trump []
Lucy_Fehr comments on Jan 14, 2019:
Following Bette now although I rarely use twitter
It has recently been implied that Rh negative blood cannot have come from the same source as Rh ...
Lucy_Fehr comments on Jan 14, 2019:
Isn't the same as saying "god did it" or some other kind of supernatural explanation?
Atheists and Star Trek fans in one place? I think I’m in heaven lol
Lucy_Fehr comments on Jan 14, 2019:
Serial vs parallel dating.. have i posted this topic already?
Lucy_Fehr comments on Jan 14, 2019:
Couldn't decide between serial and I don't date. Back when I did date, I was a serial dater. Now I don't date because I haven't met any date worthy people in my area
Because of the shutdown
Lucy_Fehr comments on Jan 14, 2019:
No way in mythical hell would trump let his SS go without pay. That coward always looks out for himself
Hello there beautiful human! I like you! You're pretty damned cool! Give yourself a big hug from me ...
Lucy_Fehr comments on Jan 14, 2019:
Fan letters from Peter Capaldi
Lucy_Fehr comments on Jan 13, 2019:
I bet he was excited when he got to play that one episode about pompeii then a few years later he gets to play the actual doctor.
can I growing up
Lucy_Fehr comments on Jan 13, 2019:
Ive been saying that for years lol
This should be easy. Name a fad you hated. I hated the Twiggy haircut I was forced to get.
Lucy_Fehr comments on Jan 13, 2019:
Shoulder pads
Hi all! Just finished cleaning up the kitchen.
Lucy_Fehr comments on Jan 13, 2019:
So there are three members living in Ft Pierce now?
Today in aggravating the old people.
Lucy_Fehr comments on Jan 13, 2019:
Too bad I don't live close enough to join you as a guest and really piss them off
Lucy_Fehr comments on Jan 13, 2019:
I approve of this message
Oh, I am so angry this morning!!! I'm getting super sick of "getting into trouble" because of my ...
Lucy_Fehr comments on Jan 13, 2019:
My daughter in law handled my grandson in a similar manner although we were not living together, my grandson was there daily. She expected us to do all we could to avoid sparking a temper tantrum including not letting one of my other grandchildren use their own belongings because A. was too young to play with it. In her case, she was being a lazy parent. Sounds like your daughter is mistreating you
Good morning! I slept in this morning, which is very unusual for me.
Lucy_Fehr comments on Jan 13, 2019:
A song of fire and ice was the first thing that came to mind. Was also the last series I read so there is that lol
Unblock all Senate members at an agreed upon time for discussion.
Lucy_Fehr comments on Jan 13, 2019:
I dunno. On the one hand, I have had several notifications for this group in the last day or two that were unavailable because the person has me blocked. I have no idea what the subject matter was and I suppose I could ask someone else what it was but that seems tedious for me and whoever I ask. On the other hand, although I have not blocked anyone, I am not in favor of forcing others to do the same. I like the idea of THIS group being block free but fear the free for all that will result. I would guess that this group would need a lot of moderators to ensure harassment doesnt ensue but then deleted comments would cause their own controversy Gonna be interesting to see how that plays out
As a matter of interest, how long has been operational?
Lucy_Fehr comments on Jan 13, 2019:
I joined when it was a couple of months old and have not noticed a slowdown. Although there is an occasional site down issue
Yes the 80’s rock! ?
Lucy_Fehr comments on Jan 13, 2019:
Except for perhaps the hair and shoulder pads LOL
We have ANOTHER new member!!! @Pluviophile!! From Colorado! May we call you Plu?
Lucy_Fehr comments on Jan 13, 2019:
Every day at 4pm, the rains come and the cable goes
I just bought my first house and a friend gave me Tibetan Prayer flags as a house warming gift.
Lucy_Fehr comments on Jan 13, 2019:
I often have to explain to the believers that although I do not believe in higher powers, I can still appreciate the beauty of its buildings or art. I love mythology as well.
A little insight on ghosts and paranormal tv: I was a ghost hunter/paranormal investigator for...
Lucy_Fehr comments on Jan 13, 2019:
I was a member of a paranormal group for a short time in the Orlando, Fl area but was kicked out for being a pain in the ass because I kept "arguing" with the oh so vaulted leader. It started over a new member that didn't think to take water on the outing and he was talking shit about her. .. I said as the experienced leader, he should have at least told her to take water. He went by LordOfThyNight or something like that. Two outings come to mind. On one, I picked up a palm frond and did an impromptu reenaction of David Lee Roth's "aint got nobody" and the evp spiked which according to him meant the ghosts liked my singing and dancing. They also thought gator bellows were ghosts. The other was that hill where you roll uphill. I told everyone to look at the curb. Am I seriously the only one that noticed that? Don't they all fucking drive on roads and shit? I admit that once I pissed him off, I may have become more annoying which ultimately resulted in my ouster. He was always asking for money and donations of "supplies"
Working in a major retailer in a major city and tourist area is emotionally draining for me.
Lucy_Fehr comments on Jan 12, 2019:
I feel ya
So question for the ladies. Would you ever date/marry down?
Lucy_Fehr comments on Jan 12, 2019:
I don't make a lot of money and even when I made more than my partner , it wasn't a lot more. My version of dating down was dating people less intelligent
Would you date someone with a felony record?
Lucy_Fehr comments on Jan 12, 2019:
My ex had lost his license permanently many years before I met him due to multiple DUI's
Good morning! Here's our question for the day: What’s the farthest you’ve ever been from ...
Lucy_Fehr comments on Jan 11, 2019:
Juneau Ak which is 4281 miles away from me
@Admin! thanks for the change to the members preview thingy. much improved.
Lucy_Fehr comments on Jan 11, 2019:
Ohhhh I like that
She has pulled at the hearts of many but there's the smell of something fishy going on here.
Lucy_Fehr comments on Jan 11, 2019:
I would posit that he killed the parents to make it easier to keep her under his control. I'm betting we find out that taking her was the goal all along.
So sorry to see it go. I love this show. []
Lucy_Fehr comments on Jan 11, 2019:
Ive been a faithful watcher but it's time to end it.
I remember being born. Tell me what you think about that please!
Lucy_Fehr comments on Jan 11, 2019:
I think that someone described your birth often enough in front of you that you believe you remember it. This happened recently with my daughter; I mentioned something her father did when she was 2 and she said she remembered it and I told her that it wasnt possible, she only remembers me describing it Now gonna go read the comments lol
Shouldn't there be a "maybe" option for the question "are you open to meeting members for dating?
Lucy_Fehr comments on Jan 11, 2019:
Nope. I feel the same. I am open to dating should the opportunity present but offline friendships was my primary reason for joining. I do not know a single non believer in my age group. I know several 30 miles away that are my parents age and a couple of kids my son's age.
Stolen from a friend: Something that needs some thought.
Lucy_Fehr comments on Jan 11, 2019:
I live in a redneck area so there is a lot of support for the wall. When I read the comments on the news posts I see the either you support the wall or want illegals here argument. Anyway I posted a comment about how much private land would seized along with the info that the border states do not want the wall and that border patrol says it will not work, and I got crickets. Not a single response telling me how unamerican I am or libtard or nothing. I really really think that most wall supporters have no idea of the wall's true impact. Now I live in Florida where people are caught trying to enter so often that it only makes the news when something unusual happens. You would think that Floridians would be concerned about that.
It's disgusting man......Who the fuck is going to invade the United States?
Lucy_Fehr comments on Jan 10, 2019:
More than halfway there
Good morning, everyone! Here's today's question: What songs have you completely memorized?
Lucy_Fehr comments on Jan 10, 2019:
So many but the first one I thought of was Bohemian Rhapsody I know all the Eagles songs as well as Steve Miller, Fleetwood Mac, etc
And I'm not talking TV! LOL!!
Lucy_Fehr comments on Jan 10, 2019:
I want one
Just for laughs! LOL!!
Lucy_Fehr comments on Jan 10, 2019:
Where can I get these?
Trump in 2004 talking about getting past "the wall". []
Lucy_Fehr comments on Jan 10, 2019:
I just put that on facebook lol
Your first words are????
Lucy_Fehr comments on Jan 9, 2019:
Ah fuck
Have you ever?
Lucy_Fehr comments on Jan 9, 2019:
All too often I find out that the people I already know that Ive helped are users or scammers getting help from multiple people or keep coming back and dropping hints etc. I have given money to people with signs and simply do not care what they do with the money. Even if it's spent on booze. Being homeless sucks if they need a beer, I don't care if they use the few bucks I gave them for it.
Have you ever?
Lucy_Fehr comments on Jan 9, 2019:
All too often then I skew the opposite way for a while because I question myself when inclined to help
Would you personally date/consider someone with different political beliefs than you?
Lucy_Fehr comments on Jan 9, 2019:
Before trumplethinskin I would have been ok with different beliefs. But not now. I could overlook someone that voted for him and regrets it but anyone that still thinks he is great is not for me
Good morning! Here's our next question: What takes up too much of your time?
Lucy_Fehr comments on Jan 9, 2019:
Social media. This site and facebook equally share the blame
I collect dryer lint and stuff it in empty cardboard egg cartons.
Lucy_Fehr comments on Jan 9, 2019:
That is such a good idea.
Heard today from someone out of the blue who ghosted me back in September.
Lucy_Fehr comments on Jan 9, 2019:
How nice of him to tell you that then.
Greetings friends! I just got home, in time to watch Stormy Daniels folding laundry in her ...
Lucy_Fehr comments on Jan 9, 2019:
Hahahahaha I hope this is just the opening salvo in a media war with that orange shitstain
What are you thoughts on watching cheeto jeebus tonight?
Lucy_Fehr comments on Jan 9, 2019:
I fell asleep
I don't blame the Prince of Darkness.
Lucy_Fehr comments on Jan 9, 2019:
As do I
Is "following" just code for STALKING?
Lucy_Fehr comments on Jan 9, 2019:
I have followed every new person joining that is within 20 miles of my location because it would be nice to know others like me in the offline world So far, few have advanced beyond level 1 or do not post but I wouldn't consider following someone's public posts the same as stalking
Just more of those pesky facts for Trump supporters. []
Lucy_Fehr comments on Jan 8, 2019:
Fake news


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